As others said, Akainu melted part of his face. [57], As a testament to Whitebeard and Marco's closeness, the latter was aware of the former's childhood circumstances as an orphan of Sphinx, which led to Whitebeard's career of piracy. Akainu in a hard fight 13%. For the chapter of the same name, see Chapter 576. Poll MF Akainu vs MF Whitebeard (48 votes) Result is the same 25%. Sengoku literally transforms into his Buddha form and attacks Luffy and Mr.3 and all the Blackbeard pirates and they all come out none the worse for wear. [128] Even with his health issues, Whitebeard was still considered the world's most dangerous and powerful pirate. He got hit point black with a couple devastating attacks and he comes out of it just blood from his head. Admirals and yonko are on the same tier, Akainu alone could give Whitebeard an Hard-Extremely diff fight this means Garp and Sengoku could do the same and so could Aokiji. WB got his title years ago, but he himself stated that he won't be the strongest forever. Part of it is for plot-related reasons - Akainu needs to survive for future events to pan out the way that Oda's planned. Make sure you . does anyone think that it actually effected garp? ), as Newgate does not possess an actual beard. After Whitebeard's death, Blackbeard stole his Devil Fruit powers, conquered his territories, and usurped his post as one of the Four Emperors. [149] His Haoshoku Haki was displayed to a far greater extent against his longtime rival, Gol D. Roger, as their clashing Haoshoku Haki cracked the air, creating an effect akin to lightning and generating a shock wave that blew back everything and everyone on and near the island. [103], Whitebeard considered Kaidou a powerful and fearsome pirate and for this, he chose not to march into Wano Country to wage war against his crew just to avenge Oden's death, knowing that it would cause many casualties.[64]. It's same as Kaido knocking out Luffy on rooftop but not killing him.. Luffy woke up later as well with bleedings and such but without any serious injury. After the incident at God Valley, they went their separate ways to form their own crews and became Emperors. These are characters that need entire islands to fight. Edward Newgate,[12] more commonly known as "Whitebeard", was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and was widely known as the "Strongest Man in the World" and, after Gol D. Roger's death, the "Man Closest to One Piece". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. what is crocodile gonna do to an admiral? And Akainu getting knocked is same as Kidd and Law knocking BM off battle. Whitebeard's color scheme as depicted initially in the manga. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. He then proceeded to brutally injure Whitebeard and kill Ace. @stealthgrey: Akainu Hakai>>>>Current Luffy Haki, mening luffy can't damage him just like WB commanders couldn't and Both where using Haki here and Akainu no sells it post WB Fight, Kaido and Akainu is a split fight too but Akainu should have the edge due to his DF and skills. I mean we all know WB could have just been like "fuck it" and sink the whole island, but all of his crew would have been wiped at that moment. Whitebeard blocks and subsequently extinguishes a molten rock from Admiral Akainu. Whitebeard was a brief member of the Rocks Pirates for a certain period of his life, specifically until the God Valley Incident, when the crew met its downfall. I feel like Fuji, Kizaru, Akainu or Aoiiji would still deal the same amount of damage to you(if they hit) with their fruits at 100 years of age as they do now. his head got bended and slammed into the ground plus whitebeard landed a direct blow to his ribs with all his force, I feel like akoji being the weakest out of the admirals but still a beast. Akainu no-diffed Ace and made sure Whitebeard does not get out of Marinefod alive, even though whitebeard won the short term fight, akainu did the most damage in the long term, he was the. In his prime, he was one of the few able to take on the Pirate King Gol D. Roger, battling him for days to a draw. Privacy Policy. [19], As a child, he wore a light-colored sleeveless shirt with the word "Power" (, Chikara?) In the past, they used to be part of the Rocks Pirates. Squard, in return, thought of Whitebeard as a father figure, but felt betrayed when he thought that Whitebeard was planning to sacrifice all of his subordinate crews to save Ace, leading him to stab the Emperor in a surprise attack. [85] The status of Whitebeard's other former territories is currently unknown, but Blackbeard appears to have taken over most of them during his ascent to Four Emperors status, as he has over two decades of experience with the Whitebeard Pirates and thus knows which islands they were protecting.[87]. In short, I totally understand from a storyline perspective how Akainu remains as the ultimate antagonist from the World Government/Marines, but Oda's rendition of Akainu during Marineford severely undercuts plot consistency with Oda's description of Whitebeard as the strongest Yonko. Picture WB doing the same to Kaido or BM, do you think they should limp afterwards? [102], Even in his old age he was able to effortlessly defeat Ace over a hundred times, even once while he was sleeping. He also avoided Marco and Vista attacks in a Katakuri-like fashion. I just don't buy it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Current Akainu>=Prime WB>>>MF Akainu>>>Sick WB. [34], Despite his fierce reputation, Whitebeard was a compassionate man, having adopted countless people of different backgrounds into his crew as his foster children, such as Squard, whose life was devastated by Roger killing his crew, or Teach, who requested to join his crew due to being homeless. a g2 luffy punch was able to make garp bleed. According to Luffy and Rayleigh, Haki attacks should let someone punch even Logia users but it doesn't seem to be the case here. [96] Most of all, he refused to accept Shanks as anything more than the kid he was 22 years ago and believed he was 100 years too young to tell him what to do. /s. Post quake sakazuki simple went underground to chase luffy he didnt even get knocked out just fell in a crack. During his tenure as a pirate, he was a known member of the legendary Rocks Pirates and later in life became part of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World,[5][4] before his death in the Summit War of Marineford.[13]. Because of this, he was one of the most outraged members regarding Thatch's murder, viewing such a thing as an unforgivable offense to Whitebeard's ideals. Yes, Whitebeard's quakes cause tsunamis, shift Marineford, and wreak havoc on the island, but Marineford survives. Why did aokiji lose to Akainu? While not in battle, Whitebeard was typically on oxygen and attached to several medical sensor machines, due to health issues concerning his age. [120] These quake bubbles would release a small but powerful shockwave on impact, greatly increasing the destructive power of his melee attacks. Edward Newgate, also known as the Whitebeard, was the strongest among the Yonko . [7][110] As a testament to this Whitebeard held not only the highest bounty among his peers, but the second highest in recorded history, at over 5 billion (only behind Roger's own). [164] [114], Whitebeard's reputation alone made his simple declaration of Fish-Man Island being his territory enough to keep slave traders and pirates from attacking the island further, making Whitebeard himself far more effective than the treaty signed with the World Government 200 years before his death. [23][21] Whitebeard also received a brutal assault from the Blackbeard Pirates. He was an ally of Monkey D. Luffy and a central figure overall during the Marineford Arc. Eddie Goes Hollywood . That's why Oda made Aokiji and Akainu take ten days to decide a winner - they were that evenly matched. it's durability that matters. and our You have no idea how strong prime whitebeard was compared to the old one. They seemingly had multiple duels upon their lives, with one instance in particular leading to a friendly gift exchange between their crewmembers after three days of endless battling. [46][92] However, Sakazuki earned Whitebeard's wrath for killing Ace, and Whitebeard brutally injured him.[93]. Sakazuki, known by his alias Akainu, is one of the main antagonists of the One Piece anime and manga series, and one of the main antagonists of the Marineford Arc. Whitebeard mid-high diff 28%. I honestly doubt that Prime WB DF damage output was higher than geezer WB. Ok another highly debated OP topic . Whitebeard did not seem to hold his old crew in high regard, rarely talking about his time as a member. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. [156] However, due to both his age and worsening health, he failed to predict Squard's betrayal and thus got injured,[157] something which, according to Marco, was totally unexpected from the Emperor.[128]. Oda is basically showing us Akainu's strength rather than telling us, as seen with kaido's introduction. Whitebeard infusing Murakumogiri with Haoshoku Haki. Not only did Akainu kill Ace, but he also had a hand in killing Whitebeard. I am not talking about the outcome of the war but about what happend to akainu. The Dude had heartattacks during a war. Akainu had Luffy level plot armor in that arc. [14] Later in his life, he grew the prominent crescent-shaped mustache, which would spawn his epithet, "Whitebeard". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [126] In his prime, Newgate was capable of fighting Roger to a standstill in a battle that lasted 3 days and 3 nights. Assume prime whitebeard at marineford. [21] This also proves that Whitebeard possessed enormous amounts of stamina and endurance; no matter how much damage he took throughout the battle, Whitebeard continued to press forward and fight, only stopping once almost all of the Blackbeard Pirates collectively shot and brutally stabbed him to death at point-blank range. During this occasion, Whitebeard and Roger held a casual conversation with Kozuki Oden joining in, showing both captains were comfortable with each other's presence. [54], Out of everybody within his crew, Marco was perhaps the closest person Whitebeard had to a right-hand man. JavaScript is disabled. He left the command vacant for a long time also after his departure, since he had not received any news of his death until several years after it happened. [139] This power is considered to be the strongest Devil Fruit power within the Paramecia class. Later, in Episode 507, when Usopp dropped a newspaper covering the aftermath of the war, Whitebeard's body was shown to match the manga's depiction as opposed to the anime's censorships: his torso had swords sticking out, he was posed to make it looks like a portion of his head was torn off, and the gaping hole on his stomach that Akainu inflicted on him in the anime was missing, leaving only the hole in his upper chest. [80] Whitebeard went as far as assigning his top commander, Marco, to act as Luffy's bodyguard during the war and "would not have forgiven him" if Luffy had died. Whitebeard kills Akainu->Aokiji becomes Fleet Admiral assuming Sengoku still steps down->Marines do not militarize as much->Marines are weaker than they are now (possibly no military draft, leading to Gion-Tokikake-Kizaru as 3 admirals)->One of them gets sent to Dressrosa (unlikely that any Warlord renouncing their title wouldn't get someone sent After Whitebeard's death, when the narrator lists all the injuries Whitebeard suffered, swords that have pierced his front and through his body could be seen with the tips protruding from his back. Akainu used his skills to manipulate Squard into believing that Whitebeard only cared about Ace. Still, by the end of the war, Crocodile started fighting for Whitebeard's side, as he preferred the Marines to not have a complete win. In his younger days, he wore an open dark gray vest and a black bandanna, and his trademark mustache was nonexistent. These New World subordinate crews included "Bohemian Knight" Doma, "Thunder Lord" McGuy, the Decalvan Brothers, "Great Whirlpool Spider" Squard,[70] Little Oars Jr.,[71] and the "Ice Witch" Whitey Bay. The Marines currently have no one who can fight a Yonko 1v1. Whitebeard's strength and ability (and two direct quakes to Akainu's head and torso) should have had much more lasting effects than a fully functional Akainu mere chapters later, continuing to chase down and hunt Luffy as if he had been given a fresh shot of espresso coffee. [7][109] Due to his incredible strength he was already feared as the "Strongest Man in the World", before Roger's death and the start of Great Age of Pirates. Squard was tricked into believing it and he stabbed Whitebeard because of it. Aokiji is also never shown with the red eyes. [36] In addition, Whitebeard took full responsibility for the actions of his crew and kept a stern outward appearance for non-crew members, falsely claiming to outsiders that he ordered Ace to hunt down Blackbeard. Oda had to nerf whitebeard otherwise the outcome would be different. Regardless of his poor health at the time, Whitebeard liked drinking, to the point that bringing and sharing a drink with him (preferably of high quality and very expensive) was viewed as enough of a respectful gesture to engage a conversation. However, in the anime (before the Marineford Arc) and Gigant Battle, his laugh was changed to a regular "Ha ha ha ha ha". Akainu high-extreme diff 3% . Score: 4.4/5 (40 reviews) akainu is hit by Whitebeard. WB in a hard fight 31%. Akainu didn't come until WB was killed lol. Like kuzan said not paying attention in a war is his fault. Do you think someone of such caliber can't take the same amount of damage they dish? He has clashed against Whitebeard and managed to survive, which says a lot about how strong he truly is. -> Power is the most important thing in the world stage. Yes, WB was fodder to Akainu due to the heart sicknes, WB Berly finish the fight while Akainu was strong enough to solo all of WB Commanders like fodder. Mrz 2022. [132], Besides his formidable power, Whitebeard was a brilliant leader and an incredibly skilled military strategist: a match for former Fleet Admiral Sengoku, one renowned as "The Resourceful General" for his famed acumen on the field of battle. [158] In his initial appearance in the anime, his eyes were black like many male characters of the series, but this was changed to a golden yellow color by the Summit War of Marineford. Roger Garp Sengoku there aren't very many people who know about the sea back then. Other way around except that Whitebeard didn't low-diff Akainu. It's absolutely ridiculous that a Yonko's attacks would leave no permanent, let alone residual effects on another character of immense power, such as an Admiral, and is pretty incongruous with the power levels we now see with Emperors Kaido, Big Mom, or even their Commanders and Calamities. In Episode 484, instead of burning off a portion of Whitebeard's head, Akainu only managed to remove part of Whitebeard's mustache. oda was not downplaying whitebeards strength. there is a reason the navy still exist, they posses like 5+ Yonko level Fighters while the each Yonko crew only count as one with several of Doflamingo-Katakuri tier fighters, it would require all of them to even match the navy this sort of creates Balance in the world. Yes he was tired, badly wounded, etc, but he is a stamina and endurance beast, the commanders aren't and were all in extremely difficult battles throughout the war. Whitebeard seemed to enjoy talking about the past; when Shanks visited his ship, the first thing Newgate did was recollect his memories from the last twenty-two years, particularly those involving old rivals like Roger, Garp and Sengoku. [148] During his initial encounter with Kozuki Oden 30 years ago, their sudden clash created a notable effect similar to lightning and released a large burst. Kaidou does not think highly of Whitebeard, stating that he was too soft despite being powerful. The dude takes two direct hits from the perceived strongest Yonko and gets up to chase after Luffy like it's no biggie, before embarking on a battle-to-the-death with Aokiji as well. Because of his role as a protector of Fish-Man Island, Whitebeard was considered a hero by many Fish-Men,[29] in particular Jinbe of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Whitebeard parries a two-handed downward swing from giant Vice Admiral John Giant with just one hand. 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