Setting Data Driven Pages rotation when index has extra page polygons edited into it? For example, you might see "14 of 20". I now need to publish my 100 maps online, does anyone have any tips for how best to achieve this? An option to control how the output PDF is created. A drawback to using the spatial reference string is that it can be very long and cumbersome. The mapping platform for your organization, Free template maps and apps for your industry. When you specify a Spatial Reference field, values from this field define the spatial reference of the main data frame for each page in the Data Driven Pages series. The page name (that indicates the district number) is an example of dynamic text. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? A feature layer, or index layer, divides the ma. When exporting to PDF, all the pages can be exported into a single PDF document. I first designed the layout so that the keymap was placed in the top left corner of each page. They are. It then extracts the value from a field in the index layer called TRS. For an overview of the new Data Driven Pages functionality, see theData Driven Pages poston the ArcGIS Desktop Blog. The drop-down menu is filtered to display applicable field types. Why do we kill some animals but not others? This dialog box contains two tabs: Definition and Extent. Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud allows design and communications professionals access to data-driven maps directly inside Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. rev2023.3.1.43269. When you export Data Driven Pages using a page range, you are exporting pages based on their location in the index. On the Insert tab, click the bottom half of the Map Series split button . Using an index layer representing a grid, you can easily create a series of pages of equal area that cover the town as shown below. Acceleration without force in rotational motion? Only a single data frame can be selected as the main data frame. VECTORIZE_BITMAP Vectorize layers with bitmap markers/fills. I'm not aware of any tool to directly implement them in ArcGIS. You have three different ways to apply spatial references in Data Driven Pages. Data Driven Pages gives you the ability to generate a set of output pages by taking a single layout and iterating over a set of map extents. The page number can be based on field values of the index layer. mxd.dataDrivenPages.currentPageID = pageNum pageName = mxd.dataDrivenPages.pageRow.STATE_NAME for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers (mxd): if == maskLayer: lyr.definitionQuery = '"STATE_NAME" <> pageName' arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF (mxd, os.path.dirname (outputFolder)+ os.sep + pageName + ".pdf") lyr.definitionQuery = "" A string that identifies the pages to be printed if the RANGE option in the page_range_type parameter is used (for example, 1, 3, 5-12). If using data driven pages you could set it up so that areas outside of the particular map sheet are masked Except for the other map page polygons. A Boolean that controls whether the selection symbology should be displayed in the output. By default, the active data frame is chosen. Nonfeature layers, such as raster layers, cannot be used for the index layer. Any changes made to static elements of the layout will be reflected on each page of the map series. The map document must have Data Driven Pages enabled. Data Driven Pages gives you the ability to generate a set of output pages by taking a single layout and iterating over a set of map extents. The valid range is 1 to 100. This is especially true for index features that are geometrically asymmetric or irregular. Unchecking the check box disables Data Driven Pages functionality. For more information on setting up Data Driven Pages, see Creating Data Driven Pages. BEST An output image quality resample ratio of 1, BETTER An output image quality resample ratio of 2, NORMAL An output image quality resample ratio of 3, FASTER An output image quality resample ratio of 4, FASTEST An output image quality resample ratio of 5, CMYK Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black color model. Data Driven Pages is the term used to describe some new functionality in ArcGIS 10 that allows you to create a multi-page map series from a single map document. Exports a specified set of pages to a multipage PDF document for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled, Returns a Data Driven Pages index value based on the name of the page, Prints specific pages from a Data Driven Pages-enabled map document (.mxd) to a specified printer, Refreshes an existing Data Driven Pages series. This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. There is no default spatial reference. The longest vertical length of the feature is 150 km. A code sample below addresses this scenario. Many of the Data Driven Pages properties and methods use an internal index value rather than the literal names of the pages used to create the index layer. Using this index layer, Data Driven Pages generates one page per index feature from a single layout. These include the Calculate Adjacent Fields geoprocessing tool, which is used to create fields in your index layer that can be used to label the adjacent page in a map book; two tools to calculate spatial reference strings specific for each feature in your index, Calculate Central Meridian and Parallels and Calculate UTM Zone geoprocessing tools; and a tool, Calculate Grid Convergence Angle, that can be used to rotate each Data Driven Page to true north. By choosing the Center and maintain current scale option, the detail data frame for each page in the Data Driven Pages series is centered on the center of the index feature and maintains a constant map scale. For example, you may want to create a map book, or map series, of a town's parcels. The index layer defines the geographic extent of the main data frame for each page in the Data Driven Pages series. To add the Data Driven Pages toolbar click Customize > Toolbars > Data Driven Pagesor click the Display Data Driven Pages toolbar button on the Layout toolbar. If a value is null, Data Driven Pages uses the scale value of the previous page. The ArcMap Data Driven Pages toolbar may not provide enough options for creating the "perfect" map series, but the inherent behavior of a Data Driven Pages-enabled map document can save many lines of code because the page extents, scales, dynamic text, and so forth, are all managed automatically within the map document so that code does not need to be written. Each page shows a particular map extent that contains detailed layer information for the extent. RASTERIZE_BITMAP Rasterize layers with bitmap markers/fills. A string that represents the path and file name for the output export file. If the value in this field is null, incomplete, or otherwise unusable, Data Driven Pages ignore the field and apply the last spatial reference used to the current page. The factory code for geographic coordinate system WGS 1984 is 4326. First, you should add the Data Driven Pages toolbar. That works for a regular grid. Dynamic text elements include page name, number and count, as well as labels identifying neighboring pages. #Specify the map document. Here is an example of a spatial reference string for geographic coordinate system WGS 1984: GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]. Data Driven Pages can be exported to individual graphic files or incorporated into a multipage PDF. You need to incorporate a number of files to get this final product. In this case, the map document can still be authored with Data Driven Pages enabled, and arcpy.mapping can handle the custom text element string requirements. This value is displayed in the Data Driven Pages toolbar when Show Page is selected; it represents the y of x of y. The index layer contains the data that drives the creation of the pages in the series hence the name Data Driven Pages. This tool creates a new index layer that contains a field with appropriately calculated values for rotation based on your input. On the Insert tab, click the bottom half of the Map Series button . ArcPy site package. Since the distance between the feature and the data frame edge along the horizontal axis is farther, the margin will be greater than 7.5 km. Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? These map extents are driven by the spatial extent of features within the index layer. Consequently, sometimes it overlapped the main map information. To work with Data Driven Pages, there is a special toolbar that can be enabled by clicking Customize on the top bar menu, then clicking Toolbars, and then clicking Data Driven Pages. For example, a state atlas may contain a title page, an overview map page, and a page for each county in the state. If you want different scales for different point features, you need to use a field containing these values and select Data Driven Scale on the Extent tab and choose this field. See the first code sample below. A strip map often follows a linear feature. Using Data Driven Pages to create a series of pages using two data frames with different extents in a single layout requires the creation of two index layers to drive each extent. A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. Data Driven Pages will accept null and duplicate values in the Sort field, but you should try to avoid this whenever possible. The index layer fields can then be read and/or modified as necessary. Data Driven Pages allow you to quickly and easily create a series of layout pages from a single map document. If there is no field using "name" in the field name, Data Driven Pages will then use the first available valid field. You can also use the Calculate Grid Convergence Angle geoprocessing tool to create values that can be used to rotate the map to true north for each map page in your series. These include short integer, long integer, float, and double. To make such a map series more readable, the map's page orientation is such that the linear feature draws from top to bottom and is centered on the page. My index layer is 15 pages and I'm using the 'Angle' attribute of the layer to keep each page horizontal (the dynamic north arrow rotates). The resulting PDFs will have the index number appended to the output file name. An option to control how the output PDF is created. The Extent tab allows you to define the margin between the edges of the data frame and the index feature for each page. A string that defines whether picture markers and picture fills will be converted to vector or rasterized on output. Figure 5: Map Template for the Legislative District Atlas of Massachusetts. Often, these values also match the order in which you want to sort your pages. Geoprocessing functionality includes the ability to calculate coordinate system information, such as the central meridian and UTM zone, calculate the rotation angle for true north, and create and populate fields to label adjacent pages. Match lines were used on each page. These fields must be an attribute of the index layer or field from a table that is joined to the index layer. You may want to create Data Driven Pages, based on a route, such as a highway, or along a river as seen in the strip map example below. Use the Page Name option. A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. The resulting PDFs will have the index number appended to the output file name. I would like to have match lines on each page (and in the same place on each page - say 1" from the left and right borders). Share A single layout defines the map composition for each data-driven page. If the value is negative, the rotation is clockwise. The getPageIDFromName method provides a mechanism for this translation. If there is no field using "PageNumber" in the field name, Data Driven Pages will then use FID or ObjectID. PDF exports from ArcMap support embedding of fonts and thus can display symbology correctly even if the user does not have Esri fonts installed. A string that controls inclusion of PDF layer and PDF object data (attributes) in the export file. Through the Definition tab, you can select the index layer that drives the geographic extent for each page. RASTERIZE_PICTURE Rasterize layers with any picture markers/fills. There are some use cases where you want to apply a map rotation to specific pages or all pages in your map series. Using these exact steps on a different set of maps may lead to unexpected results. Returns a Python list of index numbers that represent selected index layer features in a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. A Boolean that enables exporting of coordinate system information for each data frame into the output PDF file. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? For example, a margin is set at 50 km. Data Driven Pages also allows you to define a page number. The recommended range is between 70 and 90. Open a layout that contains the relevant content. To account for the anticipated pages at the beginning of the map book and the inserted page between each map page, add a Page Number field to the index layer and populate the field as follows (the features have already been sorted accordingly). LAYERS_AND_ATTRIBUTES Export PDF layers and feature attributes. If you're using a Windows printer, use a .prn extension. I have a map book created via the Data Driven Pages tool in ArcGIS. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. A path that includes the name of an output print file. Is it something like "extent rectangle"? You are not confined to using only polygon layers as the index layer. A Boolean that controls the conversion of character-based marker symbols to polygons. One of these documents is the map with the Data Driven Pages for the 10 map features. (They have a catchment attribute). create and customize new Data Driven Pages, Legislative District Atlas of Massachusetts, Coming Soon: New Technical Support Site Experience. The Enable Data Driven Pages check box enables Data Driven Pages for the current map document. To insert dynamic text, from the top menu, click Insert, and then click Dynamic Text. Caution:If you select a field for Spatial Reference, create Data Driven Pages (by clicking OK) then decide you do not want to use the field to drive spatial references, you cannot simply choose none from the drop-down list to go back to a default spatial reference. This template is worth exploring if you are involved in map series production and you want to learn about a new faster and easier way to make attractive map books with ArcGIS. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? First, you need to create a new feature class and actually draw in the matchlines where you want them. But I don't want to merely label the pages - I want to create vertical matchlines that appear on each page. Image compression is defined separately. Related: How to label adjacent pages in data driven pages. The drop-down list is filtered to display applicable field types. This templates shows you how Data Driven Pages can be used to automatically update map elements, such as the bar scale, scale text and page number, and text, such as the title or page number, as the pages change. The location of this closest point determines whether the margin is measured along the horizontal or the vertical. If you followed the steps outlined in Modifying the grid index features layer and used the suggested naming conventions, the field that you should choose is UTM_Zone, which should be stored in your default database. A Boolean that controls compression of vector and text portions of the output file. You create and customize new Data Driven Pages using the Setup Data Driven Pages dialog box. RANGE Only pages listed in the page_range_string parameter will be exported. This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. The extents are defined by the features in a layer and are sometimes called tiles, sections, or areas of interest (AOI). A string that represents the name of a printer on the local computer. Make sure this is the data frame you want to use. These include short integer, long integer, and string. This layout may also contain additional layout elements such as text or a scale bar. mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument (r"C:MyProjectMyAtlasPages.mxd") #Export each of the data driven pages. This list includes fields from a table joined to the Index Layer. For information on general printing in web applications see Printing in web applications. Data Driven Pages gives you an easy-to-learn way to produce them automatically using the data in your database. This layer contains features that define the extent of the main data frame for each page in the series. For example, you can create Data Driven Pages using a polygon layer of U.S. states. The toolbar gives you access to the Setup Data Driven Pages dialog box, which you use to create your pages. For example, you may want to create a map book, or map series, of a town's parcels. This is the Detail Data Frame. They are commonly used for distributing documents on the Web and are becoming a standard interchange format for content delivery. 1: Automatic Updating of Map Elements and Dynamic Text:I added a page name, bar scale, and scale text to the map surrounds that update with each Data Driven Page. There are two geoprocessing tools available from the Data Driven Pages toolset in the Cartography toolbox to help you create an index layer: Grid Index Features and Strip Map Index Features. This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. The layer that defines the extents is referred to as an index layer. It is too large to store in a shapefile. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). Figure 6: Smart labeling with Page Definition Queries. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? Many projects require multiple page sizes, multiple index layers, or nonmap information on some pages. Click Customize > Toolbars > Data Driven Pages from the main menu. Unlike percentage, the size value is applied to each side of the horizontal axis or the vertical axis. TheLegislative District Atlas map templateis a great resource you can use to gain practical experience working with the Data Driven Pages. See the first code sample below. This option is only valid when page numbers are calculated internally. You enter 4 in the Starting Page Number text box on the Data Driven Pages Setup dialog box. PDF_MULTIPLE_FILES_PAGE_INDEX Export single-page documents using the page index value for the output file name. to export to, create, and manage PDF documents. BEST An output image quality resample ratio of 1, BETTER An output image quality resample ratio of 2, NORMAL An output image quality resample ratio of 3, FASTER An output image quality resample ratio of 4, FASTEST An output image quality resample ratio of 5, CMYK Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black color model. I am glad you asked! The page index is internally generated, always begins with 1, and ends with the total number of pages. You can also choose fields to use to name and sort the pages. This means you are looking at the 14th page of 20 pages. Click the Data Driven Pages Setup button . I still don't understand what is needed. In many cases, you will want the first map in your map book to be on the page after page 1. Returns a reference to the data frame the index layer resides within a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. This requires that the data frame be rotated. Dynamic text has tags to automatically identify document properties such as the pathname and the time the .mxd was saved. The index angle attribute should prevent that from happening. The mapping platform for your organization, Free template maps and apps for your industry. This can also drive a dynamic text element in the layout. It would be unnecessary to have to do everything in arcpy.mapping just because of such a simple, custom requirement. Here is a breakdown of page index, page number (dynamic text), and page number with count (dynamic text) for a map series of 10 maps and the starting page number set at 4. The getPageIDFromName method provides a mechanism for this translation. You should see a message box when creating Data Driven Pages and the index layer has more than 2,000 features. The index layer can also be used to define a number of other things that can be added to the maps, including the page name, page number, map scale, rotation angle of the data frame, and coordinate system. To create a series of Data Driven Pages, select a data frame from the Data Frame drop-down menu. If you do not want to apply different spatial references to your pages, or want to use only the spatial reference specified on the General tab of the Data Frame Properties dialog box (for the main data frame), do not specify this field. To create a map series, complete the following steps: Open a layout that contains the relevant content. LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch, a lossless data compression. The index values are automatically generated based on the Name and Sort fields. Below is a code sample: import arcpy, os mxdPath = r"C:\Project\DDPMap.mxd" mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath) mxdDir = os.path.dirname . This dialog box contains two tabs: Definition and Extent. The DataDrivenPagesclass only has a single exportToPDFmethod but that does not mean other export files can't be created. The extents are defined by the features in a layer and are sometimes called tiles, sections, or areas of interest (AOI). ArcMaps print and export functionality have been updated to support Data Driven Pages. VECTORIZE_BITMAP Vectorize layers with bitmap markers/fills. You should see a 50 km distance between the data frame edge and the closest part of the feature. Set the Map frame, Layer, Name Field, and Sort Field options by selecting a value from each drop-down list. By default, the active data frame is chosen. Exports a specified set of pages to a multipage PDF document for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled, Returns a Data Driven Pages index value based on the name of the page, Prints specific pages from a Data Driven Pages-enabled map document (.mxd) to a specified printer, Refreshes an existing Data Driven Pages series. The following script will export only the selected index pages (pages 1-10) out to individual PDF files. To create a series of Data Driven Pages, select the index layer from the Layer drop-down list. DEFLATE will be used for all other images. Data Driven Pages will retain the original settings in these cases until the refresh method is executed. Remember, since this is the first map, the index number for this page is 1. Data-driven pages -enabled map documents can be imported into a product library to manage them centrally. This template shows how an entire map book can be created and collated in ArcGIS. Data Driven Pages are exported to a multipage PDF document. A second goal was to showcase how Data Driven Pages can help you create great cartographic products. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The string value that designates how the pages will be printed, similar to the Pages tab within the ArcMap Export Map dialog box for PDF documents. As a review, a map series is a collection of maps (often called map books or data driven pages in ArcMap) built from a single layout in an ArcGIS Pro project. A Boolean that controls compression of vector and text portions of the output file. However, setting this parameter to True disables font embedding for all character-based marker symbols, which can result in a change in their appearance. You must manually change the spatial reference to get the data frame back to the one you want. The scale text is interesting because it can be inserted as a map element or dynamic text and in either case will update with each Data Driven Page. Each page in the map series needs a name, and the names are taken from this field. See the first code sample below. Matchlines seem to be designed to enable someone to line up their map book pages and I think this is only simple to do if all strip maps are drawn at the same scale and at the same approximate angle. The index layer is often a rectangular grid, but other variations include extents for linear areas in a strip map series, or irregular shaped polygons that identify the areas of interest to map (e.g., ecological study areas, counties, states etc). By default, all pages are exported into a single, multipage document. Page index is also reflected in the export dialog box. There are also optional settings for map rotation, spatial reference, page number, and scale. Data Driven Pages (DDP) uses one index layer to drive extents. The page index can be displayed on the Data Driven Pages toolbar. PDF_MULTIPLE_FILES_PAGE_NAME Export single-page documents using the page name for the output file name. Use the drop-down list to select an appropriate field containing the data you want to use to determine scale. Your map view will rotate as you go from page to page, and it's possible the exact location of the matchlines may move as well and their rotation definitely will. This template shows you how to position a keymap (an inset map that shows an overview of the mapped location) in the optimal position on the layout depending on the extent of the data on each page. The data comes from the USA Topographic map service available at ArcGIS Online. Select Spatial . You may want to label adjacent grids on your layout. You can also specify that individual, single-page PDF documents be exported using two different options. Page numbers should be unique, though Data Driven Pages accepts null and duplicate values. I received Jim's images and can see that this is a sophisticated requirement. One way is to use the entire spatial reference string. Using this index layer, Data Driven Pages generates one page per index feature from a single layout. The map document must have Data Driven Pages enabled. You cannot use raster-based layers as the index layer. Refer to the Exporting your map topic in ArcGIS for Desktop Help for more detailed discussions on exporting maps. You can choose any data frame in your map as the Detail Data Frame (as long as there is at least one layer in it). These fields must be an attribute of the index layer or field from a table that is joined to the index layer. Returns a reference to the index layer in a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. This is a good resource to use to learn some of the basic Data Driven Pages functionality. This layer contains features that define the extent of the main data frame for each page in the series. This value is displayed in the Data Driven Pages toolbar when Show Page is selected; it represents the y of x of y. The atlas can be built using separate MXDs for the overview or index map page, pages containing the inset maps, and the remaining maps. This can be a file local to your machine or a file on a network. This is expected. Data Driven Pages can be based on a regular grid of polygons. Short integer, long integer, long integer, and then click dynamic text tags. Contains detailed layer information for each page in the index feature from a single map document and string layer the! Layer resides within a Data Driven Pages tool in ArcGIS for Desktop help for more detailed discussions on maps. Edited into it page sizes, multiple index layers, or responding to other answers for Legislative... Between a power rail and a signal line accepts null and duplicate values drop-down menu is to! Index angle attribute should prevent that from happening also choose fields to use the drop-down list printer on the and. 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