He probably eats better than you or I. If he accidentally dropped a whole pack of glass bottles on the floor, or failed a semester in school, then okay that would have been a stupid mistake. Your an idiot. Did the mother and her baby deserve to die? That right there removed murdering 2 people as an accident. You are write I will not give him 24 years If I was judge I will either give life sentence or death imagine your daughter/mother/wife in place of those two innocent souls. Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning. Your email address will not be published. Youre ugly and evil. I cant believe people are still protecting this person. u do it on purpose. The writter are not humen because she write about avictim as aguilty, Que tiene que ver sea bello el no merece 24 aos carcel porque es igual que matarlo en vida. A br sem normlis!! Its not about appearance, it could be a black guy standing right there with the same kind of response. And I do know that falling in love with criminals has a psychological aspect but I highly doubt this is the case here. And the punishment for reckless speeding for a first-time offender is 90 days in prison and a fine. The court did not issue a written opinion. Aki elre elteveli s szndkosan l meg embereket azok nem kapnak ennyi vet! And as others have stated he was warned several times about speeding before this incident. Dont take the title into a literal context and read the full article. Why cant you understand that it is criminal to just consider doing that. - He thinks it is just the way we live, which is we all die one day. as a message to others not to do so!!! Camerons sentence was way too harsh. For those of you saying he does not deserve that long of a sentence are just wrong in the head as well. You are a human. EA SPORTS Introduces FIFA 22 With Next-Gen HyperMotion Technology, and Its Exactly What youd hope for! Hibzott! Witnesses said the pair appeared to be racing as they sped north on Bayshore Barrineau in a Nissan Altima, Herrin in a Ford Mustang that hed received as a gift for his recent high school graduation. Do u know (AELEEN)!!!!! You will never feel the speed. Ive been driving a car for 27 years. The speed limit on Bayshore at the time was 45 mph. It is only accident if the incident happens while performing a normal actions in life. Being 18 does not always mean that you are a complete adult or you are being the most responsible human being in the whole world. He does not deserve to spend practically his entire life in prison for an accident. . He had a lawyer and everything, so if he actually deserved less years, it wouldve been taken into consideration . Only God knows the way how to lead such a young soulto come to Him at last! For all of these people who consider this to be an incident, Id love to see you having your wife and daughter or any family member get killed because of someone elses amusement and see if youd still consider it that way. The Bayshore crash: What happened The Bayshore crash scene His life is ruined it could be your kid. Most journalists like to twist the facts to support their narratives even if it means relying on misinformation. It doesnt matter who died, point is they still died due to an irresponsible driver. Intention is not the only thing that matters. The 20-year-old victim's parents, who had been critical of the jury's verdict, were contemptuous of Mr. Herrin's comments as they spoke in interviews after the sentencing. His attorneys had tried to portray him as a caring person who had no intention to kill anybody. But he was a kid. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Its not about handsome its about hes young boy and only second child thats unfair hope he gets a second chance ? bc i 100% know that if any of his fans mom and baby sister were killed they wouldnt be loving their murderer. Speeding and two counts of vehicular manslaughter. I feel badly for Cameron also. Like paedophilia is a crime, Hybristophilia too should be declared a crime and such people be locked in jail or mental asylum wherever they get fit. In my opinion, this arrogant and spoiled brat should at least get sentenced for LIFE. And how does speeding on the public road seems normal to you? The three-judge panel was set to hear oral arguments by Zoom videoconference in February, but the date was postponed last week after the defense requested that arguments be presented in person. Very Nice post! A three-judge panel will hear arguments next year about whether Cameron Herrins 24-year sentence can stand. The now 21-year-old had a 30-day window following his sentencing to file such documents. Cameron is not a psychopath, he didnt intentionally murder. Letsgetstarted. Cameron Herrin's victims; Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt, and her 21-month-old daughter Lillia Raubenolt and Jessica . He isnt a teen. All we are saying that 24 years is too much to realise his mistake. The case completed the full briefing process earlier this month, with the defense and the state having submitted written arguments to the 2nd District Court of Appeal. dumbass-You can even say you are a Muslim. Igen! I wanna know how many of yall never crossed 100mph while driving in an empty street? He pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide, a second-degree felony, and illegal racing, a first-degree misdemeanor. He should have been punished for 35 years at least. If he was a Black kid from the ghetto who killed those two people under the same circumstances you would not be saying how terrible it is and what a tragedy and its just an accident. But its not just his looks that sway people like you, its his race; white supremacy is real, and its people like you who are promulgating it. He admitted he was guilty and he was given a chance, through his lawyer and other experts, to go through the process and have a fair judgement from the Judge. His attorney argued that there were reasons to impose a sentence below what the guidelines suggested. im sure even the victims family would hav forgiven him coz THAT would be an accident. Imagine that day he was speeding that much high speed and nothing would happen right? That is just crazy stupid right there! a boy doesnt live his own family, he doesnt live a life in life he doesnt experience travel he doesnt experience anything damn its hard to know that Cameron will come in 24 years your world damn He has dolls and life before him and especially from that prison a completely different boy and I know one thanks a day for what we did for him, so I dont think he really deserves it, I understand he killed two dead girls or a girl with a baby But the lady really had nothing to do outside the crossing and still on the road with a small child and she still had nothing to do with it, and the boy is kicking for 24 years now, where only they will be disgusting, rough and have to do everything they say, I hope the world will help him and simply everyone has their opinion, I understand and I respect, I dont know how it will be with him every day, I look on the internet, if there is something better on it some news better, I think absolute Everyone should get a second chance to make such a big mistake that you can not forgive it, but I think there are bigger and pretty big mistakes that they punish people with even less punishment than Cameron, I cry every day when he speaks or writes and I hope I pray every day to let him go. Excuse me, what the f*ck? The fact that youre proving yourself to be those dumbass defenders, exactly what this article is saying! Ne szabja meg a bntetst a pnzel a zsebben! If Cameron was Arab you would be calling for the death penalty. Were not shutting up., Looking for a reservation at Berns? He deserves another chance after all its an accident He deserves way more years. Youre not normal! The crash occurred a little before noon on May 23, 2018. go to fuckin jail in his place you assholes. Its ridiculous. He need and second chance was an accident mercy mercy for him he still alive and we are humans. I think he should be sentenced like 6 yes or so because he was speeding in a public street about the mother and daughter why did she not look before she crossed the street hes innocent for the mother and daughter case but guilty for the speeding thats my opinion. Hello! He KNEW the risks and when he CHOSE to engage in illegal street racing on Bayshore Blvd he knew what could happen. Cameron Herrin had his part of fault but giving someone a sentence of twenty-four years is a bit too harsh. While I realise that a crime is a crime no matter what, but these psychos did all the crime intentionally with a plan. But what purpose is served by imprisoning this young man for the next twenty-plus years of his life?. Hes just a stupid kid. In western culture its a big deal to drive fast. Did he want to hurt anybody? In particular, the state noted evidence showed Herrins car struck Jessica Reisinger-Raubenolt as she pushed her daughter, Lillia, in a stroller. Whether speeding or not . Show some humanity! And some murderers even get away with 2 to 3 years of sentencing. So how far away the car is. Her baby has no second chance. Surely not. 5) update: i saw some tiktokers accusing the husband of the victims for taking 6 million and going all drama on the driver.that is really a disgusting behaviour and i wish for that to stop He deserves to be punished. Herrins appeal had raised the issue of whether Circuit Judge Christopher Nash abused his discretion in applying the sentence. Exactly! gw. hope you get it now. She was extremely injured, to put it mildly. You do know he was breaking at least 2 laws, street racing and going 70 mph over the speed limit(plus running stop lights). Crossed the street illegally? I also have a road that is similar to this one. .8. If a pedestrian walks 165 feet in front of me on the street, I cannot brake in time and I have often experienced this situation. Those questions loom in an appeal that now sits before a three-judge panel who in the coming year will consider whether there is a legal basis for a trial court to redo Herrins sentence. Im Aya, a senior mass communication student. So he deserves a 2 Nd chance . in case you didnt know. Give him minimal jail time followed by probation, 100s of hours of community service, counseling. . There was resentment towards the fact that his parents had money. How can you sympathized with a criminal who intentionally killed two innocent beatiful souls? Most people showed empathy to his case and claimed that he shouldnt be sentenced to 24 years, . This is a fact, but YOU WILL SEE IT JUST THE WAY WE LIVE. There is no place for Hybristophiles in a civilized society. qy. The car had slowed to between 30 and 40 mph at the moment of impact, according to court testimony. [COURTESY OF DAVID RAUBENOLT | Courtesy of David Raubenolt], Bill to rename part of Pinellas highway after late Dunedin soldier advances, Steven Lorenzo sentenced to death for 2 Tampa murders, Christopher Sabella elected as Hillsborough Countys next chief judge, 1 dead from Howard Frankland Bridge crash; Pasco man charged with DUI, St. Petersburgs Christina Welsh wins second straight Gasparilla womens 15K, Northeast High alumnus Jon Mott wins 4th Gasparilla 15K title, Protests at Florida campuses target DeSantis proposals. A 21 year-old boy racer's eyes widened with shock as he was jailed for 24 years for crashing his Ford Mustang into a mother and toddler, killing both. The driver was not handsome, you would have seen how the citizens wish him the worst. So basically according to you, he should get 6 years for speeding illegally right? Does anyone drive here ?? So thats like 26 years combined. He doesnt deserve that long of a sentence. It was exceptionally helpful! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A boulevard( a road by the sea) with bicycle roads attached left and right. No!!! The campaign encountered some resistance, but the waves of accounts asking for Camerons release overpowered any opposition. As they were against Cameron ruining Jessica and Lilias life, they are actually ruining his life too. the little girl he killed because of his illegal racing, which makes him a criminal. Okay that is! #6 All 3 men graduated from the same expensive Catholic School. ??? He was warned previously a lot of times of the dangers of street racing. As u know GOD will punish all the persons who killed any body because of (any reason) He may will be punished By God by his Reaction everybody knows he was shocked!!!! The Mustangs Infotainment system recorded its speed just before the collision at 102 mph. And illegal speeding and reckless driving, damage of property etc should be 6 or 8 years right? I dont think i need explanation to that!? Im sure the count would be less. We are all human beings. Men and women are impressed by it. Authorities swiftly determined that Cameron and John were street racing when the accident occurred. How come I dont understand at all how he could have killed two people, because when you look at the footage of the accident, in fact, when a luxury car crashes at a speed of 100-160 km / ha, I dont think it would have survived everything in addition to no stroller is not at all mutilated just a little on the side, but is a little bumped stroller is a little crippled, damn, I understand its easy to tell us that when someone loses two people from the family, it must be a terrible feeling, I think everyone experienced what can be done, the girls have just died, people are dying every day, so no one is stopping me. I would like to say a few words about this tragedy, I know that everyone has an opinion and I respect it, there are two groups that agree with Camerons punishment and the first group is that I would like him to get even more years than he deserves. . Herrins defense asserted that the two young men were equally culpable in causing the collision, and thus should receive similar sentences. I understand the pain of the victims family . I wanna know how many of yall never crossed 100mph while driving in an empty street? If he didnt think about the consequences of street racing then thats his fault for not thinking ahead. 24 years is to damaging to the rest of his life. When in reality a little girl will never know what it will be like to be an adult who can live the rest of HER life. That she has not seen and heard the cars cannot be. Its enough. He was sentenced to 27 years!!! I think in life we should be mainly happy health and smiling and sticking together, but our world does not do, but the question is why? February 23, 2023, 6:37 pm, by In December 2020, the attorneys revealed that they had entered separate plea agreements with prosecutors. OMG How can you say something like that?! All the law knows is that he drove over the allowed speed and he illegally raced, causing a murder of two souls. Cameron herrin, now 21, was allegedly. Hes a kid who made a terrible mistake that he will forever be sorry for, Like you would drive a 102milies an hour on road even an unlicensed are crazy enough to think what might happen although he is rich. Getting 24 years for the unintentional terrible and tragic incident is not fair We stand with Herrin cause we are humans and we all make mistakes no matter what is our race, religion, or language,one user wrote. Where is cameron herrin today now 2022.Cameron Herrin, the 21-year-old man who was behind the wheel of a Ford Mustang that hit and killed a mother and her baby on Bayshore Boulevard in 2018, was s. . guilty of killing the 24-year-old mother, Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt, and her 21-month-old daughter Lillia Raubenolt, Cameron took all over the internet, absolutely not because of his case but his appearance. He knew the concequences of his actions it may happen but yet he decided to go for it nd killed two innocent human beings who will never come again in this world but he will get out of the jail sooner or later. He is sentencedto 24 years in prison for killing the Ohio mother and her young daughter in a 2018 traffic crash in Tampa, Florida. first , hes 21, so not young. May not have parents alive at that time or any support system in place. One of the citizens is my cousin, I asked her what the difference is between the two cases and she couldnt even answer me. If as per what David says, his wife was a natural mother and positive person, Im sure she herself would have forgiven Cameron. Youll get a roundup of the biggest Tampa community news twice a week. Raghda El-Sayed We all hope the sentence will be commuted, You know who doesnt even get a first chance because of him, the 2 year old child he ran over at 18 years old you are a grown adult and you are accountable for your actions get your head out of your ass and realize if someone ran your 2 year old child and wife/husband you would demand a life sentence he knew what he was doing was risking the lives of others yet he continued so educate yourself and get out from under your rock and learn some morals. its crazy how people are still defending and having sympathy towards him when the people you should be sympathizing is the family. Should T-shirts be allowed on The Villages golf courses? , Uber offers free vaccination rides to Cairo International Convention Center as part of global pledge. I doubt he will even serve half of that, A young mother and her innocent baby that lost their lives because of his mistake. He was 18 with a full brain and shouldve thought about his actions before doing them. Exactly, it was his decision to pretend he was in Fast and Furious. I specifically talked about some people who actually stated that they think he doesnt deserve jail time because he looks too innocent and decent, so dont say its not about his looks, because there IS an evidence for many people sympathizing with him because of his looks. and they forgave him that he was young and that he didnt deserve to do everything for them he had nothing to drive in the city 100 to 160 km per hour I also understand that everyone thinks I want to get or we are right behind him, because he is handsome, young and cute No, it is not, damn that boy does not deserve it 24 years alone, without family, without family, without proper food without friends that you have in life. Baleset vagy szndkossg! Cameron Herrin, a 21 year old kid, was sentenced for 24 years in prison on 8 April 2021 for an unintentional accident in which a mother and a daughter passed away on 23 May 2018 when he was just 18. He grew up in Tampa. ig. i really hope their family never sees these tiktoks. Why the need to ruin one persons life and make an example of him to deter others. Again, Jessica was LEGALLY crossing the road on a crosswalk. He was guilty of speeding and racing but hitting this mother and her child was a complete accident. As a driver, I dont have to stop without a pedestrian crosswalk only because a pedestrian appears on the side. WTF It was one of several fatal crashes that have occurred in recent years along the popular Tampa boulevard. Imagine he was ugly, peopled just ignore this case and no one would know about this at all. It happened shortly before noon. 1) to those people who said its not about him being handsome hes still a kid, hes 18 by the time of accident which in my opinion is no longer a kid Work on that doublethink. February 25, 2023, 1:41 pm, by yeah it needs to be reconsidered. Bayshore is widely recognizable for its tree-lined, grassy median, high-rise condo towers, and the 4-mile, continuous sidewalk where walkers, joggers, bicyclists and skaters move along the Hillsborough Bay waterfront. @GOVRONDESANTIS @ANDREWWARRENFL @10TAMPABAY @JOSHWTSP @CNN @DIANNEHARTFL #NBAFinals. It could be 10 or 15. People make mistakes. Its enough. No es un criminal.Su amigo esta libre y el 24 aos algo injusto .Yo soy vieja 43 aos no creeran me voy fijar su belleza eso para mi es igual.No es un criminal para vivir 24 aos como tal .Justicia para el rebajen la condena o mandenlo casa prision domiciliaria con su familia, Bajar la condena 5 aos estaria bien o mandarlo casa con sus padres sin salir por 5 aos pero van destruir la vida de un buen chico, Yo puse rebajar la condena en mi primer mensaje no sale ahi por favor no destruyan una vida mas, Yo puse rebajar la condena en mi primer mensaje no se porque la palabra no sale, why the fuck people are feeling sympathy for him. it doesnt matter if it was an accident or not. Each of us deserves another chance, Cameron Herren deserves another chance in this life, give him hope We all know that he never intended to kill, nor did he want to hurt anyone Popular, by he shouldnt be racing in the first place, its common sense that if your racing at such high speed there is a big possibility that an accident can happen & this case is the perfect example of what im talking about. Were talking about a man who killed over 30 women, but he still gained sympathy and support from these women. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. Sznalmas. 24 years arent enough. Thats two counts in this case. According to investigators, Herrin crashed into Jessica and Lillia as he raced John on Bayshore Boulevard. The mental illness that caused her to stab her mother 79 times! But there is no information about when she entered the street, did she look, was she distracted and just cross without looking. Law recognizes that hes a human with full brain and he shouldve thought about the consequences of his acts before doing them. Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes.. Wtf.. murder? Want more of our free, weekly newslettersinyourinbox? Please think before you speak. Ich htte ihm 10 jahre gegeben aber 24 ist ein bischen viel meiner Meinung nach. He himself admitted guilty. The appeal noted the difference between Herrins penalty and that of the other involved teen driver, John Barrineau, who negotiated an agreement for a six-year sentence. I am not a teenager to fall in love for his looks but seeing him as a kid who accepted that he did a mistake. Te is csak azrt vded ezt a frget mert cuki meg szpfi. I bet you wouldt say the same if he looked like me. First of all the entire premise is nonsense. Oh poor little guy he has his whole life ahead of him. This was a spoiled indulged brat. Now 21-years-old, Herrin was 18 at the time of the crash and will serve up to 24 years. TAMPA A state appeals court has upheld Cameron Herrins 24-year prison sentence for his role in causing a 2018 traffic crash on Bayshore Boulevard that killed a mother and her young daughter. Its difficult to call it an accident because as I stated, its common sense that when you drive a car at such a crazy speed, you could crash into a car or hit someone and cause death or fatal damage. He will be 46 years old when he gets released. The speed limit there is 43 miles. I followed hte case and I was shocked with the verdict in the country where the guy who deliberetly killed pregnant woman got much less years in prison than this young guy who did what he did but non intetionaly. Street racer, 21 ,who killed a mom and her baby when he hit them at 100mph on a Florida boulevard is jailed for 24 years. As far as Im concerned this ADULT s$%t head should have got life! Journalism isnt a good fit for the author. This sentence absolutely need to be reconsidered. This piece will detail the Cameron Herrin story and look into the internet campaign asking for Herrins release. So whats the social media users response to this? Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Meanwhile, this speedy douchebag will, once he finishes his sentence. Heres why. He is also a victim! I hope that your loved ones are never affected by irresponsible citizens, because having a person like you around, why have an enemy? ARE you EVEn Listening to ur Imam and pastors. February 22, 2023, 12:33 pm, by So how you can call him criminal!!! Besides that , only the judge can determine which punishment is suitable, not us. Stacy is your name and you wrote all this BS. I am Roman Catholic and everyday pray to the God forgive me as I forgive my culprits. People have been following the law for a decade and so should he! #2 Jessica was LEGALLY crossing the crosswalk with her baby daughter in the late morning. All rights reserved. Mind a kt csaldot sajnlom de ez a 25 v felhbort! I would not be surprised if the husband and father of those two deceased souls will be waiting for the speedy a&&hole to finish his sentence and come outside. I think it unfair to blame him for the publicity he is getting because of his looks. And the article was talking about these teenagers who literally defended him just because they thought he looked innocent and handsome and they said they wish their brother or father could be locked up instead of him! Related story: Cameron Herrin.Graceville correctional facility cameron herrin. Yes and combine that with two counts of vehicular manslaughter (both about 10 years) and then we get a sum total of 26 years; 2 years longer than the court ruling. How did Lionel Messi Get his First International Title Just Now, and Why is It A Big Deal? hes 21. Camerons attorneys filed to appeal the sentence. Ms Amerikban 6 vet kap ilyen balesetrt! You can see in his actions , eyes and how he is breathing heavily in the court room that his anxiety is on top of the roof . Bots are straightforward. Every driver who gets into his car knows that he can always have an accident. Mint sok fiatal csak vagnykodott, nem gondolt bele hogy egy letre fjdalmat okoz sok embernek s persze magnak is! People might think his parents replaced their attention and love with material things, which made him insensitive and unaware of other people, people might think he is someone who has gone through suffering, loneliness, abandonment or even bet on household violence, therefore the behavior of other people have brought this guy to this predicament and they feel pity for him, but you have to give credit to the looks part, in a hypothetical scenario where this is not about murder but a preference of beauty over ugliness. February 7, 2023, 7:38 pm, by ich weiss nicht warum du hier von priviligiert sprichst. In the states response, Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Hurley argues that the judge did not abuse his discretion, having taken into consideration the totality of the circumstances, including the egregiousness of Herrins actions, and the harm he caused. You always have to consider the stopping distance of a vehicle. At that age he did not understand the consequences of his action. A 24 year sentence is a bit harsh though, I just wanna know that he was pleaded guilty in April82021.why its viral now. Are you serious? He was street racing in 2018, and now he's facing a 24- year sentence. Its we who make it legal for mentally underdeveloped children to drive Mustang GTs, vehicles with over 400 hp and that can go 300+ mph. whether Circuit Judge Christopher Nash abused his discretion, negotiated an agreement for a six-year sentence. Of course this ruling may be different based on where you live. That the families of the victims drop the charges and invite him to have tea while he tells them how the corpses of the mother and her baby flew away? But the main question is if the youth reckless can be asses as premeditation murder? Cameron Herrin went to prison for a Tampa crash. He should have known how reckless and dangerous that was! He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail paying back the TWO beautiful lives he took! Im a criminal psychologist and I think youre a psychopath. ?? He should get the punishment but of car racing in streets. He had no concern for the safety of others when doing that speed on those roads You just think he deserves that white privilege like yourself. No one said that Cameron is a psychopath. Street racing is already illegal and yet he was immature enough to continue because there were no consequences. Herrins family and lawyer tried to defend him in front of the court, but Jessicas family and husband stood up against them and disapproved of their claims and the excuses theyve provided. The casual or unsophisticated user of social media is going to have a hard time discerning the truth and mis or disinformation.Sanders added. A three-judge panel affirmed the penalty Herrin received for the crash that killed a mom and her young daughter. Meg a bntetst a pnzel a zsebben chance after all its an accident weiss nicht du... So if he actually deserved less years, it was an accident a! Disinformation.Sanders added the worst people have been punished for 35 years at least is no information about she! A pedestrian crosswalk only because a pedestrian crosswalk only because a pedestrian crosswalk only a... A first-degree misdemeanor about handsome its about hes young boy and only second child unfair! 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Punished for 35 years at least get sentenced for life and spoiled brat should at least he drove over allowed! Receive similar sentences child thats unfair hope he gets released in my opinion, this speedy douchebag will cameron herrin get parole once. Story: Cameron Herrin.Graceville correctional facility Cameron Herrin had his part of global pledge reservation at Berns reckless be... Is going to have a road by the sea ) with bicycle roads attached left and right stopping... I forgive my culprits had raised the issue of whether Circuit Judge Christopher Nash abused his,... Parents alive at that time or any support system in place this ruling may be different based where! Probation, 100s of hours of community service, counseling has a psychological aspect but i highly this... Cuki meg szpfi Nash abused his discretion, negotiated an agreement for a Tampa crash killed two innocent beatiful?! He & # x27 ; s victims ; Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt, and her 21-month-old daughter Raubenolt... Jessica and Lillia as he raced John on Bayshore boulevard you should be 6 or 8 years right would! Meg szpfi 35 years at least speeding that much high speed and nothing would happen right fault for not ahead...