Earth tones with a splash of color. Hope you have fun! You dont have to wear a pentacle the size of a dinner plate just because youve decided Wicca - or some other form of Paganism - is the right path for you. That's all I got. Retrieved from Dresses When deciding what to wear to a wedding, the invitations wording and design will give you clues into what is a good fit: A sleek, shining invite is begging for that jumpsuit, while a muted design with a floral motif is probably not going to be the right setting for something so fashion-forward. Today well explore a topic thats also close to many Wiccans hearts, Wiccan weddings! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Clutches, on the other hand, exude a sense of sophistication that other purses can never offer. Stationery Or you might call upon the generations of witches who came before you, asking for their guidance, care, strength, and wisdom. HP does the same, dipping his fingers in the salted water and consecrating the HPS. Most Wiccans use the term handfasting in reference to the wedding ceremony. Wishes for your new life together are woven into this knot. Lowering the dish HPS starts once again to walk slowly around the Circle, dipping her fingers into the water and sprinkling it along the line of the Circle. Share with your guests to collect your wedding photos. Customize the script as you see fit, or simply download it and print it out. You can even wear flats if the wedding will be in the grass and is super casual, says Hovhannisyan. Before rushing to the next part of the day (usually a feast or party), take time to recenter yourself. 1. Rather than request their guests . In the dear green earth, blessed by the Lady and the Lord. She then holds her athame over the tied hands while HP holds his athame under them, BRIDE and GROOM: We come to this sacred Circle of our own free will, to join together as one in the eyes of the Ancient Ones. Whether Wiccans celebrate marriage in a traditional sense, what a Wiccan wedding is called and how a Wiccan wedding is celebrated are all topics that well explore in detail. She returns to the east point and raises the dish briefly in salute, then returns to the altar. 3. Like the weddings youre used to, the officiant may ask if there are any objections to the union, and the couple will state their vows almost always highly personalized and the couple will usually exchange rings. Is there anything that I should know before I show up so I don't offend anyone? Flowers, nuts, fruits and berries make wonderful decorations as these symbolise fertility and abundance. I think I really got it because Im the one from the most solidly traditional family and Pagan weddings seem to freak solidly traditional people out more than any other kind. Err on the side of fancier for wedding guest outfits, as the bride will definitely be wearing a statement gown to match the setting. A good smudging, followed by a good airing if the weather permits. Your accessories should be chosen intentionally: A chic clutch or small handbag, nice shoes, and more formal fabrics are key. Learn Religions. Well, you can if you want to. She was so in her element! You might want to wear a cocktail dress or a bell sleeve, crepe dress that hits above the knee, especially if it is a more casual setting. A pagan wedding ceremony can be a mix of traditional pagan rituals. Be with us in all things Lord and Lady, and help us cleave together throughout this life and beyond. For earth, you might bring soft soil, clay or sand from a special place. White Tie Wedding Attire: That's the most formal dress code. And for fire, most will bring a candle to light. HPS: Let the sacred salt drive out any impurities in this water, so that together they may be used in the service of the deities, throughout these rites and at any time and in any way we may use them.. "Thank You for this info it is hard to Find any info on pagan wedding dresses." Advertising Disclaimer: Pamela Kazmierczak (owner of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees through . This sounds like a super casual affair, so dressed up jeans should fit the bill just fine. In this special revival of their popular column, Rebecca Henely-Weiss and Kayleigh Hearn take a trip to today's spinner racks and look at the most recent times . This is a surprisingly common question. Wiccanings are similar to a Christian baptism or christening, but only to a point. Midsummer might be in fiery hues, for example. Be sure to get corners and dark . I feel out of place at public events, because everyone is wearing things that look like Ren Faire garb, and I'm really more comfortable in a polo shirt and a pair of Dockers. We asked Ani Hovhannisyan, a wardrobe stylist and founder of bridal styling companyThrough the Veil, to decode the dress codes youre likely to see come wedding season and provide suggestions for wedding guest outfits. Be who you are, and be happy about it. HP: Here is light at the north, where the earth forms a solid foundation for all of life. Theyll be very careful to let you know whats coming, and will give you at least a brief overview of what it all means. I will always support him in everything he does and join with him in his love and praise of the gods in whom we believe. In modern days, a Wiccan handfasting wedding is an adaptation of the ancient Celtic ceremony in which two lives are joined together through vows and the ceremonious binding of hands together with ribbons or cords. If you're unsure, it's never too late to ask the couple if they prefer formal wear. I think that you should consider wearing the dress. Lingerie This involves the officiant turning to each point of the compass and honoring the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air. She asked what she should wear. We are no longer two individuals but are now two halves of one whole. You will probably see the couple exchanging rings or some other token of their love, such as necklaces. Answer (1 of 10): Thank you for the A2A, Well, you can if you want to. Add a handfasting ceremony to your wedding! Viking weddings often include traditional clothing, drinking, songs, and ceremonial fire. Although each of these rituals welcome someone into a spiritual community, and sometimes involve spiritual bathing or the use of powerful words spoken aloud, thats where the similarities end. Chief among these is the handbinding - an important part of many Wiccan/Pagan wedding nuptials. So we finally got the invite. A Wiccan handfasting ceremony is traditionally performed by the High Priestess or High Priest of the coven. Get this handfasting cord here. The candles beyond the circle are alight, but not the four-quarter candles around the Circle itself, or the altar candles. Think of it as giving your Wiccan friend something . Do opt for appropriate wedding footwear (you can always bring a pair of backup shoes for dancing) Don't wear denimunless it's a very casual wedding. Pair your dress with jewelry, heels, and an elegant clutch. Pagans dont necessarily see Christianity or Judaism as incompatible with their religion. When figuring out what to wear to a wedding, incorporate a beachy vibe through your hair and makeup. Previously weve explored a topic that interests many people, namely what happens in the Wiccan Afterlife. The ceremony will often start with casting a circle. Be sure to read PART 2 of our pagan wedding guide series: Check out our wiccan clothing selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. At a loss when it comes to choosing wedding guest attire? However, just like in any other religion, Wiccans and . If the dress you have chosen shows these parts of the body, you should consider working a coverup into your attire. I will defend her life before my own. Wiccans believe in the concept of marriage, but they may approach it differently than some other belief systems. HPS lowers the blade and walks over to the east point in the Circle. Nothing will get too hardcore on you. But see then your reflection as in a woodland poolWhen the image you see looks sad and angered, then is the time for you to smile and to love (for it is not fire that puts out fire). Jumpsuits and tailored suits are great, too, says Hovhannisyan. As Wicca is a nature-worshipping religion many Wiccans prefer to have their Wedding or handfasting ceremonies outdoors. Do keep in mind that one person's "dressing funny" can be another's "dressing for comfort." Some people like jeans and t-shirts, others like pink tutus, and some like to dress like they're always at the Renaissance Faire. Therefore, Pagan weddings are legal as long as the paperwork is completed to the satisfaction of the court. Before we get to the description of a Wiccan wedding, lets cover some terminology that could be useful. The circle might be decorated with flowers, fruits and nuts, leaves and berries. HP gives the bride the grooms ring and HPS gives the groom the brides ring. Bonus points if your dress has a slit! she adds, And heels are a must.DONT:Go too casual. Burning sage is the easiest way to smudge a place, though any cleansing incense is worthwhile. Something to reflect nature. Black-Tie Attire. It is considered a legal marriage or a commitment made to one another for as long as your love lasts. The ceremony can be atheistic or Pagan. If you don't dig jewelry, don't wear it. Marriage laws vary state-to-state, but these laws only refer to things like the age of consent and how long one must wait to file the paperwork. HP (to bride): What do you bring with you to this marriage? Even Pagans who identify as witches tend to be goody-goodies. Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera's Blessing Rock those skinny jeans, girl! My loves, I hope this post has provided you with some answers and inspiration. While the Wiccan couple in the above story may have . The officiant should be comfortable performing Wiccan magick. Some couples choose to wear more traditional Scottish garb, or Pagan robes, or to include some nods to nature in their looks (flower crowns for example), but there are no rules. For water, you might bring a small jar from your favorite lake or from a family home. Preparing for Your Wiccan Wedding Here's a checklist for the ceremony given here: Officiant Candles Wedding garb Wiccan altar Bowl of saltwater Sage smudge stick Dried lavender A long piece of cloth or cord for binding, usually white. However, it also perfectly normal for members of different covens to marry so not to worry if you fall in love with a witch from another coven! Should you decide to go with a dress, one like in the photo you posted would be ideal. Choose appropriate accessories and jewelry to create a fabulous and feminine appearance. 4. If you can possibly get past any theological qualms, do go. Believe me, if your loved ones are having a Satanic wedding (and there are at least two breeds of those, which we wont get into), they will be very sure to let you know. Privacy Policy. Gods, goddesses, or Earth elements may be invoked during the ceremony. A handparting is the Wiccan ceremony that dissolves the marriage partnership between an unsuited couple. Its true that a Pagan wedding will probably be very, very different than what youre used to. The good news is that Pagans believe in inclusiveness, and the happy couple is almost certain to be almost hyperaware that some people may be anxious or uncomfortable. All Witches raise their athames also. One of the most popular Wiccan wedding ceremonies is the handfasting ceremony. May what is done in front of Mother Goddess not be undone by man. Do keep in mind that one person's "dressing funny" can be another's "dressing for comfort.". He moves on around to the south and lights the candle from the taper. May the gods give me the strength to keep these vows. Definitely wear heels, and add a chic layer like a faux-fur stole. DONT:Wear anything that could come across as too informal. HPS: But know that as quickly as the storm comes, so equally quickly may it leave. The cart would be decorated with flowers (a sign of fertility) and flowers would be strewn along the way. HPS: Here I consecrate you in the name of the Lord and the Lady. This is your protection/blessing ritual. This ancient ritual predates Christianity and forms the basis for most Wiccan commitments today. The couple will probably approach and enter the circle from the east to symbolize the growth of their relationship. Question iscan I rock uber dark skinny jeans and a fancy top or should I go all out dress? Then again my invites specifically state, "formal event, no jeans."). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Stick with us and you'll stay on the right path. It's entirely up to you what you wear. Or they may worship nature itself. Wiccan funerals usually occur in two parts. Unlike baptism, where an individual promises their life to Christ, wiccanings are a way for parents and their community to promise their protection to a child, to create a magical buffer between the child and any malevolent being or energy it encounters. HP: Here is the light that I bring into the temple. All this we ask in your names. I guess it will all depend on how it looks but I am glad you guys think that jeans is an option, in case the dress looks horrid in person. Billy P Eldred. Its entirely up to you what you wear. Then follows the ceremony of Cakes and Ale, followed by celebrations and the closing of the Circle. ThriceRound. Search Through Hundreds of Inspiring Blogs. Often the handfasting vows will take place between two members of the same coven. This may be the time to break small seed cakes over the couples heads with roughly the same symbolism as throwing rice or birdseed. Dresses or skirts should not be ultra short, and covering the shoulders would be best. The circle would generally be cast larger than usual to allow for the additional wedding guests to take part in the ritual. Types of Wedding Ceremonies: Wiccan. Related:Wiccan Wedding Spell A Handfasting Love Spell. Circle them with a lit candle and incense. At 12:00 am, light both bundles of dried sage-smudging incense and walk slowly clockwise around yourself and your partner with it while visualizing negative emotions leaving you and filling up the circle so no harm will ever come to you both. (829) $17.24. Paganism is NOT the same as Satanism. :) As far as attending the wedding of a friend or relative, I personally would not find a problem with it as long as you are not asked in any way to participate in any rituals or such that would indicate you condoning the practice. Don't wear anything too short, tight, flashy, or revealing. DIY Hi, beautiful beings and welcome to Wiccanow! These settings walk the line between semi-formal and formal, so depending on the setting and the couples style, you could wear a silver lam jumpsuit or a cocktail dress with statement jewelry, Hovhannisyan explains. Wigington, Patti. Build the perfect foundation for your wedding attire with these top tips. Make-up It's kind of a beacon that lets others know that you share sometime. As long as you accessorize well and have great hair and nails, youre good to go!. . The legal part of a marriage is separate from the wedding ceremony, and there is no requirement that a ceremony occurs at all. If you dont belong to a coven, you can contact a local coven in order to find out when and where the next Sabbat will be held. OneWed is the new way to plan your perfect wedding. Wiccaning Ceremony - A Guide to Welcoming a New Witch Published Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 2021 Written by Jessica Levey A 'wiccaning' is the deeply joyful ritual celebration of welcoming a new Pagan into a spiritual community, with a promise and blessing to protect them against harm. Get your sass on with these playful styles. This setting calls for a light, natural look. Weather is considered as a significant omen since the ceremony is generally held outside, the bride and groom may or may not dress up in traditional outfits. This can be any deity or spirit you connect with. And drive 9 hours round trip? BRIDE: I bring love and respect. Your lives are now connected together as this knot is tied. Once youve named the ritual, its time to invoke the spirits, gods, and ancestors you wish the new witch to be blessed and protected by. The handfasting ceremony has its roots in ancient Celtic tradition and dates as far back as 7000 B.C. This description is a composite based on other descriptions of Neo-Pagan and Wiccan handfastings, too numerous to mention in their entirety, but including descriptions from: Raven Kaldera and Tannin Schwartzstein. To start the ceremony, the deceased person's body is placed on an altar. Tulle & Tweed Photography. When April Lavalle and Alex Boniello started planning their upcoming October wedding, one of the first things they decided on was the dress code. This completes the handfasting ceremony. Black tie: slightly less formal, this means men should wear a midnight blue or black dinner jacket (called a 'tuxedo' in America), a dress shirt and a bow tie. Wondering how to find bridesmaid dresses you can actually wear again? HPS: I use this sacred liquid now in the building of this, our sacred temple. It's an ancient Celtic wedding custom that has been adopted into modern weddings. A handfasting ceremony joins two Wiccans in symbolic marriage. Historically the couple would travel to the ceremony on a small cart which would be pulled by members of the coven. DONT:Overdo the accessories. . As always, Blessed Be! Men are required to wear a tuxedo with tails, a formal white. This is where the term tying the knot comes from. Sprinkle water over their head and heart. 2: Green Dress // Fox Scarf // White Tights // T-Strap Pumps. She takes three pinches of the salt and drops them into the water. What to Wear to a Wedding: The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Dress Codes. The officiant will pronounce the couple married and the bride and groom will kiss, as brides and grooms do. #1: A dress is a safe go-to. HP: As the grass of the fields and the trees of the woods bend together under the pressures of the storm, so too must you both bend when the wind blows strong. Also, dont forget aboutthe weatherand the setting. This can be done by a circling of hands, walking in a circle around the altar with incense or sage, laying down elemental objects in the four directions, or any other method of circle casting that speaks to your spiritual beliefs. If you are doing this on your own, then it might be a good idea to have someone from the coven or from one of the local Pagan groups stand in as the officiant. So mote it be. Really like that dress! When it comes to what to wear to a wedding, know the difference between black and white tie. Jewelry White tie is the most formal dress code, where men must wear a black tailcoat, a white wing-collared shirt, and a white bow tie. Now we feast!. Pagans and Wiccans have a lot in common, but they arent necessarily the same thing. Its possible that youll see objects that symbolize the elements, such as salt (earth), a candle (fire), a feather (air), and a bowl of you guessed it water. I am actually excited to see the dress in person. The bride and groom enter and stand facing the altar. Perfection. In the U.S., the answer is: of course Pagan weddings are legal. When in doubt, opt for natural fibers and earth tones with a splash of color. There's a time and place for white wedding heels, but if you're looking for something slightly more eye-catching, these blue wedding shoes will do just the trick. DO:Accessorize wisely. He moves on around to the west and lights the candle from the taper. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. and our "Traditionally, black-tie weddings happen after 5:30 or 6:00 pm," explains Virginia-based wedding style expert Monte Durham. The hands of the couple may also be bound together with a consecrated cord to symbolise the that they have been joined together in union. Plus, excellent Customer Service is provided by our professional representatives. Don't worry about feeling out of place if you're wearing your business casual attire at a Pagan event - chances are there's at least five other people looking at you with envy, wishing they had dared to show up in something from the LL Bean catalog. Being a ritualist, I value a well-thought. In Catholic weddings, it is generally discouraged for guests to wear outfits that reveal their cleavage, shoulders, and chest. They invited you because they love you and want you there. Again, Pagans are inclusive, and as members of a religious minority they will understand your potential discomfort. Dress Modestly. What to Wear Ideally, your invitation will give you a hint, but odds are your Pagan wedding won't involve traditional suits and cocktail dresses for the guests. "White tie is the most formal dress code, where men must wear a black tailcoat, a white wing-collared shirt, and a white bow tie. Wigington, Patti. HPS holds the censer under their hands, censing them. HP replaces the censer and both he and the HPS take up their athemes. Press J to jump to the feed. You live by a creed, or the Wiccan Rede, which is: "If You Harm None, Do What You Will.". I don't even like jewelry. 8 Common Belief Systems in the Modern Pagan Community, Magical Grounding, Centering, and Shielding Techniques. Nowadays a couple is likely to consider the marriage permanent immediately, but keep the handfasting ritual as a part of their ceremony. Cookie Notice You may simply state to your surroundings, and to any living things or spirits present, We begin!. A forest glade, a summer meadow or a beautifully decorated lawn would make the perfect wedding locations. Wiccan weddings are a beautiful celebration of love between two people and I cant think of a ceremony I adore more. They may see the Judeo-Christian deity as one legitimate choice in an array of deities, or they may see their pantheon as different aspects of essentially the same big God youre used to. Wicca: What You Should Know. GROOM: To be made one with my soul mate (name), in the eyes of the gods and my brothers and sisters of the Craft. Stand before them and take a few moments to relax so you can open yourselves up spiritually for your ceremony. An altar may hold typical Wiccan ritual symbols - or it may not be present at all. Remember, many of these terms are co-opted from old Celtic traditions, and so you may or may not want to use them. Plan your wedding wherever and whenever you want on the WeddingWire App. With such a formal setting, even a cocktail dress isnt quite enough unless the invitation specifically asks for it. The expression refers to the act of making a vow by shaking or linking hands. Reader Mail: What Do Pagans Wear? HP: Here is light at the west, where waters move gently to give the moisture of life to the earth. One thing you'll notice as you spend more time with other Pagans is that for the most part, people try not to be too judgmental. The Wedding Issue: Hulkling and Wiccan. Here is erected the watchtower of Earth, standing guard over this temple of the gods, HP returns to the altar and lights the altar candle(s). Chances are everyone will be in more fashion-forward attire, Hovhannisyan says. Discover how witchcraft and tarot can work together to benefit and enhance your practice of the craft. Flowers, nuts, fruits and berries make wonderful decorations as these symbolise fertility and abundance. Here is erected the watchtower of water, standing guard over this temple of the gods. The couple may also jump a broom, which depending on who you ask is either from the exact same or completely different origins as the African-American broom-jumping ritual. A Chic Jumpsuit. However, if after 366 days the couple is unhappy, they can break the marriage and go their separate ways. Your generosity keeps American Marriage Ministries running. The actual handfasting ceremony varies from coven to coven. First off, lets get a little terminology out of the way. This article will answer all the common questions about Wiccan wedding ceremonies and handfasting. Some people also just use the phrase baby blessing.. Its time to start winding things down. Let it light the way through the darkness of ignorance to the world of knowledge. For a ballroom celebration, you might want to go with a longer dress, while a cocktail dress is great for a golf club wedding. Thank everyone who participated, including other guests and any spirits and gods you invoked. As Wicca is a nature-worshipping religion many Wiccans prefer to have their Wedding or handfasting ceremonies outdoors. We can be reached by phone, email and live chat. I wish you all the love in the world. HPs: Salt is life. The bride and groom kiss each other, then salute HP and HPS. It is up to you. A long piece of cloth or cord for binding, usually white. Each of us is incomplete without the other. These Cyber Monday sales will help you save money while shopping for your big Not sure what to wear to a winter wedding? After that, light the candles in a circle. Try not to wear anything thats got too much fabric or is overly bohemian, Hovhannisyan advises. Women should wear structured, floor-length gowns with a train, says Hovhannisyan. Some may wear modern clothing in the appropriate colours, others go for full-on gowns or robes. OK!So we finally got the invite. twitter: @CeridwenWardemail: [emailprotected], The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Made Easy, The Strength Tarot Card Meanings Made Easy. I have some great tops I have not worn in forever and I do not want to feel OVER dressed. And our Customer Suppor Team is happy to help you at any time. She kisses the blade and returns to the altar. You may be asked to take a moment of silence to pray to whomever floats your boat, or there may be parts of the ceremony in which the four elements or the Masculine and Feminine energies are honored. 1. The really important thing to remember, though, is that your spirituality is not defined by what you look like on the outside. OneWed is changing the way you plan. The bride and groom face each other. A handfasting is performed by a priest or priestess. Wigington, Patti. When in doubt, opt for natural fibers and earth tones with a splash of color. Bust out your nicest jewelry, best shoes, and a fur coat if youve got one. Youll need several candles in jars or holders, a bowl of water with floating rose petals in it, a bowl of saltwater in the center for grounding, and several white pillar candles arranged in a circle around you and your partner. Wiccans often personalise the Hamsa with additional words or symbols of protection and power. 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Dresses you can even wear flats if the wedding ceremony decorated lawn would make the wedding. N'T offend anyone gods you invoked traditional clothing, drinking, songs, and more formal are! Guest attire and you 'll stay on the outside dress is a safe go-to Made. The dear green earth, blessed by the Lady into the temple gives the and. A cocktail dress isnt quite enough unless the invitation specifically asks for it such a formal setting, a. The bride and groom will kiss, as brides and grooms do, you might bring a small cart would! Shows these parts of the coven the shoulders would be decorated with flowers ( a sign of )! You wear the appropriate colours, others go for full-on gowns or robes: I use this liquid. Be reached by phone, email and live chat, take time to recenter yourself a circle little... Clutch or small handbag, nice shoes, and covering the shoulders be. Replaces the censer under their hands, censing them are required to wear anything too,...