WebNo matter who you are or where you are in life: there is greatness in you. But as Christians, we have God to give us that direction. They all knew that. Nobody ever really becomes great, even on a human level, unless they do recognize they have weaknesses that must be overcome. Acording to Matthew 21:26, everybody knew he was a prophet. Now, theres one more statement and this message is finished. Magnify His Holy Name Bless Him! But far more than a prophet, the very herald of the Messiah. Thats kind of exciting to think about. Please contact the publisher to obtain copies of this resource. The painful past that He has redeemed you from is erased, as if it never occurred. But John did it for life. He was the greatest. She hasa passion to share the Love of God with people and to let them know that God is GOOD and He has an AWESOME plan for their lives! Through him, the kingdom was vigorously moving ahead. As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into full effect on 25th May 2018. Theres only one thing that will cause him pain. Daniel the stylite of Constantinople lived 33 years on a pillar and was not unfrequently nearly blown off by the storms. But if we could not see what God has placed in every head. If you pronounced your faith in Jesus Christ, you were essentially denouncing all forms of worldly rulers. Look ahead, hold on to your goals and keep pedalling. In Luke 1, it says He shall go forth in the spirit and power of Elijah. And in John 1:21, he says I am not Elijah.. Youve got to have the right man and the mission. Now, if he says I am not Elijah, personally, and Jesus here says, If you receive, he is Elijah, then we know what we mean by Elijah will come. She grew up to be the Queen of that country, 2000 years ago. And before the kingdom comes in the future read Revelation 11 there are going to come two witnesses. He stood apart, unstained by the system. So, unless you have been that reduced, I assure you that God can use you. To be UNLEASHED is to be no longer tethered to Thank you for Your mercy and Your grace and especially for Your patience. 4 0 obj In other words, God's greatness makes him stronger than all the gods of the universe and God's greatness makes him stronger than all the nations of the world. He rules the gods and he rules the nations, FOR (because) he is great and does wondrous things; he alone is God. Haman wanted to exterminate the entire Jewish population, and God knew this was coming. And thats very important for us. He is confronting a multitude here, as we learn from the beginning of the chapter. Until you allow the water of God's Word to gush forth in you, the seeds of greatness will lie in wait. Every day the monk goes to the garden to look into an open grave which awaits the first monk to die and none of them ever speak. Because greatness understands self-denial. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard which leads unto life and few there be that What? II. One in his power and in his person and with his kind of character. Jesus taught in parable. Lastly, he was great because of his powerful culmination, his powerful culmination. You are loved, and you are valuable. And the Nazarite vow meant youd drink neither wine nor strong drink, which immediately eliminates you from all the fancy banquets and all the nice little things that you might attend. WebThe greatest in the kingdom is Jesus, and if you want to display greatness in His kingdom, then there is only one way possible. God qualifies greatness in His eyes by death. One who will reach into the future yet never forget the past. So, the first element of Johns personal character to mark his greatness was the ability to recognize a weakness and overcome it. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> These are the three ingredients of greatness, people. You are loved, and you are valuable. I dont know. For many of us, what comes with greatness is fame and recognition; wealth and fortune; it is the lure of success and still the driving force of ambition in the United States and all over the world. Oftentimes, you became a martyr. Because they wanted to appear to be great! This is a Psalm of worship and in his worship, he is expressing the greatness of God. A powerful, rugged individual who will come and announce the Kingdom. Scripture: Yes, I say unto you and even more or literally even more than a prophet.. And as the two disciples departed, Jesus began to say to the multitude concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? He became the issue. Verse 7. The term came from Mohammed Ali who said he was the greatest.. God has put something into your life which when developed will make you great in his sight. It doesnt come from how many Twitter followers you have. The great ones are always at the middle of the action. His ministry had become the focus. Let the Water of Your Spirit flow within us and water the seeds that still have not come to life. All Rights Reserved, We serve cookies to analyze traffic to this site. He spoke with power and conviction and people were changed. He had the marks that it takes to be great, to be a cut above, to be set apart, to be unique. Then he ran the bases twice and jumped into the bus. And I like that second view because it expresses the flow of context which is a commendation of John. Teach us to walk in Your Ways so that our lives will be like Trees that bear fruit for others to partake of. If you would capitalize on your potential you must keep at it, no matter what. Greatness doesnt come from sitting hours on end in the halls of education, listening to other brilliant minds giving advice on how to handle your personal affairs. The kingdom is not for weaklings, the kingdom is not for waverers or compromisers. Potential greatness is there waiting development, if we could see the outcome we might not be so impatient or discouraged at times. You develop determination one needs more back bone than wish bone. To the lead musician, on the gittith, a psalm of David. As John Bunyan points out in Pilgrims Progress, Mr. Listen to what it says. In fact, today were going to meet a man who is from a common humble family, no wealth, no worldly education, no success, no particular physical beauty, no earthly possession or position, and yet our Lord says hes the greatest human being who ever lived. And so, God says, I send him, My messenger, before You the Messiah and hell prepare the hearts of the people for you. You have the seed of greatness in you! Now, would this be a real Elijah? Break the power of hopelessness by speaking life words rather than death words. But when it comes to the spiritual dimension, the least person in the spiritual dimension is greater than the greatest person in the human dimension. And he died in A.D. 460 at the age of 72. WebObviously there are days that give you lessons (and thats ok, thats part of growth) BUT there are days when your return is more than 3%!! Actually, if you wanted an expanded translation of verse 10, it would read like this. Everything is swirling around him. In fact, Matthew uses the same verb for that very expression in the 24th chapter in two places: Verse 11, Many false prophets shall rise, and verse 24, There shall rise false Christs and false prophets. The term rise then frequently is used in reference to a prophet. Look at him, hes moving ahead and the kingdom is pressing vigorously or violently at his careening through the sinfulness of the world. But John the Baptist was no self-seeker. His life style was a living visual protest against self-indulgence. Now, some commentators take it passively. Now that is a mark of greatness. GOD SEES THE GREATNESS INSIDE YOUR BROKENESS AND IS ABOUT TO USE IT FOR GOOD These and many other stories are proof of how God can weave your faults, shortcomings, failures, mistakes, fears, disappointments, hurts, pain and even your sins into His plans for good in your life and the life of someone else. 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. He was a man who would recognize weakness; he would see it for what it was. The kingdom is moving violently through the godless, human system. Since the UK is now no longer a member of the EU, you may be charged an import tax on this item by the customs authorities in your country of residence, which is beyond our control. And his greatness is the reason for verse 8 toothat there is none like him among the gods, nor any works like his. Do you see? Its all of that that makes it happen. Faithfulness. He was also somewhat hard pressed to know whether Christ was really the Messiah because he had incomplete revelation. The bottom line in Scripture is that God hates pride and honors humility. In life, you will find that those people who really find ways of serving the most people are the ones who become great. Let the seeds of greatness that You placed in us bear an abundance of fruit (John 15) that will bring glory and honor to You in the earth. Greatness comes from one place, and only one place. Its an interpretive quote and the Lord by the way He quotes, interprets the verse to refer to John the Baptist, of course. Fairs sermon speaks of the possibility that each of us have with Gods love and guidance. Success does not happen 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. John is the culmination of everything, For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. He is the culmination. Methodist. He was greater than Melchizedek! your servant. And John had at least enough humility to say I dont know. One key you won't find on this key ring is the key to greatness. When little Mary Reed played in her home New Caldwell, Ohio, no one dreamed that she would end up in China as a missionary to the lepers, but she did. Its time to unlock the greatness within you and charge head first into tomorrow knowing that the very best is yet to come! D. L. Moody was a servant; he shined the shoes of those who attended his conferences. He sends two disciples, it says in verse 2, and said to them, you ask if He is the One that should come or are we looking for somebody else. When God created you, He placed seeds of greatness in you. You say, Well, does that express the proper perspective on salvation? Yes. Thats a rough leather belt, and a rough camel-hair coat, not the kind of camel-hair you think of. Tremendous, tremendous man. This was done as strongly as stone and mortar could make it and only an opening, a small hole through which she might look and hear the offices of the church, remained. Simeon spent 37 years on different pillars, each one higher and narrower than the last, and his last pillar was 66 feet high. Its earthly reality, also, was being rejected by the Jews. John was great. John could have been if theyd believed, and then the Kingdom would have been established right then. What are they asking or what is the Lord asking? Im sure there were many times when he wished he had it. WebSermon illustrations on Greatness. Remember that you are not alone, and you are not forgotten. Hes not as hot as we thought he was. There are a lot of keys on my key ring. God help such mistaken piety. John writes about greatness and where it comes from. Why? Email: support@jhm.org, Headquarters: The Sunday Mail. Have you ever heard of the G.O.A.T? It is extremely crucial to discover who you are in Christ. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? The question is whether or not you can overcome them and that is the mark of greatness. What a commendation. Verses 4344: Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. Church Survival and Ever since hes been around weve had problems. What do they do with their child who is struggling? In Heaven, you have all you can desire. So, the greatness now, listen to this greatness comes not only from character but from calling. And I sometimes am sort of caught in the awe of the whole thing and dont really understand it. And I told you last time that that was a difficult circumstance for a man whod known freedom, who had known freedom, who had known freedom all his life. How many people do you see in the world around you that are professing one thing in the world, and totally behaving like another? If they wanted to see that they could see that everywhere. WebTrue Greatness | Mark 9:30-40. WebTo move forward into your greatness, you must learn to say goodbye to yesterdays tragedies and baggage. They certainly didnt need to go all the way out to the desert to find one. God designed you that way. And his food was locusts and wild honey. And they knew that. He doesnt want them to think of John as a vacillating kind of weak person with no ability to make up his mind. They were not accepting the Kingdom in its spiritual dimension by receiving the Messiah, so they couldnt accept the Kingdom in its earthly dimension and receive the millennial Kingdom either. He had high impact. Every week we gather in the House of the Lord with people who are searching for answers to great problems. True greatness is defined as followers of Jesus who are like courageous and fear-less warriors in their conviction but child-like in their utter dependency on Christ. I mean, can we believe him? He was greater than Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. He found it hard to take orders. What a testimonial, huh? They would grow along the bank of the Jordan River and they were frequently growing in other places around water. In fact, the whole leadership of Israel had let Herods sin pass, Herods horrible adultery and Herods illicit marriage. The truly great people are the people who can deny themselves. Because this is the climax, everything has built up to John. Pliable does not go to prison to be martyred for the truth., John was not common and John was not compromising. Now when I talk about self-denial, Im not talking about that. Pride curses greatness. Well, first of all, he not only prophesied but he was, himself, the fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus said If youre going to come unto Me then you must deny yourself, take up your What? Do not look at your feet unless you do not know where you are standing and what you are doing. Just a flurry of things going on because they move through history generating that. Verse 16, Many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God, speaking of John the Baptist he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just and make ready a people prepared for the Lord.. Mary brought Jesus into 30 years of obscurity. 28 Jan, 2018 - 00:01 2018-01-27T20:16:19+00:00 2018-01-28T00:01:23+00:00 0 Views. In Matthew chapter 7 it says that if youre going to enter into the narrow gate, youre going to have to realize that its hard to enter, that there must be a striving. Maybe hes a more vacillating person than we have imagined. He was also willing to admit it to subordinates, people beneath him. He grew up to become a King. In Matthew 3, when all of the religious leaders came out, if he wanted to play to the crowd that was his moment. I am given to a cause. There were many people who took a Nazarite vow for a few weeks or a few months. When all the leaders came out, He saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees. 3) Greatness welcomes failure, as an opportunity to learn more. His cause was not comfort. He stirred up a hornets nest. In this Eucharistic meal our Lord gives you His forgiveness, and He gives you life, for there is life in the bloodlife in His blood. The Pharisees and the scribes had vigorously attacked the Kingdom. Hardly! He gathered them around Him and catechized them about greatness, that it comes not through power but through service. There is undeveloped greatness in young people. And youll notice the statement, There hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist. And the word risen is interesting because it is commonly used to speak of the appearance of a prophet. That particular phrase was somewhat common to designate someones identification with the human race. He said afterwards, That was the most important lesson I have ever had. They were by the thousands everywhere along the Jordan. Let me suggest what these personal characteristics were. He had to dispatch two of his disciples. That is the athlete who beats his body, as it were, because he has a goal. And I dont care what dimension of life youre talking about, and were just talking on a human level. Our Father, we hear the echo of the words of our Lord in Matthew 18. So at this point, he is at a low in his life. He had a raiment of camels hair, a rough garment of camels hair, a leather belt this is Matthew 3:4 around his waist. And so, the Lord says, well, when you went out into the wilderness, did you go out there to see a reed shaken with the wind? General Douglas MacArthur, who is about my fifth cousin, believe it or not, or was, said this. It also was part of the Nazarite vow to allow your hair to grow without cutting your hair, never putting a razor to your head which didnt exactly keep you up with the current society trend and hairdos. And everything was happening all around him, just like a hurricane. That marked John. Please respond to confirm your registration. Totum est quod velis. What does He mean by this? But he grew up to be the Saviour. In John 8, the JEWS BRAGGED that they are the SEED of Abraham. The whole section, as I said, began with Johns doubt. He was remarkable. Scripture confirms the value of a person with conviction. There never was a prophet with more human talent and a more significant role to play in human history than John the Baptist. There is also one more ingredient that must be present to cause the seed to spring forth; WATER! Why? Build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds, a son who will know thee and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge. P.O. Lets open our Bibles this morning to Matthew chapter 11, Matthew chapter 11. Register. And this would refer to those who are trying to stop it, the individuals who are trying to do that. By the way, John Wesley points out that neither the Romans nor the Greeks had a word in their vocabulary for humility, because man does not want to admit his weakness. As men just stood back and perceived him, there was never anybody like him. He was the culmination of all of Old Testament history. Download the Notes Listen to the Podcast. He restricted himself even above the priests. Hes afraid of nothing but sin.. She determined to become what was then called a recluse and as such, to pass the remainder of her days in a narrow cell built within the wall of a church. And John had that ability. He was not interested in the ease of the world. Article Images Copyright , 5 Amazing Ways to Throw Satan off His Game with Worship, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. When the great Chrysostom was arrested by the Roman emperor, he sought to make the Greek Christian deny his faith and recant, but he was unsuccessful. And what does it say in 14? Theyre thinking, well, John, I mean, hes doubting. Now is the time to put aside the pain of the past and the fear of tomorrow. And it positions two things which are well known to all of us, and one more regularly experienced than the other: pride and humility, pride and humility. His cause was not self-indulgence. Its too bad he wasnt blown off. WebLet us see to it that, being least in our own eyes, we belong to the greatest in the kingdom. In fact, do you know something? You go back in history, and just from the human perspective now, you mark out the great people of human history and you will find they were people who had convictions about something, and they pursued those convictions to the end. How great is the sweetness which a soul experiences when, in the time of prayer, God, by a ray of His own light, shows her His goodness and His mercies towards her, and particularly the love which Jesus Christ has borne to her in His Passion! Why? H. Edwin Young. You dont need to look at the things that you are facing as if theyre too overwhelming. He created violence. He was unparalleled. And, by the way, it had been 400 years since there had been a prophet, 400 years silence. He upset the status-quo. Why? WebBeing in uncomfortable situations or circumstances is often a prerequisite for stepping into greatness. First of all, he was a man who could overcome his weakness. Great truth. The end of the verse would read this way. He longs for the quietness where he can delight in the mercies of his God. Then he shall be executed, said the emperor. His cause was not to see how easy it could be on him, and if he could just hang around long enough to fall into the gravy like so many people who are hoping that every day their ship will come in. Mattie sat still for a half hour longer, then got up and walked to first base. And Herod has done his part, as I said, by taking the chief preacher of the Kingdom and throwing him into prison. Dont refuse it. Why was he so magnetic? Simply But that the greatest greatness is not which that which is ours humanly, but that which is ours divinely as we become citizens of your eternal Kingdom. WebGod's greatness is reserved for other than those categories of people. No, he didnt say that. Any man in Christ is destined for greatness. Ch. Log In So, we learn then that the first mark of a truly great person is to is to overcome your weakness. And once you do that you can deal with it. A son who will master himself when he seeks to master other men. You need to look at the things youre facing and give them a warning that they are about to be overwhelmed by the power of the Living God! And our Lord was continuing then, to mark out the greatness of John. He created conflict. Secondly, in his privileged calling, verse 9. Because we dont want you to incur expenditure for which you are not prepared, could you please confirm whether you are willing to pay this charge, if necessary? Right now Hes working If you receive the Kingdom, if you receive the message, if you open your hearts to the Messiah, then God will establish the earthly kingdom and John will have fulfilled that prophecy. He would see it for what it was first mark of a prophet with more human talent a. Gate is narrow and the scribes had vigorously attacked the kingdom which is a Psalm of David your and! 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