The third company in the Seattle early 70s trio was Easy Rider, started by Peter Kaupat as a whitewater boat builder in 1970. Bucket seat, foot braces, deck lines, bow line, three curved fiberglass bulkheads. Someone in your paddling community has a fiberglass kayak mouldprobably at the local paddling club. 907-351-2257. Slade operated Striders sport store at Fourth and Burrard in Vancouver and became Neckars first dealer, long before the formal existence of Necky. Approximate Weight:52 lbs. Lee Moyer, Options and Pricing Forward of the cockpit are two cleats and a bungie for parking a paddle. But customers increasingly turned to the Internet to purchase accessories, and the kayak market changed as sports-hardware companies bought out makers of niche brands. Like the other manufacturers, Tieken saw the need for a distinct North American design that was beginner-friendly, so he came up with his flagship, the Sealution, introduced at the L.L. This kayak opened my eyes to what is possible in a kayak. It has little yaw at the bow when paddling forward on an even keel (TE). Slade had started out by importing Derek Hutchinson Baidarka Explorers from Britain: When Neckar saw these he thought they were crap, which seems to have been a typical North American response to the British designs. All edges and seams were nicely finished and smooth to the touch. And that seems to be what most of our boats are actually geared to doing.. The forward hatch is set in a recess to reduce spray from water coming over the bow. Both are fiberglass and in excellent condition. Fink kept at it until he saw an ad for the Nordkapp by Valley Kayaks in 1978. The Old Town Otter kayaks rudimentary outfitting reveals its stature as a vintage recreational kayak. The Sea Otter R is a kayak brought to you by Yostwerks . Coast Guard approved.Previously owned, in excellent condition.Good for wave runners, water skiing, etcSee pics for size.If youre reading this ad, then yes, its still available. His business trajectory paralleled that of the West Coast companies, with sales taking off in the early 1980s. "I dream of being an hourly employee," he said. The lake sits at an elevation of 1,660' and has a mean depth of 130', and an area of 1.484 mi. The fact that original Old Town Otter kayaks manufactured over two decades ago are still going strong attests to the supreme durability of this no-maintenance material. Picture this: The year is 1972. They are sea kayaks, with tons of storage for your longer adventures'Pacific water sports is no longer in bu 18' Pacific Water Sports Kayak in good condition. In 1975, before turning his full attention to the paddle business, Furrer designed the WT-500 (Werner Touring, 500 centimetres long). mat and 8-oz. The "Lee Moyer Design" decal could be found on any of the may kayaks and canoes he designed. For a tandem carry there are webbing straps at the ends of the boat. Things got off to a slow start in the East. Companies including Jansport and Cascade Designs (of Thermarest fame) were founded by Boeing castaways, as were two more of the first commercial kayak builders: Pacific Water Sports and Easy Rider. Stern bulkhead and hatch for safety and convenience. TE may have to leave his size 12s behind if he tries it, though. Well, I've taken the Otter Sport on flat water..slow rivers..and . The fit encourages a feeling of stability (KN). This was the first expedition-capable kayak I had ever seen. Many of the original manufacturersNecky, Current Designs, Tiekensold to larger American companies. Read Sea Otter R reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. The most challenging paddle destinations for kayaking in the Pacific Northwest (in the south) include the Klickitat River, Wind River, Little White Salmon River and more. Cargo hatches fore and aft, day access hatch. Sea Otter Launch & Trailer - $2500 (Merritt Island) View larger image Ad id: 208201614480325 Views: 489 Price: $2,500.00 !972 Classic Sea Otter Launch & Trailer w/Bimini, Dodger, All Matching Sunbrella Cushions & Back Rests. The overall feel was one of solidity and good craftsmanship (KN). The model is sea otter. Kayak and Gear reviews, Guides, Stories & More, Intrepid Design Statement Its not much different than todayexcept you have to go build your own boat. Wolverines and Arctic foxes scent through the mosses after small preylemmings, tern eggs, hares. Map. Fast sea kayak that can be used for racing. I guess around 50lbs. So thats why I bought NC Kayaks. Lots of room for camping gear. Fallbrook, Ca. The Intrepid is also available without the third bulkhead and hatch for several pounds and $150 less. You can also glue a thin layer of foam beneath your heels in the cockpit to pad your heels and keep your feet comfortable. Now there were 5-6 foot waves breaking about 30 yards from shore. [ Paddling Buyers Guide: See all sea kayaks ]. Lee Moyer took his first sea kayak trip with the WKCs Bob Morris in 1970going north out of Tofinoat a time when the dirt road across Vancouver Island was so new you needed to duct tape your car doors shut to keep the dust out and pack extra spare tires. With its design dating back to the 1990s, the Old Town Otter is one of the original recreational kayaks. The bow widens quickly to its 28.5-inch maximum width, offering reassuring stability but compromising speed and glide. Veracruz and Huasteca Inspiration in a Mexican Whitewater Destination. The overall feel was one of solidity and good craftsmanship (KN). Thanks so much for such an informative article. In 1975, Ken Fink, an oceanographer in Maine, started paddling his whitewater slalom boat on the Atlantic Oceana not-uncommon way for whitewater kayakers of the day to discover touring. This SOT boat is a bit tippy (initially) for beginners but the tri-hedral hull creates mini-outriggers up and out from the main section of the kayak hull. Well balanced for wind. In 1974, they designed and built their first sea kayak, the Sea Otter. Traveling any distance in the Otter will be a workout compared to longer kayaks. Companies like Current Designs began to reap the support of the big-box U.S. outdoor stores like L.L. Both offer marine life viewing of sea otters, harbor seals, sea lions. Pretty easy to manage in the wind I encountered. Thanks, The Old Town Otter kayak is best described as short and squat; its overall dimensions contribute to modest speed, excellent maneuverability and rock-solid stability. The deck rigging on many used Old Town Otter kayaks can be replaced with tighter bungees and lines for better on-deck storage of small essentials. Liberal arts student Steve Schleicher and microbiology instructor Joe Matuska were just a couple more semi-employed whitewater paddlers building paddles and boats for their friends in a converted chicken coop behind Schleichers parents house near Vancouver. My Uncle still has his Polaris II, Ive gone paddling with him in Port Angeles Harbor and at Lake Crescent. I went out and purchased an Eddyline Orca. Monterey, California Features animals Contact Suggest edits to improve what we show. Besides a user-friendly hull design, another big attribute of the Old Town Otter kayak is its bombproof construction. [ Paddling Buyers Guide: See all Eddyline sea kayaks ]. Includes spray skirts and paddles for both. A story that makes my bones heavy. It also doesnt have any perimeter lines and the back deck comes to a point behind the cockpit so it is very difficult to roll. 1984 was also the year that plastic kayaks came out, with the introduction of the Aquaterra Chinook, made by whitewater boat giant Perception. Optional Layups:Kevlar. Again, the first time I paddled it was at Lake Sutherland. GL thought the secondary stability was fair, and noted that the lack of hip bracing and having the seat slip 1/4 inch laterally in its brackets made the boat feel less secure when set on edge. Lee Moyer, 61, who has written widely about kayaking, said he hasn't decided. Then, some young kayakers turned their hobby into a business. Reentry into the large cockpit opening was easy. In 1982, Bob Licht followed the Ecomarine example and opened Sea Trek Ocean Kayak Center in Sausalito, California. WKC members in their German Kleppers or locally built Whalecraft folding kayaks pioneered trips to many now-popular destinations on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and Alaska, often under the guidance of Bob Millerthe WKCs tireless tripping patriarch, who in his lifetime logged nearly 100 trips of a week or longer. It was heavy and rough. I gave it a 10 because it deserves it. Sandhill cranes court one another on low bedrock ridges with stick-figure decorum. It should, therefore, weathercock quite readily, but I have really had no problems with it at all. I have done some fairly stupid things and thought for SURE I was going to swim, but she always just popped right back up. This is an ideal trip for wildlife enthusiast and those new to the sport of kayaking. In this yakers eye. From paddling a kayak someone made to paddling a kayak I made. The biggest single thing that happened in our industry to make it become what it is was to get the pricing right, said Dowd. I am an 80 year old retired CIA officer who built a kayak from a kit in 1965 (Folbot, company started by J. Kissner, who had worked at Klepper earlier) that I bought for 99 dollars! That area in between is the little community of Cedar Point. company that bought Ted Houks Gulf Islander design. I remember seeing [Dan] in an unemployment line probably in about 1972, recalled Matt Broze of Mariner Kayaks. The Sea Otter Series 500 sets the standard for touring kayak expedition capacity and high performance. This 16 long kayak designed by Lee Moyer was our first introduction to a sea kayak. Many WKCers were also soon paddling the Tyee I and II, designed by Linc Hales in 1961 and 1964 and sold at area shops well into the 70s. In 1959, WKC member Ted Houk designed the clubs first fiberglass kayak. Thats pretty much how it was in the early years of sea kayaking. #9. Kayak Canyon Lake Reservoir. Rudder is controlled by sliding adjustable footpegs. What Flatpick saidI will say, it was the first kayak I ever paddled and that was about 1981. He was to me. He contacted Frank Goodman to order two boatsone for himself and one for Maines attorney generaland received an invitation to become the North American distributor. I love skin-on-frames. It does a fine job of doing what it is designed for (KN). The thigh braces fit and functioned very well, and the foot braces performed solidly and are easy to reach and adjust from the cockpit (GL). From snorkeling in the water with the . The cockpit opening is large enough to get into butt first, then feet, for a quick cowboy rescue. Lee Moyer. Fast forward to 1987: Tieken brings his business to North America, settling in Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia. David Hunt. Humanity is a whisper here. Chris Cunningham took over Sea Kayaker magazine from John and I wrote a few article for them. The weight was reasonable for its size. And that was something I couldnt let happen. I can recall in 1980 or 81 going up to Vancouver Island and counting 100 windsurfers on cars to one kayak, said Matt Broze. The Old Town Loon replaced the Old Town Otter kayak with key comfort features like more adjustable seating and a variety of lengths and sizes to fit a wider range of paddlers. The reinforced glass work in critical areas indicates some attention to detail (GL). This article was first published in the Late Summer 2004 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. Well, not against the kayak, itself. They started the companies whose names appear on most of the boats were paddling today, and between 1974 and 1984, our sport took off. Sea Otter Kayak Advice system May 10, 2007, 11:12pm #1 Was in a Tire Shop down by Camp Lejuene today and the owner had a fiberglass/composite kayak hanging from the ceiling. After rolling, TE noted 1/2 cup of water in the forward compartment, GL found a cup in the forward compartment, and a drop or two in the day hatch. Look for a spray skirt size of 2.5 from popular manufacturer Seals Sprayskirts to fit all Old Town Otter models except the tandem Old Town Otter Twin. The aft hatch is large enough for easy stowage of bulky items. 4.5. That being said, the secondary stability has never failed me. Industry veterans remember the late 1970s and early 80s as a time when, if you had a kayak on your car, heads would turn. But against what that kayak made me feel. GL thought the Intrepid was a good-looking kayak with good speed and plenty of stowage for long trips. My girlfriend had a Sea Otter. Day trip in calm conditions. I think TASK did a pretty good job of helping a bunch of amateur businesspeople act a little more professional. One of TASKs most important discoveries was of the needfor boat pricing that would include a healthy profit margin for builders, retailers and, eventually,distributors. Jun 11, 2021. The staff helped us into our kayaks and off we went to explore. The intractable designer called his first sea kayaks Turkey Boats because he couldnt think of a better name, or maybe its an indication of what he thought of the people who would be paddling them. Neckar pulled the kayaks off the car then tossed them on the sidewalk in front of the shop. This 16 long kayak designed by Lee Moyer was our first introduction to a sea kayak. Its easy to spend an afternoon making an Otter kayak more comfortable and functional with modifications. "We were slow," he said. Sometime in 1981 or 1982, a group of would-be career kayakers met in Werner Furrers basement in Seattle and deliberately created it. This boat is a Greenland, is fairly short, and has no skeg. Coast Guard approved.Previously owned, in excellent condition.Good for wave runners, water skiing, etcSee pics for size.If youre reading this ad, then yes, its still available. Ocean Pacific PFD. You can feel the water through the skin, feel the ripples, find where incoming water changes the temperature. The Intrepid reviewed was not equipped with a rudder. Two water tight storage hatches. Its only logical that the earliest fiberglass sea kayaks appeared in Seattle, where the Washington Kayak Club already had hundreds of members. Rudder is controlled by sliding adjustable footpegs. Arizona's lakes and rivers offer excellent opportunities for boating and water sports such as canoeing, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, rafting, and much more. Cash only. Lower profile model is available. J. TE6 1, 200-pound male. Mike Neckar is one of the industrys most legendary charactersimpossible to reach for a magazine interview, but variously described by others as kayakings 8,000-pound gorilla, an engineering genius, a magician, and the last person youd ever expect to see climb into a kayak and make it dance. The goal was always to have a really neat way to travel in the wilderness, self-propelled, said Schleicher, reflecting on where his early vision has led him. Eddyline only built whitewater boats, and had no interest in sea kayaks until the Derrers moved to Seattle in 1974. Uncle Paul started taking me paddling in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I have very long legs and a bit of arthritis, so at first I had a time getting in at all. The boat will initiate a turn with a slight lean and then make a sharp turn when put high on edge (TE). We have an optional paddle-float rescue system of rope and cleats we believe is much more positive and is easier to set up while you are laying on the kayak, out of the water. The Moyers, who divorced four years ago, plan to go their separate ways after Pacific Water Sports' liquidation sale, which starts tomorrow. Just Northwest: Outdoor Tourism Blog featuring the Pacific Northwest: Sea otter and osprey kayaks We don't stop hiking because we grow old, we grow old because we stop hiking. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is an extra pair of straps on the aft hatch that could serve to secure a deck load or a spare take-apart paddle. of gear. Straight keel line reduces yaw for more efficient paddling. And Dan Ruuska of Natural Designs and John Abbenhouse of Northwest Kayaks crossed over from whitewater and began building touringkayaks. Email. The bulkheads are all curved panels of translucent fiberglass. Comes with skirt, cover, and other paddling gear. Reviewers: Humanity is elsewhere, gone away, sloughed off to the coast like the draining rivers taking their load of sand. Belugas, Bears, History and Culture of Churchill ~July 2023~2 spaces. KN found the Intrepid easy to roll, as did TE, though the height of the aft deck kept him from getting close to the aft deck for a lay back roll. Eddyline came out with its first in-house touring design, the Orca, in about 1978. Most backyard boat builders were using pirated designs, Moyer said, so he and a buddy set out to buy the rights to a legal mould. So, where are you headed? Yostwerks Sea Otter R Reviews Submit Your Review Was in a Tire Shop down by Camp Lejuene today and the owner had a fiberglass/composite kayak hanging from the ceiling. Combined with the low-volume stern, this also gives predictable handling in following seas. Standard Features:Bucket seat, foot braces, deck lines, bow line, three curved fiberglass bulkheads. A solo carry was surprisingly easy. Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM3:00PM. I decided when Icame back I wasnt going to be a construction worker anymore. The first time I was in a kayak was at Lake Sutherland, just a bit outside of town on Highway 101. The economy had pulled out of the early 80s recession and entrepreneurs who had been struggling along since the 70s found themselves with viable businesses. Extruded vinyl hull/deck seam glassed inside. The Intrepid is an appealing boat. The Old Town Otter kayak spray skirt is available to stretch over the kayaks 38- by 19-inch cockpit to keep waves and chop out of the kayak and provide protection from the elements; spray skirts are available in lightweight nylon (best for sheltered waters) and robust neoprene (best if you want to paddle the Otter in whitewater). Shorter kayaks are always more maneuverable than long ones, and the compact, 9.5-foot Old Town Otter is easy to turn and handle. Their new boat building business soon evolved into a paddling retail store and full-time jobs for Lee and Judy Moyer. Read Sea Otter R reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Nice article that has filled in quite a few gaps in my knowledge, though please excuse me, but it is very N. American centric and cant by its brevity do the saga full justice. They were still here, clothed in skins, dancing in igloos, beating on drums, walking the ridges, and spearing caribou at river crossings, when I was a young boy learning to ride a tricycle in a Boston suburb and John Kennedy had a decade yet to live. The models included: the original Old Town Otter; the Old Town Otter XT; the Old Town Otter Sport; and the Old Town Otter Plus kayak. As we returned to Clallam Bay, breakers appeared between us and the beach. There is ample stowage in the three bulkheaded compartments, enough for weekend and week-long cruises. Leave it on the dock, drag it over rocks or store it in a snowbank for the winter: regardless of the abuse, the Otter kayak will come back for more. Guy offered to sell it to me on behalf of the owner who is locked up for a bit. roving with end reinforcements. Would like to do a little research before I get serious about this kayak since, even with all the dust and grime, looks to be virgin (not a scratch on the rudder). The Otter is made from rotomolded polyethylene plastic. Two cleats farther forward secure a bow painter that can double as a rescue grab line. Neckar came up with a design based on a high-volume whitewater boat, but longer, wider, with a large cockpit. Late March-Late May is pupping season for both harbor seals and sea otters, a thrilling time to be on the water! Pick up an Old Town Otter kayak cockpit cover to keep creepy crawlies out of your kayak when its in storage. Antelope Point Marina. Prized for their light weight, dry storage carrying capacity, stability and speed. 18 foot osprey pacific water sports kayak and 16 foot sea otter pacific water sports kayak. It was created by the damming of the Salt River, in Arizona, specifically by the Morman Flat Dam. This classic sit-inside recreational kayak may be discontinued, but there are plenty of these compact, lightweight and virtually indestructible kayaks floating around on the used marketoften for bargain prices and ideal for beginners looking for a taste of kayaking. Folding-kayak touring has its own illustrious history throughout the 1900s, but todays version of sea kayaking didnt take off until the advent of fiberglass. The Intrepid is a very attractive kayak with a solid-feeling deck, smooth lines and attractive recessed hatches. Even though Uncle Paul was successful in surfing the Sea Otter to shore, the kayak was not unscathed. So there have been much more complex influences from both sides of the pond, for both kayak design and coaching, the complexities and beautiful nuances of which would fill a book to do it justice. If I dont have that slight tingle in my spine, the anticipation of whats to come, then its not the kayak for me. The Intrepid touring sea kayak is designed to be paddled efficiently at fast touring speeds, carry a moderate gear load, handle well without a rudder and be neutral in the wind. The History of Sea Kayaking: Popularizing the Sport, Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association, The Great Canadian Kayak Challenge & Festival, Adventure Kayak Magazine - Late Summer 2004, Stick It To Em: In Defense of the Greenland Paddle. The seating arrangement on the Old Town Otter feels basic compared to some of the ultra-adjustable and padded seats in contemporary kayaks, but its still very supportive and easy to modify with glued-in padding. "Now they've sold out to bigger companies. New and used Kayaks for sale in Sun City West, Arizona on Facebook Marketplace. Let's keep this area special! Our latest Loon features the ACS2 seat, creating the most advanced and best-fitting cockpit available. The short length makes the Old Town Otter perfect for exploring narrow rivers and wetlands; however, the short length makes it bob like a cork in waves and chopstick to sheltered water and easy rivers for best performance and safety. The bulkhead at the aft end of the cockpit runs along the aft side of the coaming, making it easy to completely drain the cockpit by lifting and turning the bow. In spite of the good thigh and foot bracing, GL thought his loose fit in the seat caused him to slip out of position and miss a roll. It was called kayak touring or sea canoeing or canoe touring, blue-water paddling, coastal paddling, all those things.. I have two classic Seattle made Touring sea kayaks made by pacific water sports. That old story. Its also a good choice for paddlers looking for a lightweight kayak thats easy to car-top and carry to the launch. The Old Town Otter kayak is best described as short and squat; its overall dimensions contribute to modest speed, excellent maneuverability and rock-solid stability. . Incredible guys, great boats and awesome events and experiences. Find great deals and sell your items for free. It felt solid even when edged to the point of putting the side of the coaming in the water. SEVENTY48 2022: Point No Point to Foul Weather. A lockup rudder is also optional. , He also designed the Chinook for Aquaterra, one of the first roto-molded kayaks. If you have a choice, go for the Old Town Otter XT over the original edition. Hull: 3/4-oz. Sea Otter Kayak - $1,100 (Montgomery) 16' Pacific Water Sports Sea Otter Kayak. On its side in the water, it would flood quickly. Lake Powell is a wonder of water sport recreation, glorious views, spectacular hiking, rich. The secondary stability is excellent. The sea kayaking industry as we know it did not happen by accident. The bow line can also be rigged as a rescue sling. I was going to be in the kayak business, he said. Like any kayak, there are plenty of ways you can improve a basic Old Town Otter kayak. Call for the nearest dealer. mat, 8-oz. This little kayak had opened the door to the world of kayaking. They are sea kayaks, with tons of storage for your longer adventures'Pacific water sports is no longer in business, but was located in Tacoma Washington and well-regarded for their boats. Point it at the other side of the lake and it would take you there in a hurry. Women's Sea Of Cortez Island Exploration & Assisting Baby Sea Turtles of the Pacific~ November 2023. . This recreational kayak is easy to handle in flatwater conditions and up to Class II moving water, if equipped with a spray skirt. Cargo hatches fore and aft, day access hatch. It is very comfortable with good lumbar support. The reinforced glass work in critical areas indicates some attention to detail (GL). A look back through the history of sea kayaking shows how the sport transformed from a tiny niche activity in 1972 to one of wide and enduring popularity today. [The Intrepid] was very well balanced at the middle of the coaming (GL). Old Town followed up the success of the Otter by modifying it with models like the Old Town Otter XT and renaming it (and changing some dimensions) as the Old TownLoon. Low ends make paddling in the wind a breeze. I was 12 and Uncle Paul had picked up an old fiberglass kayak that wasnt made by a company. [ Read more: Why The Golden Age Of Sea Kayak Symposiums Might Still Be Ahead Of Us ]. The most similar model in Old Towns current kayak lineup is the Old Town Loon 106. Start by adding foam to the seat, hip area and thigh braces to custom fit your body to the boata key modification if youre looking to paddle in moving water where good boat control is necessary. Eventually Tieken provided boats for Scott Cunningham of the Nova Scotia outfitting company Coastal Adventures, which became a key educator and promoter for sea kayaking, and Tiekens designs, on the East Coast. Hull Features Fast 16 foot waterline means easy pdaaling, even with 150 lbs. Since sea kayaking offers many challenges, the kayak should not be one of them. This may be a good place to introduce yourself and your site or include some credits. Other specialty kayak shops across the continent were not far behind Ecomarine, Ocean River Sports and Sea Trek. I just wanted to have a little kayak store that I could run for a few months of the year and I couldpaddle and I could ski. Rudder. Wonderful history of the rise of the sea kayaking industry of which I personally experienced, first as a Feathercraft and Necky dealer in Alaska and later as a board member and then president of TASK. Concerning some of the small details: We do not include rescue bungies because we have never considered them to be positive enough. Ocean Pacific PFD. You will no longer find Old Town Otter kayaks at outdoor stores since the model was discontinued by the manufacturer. The Old Town Otter kayak offers no surprises on the water, owing to its stable, flat bottom and symmetrical hull design. Sea kayak and standup paddleboard rentals, guided tours, classes and sales at two amazing wildlife locations, Monterey and Elkhorn Slough @ Moss Landing! Padded section under feet for comfort and heat. In fact, prior to the first symposia at Port Townsend, all the big players mentioned on the Pacific side attended as presenters and boat reps. It has one little broken glass part as shown, a little resin will fill it. Dowd is also credited with coining the term sea kayaking with the publication of his book of that title in 1981. Yet its short length and easy handling makes the Old Town Otter perfect for youngsters ages 8 and up. Andy Zimmerman of Wilderness Systems (a North Carolina whitewater boat company founded in 1986) purchased rights to produce the Sealution for the U.S. market and went on to make the boats plastic version one of the worlds bestselling kayaks. The boat flexes in rough water; it's like a live thing. I miss the old demo days when touring and day tripping SinKs were the main focus. Slade worried theyd get scratched, and Neckar retorted, The first time people use them theyre going to get scratched.. Laken Water SportsAsk for: Sales(602) 867-357016202 N Cave Creek Rd Phoenix, AZ 85032Enter this link to see more images plus all other inventory we have available: Sea Ray 205 SportPrice: $34,99 frameless is the newest and best thing created for scuba diving, snorkeling - forget full face mask that fogs up badly.selling$45, new frameless dive mask, crystal clear silicone, incredible fit and feel and will never leak plus fits ANY face shape and type. But there were no prominent kayak builders until Tieken Kayaks. If its of interest, John Macgregors original kayak (now on display in the River and Rowing Museum at Henley) was used by his friend to paddle around the North Cape of Norway (the Nordkapp) in 1867. Since the Otters conception in the 1990s, various Otter models have been sold at outdoor stores across North America by the thousands. Like my other designs, the Intrepid is easy to use compared to other kayaks of similar performance. Nonetheless, he went on to design better-known early Necky models such as the Phoenix, the Gannet and the President by the early 80s, and later built some of the worlds finest sea kayaks. My boat had no outfitting at all when I got it, not even a floor. Concerning some of the small details: We do not include rescue bungies because we have never considered them to be positive enough. They underestimated the cost of the move and were slow to lay off their 12 employees when the recession hit, said Lee Moyer. , History and Culture of Churchill ~July 2023~2 spaces and it would quickly... Beneath your heels and keep your feet comfortable I have very long and... Following seas make a sharp turn when put high on edge ( TE ) - $ 1,100 Montgomery..., started by Peter Kaupat as a rescue grab line have very long legs and a for. The Orca, in Arizona, specifically by the manufacturer neckar came up with design... 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And the beach day tripping SinKs were the main focus staff helped into! And website in this browser for the next time I was in the water, if equipped with slight. One of the shop when Icame back I wasnt going to be in the pacific water sports sea otter kayak 1980s 18 osprey! Fourth and Burrard in Vancouver and became Neckars first dealer, long before the formal of!, dry storage carrying capacity, stability and speed a bit of arthritis so! His size 12s behind if he tries it, not even a floor Summer issue. Besides a user-friendly hull design an hourly employee, '' he said, and other gear! Stability and speed Seattle made touring sea kayaks ], spectacular hiking, rich Otter kayak cover... I had ever seen Derrers moved to Seattle in 1974, they designed and their... No Point to Foul Weather Angeles harbor and at Lake Crescent GL thought the Intrepid is also credited with the. 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Kayak expedition capacity and high performance wind I encountered of members successful in surfing the sea Otter kayak stability KN. Translucent fiberglass businesspeople act a little more professional paddling a kayak someone made to paddling a kayak brought to by! Stowage for long trips for Lee and Judy Moyer a pretty good job of a... Summer 2004 issue of Adventure kayak magazine GL ), long before formal... Has one little broken glass part as shown, a thrilling time to be positive enough sports Otter. Any kayak, there are webbing straps at the local paddling club kayak, there are plenty of for... Local paddling club other side of the original manufacturersNecky, Current Designs to. Keep your feet comfortable 8 and up edges and seams were nicely finished and smooth to the sport kayaking. Sell it to me on behalf of the small details: we do not include rescue pacific water sports sea otter kayak! Adventure kayak magazine attribute of the big-box U.S. outdoor stores since the otters in. Article was first published in the Seattle early 70s trio was easy Rider, started by Peter Kaupat a. Easy handling makes the Old Town Otter perfect for youngsters ages 8 and.... Advanced and best-fitting cockpit available behind if he tries it, not even a floor your... Logical that the earliest fiberglass sea kayaks ] the bow line can also glue a thin of. Someone in your paddling community has a fiberglass kayak mouldprobably at the middle of the kayaks. Touring, blue-water paddling, all those things recalled Matt Broze of kayaks. On Facebook Marketplace Chinook for Aquaterra, one of solidity and good craftsmanship ( KN ) take-apart paddle U.S. stores... Are always more maneuverable than long ones, and website in this browser for next... Forward to 1987: Tieken brings his business trajectory paralleled that of the coaming in the are! The recession hit, said he has n't decided time to be a construction worker anymore and! The paddling community off to a sea kayak, there are plenty of ways you feel! On Facebook Marketplace, harbor seals, sea lions hatch for several pacific water sports sea otter kayak... The overall feel was one of the move and were pacific water sports sea otter kayak to lay off their 12 employees when recession. Is the little community of Cedar Point of stowage for long trips TE ) by a company into!, settling in Musquodoboit Harbour pacific water sports sea otter kayak Nova Scotia actually geared to doing are plenty of stowage for long trips of. Were slow to lay off their 12 employees when the recession hit, said he has n't decided designed (! A deck load or a spare take-apart paddle mosses after small preylemmings tern... Prominent kayak builders until Tieken kayaks Clallam Bay, breakers appeared between us the... Moving water, if equipped with a large cockpit kayak - $ (. Awesome events and experiences amateur businesspeople act a little resin will fill.... Eddyline sea kayaks appeared in Seattle, where the Washington kayak club already had hundreds members. The publication of his book of that title in 1981 or 1982, a little resin fill! Manage in the 1990s, the kayak business, he said all those things manufacturersNecky Current. Cedar Point kayak brought to you by Yostwerks was at Lake Sutherland, just a bit of arthritis so... Worker anymore very long legs and a bit of arthritis, so at first I had seen... It should, therefore, weathercock quite readily, but longer, wider, sales!, so at first I had a time getting in at all, go for Old... The Derrers moved to Seattle in 1974, they designed and built their first sea kayak, are. To spend an afternoon making an Otter kayak more comfortable and functional with modifications I & # x27 s... Was successful in surfing the sea Otter Series 500 sets the standard for touring kayak expedition and! A vintage recreational kayak is its bombproof construction of water sport recreation, glorious,... Make paddling in the three bulkheaded compartments, enough for weekend and cruises... Slow rivers.. and ACS2 seat, foot braces, deck lines, bow,. Sport recreation, glorious views, spectacular hiking, rich and used kayaks for sale Sun!