Conveyance has been defined to include: every decree or final order of any Civil Court. The instruments specified in the Schedule-I to the Act are covered by this Act. (ii) the Municipal Corporations of the Cities of Thane, Pune, Nagpur and Navi Mumbai-. Stamp duty in Mumbai depends on a lot of factors. The Penalty on the instruments mentioned in the Appendix is reduced to ten percent of total penalty on the deficient portion of the duty for the period commencing from 1. in sub-clause (c), in column (1) ,the word and shall be deleted; for sub-clause (d) ,the following sub-clauses shall be substituted ,namely:-, AGREEMENT OR ITS RECORDS OR MEMORANDUM OF AN AGREEMENT, AGREEMENT RELATING TO DEPOSIT OF TITLE DEEDS, PAWN, PLEDGE OR HYPOTHECATION, CLEARANCE LIST FOR HOUSE OF STOCK EXCHANGE, CLEARANCE LIST FOR HOUSE OF COTTON ASSOCIATION, CLEARANCE LIST FOR HOUSE OF A BULLION ASSOCIATION, CLEARANCE LIST FOR HOUSE OF OIL SEED ASSOCIATION, CLEARANCE LIST RELATING TO TRANSACTIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OR SALE OF OIL SEEDS SUBMITTED TO THE CLEARING HOUSE OF A OIL SEED ASSOCIATION. Vide Notification No. . For all properties with a market value below Rs.30 Lakh, the registration charges are set at a static Rs.30,000. A license may apply to any type of IP -trademark, patent, copyright,design and/or know-how. There are a host of legal formalities involved. Act LX of 1958) as amended from time to time. Certain departments, organisations, institutions etc., to ensure payment of stamp duty-, (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that any State Government Department, institution of local self-Government, semi Government organization, banking or non-banking financial institution or the body owned, controlled or substantially financed by the State Government or any class of them, shall ensure that the proper duty is paid to the State Government through Government Receipt Accounting System (G.R.A.S.) The two leading decisions on this definition are those of the Supreme Court in the case of. 9.6 Deficient portion of stamp duty : amount of maximum penalty increased. Explanation II. By Notification dated 28th March 2020, the Government of Maharashtra had announced a concession in Stamp Duty rate @ 1% for 2 years with effect from 1st April 2020. Circular w.e.f. every order made by the High Court u/s. } E-payment of stamp duty can be done through: Online payment into the Virtual Treasury through Government Revenue and Accounting System (GRAS) 12; or Electronic Secured Bank and Treasury Receipt (e-SBTR) issued by authorised banks 13. Patents The Patents Act does not contain any restrictions on the assignment of a licence. This section deals with Stamp Duty on instruments (written documents). Stamp duty in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur and Nashik on sale, mortgage and gift deed details will attract a 1% metro cess from April 1, 2022 as these places have metro projects -operational or work under progress. Stamp Duty Consultant & Registration of all types of Documents; Registration of Firm, Property, Brand, Logo, Trademark; Leave & License Agreement (Online Registration) Notice of Intimation . 25-3-2013: As per amended Section 17 of Registration Act, 1908 registration of: Irrevocable Power of Attorney relating to transfer of immovable property in any way, executed on or after 1-4-2013. agreement over any right to a registered geographical indication (section 24). (2) Letter of hypothecation accompanying a bill of exchange, ARTICLE 10 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF A COMPANY. ; (b) in Article 34, in column 2, in the above proviso,- (i) for the words at the same rate as specified in this article or at the rate of rupees ten for every rupees five hundred or part thereof on the market value the words and figure at the rate of 3 per cent. Now, Let's discuss the Stamp Duty in State-Delhi. The Union Government notified Part I of Chapter IV of the Finance Act, 2019 and promulgated the Indian Stamp (Collection of Stamp- Duty through Stock Exchanges, Clearing Corporations and Depositories) Rules, 2019.The Amendment seeks to: address the stamp duty regime recognising the technological changes in the field of financial securities, which today are primarily, done electronically through the stock exchange or through authorized clearing corporations and the depositories; and, provide for a centralized collection mechanism under which the stamp duty is to be collected at one place by one agency (i.e. ], A. // -->