This parcel tax of $94.50 per residential unit will appear on San Anselmo ballots as Measure J. The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. Would create an Office of Victim and Witness Rights, which would provide or coordinate city services for all crime victims and create programs that provide free legal services for domestic violence victims. This includes traffic calming, signal upgrades, and making quick-build bike lanes permanent. And yet, the allies of the mayor, including two people who lost to Boudin in a fair election, and big right-wing money is seeking to get rid of him. Ursich is a doctor whose social media account frequently mentions the cryptocurrency dogecoin and defends Tesla's technology. Vote to protect SFs progressive policies. San Francisco Bay Area Some water agencies' governing boards are appointed by a county board of supervisors or city council. Connect. For the past week, eligible SFWPC members cast their votes to endorse local, regional and statewide candidates and propositions. She has had her own firm for 30 years. In the areas where residents are frustrated by crimeparticularly car and home break-ins and burglaries and retail theftsthe San Francisco police have made virtually no arrests, making it impossible for Boudin to file charges. This is a nonpartisan race, meaning candidates' political parties are not listed on the ballot. Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 1 DUAL Endorsement: Sylvia Arenas / Claudia Rossi OPEN Endorsement: Rich Constantine. . The recall, part of the Progressive Era reforms in California, was designed to give the voters a way to remove corrupt or fundamentally incompetent elected officials. Night of Ideas: More? The owner of Polaris decided to journey onward from San Francisco after paperwork difficulties arose for the young canine Published: 26 Dec 2022 US airline pilot adopts dog abandoned by traveler . SURVEYING THE POTENTIAL FOR A NATIONAL BREAKUP, A History of California, Capitalism, and the World: Malcolm Harris on New Book Palo Alto, BOOK: THE BIG MYTH: HOW AMERICAN BUSINESS TAUGHT US TO LOATHE GOVERNMENT AND LOVE THE FREE MARKET, MARGARET THATCHER ON ECONOMICS AND THE SOUL, Republicans Unveil Bill to Make AR-15-Style Rifle the National Gun, Articles~ Petitions + Petitions re March executions ~ Events for Monday Feb. 27 Wed. March 1, Nine Senators Urge Biden to Act Boldly and Declare Climate Emergency, Rothschild Tells Trump to Shut The F* Up About Reforming Their Federal Reserve Bank, Time to Act Now Roger Hallam | Extinction Rebellion, S.F. Trimino is an entreprenuer and CEO who won 0.4% of the vote when he ran in the recall election last year. Price is civil rights attorney who began her career as a criminal defense attorney at the Bayview Hunters' Point Community Defenders office in San Francisco. Bring Tent. Puff: Hall of Flowers 2022 brought diamonds, slushies, beakers, vibes. $400 million Muni and street safety bond to improve bus yards, facilities, transportation infrastructure and equipment, and build and redesign streets and sidewalks. Secretary of State Shirley Weber, who was appointed by the governor after Alex Padilla became a senator, runs for a full term. Vote yes. Prop. All good. Wells is a financial analyst from Oakland who wants to "tax the super-rich and stop billionaires from buying the media and politicians.". Vote in Person. Theres not a lot of controversy on the statewide ballot, from the Governors race on down. Meet people from around the world. Ma is seeking re-election to a second four-year term as treasurer. There are no serious primary candidates challenging the establishment from the left; thats a big problem, but an issue for another day. For that, he gets our endorsement. Its a protest vote, but a good one: If Campos wins a significant percentage in what is a real election, not a low-turnout special, it might signal that Haney has some vulnerability. Herreradid the city a great disserviceby leaving in the middle of his term and allowing the mayor to appoint someone who does not support sunshine and open government, who rejected the progressives who originally supported him to advance his own career, and who we fear will take us back to the days when the City Attorneys Office was a force against progressive policy. Praesent ultrices massa at molestie facilisis. Lt. Gov. Californias citizen-led redistricting process did not make drastic changes to the partisan makeup of the state or Bay Area political boundaries. $45 million bond measure to repair classrooms and infrastructure and upgrade security, among other things. Relax, you can now vote in peace For that, he gets our endorsement. Its critical that people who care about reforming the political justice system and holding cops accountable turn out to vote June 7. All polling places are open for vote-by-mail ballot drop-off and in-person voting from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. To be counted, ballots returned by mail must be postmarked on or before November 8, ballots returned in person must be hand-delivered to the City Hall Voting Center . The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. More important, the recall changes the process for mayoral appointments to replace an official removed by a recall. Howell is a cybersecurity equipment manufacturer who promises to "take the politics out of paying your insurance bills.". David Campos, whom Haney defeated in a runoff, is on the ballot, but isn't running a campaign. ( Read and share these endorsements at the site here .) Would recall San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, whose four-year term would otherwise end on Jan. 8, 2024. Anderson is a contractor/inspector/businessman who does not appear to have a campaign website. But thats what recalls are becoming, both in San Francisco and around the state and the country. On the local ballot, City Attorney David Chiu, who was appointed to the job by Breed after Dennis Herrera abandoned his leadership of one of the best city attorneys offices in the country to take a better-paid job at the SF Public Utilities Commission, has to face the voters. Four candidates are running to replace her. Sen. Alex Padilla, named to the Senate by the governor after Kamala Harris became vice president, is in two races as he seeks to finish his appointed term and then win election to a new six-year term. Bay Guardian Archives. Sponsored link. Prop. California will accept mailed ballots through June 14, so it could be a while, depending on how close a race is after election day. Bernie Sanders: Oligarchs Run Russia. Weber is the incumbent secretary of state, appointed by the governor in 2021, and a former state legislator. The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. Vote yes. Needs simple majority to pass. F, refuse rates would be controlled by a three-person board made up of the general manager of the Public Utilities Commission, the city administrator and a ratepayer advocate, and would give the city controller a role in monitoring rates. This June 2022 election, as far as politicians go, is a non-competitive, aka lackluster incumbent anointed primary for various local, state and federal offices with some noteworthy historical exceptions*. Bay Guardian Endorsements: Vote June 7. He wrote San Fransicko, a book arguing that San Franciscos progressive policies have exacerbated the citys homelessness, drug addiction and mental health crises. Thurmond is seeking re-election to a second term as California's schools chief. Ricardo Lara, a Democrat, runs for a second term for the job that regulates the state insurance industry. San Jose Mayor - Matt Mahan. Behested payments give city officials the ability to avoid campaign contribution limits and bribery laws by sending money to favored organizationssometimes creating serious conflicts of interest. All of this has happened during a pandemic when it was difficult to get courtrooms for anything but very serious cases and when judges and sheriffs all over the state were trying to limit the number of people behind bars. Elections have consequences so don't be a jerk; send in your ballot. In Public Banking Coalition monthly meetings Next call: Nov 11 Excitement is building for public banking and once a month, PBI hosts an hour-long Public Banking Coalition online meeting to share the excitement and successes. SURVEYING THE POTENTIAL FOR A NATIONAL BREAKUP, A History of California, Capitalism, and the World: Malcolm Harris on New Book Palo Alto, BOOK: THE BIG MYTH: HOW AMERICAN BUSINESS TAUGHT US TO LOATHE GOVERNMENT AND LOVE THE FREE MARKET, MARGARET THATCHER ON ECONOMICS AND THE SOUL, Republicans Unveil Bill to Make AR-15-Style Rifle the National Gun, Articles~ Petitions + Petitions re March executions ~ Events for Monday Feb. 27 Wed. March 1, Nine Senators Urge Biden to Act Boldly and Declare Climate Emergency, Rothschild Tells Trump to Shut The F* Up About Reforming Their Federal Reserve Bank, Time to Act Now Roger Hallam | Extinction Rebellion, S.F. The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. It must be mailed on or before election day, June 7, 2022. The supporters of the recall are putting outwildly misleading information,sometimes direct lies,and a mostly compliant local news mediahas gone along. More important, the recall changes the process for mayoral appointments to replace an official removed by a recall. Aaron Peskin, would slightly limit the qualifying period for a recall: The official would have to serve for 12 months in office before facing a potential recall, and no recall could take place within 12 months of a regular election. He has sought alternatives to the carceral state that has been a profoundly racist failure for the past 40 years. Vote yes. Disinformation purveyors are planning to spend millions in 2023 to rebuild their propaganda pipelines. District Attorney - Jeff Rosen. Vote NO. A huge amount of moneyfrom big Republican donorshas poured into the city to support the recall, and some local officialsincluding Mayor London Breedhave either supported the recall or remained silent. Assessor - Larry Stone. They Run the US as Well, Duuude, Marianne Williamson Is Running For President Again, A NATIONAL DIVORCE? However our local propositions and proposed laws are very important. Christensen is an education policy executive from the Sacramento area who works for the conservative California Policy Center. Thank you so much for your participation and involvement in our November 2022 endorsements process! Note: we're still missing endorsements for a few organizations (Sierra Club, Green Party . The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. Proposition A is a crucial opportunity for us to upgrade decades-old infrastructure and make Muni faster, more reliable, and seamless.The Bicycle Coalition helped craft this measure, and we urge everyone who bikes, walks, or rolls in San Francisco to vote Yes on A. Endorsement: California's attorney general is more than a 'top cop.' Bonta deserves your vote Chronicle Editorial Board May 16, 2022 Updated: May 16, 2022 10:47 a.m. Buttar is a public interest advocate who has previously challenged Pelosi, listing his top priorities as defunding and demilitarizing police, promoting the Green New Deal and establishing universal health care. We look forward to him bringing a pro-bike perspective to the City Attorneys office. Theres plenty on the San Francisco ballot in June, but the defining issue is Prop. Needs two-thirds support to pass. Assembly Member Phil Ting, a veteran state lawmaker, runs for re-election to a sixth two-year term. Scroll down to read our full San Francisco voter guide, or print our cheat-sheet to share in person. -. He has authored a bill that would decriminalize jaywalking, and has co-authored bills to lower speed limits, legalize automated speed enforcement, and allow bicyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs. He wants to talk about the guns driving it, Why backers of Democratic Attorney General Rob Bonta are trying to help the most anti-abortion candidate in the race. The recall of Boudin would further empower the growing right wing in San Francisco, would further encourage the old tough-on-crime approach that has put so many Black and Brown people behind bars and destroyed so many communities, and would show that big money and bad news media can take over local politics. Were certainly not going to endorse him now. The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. Complete and mail your ballot back in the postage-paid envelope by January 23rd. Lt. Gov. This parcel tax of $94.50 per residential unit will appear on Larkspur ballots as Measure H. This parcel tax of $94.50 per residential unit will appear on Ross ballots as Measure I. But both names are still on the ballot. Associated Students of . Your email address will not be published. Jan 2022 - May 2022 5 months. There's plenty on the San Francisco ballot in June, but the defining issue is Prop. ), CA Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tony Thurmond (incumbent), CA State Treasurer: No Endorsement (Democratic incumbent is Fiona Ma), Insurance Commissioner: No Endorsement (Democratic incumbent is Ricardo Lara), Board of Equalization District 2: Sally Lieber. Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club of San Francisco - "Advocating within the Democratic Party for human rights, social and economic justice . The problem is that Muni cant hire enough bus drivers to operate the current system, and bond money only funds capital improvements. $194 million school modernization bond to pay to upgrade classrooms, science labs and learning technology, make building repars and add solar, among other things. SF City Attorney: No Endorsement: Prop A: MUNI Reliability & Street Safety: Yes: Prop B: Building Inspection Commission . The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. Prop. Haneywent full Yimbyin the special election, shifting strongly from his prior positions to get elected. S.F. The South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council has officially endorsed the following candidates for the June 7, 2022, Primary Election: Santa Clara County. The November 8, 2022 general election in San Francisco has over 40 contests to vote on. Bradley is a businessman and Coast Guard veteran who touts parental choice on health issues such as vaccines on his campaign site. San Francisco voters will face four elections in 2022, the result of a confluence of strange political factors starting with the (bad and irresponsible) decision of Dennis Herrera to leave the City Attorney's Office in the . In Public Banking Coalition monthly meetings Next call: Nov 11 Excitement is building for public banking and once a month, PBI hosts an hour-long Public Banking Coalition online meeting to share the excitement and successes. Galperin is the Los Angeles city controller who wants to "hold corporate special interests who don't pay their fair share in taxes accountable. Herreradid the city a great disserviceby leaving in the middle of his term and allowing the mayor to appoint someone who does not support sunshine and open government, who rejected the progressives who originally supported him to advance his own career, and who we fear will take us back to the days when the City Attorneys Office was a force against progressive policy. Vote No. Vote yes. This is a nonpartisan race, meaning candidates' political parties are not listed on the ballot. Molnar is a health care advocate and businessman who was a top adviser to former state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner. City Attorney: David Chiu. The Department of Building Inspection is part of the ongoing City Hall corruption scandal, and its in part because of a total lack of accountability. Agbede is a mathematician originally from Lagos, Nigeria, who now lives in Los Angeles. We are community supported journalism. Night of Ideas: More? Needs two-thirds support to pass. Become a member and you'll improve your commute and get discounts at shops across the city. A candidate can win this race in June with a majority of the votes. But it would change the makeup of the board that sets the rates. Anyone courting the mayors favor in replacing Boudin is free to run against him in the next election. San Francisco Bay Guardian, "Endorsements Fall 2020," October 1, 2020; Bay Area Reporter, "Editorial: Vote yes on all SF props," September 23, 2020; San Francisco Chronicle, "Editorial: San Francisco ballot recommendations cover taxes, housekeeping and social change.," October 6, 2020 The incumbent governor and former San Francisco mayor is seeking a second four-year term in office. The San Francisco League of Pissed Off Voters members met on March 11th to vote on an endorsement in the April 2022 runoff election which will decide whether Matt Haney or David Campos will represent Assembly District 17 in Sacramento (the seat is vacant because David Chiu got appointed to be the City . Become a member. In his recall endorsement interview with The Chronicle, Boudin was thoughtful, strategic and more than capable of justifying his decision-making. Subscribe here to receive weekly bike news. Advocates in his office dispute that, San Francisco propositions 2022: Whats on the ballot in June election, Nancy Pelosi announces shell seek re-election, California Democratic Party messed up: State voter guide doesnt say it endorsed Alex Padilla, Alex Padillas first year in the Senate saw stalemates on his two most personal issues, Californias Alex Padilla brings rare Senate perspective an immigrant familys struggle for dignity, Supervisor Matt Haney wins special election for Assembly District 17 seat, Campos wont challenge Haney for Assembly seat in June, despite appearing on the ballot, Haneys Assembly victory is a coup for YIMBY activists seeking to align with S.F. US Representative in Congress District 11: No endorsement (Democratic incumbent is Nancy Pelosi) The Bay View endorses Shahid Buttar. ", Arif is a legal administrator and immigrant advocate who wants to ensure California's economy serves "our working people, not just the wealthy.". Feb. 8:BIG TRUTHS BIG NEWS: Truth Brigade 3.0 kickoff Indivisible Truth Brigades grassroots disinformation-fighting program is holding our first webinar of 2023 onWednesday, Feb. 8at 6:30 ET/ 3:30 PT. The big money behind the recall will have an impact; if progressive turnout is low. California voter guide for November 2022 election. Under Prop. Praesent ultrices massa at molestie facilisis. The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. On the positive side, Biden has always put himself pretty much in the center of where the Democratic Party is. Universal healthcare legislation introduced in California. State Assembly, District 19: Phil Ting won our Golden Wheel award in 2016, and has continued to work to make our streets safer to bike on. He has been open, honest, and accessible. He has no opposition. Ballots can be returned through the Postal Service (the return postage is already paid) or dropped off at a voting location or in a ballot drop box.Keep in mind that the Postal Service must postmark your ballot envelope by the end of Election Day for your vote to count and the last collection at many mailboxes is 5 p.m. Disinformation purveyors are planning to spend millions in 2023 to rebuild their propaganda pipelines. Several candidates face off to represent District Two, which stretches along the coast from Del Norte County to Ventura, on the Board of Equalization, the state's elected tax commission. Needs 55% support to pass. $140 million bond measure to fund renovation of classrooms and facilities, update classroom computers and technology infrastructure and improve outdoor learning spaces, among other things. The big money behind the recall will have an impact; if progressive turnout is low. Clase para adultos para aprender a montar en bicicleta, Ending pretext stops will make streets safer heres how, Valencia Bike Lane Designs Need your Feedback. B makes some important reforms, including changing the makeup of the panel and removing the ability of the commission to hire the director (that would go to the mayor, which right now is another problem, but at least theres accountability.) Gavin Newsom says he has sub-zero interest in running for president, Gavin Newsom leans into his pandemic record with first ad in California governor's race, How Republicans blew their opportunity to recall Gavin Newsom, Under Rob Bonta, the attorney general has become Californias top housing cop, AG Rob Bontas opponents want to talk about crime. Boudin may be many things, but incompetent is not among them. If you think the current building inspection system is working, you arent paying attention to the local news. David Campos. PROPOSITION BBuilding Inspection CommissionYES. Newsletter. Would change the membership of the city's Refuse Rate Board as well as how refuse rates and regulations are set and the rules governing future changes to the system. H, the effort to recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin. The deadline to request your ballot is December 12, 2022. Your email address will not be published. Tony Thurmond, a Democrat, runs for re-election to a second term as California's top education official. The chain's Walnut Creek location is closing in April. Von Krieg is an actress/community organizer and progressive vying to be the first transgender woman in Congress. Vote No. The idea is to allow workers time off in a situation where they, or a dependent, are dealing with something like COVID (or a bad air-quality situation). Vote to protect SFs progressive policies. Bradford is an education consultant from Los Angeles and was named a White House Champion of Change Educator in 2013. Ventresca is a retired airport analyst from San Francisco who calls himself a "Berniecrat.". FILE - Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and Duchess of Sussex visit the track and field event at the Invictus Games in The Hague, Netherlands, Sunday, April 17, 2022. Hear the proponents and opponents of each measure . Sen. Alex Padilla, named to the Senate by the governor after Kamala Harris became vice president, is in two races as he seeks to finish his appointed term and then win election to a new six-year term. Long is a public school math teacher in San Francisco. A would authorize $400 million in bond to buy new equipment and make other traffic changes that would improve Muni service. Dahle, who also runs his family farm, is challenging Newsom over his record on crime and homelessness. Secretary of State Shirley Weber, who was appointed by the governor after Alex Padilla became a senator, runs for a full term. That would mean that recalls wouldnt be a political weapon to give the mayor more power. Our in-depth analysis of 16 state and 24 local initiatives . Required fields are marked *. Fanara is a restaurant owner who immigrated to Los Angeles from Italy as a teenager. $90 million bond measure to modernize facilities, construct and update classrooms for art and music and upgrade infrastructure, among other things. Nonprofit daily site, locally published & completely independent. Needs simple majority to pass. Guardian Editorial. Your email address will not be published. EMPATHY CAFE SERIES Collectively Transforming Towards Regenerative Cultures Thu, Jan 5 When we meet, discuss, make decisions, or share our time, Defend the Atlanta Forest March 4-11 Byadmin|February 14, 2023|Uncategorized Leave a comment Defend the Atlanta Forest. The 17thAssembly district race is essentially over; Haney won, and David Campos lost. By admin | April 8, 2022 - 1:43 pm | April 8, 2022 Uncategorized. H, the effort to recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin. Dublin City Council - Jean Josey . 2022 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction. Weve already made the case against the recall. G would require San Francisco businesses with more than 100 employees to give workers as much as 80 hours of paid medical leave during a public-health emergency. Prop. Crimehas not increased under Boudins tenure. Bay Guardian Endorsements: Vote June 7; Joan Janusz on Protest CVS!!! The winner of this race will serve a new six-year term starting in January. Yang is a software architect who previously ran for lieutenant governor as a Republican. Prop. The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. Haney is a former San Francisco supervisor just elected to the Assembly in an April special election. Bay Guardian Endorsements: Vote June 7. He can be reached at Theres no reason this is even on the ballotthe supes and the mayor could create this anytimeexcept to coincide with the Boudin recall. Democrat Shahid Buttar and Republican John Dennis, both of whom Pelosi has defeated in the past, are among those challenging her in the primary election. Arts + Culture. . Campos, a former San Francisco supervisor who lost the April Assembly runoff, is not campaigning in the primary. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, runs for re-election to a second term. herculoids gloop and gleep sounds Stand in solidarity with forest defenders from March 4 11, 2023. Berkeley City Council, Dist.1 - Rashi Kesarwani. Vote to protect SF's progressive policies. Intro Empathy Caf: Find out how to listen to others and how it feels to speak without interruption or fear of interruption. Becton is the incumbent district attorney for Contra Costa County and currently the only African-American district attorney in California. But Ting has taken two brave moves: He endorsed Campos over Haney, and he is an out-front opponent of the Boudin recall, even authoring a No on H ballot argument. Twitter. Would create an Office of Victim and Witness Rights, which would provide or coordinate city services for all crime victims and create programs that provide free legal services for domestic violence victims. November 8, 2022, Endorsements. Attorney General Rob Bonta, who was appointed by the governor after Xavier Becerra joined the Biden administraton, runs for a full term. The problem is that Muni cant hire enough bus drivers to operate the current system, and bond money only funds capital improvements. March 4 11, 2023 #StopCopCity February 11, 2023( Calling lovers and dreamers to Atlantas Weelaunee Forest. Hillberg is a veteran of the U.S. Army and law enforcement who previously ran in the recall election of Gov. The first Live journalism, performance, and community building for the Bay Area. Vote yes. But Guess What? Catherine Stefani that would create little or nothing that the city doesnt already offer. The top two vote-getters will advance to the general election in November. In the few cases thathave gotten wild media attentionbecause people released from jail committed other crimes, local judges, not the DAs Office, made the decision to order the release (following long-established state rules). Ursich Jr. is a doctor whose social media account frequently mentions the cryptocurrency dogecoin and defends Tesla's technology. It was never supposed to be a tool to remove people whose policies you disagree with, in the middle of a term, with a special low-turnout election. If you vote on nothing else, voting NO on Prop H, the recall of Chesa Boudin, is the best thing you can do toward justice in our elections and democratic system in San Francisco for this election. They will impact how some of us experience our government on a regular basis and put some needed support and protections in place. State Assembly, District 17: Matt Haney That's especially true when it comes to local and . Bay Area Voter Guide for 2022 Election Election Day guide to the key races that California and San Francisco Bay Area residents will vote on in the Nov. 8 midterm election. Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 4 Susan Ellenberg It was founded in 1966 by Bruce B. Brugmann and his wife, Jean Dibble. David Camposwho, like all of us, knew what was about to happenhad already announced for the seat. 30 would increase the personal income tax rate by 1.75% for people who earn more than $2 million per year and use the money for programs to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions . . Previously, she worked as a judge in Contra Costa County for 22 years. by BAR Editorial Board ; Dec 28, 2022 The Bay Area Reporter editorial board has some ideas for how California Governor Gavin Newsom can use his . County elections offices will begin mailing ballots by May 9, 2022. San Francisco Bay Guardian, "Endorsements Fall 2020," October 1, 2020; . Would require employers with more than 100 employees worldwide to provide paid public health emergency leave, not to exceed 80 hours a year, for their employees in San Francisco. In its endorsement, the paper stated "Good for Sen. De Len for challenging Dianne Feinstein. Follow it every time, Your email address will not be published. Proposition 30. Blenner is a teacher who previously ran for the Saramento County Board of Supervisors in 2016, finishing in fourth place. You can register through election day, June 7, but your vote will be conditional and subject to confirmation of your eligibility. 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