He is in the process of being weaned and his friend Flare is teaching him all about the world without momma. ADOPTED - These pictures just do not do this amazing young man justice. She stood perfectly still for mounting from both a mounting block and from the ground. She Read More . This page was designed to help save "Slaughter Bound Horses" whom have. Loves to be brushed and loved on. These horses are in the GAIT, Inc program and will be available for adoption. Unfortunately, this only adds to the Stanley Brothers profit and enables them to gain access to even more horses, more trucks and more locations. Loves to be brushed and loved on. Her adopter loved her and she took good care of her adopter over the past few years. "This is not pretty what we have to see and fix," Shawn Greer said. You'll be hard pressed to find a better trail mare for the smaller rider anywhere! Stands perfect for everything. She is currently on a diet plan and getting exercise without a rider. A kill buyer can get a discount if they purchase more than one horse at a time. Over the second half of the 20th century, synthetic glues have become advanced being produced cheaply, uniform in quality, and with longer shelf lives. Tx55 Elroy is a 2 yr Miniature John Donkey who stands 31 inches tall. One was severely limping; another had an open sore on his hip; and still another had a dripping eye injury. Handsome bay QH Gelding, 17 - 18 yrs old, 15.2 hh. She has completed her rehab, and we have been working with her to help her regain her confidence. Then taken outdoors and ridden around the farm, there was one spook shown in the outdoor video, that was a response to a pen that had a mini-donkey and two goats that she'd never seen before - she walked on willingly after having a moment to think about it. Ringo is a lovely black registered TN Walking Horse. Most recently they picked up four kept in a stall no bigger than a backyard pool with no access to grass, hay or water. Like many Paso Finos, she will do best with a confident but quiet rider and handler where there is lots of consistency in her home life. Broke to ride. It is advised that she stay shod and will need a farrier that is comfortableworking with her conformation. She has been doing wonderfully in the ring and on the trails with riders of various abilities. Somehow that agreement was not honored and she ended up in the auction pipeline, where GAIT found her nearly a year after she had been sold at a lot in Cranbury, NJ. Taco is a 2000 model registered Peruvian Paso. She was adopted almost immediately on arrival, but once she went into training started exhibiting lameness problems. Cool is a 10 yr old Appaloosa Mare who stands 15.2 hands tall and built like a tank !!! Stetson has finished rehab, he is now in Frederick, MD being conditioned slowly and being evaluated under saddle. She recently attended Horse World Expo and was a rock star in the booth meeting strangers. Quiet and easy to handle. He has been trained as a hunter/jumper and was shown prior to coming to us. Stands great for everything, Leslie is a 14 yr old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare who stands 15.2 hands tall. Nestl, owner of Purina pet foods, the company many pet parents love to hate, have one more reason to hate Nestl: Horse meat. ADOPTED - Hoofie is a 22yo TN Walking Horse. He is the real deal !!! When you buy from a kill buyer, you essentially fund the very practice you seek to eliminate and put additional horses in harms way. Connoisseurs describe it as sweet and pleasantly gamey. Phoebe is a 10 yr old Appaloosa Mare who stands 15.2 hands tall and built like a tank !!! After doing a bit of research on his papers, he was originally bred by a well-known breeder in TN, the gentleman (now deceased) bred and owned multiple World Grand Champion Walking Horses. So far she's been willing and happy to do anything we ask, she even attended Horse World Expo in March, greeting the public at the GAIT, Inc. booth. She is a very easy keeper. She is very forward on the ground and we are still working to improve her ground manners. He is easy to live with, he's low in the pecking order and does well in a mixed herd. (Its telling that these bail prices can be markedly higher than what that horse would cost were his sale handled ethically.) Shadow has been well loved for many years and has been a trail horse, he may have even had a job as a therapeutic riding horse at some point in his life according to his previous owner. We are hoping to have Taco available for adoption late summer or early fall. Some horses are purchased by kill buyers and sent directly to slaughter. In the case of large sales, the number was likely decided upon when the catalog was being created. Hip numberhorses usually sell in a predetermined order. Sid is easy on the eyes, a velvety black coat and handsome face. Support Animals Angels and say NO to animal cruelty! There is nothing more difficult than scrolling through your timeline Julie Gray arabian gelding. We got Sally from a sale pen and after getting her home it was very obvious that she has spent a good bit of time bouncing between owners and sale pens. As with all of the GAIT, Inc. horses, Sid is UTD on his vaccines, coggins, dental and worming. We are gratefully accepting donations for Squirrel's training. Please read on to learn why. 15h mare. By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. When Taylor came back in Mid-February, we gave him several weeks off to decompress and adjust to the change in his life again. He comes to GAIT, Inc. from a private owner who was going through divorce and has been forced to sell her property. He did not! Lilly has had some behavioral issues in the past and the owner was looking to send her to GAIT, Inc. At the time we didn't have room and were forced to say no. He is sound with no maintenance. A healed injury that prevents the horse from being routinely ridden The age range can very from 1-35 years old Halter broke only or with minimal ground work done Retired from daily riding but still able to be lightly ridden (1-2 hours 1-2 times per month) Lorie is a 9 yr old Buckskin Molly Mule that stands 12.2 hands tall. var now = new Date(); She has a very comfortable and easy going stepping pace gait and is happy to just walk along as well. Most kill pens are located in areas where there are enough horses to fill the slaughter trucks regularly and, in the killing business, this means multiple truckloads per week. They understand the publics desire to help horses, and sometimes promote themselves as horse rescues to capitalize on that desire. His mom loves him very much, but she is no longer able to care for him the way he needs due to her own health problems. Stands perfect for everything. Horse is a versatile meat that lends itself to a variety of preparations. There is a huge imbalance with supply and demand in the world right now. She is currently barefoot. Payment of this bail price provides significant profit for the kill buyer, which further funds their slaughter-brokerage business. He's a beautiful bay gelding. This means that they are no longer paying meat prices at the auction, as was disclosed in a conversation with a kill pen administrator. However, the average price for a horse in a kill pen is between $250 and $300. It was likely caused from an old Nice paint mare, 15 years old, 15 hh. She's an easy keeper, and is a smart and willing mare. We lead with this story because Taylor is a great horse! Horses in this population are often sold at or above meat price, and combined with the costs of international transport, any attempt to sell these horses to slaughterhouses for meat would generally result in a financial loss. We had her stifle injected and she has completed a 60-day conditioning program with one of our foster partners. organ does have cushings, but does very well on daily pergolide. The McRib consists of a restructured boneless pork patty shaped like a miniature rack of ribs, barbecue sauce, onions, and pickles, served as a sandwich on a 5 inch (14 cm) roll. He rode out with an intermediate rider and two other horses and he was a gem! It was a Paleolithic staple. She's very easy to handle, good for clipping, fly spray, brushing, etc. He will need a confident and patient adopter that is an experienced horse person. She is currently 13.1 hh. Video can be seen. Loves attention and to be brushed and loved on. FoxyB is a 1997 model REGISTERED Walking Horse that stands a solid 15.2h. She had an old tendon injury, but our vet has confirmed that it has fully healed, she is sound and also confirmed NOT in foal. "0" : "")+ now.getDate(); Amish work horse, rescued from Cleveland, Tennessee kill pen. She is currently sound and rideable, ADOPTED - Gemma is a registered 2003 model, 13.0+h Paso Fino mare. Giving kill pen horses a second chance! If youre looking for a quiet easy going pasture pal or for a horse that will give you her heart and soul, then Sally may be the right horse for you. Sid is easy to trailer, groom, he's great with the vet and farrier and is currently barefoot - that's right, that solid 4-beat gait you are seeing is 100% natural. Florida Horse Rescue BREED: Thoroughbred GENDER: Mare HEIGHT: 15.1 Hands BIO: Rosie is a 21 year old registered Thoroughbred. He needed a little tune-up and had 30 days refresher with Kristy LenoirDawn in New Jersey and soon found a great adopter. Adopted - Midnight is an est. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The best way to find out more about the horses we have avaliable for adoption please contact us at, Our rescue program is a little different than most because we not only rescue and rehabilitate we also work extra hard to incorporate our horses into o, horseback riding program; which was started to help support these rescue horses as part of their rehabilitation. Can u buy a horse from a kill pen? Come prepared; bring a trailer, hay, and water to the auction in the event that you do purchase and leave with a horse. By participating in these malicious bail-outs, well-intentioned buyers inadvertently provide kill buyers with much higher profits, which they then can use to send more horses to slaughter. He is out of a registered Fox Trotter mare and by a registered Fox Trotter stallion, but is not eligible for registration since the original breeder refused to give us the paperwork needed to do that. She was purchased at the New Holland auction for $75, starved. We can't wait to tell you more about this lovely mare. If you've seen the viral stories on social media about two men at the Stanley Brothers' Bastrop Kill Pen in Louisiana placing a pit bull on a horse, then slitting the gentle dog's throat and later beating a man who came to inquire about the dog you know a little about the Stanley Brothers. Harry is arriving on July 12th and will need to be thoroughly evaluated maybe with a bit of refresher since he's not been ridden much in the past year. Sorrel Quarter Horse mare, 18 - 20 yrs old, 15.3 hh who has a story to tell of a time when she was well kept, groomed daily and Theresa is a sweet, aged black QH type mare. Additionally, horses with injuries and lameness often dont receive vital medical care, causing unnecessary pain and suffering. Extremely well broke to ride. He's easy to love, this boy is sweet and wants so much to have his very own person to spoil. Status: Rescue Transfer to Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue, Shadow is a 2004 model (est) TN Walking Horse. JD would be suitable for an intermediate or advanced rider who is looking for a good all-around prospect. Kill buyers can pay as little as $25 per horse. kill pen horses for sale near Louisville, KY, kill pen horses for sale near richmond, va. Please consider donating to help fund the organization or purchasing a NetPosse ID for your horse, dog or cat to help protect your beloved animals! This has a big factor in why horse prices have went up. A: Approximately 1 to 2% of the U.S. equine population is slaughtered each year. When our investigators visited, the horses were stuck in empty pens with no way to reach the surrounding fields. Your email address will not be published. They've racked up approximately $40,000 in fines for numerous violations of the Commercial Transport of Equines to Slaughter Regulations: Shipping completely blind horses; horses carrying infectious diseases; and horses unable to bear weight on all four limbs. Very well broke to ride and has a very smooth gait. He prefers 24/7 turn out and is low in the pecking order. "0" : "")+ now.getDate(); Your donation is tax deductible Status: Currently in long-term foster Name: Adala and Baron - bonded pair Breed: Grade Walking Horse type Age: 21 and 16 (est) Gender: mare and gelding Size: 15h est Handler Appropriate: novice The large property with extended pastures and adjacent wooded lot is located in a very remote area. He will give you his all if you give him your heart. She has been registered with the AQHA, but as a result of her being seized from her former owner, Belles registration papers were never turned over. The majority of the horses that are posted are headed to slaughter. If not being ridden she can be barefoot and overall she is an easy keeper, trailers like a pro, and is great for the farrier and the vet. Pepper is located in Frederick, MD, Adopted - Portia is an est 15yo Walking Horse mare that comes to GAIT, Inc. as an owner surrender. The horses were searching the underbrush for leaves to eat. In offering horses for bail-out, buyers often employ a ship-to-slaughter date as a ticking clock, a scare tactic to dupe well-intentioned people into paying the sums demanded. Iggy is located in Frederick, MD, Status: Under Long Term Foster, not available. She stands about 14.1h and is a very stocky mare. He has miles of trail experience and has been a trail horse for his entire riding career. The transportation used to send horses . Your donation is tax deductible Status: Currently in long-term foster Name: Adala and Baron - bonded pair Breed: Grade Walking Horse type Age: 21 and 16 (est) Gender: mare and gelding Size: 15h est Handler Appropriate: novice Sweet, snuggly- most well . Sam is a 16 yr old Finished Breakaway Gelding who stands 15.2 hands tall. Kenny is a 17 yr old Camp Horse Grey Gelding who stands 15.2 hands tall. They are Viande Richelieu Inc. in Massueville, Quebec; Les Viandes de la Petite-Nation Inc, in St. Andre-Avellin, Quebec; Bouvry Export in Calgary; Medallion Meats International Inc. From helping out at the farm to adopting a rescue horse, there are many ways to help the horses. He is beautifully gaited and happy to move out. She was willing to ride up to the mounting block for dismounting. When you choose to adopt, you support humane and sustainable efforts and help multiple horses by providing rehoming organizations with space, time, and funding to help additional horses in need. Loves to be brushed and loved on. Nestl discovered at least two of its products, Beef Ravioli and Beef Tortellini, contain get ready horse meat. They asked GAIT if we could help and we said yes! Care sponsorship is $150 per month for non-riding horses and $500 per month for those that are in training. She has quite a bit of trail experience including some CTR/Endurance experience about 10 years ago. In addition to her professional start under saddle, Estrella has been getting mileage under an intermediate amateur rider who just loves this mare (but can't afford to keep two horses). He will need someone that is a confident intermediate to advanced rider who LOVES to spend the time to bond with their horse. injury. That number has not changed since horse slaughter in this country ceased with the closure of the last slaughter house in 2007. Furthermore, we encourage you to adopt directly from a reputable organization. Loves to be with you all the time. He is extremely sweet and gentle. Stands perfect for everything. Lone star is a scam. We do not know when FoxyB left his breeder because no transfer of ownership was ever filed with TWHBEA. Like all GAIT, Inc. horses, Taylor is UTD on vaccines, coggins, dental and farrier work. Loves attention and very well behaved. It holds a taboo in American culture very similar to the one found in the United Kingdom. document.write(today);