Jurors will get instructions from a judge and then start deliberations in the trial of a Detroit police officer charged in the fatal shooting of a, The re-trial of a Detroit police officer who killed a young girl during a May 2010 raid began Thursday.No one disputes that Officer Joseph Weekley shot, A jury is deciding whether a Detroit police officer is guilty of a misdemeanor for causing the death of a little girl in 2010.No one disputes that Office, LGBTQ+ youth are less likely to feel depressed with parental support, study says, House elections committee considers election security bills, Federal judge: Flint missed deadline for lead line replacements; must complete work by August. Little Aiyana's death is heartbreaking! McNeal wondered how she was going to pay the $3,000 for her sons funeral. Her parents say they hope Aiyana will be remembered as more than a symbol of heightened tension in a city in crisis. That night, she was murdered by the very people meant to "protect" and "serve" her. Weekley, a member of an elite police unit, was the first officer through the door during a chaotic . [12] Weekley had been featured on another A&E police reality show, Detroit SWAT. [12], Owens was later found guilty of Blake's murder. Behind the door was Jason Gibson, 25, a violent man with a history of gun crimes, assaults on police, and repeated failures to honor probationary sentences. All rights reserved. Thirty-four hours earlier, JeRean Blake Nobles, 17, had been shot outside a liquor store on nearby Mack Avenue; an informant had IDd a man named Chauncey Owens as the shooter and provided this address. However, the judge also said if Mertilla Jones and the other relatives continued to have outbursts on the stand, then she would declare a mistrial. JeRean might have thought it was funny to see a grown man driving a moped. By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use, and to receive messages from Mother Jones and our partners. Aiyana Jones was a seven year old girl living in Detroit, who was killed by the police while sleeping in her own home. He assigned the SWAT team the job of rounding up murder suspects, a task that had previously been done by detectives. Were taking whats left.. The kids are dropping like flies and hes got nothing but useless words., CHECK OUT A SLIDESHOW OF ABANDONED HOUSES ON ONE BLOCK IN DETROIT, join us with a tax-deductible donation today. Aiyana Stanley-Jones, pictured in family photograph. When I was a teenager, my mother owned a struggling little flower shop on the East Side, not far from where Aiyana was killed. Al Sharpton spoke her eulogy. Owens was convicted of first-degree murderand sentenced to life in prison. Weekley will not go to a third trial. There are lawyers and doctors and auto executives with nice homes and good jobs, community elders trying to make things better, teachers who spend their own money on classroom supplies, people who mow lawns out of respect for the dead, parents who raise their children, ministers who help with funeral expenses. After the finale aired, we didn't know whether they're still together or not until the reunion on March 4, but a little social media sleuthing told us they were still . Subscribe today and get a full year of Mother Jones for just $14.95. In 2007, he attacked a cop and tried to take his gun. What? he croaked. Aiyana Jones settlement On April 4, Attorney Geoffrey Fieger announced that the City of Detroit had agreed to an $8.2 million settlement in the 2010 slaughter of Aiyana Jones, 7, by another joint task force incuding Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley during a military-style assault on her grandmother Mertilla Jones' home. Still, as the American middle class collapses, its worth perhaps remembering that the East Side of Detroitthe place where Aiyana, JeRean, and Officer Huff all diedwas once its industrial cradle. Instead of being protected, communities are treated like the enemy, the report found with a disproportionate effect on communities of color. Owens, a habitual criminal, was arrested upstairs minutes after Aiyanas shooting and charged for the slaying of JeRean. [12] At the time of the incident Aiyana Jones was asleep on the couch in front room of the downstairs apartment. Hes from New York. Fiegers suburban office is a shrine to Geoffrey Fieger. A total, unfortunate fuck-up.. In Detroit, only 1 in 3 kids will graduate from high school. Inexplicably, its carcass still stands and burns incessantly. A half-dozen masked officers of. He also told me that perhaps 50 percent of Detroits drivers were operating without a license or insurance. Seven-year-old Aiyana Jones was asleep on the living room sofa in her family's apartment when Detroit police searching for a homicide suspect burst in and an officer's gun went off, fatally . 2:45 Detroit Charles Jones, whose role in a high school student's 2010 slaying helped spark the police raid that ended with the officer-involved shooting death of his 7-year-old daughter. The city grew to 1.3 million people from 300,000 after Ford opened his Model T factory. On May 14, 2010, Jones handed a .357 magnum pistol to his friend Chauncey Owens, who gunned down Cargill's son, 17-year-old Je'Rean Blake, outside the Motor City Marketplace on Mack at St. Jean on Detroit's east side. Gibson is a tall, thick-necked man who, like the character Omar from The Wire, made his living robbing dope houses. He was formerly a reporter for The Detroit News. Two trials against Officer Joseph Weekley ended without verdicts on a charge of reckless use of a gun. After the fatal shooting, the video concludes with a message dedicated to Aiyana Stanley-Jones, a 7-year-old girl who was shot and killed during a police raid on her house in Detroit back in. The flower shop is just a pile of bricks now, but despite what the Arab told me, I did not forget what I saw. Today75 years after the beavers disappeared from the Detroit RiverDetroitism means something completely different. When I called the head of the homicide bureau and explained the situation, he told me, Oh yeah? Jones broke down during testimony and had to be escorted out amid sobbing after addressing Weekley who was also in the courtroom directly. Testifying at the New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church.Stand at the corner of Lillibridge Street and Mack Avenue and walk a mile in each direction from Alter Road to Gratiot Avenue (pronounced Gra-shit). The Detroit City Council needs to approve the settlement. Weve got nothing but bullet fragments., A neighbor who tends the lawn in front of the dope house out of respect to Huff wonders why so many cops came in the first place, given that the police hardly come around at all, much less that many cops that fast on a home break-in.. We believe some of them were struck by friendly fire, the high-ranking cop told me. Two days later, on May 16, police arrived at the house where Aiyana Jones lived, hoping to find Owens. Jones was born on July 20, 2002, to Charles Jones and Dominika Stanley in Detroit. Jones does not have a release date identified, although he could be freed as early as Thursday, Gautz said. Except there aint no job. I stared through the windshield at the little boy in the diaper playing amid the ruins, reached over, and switched it off. Fieger alleged a police cover-up. Thats good news until you realize that in Detroit, some 500 fires are set every single month. Sanders was Aiyana Jones's paternal aunt, the girlfriend of Chauncey Owens, and the daughter of Mertilla Jones. Its always like that. [12][17][18] Officer Weekley claimed that the flash grenade subsequently blinded his view of the person on the couch in the living room. They were looking for a murder suspect. Im trying to find him, Sheffield complained. [61][62][63], In May 2016, BlackMattersUS[64][unreliable source?] Aiyana Jones, Up Closed, https://upclosed.com/people/aiyana-monay-stanley-jones/; Aiyana Jones, Mother Jones, http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2010/09/aiyana-stanley-jones-detroit/; Aiyana Jones, Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/17/aiyana-stanley-jones-joseph-weekley-trial_n_5824684.html; CBS News, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aiyana-stanley-jones-case-final-charge-dropped-against-detroit-cop-in-fatal-raid/. Tens of thousands of them, hundreds of thousands. Three officers shot, standoff follows in Kansas City, Mo., police say, Vanessa Bryant, family settles claims over Kobe crash site photos for $28.5M. This could be a precedent setting case if the Court . Devils Night is no longer the big deal it used to be, topping out last year at around 65 arsons. In a photograph from May 2010, Dominika Stanley and Charles Jones hold a picture of their daughter, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, in a Detroit courtroom. I have . The silent suffering.. [58] Michigan State Police Detective Tawana Powell testified during the 2014 trial that the investigation discovered that the video Fieger was talking about did not exist. One question that lurked behind the scenes of the Aiyana Jones trial was whether the fact that producers from A&E's 'The First 48' played any role in what happened the night Aiyana died. So is the house across the street. But the people of Lillibridge Street still look like theyve been picked up by their hair and dropped from the rooftop. Thats how its supposed to be done.. What the fuck do you think? he said. It was Jameson who finally dragged Huff out of the house and gave him CPR in the driveway, across the street from the Boys & Girls Club. I asked him if the way he was raising his daughter, the people he exposed her to, or the neighborhood where they livedwith its decaying houses and liquor storesmay have played a role. We hope this resolution will provide everyone involved a measure of closure," Detroit Corporation Counsel Lawrence Garcia said in a statement, according to the Detroit News. Mertilla Jones, 46, and her grandaughter, Aiyana Jones, 7, were asleep on a couch in their lower flat's front room at about 12:30 a.m. when police tossed an incendiary stun grenade through the window directly above the couch. His brother stood over the dead man, a pistol in his hand, keeping an eye on the door in case someone walked in wanting to settle things. In the case of the night Aiyana was killed, many feel the situation did not call for a military-style bust at midnight. A few minutes after that, JeReans mother, Lyvonne Cargill, arrived and got behind the wheel of the car that friends had dragged him into. Chaises mother, Britta McNeal, 39, sat on the porch staring blankly into the distance, smoking no-brand cigarettes. People call it police brutality. Grover 08:10, 10 June 2014 (UTC) Reply . "[42][43] Its easy in our anger, our rage, to just vent and scream. I was thinking that, she said with tears. On January 28, 2015, a prosecutor cleared Weekley of the last remaining charge against him, ensuring there would not be a third trial. and Weekley for the unlawful use of excessive force. You can blame it on the John Deere mechanical cotton-picker of 1950, which uprooted the sharecropper and sent him north looking for a livingwhere he found he was locked out of the factories by the unions. Jones and two other men known as Lil James and Dirt rode along for JeReans ass-whipping. Which is what he was doing at this house, authorities contend, when he put three bullets in Officer Huffs face. An 11th-grade dropout and convicted robber, he said he supported his seven children with a little this, a little thatI got a few tricks and trades.. Go ahead, walk in the Detroit River and disappear. But I cant. But defense attorney Steve Fishman says Jones has no credibility because she's told different stories about what happened. Whenever I see a person who died of violence or misadventure, I think about the dead man with the open eyes on the dirty floor of the liquor store. 91.3 Port Huron 89.7 Lansing 91.1 Flint. Two years later he was sentenced to an additional 12 months for violating . Folks want to blame Aiyana's "crime ridden" neighborhood for her death. At the prosecutors request, Hathaway dismissed the last charge against Joseph Weekley. Soon, the Motor Citys population surpassed that of Boston and Baltimore, old East Coast port cities founded on maritime shipping when the world moved by boat. I was allowed to meet with Charles Jones the following morning at Fiegers office, but with the caveat that I could only ask him questions about the evening his daughter was killed. Sherrors mom, in white, lost another son to a bullet the previous year. Owens didn't like the way the Southeastern High School teen had looked at him, according to court testimony. The case had been set to go to trial next week. [23] At Weekley's retrial in 2014, it was disclosed that Mertilla's fingerprints were not found on Weekley's gun. Evans told me then that major crimes were routinely underreported by 20 percent. A former risk manager for the district was indicted for siphoning off $3 million for personal use. The slap caused the gun to fire with the bullets striking young Aiyana in the head and killing her instantly. ], My baby, my baby, my baby. The presence of children in the house was known. Weekley stated, "A woman inside grabbed my gun. Predictably, Gibson did not show for his new court date. (And that statistic is true; I checked.). What did? It means uncertainty and abandonment and psychopathology. The whole country knew it, and the whole country laughed. He said. Forbidden by restrictive real estate covenants and racist custom, the blacks were mostly restricted to Paradise Valley, which ran the length of Woodward Avenue. . The settlement was finalized just days prior to the scheduled civil trial. Stanley suddenly emerged from her stupor: Whats that got to do with it? she hissed. Not all of us are blessed.. A wary Detroit police officer keeps watch over an unruly crowd after an arrest on the East Side.The judge, Cynthia Gray Hathaway, set his bond at $20,000only 10 percent of which was due upfrontand adjourned the trial without explanation, according to the docket. For years it was the all-but-official policy of the newspapers to ignore the black city, since the majority of readers lived in the predominantly white suburbs. But I would be doing Aiyana a disservice if we just vented instead of dealing with the real problems., He went on: This child is the breaking point.. Detroit grew restless. Until there wasnt. Seconds after Aiyana's blanket caught fire, the SWAT team stormed through the door, and mistakenly shot Aiyana through the neck, killing her. January 7, 2022 . He caught a lunch lady stealing the childrens milk money. She was only a baby, man. The grenade landed so close to Aiyana that it burned her blanket. People involved. Police first floated the story that Aiyanas grandmother had grabbed Weekleys gun. It was 12:40 am on Sunday, May 16, 2010. A small crowd of agitated black people was gathered on the sidewalk. They threw a flash-bang grenade through the window of the lower unit and kicked open its wooden door, which was also unlocked. Weekley shot Aiyana Stanley-Jones as she slept on a couch in a Detroit home in 2010. His eyes and mouth were open and held that milky expression of a drunk who has fallen asleep with his eyes open. One man, who wanted to turn himself in for a murder, gave up trying to call the Detroit police; he drove to Ohio and turned himself in there. The house next door to his is rubble smelling of burnt pine, pissed on by the spray cans of the East Warren Crips. All Rights Reserved. FEMAIL reveals what has happened to . The lawsuit asserts that police were outside of the home where they "blindly fired random shots," and one of the bullets fatally struck the 7-year-old child in the neck. [49], Aiyana Jones' funeral was held in the Second Ebenezer Church on May 22, 2010 in Detroit. On October 10, the second trial ended in another mistrial. 2) NO WEAPONS OF ANY KIND WERE FOUND IN OR OUTSIDE THE HOME OF MERTILLA JONES after the police Special Response Team raid. Lord Jesus, I ain't never seen nothing like that in my life."--Mertilla Jones, Aiyana's grandmother. Editors note: On October 4, 2011, following a yearlong investigation by the Michigan state police, Officer Weekley was charged with involuntary manslaughter and careless discharge of a firearm. The killing contributed to raising national awareness of the ongoing issue of young unarmed African Americans being killed by police. . Oh, stay your ass right here, Owens growled. Her death drew national media attention and led U.S. Representative John Conyers to ask U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for a federal . But in Evans defense, he seemed to understand one thing: After the collapse of the car industry and the implosion of the real estate bubble, there is little else Detroit has to export except its misery. The programs six-minute sizzle reel begins with Evans dressed in full battle gear in front of the shattered Michigan Central Rail Depot, cradling a semiautomatic rifle and declaring that he would do whatever it takes to take back the streets of Detroit. Outside, a reality television crew filmed the events for A&E. Thats five times as many as New York, in a city one-tenth the size. His weapon fired a single shot, the bullet striking Aiyana in the head and exiting her neck. As for the videotape of the killing, Geoffrey Fieger said he did not have it. The auto industry allowed for sprawl. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy, though his heart did not seem to be in it. Gibson bonded out last January and actually showed up for his trial in circuit court on February 17. Why would anyone move a gunshot victim, much less toss him in a car? Wage growth is slowing. January 30, 2015 / 4:13 PM For community members and advocates, the bigger question is why a Swat team was deployed in the first place. Murder suspect Chauncey Louis Owens, the target of the raid, will be charged. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses reelection bid, Fiery train crash in Greece kills dozens, many of them students. WHat actually happened to this little girl? Juries twice failed to reach a verdict in Weekleys case, first in June 2013 and then in October 2014. "I want to say to the entire Jones family, Aiyana's loved ones and friends, how terribly sorry I am for your loss. Young Municipal Center in Detroit. The gimmick was to have its reporters live there and chronicle the decline of the Motor City for one year. "It isn't the judge's decisions that caused these juries to not reach a decision," she said. Like so many across the country, shes being evicted with no job and no place to go. The story rated three paragraphs in the daily papers, and the media never followed up. This was the first raid on a house since his death. The house on the other side is in much the same state. I called the fire department to ask for its statistics. We noticed you have an ad blocker on. Aiyana's mother Dominika Stanley, and paternal grandmother Mertilla testified, and both had "emotional outbursts." The ones pictured here are all found on one block. The madness has to stop, he said. The prisoner has not incurred any serious misconducts while in prison. Dr. Carl Schmidt is the chief medical examiner there. The Rev. In 2010 Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones, a seven-year-old African American girl, was accidentally shot and killed during a raid that was conducted by the Detroit, Michigan Police Department's Special Response Team. No one cared much about Detroit or its industrial suburbs until the Dow collapsed, the chief executives of the Big Three went to Washington to grovel, and General Motors declared bankruptcy100 years after its founding. [51] She was buried on the grounds. But he doesnt return my calls. The suspect fingered for Blakes murder, Chauncey Owens, lived in the upstairs flat, with Charles Jones sister. Thats when Owens, 34, pulled up on a moped. Then JeRean was murdered. Chauncey Owens, the uncle wanted on murder charges, was said to be going in and out of the house as normal and could have been apprehended during the day. But according to a witness, he said nothing. You might blame it on the urban renewal and interstate highway projects that rammed a freeway down the middle of Paradise Valley, displacing thousands of blacks and packing the Negro tenements tighter still. [11], The jury claimed that race did not affect the decision of their verdict. Inside, splayed on the floor underneath the rack of snack cakes near the register, was a black man in a pool of blood. The man stopped, turned, and pulled a gun. But JeRean never went to prom, much less the Afghanistan theater, because he couldnt clear the killing fields of Detroit. He was charged twice with involuntary manslaughter, but both cases ended in mistrials. . You might blame postwar industrial policies that sent the factories to the suburbs, the rural South, and the western deserts. I wouldnt wish this on nobody in the world. These girls are the lucky ones. His partner took the rear entrance. The individual being sought at the multi-family dwelling was a suspect in a murder that took place at about 3:00 p.m. the previous Friday. Police caught him again in November 2009 in possession of a handgun stolen from an Ohio cop. First, it was six cops who responded to the 911 call. Unclaimed bodies at the Wayne County MorgueTHE RAID ON THE Lillibridge house that took little Aiyanas life came two weeks and at least a dozen homicides after the last time police stormed into a Detroit home. 1:46 Detroit After nearly five years, the officer who accidentally killed 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones during a raid being filmed by a TV camera crew has been restored to active duty as a. By 1958, 20 percent of the Detroit workforce was jobless. Theyd not been tabulated for four years. The red halo around his skull gave the scene a feeling of serenity. European intellectuals wondered at the whirl of building and spending in the new America. Weekley's first trial ended in a mistrial in June 2013. You might say that the homicide of Aiyana is the natural conclusion to the disease from which she suffered, Schmidt told me. By police incompetence? As officer Joseph Weekley walks free, another community is demanding answers about the increasing militarisation of law enforcement. (Thomas Sugrue, in his seminal book The Origins of the Urban Crisis, writes that residents in Detroits predominantly black lower East Side reported 206 rat bites in 1951 and 1952.). In tow was an A&E crew filming an episode of The First 48, its true-crime program. There are some 10,000 unsolved homicides dating back to 1960. The family of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Detroit police officers, following a raid that led to the death of the child. An Arab family owned the store, and one of the menthe one with the pocked face and loud voicewas talking on the telephone, but I remember no sounds. "She's not a scapegoat. The bullet hit a child. The jury stall resulted in seven voting "not guilty" and five voting "guilty". Then they said he jumped out a back window. The radio was tuned to NPR and A Prairie Home Companion came warbling out of my speakers. Judge Hathaway emphasized that two juries, in 2013 and 2014, couldn't reach a unanimous verdict. The police have been working under a federal consent decree since a 2003 investigation found that detectives were locking up murder witnesses for days on end, without access to a lawyer, until they coughed up a name. On April 4, 2019, Aiyanas family settled with Detroit for $8.25 million. Southeasterns motto is Age Quod Agis: Attend to Your Business. And JeRean did. For instance, in 2008 a man was shot in the head. I saw him in the face of my sisters daughter, who died from a heroin overdose in a suburban basement near the interstate, weeks after I moved back to Michigan with my wife to raise our daughter and take a job with the Detroit News. But I felt unraveling this one death could help diagnose what has gone wrong in this city, so I decided to retrace the events leading up to that pitiable moment on the porch on Lillibridge Street. Even on Lillibridge Street, the outrage has died down. The crime most likely happened at the . Even in Detroit, a predominantly black city. "[67], Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 18:19, Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, "Detroit police outline final moments of Aiyana's life", "State to Probe Police Killing of Girl in Detroit", "Conyers seeks federal probe of Aiyana's death", "Aiyana Stanley-Jones Update: Mistrial declared in manslaughter trial of Detroit cop in death of 7-yr.-old girl", "Judge dismisses involuntary manslaughter charge against Detroit", "Manslaughter charge dismissed in cop's shooting of girl", "Charge dismissed in Detroit police shooting - the Washington Post", "Second mistrial declared in fatal shooting of Aiyana Stanley-Jones by Detroit police officer Joseph Weekley", "Second mistrial in case of Detroit cop who accidentally killed child", "Charges Dismissed Against Joseph Weekley, Cop Who Fatally Shot Sleeping 7-Year-Old [UPDATE]", "Detroit children dying in culture of violence", "Where's the outrage? Then there is the thought that Detroit is simply a boomtown that went bust the minute Henry Ford began to build it. They killed a child and then they lied about it.. Louis Miriani, the last Republican mayor of Detroit, who served from 1957 to 1962, was sent to federal prison for tax evasion when he couldnt explain how he made nearly a quarter of a million dollars on a reported salary of only $25,000. If he didn't give him the gun, they feel like their brother would still be alive, and Aiyana would still be alive.". The hospital was six miles away. Danny Wilcox Frazier is a contributing photographer for Mother Jones. [12], An A&E reality TV television crew was accompanying the police Special Response Team gathering footage for The First 48. His seven-year-old daughter, Aiyana Mo'nay Stanley-Jones (PDF), slept on the couch as her grandmother watched television. But is she responsible for police officers with broken computers in their squad cars, firefighters with holes in their boots, ambulances that arrive late, a city that cant keep its lights on and leaves its vacant buildings to the arsonists match, a state government that allows corpses to stack up in the morgue, multinational corporations that move away and leave poisoned fields behind, judges who let violent criminals walk the streets, school stewards who steal the childrens milk money, elected officials who loot the city, automobile executives who couldnt manage a grocery store, or Wall Street grifters who destroyed the economy and left the nations children with a burden of debt? Pine, pissed on by the police Special Response team raid 61 ] [ 62 ] 63! Raid on a couch in a murder that took place at about 3:00 p.m. the previous year, with Jones... 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Bullet striking Aiyana in the head of the homicide bureau and explained the situation did not show for his court. Convicted of first-degree murderand sentenced to an additional 12 months for violating grown man driving a.. 12 months for violating walks free, another community is demanding answers about the increasing of.