Pregnant Guinea Pig Signs of Labor The majority of guinea pigs give birth during daylight. In both cases, your pet needs to be seen by a vet. A female can give . Try not to make changes to a pregnant sows enclosure, such as eliminating toys or placing the confine in an absolutely new area. Request counsel in focusing on a guinea pig in the event that she is pregnant. Not at all like in different species, the pressure of taking blood can antagonistically influence the wellbeing of pregnant guinea pigs. Their eyes will open quickly and, within a few hours of birth, will search for solid food to eat., If the female guinea appears to be in distress or is in labour for longer than 20-30 minutes without giving birth, then emergency veterinary care is imperative. During this time, keep watch for the following: Dystocia, or difficult birth, is common in sows who are older than 7-8 months and bred for the first time. A pregnant guinea will start to drink and eat more as the pregnancy propels. Additionally, they will gravitate toward diets that are rich in vitamin C. Though both pregnant and overweight guinea pigs can have an increased appetite, only pregnant . You might also keep in mind that some first time Mom's are not the greatest. Generally, its best to treat a sow as though she is pregnant until it is proven otherwise. How long your guinea pig has been for is a question only a qualified veterinarian can correctly answer to. The milk provides some very important nutrients for the babies. Increased fiber consumption can forestall hair diminishing, which is basic in the last phase of pregnancy. Finally, should you choose to get your cavies spayed or neutered, seek out a vet who has experience with guinea pig surgeries.. An expectant guinea pig is one source of concern even to experienced pet owners. Is there anything special that needs to be done when cavies are pregnant? It tends to affect overweight sows delivering their first and second litter. Potential Pregnancy Problems. If labor takes much longer than 20 minutes, she may require emergency medical attention. If the male or other guinea pigs seem to get on her nerves, move them into another cage. A cesarian section surgery will likely be necessary.. The female doubles in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during pregnancy. This may result in the delivery of live pigs, the correction of torsion or the piglets may be dead. By gently squeezing the tummy area, you may feel different-sized bumps. Lessen taking care of a base and doesnt bother her for about fourteen days to the birth. Jane is an advocate for animal welfare and supports organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife. A List of Safe, Healthy Chewables for your Cavies, 15 Things to Know Before Adopting Guinea Pigs, 300+ Adorable Guinea Pig Names For Your New Piggy Pal(s). Its the time when the body is anatomically and sexually ready for pregnancy and the birth canal hasnt fully narrowed. The male will put on a manly display for the female, rumbling, standing upright before her, and approaching her with his head lowered. All of these signs are included and described as "the first stage of labor". I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. Normally, you can spot the fetuses in her womb from around 2 weeks after mating. Have the details of a small animal vet handy Be prepared. If not, the female guinea pig will most likely bite or urinate on the male. Cavy Slave. Usually, a normal labor process lasts not more than 10 minutes. Degu Health Problems Common Diseases and Treatments. She was bred before when she was younger (at 6 months is what I was told) but I am still worried. Although guinea pigs do not bleed much while giving birth, you should notice some discharge for the next five days. You should watch her carefully if she is too fat and moving very little. That gives you enough time to attempt breeding after a few weeks when the pig goes into heat. Guinea pigs need extra vitamin C during pregnancy, so you may see her favoring the products of the soil having the vitamin C in high quantity over those lacking it. Consider leaving her in her own environment and move the others so that she can remain in familiar surroundings. Watch your sow for signs of illness during pregnancy. How do you know if your cavy is actually carrying pups? This is because the strain and pressure implicated puts at risk the life of a female guinea pig. This partition increments to more than 2.5cms in the hours not long before conveyance. So we have Janice, Zelma and Possum (looks similar to an Opposum ). When labor pain strikes, your little friend may become excessively upset, defensive, or frightened. In theory, guinea pigs can give up to 5 litters per year. Chester, the dad, is a golden agouti and white Peruvian. The knowledge empowers them to be prepared for any situation, and they can take care of their little friends accordingly. If you do not see the birth as it happens, you will most likely not see the placentas, as the Mom will eat the afterbirths and all the bloody wet shavings. Joined Jun 13, 2010 Posts 178. . Risk reduction includes preventing obesity in the mother guinea pig and providing adequate energy in the diet late in gestation. Typically, breeding reduces the lifespan of female cavies. One more thing. The guinea pig's heat cycle lasts 16 days. The information on this website should not be take as a substitute for professional advice. Required fields are marked *. After only a few of weeks, you should see your pet putting on weight, and the size of the mid-region getting truly perceptible. The signs of pregnancy toxaemia are abrupt onset of depression (quiet, weak, lethargic) and anorexia (not eating). Then of course saw another weeks later that I fell in love with, bought that one too. Pigs are mammals, which means they gestate their young inside the mother's womb. When laboring, sows lay down in the nesting area and become quiet. Guinea pigs can especially sexually mature early for animals. This is 59 days from exposure. If you touch her underbelly a couple of centimeters ahead of the anus, you will be able to feel that the pelvic bones have spread apart. The daily amount of vitamin C should be tripled, so it is likely that they will require a supplement to their normal feed. The pressure of the unknown can exasperate the threats that go with guinea pig pregnancy. Shares. Thats why a female guinea pig should be bred before the permanent hardening on the pelvic canal. You should be watchful of the sow, because you really wont notice any difference in her appearance for the first few weeks. Try giving her green peppers, more broccoli and kale. Loud squeals are a sign that she accepted him. If youd like to have more piggies in your guinea pig family, adopting a few from a rescue is a better choice and it doesnt put your sow at risk. Regularly take your pet to an exotic vet for assessment and weight monitoring. Guinea pig mother lactates for 2-3 weeks. It is ideal to house the male in a nearby enclosure where he can in any case be near the female. She is at risk of toxemia if the fetuses are taking up more energy than she can supply nutritionally. If your guinea pig allows you to touch her, use your fingers to gently examine her sides and stomach. You will need to see a vet if this is the case. In some cases, pregnant guinea pigs triple the amount they consume in a day. Their gestational period may last between 59 - 72 days. If you sense something and youre not sure what it is, then seek advice from your veterinarian. While your sow might bear from one to six pups or even more, the average litter size is 3. Belly and lower back pain. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. You may even find her pregnancy waddle to be the cutest thing youve ever seen. Medical Disclaimer: does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. During their time in the heat, sows become receptive to male guinea pigs (boars) for around 6 to 11 hours. Europeans found these tamed creatures not long after their appearance in South America. Fruit is high in sugar and can contribute to diabetes. Note that the incubation period is normally 66 72 days. signs of labor. Male guinea pigs should be separated from the females as early as 3 weeks old, and female guinea pigs should be bred before they are 7 months old. It doesnt take more than a few hours for them to start eating solid food, just like any other adult guinea pig. You have to rely on a combination of indicators. The first stage of guinea pig pregnancy will be average, which is 65 days from when your guinea pig mates. If you see the baby partway out, and the Mom is making no effort to help it, and you are SURE it is a baby, then you can gently try and help maneuver the baby out. Its logical to think that the more babies the mother carries, the longer the pregnancy will last because more time for nourishment is required. It is worth noting that female guinea pigs can get pregnant at four weeks old. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. Required fields are marked *. 0. Bumps can also refer to ovarian cysts or tumors. This calls for a balanced diet, clean environment, and routine check-up by a qualified vet. I am definitely no expert, but the same situation happened to Tabytha Sue's previous owner, Chris. Some sows take up caring for their young ones right away after birth. 0. A sow will build up an undeniable bulbous shape during pregnancy and will regularly twofold her weight. Strong, frequent contractions. Normally, the pregnancy period lasts between 63 and 70 days. In fact, you may even wonder if your cavy is actually pregnant. 3. For that reason, breeding your fuzzy friend should be a well-thought affair. The whole process from first contraction to last baby can be as short as 15 minutes, and up to 40 minutes depending on how many babies she has. no way!" Signs of labor include restlessness, nesting behavior or trying to find a suitable position in the farrowing crate or pen by heaping up bedding or digging a shallow area on the dirt. This is how a female and male guinea pig interact during the mating ritual. I rescued these guinea pigs that were pregnant when I got them. This helps the pups to reserve energy till motherly intuition naturally happens. Regardless of whether this is the lone sow you own, you should in any case eliminate the male pig before she arrives 60 days in her pregnancy. During this time, you must keep the boars away from the sows. Signs of toxemia typically appear from 2 weeks before birth to 1 week after delivery and include:, Unfortunately, in some cases, toxemia is fatal. A sow can birth up to 5 litters per year, though miscarriages and stillbirths are common. The early stage consists of the first few days after mating. As the female guinea pig gets older, the bones making up the pelvic canal form a permanent hard bridge by fusing. How old do guinea pigs have to be to breed? In the event that you need to ship your guinea pig, never get her by her stomach as it can hurt the unborn guinea pigs and the mother herself. For pet proprietors, gaining an understanding and knowledge of this part of their pets life is also important. She will give out a cry just as she goes into labor, and it will take about five minutes to birth a pup. A good thing is to weigh your female guinea pig on a regular basis (perhaps once a week) and to write down the weight. In reality, close to 20% of expectant sows die while giving birth. . It is essential to make certain this does not happen, thus free access to food and water is vital. The guinea pig gestation period is 59 to 72 days. It breaks my heart because she squeaks at me to pet her & I can't pregnancy hormones make me cry. You should observe the behavior of the other guinea pigs as well. They usually emit a series of characteristic squeaks which will alert you that labor has begun. Be especially careful around the newborns eyes, as they are normally wide open, and you can scratch the cornea. The age of the sow plays a huge row in making the decision. I haven't slept well in 3 nights cuz I am worrying about her From the sounds of it, there probably won't be any babies for a few days atleast. A serious condition that can occur during the last stage of guinea pig pregnancy is pregnancy toxemia. Implement patterned feeding, drinking, and outdoor regiments. Most vets recommend that whenever your female guinea pig is gaining weight to bring her for a pregnancy check-up. Guinea pigs usually weigh about 1.5-2 lbs. The guinea pig litter size varies between 1 to 8 pups; sometimes a sow could have even a bigger litter, however . In our case, Theo had been kept together with 4 other males so the likelihood of her being pregnant was very high. She will get plenty of energy from a high quality pellet, a variety of fresh veggies, and hay. That way, it becomes much easier to track the pregnancy process and detect health implications. In such a situation, do not force them to tend to her pups as it may escalate things up. If he persists, shell dampen his enthusiasm by urinating on him! Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Can They Live Together. Alfalfa has extra calcium and protein, both of which she very much needs. Do not keep pregnant guinea pigs in multi-level cages/hutches as their balance will be impaired by pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy they may not be able to get up to the higher tiers. What most people dont know is that the number of babies affects the length of the pregnancy. These short haired "cavies" come in many different breeds; the most popular among them is the American, which is characterized by a roman nose which is slightly rounded. To limit hazard, empower practice and forestall weight while guaranteeing satisfactory sustenance and water is promptly accessible. Only this way, serious delivery problems can be avoided. Your female guinea was kept with male guinea pigs If your female guinea was kept with male boars, then it is probable that she is pregnant. When labor is imminent, you might notice some changes in the way your guinea pig looks. Anyway, knowing best to keep them all quarantined my two females and one male have never interacted. Know when a pig is going into labor. Sooner when the motherly impulse slowly sinks in, they may take up their maternal role. Just a disclaimer: Beware that you should not wildly breed guinea pigs if you dont have a proper breeding program or the appropriate financial situation as well as time to care for them. Once the pups come out, the mother licks and devours the fetal substances plus the placenta. Guinea pigs NEVER become too old to conceive or father babies throughout their whole life!!! You'll also see that the sides of her belly become wider, with swelling and stretching breasts. If the Mom does not bite off the placenta at the umbilical cord, you can sterilize a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully cut the umbilical cord about 1/2 inch from the babies tummy. Although some pregnant guinea pigs become excessively lazy during the last few days, others behave normally to the last day. Guinea pigs tend to express every little change in their body. The whole process from first contraction to last baby can be as short as 15 minutes, and up to 40 minutes depending on how many babies she has. When Do Guinea Pigs Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? Before we talk about the stages of your guinea pigs pregnancy, lets make certain that your guinea pig is already pregnant. I have had sows deliver at night, and by morning you would never know she had babies except there are little pigs in the cage! Pups will each have their own amniotic sac, which the sow normally removes and ingests. The first noticeable sign on a pregnant sow is an increased appetite. The whole process should take no more than 40 minutes. Many others survive but with complicationscostly to you, painful to her. I feel their feet kicking me. A pregnant guinea pig is in danger of toxemia, so you should be on the lookout for any signs of this often fatal disease. Short-haired or, Read More 300+ Adorable Guinea Pig Names For Your New Piggy Pal(s)Continue, Your email address will not be published. The female guinea pig reaches sexual maturity at about 2 months of age,her body is anatomically ready to carry ad nourish babies for the next 2 months. As before, you should pick her up only if necessary and only with full support of her hips. See this how to video as a pig gives birth in a farrowing crate. My mission is to teach others useful tips and tricks about these cute creatures. Male guinea pigs are very territorial so when they mate they spray the female with their urine. If you gently touch the animals belly and run your hand along the surface and look for small lumps and bumps. When a guinea pig is pregnant the pelvic canal stretches as a result of hormonal secretion. In the best-case scenario, make arrangements to have a visiting vet check her every once in a while. Guinea pigs arrive at sexual development early, some when they are only five weeks or a month and a half old. The mother remains at risk for some medical complications for a few days after giving birth, so keep a close eye on her. Keep in mind that not always the mother can naturally deliver the whole litter without any problems. This means that we may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase something through an affiliate link. Some guinea pigs have swirls of long hair while others have a coat of soft, short hair. I named her Janice. Find The Best Deals on Your Favorite guinea pig Products and Save! The first thing you may notice is the mother becoming overly aggressive when grooming the pups. Probably the most telling sign of pregnancy in your female guinea pig is being in close contact with an unneutered male recently. It is important to note that big-sized and more litters shorten the gestation phase. . Copyright 2023 How to tell if your sow is pregnant. However, even without the mothers milk baby guinea pigs can survive feeding only on solid food. Here are the 10 most common signs of labor in most women: Nestinga sudden burst of energy. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. She may eat up to the triple measure that she typically eats. When her pelvic bones are spread approximately 1 to 2 fingers apart, the labor is very near. What does a pregnant guinea pig need? It takes about 20-30 minutes for the whole litter to be delivered. Otherwise, he will be dragging the placenta around. If you know and accept the risks, then read on to become familiar with the stages of pregnancy. Approximately every five minutes, a new pup will be born. However, there can be a ton of troubles, particularly if your pet is more than a year old and has never had a litter. In the middle and later stages of gestation, a pregnant sow will display an enlarged abdomen. Female guinea pigs sexually mature as early as 2 months of age. Guinea pups, once born, will be completely furry. Guinea pigs eat more when they're pregnant. Let's take a look at some of the key points for pregnancy in guinea pigs so you can determine if your guinea pig is going to be a mother and so you can plan . It will take from nine to ten weeks before you are remunerated with young ones. Youll need to ensure your pig is getting adequate food, water, and supplements since these things are additionally helping the embryos. Males should be removed well before the birth to avoid back-to-back pregnancies. 5. This could expand her pressure and influence her eating and drinking habits. Each guinea pig has its own amniotic sac, which the mother will clean and ingest. So you should be able to get some needed rest. Female guinea pigs begin a new estrous cycle shortly after giving birth. It can be quite a tough task as their hunger seems to be veritably insatiable! 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