Corner Canyon Health Centers is an Inpatient EMDR treatment center that specializes in treating trauma with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Brainspotting, which builds on EMDR and shortens the therapy process. We strive to deliver the best treatment possible to each and every client while offering . } The family weekends, scheduled quarterly, will include a face-to-face family therapy session, parenting seminars, scheduled theraputic activities and off-campus visits with the family and student, We realize the financial burden appropriate treatment can put on the family. Residential treatment programs provide environments in which . Treatment Center. Jen attended Weber State University and has attended multiple trainings and seminars on working with individuals with a vast array of diagnosis. Felicia Fernandez, MSWMedication CoordinatorFelicia has worked for the company for 9 years. We have been serving students nationally since 2006 and are now accepting international students. Email us at Additionally, identified strengths and healthy interests are expounded upon and cultivated to encourage peak independence and self-reliance. With the money from the crowdfunding campaign, we were able to expand the database to include youth wilderness therapy programs. She is very proud of her daughters as they have both graduated from different Universities here in Utah with high honors. Note to providers: Please promptly contact CARF to update any missing or outdated information, or to request that CARF not display a companys address and telephone number. KUER is listener-supported public radio. Impulsiveness Support also came from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. (Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune). Upon graduation, Felicia moved back to Utah and returned to the company as the Clinical Coordinator. The dedicated and compassionate staff at Milestones Ranch Malibu is committed to offering clients state of the art, research based residential dual diagnosis, drug and alcohol treatment services delivered with compassion, dignity and understanding. A. Richard Dimick, MSWDirector ofIndependent Living and Transitional Living ProgramsRich has served as theExecutive Director of the company since 1996. If you are reading this then you are looking for help., Diane BarlowMedical LiaisonDiane was born and raised here in Ogden, Utah. a residential treatment center that helps young women, ages 14 . Each student will be assigned to a primary therapist upon admission. OakGrove School is a non-profit, accredited, private school located a few miles from each program home and expressly serves Waterfall Canyon Academy students. FAMILY THERAPY The group therapy process follows the MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy) Model that is designed to enhance ego, social, moral and positive behavioral growth in a progressive step-by-step fashion. Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis. Springdale Treatment Center. Please take a few minutes to learn more about our staff and faculty Karen has 18 years of residential treatment center experience andspecializes in treating adolescents and families. WCA uses a holistic approach to treat all aspects of your childs life. Diane also has three grandsons: Tyson, Carter and Andy who are the light of her life. She left to pursue a Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work at Michigan State University. In 2006, he acquired his Bachelors Degree from the Art Institute of Phoenix but his passion for helping young people kept him anchored in the mental health field where he can utilize his creative abilities and extensive experience to inspire and lead others. Oppositional/Defiance Disorder Thousands of children are sent away to Utah for treatment at troubled-teen centers and wilderness programs. The primary therapist will be the leader of the clinical team for the student. Through the individual therapy process, students learn skills which give them tools to identify and dispute the self-defeating beliefs they have acquired. WCA staff are trained to facilitate structured, productive, classes; encouraging a safe environment for learning and sharing. Kate joined our Waterfall Canyon team in2009, from her previous home of Maui., Ryan Richter, MS, LPCClinical DirectorRyan has been working with youth and their families since 1996. In December of 2012, Mark became the proud new Father of a healthy baby boy. Rick is also the baseball coach at Ben Lomond High School. Gabe GohierTransition Program Resident AdvisorGabe has worked in the Transition Program for WCA as a Resident Advisor since September 2011. But it hasnt been. She also helps at the school serving lunch and all of the students love when she is there! Prior to that she worked for two years as a Case Manager at Weber Human Services, a county mental health agency, assisting transition aged teens find independence and build self-esteem. Darlene was born in Southern California but has lived the majority of her life in Northern Utah. The Nation's Leading Teen Treatment Center for Mental Health We bring teens from a path of self-destruction to a place where they can build self-esteem by treating the primary mental health issues that are the underlying causes of high-risk behavior. For over 40 years, Abraxas has been providing innovative and quality residential and community-based treatment services for youth who have experienced significant difficulty functioning in their homes, communities and schools. The facilities must keep these records on file. Our certified teachers are trained to work with students with learning disabilities, students with emotional difficulties, and students with different behavioral issues. LSS Residential Services for Children & Youth inquiries and referrals may be made. She began as Support Staff and is now the Medical Liaison for both South Campus Girls and South Campus Boys Programs. Tami Paxton, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Director of Adolescent Treatment Program Welcome to Waterfall Canyon Academy, a clinically sophisticated therapeutic program, offering services to adolescents and young adults with cognitive, social, emotional and behavioral struggles. Residential treatment programs are organized and staffed to provide both general and specialized nonhospital-based interdisciplinary services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for persons with behavioral health or co-occurring needs, including intellectual or developmental disabilities. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Weber State University and a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling from The University of Phoenix. She takes great care of our students in the North Campus Program and Transitional Living. She has an exceptional understanding of community services and options available to support young adults working towards independence. (Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Teen treatment registry. We keep very busy and are never bored at Waterfall Canyon! The remaining funds will be used to assist The Tribune in future public records disputes. Program Continuum Waterfall Canyon Academy is a community based therapeutic program that offers a continuum of care and services. But even more impressive than their many accomplishments and credentials is their dedication to providing the highest quality of care to our students and families. We are located in the historic city of Ogden, Utah and functionas a licensed residential treatment center for adolescent males/females and as an independent living program for young adult males. Daily participation in the fitness program will improve your child's strength, coordination skills, and cardiovascular fitness. B.S. The group ends with a discussion on how to take this skill into the community. She is very proud of her daughters as they have both graduated from different Universities here in Utah with high honors. 1 year working on Juvenile Court Specialized Probation program She takes great care of our students in the North Campus Program and Transitional Living. The emotional turmoil and physical exhaustion is often overwhelming for all of our families. Students entering the home on current psychotropic medications will be required to attend medication management sessions once a month. Mark has worked with at-risk youth and young adults for over 16 years. Diane has always loved working with and taking care of our students. Since then she has worked in a variety of therapeutic settings, both outpatient and residential, with persons who are challenged with addiction, chronic mental illness, correctional issues, as well as cognitive, behavioral and physical challenges. Although many of our students share similar diagnosis, we recognize success looks different for every student. Contact: Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center 700 Four Mile Parkway Canon City CO, 81212 (719) 276-7500. He is the self-proclaimed "number 1 fan" of Notre Dame Football in the State of Utah (Go Irish!). Beverly has been with Waterfall Canyon Academy since September of 2007. An individualized treatment plan is formulated for each student within the first thirty days of his stay. if (arString.length > 1) { url = url + "&cmsMode=Preview"} She is an overachiever who loves to stay busy playing softball, soccer, dodge ball, and is now in her second season playing women's football. Students suffering from chemical imbalances, which contribute to behavioral and emotional difficulties, may receive psychiatric evaluation and/or medication management through a board-certified psychiatrist. | They know we are not giving up as parents. This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesn't support. Utahs Office of Licensing inspects and regulates each facility, and sometimes finds neglect, child abuse or sexual misconduct. On the left, you'll see an. A. The hike to Waterfall Canyon begins at the 29th Street Trailhead in Ogden ( 41.210712,-111.931926 ). Initially starting at the Independent Living Program then moving to our OakGrove School at WCA and is now a Community Advisor at the Transition Program. Martin has worked for Waterfall Canyon Academy (WCA) since January 2010. Has it worked? Prior to Waterfall, she worked as a therapist on Maui at a public high school. She has a Masters of Education, as well as a Masters of Counseling from University of Phoenix. This is a checklist that a worker with the Office of Licensing takes with them when they walk through a youth residential treatment center or wilderness program. | Tara Sinquefield at Woodland Hills has assisted many parents in obtaining educational loans. Waterfall Canyon Academy - North Campus Residential Treatment 818 North 950 East Ogden, UT 84404 US Phone: 801-737-9466 Website: View Map. In her free time, Beverly loves to be with her family, friends and her two dogs. However, we also have witnessed the joy and peace that comes when the teen and the family work through the difficulties and live happy, productive lives. She loves to watch football and is the "self-proclaimed" #1 fan for the San Francisco 49'ers! He is a movie buff and his hobbies incude gardening, fishing, water skiing and athletics. Mark has worked in various positions within Social Services and behavioral health in Seattle, Washington; Phoenix, Arizona; and Ogden, Utah. Outside of her job, Kim loves to go camping with her family, watching scary movies, attending her boys' football games, reading, and just spending time with her, Martin WilsonBoy's Transition Program Coordinator, Martin has worked for Waterfall Canyon Academy (WCA) since January 2010. The emotional turmoil and physical exhaustion are often overwhelming. PSYCHIATRIC CARE The home offers a nurturing enviroment with an emphasis on social skill development, individualized therapeutic treatment and academic achievement. In her free time, she loves to spend time with her husband, two daughters, and large extended family. Felicia has worked for the company for 9 years. 2023 CARF International. Questions? A team of journalists at The Salt Lake Tribune, KUER and APM Reports worked to bring you this database. Physical Education It didnt seem to matter what the teen treatment center did wrong. Utahs new state flag takes another step, but time is short, Its go time: Utah lawmakers to push through a flurry of bills in the sessions final days, Study of bromines relationship to Utahs bad air clears Senate committee, Nios latinos estn sobrerrepresentados en el sistema de acogida temporal en Utah, Calls for regulation hope to get a handle on troubled teen transporters. + Anxiety Chris spends his personal time playing guitar, and spending time with his nieces and nephew (they think he's a walking jungle gym)! 1996-2023 The Salt Lake Tribune. that run the houses, the CAs and RAs that work directly with our son, and his therapist, a game changer. }, 818 North 950 EastOgden, UT 84404USPhone: 801-737-9466Website: View Map, Ogden, UTUSWebsite: + Our own OakGrove School offers academics to our middle/high school students is accredited by AdvancED Kathyhas served asHR Director and Treasurer ofthe company since 1996. Chris brings years of experience working with special needs youth. Our experienced, highly trained therapists, with different approaches and specialties, help achieve this goal. We have specialized in treatment of youth with cognitive impairment, opposition and defiance disorders, substance abuse/dependency and sexual reactivity. She has 16 years of experience in human resources, bookkeeping, and quality assurance. WCA offers each student an individualized treatment plan that includes: All Rights Reserved. Experienced in working with diverse populations The ownership and administrative team at Waterfall Canyon Academy have provided residential care and therapy services to local Utah youth and their families since 1996. Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center is a service of Abraxas Youth & Family Services. Students are also exposed/introduced to cultural experiences of varied sites of historic, recreational and ecological significance, as well as many performing arts venues/theaters that include the popular Sundance Film Festival. Welcome to Waterfall Canyon Academy, a clinically sophisticated therapeutic program, offering services to adolescents and young adults with cognitive, social, emotional and behavioral struggles. Over the next 2 years he made amazing progress in all three of these areas. He has younger twin brothers who were born prematurely and struggled in their development and had some major behavioral issues during their entire life. Jaymee enjoys spending time with her husband and in her free time is found skiing, snowboarding, biking, and hiking. Karen Nickel, M.S., Ed., M.S. Sexual reactivity Having our own school allows us to give each student highly individualized attention and instruction. Residential Addiction Treatment Services; Opioid Treatment for Correctional Facilities . It's home to nearly 100 youth treatment centers . Kolob Canyon RTC (2002-present) New Harmony, UT. She started at our South Campus Boys Program as a Support Staff, then transferred to our Independent Living Program and is now currently working in our Transition Program as a Community Advisor. Depending on the student's attention span, several brief sessions may be held each week. Privacy Policy. | Well continue to report on this industry, including our own findings from this trove of records. Waterfall Canyon Academy's recreational program will enhance your child's perception of his physical self and instill confidence through healthy personal interests. Waterfall Canyon Academy provides support and guidance congruent to students learning the skills needed to function at their highest potential. Memorial Medical Center. Before visiting this location, please be sure to call Canyon Lakes Residential Treatment Center at 806-762-5782 to make sure they are still open and provide the drug or alcohol addiction treatment/rehab services that you need. The Tribune created a crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $11,000 from 136 donors. Upon arrival to Waterfall Canyon Academy, each girl will be greeted by an entire team dedicated to helping her acclimate to the program and get to know the other students. There are youth residential treatment centers across the country, but Utah is known as a place where the troubled-teen industry has thrived. Please respect the private property on both sides of the trail and don't be tempted to climb the cliffs . Waterfall Canyon Academy wanted to apply our community based philosophy to our academic setting leading to the opening of OakGrove School in 2008. Anger management It is truly an individualized plan and our son has benefited greatly! She has three children: one girl and two boys that she absolutely adores and loves spending time with. A NEW AND IMPROVED WEBSITE IS COMING SOON! We have developed a much better relationship with our son; he is working, volunteering, and learning to Specializes in dual diagnosis female clientele and families She says her biggest and best accomplishment in life is her family, including her husband, one daughter and three boys. Calls to numbers on a specific treatment center listing will be routed to that treatment center. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Phone: 1-800-568-2401. Beverly is married with 3 children; a son and two daughters. Each one of our drug and alcohol treatment centers offers a number of therapies and programs, including Withdrawal Management, Residential Treatment, Partial Hospitalization Programs, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Outpatient Programs, and Sober Living Homes.Which program a patient chooses largely depends on their needs in rehab. Waterfall Canyon Academy (WCA) is a community based therapeutic program that offers a continuum of care and community services. In his spare time, Dave enjoys spending time with his wife and their 3 children. Dusty has worked in various capacities in the mental health field since 1997. Corner Canyon Health Centers is a 15 bed, co-ed, mental health and addiction focused residential treatment center located in Draper, UT at the base of the beautiful Wasatch mountains. When the student graduates the program, follow-up family therapy sessions may be provided at the family's home. OakGrove Bulldogs have school spirit! She will be encouraged to progress through the steps earning more privileges and rising to new expectations. + Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD) Certified USA Swimming Coach We are able to provide 24-hour supervision, support, and behavioral intervention, which is impossible for parents to do while trying to manage a home and family. Parents are also expected to attend a minimum of two "Family weekends" during their child's stay. function GetPreviewURL() { In her free time, you often find Kate outdoors with her husband- hiking, biking, rollerblading, camping, and skiing. Kateri has a great rapport with the girls and they all love spending time with her. Customer Connect Login return url; It is marketed as a Residential Treatment Center for teenage girls aged 14-18 who struggle with "Depression and other mood disorders, Self-harm, Trauma, Low self-esteem, All types of addictions . + multiple options for group therapy Thousands of children are sent away to Utah for treatment at troubled-teen centers and wilderness programs. It is not considered a penalty. In some cases, could charge a small cost per call, to a licensed treatment center, a paid advertiser, this allows to offer free resources and information to those in need. Each time they meet, one of 50 skills is broken down in to steps that are modeled by the staff and role-played by the students, followed by the exchange of feedback by the entire group. Richard Dimick, M.S.W. Each treatment goal will assist the student to communicate, identify, and practice pro-social attitudes and behaviors. The contributing thoughts, feelings and behaviors resulting in the out-of-home placement must be processed with the family in order to retain positive changes when the student returns home. Therapists offices are onsite, in the programs, where they interact with our students casually & formally. var arString = url.split('?') She began as a Lead Staff in the residential programs while finishing her BA degree in Social Work from Weber State University. } Karen Nickel, MS Ed, MSDirector of Boys and Girls Residential Treatment Programs, Karen has 18 years of residential treatment center experience andspecializes in treating adolescents and families. Age Groups: Teens Young Adults. Ken has a conservative approach towards medication and feels that the many other interventions and strategies that Waterfall Canyon Academy offers, provides the students with balanced treatment. Calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8XX numbers) could be forwarded to SAMHSA or a verified treatment provider. Aside from this he has spent the greater portion of his life involved in the scouting program, youth leadership training and has had the opportunity to teach private school. She also enjoys writing poetry, making crafts, and "paying it forward". She also specializes in cognitivelyimpaired adolescent program development. This is a checklist that a worker with the Office of Licensing takes with them when they walk through a youth residential treatment center or wilderness program. Kathy received her Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Weber State University. Now, she has entered an independent living program where she is doing so well that they are telling us that she will be able to live independently within the year and that she is performing extremely well at her 15 hours per week job. This means, in total, the cost of receiving these records was just under $2,000. She started at WCA in 2009 as a support staff, then moved to a full time staff in 2010 and is now a Resident Advisor in the Girls South Campus. Students participate in daily classesto assist in developing personal social and daily living skills that will help them be productive members of their community and navigate relationships throughout their lives. Ten of those years have been off and on with Waterfall Canyon Academy since 1998., Shara FernandesIndependent Living Program Resident AdvisorShara has been working with at-risk youth and young adults with special needs for several years. 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