Chance of snow 100%. Declaration of Inclusion Implementation Committee, Springfield Trails & Rural Economy Advisory Committee, Road Surface Management System Report - January 2022, Public Records Inspection, Copying and Transmission Policy, RVTC - Annual Meeting Warning - May 5, 2021, General Election and Special Town Meeting - November 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Town Meeting and Vermont Presidential Primary - March 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - December 8, 2020, Cannabis Control Commission Rules and Process, Springfield Regional Development Corporation, Bond Vote Info - Water System Improvements, Reminder - No Private Snow Deposited onto Public Roads, Reports & Newsletters from Town Departments. On Tuesday, March 2, voting took place as usual at the Riverside Middle School gymnasium. Click here to view St. Croix County results. Does Springfield Township have fire pit use guidelines? What township parks have playground facilities for children? We regret that we're unable to process in-person credit/debit transactions. that is degrading to another person. Do I need a permit to conduct a garage or yard sale? Tel: 802.885.2104 Fax: 802.885.1617. Springfield Selectboard considers virtual Town Meeting, By Layla Burke Hastings Appliances Containing Freon (i.e. How can residents and non-residents register for Parks and Recreation programs and sport leagues? The fire company recently responded to my home and I would like to make a donation to them. March 4, 2020 - 12:49am . Do we have a dump site available for the public? What is the procedure for registering your house/business alarm and is there any cost involved? Town of Springfield, Vermont Today at 6:18 PM 2022 Town Meeting Election Night Results without write ins: Town of Springfield, Vermont Yesterday at 7:29 AM HELP WANTED - MAINTENANCE WORKER I The Town of Springfield, VT is s . Chance of snow 100%. Comments or questions regarding this website? I need a copy of a police report; how can I get a copy? For a three-year seat on the Selectboard . Declaration of Inclusion Implementation Committee, Springfield Trails & Rural Economy Advisory Committee, Road Surface Management System Report - January 2022, Public Records Inspection, Copying and Transmission Policy, RVTC - Annual Meeting Warning - May 5, 2021, General Election and Special Town Meeting - November 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Town Meeting and Vermont Presidential Primary - March 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - December 8, 2020, Cannabis Control Commission Rules and Process, Springfield Regional Development Corporation, Results - Special School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Sample Ballot - Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Tabulator Testing Notice - Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Warrant and Notice of Public Hearing - Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Notice To Voters - Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Absentee Notice - Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020. I found a baby deer without its mother. Comments or questions regarding this website? Town Meeting Results March 2020. Welcome to Springfield! 96 Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156. Do I need a permit to erect a fence, outdoor deck, shed or carport? Does the Township have an Earned Income, Business Privilege, or Mercantile Tax? Article of note:One article asks whether voters will exempt the nonprofit Mt. Election Night Results from Town Meeting March 5, 2019 can be found on the Town of Springfield's website: Town Meeting and Vermont Presidential Primary - March 3, 2020; Special Town School District Meeting - December 8, 2020; . I'm having difficulties caring for my pet during the pandemic. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting. How can I dispose of expired/unused medication? Town Hall is open to walk-in visitors, weekdays 8:00-4:30. Where do I get a Business License/Mercantile License? The School Board also anticipates that the school district will be fully back to in-school learning in the fall. What kinds of fire extinguisher should I purchase for my home and where should it be located? 96 Main Street Springfield, VT 05156. 96 Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156. Hours Are township parks available for birthday parties, wedding photos or special private events? Selectboard Chair Walter Martone said he encourages officials, when out in daily life, to be mindful of stores not posting signage about wearing masks. What do I do? Town Meeting Day results from around Vermont. VT Primary Election Results. Results Special Election 4 13 2022. Is grilling permitted in any of the Springfield Township Parks? Since Jan. 7, the town numbers have gone from 800 people to 555 people with COVID-19.. Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Administration & Police1510 Paper Mill Road Wyndmoor, PA 19038, Phone: (215) 836-7600 Fax: (215) 836-7180. Be Nice. What is the procedure in obtaining a solicitors permit and what is the cost? EAGLE TIMES STAFF, Making Snow for an Answer: Ski Areas Confront Mild Winter with Snowmaking, GMUSD Reverses Decision: Board Reinstates Chieftain Name After Citizen Petition, Upgrades Needed: Town Hears Presentation on Wastewater Treatment Plant, Welcome to the Eagle: The Eagle Times Welcomes Sydney McAllister to the Staff, 'I'm Ready for Some Help': GMUSD School Board Hears Evidence of Racial Bias, COH's Pinard Stepping Down: Scott Hagar Taking Over as Interim Executive Director, Getting to Know the Candidates: Windsor Holds Forum for Selectboard Candidates, Community Speaks on Budget: $1M Reinstated by 41-27 Vote at Deliberative Session. July 1, 2019 . Comments or questions regarding this website? Modified: 3/1/2022 9:46:42 PM NORWICH Selectboard Chair Roger Arnold defeated challenger Pamela Smith, 577-334. How often should I replace my smoke detectors? Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. You have permission to edit this article. What kind of computer, printing, and photocopying services can I use? 2,778 people follow this. 6, 2018 at 7:45 PM EST Please visit Winds light and variable. Springfield ; Sunapee ; Unity ; VERMONT Barnard ; Bethel ; Barbara A. Courchesne Town Clerk, CVC Town Treasurer Delinquent Tax Collector Phone: 802.885.2104 Email: Absentee Notice & How to Return Absentee Ballot How do I report a health and safety violation? See all. . SPRINGFIELD, Vt. The Springfield Selectboard discussed having a virtual Town Meeting this year among a number of other topics including updates on COVID-19 signage in local businesses, budgeting an additional 10 hours for an additional code enforcement officer, and setting a date for an open discussion for voters to discuss the retail cannabis article. Tel: 802.885.2104 Fax: 802.885.1617. Should I have a carbon monoxide detector in my home? While there were few moments of technical difficulties, the meeting went along seamlessly; however, there were no public comments about either budget this year. Administration & Police No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Can the Police check my property while I am away on vacation? I noticed a fox near my property, what should I do? Want to send in results for your town? Voters had several write-ins, including Plowy Mcplowface, Snow Doze and Poseidon. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Town offices open Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Springfield, VT 05156. Cell 802.376.6102 Carrie Kellow, Zoning Assistant 802.885.2104 x242 Fax 802.885.1617 . How do I find the Student Snow Shovel Registry? 1 to 3 inches of snow expected.. Cloudy with periods of snow after midnight. 96 Main Street Springfield, VT 05156 Tel: 802.885.2104 x228 Fax 802.885.1617 The function of the Assessment Office is to establish fair and accurate property values of all real estate and taxable business personal property in Springfield, Vermont. Zoom links for Public Informational Hearing - March 6, 2022 Town Report (Town Meeting Warning on pages 92-94), Budget Advisory Committee - FY23-24 Report, Open Positions for Town Meeting - March 7, 2023, Town of Springfield Budget Presentation for Public Informational Hearing - March 6, Ambulance, Property Tax, or Water/Wastewater Payments. Appointments are recommended for use of records in the vault, or for visits that are likely to last more than 15 minutes. Town Meeting and Vermont Presidential Primary - March 3, 2020; Special Town School District Meeting - December 8, 2020; Ordinances & Regulations. Election Day voter registration law went into effect January 1, 2017. Tel: 802.885.2104 Fax: 802.885.1617. Springfield Township is a 6.79 square mile suburban community located along the Northwest border of the City of Philadelphia. Springfield Police Department Police Chief: Jeff Burnham Administrative Assistant: Richard Stillings Administrative Offices 201 Clinton Street Springfield, VT 05156 Telephone 802.885.2113 Fax 802.885.2235 Open 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Town Constable: Paul Stagner Use the 'Report' link on Does Springfield have an animal control officer? Which clearances do I need to be a volunteer coach during a Parks and Recreation Program? Close. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee. Mobus said they would investigate the item and make sure they budgeted properly for the legal end of code enforcement. C-SPAN, an acronym for Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network, is an American cable television network that offers coverage of federal government proceedings and other public affairs programming via its three television channels (C-SPAN, C-SPAN2 and C-SPAN3), one radio station and a group of. Don't knowingly lie about anyone Revenue increases for the town were discussed as the new non-emergency transport system through the fire department had a revenue increase of $30,000. We'd love to hear eyewitness Be Truthful. Morris said if Scott signs the bill, which is expected, the town will have the opportunity to hold the meeting completely virtual and by Australian ballot. 96 Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156. Declaration of Inclusion Implementation Committee, Springfield Trails & Rural Economy Advisory Committee, Road Surface Management System Report - January 2022, Public Records Inspection, Copying and Transmission Policy, RVTC - Annual Meeting Warning - May 5, 2021, General Election and Special Town Meeting - November 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Town Meeting and Vermont Presidential Primary - March 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - December 8, 2020, Cannabis Control Commission Rules and Process, Springfield Regional Development Corporation, 2020 - Town Meeting School Board Budget Slides, 2020 - Town Meeting School Board Pre-K Slides, 2020 - Candidate and Poll Watcher Guidelines, 2020 - River Valley Technical Center - Sample Ballot, 2020 - River Valley Technical Center School District Meeting - Warrant and Public Hearing Notice, 2020 - Town Meeting - Warrant and Public Hearing Notice, 2020 - Social Service Appropriation Policy, 2020 - Vermont Presidential Primary - Warrant & Notice. Welcome! Some 175 of Vermont's 246 municipalities are ready to cast pandemic-safe ballots this town meeting season. Vermont's Town Meeting Day 2023 is Tuesday, March 7. Declaration of Inclusion Implementation Committee, Springfield Trails & Rural Economy Advisory Committee, Road Surface Management System Report - January 2022, Public Records Inspection, Copying and Transmission Policy, RVTC - Annual Meeting Warning - May 5, 2021, General Election and Special Town Meeting - November 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - June 16, 2020, Town Meeting and Vermont Presidential Primary - March 3, 2020, Special Town School District Meeting - December 8, 2020, Cannabis Control Commission Rules and Process, Springfield Regional Development Corporation, You or a family member can request early or absentee ballots at any time during the year of the election in person, in writing, by telephone, email or online at, Absentee Notice & How to Return Absentee Ballot, Registration information on file with the Town Clerk. YouTube, Hours Please email Five hundred and seventy-seven Norwich voters opposed and defeated an article that. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. Feb 27 2022. How can I find out about upcoming construction and road paving/closures? SAPA TV. Mobus also said he and other officials are working on ways to educate and enforce proper signage in local stores. Runners up included Snowflake, with 36 votes, Avalanche and Pegasus with 33 votes each, and Snowy with 16 votes. The voters also approved an additional $700,000 for repaving and road construction and $100,000 for sidewalk reconstruction. Town Meeting Results 2022 . Winds light and variable. Town Meeting and Vermont Presidential Primary - March 3, 2020; Special Town School District Meeting - December 8, 2020; Ordinances & Regulations. SPRINGFIELD, V.t.- Judy Stern is taking the bull by both horns as she challenges two selectboard incumbents and one Springfield school board candidate in the March 2023 town election. What is the Security SafeWatch Camera Registration program? How do I find out about programs and stay informed? Does your township have fingerprinting services? August 9, 2022 - 10:31pm . - Elodie Reed 11 a.m. Communities across the state voted on some key issues on Town Meeting Day Tuesday. How do I find Fishing in Springfield Township? You may useMY VOTER PAGEto register to vote or to check your: You or a family member can request early or absentee ballots at any time during the year of the election in person, in writing, by telephone, email or online at Share with Us. Published: 2/28/2022 5:13:13 PM. . Here's what you need to know. Town Hall is open to walk-in visitors, weekdays 8:00-4:30. We should be aware of who has signage, Martone said. Town offices open Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Town Meeting preview: Three are running for a seat on the Weathersfield Selectboard, Town Meeting: Windsor Selectboard candidates photo from Capitol riot raised at forum, Annual meeting preview: Funding for planning a new middle school is on the Windsor Central Supervisory Union ballot, Town Meeting preview: Assessing position up for vote in Woodstock, Town Meeting preview: Woodstock Village voters to decide on audit changes, Town Meeting 2023: Water works upgrades on Bethel ballot, Annual meeting preview: Pre-Kindergarten instruction before voters in the First Branch Unified School District, Annual meeting preview: Voters to consider $13M budget for White River Valley Unified School District, Town Meeting preview: Ascutney Outdoors' property tax exemption to be considered by West Windsor voters, Town Meeting preview: Applying surplus to reduce property taxes is before Barnard voters, Town Meeting preview: Corinth voters to hear report on spending federal ARPA funds, Town Meeting preview: Windsor voters consider funding upgrades and repairs to municipal buildings, Town Meeting preview: Funding new Randolph police force before voters, Town Meeting preview: ARPA funds to be discussed in Tunbridge, Town Meeting preview: Switch to Australian ballot voting is before Strafford voters, Town Meeting preview: Adoption of town manager form of government on Royalton's ballot, Town Meeting preview: Pomfret to elect Selectboard member, library trustees, Town Meeting preview: Full slate of decisions before Norwich voters, Town Meeting preview: Article opposing proposed juvenile detention facility on Newbury's ballot, Town Meeting preview: Increased per student spending on Hartland ballot, Town Meeting preview: Two contested Selectboard races are on the Hartford ballot, Annual Meeting preview: Affirming renewable energy sources for school facilities and operations is on the Dresden ballot, Annual meeting preview: Hanover voters asked to affirm commitment to transitioning to renewable energy on campus, Town Meeting preview: Fairlee town officers to be elected from the floor, Town Meeting preview: Chelsea voters to elect Selectboard member, Town Meeting preview: Move to Australian ballot form of voting is before Bridgewater voters, Town Meeting preview: Bradford, Vt., to decide on shift to Australian ballot form of voting, Town Meeting preview: Bethel voters to decide on retail sale of cannabis in town, Annual meeting preview: Board member pay is beforeMount Ascutney School District voters, Town Meeting preview: Tri-Town Commission representation before Thetfordvoters, Town Meeting preview: Sharon voters to decide on tax payment fee changes, Ballot or floor: COVID-era changes stir debate on Town Meeting structure, Claremont residents restore $1 million to 2023-24 school budget proposal, Woodstock, Norwich among Vt. towns rethinking elected listers to decide property values, White River Valley Unified School District. Town offices open Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Vermont Town Meeting 2022. Keep it Clean. . Appointments are recommended for use of records in the vault, or for visits that are likely to last more than 15 minutes. Presidential Primary Results 2020. Welcome to the Town of Springfield's Facebook. What is the procedure for having a block party? Low 31F. 2021 Springfield Township. How do I get a No Soliciting sticker to place on my front door? State [COVID-19] numbers are up and town numbers are down, said Town Manager Jeff Mobus. . 1510 Paper Mill Road Town offices open Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Cloudy with periods of snow after midnight. SPRINGFIELD, Vt. The Springfield Selectboard discussed having a virtual Town Meeting this year among a number of other topics including updates on COVID-19 signage in local businesses, budgeting an additional 10 hours for an additional code enforcement officer, and setting a date for an open discussion for voters to discuss the retail cannabis article. Several elected officer positions ran unopposed, including Suzette Chivers for a Library Trustee three-year term, Claire Trask for Library Trustee one-year term, Marc Aube for Trustee of Public Funds three-year term, Beth Gray for Cemetery Commissioner five-year term, Terry Perkins for Lister three-year term, and Paul Stagner for First Constable one-year term. I noticed rats on my property. We need to maintain our aggressive stance and make sure we have money set aside for specific legal fees, McNaughton said. Low 31F. 2020 - Candidate and Poll Watcher Guidelines. 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