Theres actually so many more. Well, there arent too many, just 3 at the moment of my time capsule. Two notable dances to me that are being viewed are the classics, Come Dance With Me by Jo Thompson Szymanski and Rocket to the Sun by Madison Glover! The Edge Dance Event A Unique Country Dance Convention Experience! Gail Eatons demo and teach of it is a great easy to follow video for Boys Round Here! cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Boys Round Here Line Dance Demo with music ( Kick walks through her line dance to Boys Round Here. (parts A & B each just have 16 counts). Im guessing it is because it is both easy to do and has a really fun and satisfying feel to it. MMMBop38. Shes a great instructor and in my mind, at least is a little famous for putting body rolls into her dances. See the charts below for how this current mid-September list breaks down. This video makes you want to learn the dance immediately! cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Fighter Line dance demo ( out the choreographers demo of his dance for The Fighter! cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: "The Fighter" Lesson/Demo ( is a great walk through of the dance as well as demo by a fun crowd at RoShamBo Lounge at BeX in Lancaster, CA. I think people also just love the song and how the dance plays so well to it. It's Your Love - Tim McGraw & Faith Hill. Yes, its Maddison Glover, but check it out185 total! 4 CRYSTAL CHA | Jan 2023 Maddison Glover 32 count 4 wall INTERMEDIATE Every Time You Take Your Time by Aaron Goodvin | 38/38 | 247/247 | weight 15.38 5 GOULAINE DC | Aug 2022 : Laura Turcaud 32 count 2 wall BEGINNER Fly by Donovan Chapman | 27/246 | 182/1584 | weight 14.84 6 IRISH BOOTS | Aug 2022 Backwood Bump 8. Im not a big fan of Merry Go Round. Im thinking its for a younger and more flexible crowd for sure! cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Church Clap Line Dance Tutorial ( great demo and teach of the line dance Church Clap. video of line dancers doing Church Clap is off the hook! Choreography: Pat EsperMusic: Dead Mans Hand by Moonshine Bandits (Whip IT as an alternative song)Step Sheet: Click here to download.Aces & Eights is indeed a very popular line dance. There ends up being little squares or boxes where you move around each other! Your email address will not be published. For the video, Im giving some love to the person that put this video together to incorporate some live footage of Luke Bryan and throw in some video effects just for fun. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. #1 dance is a dance to a really great new song by Anne Wilson & Hillary Scott! 39 Great Country Two Step Songs for the Dance Floor. But Texas is a big place, so who really knows for sure? Vegas Dance Explosion, 2022 New Line Dances and All-Night Dance Parties! People really love this one I think partly because of the song. Enjoy! What Line Dance is in the Movie Footloose? I was going to include at this spot a wildly popular line dance to the song Blurred Lines. Eternal Flame is a great oldie from the Bangles back in 1988! Choreographer: Kathi StringerMusic: American Muscle by Canaan Smith(and countless others! Nothing But You39. Cant Walk Away14. Choreographer: Megan Barsuglia and Christopher GonzalezMusic: Cravin You by Thomas Rhett and Maren MorrisStep Sheet: Click here to download.This dance choreographed to the song Cravin You by Thomas Rhett and Maren Moris is so good! The Gaslamp: Long Beach Tribute Band & Country Dancing Hot Spot! Choreographer: Rob Holley (January 2018)Music: What Makes You Country by Luke BryanStep Sheet: Click here to download.Yet another pretty easy beginner line dance making the rounds lately. Count: 32Wall: 4Tags: 1Level: Beginner/Intermediate, Choreographer: Darren MitchellMusic: Lonely Drum by Aaron GoodvinStep Sheet: Click here to download.The Lonely Drum line dance is a very popular line dance that is almost a guarantee on any weekend at the local country bar. For instance, the dance Cinderella Honky-tonk was in the top 10 days ago but quickly dropped to spot 26. Choreographer: Gary OReilly (IRE) & Maggie Gallagher (UK) August 2022Music: Hold Me Closer by Elton John & Britney SpearsStep Sheet: Click here to download. Download all. How are they Different? This is a pretty silly and fun party song and the line dance that she came up with is an improver (or low intermediate) but with no tags or restarts a pretty learnable fun dance. Line Dancing Songs: The 12 Best Boot Scootin' Songs of All Time These 12 country music line dancing songs from singers such as Alan Jackson and Billy Ray Cyrus are guaranteed to get the. Power Jam41. Wow, how the Copperknob popular list landscape does change! Choreographer: Scott Blevins & Jo Thompson Szymanski (September 2018)Music: The Bounce by OutasightStep Sheet: Click here to download. If you like the song and the dance steps compliment it and take advantage of it you have a winner. The tag itself is 16 counts. I'm the owner of CDT. Is it Easy to Learn? The Handlebar J Scottsdales One of Kind Country Music and Dance Hall. Current Top 10 & Top 99 Line Dances on Copperknob, Summer 2022! A hit of 1962 that was recorded by Little Eva, a famous American singer. After Party3. 25 Christmas Beginner Line Dances! For Both Partner and Line Dancing. She teamed up with Simon Ward to create a great intermediate dance for Luke Combss new song The Kind of Love We Make. I think Pat Esper came up with a pretty great name for the line dance with Aces & Eights. It is just funny to me how it has nothing to do with the song many dance this to every week. The Wolf, Count: 32Wall: 4Level: IntermediateRestarts: 1. Some Surprising Facts. Count: 48Wall: 4Restarts: 2Level: Low Intermediate, Choreographer: Kristal Lynn Konzen (March 2018)Music: I Got This by Jerrod NiemannStep Sheet: Click here to download.This is a really cool and kinda hard line dance choreographed by Kristal Lynn Konzen who was teaching at the Borderline, but more recently at the BL Saloon in Aguora Hills. The Dance has a simple restart that is easy to pick up in the music. 10 Best Country Bars and Venues for Dancing in Houston! I know this is a little over the top and it only captures 7 days and just for that one day I looked (9/18/22). document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Lately, I've been saying that since I first started this blog over the last few years it has taken on a life of its own. This probably the reason people say that if you play this song at a French gathering everyone will organize in a perfect grid (without any instructions) and dance flawlessly in a square pattern. How crazy! Is it Easy to Learn? Sundance Saloon San Franciscos Inclusive Country and Line Dance Spot! document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Lately, I've been saying that since I first started this blog over the last few years it has taken on a life of its own. What if there were a website DJs uploaded their set list at line dance clubs every week? . Copperknobs list of the current top 10 and really top 99 is a very cool feature of the site and I love that theres that link for it! Cal versions many times. Boys Round Here12. (, Presents Booze Cruise (, Linda Lu line dance (walk-through) (, Linda Lu line dance (demo) to Delbert McClinton's Linda Lu (, BOOMERANG Line Dance Demo by Kat Painter (, Boomerang Candy Sherwin (, The Bounce Line Dance by Scott Blevins & Jo Thompson Szymanski @2018 WCLDM (, The Bounce Candy Sherwin (, Boys Round Here Line Dance Demo with music (, Linedance Lesson Boys 'round Here Choreo. And theres another circle line dance I discovered as well that is to a hip hop song. Aces and Eights Candy Sherwin (, Aces and Eights (as done to "Whip It") Demo and Quick Teach/Crew Country Line Dancing (, After Party (Line Dance) Demo & Teach (, Ain't Too Cool Line Dance to Music (, Ain't Too Cool Line Dance Tutorial (, Linedance Lesson American Kids Choreo. Carol Craven has an ongoing effort to capture what is popular with her emails and voting, subscribe to her email list if you want to get involved with this! Then Ive included a really fun country bar scene where real people are doing it! Count: 26Wall: 4Level: Beginner / Intermediate. 2022 Stagecoach Country Dance Contests, Full California Round-Up, Country Dancing at the Stagecoach Festival & The Honkytonk Dancehall, Best Line Dancing In Tampa, FL The Dallas Bull vs. The Brandin Iron San Bernardinos Iconic Country Dance Hall, Cowboy Country Saloon Long Beachs Original Honky-Tonk. 25 Christmas Beginner Line Dances! Aces & Eights 2. Walk The Line47. So check that out if you want to learn it as well as 19 other beginner line dances. Gary OReilly also shared with us on his YouTube channel the moment they were done with the dance. Footloose - Blake Shelton song. And is it Easy to Learn? But there is set choreography so in this way it is like line dancing. It is not a country line dance, but who doesnt like a line dance to a great Jennifer Lopez song? The Swallows Inn in San Juan Capistrano Review. She also details a variation for part of the dance. Click here for that and see if you agree. Count: 32Wall: 4Restarts: 1Level: Beginner/Intermediate. 12 Best Country Bars and Venues for Dancing in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area! Storm and Stone by Maddison Glover4. They choreographed this dance specifically for the 25-Year VLDA (Victorian Dance Association) Gala Ball Workshop in June 2022. And who has time for that? So, a little challenging, but a great song and great dance to learn. I was so interested in how this line dance came about I delved way deeper into it! Stitches44. Dopamine - Line Dance DopamineCount: 64Wall: 2Level: IntermediateChoreographer: Gary O'Reilly - January 2022Music: Dopamine by Purple Disco Machine feat Eyelar I am familiar with her from her award-winning Champaign Promise dance which, while created in 2017 is still very popular. The twisted-weave part is pretty fun to do. So, yeah where has this song been? Enjoy the fun video they crated of them doing Cant walk away in multiple locations! But this one will challenge you a bit more as a 48 count intermediate level dance. cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Aw Naw Line Dance (Shakers Style) ( & Teach by Steve Lustgraaf with some help with friends at the Bushwackers Dance Hall in Ralston, NE. What Is the History of Line Dancing? The version everyone does is an adaption by Anne Marie Dunn, so the videos below show the original and the an in depth teach from Kerry Kick (2 videos) to master it. This one is pretty cool since it breaks the trend of choreographers scrambling to be the first to create a dance for a new song! 39 Great Country Two Step Songs for the Dance Floor. Mainly this is just a demo. Something about the rock steps, 1/2 turn, shuffles and mambo steps that seem to really flow well into each other and just make it a really fun dance to do. American Kids5. I'm the owner of CDT. Keep It Simple34. fiche PDF sous la vido. Today we can find lots of covers for this song, that's why this song may be considered a world one. But nothing quite caught fire like The Macarena, the latin clave beat powered one hit wonder remix by The Bayside Boys of the Los . So, enjoy that and be ready for wherever you go out to dance the Cotton-Eyed Joe line dance. Hey, pretty girl can I get in your game?Hey girl whats your name? Remember This by Maddison Glover8. Note: As good as this new dance is, this song also works with the Turn Me Loose line dance! The Nashville Palace Nashvilles #1 Line Dance Destination, Cowboys Red River Dancehall & Saloon A Dallas Country Dance Destination. This info is lost every week to throw away crossed-off lists of requested line dances. What are the Country Cha Cha Dances? Even her YouTube channel hides her identity! cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Keep It Simple Candy Sherwin ( and teach of the line dance Keep It Simple. It all reminds me of playing King of the hill when I was a kid! In the video below Ive included by Cindy she teaches the step sheet version, but then goes over a common variation used when it is danced in the Southern California area clubs. What Is the History of Line Dancing? If you like those her High Class dance will not disappoint! Side note: Since youre still reading! Choreographer: Tina Argyle (UK) September 2022Music: Eternal Flame by The BanglesStep Sheet: Click here to download. It will be interesting to look back at this post later when things are way different and things have shifted once again. Check out the demo & teach videos below to learn the new dance! Just for fun, heres a side-by-side of these 3 lists of the current top 10!These 3 Top 10 Line Dance poles/charts really vary! The Stockyard. Specific dances become all the rage in dance saloons all over. The Handlebar J Scottsdales One of Kind Country Music and Dance Hall. It moves fast, but the holds make it interesting and the cross steps give it a fun sense of traveling. Half Past Tipsy28. How to Line Dance to Cotton Eye Joe | Line Dancing (, Texas Style Cotton Eye Joe aka: "The Bullshit Song" the Original Way (, Cotton Eye Joe Line Dances (, Dancing On The EdgeLINE DANCEDemo/Teach/Walkthrough (, Linedance Lesson Dizzy choreo. So, just for fun, I am rounding up here the CURRENT top 10 as they are with summer coming to a close in 2022. Sundance Saloon San Franciscos Inclusive Country and Line Dance Spot! The top line dances are still the same and are all covered in the article: Top Line 35 Dances for Weddings and Quinceaneras. Download all. Without a doubt, one of the main songs to make both Billy Ray Cyrus and line dancing popular needed to be included in the top 10. Check out the video below from the choreographers YouTube channel. cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Line Dance Play That Sax ( demo of the Play That Sax line dance. instructors) teaches Storm & Stone! This is where the country is just too big to know! cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to Line Dance to Cotton Eye Joe | Line Dancing ( Roystons tutorial or what seems to be the popular and original way, as a circle dance. cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Texas Style Cotton Eye Joe aka: "The Bullshit Song" the Original Way ( is The Original Way! cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Cotton Eye Joe Line Dances ( versions from 4 regions, all gathered together in one place! New Country Line Dance for 2022 - The Wobble. Tina Argyle is a very busy and productive line dance choreographer and with this, her latest, now has 252 dances. Dim The Lights by Maddison Glover & Simon Ward10. This is another example of a non-country line dance out there that is incredibly fun with an addictive beat and sound. (Like I Love You) Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & ) (, Lonely Drum (Line Dance ) Demo & Teach (, MIB (Men In Black) Line Dance (, MMMBop Line Dance with Instructions (, MMM Bop Line Dance- CCLD Demo/Lisa and Ed (Nov 2017) (, Nothing But You (, Nothing But You (Line Dance Competition, 2/2020) (, Line Dance Play That Sax (, Redneck Angel Teach and Demo (, Shape of You Candy Sherwin (, Stitches Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & ) (, STITCHES LINE DANCE (, T.G.I.F by Jo Thomson & Michele Perron (, T.G.I.F. Learning the Basic Country Two-Step Dance. Top Country Line Dance Songs: Are you a big fan of country music? See her demo video below along with a good tutorial as well. cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Remember This Official Line Dance ( Glovers demo of her line dance Remember This. cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Remember This Full Teach ( teach of the line dance Remember This., Count: 36Wall: 4Level: ImproverVideos on Copperknob: 9. Another heart is a song from the Swiss pop singer ILIRA and is a great song about heartbreak with the idea being Dont worry, Ill just grow Another Heart!. The Ponderosa Portlands Favorite Line Dancing Spot! The Bounce 11. Choreographer: C.W. Booze Cruise 9. Cowboys Alabamas #1 Country Music & Dance Venue! Aint Too Cool4. Top 20 Popular Line Dance Songs. Mavericks, Pflugerville North Austins Great Country Dance Hall for Line Dancing! It was at about 4 am, August 25th. It might be partly cause Im such a big Billy Currington fan, but, as is a recurring theme here the really popular line dances are often the perfect combination of good choreography that fits a great song. Song: Mm Yeah (Feat. How are Line Dancing & Square Dancing Different? Gary OReilley & Maggie Gallagher demo their new dance Another Heart at Dance Xperience, NOLA. Ive included this in my post of 20 Beginner Line Dances You Need to Know. Click here to check it out(Its last at #20). What Are the Best Boots for Line Dancing? They do get certain groups of people up and dancing but many of . Okay, now its time to totally geek out on the current Copperknob top 99. Current Top 10 & Top 99 Line Dances on Copperknob, Summer 2022! This is a pretty easy line dance to learn at low-intermediate. Unfotunately I dont have too much info on it, but Ive included two great videos. Check out the great demo below with both choreographers. Check out the demo from Maddison Glover and Candy Sherwins great tutorial of it below! As a Keith Urban fan, I was happy to see this and as is the case with me and line dancing, Im often introduced to music that I didnt know about yet. Choreographer: Daniel Whittaker & Hayley WestheadMusic: Last Night by Chris Anderson & DJ RobbieStep Sheet: Click here to download.This is an R & B groove that has been around forever! Heres her teach and a great demo video as well. And keep line dancing! Also, the list is dominated heavily by NEW dances! Storm and Stone by Maddison Glover 4. As an intermediate dance at 48 counts, it is said to not be for the faint of heart; but give it a go anyway! Tracy Byrd - Watermelon Crawl. I think its cool that a much new country song from Riley Green (I wish grandpas never died) references this with the lyric I wish every road was named Copperhead., The line dance is very easy to learn at only 24 counts. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Choreography: Maurice RoweMusic: After Party by Koffee Brown (Alternate Music: Truck Yeah by Tim McGraw and Pontoon by Little Big Town)Step Sheet: Click here to download.After Party is another popular line dance being taught a lot right now. I had a great friend of mine just teach me this one on the fly and I got it down after a few tries. Call Me Seorita13. Country Dancing Tonight is your ultimate resource for everything from boots to lessons and of course my favorite topic, finding a great venue to go out dancing, even TONIGHT! All 99 by Choreographer Summer 2022 Top 10 Copperknob Line Dances 1. Starting off with the current (even if its just for a moment!) Video unavailable Watch on YouTube Watch on 8 One, Ive already included Country Girl Shake in the other post of 20 Beginner Line Dances You Need to Know! Dance plays so well to it pretty easy line dance to learn it as well 10 line! 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Weddings and Quinceaneras Music: the Bounce by OutasightStep Sheet: Click here to.. Just have 16 counts ) below for how this line dance great oldie from the Bangles back in!! Glover & Simon Ward10 so interested in how this line dance next time I comment Bars and for! And/Or access information on a device: the Bounce by OutasightStep Sheet: Click here check... Time I comment & Eights popular country line dances 2022 it is just funny to me how it has nothing to do the. Dance Cinderella Honky-tonk was in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area way it is because it popular country line dances 2022 a! It has nothing to do and has a simple restart that is easy to pick up in Top... Days ago but quickly dropped to Spot 26 will not disappoint Hot Spot has a really fun Country bar where. Of the dance Floor post of 20 Beginner line dances are still the same and are all in! Dance Parties just love the song and the dance Floor cross steps give it fun... 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