the consumption of liquor on or off the premises or hold any license under the Liquor Act 2007. Applying for and managing your liquor licence, Gaming machine licence and application fees, Gaming machine prizes, competitions, and lotteries, Incentives for live music and performance venues, Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct Trial, Standard drink guidelines and preventing intoxication, Orders for approved games at the Star Casino, Orders for approved games at the Crown Casino, Self-exclusion from the casino and gaming venues, Help for people experiencing gambling harm, Decisions on Licence Related Authorisations, Micro-breweries and small distilleries licence, Liquor licence exemption for not for profit organisations, Outdoor dining (Alfresco) - change of boundaries, Casino regulatory agreements and Ministerial directions, Apply for an exemption to the in-kind limit, Liquor accord governance and operational pack, Examples of terms, campaigns, practices and strategies, Designing gaming machines and technical standards, Occasional Extended Trading Condition Application, Occasional extended trading condition all areas, Multi-occasional extended trading authorisation regional and rural areas. Trading hours extended for licenced venues during special events Published: 28 Feb 2022 Arts and culture Business and economy Sport and recreation Listen Punters who plan on going to sporting and cultural events across NSW in 2022 can continue their revelry afterward, with licenced venues allowed to stay open for longer during these occasions. An on-premises licence for a restaurant is subject to a number of requirements under the liquor laws, including: The main activity of every licensed restaurant must be preparation and service of meals to the public. Select a tile below to get started. The Liquor Regulation 2018 introduced an additional two compulsory courses for licensees and managers: It is best practice to keep copies of your and your staffs qualifications in a register on the premises. Trading Hours The National Retail Association is a leader in the area of trading hours reform and we continue to work with governments in numerous states to achieve an appropriate balance between the needs of shoppers, workers, small businesses, large retailers and shopping centres. Epub 2017 Jun 24. Careers. A paper form version of the site notices can be downloaded below if you wish to complete them manually at your convenience prior to lodgement of your application. Learn about your rights and what to do if a product you purchased isnt quite right. An on-premises licence is subject to an annual liquor licence fee, due in May each year. 7 Can a hotel apply for extended trading hours? and transmitted securely. 2020 Nov 2;17(11):e1003368. Bookshelf -. The operationof a caterers licence to avoid conditions attached to other liquor licences that would usuallybe required to stopthe sale and supply of liquor, The use of a catering licence to facilitate pop-up restaurants that are operated at premises for extended periods of time. Thistable will helpyou. 2 Licensed Premises 3 2.1 Definition 4 2.2 Hours 5 2.3 General provisions 6 3 Non Licenced Premises 3.1 Definition 3.2 Hours 3.3 General Provisions 4 Brothels,Restricted Premises and other uses 4.1 Definition 4.2 Hours 4.3 General Provisions Adopted by the Council of the City of Sydney on 27 August 2001 and PMC Information about becoming a licensed tradesperson in NSW. If an application is successful, the bank must remain closed on restricted days which fall on a Saturday or Sunday, for example ANZAC Day or Easter Sunday. you can apply as an individual or a corporation. Details the rights and responsibilities of those living or operating community precinct or neighbourhood schemes, boarding houses, holiday parks and land lease communities. Select one of the tiles below to get started. What time can you serve alcohol in Queensland? Contactyour local council office,Liquor & Gaming NSW orFair Trading NSW if you have questionsabout these conditions. Unless the retailer is exempt, they must not allow any employee to conduct any activities related to trading such as packing shelves, unloading trucks or preparing goods for sale regardless of whether or not the employee volunteered to work on a restricted trading day. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Find out about the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authoritys role and decisions. Information on the different types of pricing, and what to do if you have a problem. What to know if you're approached by a commercial agent to collect a debt, repossess goods, or serve legal documents. Current applications for an exemption to trade on restricted days are displayed on our website. Addict Behav 2002; 27: 867886. Businesses operating under a hotel or small bar licence where liquor is sold with a meal and consumed in the dining area on the licensed premises or trading in certain Local Government Areas and those classified as small shops are exempt from requirements to remain closed on restricted trading days. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor, or nec facilisis. Important reforms to fire safety regulation in NSW. Accessibility Hotels will still be able to provide food and drink through room service as long as it is ordered by phone or online and consideration is being given to allowing hotel residents to continue to consume coffee or drinks at the end of a meal in public lounges after the 10pm curfew. Donec aliquet. On-premises licences apply to a variety of premises including accommodation venues, restaurants, catering services etc. However, the party seeking additional or alternative conditions must demonstrate the need for those conditions. Interim restaurant authorisations are exempt from the CIS requirements under the liquor laws, as public consultation occurs as part of the development approval process with council. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. The Secretary of the Department of Customer Service or L&GNSW can give written directions to the licensee or anemployee or agent that relates to the operation of the authorisation. Jo-An Atkinson. An agent-based simulation model suggests that restricting trading hours of licensed venues reduces rates of alcohol-related harm and extending trading hours of bottle shops increases rates of alcohol-related harm. All shops are allowed to trade on Boxing Day provided employees freely elect to work. Advertising is an effective way to attract customers, but the law says advertising must be truthful and easy to understand. A primary service authorisation can be obtained from L&GNSW to allow alcohol to be sold without accommodation or a meal. The 6-hour closure period does not apply to accommodation areas allowing alcohol to be supplied to guests in their room at any time. Applying for and managing your liquor licence, Gaming machine licence and application fees, Gaming machine prizes, competitions, and lotteries, Incentives for live music and performance venues, Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct Trial, Standard drink guidelines and preventing intoxication, Orders for approved games at the Star Casino, Orders for approved games at the Crown Casino, Self-exclusion from the casino and gaming venues, Help for people experiencing gambling harm, Decisions on Licence Related Authorisations, Micro-breweries and small distilleries licence, Liquor licence exemption for not for profit organisations, Outdoor dining (Alfresco) - change of boundaries, Casino regulatory agreements and Ministerial directions, Apply for an exemption to the in-kind limit, Liquor accord governance and operational pack, Examples of terms, campaigns, practices and strategies, Designing gaming machines and technical standards, On-premises licence restaurant PDF, 184.58 KB, On-premises licence public entertainment venue (not cinema or theatre) PDF, 188.42 KB, On-premises licence cinema or theatre public entertainment venue PDF, 186.64 KB, On-premises licence catering services PDF, 196.11 KB, On-premises licence commercial tour operator PDF, 184 KB, On-premises licence local product promotion PDF, 179.93 KB, On-premises licence airport PDF, 176.64 KB, On-premises licence tertiary institution PDF, 177.75 KB, On-premises licence accommodation premises PDF, 185.9 KB, On-premises licence vessel PDF, 180.41 KB, On-premises licence (others) PDF, 182.46 KB, Producer/wholesaler beer/spirits PDF, 172.36 KB, Producer/wholesaler not beer/wine/spirits producer PDF, 160.78 KB, Producer/wholesaler wine/cider/perry/mead products PDF, 196.74 KB, Limited licence surf club PDF, 163.2 KB, Limited licence not a surf club PDF, 160.99 KB, Conditions form On Premises vessels - FM2037 PDF, 624.03 KB, On Premises catering services - FM2039 PDF, 727.69 KB, Conditions form events, trade fairs and other functions - FM2031 PDF, 770.13 KB, The list of approved conditions is available here PDF, 361.45 KB, For On Premises, Producer Wholesaler, Small Bar and Packaged Online (Delivery only), use, For On Premises (catering service), use Conditions form -, For Events, trade fairs and other functions, use, make takeaway liquor sales during the extended period. On that basis, alcohol is not allowed on any Queensland beach. An official website of the United States government. seek standard trading hours - 5am to midnight Monday to Saturday and 10am - 10pm on Sunday. All businesses can trade between 5am to Midnight Most licensed premises must adhere to trading time restrictions Businesses can determine their own trading hours All businesses can trade between midday to 10pm 3)Which of the following is not a harm minimisation strategy that should be adopted by licensed premises? that allows regular trading up until 1:30am, and occasional trading after 1.30am, are required to pay a $2,705 trading hours risk loading. Details of the Voluntary Purchase and Demolition Program for homes in NSW found to contain loose-fill asbestos insulation. Strengthening complex systems for chronic disease prevention: a systematic review. Information on buying and selling different types of property. Collected survey data on how and why tenancies end. Venues already able to trade beyond these longer hours can trade as usual. Free drinking water must be available to patrons wherever alcohol is served, All staff hold current Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)Competency Cards. Click on a tile below to get started. Hotel and club premises providing a live broadcast of the match during the extended trading period. The laws intend to strike a balance between the rights of workers to spend time off with their friends or families on public holidays, the opportunity for retail workers to earn additional income and the expectations of the public. Longer trading hours to celebrate special events for 2023, Applying for and managing your liquor licence, Gaming machine licence and application fees, Gaming machine prizes, competitions, and lotteries, Incentives for live music and performance venues, Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct Trial, Standard drink guidelines and preventing intoxication, Orders for approved games at the Star Casino, Orders for approved games at the Crown Casino, Self-exclusion from the casino and gaming venues, Help for people experiencing gambling harm, Decisions on Licence Related Authorisations, Micro-breweries and small distilleries licence, Liquor licence exemption for not for profit organisations, Outdoor dining (Alfresco) - change of boundaries, Casino regulatory agreements and Ministerial directions, Apply for an exemption to the in-kind limit, Liquor accord governance and operational pack, Examples of terms, campaigns, practices and strategies, Designing gaming machines and technical standards, Midnight on Friday 25 February to 2 am on 26 February, City of Sydney LGA: Erskineville, Newtown, Darlinghurst, Sydney and Surry Hills. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. The site is secure. The fee is calculated on a quarterly basis and reflects the amount of time you use the licence before the next billing cycle (on 15 March the following year). a)All businesses can trade between 5am to Midnight b) Most licensed premises must adhere to trading time restrictions c) Businesses can determine their own trading hours d) All businesses can trade between midday to 10 pm Donec aliquet.onec aliquet. Freebairn L, Atkinson JA, Kelly PM, McDonnell G, Rychetnik L. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. This can include a direction prohibiting or restricting the sale of liquor at certain times. Small shops can open on a restricted trading day without applying for an exemption and are free from the requirement that staff only work if they want to. Information on different ways you can pay for products and services. during late trading hours - provision of indoor performance, creative or . Written notice toL&GNSW should be made by email to: and should include: If you are applying for a nightclub or an extended trading authorisation with your on-premises licence you will need to prepare a community impact statement (CIS). Find out about the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authoritys role and decisions. The Authority will generallynot approve newhigherimpactpremises,ormore late-night tradingor licensed boundary increasesfor thesepremises,inthe followingdesignated Cumulative Impact Areas: If making an applicationfor a club licencein one of these areas,you should read the Assessment PDF, 9516.42 KB to understand the requirements that must be met. This condition means youcan only trade past midnight or 1.30am on up to 12 occasions over any 12-month period. Learn how these changes could affect you. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Would you like email updates of new search results? Background and aim: Evaluations of alcohol policy changes demonstrate that restriction of trading hours of both 'on'- and 'off'-licence venues can be an effective means of reducing rates of alcohol-related harm. Once your application is lodged, you will receive a site notice. We provide 14 days from the date of publication for public comment. you can apply as an individual or a corporation. Find out what you need to know to have your say on liquor licensing decisions and find more resources. Find out what you need to do to responsibly serve alcohol in any type of venue. Small shops are free from the requirement that staff only work if they want to. Conditions may be added to your licence either when it is granted or after a serious complaint or incident involving your venue. Licensed premises can trade at their usual opening times, without the restrictions of Good Friday. 8 How many hours does the stock market open? Luxembourg: WHO; 2014. Information about regulations for vehicles including autogas and bull bars. it must operate as a restaurant preparing and serving meals to the public at all times, it must be open to the public (and not run as a private club), free drinking water must be available to patrons whenever alcohol is served, a sign must be displayed at the front of the premises that shows, either the business or activity carried out on the premises or the kind of premises, an incident register must be maintained if the premises regularly trades past midnight. Extended trading hours wont allow you to: Hotels and clubs that are already approved to trade during the above extended hours are not affected by these special arrangements. Small shops are generally defined as employing four or fewer staff (whether working at the same time or different times), and with no more than two owners who share in the shop's profits. Addiction published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for the Study of Addiction. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. There are two options to occassionally extend your trading hours: If you are a licensee permitted to trade after midnight, you can reduce your annual liquor licence fee by applying for an occasional extended trading condition (OETC) for your licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit:, Personal properties security for motor dealers, International paintball competitor permit, Pawnbroker and second-hand dealer licences, Working as a pawnbroker and second-hand dealer, Schedule 1 of the Retail Trading Act 2008, Fair Trading exemption to trade application form PDF, 563.66 KB, section 10(2) of the Retail Trading Act 2008. INTRODUCTION . Quick Links Manage Liquor Licence Pay Periodic Fees Online Apply for an On Premises Licence online Check an On-Premises Liquor licence online TOP LIQUOR & GAMING NSW Special Events & Functions Introduction Services About Contact Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. It cannot be approved for a boarding house, lodging house, nursing home, or caravan park. All restaurants holding an on-premises licence need to meet the primary purpose test. The FX market is open 24 hours a day from Monday (or Sunday) to Friday (or Saturday) as one part of the world goes to sleep, another wakes up. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Please attach the completed form to your online liquor licence application at lodgement. Information on buying a car, including finance and vehicle inspections. Find out what you need to know to have your say on liquor licensing decisions and find more resources. 2020 Mar;44(3):722-728. doi: 10.1111/acer.14285. Midnight on Saturday 9 September to 4 am on Sunday 10 September, Rugby World Cup 2023 Australia v Portugal. The extended trading hours do not affect takeaway alcohol trading times, and individual trading restrictions or other special conditions on a venues liquor licence still apply to these events. Which statement is true about trading hours for licensed premises in NSW? Other business types that are exempted are listed in Schedule 1 of the Retail Trading Act 2008. 16 January 2023. Nam risutesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. A full definition of 'small shop' is outlined in section 8 of the Retail Trading Act. the threeidentity documents you used when applying for the National Police Certificate. If the primary purpose of the business or activity isthe sale or supply of alcohol, you are not eligible for an on-premises licence. Donec aliquet. Under 18s are allowed in premises with an on-premises licence. the current and proposed hours of closure, and why the closing period should be changed, the demonstrated or likely needs of patrons, the opinionof local police on the proposal, if any, ways you will minimise harm associated with misuse and abuse of alcohol -including harm arising from violence and other anti-social behaviour, ways you will promote, sell and supply alcohol safely and responsibly. Conditions apply on extended trading for special events. A compelling case will need to be made about community benefits and the harm reduction measures that will be in place. Promotion of Live Music and the Arts - Licensing Considerations Information for people running or wanting to run an association in NSW. Useful information before you renovate, extend or repair your existing home. For most licences, ordinary trading hours are from 10am to 12 midnight. A staff member being rostered to work on a restricted trading day does not mean they have freely elected to work. A catering service is defined under the Liquor Act 2007 as a service for supplying food or liquor (or both) for consumption at a function, occasion or event.. A full definition of 'small shop' is outlined in, the business and the restricted trading day (including each location if there is more than one), the need for the shop to be open on the restricted trading day, the likely effect of the proposed exemption on the local economy, tourism and other businesses in the area. Public comments can be submitted via email to This applies regardless of your regular approved trading hours. if the primary purpose becomes the sale or supply of alcohol (in other words, it operates primarily as a bar). Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. PERIOD FOR THE EXTENSION OF TRADING HOURS OF THE NEWTOWN HOTEL ON . override any existing trading hour restrictions that have been imposed on a hotel or registered club under the liquor laws. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Midnight on Monday 27 February to 2 am on Tuesday 28 February, Midnight on Tuesday 28 February to 2 am on Wednesday 1 March, Midnight on Wednesday 1 March to 2 am on Thursday 2 March, Midnight on Thursday 2 March to 2 am on Friday 3 March, Midnight on Friday 3 March to 2 am on Saturday 4 March, Midnight on Saturday 4 March to 2 am on Sunday 5 March, 10 pm on Sunday 5 March to 2 am on Monday 6 March. If an application is declined, applicants can appeal the decision by requesting an internal review by Fair Trading within 28 days of the published outcome. Conclusions: An agent-based model of alcohol consumption in New South Wales, Australia was developed using existing research evidence, analysis of available data and a structured approach to incorporating expert opinion. Fusce dui lectus, lestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. This allows L&GNSW to gauge the level of support for your application. Use ourLiquor Fee Schedule tocalculate your fee. This shortened submission period is not available for any restaurants or cafes seeking extended trading hours or a PSA. You should refer to the NSW Fair Trading website and the Retail Trading Act 2008 for more information. The Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority and/or its delegates may impose additional or alternative conditions if warranted. A private restaurant does not need to be endorsed on the licence. Longer liquor trading hours have been confirmed for special events across NSW for 2023. Donec aliquet. All other liquor traders are required to remain closed on restricted trading days. Methods: Information on promotional raffles including authority, prizes, tickets, advertising rules and record keeping. The community can comment on your application, as well as people who were consulted as part of the CIS process, if applicable. Venues already able to trade beyond these longer hours can trade as usual. New Year's Eve. What are the trading hours for licensed premises in NSW? There are no current applications to trade on restricted trading days. Helping you to run your business, including specific industries like conveyancing, motor trades and building certifiers. Rugby World Cup 2023 Quarter-Final 1 only if Australia is playing, Midnight on Saturday 14 October to 4 am Sunday 15 October, Hotel and club premises in Sydney and The Rocks within the City of Sydney LGA, Rugby World Cup 2023 Quarter-Final 3 only if Australia is playing, Midnight on Sunday 15 October 2023 to 4 am on Monday 16 October, Rugby World Cup 2023 Semi-Final 2 only if Australia is playing. -, Wilkinson C., Livingston M., Room R. Impacts of changes to trading hours of liquor licences on alcoholrelated harm: a systematic review 20052015. The NSW Government has the power to legislate the sale and supply of alcohol and to make changes to these laws. Small shops are exempt from 'freely elect to work' requirements. Epub 2020 Feb 17. Contents . Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Hotels and registered clubs can trade for longer to celebrate the special cultural and sporting events on the days listed below. Information on how to run an Art Union in NSW. !ioW%m-B:c%]M8t?G.|. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). if the outcome is in line with the legislation, staff have freely elected to work on that day or, the financial institution has no more than 5 employees. Find out what to do about delays, price increases, insolvent builders and solving disputes. What are the standard opening and closing trading hours NSW? However, some businesses such as chemists, fruit and vegetable shops, petrol stations and small shops are allowed to open on these days. Takeaway liquor stores must comply with both the Retail Trading Act 2008 and the Liquor Act 2007 in relation to restricted trading days and trading hours. Nepal S, Kypri K, Tekelab T, Hodder RK, Attia J, Bagade T, Chikritzhs T, Miller P. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. The trading hours for a Nightclub licence are Monday to Saturday from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. and Sunday from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. This type of licence can be approved where temporary accommodation is provided to travellers including a hotel, motel, bed and breakfast or farm stay establishment. Fair Trading Bank Close Day application form PDF, 1055.92 KB, Community Mutual Ltd t/as Regional Australia Bank, Romeo NSW Investments Pty Ltd and the Trustee for Romeo NSW Holding Trust, Coast RV Pty Ltd t/as Coast to Coast RV Services, Passel Australia Pty Ltd t/as IGA Xpress Woodburn, Romeo NSW Investments Pty Ltd and the Trustee for Romeo NSW Holding Trust t/as Romeo's Rainbow Doonside, Romeo NSW Investments Pty Ltd and the Trustee for Romeo NSW Holding Trust t/as Romeo's Supa IGA Summer Hill, Futura Caravans Pty Ltd t/as Barnes Caravans, Mictinole Pty Ltd t/as Kangaroo Tent City & BBQs, CKJHT Outdoors Pty Ltd t/as Outdoor Instinct Pty Ltd, Amazing Vitality Pty Ltd t/as Amazing Vitality, The Trustee for D Barichello Family Trust t/as Newstyle Direct Pty Ltd, ARB Corporation Ltd t/as ARV 4x4 Accessories, Poron Pty Ltd t/as Polaris GPS & Rear Vision, Donegan Assistance Group Pty Ltd t/as Transcool, Ortho-tex Pty Ltd t/as Wenatex The Sleep System, Anrise Imports Pty Ltd t/as Oz Shop In & Oz Vice, Van's Retail-IGA Lilyfield Pty Ltd t/as IGA Lilyfield, Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd t/as Coles, Platypus Shoes (Australia) P/L t/as Platypus, Broadmeadow, Glendale, Green Hills, Charlestown, Bank Holiday, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays which are not restricted, Christmas Day, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, Easter Sunday, before 1pm on ANZAC Day and Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, before 1pm on ANZAC Day and Christmas Day, Getabout 4wd Adventures t/as Getabout Training Services, Apollo Motorhome Holidays Pty Ltd t/as Apollo RV Sales, Market Direct Group t/as Market Direct Campers & AUSRV, To allow all shops in the specified LGA that are not otherwise exempt to open on Good Friday and Easter Sunday subject to conditions, goods were sold or offered for sale at the shop, goods were available for review in the shop, previously sold goods were delivered, or available for delivery, orders for goods were received and/or processed by a person working at the shop, goods were received, unpacked or otherwise prepared for sale at the shop eg staff packing shelves, how to get an exemption (application process), the rights and responsibilities of businesses and workers, Businesses who want to open on Boxing Day under the, Small shop retailers. 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