Making the deal with the Stabbington brothers is one of those instances. Mother Gothel does not love anything or anyone in this world. Captain Hook (Peter Pan) I do agree that Gothel probably loved herself more than Rapunzel, she was certainly reluctant to adopt Rapunzel and only did so to save her own life. Mother Gothel just wants to take advantage of everyone she comes into contact with. SomeRandomPyro 3 yr. ago. In the same forest, she stumbles across The Snuggly Duckling just when theyre revealing their plot. To achieve her goals and get what she wants, Mother Gothel is willing to do anything and does not care about the consequences. Almost every child grows up watching and falling for Disney princesses. While she does hide the flower, she doesn't disturb it from the spot it grows. This could be why she's one of the few Disney villains without friends. Add a different answer. It's sad, but it explains a lot of things about Gothel. Credit: Disney. Tangled 2 May Have Answers. Gothel used massive guilt trips to get Rapunzel to do what she wanted; she always used Rapunzel specifically for her hair. You certainly wouldnt want to have to deal with a person who was never scared of anything, would you? Related: Disney CEO Confirms More Tangled Coming to Disney Parks. Because she's a risk-taker, she's one Disney villain who shouldn't be redeemed for fear of what she'd accomplish next. Of course, this is a bit of a complex reason, saying she will die is also an easier way of enforcing the weight of the decision she is about to make to the younger audience. We are too familiar with Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Elsa, and Jasmine from Disney. Face-swapping apps are a viral trend from the humorous side of the internet. She happens to be ambidextrous, but in crucial situations, she is shown using her left hand as a preference. Gothel will utilize whatever she has at the time to achieve her goals. Not just because shared genes = happiness. Unlike Maleficent in Sleeping Beautyor JafarinAladdin, Gothel is human and has no magical powers. At first, Gothel was only planning on cutting off a strand of Rapunzel's magical hair. He cuts her hair, which kills the magic and reverses Gothels youth. Shes consumed with her own desires and betraying the woman caring for her for eighteen years. Reportedly, Tangled cost $260 million to make. . Age Everything is about Gothel. Desperate, Mother Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and disappears into the night. Edgar (The Aristocats) Five Versions of Blade Runner Which is the Best? She's unreliable, and she can't be trusted on any level, but this makes her an excellent villain. Mother Gothel is the foremost antagonist of Disney's Tangled franchise, serving as the main antagonist of Disney's 2010 computer-animated feature film Tangled and the posthumous foremost antagonist of Tangled: Before Ever After, Tangled: The Series and it's comic series. Analyzing the Disney Villains: Bowler Hat Guy (Meet the Robinsons), Analyzing the Disney Villains: John Silver (Treasure Planet), Analyzing the Disney Villains: The Spirits (Frozen II), If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe. Luckily Rapunzel has Flynn Rider to protect her from the truly wicked Mother Gothel. It makes her harder to hate. Disney princesses, princes, and other characters are not excluded from the trend. In the dead of night, Mother Gothel breaks into the castle and uses Rapunzel's long golden hair to replenish herself. Rapunzel would eventually come to discover the difference between the two, however, as Frederic's actions were out of love, whereas Gothel's were out of selfishness. So Robin's age finally makes sense. It was the first animated Disney princess film to receive a PG rating by the MPAA rather than a G rating. As an elderly woman near the end of her life, Mother Gothel is the single witness of a drop of pure sunlight falling to the ground, creating a magical flower . For example, a teacher is passionate about photography, or an attorney loves to spend all his spare time gardening. Plus, once her secrets discovered, she has no problem moving Rapunzel from the protective ward department to shackled, bread-and-water prisoner section. Character information Did you think I was gone forever? However, some believe that if Gothel told Rapunzel that her birthday was in a different month, or even just a few days earlier, Rapunzel may not have drawn the connection between the lanterns and her own birthday and may have never realized that she was the lost princess. When King Frederic and Queen Arianna are discussing why he's so overprotective with Rapunzel, Frederic mentally flashes back to the night Gothel broke into the castle and kidnaps Rapunzel. She needs to bring her daughter down to lift herself up. Background information Stunned, she nervously tries to suppress these revelations, but Rapunzel denies her words. If you are not yet signed up for the streaming service, you can get started here. Gothel and Rapunzel's relationship was forged completely on control and one-sided . She couldnt have escaped even if she tried because she was so weak. She runs into the Beagle Boys Stabbington brothers, just the people she needs to lure Rapunzel back to her. Shes not trying to nab a husband. The other Disney villains technically never killed anyone. I quite enjoyedTangledas a light and funny romp with enough heartfelt Disneyness about it that gave it my tick of approval. Kidnapping was definitely a pretty drastic move. Mother Gothel was certainly a cleverly wicked person. In the film, the first dangerous risk she takes is kidnapping the princess. Required fields are marked *. The ever resourceful Gothel sneaks into the babys room and discovers that when she sings the magic song, Rapunzels hair reacts and replenishes Gothels youth just like the flower did. She had a sustainable method to keep herself alive (without hurting anyone) and she had to make do once the method is unthinkingly destroyed by the supposed good guys. Just look at how she broke into a castle with dense defenses and successfully kidnapped Rapunzel. Have you ever had some thoughts like If I were her, I would ? Gothel had no way of knowing that, even after Flynn had cut off Rapunzel's hair, that Rapunzel would still be able to save his life. It wasn't until Rapunzel left the tower that she could see past the manipulation; Gothel is that good at what she does, and she's been doing it for a long, long time. Well, Mother Gothel may have been able to get away with it for even longer if she didnt just make this one small mistake. As an elderly woman near the end of her life, Mother Gothel is the single witness of a drop of pure sunlight falling to the ground, creating a magical flower with healing abilities. And when they are no longer worth using, Gothel will never hesitate to cut ties with them. By the time Gothel's cloak finally hits the ground, only dust remains of her. Worst king in the history of Disney, I think. Centuries (older than Corona itself)As Old as the heavenly Sunflower and Moonstone themselves Instead, Disney seems to advocate the uncomfortable idea that biological parents are the best, even if you know nothing about them, as opposed to lame adoptive parents who had cared for you all your lifeand whoimpose stupid rules on you for your protection. Mother Since childhood, Rapunzel has witnessed "floating lights" covering the sky every year on her birthday (really floating lanterns the king and queen set free to remember their lost daughter) and wants to find out what they are. Comments Off on Mother Gothel Made One Crucial Mistake in Tangled. Tangled is one of the most successful Disney princess movies and was praised by critics for its animation, writing, characters, and musical score. best mac 10 loadout Warzone Rapunzels loving and protective mother, Disney CEO Confirms More Tangled Coming to Disney Parks, Mother Gothel Might Actually Be Another Disney Villain, Will Rapunzel & Flynn Start a Family? (function(e,t,n,r){var i=n.currentScript,s=null;if(i)s=i;else{var o=n.getElementsByTagName(r),u=o.length-1;for(var a=u;a>=0;a--)if(o[a].getAttribute("rel")==="skimlinks-ref-banner"){s=o[a];break}}s&&setTimeout(function(){var i=e[t]||(e[t]=[]),o={"imageUrl":"/banners/img/referral/higher_commissions/728X90.gif","wid":"07","creativeId":60710,"color":"grey","size":"728X90","domainId":"1601785","publisherId":137930,"bannerUrl":"/banners/js/referral/referral_banner.min.js","cdnUrl":""};if(i.length===0){var u=n.createElement(r);u.src=o.cdnUrl+o.bannerUrl,u.async=!0,s.parentNode.insertBefore(u,s)}i.push({el:s,config:o})})})(this,"__skimlinksBanners",document,"script"); CONTACT US | ADVERTISE ON ITM And look! I am certainlynot advocating kidnapping. For example, a teacher is passionate about photography, or an attorney loves to spend all his spare time gardening. There, Rapunzel puts together that she must be the missing princess. When he arrives at the tower, he is fatally stabbed in the stomach by Mother Gothel. She constantly belittled her,called her names. What do you think about this new image of your favorite Disney characters? Write down the character you want to see the fanart in the comment below, and remember to subscribe to our site to fill your day with cool photos and ideas! Perhaps understanding that times have changed, Disney seems to be focusing on retelling fairy tales and classical tales but with a fresher, modern twist. A graduate of The University of Arizona, Kacie has written for her college newspaper The Daily Wildcat, Harness Magazine, 25YL, and now has added Screen Rant to her resume. Sadly, for most people, careers do not link much with their enthusiasm. The difference between Rapunzel's accent and Mother Gothel's accent makes absolutely no sense. Gothel is the main antagonist in Tangled, but she may be the most underrated Disney villains. dave chappelle daphne But unfortunately, the magic is somehow attached to Rapunzel herself, so the cut hair has no magic. Many of us may feel angry when the main characters make a poor choice and end up in dangerous situations. However, she is extremely stealthy, able to slip up on quite perceptive people like Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. Then, check out a few more posts on our page! And the young girl let go her extremely long hair. Out of all the Disney villians that come to mind, Gothel is the one who I would say is the least evil. At first, Gothel was only planning on cutting off a strand of Rapunzel's magical hair. In a flashback of Lord Demanitus himself, it is presumed that she was originally one of Lord Demanitus pupils until she decided to double-cross him to his greatest adversary: Zhan Tiri. She won't die immediately. Its not like Rapunzels parents gave her up for adoption to Gothel. Theyre two sides of the same coin. She doesnt have lofty evil ambitions, she doesnt derive joy from seeing others suffer, shes not vengeful or jealous. When she was around, that is. Released in 2010, Tangled quickly achieved great success and received warm responses from moviegoers. Imagine if Gothel was the protagonist of the movie. Sadly, for most people, careers do not link much with their enthusiasm. If she could never love herself, how could she ever love or even care for anyone else? Whether you're trapped in a tower or trapped in your own mind? Would I immediately jump ship? ", "Absolutely not! Gothel is dangerously good at playing mind games to get what she wants. She is mentioned because Eugene is currently speeding through a quick summary of the events of Tangled. The fact is if the acting, direction, and plot of the movie are good enough, we likely let our minds go with the flow and enjoy it. It wasn't until she realized the hair died of its powers once it was cut that she changed plans and kidnapped Rapunzel to keep her to herself. Sometimes, we immerse in the film so much that we neglect the rational logic in real life. Mother Gothel insists that Rapunzel is being nave and the only reason why Flynn is with her is to get the crown back, which she thrusts into Rapunzel's hands and orders her to give it to him as a test of his loyalty to her before vanishing. Mother Gothel So I am also not sympathetic with a murderer. She wears the same clothes as in the movie as well. Get all eevee evolutions Since Gothel raised Rapunzel after kidnapping her and pretended to be her biological mom, it would be assumed that she grew feelings for her supposed daughter. Oh, look, youre here too.) would drive me nuts. Eugene knows that Mother Gothel will simply use Rapunzel until there is nothing of her left. Get everybody and their stuff together. What an asshole, I swear. When Mother Gothel returns, Rapunzel pushes her with requests to leave the tower (hoping to use the unconscious Flynn as proof that she can handle herself in the outside world). Mother Gothel appeared as a mother who loved Rapunzel wholeheartedly and could do anything for her daughter, but actually, she did everything just for her own good. In the film, we see Gothel lie to Rapunzel time and time again about who Rapunzel's real mom is (she convinces Rapunzel that she is, in fact, her mother), why she must stay . Longevity & Slowed Aging (via her "daughter's" unnaturally long hair)Mastery of deceptionSewer of half-truths Cobra Bubbles (Lilo & Stitch) I love this movie. You know how I feel about the mumblingblah, blah, blah, blah. This page is so full of valid points that I might not be able to pay attention to the movie itself ever again, because of thinking this should have gone like this and so forth. To manipulate Rapunzel into doing whatever she wanted for her selfish gain, Gothel struck fear in Rapunzel so that she wouldn't leave the walls of their tower. What is Disney trying to say if the protagonist of their movie would say yes to all of the above in a heartbeat? As long as she's taken care of, she's fine. Prince John (Robin Hood) Rejected, Rapunzel changes the subject to focus on her oncoming birthday and asks Mother Gothel for paint made from white seashells as a birthday gift, which will require a three-day journey. Dislikes Tools: Besides Gothels sharp tongue, her only real tool is magic. The villain is uncharacteristically sympathetic, at least as far as Disney villains go. There, she frantically calls for Rapunzel to let down her hair, but no response is given. Net worth, Biography, Career, love and life, Who is Draya Michele? Disney probably has the largest animation empire. Gothel was a lazy mother, as evidenced by her treating her four-year-old daughter, Cassandra, as a maid by forcing her to do all household chores in their cottage by herself while Gothel spent all her time looking at herself at her magic mirrors and talking about the compliments she got by men, which also demonstrates her vanity. the beast game show how did shock g die Though its a shame that they cant make a profession out of their passion, these people likely keep doing what they love on the side. Perhaps the land IS riddled with the plague as Gothel warned, but Rapzunels hair keeps her immune? She goes for a direct approach in trying to bring Rapunzel back to the tower, but Rapunzel refuses, wanting to continue her journey and admitting she has some affection toward Flynn, believing them to be reciprocated. Home Full name Source: Disney. I try to imagine how I would react if I found out that my parents werent biologicallyrelated to me, but had kidnapped me for whatever reason when I was a baby, and I have now found my biological parents. Let us introduce you to the series of dark princesses which is created by an enthusiastic Disney fan. I do like that the good guys are the one to set actions in motion, even inadvertently. Your hair has returned! Narcissist love their children, but they love themselves more. Ones blond, ones raven-haired. However, shes very threatening to Rapunzel. What Disney Princesses Will Look Like If They Get CombatReady? She is also one the villains imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost. She encounters the very things that Gothel warned her about, ruffians and thugs, but thanks to contrived Disney logic, said thugs turn out to be warm-hearted fellas, who become instant BFFs with Rapunzel. Shes funny, sharp-tongued, blithely acerbic. Its not. I dont think the flower produces seeds, its a magic flower from the sun or something. Lets see how illustrator Paul Westover proves the poor decisions of Disney characters with 7 pics below! Instead, she feels like everyone owes her something. Anyone she comes into contact with, she uses. Stop with the mumbling. 20052023 JAK Schmidt, Inc. All rights reserved. She isolates the princess in a tower hidden in a forest far away from the rest of the kingdom, and raises her as her own daughter and taughts her the healing incantation. Their response? Also, she looks like Andie McDowell. Villains that can exist in real life, beyond the film, are scarier than villains like Freddy Krueger, who audiences know isn't real. The other half is what she did to Rapunzel. I think it's time to blow this scene. A Seattle native, Kacie has loved entertainment in the forms of books, films, television and music since day one. But there was one thingthat annoyed me about the movie, and thats the way it depicts the villian, Gothel, who is Rapunzels adopted mother/kidnapper. Gothel has to be wicked smart, or else she never would've gotten away with hiding the magical flower that gave off healing powers. ", "She wasn't exactly the nurturing type. Cassandra, you know your place is here, stop with the pouting. 18 Disney Princesses With A Dark Vibe Will Not Disappointing You, 15 Interesting Facts From Disneys Tangled You Might Miss, The Top 10 Christmas Anime To Watch This Holiday Season. Powers and abilities Not once does Gothel feel even a twinge of guilt for all the things she's done. In case you have never seen the movie, Tangledsofficial description reads: When the kingdoms most wanted, and most charming, bandit Flynn Rider hides in a mysterious tower, the last thing he expects to find is Rapunzel, a spirited teen with an unlikely superpower: 70 feet of magical golden hair! However, if you rewatch it twice and more, you will realize some little-known details mixed with magnificent animated scenarios. With the source of her healing powers gone, a horrified Mother Gothel tries to salvage Rapunzel's hair and rapidly begins to age when doing so. I had pretty strict parents when growing up and there were rules I had to obey, especially when I was a teen. Shes not overtly consumed with hatred or greed. Thus, they make Disney face-swapping photos that can never be unseen when seen. What will happen if she doesnt stay youthful? Happy ending, hooray, right? Even their clothes are designed with bright colors to make them look more wholesome and endearing. Yes, Gothels motives are definitely selfish, and shescan be pretty crummy as a mother (chaining up your kids is a no-no). Confident that Rapunzel is safe, an initially hesitant Mother Gothel agrees. Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone) Ones got a vicious sense of the humor, the others whimsically silly. "From what we know about her need to stay young, I would have expected her to keep this bedroom for herself and put you in the nook. Villains that build on normal persons and can exist in real life are far scarier than the villains who you know they will never show up, right? I love writing, and I especially enjoy writing for KITE MEDIA. Thats not necessarily a bad thing, but it also means shes not very threatening to me. To Eugene, Frederic is treating Rapunzel no better than how Gothel acted towards her. Scroll down to read more about them and see if you can recognize them the first time enjoying the movie about Rapunzel, a lost young princess with magical long blonde hair! I just havent been in the mood to sit down and watch movies lately. Gothel uses scare tactics and lies to keep Rapunzel from straying. Not the quick, dramatic passion of falling out a window and exploding into mummy-dust, but having a real conversation (angry or not) with the woman who raised you, about the fact that she is now going to rapidly age and die within a month, from an affliction you were unknowingly keeping her safe from. Let us know by leaving your comment in the box below! For most people, careers do not link much with their enthusiasm desperate, Gothel. Sun or something is also one the villains imprisoned on the Isle of the internet that... Not once does Gothel feel even a twinge of guilt for all the Disney that! She won & # x27 ; s relationship was forged completely on control and one-sided use., Gothel was only planning on cutting off a strand of Rapunzel 's long golden hair to herself! Nothing of her left forest, she is also one the villains imprisoned the... A poor choice and end up in dangerous situations no sense Snuggly Duckling just when theyre revealing their.! 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