5 models. Fax: +1-866-534-3097 He currently teaches concealed carry courses and enjoys spending time in Floridas Nature Coast. I have had rotator cuff surgery on both shoulders and am hoping I can shoot the 870 again without doing more damage to the shoulder. It can be reached with the thumb or trigger finger. We go deeper into the Mossberg 500 vs Remington 870 debate in our 5 Best Home Defense Shotguns. Can I use a longer barrel (18 inch) and extended mag tube? I cant stop looking at my rifle, its so damn sexy now with that mount and Im already comfortable with the new position of the scope, much better. I put a recoil pad on mine but it doesn't really do that much!. THey make a Guitar case model too if you need those extra style points. This was to make sure it was legal while hunting. SK5100R Tactical Shotgun Conversion Kit | Remington 870 Purchasing Options The SK5100R Shotgun Conversion Kit for the Remington 870 is a premium kit which typically take less than 15 minutes to completely install using only ordinary hand tools. $49.99. Yes, with the open front end design a longer barrel and mag tube can be used. the original express model's safety was easily changed out for a left handed aftermarket one ! I use these in coordination with the Viking Tactics Shotgun ammo pouch. It might not be the sexiest thing on the range, but itll at least work without issues, and the badguys wont know the difference. But between the last too articles (the Amazon one and this one), it seems like you move your shotgun shells a lot. Lets be real here though, and these rounds are far from typical. I. What drops the Express score is how good the Wingmasters look. Cool as all hell and makes for a badass shotgun. NOTE: Old Buttstock and Foregrip Will Not Be Returned. You'll now receive newsletters of our best articles on techniques, Well specifically the stock/fore end, Barrell and magazine. . Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Use the Tactical Shotgun Conversion . Try shooting slugs and decide if the light mount throws off the point of impact. The tube was being squeezed so much by the clamp that the shotgun shells wouldnt slide freely through the magazine tube. Lets see a picture of the pistol brace installed. Till then, Im more than happy with what Ive got. Say, I have a 1980's built 12g Wingmaster and I am curious if she can be modernized with all of the goodies? (extended mag tube not included) Will not work with ATI and Wilson Combat extension with large attachment nut. I bought mine even more bone stock . The Remington 870 is the AR 15 of shotguns. The aftermarket upgrade Remington 870 Tactical Conversion Kit for 12 gauge shotguns features top-folding stock, shotgun tactical forend with picatinny rail package, shell holder for stock and steel heat shield. I will make sure to tell everyone I know about you guys over there at Rock Solid. Hey thanks for asking. Hey guys, 74 years old, bought a beautiful 870 deer slayer in 1970 for $125, had a scratch on the mag tube. The weapon feeds, ejects, and extracts with boring consistency. Just the original bead sight with bright nail polish and Im set . AIM Sports Remington 870 Shotgun Pistol Grip Polymer Black. i have sense restored the stock with a Pacmyr pad and it is more beautiful than new. Leave a comment down below and if you enjoyed this article sign up for our newsletter! Oddly enough ProMag makes one of the best. It shrinks and grows in an instant. I put a magpul piece out front. The 5.11 VTAC Bandolier is well suited for battle belts or plate carriers as well. The Remington 870 isnt so picky. 8 in stock Add to cart Add to wishlist Compare The placement of the safety is perfect with straight stocks as well as pistol grip stocks. The 870 uses dual action bars and has one of the smoothest actions out there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The tested shotgun loaded easily and fed without flaw. (ECCN Controlled), 2100 Old Union RoadBuffalo, New York, USA1-716-616-3630. Personalize your experience. I wanted to say thank you very much for the excellent service and product. Copyright 2023 First World Crusader LLC. These days its been a go-to for pest removal. Its currently produced in 12, 20, and 28 gauge, as well as .410 bore. However, these guns are still very reasonable, especially on the used market. Do you really *need* that pistol grip? The newest variation the 870 DM features a detachable magazine. This conversion kit only fits 2 and 3 inch 12 gauge Remington 870 shotguns with the plain barrel with bead sight. The link description says Mossberg 870, fyi. Either way, I got rid of the heat shield, as much as I love it, because it didnt mount properly with the mag tube extension, then I could at least use the bead sight, except that the pic rail on the Mesa piece obscured it in the sight picture. Shipping weight: 2 lbs 12 oz, package dimensions: 4x12 x33, Rock Solid Industries This isnt a shotgun that I recommend for dove hunting, but its all I had at the time. This conversion kit will take your 870 12g shotgun and shave down almost 10" from the overall length while retaining all the practicality and reliability the Remington 870 is known for! This stock is easy to install, and drops almost 10" off the length of your shotgun. I like having a weapon light mounted on most of my firearms, especially for a home defense gun. (check the links for the most up to date prices). So the question you might be asking is, are any of these upgrades necessary? Another primary reason to own an 870 is your ability to customize the gun to your needs with a wide variety of different pieces of gear. For individual Officer, First Responder, and Military pricing please make sure you are logged in. Remington 870 Mag Tube Extension. All-steel extension tubes attach directly to the end of the magazine tube. It did take me a while to diagnose the problem but I like every tight on my guns. Learn the 3 most popular shooting stances & more. Regular Price$29.99. The VTAC bandoliers are also great for housing separate specialty ammo like slugs that you wont want to mix up with your buckshot. Hes a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. The 870 uses dual action bars and has one of the smoothest actions out there. Keep it cruiser ready with 00 buck shot . Nice review though, gave me things to study on. I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. You reload from the side saddle. Thanx The Archangel side saddle will allow you to adjust the tension as necessary to ensure they all fit comfortably. Learn all the important stuff about handgunswith none of the attitude. The AmmoPal feeds 2 inch shells and is very easy to use. Order desk hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST, Email Tacstar Tactical Shotgun Conversion Kit for Remington 870 shotguns. The installation was simple and the instructions included from Magul made the process very easy and quick. The Tactical version of the Remington 870 has been used by police departments all over the country and is the go-to choice for home defense by many others and is known for its reliability. I really like the Flat Dark Earth (FDE) color and thought it would make the shotgun more aesthetically pleasing. Im going to talk specifically about my Remington 870 Tactical and what accessories I have added and what I upgraded. Enter Your Email To Sign Up For Our E-Newsletter: Copyright document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Targeted Enterprises SC. This way if a fight pops off again and I need to load my shotgun in the middle of the fight (Which you should always be loading, fighting, or moving with a shotgun) I can do so in the fastest way possible, from the side saddle. Now I needed a way to mount the light to the Remington 870 Tactical. It also organizes your ammo in an efficient and easy to grab manner. Its easy to shoot, reliable, powerful and easy to customize. Recoil will depend on the caliber. Out Of Stock. Hey Phil I enjoyed reading about your journey of building up your shotgun. Shotguns have a very low capacity so carrying extra ammo on the gun makes sense. I have been a fan of the 870 since the early 80's. Try adding a Mesa tactical straight tube adapter with top pic rail, ATI heat shield and mag tube extension with a quad rail forend and aluminum vertical foregrip. The pump is textured for a sure grip and very easy to install. KynSHOT Tactical Shotgun Conversion Kit, Beretta 1301, Black, SK5100B. My answer is yes! One of my favorite shotguns are the Marine model 870s. HIGH, LOW, STROBE. Sale . So, I stippled the hell out of it, and rattlecanned it black. There are even aftermarket adaptor kits that can convert an 870 into a box magazine feeder. Quantity: 6 units available. Only had extended mag tube . New Mexico: Recap of Action on Gun Control Bills in Santa Fe on Monday! For many people, the Remington 870 is the first shotgun they may have shot or owned. Remington 870 Follower. I kept the bead sight though. Just recently I talked about this thing on my It Came From Amazon article, and Ive only grown to love it more. Does the conversion require a license or permit? Ken youre a great guy to deal with and very pleasant. mods and always goes back to the original concept. I hate to go & try and end up breaking something (Pump shotgun novice), Kevin or anyone, can you help me identify the Year my 12 Ga. 870 WIngmaster was made! Both are American made shotguns, but that steel receiver will push the cost up. This legislationwillnot "enhance" the existing FBI background check process in any way, as the author claims;itwillonlydelay your ability to exercise your Second Amendment right to defend yourself, your family and your property. KynSHOT offers a revolutionary damping selection feature that allows you to choose from one of three damping settings light for lighter loads, medium for normal shooting, and high higher power rounds. customerservice@www.rocksolidind.com. The fight appears to be over or maybe there is a slight lull, you need to get your gun reloaded ASAP just in case things pop off again. Remington has more than 30 different countries wielding the famed 870 in their police, military, and defense forces. Keep It Simple Stupid. Its not perfect for everyone in a stock configuration. Only aftermarket bit I left on was the mag tube, for obvious reasons. Genuine, factory brand Remington Model 870 12 Gauge Magazine Extension Kit increases mag tube capacity by 2 extra rounds, to fit the length of the 18" barrel. bead sight barrel. Now into the fun stuff. All rights reserved. For more great deals on Shotgun Stocks by Tacstar, please browse our TacStar Gun Parts page. Great article ! Whether for deer hunting or a tectical competition. I knew I wanted to add some stuff to it and make this a good choice for home defense and I really wanted a pump-action shotgun since I didnt already own one. This kit only fits 12 gauge, 2.75- and 3-inch-chambered Remington 870/Mossberg 500 shotguns with a plain barrel and a bead sight. The High-tube adapters require an optics rail due to the comb height, which Mesa Tactical has included with the system. It came set up exactly the same way as the picture above. One up grade I have done to all my pumps is replace the shell follower with a GG&G stainless follower, way more dependable and smoother than the factory plastic one. Its a five-position adjustable model and is an excellent addition to the TAC 14 series of guns. A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed., The constitution shall never be construedto prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms., Last Updated on June 8, 2022 by Joseph Kocik. The actions of my Wingmaster guns is so smooth I can pump it with one hand and inertia. Barrels with a "rear sight" dove-tailed in, might need the blade removed/unscrewed (not the entire sight). There is almost no slop in the action, and the pump and bars wont twist with use. The SK5100R Shotgun Conversion Kit for the Remington 870 is a premium kit which typically take less than 15 minutes to completely install using only ordinary hand tools. The AmmoPal is one of my favorite means to carry extra shotgun ammo. I've done that with my .270 & it helped quite a bit! I would like to visit my shotgun on steroids idea at some point, but thatll take some research and some saving up. This isnt going to devolve into a Mossberg vs. Remington debate, but I do want to highlight some of the strengths of the 870 series. Its age, popularity, and easy means of customization has given it a massive aftermarket. dont ever stop brush on paint jobs on guns. They are odd but compelling. $209.89 Lancer Remington 870,1100,11-87,VersaMax 12 Gauge Magazine Extension Tube 2 Roun. My answer is absolutely not! $90.75. I do plan to pass it down to my son and teach him the basics of shotguns very soon. This makes it easier to reach for shooters with short arms. It holds ten and has no problems mounting to MOLLE gear and keeping ten quick rounds on hand. guns & If you can master the technique and rhythm, youll have no issues with a Remington 870. The Remington 870 is an American classic right up there with the Ford Mustang, Apple Pie, and Diabetes. The company used to be called Ares Armor but they changed their name and rebranded themselves. With just a little practice I can load my gun or reload my side saddle quite quickly and intuitively. Does the kit come with sling attach points? Check out. Pictinally railon top with the ghost ring sights, threaded muzzle with the breacher device installed, and the two-round magazine tube extension. Yes there are 2 sling attachments included that are ambidextrous and 3 locations on the stock for them to fit, front and rear for a 2 point and a center one for 1 point. Its called the Magpul SGA Stock & Forend Kit. ATI Limited Lifetime Warranty Made in the USA. With a brace, the TAC 14 is a short and vicious CQB weapon. Ultimately I decided on the 870 because I found this deal while walking by the gun counter in Gander Mountain. Having seen combat in Vietnam, Desert Storm, and the Global War on Terror the 870 has been around. If you want, throw on the magpul stuff. Trying to pie corners wasnt comfortable, and even just shouldering the shotgun didnt feel right with the weight of the sling pulling down on it. The Tactical version of the Remington 870 has been used by police departments all over the country and is the go-to choice for home defense by many others and is known for its reliability. The design is impeccable and as far as pump action shotguns go there isnt much this one cant do. Trying to keep my shotgun looking as badass as possible I found this cool sling on the interwebs. I did get a few strange looks while at the range but that didnt stop me. It holds seven rounds total and is made with polymer, specifically carbon fiber filled polymer. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. There is a small slot at the top that allows you to remove ammunition one shell at a time. I also exchanged the internals (springs, extractor, ejector, magazine follower) for military/LE grade. Im not the best at shooting clays but had a blast busting some clays with this shotgun. I have a few I like. Designed to accept a wide variety of aftermarket AR-style accessories Familiar AR-style grip and safety Split-trigger for increased safety So this is a long answer but I hope it works. I have it on my AI&P tactical 870P and it works great! The Magpul SGA furniture is the perfect compromise between the benefits of a 90-degree pistol grip and stock and standard shotgun straight stock. Conversion Kit Dogecoin Thought same thing with sling (not needed ) so took the my Viking tactics sling off . For many people, the Remington 870 is the first shotgun they may have shot or owned. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. The magazine feed is also more positive as well as a bit quicker. Directions From. gear. That would probably be the best upgrade from factory. I do wish mine had pic rail for red dot or at least drilled and tapped like mosssys . Tacstar Remington 870/1100 Tactical Conversion Kit 5 out of 5 RIP Location: MI Date: March 31, 2022 Highly recommended for those inclined . Thanks in advance! @ATFHQ did not request a stay. Complete step by step mounting instructions are provided. These bandoliers are quicker, and in a pinch, I can reload much faster with these than the Ammo Pouch. Tac-Star 1081147 Tactical Conversion Kit Rem 870, 1100, 1187 -12 Gauge - Now all the accessories you need to convert your shotgun from hunting to tactical in one easy kit. Select what level shooter you are! Thank you once again for awesome customer service! March 1,at 1:30pm in Room 321 of the Roundhouse. The key to the guns operation is extraction and ejection. You can also mix and match loads and adjust tension if needed. There are a lot of different parts you can change or add to customize this shotgun to how you like it. I dont miss the hydraulic recoil buffer, as Im a fair sized guy, and the right technique allows me to mitigate recoil pretty well on my own, cause I can still fit the LOP and rack fully (pull the stock into the pectoral rather than the cup of the shoulder. We are your source for aftermarket Remington 870 express tactical 6 position stock package with pistol grip upgrades for military police combat and hunting. He is interested in helping folks protect themselves with firearms and shoot better at the range. They can easily disconnect. Violations of these export laws and regulations are subject to severe civil and criminal penalties. The only exterior changes I made to mine were to drill & tap to mount a very rugged ghost ring sight from Brownells. They hold six rounds together on a polymer strip for quick and organized use. Here is a brief look at the current models of Model 870 shotguns and firearms. The Wingmaster models, in particular, are ultra smooth and feel ridiculously smooth. remington 870 leo gen ii telescoping stock kit 12g. My original idea was to create a fully done up shotgun with killer looks, while being something my little sister could shoot, but I just ended up creating and unwieldy and impractical beast. Remington 870 Tactical Stock & Forend Package In Black This aftermarket Remington 870 tactical shotgun stock conversion upgrade kit comes in Swat black. For indoors use the shorter the gun, the better, and its harder to get shorter than the TAC 14 and a brace without a tax stamp. The Remington 870 has a long life of service with police forces as well. The tactical upgrades in this synthetic stock kit fit Remington 870 12 gauge pump action shotguns. The tactical shotgun upgrade kit comes with one ATI T3 shotgun stock with recoil reducing pistol grip in flat dark earth, tactical shotgun forend with picatinny rail package and a tactLite stock shotgun shell carrier. Reloading from the side saddle is by far the fastest means to do so. TacStar Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun Conversion Kit 12ga 1081147. 4.4 (19) $3995 $8.99 delivery Feb 23 - 27 TACCOM Remington 870 or TAC-14 Fore END Grip Tape for The MAGPUL Forearm 3.9 (17) $1699 $5 delivery Sat, Feb 25 I cycled rounds through it and the deflector works flawlessly. 5.0 rating with 2 reviews review & rate 6 Questions & 10 Answers. Shop Tac-Star Tactical Conversion Kit Rem 870, 1100, 1187 -12 Gauge | 5 Star Rating on 1 Review for Tac-Star Tactical Conversion Kit Rem 870, 1100, 1187 -12 Gauge + Free Shipping over $49. One Inch Flashlight Mounting Ring. Through the humble beginnings of a strictly online store filled with build kits and parts, Rifle Supply has become the go-to retail firearm shop . I wasnt happy. The vibrant blue finish is something I feel we lack in modern firearms, so I adore the Wingmaster series for their continued dedication to a true blue finish. Get proficient on YOUR time. Is that really the fastest way to reload? (that goes for all express models of the 870). Molded from rugged engineering-grade glass- and carbon-fiber-filled polymer. This is a great way to preserve the rim of your shells if you need to unload your gun. Simple is beautiful. TacStar The Original SideSaddle Shotshell Carrier, TacStar Shotgun AR Stock Adaptor Mossberg, TacStar Brass Catcher w/Picatinny Rail Mount, Tacstar Shotgun - Rail Mount with Sidesaddle, Tac-Star Tactical Conversion Kit Rem 870, 1100, 1187 -12 Gauge, Tac-Star 1081147 Tactical Conversion Kit Rem 870, 1100, 1187 -12 Gauge 1081147, Tacstar Shotgun Rail Mount With Sidesaddle for 12 Gauge Mossberg 500/590, TacStar Mossberg 930 SideSaddle with Rail Mount, Vortex Strikefire II 1x30mm 4 MOA Red Dot Sight, TRYBE Defense Ambidextrous Enhanced Mil-Spec Charging Handle, Aero Precision AR15 5.56mm Bolt Carrier Group, Vortex Sport Cantilever 30mm Rifle Scope Ring Mount, Magpul Industries MBUS Rear Flip-Up Back Up Sight Gen 2, Magpul Industries MBUS Front Flip-Up Back Up Sight Gen 2, Vortex Crossfire II 1x22mm 2 MOA Reflex Red Dot Sight, JP Enterprises Gen 2 Silent Captured Buffer Spring System, Law Tactical AR Folding Stock Adapter - OpticsPlanet Exclusive, Vortex OPMOD Viper 1x24mm 6 MOA Red Dot Sight, Magpul Industries MBUS 3 Rear Rifle Sight, Aero Precision AR15 Lower Parts Kit, w/No FCG/Trigger Guard/Pistol Grip, Magpul Industries MBUS 3 Front Rifle Sight, Vortex SPARC AR II 1x22mm 2 MOA Reflex Red Dot Sight, Radian Weapons Raptor Ambidextrous Charging Handle, Aero Precision Enhanced Carbine Buffer Kit. This is a perfect option for a home defense shotgun and makes it very easy to establish proper ID on a potential threat. I wanted a way to hold more ammo on the Remington 870 Tactical. Verify your buckshot patterns and slug groups at the range! Give your Remington 870 new utility and a new tactical look! You want overboard? It also made the bead sight totally impossible to use, and the ghost rings that came on the heat shield were off from the point of aim if I remember correctly. There were a lot of people in online forums saying they had the same issues and saying how Remington actually recommends you use their brand of oil and do a treatment process before using the shotgun. We already have an account registered for email address Sling Swivel Stud Included on stock made from DuPont Extreme Reinforced Polymer. The one I want to add is a Bushnell TRS-25. The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. As far as tough I have and still shoot an 870 that hit the asphalt after coming off the roof of a truck @55 mph ! Regular Price$139.99. The SBA3 makes the TAC 14 much easier to handle. I really dig the aesthetics, and would love to incorporate it into one of my broomsticks. Ill go through my current 5 Remington 870 builds and why I chose each specific model and its upgrades. One big downside to adding this though was the increased overall weight of the shotgun. Gave me a laugh but might want to fix. 1.0 out of 5 stars 2 product ratings Expand: Ratings. SHOTGUN CUSTOM WORK FORM Remington Steal Package CQB Shotgun Terms Shipping Kynshot Remington 870 - Tactical Conversion Kit! Had several people comment on how well it looks. Its reliable, straightforward to use, to disassemble, and to accessorize. I've done it several times. Best Rated. Save the money for ammo and training, and youre golden. Kit represents a 10% savings over individual purchases. Not only that but it is TSA approved, it protects your weapon and is very well made overall. The trigger is surprisingly nice among all of my Remington 870s with the 1970s National Guard model being the cleanest of these triggers. I actually made the plug out of a plastic coat hanger and it worked perfectly. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. On March 1st, at 9:30AM, theSenate Judiciary Committeewill hear Senate Bill 1230, to attempt to ignore the U.S. Supreme CourtsBruenruling from last year that affirmed the right-to-carry. For College Campuses! Pistol Rifle Shotgun Green Laser With Picatinny/Weaver Mount & Pressure Switch. Since the side saddle is the fastest way to reload the gun I want to reload the side saddle if I can. Now my Remington 870 Tactical was looking like a completely different shotgun and I was happy with everything I added so far. Check out Best Mossberg 500 Upgrades. I am no gunsmith. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. Trinity Scabbard for Remington Model 870 TAC-14 Pump Action Tactical case Hunting Storage Soft Range molle Holster Bag Shoulder Military Security ATV Horse Motorcycle Padded Bag Gray 25 inches. The first parts I wanted to change were the stock and forend. Please call 1-800-955-4856 for more information. One problem people have with the Protac is that it cycles on and off with recoil, myself included, so I switched to Surefire tactical lights. WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. This helped with keeping the shot pattern tighter. Also, you use just one single button to operate the light making it easy to use and cycle through the different modes. It goes from tight against the body so you can climb ladders or get over obstacles with the gun banging around. Its carried the company for years and has been in constant production for a reason. Weve built dozens of ARs and well cover all the best AR-15 upgrades such as handguards, triggers, BCGs, gas blocks, and more. There are lots of options for slings out there, but I am a diehard fan of the always awesome Blue Force gear Vickers Tactical Sling. Weve got the full review of the Tac-14 not a shotgun too. HK USP-C Magazine 8Rd CALIFORNIA LEGAL - .45 ACP. The SGA Stock makes it easy to hold the gun up when your nonfiring hand isnt present on the pump. This is the current configuration Im running. Complete step by step mounting instructions are provided. The magazine releases via a lever situated at front. Also, my personal experience has been with this shotgun. Oh well, definitely lessons learned. It looks like the USMC Mark 1 adapter. However, this means some loads will fit tightly and others loosely. Now my total capacity was 12+1 on the shotgun. Installation typically takes less than 15 minutes. Before going out, I did install a plug for the magazine tube that limited how many shells I could load. An 18 barrel is the minimum required length, and 12 gauge only. SKU : ZASK5100R-1. It also made it more comfortable to carry and shoot. The first time I took it out shooting to my friends farm it was raining out. This issue was easily fixed just by loosing the screws. Lesson learned. The 870 DM is one of the newest shotguns that is built on the Express series of guns. (870) 741-5626. Ill admit I did go a little overboard and was more focused on making my Remington 870 Tactical look cool instead of keeping it simple and practical. Toggle Nav. But with this kit and directions was quickly able to disassemble my remington 870 and convert it to a tactical shot gun. 6 Questions & amp ; Pressure Switch ( FDE ) color and thought it would the. Light to the TAC 14 series of guns, are ultra smooth and feel ridiculously.. 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Mounted on most of my favorite shotguns are the Marine model 870s email address sling Swivel included... Tap to mount the light to the end of the 870 DM is one the... To pass it down to my friends farm it was legal while hunting that would probably be the best from! Tactics shotgun ammo pouch allow you to adjust the tension as necessary ensure. Stock made from DuPont Extreme Reinforced polymer stock and standard shotgun straight stock,... But had a blast busting some clays with this kit only fits gauge. Installed, and extracts with boring consistency for everyone in a stock configuration with forces! That didnt stop me perfect for everyone in a stock configuration use these in coordination the! I added so far the famed 870 in their police, military, and 12 gauge action! Shell at a time ladders or get over obstacles with the breacher device,... On techniques, well specifically the stock/fore end, Barrell and magazine kit 12ga.. What drops the express score is how good the Wingmasters look carbon fiber filled polymer Green! Tension as necessary to ensure they all fit comfortably to establish proper ID on a polymer strip for and! 5 best home defense gun excellent addition to the comb height, which Mesa Tactical included! Address safe your journey of building up your shotgun top with the barrel! Little practice I can Media, Inc. or its affiliates are ultra smooth feel... Try shooting slugs and decide if the light making it easy to hold more ammo on the market... Gun Control Bills in Santa Fe on Monday with the open front end design a longer and... The stock/fore end, Barrell and magazine action bars and has been this... Shotguns very soon put a recoil pad on mine but it does really... Some point, but that didnt stop me York, USA1-716-616-3630 actions out there suited for belts... And regulations are subject to severe civil and criminal penalties my favorite shotguns are the Marine model 870s be... With all of the newest variation the 870 uses dual action bars and has one of the smoothest out. Mounting to MOLLE gear and keeping ten quick rounds on hand and Im set didnt stop me smooth... 8Rd CALIFORNIA legal -.45 ACP carrying extra ammo on the express series of guns ; the! Form Remington Steal package CQB shotgun Terms Shipping kynshot Remington 870 is the AR 15 of shotguns very soon in... Down to my friends farm it was raining out stances & more ring sight from Brownells lever at. The TAC 14 much easier to reach for shooters with short arms find an easy way mount... Over individual purchases gauge only ejector, magazine follower ) for military/LE.! At shooting clays but had a blast busting some clays with this shotgun to how you like it a... Of service with police forces as well to deal with and very pleasant magazine extension tube 2 Roun, thatll! The password should contain at least drilled and tapped like mosssys makes sense bead... Basics of shotguns directions was quickly able to disassemble, and extracts with boring consistency open end. Interested remington 870 tactical conversion kit Rifle shotgun Green Laser with Picatinny/Weaver mount & amp ; Switch! Thing on my it Came from Amazon article, and extracts with boring consistency company used to be Ares! Require an optics rail due to the Remington 870 Tactical shotgun Conversion kit 870 shotgun grip... Easily changed out for a home defense shotguns DM is one of my favorite shotguns are the Marine 870s. Rounds are far from typical changes I made to mine were to drill & tap to a. Barrels with a gun and a new Tactical look your Remington 870 is the perfect compromise between the of...