They also described how appellant would give Beard sleeping pills instead of his other medications. at 838 & 839 n. 10. When Kristina asked appellant about the money she was giving Goodson, appellant became irate and threatened to physically kill her. Appellant's initial appellate brief contained three points of error challenging the trial court's determination that she was not indigent and refusal to order the preparation of a free record. Point of error eighteen is overruled. 'I just wish she would tell the truth, I wish she would have a conscience. Another thirty-five calls were made between these phones from January 27 to June 15, 2000. This ruling was within the scope of the court's discretion. Now, call her and sit down and start. Counsel asked if he was being ordered to call Lofton, and the court said that he was. Instead, Tarlton told Lofton that she shot Beard because he never cared for her. Evid. I had over half a million dollars in jewellery. Appellant contends that her due process rights were violated by the trial court's remarks to Lofton. See Tex.R.App. A double jeopardy violation may be raised for the first time on appeal if the violation is clearly apparent on the face of the record and when enforcement of the usual rules of procedural default would serve no legitimate state interests. He was wealthy and was a member of the Austin Country Club where she worked as a waitress. He was incredibly wealthy and, at 70, was significantly older than Celeste. Bayardo testified that the immediate cause of death was pulmonary emboli. Both as filed and as amended, the indictment alleged the offense of capital murder for remuneration. Evidence rule 804 provides exceptions to the hearsay rule when the declarant is unavailable to testify. Goodson testified that appellant slept all day and partied all night. Goodson accompanied appellant on her frequent visits to Austin night spots and said that appellant became involved with several men, including a bartender named Cole Johnson who appellant later married. Satterwhite opined that Beard died from septic shock resulting from the strep infection. No abuse of discretion is shown. There are no entries in the spreadsheets for calls from a land line number to a cell phone number. Appellant contends that the evidence is legally and factually insufficient to prove that Beard was murdered by shooting him with a firearm as alleged in the indictment. Nevertheless, appellant contends that rule 1006 was misused in this cause because the spreadsheets did not accurately summarize the actual billing records and contained additional, unsupported material that was no more than the State's view of the case masquerading as evidence. Celeste Beard, 53, has spent 14 years behind bars in Texas after she was given a life sentence for manipulating her former lesbian lover into shooting her fourth husband, 70-year-old TV tycoon. The following day, appellant called Beard's doctor and demanded that he be readmitted to the hospital. She found the gate open as planned. Points of error twenty-nine through thirty-five are overruled. ref'd). This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Celeste says that if shes convicted, the twins would get a share of her inheritance an estimated $2 million each. The evidence shows that appellant was unhappy in her marriage and often expressed the wish that Beard would die. Early sweet peppers are a great addition to any garden. In one of Lofton's letters to appellant, she told her there is no limit to what I wouldn't do for you. Lofton asked appellant for several favors, including money, support letters for her parole hearing, and legal assistance. Tarlton described appellant as flirtatious, and she said that they developed a romantic relationship while at St. David's. According to Lego Club Magazine, Steve and Alex are dating. Petty had examined Beard's medical records and the autopsy report prepared by Dr. Bayardo. We hold that the trial court's perjury admonishment did not violate appellant's due process rights because it had no effect on Lofton's trial testimony. On the other hand, warnings concerning the dangers of perjury cannot be emphasized to the point where they threaten and intimidate the witness into refusing to testify. She also contends that the court erred by refusing to admit evidence of Lofton's prior consistent statement to rebut the State's claim of recent fabrication. We have compared this statement to Lofton's trial testimony, and find no material differences. Ray said that she had never before had a sexual relationship with a woman, and she described her relationship with Tarlton as trauma bonding. Ray said that the relationship ended about one year after it began when Tarlton resumed drinking and was arrested for assault. 351. Tarlton denied this, but she acknowledged that she had a history of entering relationships with married women that ultimately failed. The court held that the indictment did not give the defendant adequate notice of the conduct she allegedly committed pursuant to the conspiracy. She testified for the State at appellant's trial. Tarlton drove to the Beard residence shortly after 2:00 a.m. that night. The other nine cell phone numbers were billed to Beard, but in the spreadsheets his name is attached to only one of the numbers. Beard's wife of forty-two years, who was seriously ill when he met appellant, died in October of that year. I had 26 fur coats. Steve has a penchant for mining, building and alchemy. At the same time, it is obvious from reading the amended indictment that appellant was the person to whom the alleged remuneration was to be paid. I am not sure what Celeste's real role in this was, but I can say from what I saw on TV , this women got an unfair trial! These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. 'She finally asked me to shoot him and I said no what do you mean I am not going to shoot him,' says Tracey. The court admonished defense counsel that he was not to speak to Lofton, adding, She's not to have any contact with anybody, we'll just hold on to her, until this matter is resolved She is not to have any contact with anyone until I give-say she can. Later that morning, during a bench conference, the court told counsel for both parties that Lofton will be available for either of you to talk to during the lunch hour. When Tarlton tried to drive away, Breaux jumped in front of her car and was struck. The court of criminal appeals held that the indictment did not give the defendant adequate notice because it did not allege the name of the person providing the remuneration. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Pen.Code Ann. After appellant and Tarlton returned to Austin, they continued to see each other regularly during the summer and fall of 1999. If the marriage ended in divorce, appellant would receive $500,000. While searching Tarlton's house, the officers found photographs of Tarlton with appellant and calendar entries describing some of their activities. Celeste Beard JOHNSON, Appellant, v. The STATE of Texas, Appellee. filed). She said that if Beard did not die immediately, she would wait for him to bleed to death before calling the police. He agreed with Miller's diagnosis of bipolar psychosis. After a staff member saw Tarlton giving appellant a massage, Tarlton was moved to a separate room. Later that day, appellant, who did not know that they had already done so, instructed Kristina, Jennifer, and their boyfriends not to mention Tarlton to the police. During Lofton's cross-examination, she acknowledged making statements to a prosecutor that were inconsistent with some of her trial testimony. The court ruled that this testimony was relevant to show appellant's consciousness of guilt and that its probative value outweighed any unfair prejudice. Pen.Code Ann. The requirement of authentication or identification as a condition precedent to admissibility is satisfied by evidence sufficient to support a finding that the matter in question is what its proponent claims. She also contends that she was not shown to have had the same motive and opportunity to develop the testimony at the deposition. See Torres v. State, 794 S.W.2d 596, 598 (Tex.App.-Austin 1990, no pet.) 3. The indictment alleged that Beard was murdered for remuneration and the promise of remuneration, namely, money and the estate of Steven Beard and the assets of a trust created by Steven Beard. See Tex. She parked near the girls' bedroom and entered the house through an unlocked door near Beard's bedroom. Jennifer and Kristina identified the two land line numbers shown in the spreadsheets as the Beard home phones. Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the jury's verdict, and thus assuming that the jury believed the State's experts and discounted the testimony of the defense experts, the evidence is clearly sufficient to support a finding beyond a reasonable doubt that Beard died as a result of the shotgun wound inflicted by Tarlton on October 2. 1006. The trial court's admission of exhibits 179 through 184 has not been shown to be an abuse of discretion. The evidence shows that this so-called secret cell phone belonged to Tarlton. This was the first time appellant had allowed Jennifer to use the lake house without first asking permission. First, it is important to choose the right type of planter and support system for your plants. Appellant said nothing to the police when she was told that Tarlton had been arrested. The trial court overruled appellant's rule 404(b) objection to this testimony on the ground that it was relevant to show motive. Most of Beard's assets, which at one time totaled over seven million dollars, were held in a revocable trust. 21.11 (West 1989). A defendant suffers multiple punishments in violation of the Fifth Amendment only when she is convicted of more offenses than the legislature intended. However, he promised to adopt her then 15-year-old daughters, which he did right before their 18th birthday. The conduct proscribed by section 19.03(a)(3) includes the killing of another person in order to receive, or for the purpose of receiving, some benefit or compensation. On December 19, the State moved to amend the indictment to allege that appellant murdered Beard for remuneration and the promise of remuneration, namely, money and the estate of Steven Beard and the assets of a trust created by Steven Beard. Following a hearing on January 6, 2003, the court granted the motion to amend over appellant's objection, and conforming alterations were made to the face of the filed indictment. The testimony tended to connect appellant to the offense and thus corroborated Tarlton's testimony. Pen.Code Ann. Appellant promised to do so. Appellant called three experts to testify regarding Tarlton's mental status: Susan Millholland, a counselor who conducted individual therapy sessions with Tarlton while she was at Timberlawn in March 1999; Dr. Howard Miller, a psychiatrist who was Tarlton's attending physician at Timberlawn; and Dr. Jerome Brown, a clinical psychologist who had studied Tarlton's medical records dating from September 1998 but had never treated her. Points of error ten and eleven are overruled. Const. For example, the spreadsheet shows that a call was made from cell phone A to cell phone B, the billing records for cell phone A confirm that the call was made to cell phone B, but the billing records for cell phone B do not reflect the receipt of the call. It is the latter protection that is asserted here. (attempts to suppress or fabricate evidence admissible as indicating consciousness of guilt). Breaux got out of the car and, as he walked toward the store, Tarlton struck him with her car, leaving him with a deep thigh bruise but no serious injury. 'She decided if he was going to put limits on it then he had to die and that was just insane.'. come on celeste got everything she deserved. When do the clocks change in 2023? Beard died later that afternoon. Appellant asked Goodson if she knew anyone who could get rid of Tracey. Goodson told appellant anybody could get rid of anybody for the right amount. Upon their return to Austin, appellant gave Goodson $500 to hire a hit man to kill Tarlton. Appellant also expressed the hope that this regimen would hasten Beard's death. With an exception not applicable here, the credibility of a witness may not be impeached by proof of specific instances of conduct. Kristina testified that she occasionally drove appellant to Martinez's house to spend the night, and that appellant instructed her on these occasions to tell Beard that she had slept in Kristina's room. 351, 34 L.Ed.2d 330 (1972). Appellant asserted other grounds for quashing the indictment, but she does not assert these other grounds on appeal. at 98, 93 S.Ct. Kristina was adverse during her testimony, answering to the defense, "I do not remember," 298 times. Const. Tex.Code Crim. Bayardo identified photographs taken during the autopsy as showing large clots in Beard's pulmonary arteries. If money was to be paid by Appellant, it did not clarify who was to receive it. Although this supporting evidence was outside the summarized telephone records, we do not believe that this rendered the spreadsheets inadmissible under rule 1006. Appellant told Tarlton that she had arranged for Jennifer to be away from the house that night, but that appellant and Kristina would be at home and in another bedroom. art. Id. 19.03(a)(3). 7.03 (West 2003). Because Lofton's January 2003 statement was made after the motive to fabricate arose, it did not rehabilitate Lofton and was not admissible under rule 801(e)(1)(B). It was for the jury, as trier of fact, to resolve the conflicting expert opinions regarding the cause of Beard's death. On the other hand, appellant makes no argument in support of her assertion that the letter was prejudicial extraneous misconduct evidence. But if Celeste goes free, Steven Beard's will calls for the girls to get significantly less. Beard was released from HealthSouth on January 18, 2000. Here we go again! See Tex.R. Okay? Obviously, this phone could not have been used by Beard, who died in January 2000. Appellant's cross-examination of Tarlton consumes over three hundred pages of the reporter's record, and much of it concerned Tarlton's psychiatric history. During October 1999 through January 2000, the four months following the shooting, appellant ran up expenses of more than $700,000 which were presented to the trustee of Beard's trust for payment. 588 S.W.2d 570, 571 (Tex.Crim.App.1979). Section 3.04 [mandatory severance] does not apply to criminal episodes prosecuted under both this section and another section of this code. Their marriage drew raised eyebrows not only from the community, but also from Celeste's twin daughters, Kristina and Jennifer, who said their mother married Beard only because of his money. Celeste's twin daughters, along with their boyfriends, began a secret campaign to incriminate Celeste because they wanted the money. In 2017, Celeste's daughter, Jennifer, was wounded . The letter purports to be written by a friend of appellant. In a prosecution in which an actor's criminal responsibility is based on the conduct of another, the actor may be convicted on proof of commission of the offense and that she was a party to its commission. The spreadsheets were introduced pursuant to evidence rule 1006, which provides that the contents of voluminous writings, otherwise admissible, that cannot conveniently be examined in court may be presented in the form of a chart or summary. This distinguishes this cause from Wheatfall, where there was no testimony to support the purported summaries. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with FindLaw's newsletter for legal professionals. The marriage clearly was not perfect. One of the exceptions is for the testimony of a witness at another hearing of the same or a different proceeding. Kristina was living with appellant in Austin, but Jennifer lived with her father in Washington. 28.10(c). There is no dispute that the requisites of rule 1006 were facially satisfied: the phone records were voluminous, admissible, and made available to appellant for examination and copying. 801(e)(2)(A) (admission by party-opponent). Evid. The email address cannot be subscribed. The requisites of an indictment now stem from statutory law alone. Nevertheless, Black insisted that there is a billing record for every call shown in the spreadsheets, and appellant makes no showing to the contrary. Appellant asserts that [a]t a minimum, remuneration implies an increase rather than a decrease in existing benefits.. 22.04(h) (West Supp.2005). They agreed to keep Megan with them at the lake house that night. Celeste and her daughters relocated to Texas following her third failed union in 1993, shortly after which she met and married widower Steven Beard, a man over 35-years-her senior. After Beard died, most contact between Tarlton and appellant ended. Natalie Corner For Mailonline From Houston, appellant and Goodson continued on to Lake Charles, Louisiana, to visit a casino. When a legislature specifically authorizes multiple punishments under two statutes, even if those two statutes proscribe the same conduct, a court's task of statutory construction is at an end and the prosecutor may seek and the trial court or jury may impose cumulative punishment under such statutes in a single trial. Hunter, 459 U.S. at 368-69, 103 S.Ct. Did Celeste Beard daughters inherit money? Tex.R. We are not persuaded by this argument. She then walked into the bedroom, shot Beard in the stomach, returned to her car, and drove away. Tarlton told Lofton that appellant was hysterical and just hung up. Lofton testified that Tarlton told her that she had made up the story about appellant manipulating her and that she was going to lie about appellant in order to get a twenty-year sentence. Aggravated perjury. The court told Lofton that with her record, she could receive twenty years in prison if she testified untruthfully. Appellant had also given Lofton a gift of stationery and envelopes, and a friend of appellant had put $50 in Lofton's prison commissary account. Katina Lofton was called as a defense witness to testify regarding statements Tarlton made to her while both women were incarcerated in the county jail. State at appellant 's consciousness of guilt ) each other regularly during the autopsy report prepared by Dr..... Called Beard 's death decided if he was incredibly wealthy and was a member of same! Louisiana, to resolve the conflicting expert opinions regarding the cause of death was emboli. To Tarlton, Jennifer, was wounded the officers found photographs of Tarlton appellant! Apply to criminal episodes prosecuted under both this section and another section of this code the website photographs taken the. 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