Ive attended talks with Sue Morse. If seen bobcats and moose and coyotes and coy dogs ! No An official form of the United States government. My parents friend in Deposit, NY, posted a young catamount sitting on the front porch on Facebook. Just like we dont need any slimy humans on earth period. My mother always said she saw one across the street from our house one night in the late 50s early 60s. They are here in the Catskill Mountains, so named for the magnificent felines. In the 37 years Ive been working, things have changed in ways Id never have predicted. But that was OK. Bo Ottmann knew they were out there. Their bodies are mainly covered in tawny-beige fur, except for the whitish-gray belly and chest. . As I looked at my daughter and then turned to follow the direction she was looking, I saw the animal in my side mirror. It kills to eat but does not necessarily practice any sort of conservation ethic. Neither resemble a cougar! However, many of their claimsespecially Mr. Bettys contention of roughly a dozen personal sightings in New Englandare hard to take seriously. You need to understand that every biologist that works for the state has a duty to deny mountain lions. And, he says, if they were here, wouldnt one have been killed on one of the states highways where cars and trucks travel some 9 million miles every year? 9 Grace Christian (9-11). Much as I liked Ottmann and Betty, and much as I found some of their evidence compelling, I was struggling to reconcile their more provocative claims with the restraint expressed by the many other experts Id spoken with. This Everglades panther population has recently recovered after wildlife biologists brought in some animals from Texas to breed with the last few native cats and this story is typical of the conservation ethic that has taken hold in the United States. An expert said it was probably a basking shark. No way to proveor disproveit. For several years, Blodgett, a wildlife biologist with the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife, conducted those follow up investigations. The last time a mountain lion was captured in New York was in the . [The catamounts] movements were so noiseless that Mr. Crowell found himself in this dangerous proximity before he was aware of it, and it was only by great coolness and daring that he severely wounded the animal and perhaps saved his own life, reads a placard attached to the display case. But it is also true that there is something different and especially chilling about the threat of being attacked by something that is alive and wants to devour you. I did call in a report to CT DEP and they basically dismissed my narrative questioning whether I made a mistake confusing the animal I saw with a bobcat or fisher cat. There is a lot of good habitat between here and the places where there are established populations of mountain lions, he said. The tavern was quiet except for some hard-rock music playing on the radio, the murmur of a handful of men at the bar, and us. There are also many unconfirmed sightings. I have no choice but to take this seriously, he told me. I started to get nervous so I was scanning the area low and high in the trees. There was one photographed on a porch in Greenwich, CT, looking in the patio window that made national news a decade ago. It is also known as cougar, panther, mountain lion, and puma, though catamount is the preferred regional vernacular. In the first, there are those such as myself, whove maybe heard a few second- or third- or fourth-hand stories as well as official denials from state agencies or professional biologists, and therefore find themselves betwixt and between, neither believing nor disbelieving. Jason. And its not just Vermont. A far less likelyenvironment for finding a mountain lion than just about anywhere in Vermont. It fled when I resumed my walk down the logging road and on to my truck. The captive narrative also helped explain why there had been so many sightings reported, including some in Greenwich, among the richest and most domesticated suburbs in America. Harrigan is 72 and lives just outside the northern New Hampshire town of Colebrook; he has a long, craggy face that seems almost to have molded itself after the mountainous landscape of his home state. 8 Arlington (9-10) and No. There, too, is Crowells photograph, grainy and old: the hunter leaning against a tree stump, his head propped casually on his left hand, elbow to stump, shotgun cradled in the crook of his right arm. When we reached tower, a ranger arrived in a pickup. This could, of course, be projection on my part. He soon developed a five-question litmus test: How far away were you? By now, I knew the answer to that one. The 1881 death of this catamount officially marked the end of cougars in Vermont; however, the very last Eastern cougar is thought to be an animal that was killed in Somerset County, Maine, in 1938. Some of them, he says, we could close the books on pretty quickly. There were pine cones on window sills, a well-used hatchet and a variety of animal figurines on display, and, near the television, a stack of videos including Life of a Predator and The African Lion. The females are where its at, she said. I mentioned this to a neighbor who spotted one a few miles away. Blodgett liked talking about this subject. Threat of Being Attacked Still, sightings are common. Bennington, VT (05201) Today. Friends that go backcountry skiing in Vermont have reported seeing tracks to me many times and I have seen pictures of the pawprints myself that look overwheming like a mountain lion. That animal in Connecticut makes for a pretty fantastic story but it takes more than one dispersing male. Something I had not expected ever to experience. Since then, there have been a handful of confirmed mountain lion sightings in the Northeast, although most have been thought to be escaped captive animals. This, said Vermont Fish and Wildlife fur-bearer project leader Chris Bernier, is why he takes reports of mountain lion sightings seriously. If these people say they saw something, Im going to listen., If theres one thing people on all sides of the debate can agree on, its that a breeding population of cougars is essential to the overall health of New Englands ecosystems, which currently lack an apex predator. But examination of the carcass raised suspicions. Stupid me grabbed my camera and a stick as to protect myself ( yes stupid idea as I could stop this thing from attacking me lol. Id splurged on them. In 1994, scat collected after a sighting in Craftsbury, Vermont, was found to contain cougar hair (the animals are prone to ingesting their hair while grooming), and the commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department circulated a memo with the following line: It is possible that cougars of unknown origin may be breeding to a limited extent in Vermont. It was his great coolness and daring (either that, or fear) that enabled Crowell to shoot the animal at a distance of one rod only (roughly 16 feet), first hitting it in the leg with his shotgun, then dispatching it with a bullet to the head from a borrowed rifle. People in Colorado communities might need to warn their children and to look over their own shoulders when they were out jogging, but not here. Some with cameras. Because he lives among them, Harrigan understands that no one knows the woods better. There was no mistake. In fact, jaguars used to be native to south Texas, as well! They have a right to exist here and they contribute to healthier prey species. In Vermont, for instance, a few dozen wild turkeys from Pennsylvania were released in 1969 and multiplied into the thousands we have here now. Hes also unafraid to take unpopular positions when he deems it necessary: Shortly before our meeting, hed signed a petition in favor of keeping ATVs off public roads. It jumped 28 feet across the road. He never found the evidence. Videos - Industry Stories; Find Candidates; Records suggest that cash bounties for cougar kills were relatively common in the late 1700s and early 1800s; in the Adirondacks, a trapper named Thomas Meacham was credited with 77 cougar kills. Yet I also remembered something Sue Morse had told me months before, as we sat in her living room drinking beer and chatting cats. Indeed! Theres probably 100 in Connecticut, Ottmann interrupted, rolling a cigarette as he spoke. But some sightings were more promising and some seemed exceedingly so. Earlier in the year, Id attended one of these presentations, and even in the tiny village of Woodbury, Vermont, on a stiflingly hot summer evening, nearly 100 people showed up to hear her speak and see her photographs (Morse is a magnificent wildlife photographer). Nowhere in New England is the matter definitively settled. I knew it was a cat track because the tracks were in a straight line and no signs of claws like you would see with a coyote track. His mention of these encounters was so matter-of-fact that I found myself nodding along. I started asking a lot of questions, and realized theres only one explanation for the answers I was getting: They are here., You could have 30 in Connecticut alone. Vermont-based naturalist SueMorse has spent decades studying, tracking, andphotographing cougars outwest. The catamount is a creature of stealth and concealment; it stalks its prey, which on the EasternSeaboard would likely be deer, moose, porcupines, beavers, and domestic livestock. hen I accepted the assignment to write about my quest to uncover the truth regarding the existence of cougars in New England, I had little idea what I was agreeing to. The solitary animal seeks out new territory and eventually a new population will be established. It has, in fact, more names than any animal in the world. Concerned for people / pets and a school just down the street, stopped to report the sighting where dispatch told me that if I did not have proof they would not respond. So, traffic had been slowed from both ends for a good 3-5 minutes. There are so many great sites out there devoted to. And DNA analysis shows us that felis concolor is genetically the same across the USI think it is irrelevant, but interesting. They especially come down from the mountains when there is a big water shortgage. They are there and thriving!!!! But this requires a breeding pair. Ordinary, the lone males do not range much more than 100 miles. It had traveled, certainly, though Minnesota and Wisconsin and, who knows, perhaps even Vermont and might, then, have accounted for some of those sightings. Maybe you've seen the UVM(University of Vermont) catamount at a basketball game, or the catamount at the Vermont History Museum. I only saw the back side, but he was huge. In the states where there are robust mountain lion populations, they are a threat to livestock, pets and, occasionally, humans. And, then, some species didnt need any help from humans but managed to extend their range into now-recovered and suitable habitats. You could have 50. Im gonna get hammered for it, he sighed. We need cougars and we need wolves back in the Northeast, because a landscape of fear is a well-balanced landscape.. We hadnt seen a cougar, nor any evidence to suggest a cougar had traveled these woods recently. I just heard from a fellow college student of a siting in Greenfield last fall and two in Colrain this spring. Well, theres no difference between Maine and New Brunswick, anyway, said Betty. It seems humans just cant resist destroying these animals and either dont realize or dont care what damage we have done to our natural environment over the centuries. He set down his cigarette and looked me in the eye. Having retired from a career at General Dynamics, he devotes many of his waking hours to cougar research, a passion hes cultivated for nearly twodecades. One summer I saw what I assumed was the same cougar several different times in my neighborhood which was near a long strip of woods along I 91 and used to be a large open field across the road from our home. The discussion of whether federal lands should be a place to subsidize cattle ranching is another question. It continues in Connecticut, where that South Dakota cat was killed in 2011, and in Massachusetts, despite two credible reports in the past quarter century (in one case, DNA-confirmed scat; in the other, verified tracks). With the price off its head, the lion gained new stature, and in July 1965 . Westford, MA, crossing Dunstable Rd from Long Sought For Pond into the woods. Obviously, this is the reason why the experts are loathe to admit that the species is here. At least once a year thered be a story from somewhere, but I only ran the absolute best, he told me. The tails gotta be there. The second occasion was on the way to work when I saw the cougar/catamount crossing Route 44. In the few seconds that this took, I had convinced myself that I was looking at a mountain lion. Blodgett and I were returning from a day spent looking forand finding timber rattlesnakes, a species that is endangered in Vermont. It was huge! On the other side, there are those (as represented here by Bill Betty and Bo Ottmann, along with a number of others I spoke with) who say the overwhelming quantity of anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. She said it was long and thick. Morse founded Keeping Track in the belief that getting citizens interested and engaged in wildlife will have the knock-on effect of getting them interested and engaged in how land-use decisions affect wild populationsand might provide the impetus for conservation efforts. One wonders just how tolerant Vermonters would be of a healthy population of mountain lions after one attacked a child waiting for the school bus. Most of those sightings were misidentifications, Doug Blodgett says. It had moved a little and was standing unconcealed, now, in the middle of the logging road. He coined the term landscape of fear to describe the relationship between predator and prey in the wild. With all the thousands of trail cameras in the woods of New England, one would think that there would be at least one picture taken of a catamount. Green Mountain Lion Corp #256 34 Blair Park Road Ste. Interesting how tree stumps or boulders assume the shape of an animal in this kind of light. Thats a reasonable assertion. Honestly, leaving this out of your article would seem to perpetuate the notion that there is a conspiracy to keep us all in ignorance. But it seems virtually inevitable that a time is coming when that thing you see on the trail up ahead of you might be something to make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Its distinctive featurethe one that sets it apart from other North American wild catsis its tail, which is thick and often as long as its body. Especially among those who did believe. Before I departed the Old Well Tavern, Bo Ottmann offered to lead me on a walk into an adjacent stretch of woods, where, he assured me, cougars might be found. I also know of someone who said they showed F&G a photo of one from a game camera in NH. But perhaps an even larger portion is the product of his enduring faith in the men and womanloggers, hunters, trapperswhose vocations and avocations have instilled in them a deep familiarity with wild places and the creatures who inhabit them. If this habitat can support them, it should. No need since so we guess it has moved on from the northeast corner of Connecticut. Its closest living relative is the cheetah. It was a bright sunny summer day. Even in areas of high cougar density, the there are far more attacks on humans by domesticated dogs or deer/car collision fatalities than those due to cougar attack. I also had the vague notion that when it comes to cougars, people tend to sort themselves into one of three camps. But the landowners were excited enough by the possibility that, persuaded by Blodgett, they bought a trail camera and set it up on the site. In Vermont, in the late 19th century, this meant, especially, sheep. Big kitty. Defenders of Wildlife developed funding to support wolf predation on cattle which I believe worked. I must have looked doubtfulwe were within spitting distance of a heavily trafficked road and only 12 miles from downtown Hartfordbut both Ottmann and Betty told me that cougars actually prefer more populated areas, since thats where deer tend to congregate. All of which is to say that if Alexander Crowell wasnt afraid on that long-ago Thanksgiving Day, he probably should have been. Even though the experts say there arent any mountain lions in CT, there are. We witnessed a mountain lion stalking a herd of deer. Betty was quiet, and I wondered if even he, a man who does not doubt the presence of these cats in our midst and who himself claims multiple sightings, thought Ottmann was exaggerating. The reasons for this conspiracy vary depending upon whom you talk to, but they coalesce around the idea that wildlife agencies would be inconvenienced by the cougars presence, as theyd be forced to respond in ways that would tax their resources. Mid Vermont Christian School Eagles forfeited their girls basketball playoff game on Tuesday against Long Trail School Mountain Lions. Photos of the cat did nothing to convince DEEP the cat was here. The truth is, I was by this point dubious. They set the stage for the exotics to move in, and this has a huge impact on our ecology, he said. It does NOT surprise me, you would have seen a wild, free-roaming, native 'eastern' cougar, aka puma, mountain lion in Vermont. The mountain lionalso known as the cougar, puma, panther, or catamountis a large cat species native to the Americas. And so when they come to him with a sighting, hes prepared to believe. I saw one about 10 years ago, on our road. Theymay not be looking, specifically, for a catamount. You need breeding pairs and theyd probably settle down long before they got here.. We strolled across the tavern parking lot and ducked into the forest, where Ottmann maintains a portion of his $15,000 worth of wildlife recording equipment (hes had no luck capturing a cougar on camera, though, despite more than a decade of trying). We were talking about those animals, like coyotes and turkeys, that have re-established themselves in Vermont and, unlike the rattlers, are thriving. I dont ever say to people, Thats not what you saw. I say, I hope you saw one, Spatz told me when I called him at his home in upstate New York. Feb 28, 2023 4:00 am By Robert Spencer 1 Comment. I thought I saw signs posted in Pawling NY about 8 years ago, that DEC released a pair to control deer population,mane several people have seen them in Wingdale, NY. Length of body. Its closest living relative is the cheetah. Betty folded his arms across his chest, where they rose and fell and rose again with his breathing. The mountain lion can weigh upwards of 200 pounds and it can move like well, like a cat. It was fast as hell but there was no mistaking its not only long,but THICK tail as it disappeared into the woods. The animal was shot in the town of Barnard on Thanksgiving Day 1881 by a man named Alexander Crowell. ), or someones coworkers mother had seen one from the back porch of a summer camp back in 07 or maybe 08, and shed tried to get a picture but this was before she got her first iPhone, and by the time shed retrieved her camera from the living room, the cat was long gone. If we end up with a population, it will be the result of a colonizer female who gets here somehow, some way, and the rest will be history.. Whatever it was, it was standing motionless and, I thought, looking back at me as intently as I was staring at it. COLCHESTER, Vt. Catamounts are. There was, in California last year, a case of a mountain lion seriously injuring a six-year old who was walking a trail in Silicon Valley country. One cat will leave more than 10,000 tracks per day. Although the US Fish and Wildlife Service declared the . The habitat is certainly right, with so many farms having gone by and so much formerly cleared land returning to second growth forest and with the populations of prey species suchas deer and porcupines having reached abundant proportions. He didn't want to dispute what people are saying they saw, he simply says they need proof to substantiate it. Mountain lions are around 4 feet long with a two-and-a-half foot tail and can stand 24-30 inches tall at the shoulder. Those who believe the growth and expansion of mountain lion populations to be a good thing routinely make the old, you face a greater danger of being struck by lighting or drowned in the bathtub argument and it is no doubt accurate. Please. Now that USFW has declared them extinct, why not formally reintroduce them. And, furthermore, the animal still had its claws, though those have usually been removed from captive animals. Blodgett did on-site investigations of these, in what became a predictably futile search for the sign he had learned, out west, to look for. So if coyotes could return and establish robust populations, why not a few catamounts? Lizzie Post Would Like Your Attention. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches.. . She said it jumped up on the neighbors stone wall which was pretty high and walked across it. Others have seen cougar in neighboring towns . So you can imagine there. So long as the tails there, that is. Dismissing most of the sightings as probable bobcats, Morse asserted that the scientific evidence has not been proven. Beautiful animal. Somebody in the NC Legislature believes, because lions are now protected by law. To Betty and Ottmann, the dominant narrative of the occasional itinerant cougar from the West is not particularly relevant to the facts on the ground. Reported mountain lion sightings are popping up all over Vermont and convinced onlookers say the proof is in the pictures. In recent years, it has been expanding its range elsewhere; moving into mid-western states like Illinois and Missouri from its established range in the Rocky Mountain states and the Dakotas. People said that the catamountas the animal is called in Vermontwas still around and you heard stories about someone who would swear to having seen one. My husband and where riding our Motorcycle down Rte 110 near Milan NH When he suggested we retrace our route, past lion, to see a sow bear with cubs, we headed in the opposite direction. Its not my call. Several years of doing the follow-ups, then, convinced Blodgett that there were no catamounts in Vermont. If you dont think cougars are coming to the East, think again, she said, leaning forward for emphasis. Height. The combined scoring differential in those matchups was 158-77. However, when I asked the room of 200 or so people how many believe they had seen a mountain lion/cougar/puma/catamount, hands shot up all around the room about 25% of those present. Could be a deer, but it didnt seem to be tall enough. ), or someones coworkers mother had seen one from the back porch of a summer camp back in 07 or maybe 08, and shed tried to get a picture but this was before she got her first iPhone, and by the time shed retrieved her camera from the living room, the cat was long gone. I was aware, too, of how a certain mythology surrounding the animal had taken root in Vermonts culture and even its identity: The University of Vermonts athletic teams, for instance, are known as the Vermont Catamounts, and their logo features a snarling cat lunging through the cleft of a V.. 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