Navy PMK-EE (PMKEE) for E-6 Career Information, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. a. D. Leadership, If you meet the requirements for the Navy Good Conduct Medal, you also meet the requirements for: Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out. Be sure to show the pairing of the general terms in the sets. Which of the following items is a requirement for Officer Candidate School applicants? MEPS 6 \end{array} 13 days d. E-5 ; 8 yr, Members being considered for assignment to embassy duty should be between what paygrades? On your performance evaluation, performance traits are graded on what total points scale? He received a Significant Problems on last eval, On Navy evaluations, knowledge of military courtesies is marked in what block US Navy We expect these rates to change because we resolved cases and removed duplicate responses during data processing. a. 10-81), Administrative Remarks): (1) Remove the erroneous service record entry from the service record and destroy it. An analysis of the company's insurance policies provided the following facts. To ensure NSIPS/ESR data is accurate and up-to-date prior to detaching from a duty station, which of the following should be verified? Post 9/11 GI Bill Alternatives can also include allowing the individual to access their data remotely and download a copy in an appropriate format. c. Rating roadmaps only b. c. Rating roadmaps only While the exemptions listed above are those most likely to apply in practice, the DPA 2018 contains additional exemptions that may be relevant when dealing with a SAR. A third party can also make a SAR on behalf of another person. No. command you have been either Transfer to or have been to Annual Training there. a. Disability b. E-4 to E-8 Operation Homefront, MYPAY It would be located on the left bottom When should you specifically update RED/DA information in your electronic service record? If you are unsure, you can ask for information to verify an individuals identity. d. POs Jane and John, When a member's remaining amount of time on active duty is completed under an extension with the discharge being listen as "under honorable", what benefits should he lose, if any? Electronic Service Record The Electronic Service Record (ESR) provides individual sailors, Personnel Support Detachments (PSD), Personnel Offices that are service record holders. 1070-130. Individual Sailors should acquire their Navy-Wide Advancement Exam Profile sheet from what resource? b. Can we force an individual to make a SAR? Bad conduct administrative remarks. Associate only . Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. from the U.S. A person transitioning to the Fleet Reserve or retiring should begin Transition Goals, Plans, and Success services what minimum number of months prior to transition? 5. grade/rate 6. previous edition may be used. Fundamentals a. Frocked Evaluations What affiliations are discussed in a Career Development Board? As an opportunity to convert to a new rate, a Sailor in an overmanned rate should use which of the following force shaping tools? 100% Library and Archives Canada, RG 150, accession 1992-93/166, box 3698-53. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to design your nappers 1070 613 form: Select the document you want to sign and click Upload. Job Task Performance 3 0 obj NETPDTC You need to be satisfied that you know the identity of the requester (or the person the request is made on behalf of). d. Request commanding officer's mast, c. Apply to the Board of Corrections of Naval records, In performance evaluations, a recommendation of Must Promote or Early Promote may not be assigned, when any individual performance trait is marked with what grade? a. are in the same box the next time you log in. b. PO John only Which of the following types of information can NOT be accessed via BUPERS online (BOL), NOT physical readiness information management system. a. E-6 ; 8 yr 4 b. b. b. Applicable technical manuals a. Applicable commercial publications To maintain equipment at maximum operating efficiency Is this statement true or false? D. All of the above, C. For BUPERS to use when making advancement-in-rate assignment decisions, What section of the PQS standards deals with the major working parts of an installation? service there should be a NAVPERS 1670/604 (Page 4), which consists of 4 pages Individuals have the right to access and receive a copy of their personal data, and other supplementary information. To reduce equipment downtime your Time in rate would be January 1st 2004. d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, All of the following publications are listed on bibliographies for advancement-in-rate exams, EXCEPT which one? Future Sailors! The following information concerns the adjusting entries to be recorded as of that date. The majority of sexual assaults involve force or threat of force. Cuisine International sold kitchen equipment on credit to the Shoreline Resort. Where would my awards be located? February 2002 google_ad_height = 90; $ MAP. b. Which of the following organizations is responsible for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP)? DVIDS a. D. EM. COs may waive up to a year of required time-in-rate for Early Promote Sailors in what paygrade(s)? c. Underway replenishment manning goals NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS" z z Report of Medical Examination (NSCADM 021) z z Report of Medical History (NSCADM 020) z z Cadet Application and Agreement (NSCADM 001) z Record of Awards (NSCADM 010) a. Guidance for reduction in rate of enlisted personnel due to incompetency is found in what MILSPERSMAN article? Service-in-paygrade. D. None of the above, B. Bad conduct milConnect A. Commissioning program only Before responding to a SAR for information held about a child, you should consider whether the child is mature enough to understand their rights. 13 For more information, please see our guidance about exemptions. CIRIMS Use the present value Table B.3 in Appendix B to determine which is the best alternative for the customer (assume you have enough cash to accept any alternative and the annual interest rate is 12% compounded monthly). Author: N. Smith. The company's annual accounting period ends on December 31, 2015. their right to make a complaint to the ICO or another supervisory authority; and. \textbf{Sales (in millions)} & \$12 & \$14 & \$11 & \$12 & \$15 & \$14\\ \hline B. e. Since the company is not large enough to occupy the entire building it owns, it rented space to a tenant at $3,000\$ 3,000$3,000 per month, starting on November 1, 2015. AGSM, Inc b. Officer Female On the enlisted evaluation, which, if any, of the following performance traits marks . What are some advancement topics discussed at the Career Development Board? a. Entries. D. All of the above, What type of training do you receive during daily operation and maintenance situations? e. NAVPERS 1070/605 (History of Assignments(Page 5)Current), ___ Separation career development boards are held at what level Command Active duty member and ready reservists will submit a new or updated family care plan no later than what deadline 60 days after the child's birth for active duty, and 90 days for Ready Reservists. b. Counseling sheet Then tap the card to flip it. f. On November 1, the company rented space to another tenant for $2,800\$ 2,800$2,800 per month. Not usually. It is good practice to establish the individuals preferred format prior to fulfilling their request. B. (3)$38,500 down and no payments for 25 months. a. Plan my move NFAAS Service records: Usually the most detailed record of a soldier's time in the army. The Family Care Plan should be completed by what personnel? Marta NavyGirl Martin, SPC of your awards, they are located on the third page or if they were from Active ISBN: 9781925323559. Study 104-Administrative Fundamentals flashcards. Magazine page 7 18 mo Privacy Act of 1974), ___ c. OPNAV 5510/414 (Personnel Reliability What Navy special incentive award was designed to find new ideas that effectively increase performance? Commander's comments in the supporting justification will The right of access, commonly referred to as subject access, gives individuals the right to obtain a copy of their personal data, as well as other supplementary information. Refer to Chapter 4 of the IRAM for correct format and verbiage. PUBLIC AFFAIRS BASIC TRAINING MANUAL Description: Armed forces service records containing records of individuals' service in the British armed forces. d. Education, Career Management System-Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID) identifies Sailors who have not made an assignment decision. Federal Voting 3 consecutive days of confinement on bread and water Our detailed guidance provides further information on what you need to consider in these circumstances. Arnez Co. follows the practice of recording prepaid expenses and unearned revenues in balance sheet accounts. Voices of Education NOT possess a minimum of an Associate degree. Execution . CNRC b. A performance evaluation must be signed in what color(s) of ink? TWMS Your current order would be on the left Applications for the STA-21 program must be postmarked no later than what date? Countersigned by regular reporting senior. A. The member is making progress but not ready for advancement. CSM-ID A Performance evaluation must be signed in what color of ink? Use the information to prepare adjusting entries as of December 31, 2015. Seaman Able just checked onboard and should have a Career Development Board within what maximum number of days? c. Special Evaluations 1070-140. . Executive Officers 4 How should we supply information to the requester? f. NAVPERS 1070/604 (Enlisted Qualifications History(Page 4)), ___ The folder bears the name, SSN, and branch of service of the member. We understand how to perform a reasonable search for the information. Which of the following organizations is responsible for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP)? To give sailors a chance for greater responsibility, What is the objective of the enlisted advancement system? Bad conduct B. There are 2 forms that are used for obtaining VA medical records. Matthew Manuscript army lists, 1702-1823, WO 64. d. Academic Skills, All of the following criteria are required to participate in the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE), EXCEPT with one? d. Bachelor only, What program provides on-duty courses to help Sailors improve their reading and mathematical skills? c. June You should submit which of the following documents? An immigrant alien who has been lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence has what document? Page 2 of 7 2. c. E-7 to E-9 d. Give an individual facts, whether pleasant or unpleasant. b. Counseling Record (E1-E6)), ___ u. NAVPERS 1070/615 (Record of Discharge b. NAVY Sports, Military a. NAVPERS 1070/881 d. Request commanding officer's mast, c. Apply to the Board of Corrections of Naval records, In performance evaluations, a recommendation of Must Promote or Early Promote may not be assigned, when any individual performance trait is marked with what grade? a. NAVPERS 1070/881 a. d. E-5 to E-9, When enlisted members are convicted at a special or general court-martial within the last 12-months or are found guilty at a summary court-martial, what total percentage of the credentialing cost will Navy Cool fund for the Sailor? When calculating the advancement-in-rate final multiple score, Flag Letters of Commendation provide what total number of combined points? However, you are not required to conduct searches that would be unreasonable or disproportionate to the importance of providing access to the information. No minimum standard to reenlist NOT opportunity to advance while participating in the program. c. Aliens who are other than immigrant Aliens. below. 118(11) page 11 entry dated 960104 from his service records. In regards to performance evaluations, a PIM used for what period of time? Most likely it would always be under the record of disclosure. c. 25% Page 4 of 6 (b) For Enlisted: NAVPERS 1070/613, Administrative Remarks (Discharge) Non-Regular (Reserve) Retirement (1) Notice of Eligibility (NOE) or Annual Retirement Point Record/Annual Statement of Service History (ARPR/ASOSH); (2) Non-regular Retirement Orders . Duty you can also look on your DD 214. d. Schedules for upcoming watch bill, A request for high year tenure (HYT) waiver should be submitted what minimum number of months prior to the HYT date? Security Investigation, Clearance and Access), ___ e. Current permanent change of station B. d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, All of the following publications are listed on bibliographies for advancement-in-rate exams, EXCEPT which one? This enclosure is required in all applications. To correct a deficiency in the performance of duty, what administrative tool should be used? Captai s application with supporting documents been reviewed concerning his request for removal of the Administrative Remarks (1070) NAVMC NAVY 2014 Paychart Data Warehouse W.A.V.E. 1 day Which of the following opportunities are discussed at the Career Development Board? ___ r. All personal and unit awards, citations, When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, tap "retry" to try those cards again. Submit a military records request for documents like your DD214, awards, decorations, performance reports, orders, qualifications, and security clearance. The timescale for responding to a SAR does not begin until you have received the requested information. h. SGLV 8286 (Servicemans Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate), ___ What commissioning program afford the selected applicant an opportunity to earn a baccalaureate degree on a full-time basis? If youre an E-3 you must have 6 months D. None of the above, Which of the following is/ are objectives of the 3-M systems? This site is not endorsed by the b. PERS 81 On the performance evaluation, a Sailor received a 2.0 trait grade in Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity. Service schools that Sailors have attended are documented on what electronic service record form? a. PURPOSE. The Family Care Plan should be completed by what personnel? You should perform a reasonable search for the requested information. What should we consider when responding to a request? b. You should make reasonable efforts to find and retrieve the requested information. d. 1.0, After performance evaluations are completed for a group of Sailors, the command is required to mail them to what PERS code? Record(thru Dec 1995), ___ x. NAVPERS 1070/605 (History of Assignments A Sailor may submit a statement to record about any performance evaluation within what total amount of time after the report's ending date? A statement to the record about your performance evaluation is limited to what total number of pages, if any? l. NAVPERS 1070/601 (Immediate Reenlistment Contract), ___ b. PO John only As enclosures, copies of the appellant's record of . (1) Commissioned officers: All service record documents. To calculate an FMS, which of the following information is NOT used? If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just tap on the card to take it out of the box. c. 7 consecutive days of correctional custody On your performance evaluation, what trait grade, if any, represents performance to full Navy standards? For eligibility to take the advancement exam, what is the time-in-rate requirement from E3 to E4? An individual does not need to use a specific form of words, refer to legislation or direct the request to a specific contact. INN & SUITES Understanding-Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program. He received a Progressing on last eval Individuals can make SARs verbally or in writing, including via social media. b. 1070-330. Page 13. An E-5 with an active duty start date of 01 July 1995 has what high year tenure gate? d. NAVPERS 1070/601, To correct an injustice on your Navy record, what action should you take? d. POs Jane and John, When a member's remaining amount of time on active duty is completed under an extension with the discharge being listen as "under honorable", what benefits should he lose, if any? To increase the number of reenlistments in under-manned ratings, the Navy uses what incentive program? c. General A Sailor having one general or special courts martial conviction qualifies for what re-enlistment code? Sailors should lose their opportunity to negotiate orders what total number of months prior to the projected rotation date (PRD)? TRACK Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support If you look on the PG 13 (Administration a. E-6 to E-8 YN3 John Doe has been assigned Temporary Additional Duty Under Instruction to your command for 30 days and you want his performance for this period noted. Eligibility), ___ h. NRPC 1570/9 (Naval Reserve Retirement You should consult our detailed guidance for further detail about the circumstances in which it is unlawful to require an individual to make a SAR. Tuition Assistance He received a Significant Problems on last eval You may also receive a SAR made on behalf of an individual through an online portal. Investigation Certificate which then it would be located after that instead. a. Military Bearing D. Overseas duty only, C. Reenlistment, overseas duty, and commissioning program, What type of document require the CO's signature? d. 1.0, After performance evaluations are completed for a group of Sailors, the command is required to mail them to what PERS code? C. "A" School c. 2 Weknow how to recognise a subject access request and we understand when the right of access applies. . Selection to the STA-21 program results in loss of which of the following benefits? 17 ),