So now Im facing Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. [MADISON] [BURR] 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs [7], For the election after which the song is named, see. [ENSEMBLE] Hamilton sways the delegates to elect Jefferson with a late, tie-breaking . Act 1: Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down), Act 2: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. [HAMILTON] One vote was cast for an elector of unknown affiliation. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. [6], The campaign was bitter and characterized by slander and personal attacks on both sides. Hamiltonians worked as hard to throw the electionto the other Federalist candidate, Charles CotesworthPinckney, as Republicans did to elect their hero Jefferson. But there was a problem: At least Republican one elector had been expected to withhold his vote from Burr to allow Jefferson to come out ahead. Whaaaaaaaat?! It draws heavily and sometimes verbatim from his writings. 'In a Choice of EvilsJefferson is in Every View Less Dangerous than Burr': Alexander Hamilton to Harrison Gray Otis on the Deadlocked Presidential Election of 1800." Competing visions: the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans George Washington, as the first president of the United States, was acutely aware that everything he did set a precedent. By 1800, the nation's first two political parties were beginning to take shape. But what it doesn't convey is how close the country came to a. [BURR] PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Im going door to door! [MADISON] The seven delegations controlled by Democratic-Republicans all voted for Jefferson, and Georgia's sole Federalist representative also voted for him, giving him eight states. Broadway Cast Recording Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. But if you had to choose, [HAMILTON] You used to work on the same staff It's 1800, ladies, tell your husbands: vote for Burr! Federalists attacked Jefferson as an un-Christian deist whose sympathy for the French Revolution would bring similar bloodshed and chaos to the United States. The election was a political realignment that ushered in a generation of Democratic-Republican leadership. At the end of a long and bitter campaign, Jefferson and Burr each won 73 electoral votes, Adams won 65, and Pinckney won 64. Thomas, that's the problem. The remaining state, Maryland, had five Federalist representatives to three Democratic-Republicans; one of its Federalist representatives voted for Jefferson, forcing that state delegation also to cast a blank ballot. Our partnership? Republican newspapers fanned the flames by suggesting possible military intervention, and groups of unofficial Republican and Federalist militia began to drill in preparation for a potential civil war. We can change that! [MADISON] During the election of 1800, Hamilton ends up endorsing Jefferson although they have completely different viewpoints, because he knows that like himself, Jefferson will be firm in his values and not be as indecisive as Burr would be. Different state legislatures chose different methods:[71]. [ENSEMBLE] Well, I'll be damned [JEFFERSON] With his own faction Ooooooh This bold yet brief last political act on Hamilton's part eventually wins Jefferson the presidency and sits uneasily with Burr, referenced in "Your Obedient Servant". Republicans, on the other hand, portrayed Federalists as crypto-monarchists and usurpers of the Constitution. Rhetoric of our Founding Fathers | Reflecting on History. The contentious election of 1800 in which Thomas Jefferson defeated John . The differences between this and the Broadway version include: Jefferson and Madison's verse in the beginning is slightly extended. The Election of 1800: Revolutionary Stability Duration: 90 min Overview This lesson is a combination of a few different approaches: students will study primary writings of Jefferson and Adams, examine a range of online documents and images in a DBQ format, and explore historical interpretations through the use of scholarly texts. Burr The musical simplifies the complicated multiple elections somewhat, portraying Adams's unpopularity as making the real choice between Jefferson and Burr. Can we get back to politics? (Burr ran as Jefferson's vice-president, but both men ended up with the same number of votes in the Electoral College, . All Rights Reserved. [HAMILTON] It's quiet uptown. In the election of 1800 a. Jefferson's vice-presidential running mate was George Clinton . After the emotional ending of the previous song, Thomas Jefferson lightens the mood by asking if they can "get back to politics" and James Madison (still crying) agrees. SURVEY . answer choices . [HAMILTON] He is by far not so dangerous a man and he has pretensions to character.. [VOTERS] in large part because noted Federalist Alexander Hamilton campaigned heavily for him, preferring an ideological rival to the deeply flawed Burr), In the case of an electoral tie, the race is decided by the United States House of Representatives, where a candidate needs to win a majority of the delegations, not representatives, to win the presidency. [ENSEMBLE] [JEFFERSON/MADISON/ENSEMBLE] And yet, even with their. In the 2015 musical Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda, the contest between Jefferson and Burr is recounted in "The Election of 1800. What Jefferson dubbed "the revolution of 1800" marked the first transition of power from one party to another. Look for further sources on the election of 1800 in the Thomas Jefferson Portal.----- Bitter rivalries, character assassinations, an electoral deadlock and a tie-breaking vote in the House of Representatives the Election of 1800 had it all. [MADISON] In what is sometimes called the "Revolution of 1800",[2][3] the Democratic-Republican candidate, Vice President Thomas Jefferson, defeated the Federalist Party candidate, incumbent president John Adams. Jefferson or Burr? This revolution, he wrote, was "as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form.". [2][3], The tie between Jefferson and Burr was the result of a flaw in the original rules of the electoral college, the constitutional process that allows for the election of the president and vice president. Hamilton stated: Mr. Jefferson, though too revolutionary in his notions, is yet a lover of liberty and will be desirous of something like orderly Government.Mr. "Hamilton's strange behavior in 1800 loomed large in Adams' defeat," historian John Ferling writes. Hamiltons Letters in the Election of 1800 It's Hamiltime! African Americans played a role in Adams . The 1800 election was a rematch between Adams and Jefferson, and to forestall the recurrence of the same situation from the 1796 election, the parties sought to ensure that all their electors were united. Thomas Jefferson And? For example, Adams was representedto beof the number of those who favored shorter troop enlistment rather thanWashingtons policy of having soldiers enlist for the term of the war. He wanted the . Burr's refusal to withdraw from the election of 1800, which forced Hamilton to support Jefferson against his better judgement. Jefferson has beliefs; Burr has none I learned that from you But given a choice between Burr and Jefferson in the election of 1800, Hamilton had no problem choosing Jefferson. [ENSEMBLE] Jefferson had been the runner-up in the previous election and had co-founded the party with James Madison and others, while Burr was popular in the electorally important state of New York. Under the rules of the electoral system in place before the 1804 ratification of the 12th Amendment, each member of the Electoral College cast two votes, with no distinction made between electoral votes for president and electoral votes for vice president. Audio By Dave Kindy. But if you had to choose . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hamilton to Receive Honorary Degree from AlbanyLaw. The primary conflict for the 1804 duel came in the form of Burr's gubernatorial race, where Hamilton worked to undermine him, motivated by mutterings of New England desiring to leave the union. Please?! . How did the United States arrive at this critical juncture? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Hamil-Burrns: A Twisted Tale It's Hamiltime. [JEFFERSON] Who is it? "The Election of 1800" contains discrepancies between its story and the presidential election it narrates, most notably that Hamilton did not break the tie in the actual election. 30 seconds . There were sixteen states, each with one vote; an absolute majority of nine was required for victory. Jefferson later wrote that his victory in 1800 was as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 76 was in its form. Federalists would never win another presidential race, and by 1815 had ceased to exist as a party. If you had to choose Newspapers are also the main source of voting records in the early 19th century, and frontier states such as Tennessee had few in operation, without any known surviving examples. Like you could grab a beer with him! Planning for 1800, Republicans analyzed where Adams had gotten those 71 votes, calculating which states were ripe for flipping. It was the outgoing House of Representatives, controlled by the Federalist Party, that was charged with electing the new president. At least they know I know where France is! [BURR] For example, while the original lyrics when Hamilton was first approached about Jefferson and Burr were "Dear Mr. Hamilton, your fellow federalists would like to know how you'll be voting", with his response being "It's quiet uptown", the new lyrics were "Dear friends of Hamilton, it's 2020 and our need for you is only growing", continuing with "It's easy and fun". [MADISON] I like that Aaron Burr! [HAMILTON] Well, I'll be damned Hamilton had been just as active as Burr in the spring legislative election and his party lost. [EVEN MORE VOTERS] Congrats on a race well-run 2nd President, Known for Alien and Sedition Act. (You can read more about Hamiltons role in that election here). [A MAN] In the election of 1800, the Federalist incumbent John Adams ran against the rising Republican Thomas Jefferson. In 1800, Hamilton and Burr battled in the even-then rough and tumble world of New York City politics. After 1800: Hamilton and the Twelfth Amendment | It's Hamiltime! While shifts in regimes had taken place at the local and state levels before, this was the first time it happened at the national level. Yeah, he's so elitist! ", United States presidential election, 1800, National Archives and Records Administration, "Tally of Electoral Votes for the 1800 Presidential Election, February 11, 1801", 180001 United States House of Representatives elections, Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "A Historical Analysis of the Electoral College", "National General Election VEP Turnout Rates, 1789-Present", "Thomas Jefferson: The Revolution of 1800", "A Revolution of 1800 After All: The Political Culture of the Earlier Early Republic and the Origins of American Democracy", "Gilder Lehrman Document Number: GLC 581", "The Election of 1800 American History Thomas Jefferson, John Adams", "Party Divisions of the House of Representatives* 1789Present", "No, Thomas Jefferson Didn't Rig the 1800 Vote Count", "Memo from Trump attorney outlined how Pence could overturn election, says new book", "Kentucky 1800 Electoral College, District 1", "Kentucky 1800 Electoral College, District 2", "Kentucky 1800 Electoral College, District 3", "Kentucky 1800 Electoral College, District 4", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 1", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 2", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 3", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 4", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 5", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 6", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 7", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 8", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 9", "Maryland 1800 Electoral College, District 10", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Edenton District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Edgecombe District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Fayetteville District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Hilsborough District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Morgan District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, New Bern District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Northampton District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Raleigh District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Rockingham District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Salisbury District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Warren District", "North Carolina 1800 Electoral College, Wilmington District", "Aaron Burr and the Electoral Tie of 1801:Strict Constitutional Construction", "The Twelfth Amendment: A Constitutional Ticking Time Bomb", "The Electoral Count for the Presidential Election of 1789", "Tennessee 1796 Presidential Election, Note. [HAMILTON] Their personal animosity ended with Hamilton's death and Burr's ruin, but during the election of 1800 their differences influenced Jefferson's election as President! [MADISON] At the time, there was no popular vote, and no separate ballots for presidential and vice presidential candidates. [5], FormerMinister to FranceCharles C.Pinckneyfrom South Carolina, Vice PresidentThomas Jeffersonfrom Virginia, FormerU.S. While the 1800 election was a re-match of the 1796 election, it ushered in a new type of American politics, a two-party republic and acrimonious campaigning behind the scenes and through the press. (b) Only 6 of the 16 states chose electors by any form of popular vote. Jefferson or Burr? Yeah, right Hamiltons Cats- Catstravaganza Charity Event inLA! 5. Hamiltons Elegant Eulogium of NathanaelGreene, Teamwork Made the Dream Work: Washington andHamilton, Rhetoric of our fathers: the election of 1800 | John Cashon's Blog, John Adams, The Unappreciated President | Jonathan Hilton. LitCharts Teacher Editions. If you had to choose [9], Adams was attacked by both the opposition Democratic-Republicans and a group of so-called "High Federalists" aligned with Alexander Hamilton. . 2 Electors from each of the 16 states in the Union each cast two votes; the candidate who received the most votes became president, while the runner-up became vice president. The Center for Legislative Archives. He accused Adams of rash decisionmaking, particularly when related to the quasi-war with France and drew a comparison between Adams and the modest and sage Washington, who consulted much, pondered much, resolved slowly, resolved surely. Hamilton showcased instances of Adamss uncertainty and found him to beso much at variance with himself, as well as with sound policy, that we are drivento seek a solution for it in some system of concession to his political enemies. The purpose of Hamiltons letter was to draw support from within the Federalist Party towards Charles Pinckney, a Southern Federalist. To the shock of everyone else, he throws the election to Jefferson. By the time, the House began voting on February 11, 1801, Hamiltons concerns about Burr had failed to sway many members of his party. I can't believe we're here with him! He sought to confirm that as president, Jefferson would leave certain Federalist policies, including Hamiltons financial system, and officeholders in place. The Federalists were often merchants, men owning large amounts of land, successful lawyers, and holders of government bonds. The election of 1800, between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, was a bitter contest that turned these two friends into enemies, and changed the course of America's election process and the party system as we know it. If you had to choose The tie sent the election to the lame-duck House of Representatives, where Federalists dominated. On top of this, the election pitted the "larger than life" Adams and Jefferson, who were formerly close allies turned political enemies. during the 1800 election and move on to the following brief history. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. In love with France! rising Democratic-Republican (or Republican) opposition, the duel that killed Hamilton in July 1804. With no clear winner emerging, the nation hovered on the brink of chaos. 10 Alexander Hamilton to James Ross, 29 December 1800, . By 1800, Hamilton's political influence had waned and his endorsement was not likely to swing the election one way or the other. To win in 1800, the magic number was 70 electoral votes. Burrs desire to be a part of history, talking less and smiling more, now leaves him without any honor or allies. As Jefferson received the second-most votes in 1796, he was elected vice president. Revised lyrics for "The Election of 1800", from When We All Vote on Instagram, "The real-life election of 1800 was even wilder than Hamilton the musical lets on", "PolitiFact: Fact-checking 'Hamilton' the musical", "Hamilton, In Fiction And History, Is Key To Understanding The Electoral College",, This page was last edited on 31 October 2022, at 03:27. (c) Even though South Carolina had six representatives apportioned, Thomas Sumter was absent due to illness, and Abraham Nott departed for South Carolina between the first and final ballots. FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. I look forward to our partnership Don't laugh [JEFFERSON] National Archives. Dear Mr. Hamilton: John Adams doesnt stand a chance, so who are you promoting? (LogOut/ Burr mortally wounded . Previous It might be nice, it might be nice Of course, Hamilton's support for the eventual president would come back to haunt him. Instant PDF downloads. In his third sabotage attempt toward Adams,[12] Hamilton quietly schemed to elect Pinckney to the presidency. [JEFFERSON] [ENSEMBLE] HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. This week in 1801, on February 17th, the US Presidential Election of 1800 was finally settled. EnlargeDownload Link Tally of Electoral Votes for the 1800 Presidential Election, February 11, 1801. The eventual winner was decided only after days of balloting in the House of Representatives. [TWO WOMEN] Ask him a question, it glances off, he obfuscates, he dances Burr remains optimistic about still being vice president, but Jefferson uses his new power to change the law so the person in second place does not become vice president as he doesn't trust Burr. I am happy to bring to you one of the best musicals in the past decade,. According to historian Ron Chernow, Bayard suggested in a caucus that he might vote for Jefferson to prevent a constitutional crisis. Jefferson or Burr? The election was finally over. Hamilton lobbied against Burr, but another federalist cast the deciding vote for Thomas Jefferson. What he advocated was somewhat more reasonable than what had been proposed in the party meeting. The chief political issues revolved around the fallout from the French Revolution and the Quasi-War. The Democratic-Republicans tended to side with France while the Federalists sided with Great Britain. After getting tacit assurance that Jefferson was in agreement with these terms, Bayard submitted a blank ballot during the 36th round of voting, on February 17, 1801. Burr! Jefferson or Burr? Weisberger, Bernard A. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr & Alexander Hamilton a. Hamilton's campaigning against Burr when he ran for Governor of New York then continuing to cast doubt on Burr's character. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. Strive for accuracy and fairness 71 ] mate was George Clinton straight to you numbers for important. February 17th, the contest between Jefferson and Burr battled in the election Jefferson... 16 states chose electors by any form of popular vote Burr battled the! Electionto the other Federalist candidate, Charles CotesworthPinckney, as Republicans did to elect Jefferson with a,! Another Federalist cast the deciding vote for Thomas Jefferson defeated John and to! 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