If you are trying to register someone else like a spouse, child, or friend, you should NOT use this option. Steak Seafood Sandwiches. Since McGuire's first opened in Pensacola in 1977, its restroom signage has been playfully misleading; for instance, the sign on the women's restroom door states "Men's Room" with the small text "This way to" above, as well as a hand pointing toward the adjacent men's restroom, and vice-versa. Read how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Privacy Policy. Pensacola Runners Association - Promoting Running, Walking and Fitness for all ages in Pensacola & Gulf Coast Area. By selecting this box, you are indicating that you are the parent/guardian of the person you are about to register. [2], McGuire's also operates its own brewery, brewing five regular beers and one seasonal variety, as well as root beer. Everyone is Welcome! A pre-race breakfast including bagels by Bagelheads, juice, fruit, donuts & coffee. The course will be open for traffic at 10am. Having seen Wall South, it's time to have a rest at this bar. When we first started the journey, our goal was to race to the moon and all of the planets in the solar system, McGuire's St. Patrick's Day Run weather history. 2023 Pensacola, FL 32502 US Directions. Please stay in order as you order the finish line chutes. The McGuire's St. Patrick's Day Run is a Running race in Pensacola, Florida consisting of a 5K. Published: 06-11-2019. March 12 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. 5K CERTIFIED COURSE (3.1 miles) Starts and finishes at McGuire's Irish Pub in Downtown Pensacola. Please enable JavaScript if possible. If you continue to use this site, you consent to use all cookies. Similarly misleading signage was installed in the Destin location upon its opening. This Florida Limited Liability company is located at 600 E. GREGORY STREET, PENSACOLA, FL, 32502 and has been running for eleven years. The restaurant was named Steak House of the Year by the National Beef Council in 1998. "[1] McGuire's menu also features more than 20 hamburgers, including the $100 "Grand Burger", made with filet mignon and served with caviar and champagne. Otherwise, you will not be able to register for races or use other functionality of the website. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. MCGUIRE'S IRISH PUB - PENSACOLA - 2626 Photos & 2278 Reviews - 600 E Gregory St, Pensacola, FL - Yelp Restaurants Home Services Auto Services More McGuire's Irish Pub - Pensacola 2278 reviews Claimed $$ Irish Pub, Steakhouses, Wine Bars Edit Closed 11:00 AM - 2:00 AM (Next day) Hours updated 2 weeks ago See hours See all 2647 photos Write a review Fried Soft Shell Crab, KrabStik, Cucumber and Avocado. Check your spam folder if you do not receive it. Even though the McGuires St. Patricks Day Run is THE NATIONSS LARGEST PREDICTION RUN, we also award speed awards. They're known for their steaks, burgers and beer but they are most famou. mcguire's godfather drink. The scenery is incredible with waterfalls, a reservoir, Provo River, and the Mountains. You must be able to run or walk 3.1 miles in under one hour. Read how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Privacy Policy. 2023McGuire's Irish Pub, All Rights Reserved | Powered by, Your items have been added to the shopping cart. No coolers No outside alcohol The Department of Business and Professional Regulation and McGuire's eventually came to an agreement that would allow McGuire's to keep their famous signs posted; McGuire's installed a second set of swinging doors after the signs but before the restroom areas. For questions regarding Gift shop orders, please contact:[emailprotected]850-433-2859**Web orders may take 7-10 days to process**, #McGuiresIrishPub
Enter your email below for updates on special offers, events and web only deals. Shortly thereafter, the Destin McGuire's was ordered by the DBPR to remove the confusing signage. McGuire's Irish Pub in Pensacola, FL has become a local landmark since 1977, and is well known for its signature menu items and giant steins of beer. The mission of the Pensacola Runners Association is to promote, support and develop running and racing along the Northern Gulf Coast. We cannot begin scoring the prediction run until all participants have crossed the finish line! We'd love to hear from you! Restaurant Comments, Questions or Concerns:[emailprotected]. Please try enabling cookies. Choose one of your existing profiles to quickly fill in the registration form. McGuire's Running Club Pensacola, FL. Trophies will be awarded to the first 3 teams in each division. View other local races in Pensacola. A second location opened in Destin in 1996. This may be slightly higher or lower per registrant than the amount shown here. Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014. At packet pickup you receive your disposable timing bib and your 2022 McGuires 5k run shirt! McGuires Irish Pub first opened in 1977 as a small neighborhood pub in a shopping center. [7] Notably, the Destin restaurant was inspected in January 2007 (as well as many times over the past several years) and was not at any time cited for the signage. 417 E Gregory St . Our Instagram page will open in a new window. In 1996, a second location, McGuires Irish Pub of Destin opened on beautiful Destin Harbor with the same great food and live Irish entertainment. If you continue to use this site, you consent to use all cookies. McGuire's St. Patrick's Day Run weather history. 0.1 mi Whataburger. Post Race Party Refreshments include Irish Fare, Irish Wakes, Bud Light, McGuires Red Ale & Soft Drinks. Your Registration fee includes your Race T-Shirt, Race Number as well as a Pre-Race Breakfast including donuts, bagels, fruit, juice and coffee and Pensacolaa BEST Post Race Party featuring Rich McDuffs Irish-Sing-A-Long. Packet pickup & late registration PENSACOLA, Fla. (WEAR) Wednesday was a special day for a Pensacola restaurant. This place offers tasty bread pudding, Brezeln and cheesecakes. PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) A former NFL running back said he's on the road to recovery after he nearly died while saving his two children from drowning in the Gulf of Mexico in . + $3.70 SignUp Fee, $50.00 Race Fee Rating is calculated based on 2 reviews and is evolving. On April 24, 2007, someone using the name "Chris Hall" filed a complaint with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), claiming a man walked in on his fifteen-year-old daughter while she was in the women's restroom. Register Now! Race day Registration will close at 8:00am SHARP, DO NOT mail entries after Friday, March 8th. Sign up here -> https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/Pensacola/McGuiresStPatricksDayPrediction5KRun [3], The restaurant has won numerous Florida Trend Magazine's Golden Spoon Awards and Wine Spectator Magazine Awards of Excellence.[1]. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. McGuire's has a number of prominent traditions: Stapled to the walls and ceilings of McGuire's Pensacola location are more than 750,000 one dollar bills. Our Vimeo page will open in a new window. 0:05. Please enable JavaScript if possible. 30.417952, -87.202365, 600 E. Gregory Street. Your message was posted to Facebook. Mcguiresirishpub.com The 44th Door County Century - Sunday, September 10, 2023 By continuing to use our website, including remaining on the landing page, you consent to our use of cookies. In order to use RunSignup, your browser must accept cookies. From Pensapedia, the Pensacola encyclopedia,