Strange Facts About Rh Negative Blood, Naris legendary Dark Elf from the legends. Evil Elf names can be specific or gender-neutral. Vampmer :v. Starinatwalls 3 yr. ago. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. They're Made Out Of Meat Central Idea, Barnabas. Akhaunet Alarion Alizeabeth Alyssa Ambas Amhas Anarsis Arathar Aratt Argyle Arspeth Arwenil Asperon Astra Astralla Avelorrisas Azalgorm Bael'Sammon Baine Balthinal Barsathar Barthasar Bel-Nenya Bochra Busscrone Cagherosh Caladrielle Camring Cekhullil Cesirnoh Cirsis Corvass . Dark Elf names; Fairy names; Half-elf names; Tabaxi names; Evil names; . Our Character Name Generator generates unique Dark Elf male names and Dark Elf female names that will help you choose your favourite one. Frank McFinnigan You are welcome . Follower of Malekith during the Sundering. The game is set in a parallel world in the harsh climate of snow and mountains with endless fantasy characters and dragons. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. From video games to a series of fictional movies, the world of magical beings always entices the audience. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Rytvan Doreeloth Llerak Rivaal Jiutheru Dralles Savuhyna Indovur Llaarys Ginalen Rervame Alais Aneshus Vedaeran Reldras Relavayn Galsther Helbdas Alayna Dobhri The background image above is part of the Elder Scroll copyright and belongs to its rightful owners. Carden. Dark Elf names, like all elven names in the Warhammer universe, are quite melodic in nature. Rhylintra beautiful Elvish name for the one who is a messenger of the moon. Avrusa - a dunmer apothecary. Beattie. If they have to shed blood or torture, someone, they will do this without showing any mercy or fear. The San'layn (sometimes spelled in lowercase) are a sect [2] [3] of vampiric darkfallen elves in service to the Scourge. Aku. When I Was Your Man Piano Chords Letters. Diy Vinyl Record Storage Cabinet, Let us know in the comments below! They can only come into being by either a male vampire and female elf, or two Sanaedhels. It means "mist" or "darkness". This name generator is not affiliated with Games Workshop, merely inspired by their works.You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course. Melronna Fakian, Healer of the Dark Elves. Aleri - a crusader from Morrowind. 4. Aphia - a priestess. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Dark Elf Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. I Speak The Truth Meme, HruggeksChosen 3 yr. ago. Amongst the other Elf counterparts, the cynical looks of Dark Elves are indeed eye-catching. The 12 prefixes for male Dunmer names are: Azar, Cas, Ereb, Hel, Nis, Shal, Shur, Tur, Ul, Vanik, Zan, Zir, The 12 suffixes for male Dunmer names are: ain, ath, far, ien, ik, il, imal, imar, kan, on, par, seth. Dark elf name generator This name generator will give you 10 random names for dark elves, drow, and similar beings. Elves love freedom, variety, and self-expression, so they lean strongly towards the gentler aspects of chaos. Also, do you have any more ideas for dark elf names? Aeverie Morader, Champion of the Night Elves. 31 . Therefore, all of the male Dunmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are: 3x: Ano (1, 2, 3), Galos (1, 2, 3)2x: Anes (1, 2), Arns (1, 2), Avon (1, 2), Avus (1, 2), Balen (1, 2), Balis (1, 2), Breyns (1, 2), Daris (1, 2), Direr (1, 2), Dranas (1, 2), Draren (1, 2), Drathas (1, 2), Dravil (1, 2), Dreyns (1, 2), Enar (1, 2), Eno (1, 2), Ervis (1, 2), Fedris (1, 2), Fendel (1, 2), Gaden (1, 2), Galar (1, 2), Galtis (1, 2), Gilas (1, 2), Gils (1, 2), Ienas (1, 2), Llaalam (1, 2), Llerar (1, 2), Manos (1, 2), Novor (1, 2), Ralen (1, 2), Ralyn (1, 2), Talis (1, 2), Taren (1, 2), Ulms (1, 2), Vaval (1, 2)1x: Adaves, Adil, Adondasi, Adosi, Adren, Alam, Alanil, Aldam, Alds, Alms, Alnas, Alvan, Alven, Alvis, Alvor, Alvos, Alvur, Anas, Anden, Andril, Anel, Angaredhel, Aras, Arelvam, Aren, Arethan, Arnas, Aroa, Aron, Arsyn, Arven, Arver, Arvs, Arvyn, Aryon, Athal, Athanden, Athelyn, Ather, Athyn, Avron, Baladas, Balver, Balyn, Banden, Banor, Baren, Barusi, Bedal, Belas, Beldrose, Belos, Bels, Belvis, Benar, Beraren, Berel, Berela, Bertis, Bervaso, Bervyn, Bethes, Bevadar, Bildren, Bilen, Bilos, Birer, Bolayn, Boler, Bolnor, Bols, Bolvus, Bolvyn, Bolyn, Boryn, Bradil, Bralas, Bralen, Bralis, Bralyn, Brarayni, Bratheru, Brathus, Bravosi, Braynas, Brelar, Brelo, Brelyn, Brerama, Brethas, Breves, Breynis, Briras, Broder, Broris, Brothes, Dalam, Daldur, Dalin, Dalmil, Dalos, Dals, Dalvus, Danar, Dandras, Danel, Daral, Daras, Daren, Darns, Daroder, Dartis, Darvam, Daryn, Dather, Dathus, Davas, Davis, Davur, Daynes, Daynil, Dedaenc, Delmon, Delmus, Delvam, Deras, Dethresa, Deval, Devas, Dils, Dinor, Dirver, Divayth, Dolmyn, Dolyn, Dondos, Donus, Dovor, Dovres, Dralas, Drals, Dralval, Dram, Dramis, Drandryn, Dranos, Drarayne, Drarel, Draron, Drarus, Draryn, Drathyn, Dravasa, Dredase, Drelayn, Drelis, Drelse, Drerel, Dreynis, Dreynos, Dridas, Dridyn, Drinar, Drodos, Dronos, Drores, Drulvan, Duldrar, Dunel, Edd, Edras, Edril, Elam, Eldil, Eldrar, Elethus, Elms, Elo, Elvas, Elvil, Endar, Endris, Endryn, Endul, Erene, Erer, Ereven, Eris, Ernil, Erns, Ervas, Ethes, Ethys, Evo, Evos, Fadren, Falam, Falso, Falvel, Falvis, Farvam, Farvyn, Favas, Favel, Faven, Faver, Faves, Fedar, Felayn, Felen, Felisi, Felsen, Felvan, Felvos, Femer, Fendros, Fendryn, Feranos, Ferele, Feril, Feruren, Fervas, Fevris, Fevus, Fevyn, Folms, Folvys, Folyni, Fons, Fonus, Forven, Foryn, Fothas, Fothyna, Foves, Fovus, Gadayn, Gaelion, Galam, Galdres, Galen, Galis, Galmis, Galms, Gals, Gamin, Ganalyn, Ganus, Garer, Garisa, Garnas, Garvs, Garyn, Gathal, Gavas, Gavesu, Gavis, Gidar, Giden, Gilan, Gilmyn, Gilur, Gilvas, Gilyan, Gilyn, Gilyne, Gindas, Ginur, Giras, Giren, Giron, Giryn, Golar, Goldyn, Goler, Gols, Golven, Goras, Gordol, Goren, Goris, Goron, Gothren, Goval, Gragus, Gulmon, Guls, Guril, Helseth, Hlaren, Hlaroi, Hlenil, Hleras, Hloris, Hort, Idros, Ildos, Ilen, Ilet, Ilver, Iner, Irarak, Irer, Irver, Ivulen, Jiub, Llaals, Llanas, Llandras, Llandris, Llanel, Llarar, Llarel, Llaren, Llaro, Llavam, Lleran, Lleras, Lleris, Llero, Llether, Llevas, Llevel, Lliram, Lliros, Lliryn, Lloden, Llonas, Llondryn, Lloros, Llovyn, Madran, Madres, Madsu, Malar, Mallam, Mals, Manabi, Mandran, Mandur, Mandyn, Manel, Maner, Manolos, Marayn, Maros, Mastrius, Mathis, Mathyn, Mavis, Mavon, Mavus, Meder, Medyn, Melar, Melur, Menus, Meril, Mertis, Mertisi, Mervis, Mervs, Meryn, Methal, Methas, Mevel, Meven, Mevil, Midar, Milar, Mils, Milyn, Miner, Miron, Mirvon, Mivul, Mondros, Movis, Muvis, Nads, Nalis, Nalmen, Nalosi, Nals, Nalur, Naral, Naris, Nathyn, Navam, Navil, Neldris, Nelmil, Nelos, Neloth, Nels, Nelvon, Nelyn, Nerer, Nethyn, Nevil, Nevon, Nevos, Nevosi, Niden, Nilas, Nilos, Niras, Nivel, Nivos, Norus, Odral, Odron, Oisig, Ondar, Ondres, Orns, Orval, Orvas, Ovis, Ralam, Ralds, Ralmyn, Ralos, Ranes, Ranor, Rararyn, Raril, Raryn, Rathal, Raviso, Ravos, Raynilie, Relam, Relas, Relen, Relms, Rels, Relur, Relyn, Remas, Rernel, Reron, Rervam, Reynis, Rilas, Rilos, Rilver, Rindral, Rirnas, Rirns, Rivame, Rolis, Rols, Roner, Rothis, Rovone, Sadas, Sadryn, Salas, Salen, Salvas, Salver, Salyn, Sanvyn, Saras, Sarayn, Sarvil, Sarvur, Saryn, Sathas, Savor, Savure, Sedam, Sedrane, Seldus, Seler, Selman, Selmen, Selvil, Sendel, Sendus, Seras, Serer, Serul, Seryn, Sevilo, Shashev, Sodres, Sortis, Sovor, Stlennius, Sulen, Sulis, Sunel, Sur, Suryn, Suvryn, Svadstar, Tadas, Talms, Tandram, Tanel, Tanur, Tarar, Tarer, Taros, Tarvus, Tarvyn, Taves, Tedril, Tedryn, Tedur, Telis, Tels, Telvon, Temis, Tendren, Tendris, Tens, Terer, Teres, Teris, Tervur, Tevyn, Thadar, Thaden, Thanelen, Tharer, Thauraver, Theldyn, Thervam, Tholer, Thoryn, Threvul, Tidras, Tidros, Tinos, Tiram, Tiras, Tirer, Tirnur, Tirvel, Tivam, Toris, Tralas, Tralayn, Traven, Tredyn, Trelam, Trels, Trendrus, Treram, Treras, Trevyn, Trilam, Trivon, Tuls, Ultis, Ulves, Ulvil, Ulvon, Unel, Uradras, Ureval, Urnel, Urvel, Urven, Uryn, Uthrel, Uvele, Uvren, Vaden, Vanel, Vares, Varis, Varon, Varvur, Vatollia, Vaves, Vavran, Vedam, Vedran, Velis, Velms, Velyn, Veros, Vevos, Vevul, Vilval, Vilyn, Viras, Virvyn, Vobend, Vonden, Vonos, Vorar, Voruse, Vuvil, 2x: Dranas (1, 2), Fathis (1, 2)1x: Aldos, Alval, Andel, Aron, Arvin, Avrus, Aymar, Banus, Belmyne, Bolor, Bongond, Cylben, Delos, Diram, Dovyn, Drels, Eris, Eronor, Erver, Farwil, Felas, Felen, Ferul, Frathen, Gilen, Gureryne, Hlanas, Hloval, Ilvel, Kiliban, Kovan, Kylius, Mels, Modryn, Mondrar, Nilphas, Nivan, Olyn, Othrelos, Ralsa, Ralvas, Raynil, Redas, Rendil, Rythe, Slythe, Soris, Syndelius, Tovas, Ulen, Valen, Varel, Varon, Adril, Ambarys, Arvel, Athis, Aval, Azarain, Belyn, Bradyn, Casimir, Casival, Daynas, Dravin, Drelas, Drevis, Drovas, Drureth, Erandur, Erden, Evul, Falas, Faldrus, Faryl, Feran, Fethis, Galdrus, Garan, Garyn, Geldis, Indaryn, Inimoro, Jiub, Lleril, Kenro, Kydren, Malthyr, Malur, Maluril, Malyn, Meden, Modyn, Naris, Neloth, Orini, Othreloth, Raleth, Ralis, Ravam, Ravyn, Revus, Revyn, Rirns, Romlyn, Saden, Sarthis, Savos, Servos, Sevan, Sindras, Slitter, Sondas, Talvas, Talvur, Taron, Teldryn, Tolenos, Tythis, Ulves, Ulyn, Valin, Vals, Vanryth, Vendil, Veren, Verin, Visthar, Vonos, Wyndelius, 3x: Adras (1, 2, 3), Arvys (1, 2, 3), Faven (1, 2, 3), Galam (1, 2), Giron (1, 2, 3), Gulmon (1, 2, 3), Hlenil (1, 2, 3), Methas (1, 2, 3), Taren (1, 2, 3)2x: Adren (1, 2), Anylos (1, 2), Athyn (1, 2), Banus (1, 2), Bethes (1, 2), Bolvus (1, 2), Bolvyn (1, 2), Bralen (1, 2), Bralos (1, 2), Broder (1, 2), Dalin (1, 2), Danel (1, 2), Danus (1, 2), Darvynil (1, 2), Davas (1, 2), Davur (1, 2), Daynes (1, 2), Deras (1, 2), Dinor (1, 2), Dovres (1, 2), Dridyn (1, 2), Drores (1, 2), Dylyn (1, 2), Erebil (1, 2), Evo (1, 2), Fendros (1, 2), Fyrayn (1, 2), Gaelion (1, 2), Galms (1, 2), Gilas (1, 2), Gilen (1, 2), Goldyn (1, 2), Goveled (1, 2), Hort (1, 2), Ilen (1, 2), Ireril (1, 2), Liam (1, 2), Llandras (1, 2), Marvor (1, 2), Mils (1, 2), Mondran (1, 2), Murdyn (1, 2), Naril (1, 2), Navam (1, 2), Nelos (1, 2), Nevos (1, 2), Nivan (1, 2), Raleth (1, 2), Ralsa (1, 2), Ranor (1, 2), Ravam (1, 2), Relam (1, 2), Sanas (1, 2), Selenor (1, 2), Serul (1, 2), Sodres (1, 2), Sovor (1, 2), Sulis (1, 2), Sur (1, 2), Tadas (1, 2), Tedor (1, 2), Tel (1, 2), Tharer (1, 2), Tiras (1, 2), Toldendos (1, 2), Turath (1, 2), Turil (1, 2), Turon (1, 2), Tythis (1, 2), Vals (1, 2), Varon (1, 2), Ven (1, 2), Vilyn (1, 2), Vurvyn (1, 2)1x: Aanthis, Adavos, Adol, Adon, Adovon, Adrerel, Adril, Aeren, Alarel, Alberic, Aldam, Aldryn, Alexadrin, Almas, Almerel, Alonas, Alven, Alvon, Alvos, Alvur, Ambarys, Amil, Andel, Anderin, Andilo, Andril, Angaril, Angarthal, Anral, Anyn, Arayni, Arelos, Arelvam, Arendil, Areth, Arethan, Arethil, Arilen, Arith, Aronel, Aroni, Aroth, Arven, Arver, Arverus, Aryo, Ashur, Athal, Athanas, Athanden, Athando, Athires, Athis, Athones, Avo, Avos, Avron, Avys, Aymar, Azaron, Baem, Baladar, Baladas, Baldan, Balen, Balras, Balver, Balves, Balvos, Balyn, Balynor, Bando, Barayin, Baren, Barilzar, Baros, Barusil, Barvyn, Barys, Bedal, Beivis, Beldun, Belos, Belron, Belronen, Belvin, Belvo, Belyn, Benar, Benaril, Beneran, Benus, Beranzen, Berel, Berol, Beron, Bertis, Bervon, Beyta, Biiril, Bildren, Bilos, Bilotan, Birer, Bivale, Bodsa, Bolay, Bolayn, Boler, Bols, Bolyn, Boran, Boril, Boryn, Borynil, Bothus, Bovis, Bovoril, Bradil, Bradyn, Braladar, Bralis, Bralyn, Brander, Brara, Bratheru, Bravosi, Bravosil, Bravynor, Braynas, Brelan, Breleros, Brethis, Breves, Brevs, Breynis, Breynshad, Brilnosu, Brilyn, Briras, Brivan, Brothes, Buram, Cadsu, Calden, Cason, Charadin, Cylben, Daeril, Dalarn, Daledan, Dalen, Dalim, Dalmil, Dalmir, Dalomar, Dalosil, Dalyn, Danaat, Danar, Dandras, Dandril, Daneras, Danir, Danmon, Danys, Da'ravis, Daren, Darlas, Darns, Daru, Darvasen, Dastas, Dathus, Davak, Davenas, Daynas, Daynil, Dedaenc, Dedaenil, Dedras, Del, Deleren, Delmus, Delos, Delvam, Delvoni, Dendras, Denthis, Denus, Dethis, Dethisam, Devas, Diendus, Diiril, Dilmus, Dils, Dithis, Div, Divayth, Dohna, Dolnus, Dolril, Donen, Doril, Dovor, Dovyn, Dralas, Dralnas, Dram, Dranos, Dranoth, Draren, Drathas, Drathus, Drathyn, Draval, Dravasa, Dravil, Dravin, Drel, Drelayn, Drelden, Drelis, Drelyth, Drevis, Dreynos, Dreythan, Dridas, Drinar, Drival, Drivas, Drondar, Droval, Drovos, Drulis, Druls, Dubdil, Duldrar, Dulenil, Dulmon, Dulvis, Dural, Durel, Duren, Durodir, Dururo, Duryn, Dyleso, Dynus, Eanen, Edril, Eithyna, Edras, Elam, Elmussa, Elvil, Endril, Endryn, Enrith, Enthis, Erandur, Eraven, Erene, Ereven, Eris, Eron, Eronos, Erranenen, Ethenen, Ethes, Ethyan, Ethys, Eurnus, Evis, Evos, Fadar, Faderi, Fadren, Faldrus, Falen, Falseth, Falvis, Fanvyn, Farvyn, Farwil, Favar, Favas, Faves, Fedar, Felayn, Felen, Felrar, Felvos, Felvyn, Femer, Fendell, Fennus, Fenus, Feran, Feranos, Ferasi, Feril, Fervyn, Fethis, Fevus, Fevyn, Firon, Folayn, Folms, Foloros, Folvys, Fons, Fothyna, Forven, Foves, Fovus, Furen, Furil, Furon, Gadris, Galar, Galdrus, Galgalah, Galiel, Galmon, Galos, Gals, Galur, Ganthis, Ganus, Garil, Garis, Garvas, Garyn, Gathal, Gavros, Gavryn, Gedras, Gedsar, Gelds, Gendyn, Geril, Geron, Gerren, Gethan, Gethis, Gidain, Giden, Giiril, Gilan, Gilasi, Gilyan, Girano, Giras, Giruss, Girvas, Golar, Goldyn, Gols, Golun, Golven, Goralas, Goras, Gordol, Goron, Gorour, Gorvas, Gorverys, Gorvyn, Goval, Govar, Govil, Govyth, Grell, Gural, Hadril, Haladir, Haldyn, Halseth, Hamen, Harlin, Harvyn, Hekvid, Hennus, Hervil, Hiath, Hilan, Hladvyr, Hlarei, Hlaren, Hlaril, Hlen, Hlenir, Hleseth, Hloval, Idras, Idrith, Idrono, Idros, Iledas, Ilem, Ilvar, Inelyn, Iner, Iraruk, Irasil, Irer, Irvalam, Irvir, Irvulil, Ithis, Ivulan, Ivulen, Jubesil, Kallin, Kanat, Kareth, Kilao, Kiliban, Kiv, Kovan, Knudvarr, Krem, Krilat, Kura, Larilvor, Larthas, Lassen, Len, Lenam, Lendras, Lenel, Liiril, Lirar, Lirtis, Llaarar, Lladrelo, Llaalam, Llaals, Llanas, Llandres, Llandryn, Llanvyn, Llarol, Llenus, Lleran, Llerar, Lleras, Lleris, Llero, Llether, Llevule, Llevas, Lliram, Lliros, Lliryn, Llivam, Llivas, Lloden, Llodus, Llonas, Llondryn, Llonvyn, Llovyn, Llovys, Lludyn, Llurour, Lluther, Lorgresil, Loryvn, Luren, Maddu, Madov, Madras, Madrus, Malan, Maldus, Malkur, Mallas, Malni, Malur, Manis, Manore, Manyn, Maras, Marasar, Maril, Marolos, Martos, Marvyn, Maryl, Mastrius, Mathin, Mathis, Mathyn, Mavon, Medar, Meden, Meder, Mednil, Medyn, Mehran, Mel, Melar, Meldras, Melil, Melur, Melyn, Mendyn, Menus, Merail, Meram, Merano, Merdyndril, Merlisi, Mertis, Mertisi, Mervs, Methal, Mevil, Mevilis, Mevis, Midar, Midari, Miil, Milam, Mirvon, Mivam, Monis, Monynen, Mrilen, Mrylav, Mudyn, Mullas, Munbi, Muriil, Muril, Murilam, Murilen, Muron, Muronad, Myl, Naddu, Nadras, Naldyn, Nalman, Nalosi, Naloso, Nals, Nalur, Nam, Nardhil, Nardis, Naris, Narivys, Naro, Narsis, Nartise, Narvyn, Naryni, Navanu, Navlos, Navren, Nelmil, Neloth, Nelvon, Nemyn, Nen, Nerandas, Nerathren, Neron, Nethis, Nevam, Nevon, Niil, Nil, Nilas, Nilthis, Nilus, Nilvys, Ninbael, Nirm, Nisimal, Nival, Nivis, Nivos, Noris, Norivin, Novor, Numyn, Nurov, Odril, Oldis, Olleg, Olyn, Omin, Ondras, Orini, Ornis, Orrnar, Orval, Osithos, Othloth, Palbatan, Quell, Raddu, Ral, Raladas, Ralden, Raldis, Ralim, Ralis, Raloro, Ralver, Ralyn, Ranso, Rararyn, Raston, Ravlan, Raynilie, Raynor, Redvayn, Relmus, Relnus, Relur, Relvic, Relyn, Remas, Remyon, Ren, Renam, Renli, Rennus, Renos, Renthis, Renus, Renvis, Reraryn, Rernel, Rervam, Revus, Revyn, Rhavil, Ridras, Riidras, Riivel, Rilaso, Rilen, Rilorns, Rilos, Rilus, Rilyn, Rindral, Rithlen, Riud, Rivyn, Rol, Rolis, Rols, Rolver, Roneril, Ronervi, Rornas, Rothis, Rulantaril, Ruram, Rythe, Sadas, Sadis, Saden, Sadryn, Saelin, Saevyr, Salas, Salen, Salin, Salvas, Samel, Sanvyno, Sarathram, Saril, Saris, Sarvilen, Sarvlos, Saryne, Saryvn, Sathis, Sathram, Savarak, Savur, Savure, Seden, Sedrane, Selman, Seltin, Selveni, Selvil, Sen, Senar, Sendel, Sendet, Sendust, Senil, Seras, Sero, Seron, Servos, Sethesi, Sethrin, Seviel, Sevilo, Sevilon, Sevros, Sevus, Seythen, Shishiv, Shulki, Sil, Sildras, Silir, Sivan, Skaliz, Solvar, Sondas, Strav, Sunel, Surilen, Suron, Surond, Suryvn, Suvaris, Sylvain, Tadaran, Tadis, Taldyn, Talmis, Talnus, Talres, Talso, Talvenyl, Tamthis, Tandram, Tanel, Tanur, Tanuro, Tanval, Tarel, Taril, Tarir, Taros, Tarrent, Tarvus, Tarvyn, Tarvynil, Taumas, Tatenni, Taume, Tavis, Tedras, Tedrel, Tedryni, Telbaril, Teldryn, Teldryni, Teliv, Tels, Telvon, Temis, Tendir, Tendyn, Tennus, Tenval, Terilar, Teris, Tervur, Tethal, Tethis, Tethyno, Tevyn, Thadar, Thalas, Thandon, Thanelen, Thanelon, Thanethen, Thanusel, Tharas, Tharys, Thathas, Thauravil, Thiile, Thiran, Thirvam, Thole, Threval, Thrush, Thys, Tidras, Tidros, Tidyn, Tiiril, Tilanos, Tiram, Tireso, Tiril, Tolendir, Tolendros, Toris, Torolon, Torvayn, Tramerel, Traylan, Tredyn, Trelon, Trels, Trendrus, Trilam, Trivus, Tryvilis, Tullas, Tunus, Turnol, Turril, Turseth, Ulms, Ulran, Ultus, Ulverin, Ulves, Ulvilo, Ulvon, Ulyn, Unel, Uradris, Urilis, Urvan, Urvel, Urynnar, Uthrel, Uvren, Vadelen, Vaden, Vadethes, Vadinil, Vadrik, Vaelin, Valdam, Valds, Valec, Valen, Valeyn, Vamen, Varam, Varel, Vares, Varryn, Vartis, Varvir, Vatola, Vaves, Vavil, Vavran, Vedra, Velam, Velvul, Venali, Vendras, Veneval, Venthin, Venthis, Verdam, Veros, Vevos, Viiron, Vilms, Vilval, Vinder, Viras, Viros, Virvyn, Vitollia, Vivos, Vivrun, Vivul, Vodryn, Volm, Vorar, Vorir, Voruse, Vother, Vrayden, Vunal, Vunden, Vurdras, Vuval, Wiliban, Yeveth, Yurilas, Zahshur, Zanil, Zanon, Zimmeron, Elhul, Hleryn, Ilver, Llynth, Malkur, Ozul, Rolves, Sul, Tanval, Vuhon, Andas, Athyn, Casival, Cruethys, Delmene, Deros, Drallin, Elms, Grendis, Imalyn, Kemillith, Kronin, Lledos, Lyrin, Lythelus, Manaran, Minegaur, Missun, Mith, Mjahlar, Modyn, Moraelyn, Nackles, Nethynal, Odral, Ondre, Revus, Saldus, Sathis, S'ephen, Soron, Symmachus, Taren, Tirnur, Ulvul, Vilur, Xiomara. Thats why you may notice some good dark elf names in our list that dont sound so evil or scary. Alaunarra female Dark Elf name, meaning "queen of lightning or someone powerful". Atlas. Intex 18x9x52 Ultra Frame Pool, It should be as dark as the soul of the elf who claims it. The Krakenlord is a Dark Elf Corsair of noble birth who comes from a long line of raiders and naval generals. Sulekh legendary character who is said to be the greatest of the Black Dragons. Trevyn abbreviation for Trevelyan, meaning "a fair town". 5. Yato Hiyori Kiss Chapter, 5 . It reminisces Devas Seri, a fictional character from the Tribunal Temple. One More Year Tame Impala Lyrics Meaning, 2. Toyota Coaster Km Per Litre, Improve your creative writing skills and imagination through exploring our website. Dark Elf's fictional characters gained prominence with the role-playing video game, Skyrim, the fifth edition of the Elder Scrolls Series. Diabolos: Diabolos is a Greek mythological name meaning 'slanderer or accuser.'. 2. Badru. How Old Is Hank Voight, 24. Unlike most other elf breeds, dark elves arent afraid to get their hands dirty. Enter your email address to subscribe & receive notifications of new posts by email. 19 . Aduri - a elf. 22 . DoomKittens list 'Gothic/Vampire/Dark Names' of 128 great name ideas: Abraxas - Soren! Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Why not also check out Blood Elf Names and Night Elf Names? For a real answer go with a sorceress from a book or game you liked or the dark elf name generator posted above #7. . Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. Here is the list of some male names which you can use. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Adrasteia: Adrasteia also has a Greek origin and it means "inescapable". Not to be confused with Names of Power. Dilkurec Deadbringer. The Dunmer, or dark elves, are a race of elves who inhabit the province of Morrowind. Sign-up to our community for FREE writing resources and tools to inspire you! When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Arche. 20 . A vampire is a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, which consumes the blood of living creatures. See individual pages for faction-specific info and strategies: Naggarond, led by Malekith. Vena Ardhave, Ruler of the Blood Elves. Brandeis. Look below for our favorite female names of Dunmer or dark elves names. 17 . Badass Leopard Gecko Names, The 12 prefixes for male Dunmer names are: There are definitely exceptions though, but in most cases only as far as first names go.To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. 15 . These are the names of the Ashlanders, traditional Dunmer inhabitants of Vvardenfell. Jhandorl unisex name that refers to the one who is a shielded warrior. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, Dark Elf Names Inspired By Myths And Legends, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. When Will Catfish Season 8 Be On Hulu, 39 . He comes from a long line of raiders and naval generals. 4 . Skyrim characters have names based on their races. Cian. Siha Fellstriker. A dark elf name should evoke fear in anyone who hears it. Dark Elves are regarded as the sinister counterpart of the Elf Clan. Click here to find out more! Only Vampire Diaries fans will know why this name is the ultimate vampire name! 13 . Gloreir legend from the Dark Elf Assassin. They consider themselves a seperate race and tend to keep to themselves. Whether they consider themselves cursed or blessed, or whether they have given into their animalistic instincts or have sought to rid the world of the disease . Catchy Raffle Slogans, Iriel Morader, Captain of the Blood Elves. Stitch Cute And Fluffy Quote, Given names for female Dunmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Almeta: This name means "ambitious" and has Latin origin. Caleb. Squish Cat Squashes The Garbage Down Book, They contain more darker sounding names, but often with a different feeling or theme. Where To Shoot A Possum With A Pellet Gun, Kouran (Japanese origin) meaning "deep red or orchid". 32 . Adreana (Italian origin) meaning "dark". We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Vamen diminutive of Vaman, another name for Lord Vishnu in the Indian Mythology. Dark Elf names have a harsher tone than the melodious names of Elves. From venomous female dark elves to manipulative male elves, this generator is full of darkness. 33 . We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Gherilac gender-neutral name that can exhibit the character traits of an Elvish fantasy character. 30 . They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. Ron Funches Fiance, Laco Boldcloud. Lobelia Ergella, Guardian of the Winged Elves. Balachandra. Voted and Current reigning champion of most handsome ESO player of 2013-2016 #29. Elynea one of the beautiful yet powerful Elvish names for females as it has a reference to Elynea Norvayn, a Dunmer Warrior. This is not an official name generator, merely one inspired by this universe. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. You might also be interested in our master list of over 1,000 fantasy elf names generator. Dodge Promaster City Cargo Van Sale 2015 By Owner Ct Craigslist, Afanas. Wonderland Dj Steve ___ Crossword Clue, Astennu. 50% Resisance to Fire is what they have right? 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like. Eridot- peridot without the pee Imika- this one is pretty How Long To Deep Fry Catfish At 375, Adira: This name has Hebrew origin that means "strong" and "powerful". Nalsia amongst the popular fictional characters and a beautiful name for Elf women. Dunmer live in a variety of places, from the great city of Vivec to the small villages dotting the landscape. Ruerl derived from the famous character Lord Ruerl from Dark Elf Dreadlord. He is a relative of Laithkikir Hellheart, a raider and cartographer active 1103 IC whose maps allowed other Dark Elves to raid the rich coasts of Ind and Cathay. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Dunmer are dark elves, so these names could fit other (dark) elves in other games and stories as well.All these names are generated with rules similar to how the names in the Elder Scroll games seem to be created, so most of the generator names will fit, some might even be the same as in-game names.To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. 27 . Astennu. Malekith, pronounced as MAL-a-Kith, has a Latin origin meaning "evil". Lokhir Fellheart - Lokhir Fellheart, the Krakenlord, is a Dark Elf corsair of noble birth. They sound like any common name that you have across, except that they have a vampire origin. Arche. Baldassare. Aletia: It has Greek origin that means "truth". One of the youngest of the Hag Queens, she ruled the cult in. Appraisal Questions And Answers Pdf, Akantha (Greek origin) meaning "thorn". mollevrol warripper. Our motto is Where Is El Chapo Now, MuddVader 3 yr. ago. G'elinil Dark Elf name meaning "a spider lady". 2 . Cassius. Badru. Good Female Elf Names. The Dark Elves have no mercy in regards to battles and often wage war against one another.These Dark Elves featuring grey-skin are based on a Middle Eastern culture. Zen Garden Ideas For Front Yard, This is due in part because vampires are immortal and typically ancient when they're introduced as a character. Diy Overhead Garage Storage Plans, The Indigo Spell Pdf, Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Asema. 9 . Anton. Just like other types of elves, dark elves are powerful, intelligent and fast on their feet. Dark elves come in many different forms. Anara - a dunmer maid. Bean Bag Rounds Vs Rubber Bullet, Atieno. According to the Bible, Satan's tile is Diabolos. Don't like the names? Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. 3 . This name generator will give you 10 random names for the Dark Elves part of the Warhammer universes.The Dark Elves are one of three elven civilizations and are the followers of Malekith. Therefore, all of the Dunmer surnames in Arena and Daggerfall are: 44x: Dagoth (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44)13x: Andrano (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, tomb)11x: Andrethi (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, tomb), Ienith (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, tomb)10x: Hlaalu (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, tomb)9x: Arvel (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Dralor (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Llervu (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, tomb), Sadri (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)8x: Saren (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, tomb)7x: Andas (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, tomb), Dren (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Faryon (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Girith (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Hleran (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, tomb), Indaram (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)6x: Aryon (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, tomb), Indaren (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, tomb), Indrano (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Sarano (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, tomb), Seran (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, tomb)5x: Andarys (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Andus (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Arenim (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, tomb), Athren (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Farano (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Fyr (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Gilnith (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Hlaren (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Llethri (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Maryon (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Omayn (1, 2, 3, 4), Relas (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Salas (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Saryon (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Uvayn (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Vendu (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)4x: Andaram (1, 2, 3, 4), Aralas (1, 2, 3, 4), Arelas (1, 2, 3, 4), Arobar (1, 2, 3, 4), Helas (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Hlervu (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Llaren (1, 2, 3, 4), Lleran (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Maren (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Nerethi (1, 2, 3, 4), Omoran (1, 2, 3, 4), Oran (1, 2, 3, 4), Othravel (1, 2, 3, 4), Othril (1, 2, 3, 4), Rathryon (1, 2, 3, 4), Rethan (1, 2, 3, 4), Retheran (1, 2, 3, 4), Salvani (1, 2, 3, 4), Saram (1, 2, 3, 4), Sarethi (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Seloth (1, 2, 3, 4), Senim (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Teran (1, 2, 3, 4), Tharen (1, 2, 3, 4), Ules (1, 2, 3, 4), Velas (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Venim (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Veran (1, 2, 3, 4), Verethi (1, 2, 3, 4), Virith (1, 2, 3, 4)3x: Adas (1, 2, 3), Adren (1, 2, 3), Alen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Andalas (1, 2, 3), Andalen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Andoril (1, 2, 3), Andules (1, 2, 3, tomb), Arano (1, 2, 3, tomb), Aravel (1, 2, 3), Aren (1, 2, 3), Arethan (1, 2, 3, tomb), Arethi (1, 2, 3), Beleth (1, 2, 3), Berano (1, 2, 3), Dral (1, 2, 3), Dralas (1, 2, 3, tomb), Drelas (1, 2, 3), Drenim (1, 2, 3), Drethan (1, 2, 3, tomb), Drothan (1, 2, 3), Helvi (1, 2, 3), Henim (1, 2, 3), Ieneth (1, 2, 3), Indalas (1, 2, 3), Irano (1, 2, 3), Llaram (1, 2, 3), Llarys (1, 2, 3), Llenim (1, 2, 3), Llethan (1, 2, 3), Lloran (1, 2, 3), Mandas (1, 2, 3), Nethan (1, 2, 3), Omalen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Omavel (1, 2, 3), Oren (1, 2, 3), Orethi (1, 2, 3, tomb), Oril (1, 2, 3), Othan (1, 2, 3), Othran (1, 2, 3), Othren (1, 2, 3), Radas (1, 2, 3), Ralen (1, 2, 3), Rendas (1, 2, 3), Sadus (1, 2, 3), Sarendas (1, 2, 3), Sarys (1, 2, 3, tomb), Seleth (1, 2, 3), Serethi (1, 2, 3), Tedas (1, 2, 3), Tenim (1, 2, 3), Thelas (1, 2, 3, tomb), Thirandus (1, 2, 3), Thirano (1, 2, 3), Uvaren (1, 2, 3), Uvenim (1, 2, 3), Uveran (1, 2, 3, tomb), Varen (1, 2, 3), Varis (1, 2, 3)2x: Alver (1, 2), Andaren (1, 2), Andavel (1, 2, tomb), Andoren (1, 2), Andrelo (1, 2), Aralen (1, 2, tomb), Areleth (1, 2), Arinith (1, 2), Arothan (1, 2), Athram (1, 2), Athrys (1, 2), Balen (1, 2), Belas (1, 2), Berendas (1, 2), Berethi (1, 2), Dalen (1, 2), Darethi (1, 2), Daryon (1, 2), Darys (1, 2), Dran (1, 2), Drom (1, 2), Falas (1, 2, tomb), Falen (1, 2), Faram (1, 2), Faren (1, 2), Farethi (1, 2), Farys (1, 2), Favelnim (1, 2), Gilvayn (1, 2), Heleran (1, 2, tomb), Heran (1, 2, tomb), Hlaalo (1, 2), Hlan (1, 2), Hlas (1, 2), Hlen (1, 2), Hler (1, 2), Hloran (1, 2), Indalen (1, 2, tomb), Indarys (1, 2), Llendu (1, 2), Marvel (1, 2), Marys (1, 2), Moren (1, 2), Morvayn (1, 2), Mothryon (1, 2), Nelas (1, 2, tomb), Nerano (1, 2, tomb), Nirith (1, 2), Norvayn (1, 2, tomb), Norvayne (1, 2), Omalas (1, 2), Omalor (1, 2), Omoril (1, 2), Omothan (1, 2), Othralen (1, 2), Othrelas (1, 2, tomb), Othreleth (1, 2), Othreloth (1, 2), Othrenim (1, 2), Ralas (1, 2), Raledran (1, 2), Ravel (1, 2, tomb), Releth (1, 2, tomb), Romoren (1, 2), Romori (1, 2), Rothandus (1, 2), Samori (1, 2), Sarandas (1, 2), Sarothril (1, 2), Savel (1, 2, tomb), Savil (1, 2), Sedas (1, 2), Selaren (1, 2), Selas (1, 2), Selvilo (1, 2), Sendas (1, 2), Sethan (1, 2, tomb), Telas (1, 2), Thendas (1, 2), Tures (1, 2), Ulven (1, 2), Uvelas (1, 2), Uvirith (1, 2), Varam (1, 2), Vari (1, 2), Varyon (1, 2), Varys (1, 2), Vedas (1, 2), Vedran (1, 2), Veleth (1, 2), Verano (1, 2), Vules (1, 2)1x: Adram, Adryn, Adus, Alam, Alan, Alari, Alvor, Amori, Andalor (tomb), Andothan, Andral, Andrani, Andrilo, Androm, Andromo, Androthi, Apo, Aradil, Aram, Areloth, Ares, Areth, Arns, Arval, Athelvis, Athin, Athones, Avani, Avel, Avilo, Balur, Balvel, Bandas, Baram (tomb), Barelo, Baren, Baro, Barus, Baryon, Barys, Bavani, Bedas, Belaal, Belan, Belaram, Belden, Beloren, Bels, Belvani, Belvayn, Belvilo, Bemis, Benelas, Beneran, Benethran, Beni, Bereloth, Beren, Berendus, Berer, Bero, Bethrano, Bethrimo, Bradyn, Braryn, Braven, Brenos, Brenur, Brilyn, Carvaren, Dalas, Dalis, Dalobar, Dalomo, Dals, Dalvani, Damori, Danoran, Daram, Darano, Daren, Darethran, Darothril, Darvel, Dathren, Davor, Davus, Daynes, Delms, Deltis, Delvi, Demnevanni, Deras, Dilmyn, Dobar, Doran, Doren, Dorvayn, Doves, Dradas, Dralayn, Dralen, Dralno, Drals, Drath (tomb), Drathen, Dredayn, Dredil, Dreleth, Dreloth (tomb), Dres, Dreth, Driler, Drilvi, Drin, Drinith (tomb), Drivam, Drobar, Drolan, Drolnor, Drora, Droryn, Droth, Drurel, Dulfass, Dulni, Duro, Elarven, Elval, Elvul, Ertis, Evos, Falandas, Falavel, Falos, Fals, Falvani, Famori, Faralen, Farandas, Faravel, Fareloth, Farethan, Farothran, Fatheran, Fathyron, Favani, Faveran, Fedos, Felas, Felder, Fels, Fendyn, Fererus, Fevur, Folvyn, Gadar, Galen, Gals, Garer, Garil, Garvon, Gavos, Gavyn, Gidran, Gilaram, Gilvani, Gilvilo, Gimalvel, Gimayn, Gindu, Ginith (tomb), Giral, Giralvel, Girando, Girano, Girendas, Girethi, Girothran, Girvayne, Githendas, Githrano, Givyn, Gobor, Golathyn, Gols, Goran, Gorvas, Guls, Guvron, Hardil, Heladren, Helni, Helothan, Helothran, Helothren, Herandus, Herendas, Herothran, Hlaano, Hlando, Hlarar, Hlarys, Hledas, Hledri, Ildram, Ilnith, Imayn, Indavel, Indobar, Indoran, Indules, Inlador, Irathi, Irethi, Ledd, Lladri, Llandu, Llendo, Llerayn, Llervi, Lleryn, Lloryn, Llothas, Llothri, Madalas, Madalvel, Madryon, Malas, Maloren, Malvayn, Manas, Manel, Mano, Marvayn, Marvos, Mathendis, Mavandes, Mels, Menas, Mencele, Merys, Milar, Milo, Mirel, Molor, Moran, Nadram, Nadus, Nalyn, Naros, Navur, Nedalor, Neladren, Nelaram, Neleth, Nelvani, Nelvayn, Nelvilo, Nerandas, Nerothan, Nerothren, Nerus, Nervion, Nethalen, Nilem, Nilvon, Nithryon, Nolar, Nothro, Nothryon, Nulen, Ofemalen, Omani, Omaren (tomb), Ondyn, Onmar, Orelu, Ores, Oreyn, Othralas, Othrobar, Quintella, Radarys, Radobar, Ralaal, Raloran, Ralvani, Ralvayn, Ramarys, Ramoran, Ramori, Ramothran, Randas (tomb), Raram, Rathri, Redas (tomb), Redothril, Reladren, Relarys, Relavel, Relenim, Relnim, Reloro, Reloth (tomb), Relvani, Rendo, Reni, Renim, Reram, Rervam, Rethelas, Rethul, Reyas, Rilvayn, Rindo, Rindu, Rinith, Rivul, Rols, Romandas, Romari, Romavel, Romayn, Romoran, Romothran, Rothalen, Rothalnim, Rothalor, Rothan (tomb), Rothari, Rotheloth, Rotheran, Rothrano, Rothren, Rurvyn, Ryon, Sadalas, Sadalvel, Sadas, Sadoro, Sadralo, Sadrano, Sadryon (tomb), Sadrys, Sala, Salam, Salandas, Salaren, Salaron, Salavel, Salen, Salenim, Salmyn, Salobar, Salor, Salvi, Samandas, Sandus (tomb), Sarandus, Sarathram, Sareloth, Sarethan, Sari, Sarinith, Sarobar, Sarothran, Sarothren, Saryoni, Sathendas, Sathis, Sathren, Sathryon, Savani, Sedrethi, Sedri, Selandas, Selaro, Selarys, Seles, Selothan, Selvayn, Sendu, Senoril, Seralas, Serano (tomb), Seri, Serothan, Serven, Sethandas, Sethandus, Sethri, Surishpi, Talds, Tedalen, Tedran, Telandas, Telmon, Telnim, Telvani, Teneran, Terandas, Terano, Teri, Teria, Terilu, Tervayn, Thalas (tomb), Thalor, Thando, Tharam, Tharyon, Tharys, Theman, Thenim, Therayn, Therethi, Thilandas, Thilarvel, Thimalvel, Thindo, Thiralas (tomb), Thireloth, Thirith, Thirothan, Thirvayn, Tilvur, Tistar, Tobor, Trandel, Tunel, Tyravel, Uleni, Ulessen, Ulom, Ulvel, Ulver, Urns, Urvon, Urvyn, Uvalas, Uvalen, Uvalor, Uvani, Uvaram, Uveleth, Uvulas, Vadryon, Valaai, Valas, Valen, Valno, Valor, Vando, Vandram, Varo*, Vavas, Vavyn, Vedaren, Vedralu, Vedrano, Velendas, Velni, Veloren, Veloth (tomb), Velothren, Velothril, Veralor, Verelas, Verendas, Veri, Verilnith, Verothan, Viake, Vian, Vibato, Vidron, Vilas, Vinden, Volos0x (tomb only): Alas, Aran, Arys, Beran, Dareleth, Dulo, Fadathram, Favel, Gimothran, Helan, Hlervi, Llando, Marvani, Raviro, Redoran, Rethandus, Salothan, Salothran, Salvel, Samarys, Sandas, Telvayn, Tharys, Vandus, Verelnim. 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