He felt like he still had more to learn. You can find the audio and a transcript of each episode at podcast.duolingo.com. Now, I don't know about the availability of Duolingo on North Korea, and I couldn't find anything online, but I guess it's totally possible that there's in fact North Koreans in Duolingo (their second most-learned language is Japanese btw). Durante ese mismo ao, comenc mi residencia en el Hospital General San Juan de Dios. The different verb tenses of Spanish are essential to understanding the language. 33.6M learners. Martina: In Javiers experience mentors are like sculptors: theyre constantly helping students bring the beauty they possess into light. She would be a homemaker first. They attended the Global Space Congress where Carmen was able to speak with astronauts and engineers who worked on the International Space Station project. Pero cuando empec a escuchar las melodas, cerr los ojos y me imagin cantando en mi rancho. These are not language lessons; they're life lessons through language. Adems, yo estaba siguiendo sus pasos porque quera ser sanadora, pero a travs de la medicina moderna. Javier: Yo segu participando en ese concurso hasta que en el ao 2004, gan el primer lugar. This can't be in the family vault, your grandmother's voice is incredible! A quick note to any parents listening with children. Javier: Yo confiaba mucho en Cecilia y segua todas sus instrucciones. Martina: Growing up surrounded by music, Jorge started singing rancheras from an early age, often along with his grandma. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. Todava queda mucho por hacer en mi pas en materia de salud. It was in Solol, in the west of the country. Esa vez, gan una mencin de honor. Ella sembr en m la idea de estudiar medicina y me mostr la importancia del mundo tradicional en Guatemala. Tambin me dijo que iba a tener que trabajar muchos aos para poder proyectar mi voz con suficiente potencia. Martina: Linda's job was to evaluate the quality of public hospitals in all of Guatemala. Please edit if you know more stories featuring Lucy. Martina: Javier decided to stay in the theater and watch the other contestants perform. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. Martina: And then theres nutrition: until they find a way to grow vegetables on Martian soil, astronauts will have to eat dehydrated food from Earth. Martina: Then a grandmother in her 80s crossed the stage, with the help of a cane she had short white hair, a long black dress, a sweet smile She made her way to center stage and took a seat. She adjusts her giant helmet and moves through the pressurization room astronauts go through every time they have to go outside. Ah est la magia de la medicina tradicional. "Times have changed," they told her. Martina: Javier's training with Cecilia was key to his career. Her teachers taught her about a very popular type of regional music called rancheras. "What can you lose?". Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. Maybe he was going to end up sweeping streets as his mother told him maybe pursuing his passion for music was a huge mistake. Irma: Yo no entenda cmo una mujer de 80 aos como yo iba a grabar un disco. She was back inside that traditional community work she'd experienced with her grandmother Herlinda. Irma had never been to one before. Linda: Mi abuela era mi aliada. Yo sent que todo era una farsa. She cried. Yo comenc a estudiar Ingeniera Electrnica y Telecomunicaciones en la ciudad de Monterrey. Irma: Cuando entr a los camerinos, no lo poda creer! She sang for herself and her family. Herlinda had never questioned her path in lifeshe simply followed her family's tradition. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun, and accessible to everyone. Right now there is a little bit of peninsular spanish mixed in, but they dont even go over the vosotros forms. Ahora ellas estaban en la capital estudiando. Y as me di cuenta de algo adems de conocer sobre el desarrollo de los bebs, las parteras actuaban como hermanas o amigas de las mujeres embarazadas. Irma: Jorge vena a mi rancho a practicar conmigo todas las semanas. Carmen: La Antrtica es otro lugar ideal para hacer estas simulaciones. En ese mismo momento decidi que tena que ir, sin importar cmo. Irma: Le dije que s porque en el pblico solo iban a estar mis amigos y mi familia. Cuando lo escuch, mi corazn se detuvo. Por eso, mi abuela fue quien realmente me cri y quien dej un impacto muy fuerte en m. Pero dos meses despus, yo le que un grupo de estudiantes de la ciudad de Monterrey iba a hacer un viaje a uno de los centros de la NASA. Irma smiled, she was happy. Her grandson, Jorge, the founder of the band, had begged her to sing with him so many times that she finally agreed. This one gathers renowned singers from the Americas, Asia and Europe. Duolingo Spanish Podcast Aug 13 2020 21 mins Irma Silva was born on a ranch, married young, and raised a large family the traditional life of a rural Mexican woman. Currently, shes getting certified to be an astronaut scientist on commercial space flights of the future. Javier: Todos mis profesores y mentores han sido muy importantes en mi carrera. The immersive experience of living like she was on Mars was over. Irma: Era la primera vez que iba a cantar en un estadio tan grande y frente a tantas personas. Linda: En mi adolescencia, vi a muchas mujeres en mi casa hablando sobre este tipo de cosas con mi abuela, y comprend que la salud materna es el corazn de la justicia social. Por suerte, yo tena a mi abuela como gua. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast I'm Martina Castro. as seen in the official "Feeling Crabby" webcomic. She is a canny, vivacious woman of the world, grandmother of Lin. Martina: Muestras are samples. Learning how to breathe like a crying baby, and how to project with power were just the first of many lessons the professor from Veracruz taught him. Respirar bien es el secreto para cantar pera, ya que determina la proyeccin de tu voz y el ritmo que vas a poder seguir. This episode touches on topics related to reproductive health and contraception. Show Duolingo Spanish Podcast, Ep La abuela superstar (Grandma Superstar) - Aug 12, 2020 . the medicine in spanish duolingo the medicine in spanish duolingo. Aunque la idea, en teora, era buena: invitar al mundo de la medicina tradicional a los hospitales pblicos. Jorge: Me pareci una excelente idea porque la gente iba a poder ver a mi abuela, el pueblo y el rancho en el que haba vivido toda su vida. Irma says she's happier than ever. They were treated more like janitors than healthcare professionals. He kept hearing the voice of his old teacher, Cecilia Perfecto, urging him to compete, to learn and to improve. Her goal was to expand access to sexual and reproductive healthcareand she intended to make accessibility a national policy. A-bue-la!. She was born in 1938 on a humble ranch, on the border between Mexico and the United States. Nos is the first person plural direct object pronoun. At 80 she thought that was . And if you liked this story, please share it! Even though 'nana' is also used as a way to say grandma in Spanish, it's not as popular as other terms from this list. Nah.Lucy would much rather talk about the time she hitchhiked across the country. Mi mam me dijo: Solo me gusta la pera cuando t cantas. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy today's episode. Imagin que se haba confundido con mi fecha de cumpleaos. Un da, me dijo que ya me haba enseado todo lo que estaba en sus manos, pero que yo tena mucho potencial. Esto es porque, en Guatemala, especialmente en las reas rurales, las personas prefieren la medicina tradicional a la medicina moderna. You can also subscribe at Apple Podcasts or your favorite listening app, so you never miss an episode. By integrating the latest assessment science and AI, we empower anyone to take the test where and when they're at their best. In the Portuguese to English version, she invites Duo to do Capoeira, a brazilian martial-art. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening and gain new perspectives on the world. Jorge: Un da, mi jefe me llam para una reunin. Martina: Carmen says theres now talk of possibly extracting water from Mars icy poles. Martina: Carmens simulation in the Utah desert was in 2016 and it lasted 16 days. Martina: Carmen is part of these analogue missions where space exploration specialists simulate living conditions on that planet to prepare for a future manned mission. Carmen: En Marte, tiene que haber un hbitat preparado esperando la llegada de los astronautas. Martina: Linda's family is mestizo, meaning they have a mix of indigenous and European roots. Now, he knew his strengths and weaknesses. Adems, no olvidemos el costo econmico de la salud, porque ese era un problema para las personas pobres que vivan en las zonas rurales. Ellas queran cambiar eso y hubo intensos debates con gineclogos de distintas instituciones. This category has hundreds of words translated into Spanish and English. It is a mix of Indigenous, European, and North American influences. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. Javier: Dos aos despus, me invitaron a cantar en Suiza en la Casa de pera de Zrich. This story was produced by Tali Goldman, a journalist, and writer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Martina: During that first year of residency, Linda struggled to recreate the relationships she'd witnessed her grandmother nurture. Thus a grandson is nieto, grandchildren are known as nietos, but a granddaughter is nieta. Pero yo nunca le dije nada de eso a mi padre. Spanish to Go offers introductory courses you can take to learn Spanish online at your own pace. l me ayudaba a sentirme cmoda. Her uncle played accordion for one of the most famous ranchera bands in northern Mexico: Los Alegres de Tern. Martina: Irma's fate was decided for her. 20.1M learners. Eso puede tener consecuencias negativas sobre todo el equipo. On Earth, the body is used to moving in relation to the force of gravity, which imposes resistance. Carmen: Es como salir de una burbuja. Nada de esto habra sido posible sin la influencia de mi abuela. Carmen: Llegamos a la Luna hace 50 aos y eso fue algo que cambi la historia de la humanidad para siempre. In the late 2000s, she was asked to participate in a forum on the creation of the Mexican Space Agency. Martina: After 16 days, Carmen was able to leave the habitat. Martina: Clavillazo was a Mexican comic actor mostly popular between the 1940s and 60s. " We couldn't wait to share this duo, so today we're meeting one more pair of our characters! Sin embargo, le dije que yo iba a hacer todo lo posible por ser feliz. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. Martina: Soon after that concert, their first album was ready. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Martn Cruz Farga, Executive Producer/Editor: Martina Castro, Episode 36: De Mxico a Marte (From Mexico to Mars). Carmen: En Marte, los astronautas deben ser muy independientes al momento de tomar decisiones. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. This episode was produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. Irma: Yo ayudaba con el trabajo del rancho, con las vacas y los cerdos. Martina: Irma didn't understand why women couldn't sing rancheras.

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