The young YLOs were about 10-14 years old and most of them wanted to be Cobras or Disciples. , the NGCRC does not provide any verbal approval exception to protecting The gang grew tremendously throughout the 70s, and much of the 80s, gaining enough strength and power to expand throughout most of the state. So who's right? While viewing any Flickr photos page, click on the bookmarklet to open the same view on Flickriver. Things Movie --- Read His Article Published in the Journal of Gang Research This cleansing operation would continue up to 2004, when street leaders Fiddle and Bird were also arrested on drug conspiracy charges. A Geno is a deceased Spanish Lord that the D's are disrespecting. The MLD sign has two fingers down, because the hand represents a pitchfork, another of the gang's symbols. The Maniac Latin Disciples (MLD) came into existence around 1966, when the gangs founder Albert Hernandez started moving to recruit people from the Latin Scorpions, a local baseball team playing in the Humboldt Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. In response to the Spanish Cobras Insane Familia alliance formed in 1992 of YLOCs, Insane O-As, Ashland Vikings, Insane Dragons and others, the Maniac Latin Disciples formed the "Maniac familia. The MLD is a 40-something-year-old Chicago gang with a racially diverse membership that the Chicago Crime Commission's Gang Book estimates as "at least" 2,750, a small but dangerous gang that was the subject of a CPD crackdown last summer after two young girls were caught in a Northwest side crossfire. PO Box 990 Albert King Hitler Hernandez was killed at 18 years old in 1972 by two Latin Kings after asking them to remove their gang colors while walking through Latin Disciples turf. . I thought it was cool that the tags were reflected on the hood of the SUV. Source: Los Angeles Police Dept. A total of five incidents were reported Thursday from the following areas: The graffiti discovered on dumpsters, the rear of a building and U.S. But a short time later, when he blew up the picture on an iPad, he could see it much clearer and he changed his mind. Maniacal, Maniac Latin Disciples. A weird story bubbled up from the local blogosphere and into the local media last night: "City Sticker Artwork Shows Gang Signs?" Movie --- Read His Article Published in the. Often in their graffiti, a backward swastika is used. This cooperation eventually led to a change in the name of the group, which would from that moment onward be known as the Latin Disciples. Joliet Gang Graffiti Strictly from the suburb of Joliet Show more . You can place your badge on your Flickr profile, Blog or Website. Originally known as the Latin Scorpions, the gang was founded by Albert "Hitler" Hernandez and other Puerto Rican teenagers in the Humboldt Park community in approximately 1966. all of the material in this URL ( is Copryighted by the 25K views, 135 likes, 29 loves, 54 comments, 117 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Old-school chicago Gangs: Maniac Latin Disciple's Loca D Around 1970, Latin Disciples doing time in prison established a business relationship with the Black Gangster Disciples (today split into the Black Disciples and Gangster Disciples). Maniac Latin Disciples. Once added to your personalized homepage, just edit widget settings to select your desired view. They have also been known to cooperate with a white folks gang, the Simon City Royals (SCR's). Gang Training Conference, ABOUT Jeremiah Cowart, 22, of Taunton and Scott Spera, 26, of Weaverville, N.C., who both allegedly belong to a gang called "Maniac Latin Disciples, were arrested in Easton last Wednesday. Prince Fernie ran the gang from inside prison for over a decade. Install search plugin. The MLD civil war ended by 98, but the internal damage was already done. Chicago gang Maniac Latin Disciples was founded by Albert "Hitler" Hernandez, who was killed by the rival Latin Kings. But is what in the boy's heart also in his head? In the year 1978 when Folk and People alliances became established in prison, there was a unity developed between the Latin Folk gangs on the north/northwest side of Chicago called the United Latino Organization (ULO). hahahaah. (708) 258-9546, Register Maniac Latin Disciples. Near Rockwell & Cortland. I do not know of YLOD's being anywhere outside of Chicago but they have hoods in West Humboldt Park, Logan Square, Humboldt Park and Little Village. The Dollar Sign is used by Vice Lords and the C-Notes. Around 1993-94 the various gangs in the Maniac Familia, led by the Manic Latin Disciples (MLDs) began having violent conflicts with their Folk allies in the Insane Familia and Almighty Family which would eventually lead to an all out war on the North & West sides. The swastika is used by the Jousters and Gaylords, and a reverse swastika by the Maniac Latin Disciples. FORM. MKN left a few years later after complaining of being taxed too much. of the GDGRF, What's New: In the process of the formation of ULO, it was decided to create a new system for young future ULOs to pass through before becoming ULO, in which they called Young Latino Organization (YLO). to reproduce, electronically or digitally store or disseminate or cache, Menu. The diamond is another symbol. On Rockwell near Armitage. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Objects to the SOA Series. in 1998, Information Add 'Search on Flickriver' to your browser's search box. Some of the words written in spray paint included, Goons, DBD, KIT and Zilla.. The Dollar Sign is used by Vice Lords and the C-Notes. Concerned citizens began calling the clerks office Tuesday after those allegations hit the web, the clerks office said. OK, here's what happened. Flickriver needs JavaScript to work properly. Its not exactly, but its very close, Weis said. Chicago Street Gangs are not only very violent, but they rely on a belief system that entails symbols. Eventually, the Latin Disciples would manage to cover most of the US, from the west to the east coast. The Latin Lovers left the Maniac family in 1995 and turned Insane. (Gang Graffiti) . this proprietary and privileged professional information, located at To install: drag and drop the following link to your Bookmarks toolbar. Last night I gave it to the most neutral subject who happened to be sitting on the couch with me, my wife, and asked her what she thought. It's a hard question. On Rockwell near Armitage. Their handshake even consisted of throwing up the snake and the pitchfork. [deleted] 3 mo. Prison Gang Research: The 2012 Study of Gang and Security Threat 258-9111, Fax number: There is the 4 C/H and under the 4 is an upside down pitchfork. In 1983, the Latin Disciples officially became the Maniac Latin Disciples. Zayas still controls the gang from inside Tamms Correctional Facility, where he is held in maximum security. ago r/CrimeInTheD 18 days ago From his wheelchair he continued to run his drug operation. (Gang Graffiti), Tags:Chicago Chicago Gangs Chicago Gang Graffiti Graffiti Chi-Town Gangs Tags Cold War Raining Blood War Ensemble Shot Town Killinois War Of Attrition MLD Maniacs Yaks Amor De Maniatico Blue & Black Maniac Monk Disciples Pitchforks Ds Folks Nation Paisa Land Gang Bang City Gang Tags Chi Tilla ChiRaq. As of 2010, the south side Maniac Latin Disciples set no longer operate in Gage Park and has then moved their operations to the West Elsdon neighborhood. The YLOCD then became a gang of their own and no longer took interest in joining MLD or ISC, they became happy with being YLO and no longer thought of it as some low rank within ULO; therefore, by 1979 YLO was now a full fledged gang under Folks known as the YLOCDs. Telephone:(708) 258-9111. Stallworth: The Gang Specialist Featured in Spike Lee's (2018) "Blackkklansman" Art criticism always is. The Latin Disciples Nation joined the "Folks Alliance" of gangs in 1978, becoming enemies of all People Nations like the Black P Stones, PR Stones, Spanish Lords, Vice Lords and Latin Kings whom the MLDs already hated. Chicago, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, Texas and Florida. Jody Weis doesn't "know what was in the boys heart, but somebody needs to find that out." R&C MLDs posting in OA hood "Darwin City". Its too close to be a coincidence.. Dice is used by the Vice Lords (Hustle), Insane Deuces, and the 2-2 Boys. The Campbell Boys Nation split up, half turned Maniac Campbell Boys and half turned Insane Campbell Boys. Director of the NGCRC that you are authorized to use written material As the gang members grew up and went to high school, they became active in heavy fighting on the street. The cross is used by the Simon City Royals, Bishops, Gaylords, Spanish Lords, Black Souls, Harrison Gents, Imperial Gangsters, Ashland Vikings, and Insane Deuces. Some time in the early 1980s, the YLOCD split into two gangs, one being the YLOCs who followed the Spanish Cobras and the other being YLODs following the Maniac Latin Disciples. Call for Presenters for the 2023 NGCRC Alliance: Folks Colors: Baby Blue & Black Symbols: Pitchfork, Six Point Star, Maniac Monk, Monk with Horns, Heart with horns, wings, and tail, 6, Backwards Swastika, var gEmbedCodeWhite = ''; Gang Member Facts. . of Gang Research Library. everything from the Gangster Disciples' pitchfork to the Latin Kings' crown. //--> With the Latin Disciples joining Folks, the Spanish Cobras, Imperial Gangsters, and Latin Eagles immediately followed due to the United Latino Organization they had on the street. National by Courses for the 2023 Training Conference, Program Evaluation, Impact Analysis, and Assessment Latin Disciples are one of the original gangs in the Folk alliance, alongside the BGDs (Black Gangster Disciples), Simon City Royals, Spanish Cobras, Satans Disciples, Ashland Vikings, Two-Six, and others. It was also established to combat the white gangs threatening them such as the UFO (United Fighting/Five Organization). in Gang Prevention, Gang Intervention, and Gang Outreach Programs: First Anyone with information regarding the incidents can call State College police at 814-234-7150. The 1 and 8 means they claim 18th Street in Chicago. Director of the NGCRC. Originally known as the Latin Scorpions, the gang was founded by Albert "Hitler" Hernandez and other Puerto Rican teenagers in the Humboldt Park community in approximately 1966. The YLO gangs remained united until the early 90s when ULO broke down and disintegrated on the streets. copyrighted material: if you do not have it in writing from the Executive The Backdoor Roth IRA: A Very Little Key May Open a Very Heavy Door, Local Pastor Dan Nold Offers Observations from His Visit to the Asbury Outpouring. This heightened level of violence led to several arrests from 1998 to 1999, as Chicago Police and special FBI groups attempted to put a stop to the gangs activities. ULO was established to combat the still rapidly growing Latin King population and the LKs allies under the UPK (Unknowns Players Kings). Maniac Latin Disciples. If you're a grownup, you can read the post here. At one point the gang was heavily involved with the prison Spanish Gangster Disciples unity of Latino Folks inside, which is different than the street gang SGDN, whose founding members were former Maniac Latin Disciples. Research, itself copyrighted by the NGCRC, and no one is authorized Works with Firefox and Internet Explorer. After fighting together as strong allies for 20 years, the Maniac Latin Disciples and Insane Spanish Cobras went to permanent war. It also signifies profits through distribution of drugs. physical mailing address, city, state, zip code. To be fair to the OAs, that hood gets so much foot traffic b/c of the LS blue line that this was probably just kids passing through. By the mid-1990s the MLDs were one of the largest and most organized gangs in the city. provides local news, entertainment, and information for State College, PA. We offer the latest breaking news and videos straight from the Centre County region in Central PA. 220 Regent Court, Suite B, State College, PA 16801, Copyright 2000 document.getElementById('copyright').appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().getFullYear())) | | All Rights Reserved | State College, PA Centre County Central Pennsylvania Home of Penn State University. The Latin Eagles at first took the MLDs side of the argument and joined the Maniac Familia created by the MLDs so did the YLODs. Disciples (BD's) Profile. Who's a gangster? I had to cut this one short because the file size was just to bigwhat I cut was Necko's Wrongful convictionalso I drove a little deeper in that Loca D and Ma. Almost immediately, the gang started a war with another primarily Hispanic group; the Latin Kings. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This ended in a brawl with those Latin Kings, and Hernandez being stabbed to death. IE users - add the link to your Favorites under the Links folder, preview: Spanish Lords vs. Maniac Latin Disciples on Flickriver, Use Flickriver Badge Creator to create a badge linking to any Flickriver view. Maniac Latin Disciples Origin Purpose Colors and Symbols Chicago 1966 1,500-2,000 members founded by albert "Hitler" Hernandez Humbolt Chicago Drug trafficking assault auto theft carjacking drive-by shooting home invasion homicide money laundering weapons trafficking graffiti armed robbery kidnapping extortion Colors are black and baby blue AKA MLD Hernandezs hegemony over the gang would not last long, though, as the founding member of the Latin Scorpions was stabbed and killed by a member of the Latin Kings in 1970. The Cobras created the Insane Familia which the YLOCs joined. Some people become gang members because it's safer than not being one. Maniac Latin Disciples display black and baby blue colors. Latin Disciples are one of the original gangs in the Folk alliance, alongside the BGDs (Black Gangster Disciples), Simon City Royals, Spanish Cobras, Satans Disciples, Ashland Vikings, Two-Six, and others. National Gang Crime Research Center PO Box 990 Peotone,IL 60468-0990. Here's the sticker next to the gang sign and heart symbol in question, from the Gang Book: So yeah. (110 mins). The gang first came together as a defense mechanism against the continuous harassment perpetrated by local non-latino criminal organizations. Chicago, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, Texas and Florida. If you'd like to register, please fill in the username, password and name fields. Video unavailable. and Consulting Services by the NGCRC. Group (STG) Problems in American Prisons and Jails. The Satan's Disciples are very close to Maniac Latin Disciples (MLD's), as well as the Black Disciples (BD's), the Gangster Disciples (GD's), and the Spanish Gangster Disciples (SGD's). Colors: Blue and Black. She said it's clearly not a gang sign, because you can see all five fingers raised on a couple of the hands. But I'm a weenie liberal arts major, so I thought it looked like an annunciation. The Latin Disciples' first corner was Hirsch & Rockwell. All throughout the 1980s the YLOCs and YLODs were two forces to be reckoned with and soon gained wide spread recognition by their enemies and friends on the streets and then in prison too. Spanish Lords vs. Maniac Latin Disciples "Holstein Park" Spanish Lords getting up over MLD paint. The Maniac Latin Disciples Nation is a Hispanic street gang in Chicago and one of the largest in the Folks Nation alliance. ago [deleted] 9 mo. This caused increased resentment among Latin Kings and Insane Unknown Kings whos territory was getting encroached on. During the 80s, MLD sets opened in the Hermosa neighborhood on Keystone & Dickens and at Kenneth & Belden. According to the Gang Book, two or three admitted MLD members were arrested each year for murder between 2008 and 2011. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Maniac Latin Disciples N 1 B 3.3K C 1 E Jun 29, 2009 F Jul 3, 2009 G United States > Illinois > Cook > Chicago > Humboldt DESCRIPTION COMMENT MAP O L M Rockwell & Cortland "Paisa Land" MLDs. Additionally, sporadic cases of armed robbery, assault, battery, and murder have also been registered throughout recent years. The heart represents Amor de Cornejo, or Love to the Rabbit. The Devil's Head is used by the Maniac Latin Disciples and Satan Disciples. Prevention/Intervention, Parole, Probation, and Clinical Staff, Get the PDF Version All photos, videos and captions are the property of their respective authors. The YLOCs were founded and led by Negro-C, Javier-C, and Papo-C. What's New: Read The Gangster Two-Six Nation is the second largest Hispanic street gang in Chicago. But that's not the only evidence brought against the sticker; the Sun-Times summarizes the some of the online research of the bloggers and their commenters (the internet being a rich source of gang research these days; emphasis mine): Herbert Pulgar, the 15-year-old Lawrence Hall Youth Services student who designed the sticker, has photos of youths throwing the sign on his Facebook page, and of himself in a red bandana the MLDs color. Click Here for an On-Line Version of the Official NGCRC REGISTRATION Stallworth: The Gang Specialist Featured in Spike Lee's (2018) "Blackkklansman" or try to dominate a local "territory" with their graffiti . In present day the YLODs have declined in numbers but still remain a noteworthy gang in the city. Its very, very close to a gang sign, Weis told the Tribune when reached by phone Tuesday night. Postal Service to mail (Gang Graffiti) With Zayas out of the picture, at least directly, and his second in command being arrested in 1996, the Maniac Latin Disciples waged an all-out war against several other Latino associations throughout the city of Chicago. Home; News. From then on the Latin Disciples Nation went to war with the Latin Kings. The diamond is used by the Latin Kings (four points), Four Corner Hustlers, and Orchestra Albany. Looks like the D's woke the bear on this one. The gang originated as a club of Puerto Rican kids in the mid-1960s. Some people are simply caught up in the milieu, and adapt the trappings, consciously or not. Use Flickriver Badge Creator to create a badge linking to your photos, your group or any other Flickriver view. The head is used by the Latin Kings (the Master) left side of face. "Paisa Land"/R&C MLDs dissing ISCs/Insanes. Nevertheless, this Latino group is still considered a threat by police. Also, allows quickly viewing any Flickr photo on black background in large size. Or maybe de Champaigne was a Maniac Latin Disciple. for a PDF Version of the Study of Corruption and Corrupt Influences Maniac Latin Disciples (MLDz ) of Grand Rapids, Michigan Graffiti 1 / 3 10 12 12 comments Best Add a Comment Yansoma 2 yr. ago [deleted] 2 yr. ago yournosee Latin Kings are a homosexual group of like minded (mostly illegal) immigrants. Formed in 1990, the NGCRC exists today as a non-profit independent agency. "/"Paisa Land" MLDs throwing down & breaking the Insanes' diamond and the Spanish Lords' staff Subscribe to one or more of our free e-mail newsletters to get instant updates on local news, events, and opportunities in Chicago. The heart is used by the Gangster Disciples and Maniac Latin Disciples. Detective Redacted thinks so (emphasis mine): Look closely at the fingers and how they are being heldThe 1st finger in front of the 2nd finger with the thumb extended back It's the pitchfork sign. Originally known as the Latin Scorpions, the gang was founded by Albert "Hitler" Hernandez and other Puerto Rican teenagers in the Humboldt Park community in approximately 1966. Black background (preview): Adds a 'Flickriver' button to your browser. Alleys near Maplewood or Campbell & Potomac. from the NGCRC website: then you are committing copyright infringement. Gang Banging on Facebook: Should Several high-ranking officers filled his shoes throughout the years, while the gang started working alongside the Gangster Disciples. The shield is used by the Simon City Royals, Latin Counts, and 2-2 Boys. You are visitor number Looks like the D's woke the bear on this one. The former "prince" of the Maniac Latin Disciples, Garcia was gunned down April 3 in the front seat of his car, allegedly by a member of his own gang. This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated. The number 7 is used by the Black P Stone Nation, Mickey Cobra Stones, and Vice Lords. The Maniac Latin Disciples Nation is a Hispanic street gang in Chicago and one of the largest in the Folks Nation alliance. Does Chicagos new city sticker depict the signs and symbols of the Maniac Latin Disciples? for upcoming events/projects? It's described rather obliquely: A blogger who writes about police issues identified the position of those hands as symbols often flashed by members of a notorious Chicago street gang. And now it's a mainstream media story. Some people who are become gang members because they're actually involved in semi-organized crime. through publications and reports, and provide training and consulting services. The Maniac Latin Disciples (MLD) came into existence around 1966, when the gang's founder Albert Hernandez started moving to recruit people from the Latin Scorpions, a local baseball team playing in the Humboldt Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Gang Graffiti implements these symbols in positive and negative ways. National Gang A junior high boy named Albert "Hitler" Hernandez would position himself as King of the new adolescent gang. The Kane County state's attorney has sued 25 members of the Elgin Maniac Latin Disciples street gang seeking to further rid the city of destructive activity. Non-Emergency Contacts. A friend who was killed in 1988 and his crew would chauffeur him around the Humboldt Park area in a van, the wheelchair wedged in the back. (Preliminary Report), What's New: 2004 Prison Gang Survey Research The Folk Nation and The 80s But a couple money making street corners caused problems within the gang itself. The YLODs and MLDs saw this as disrespect by allowing the IG to come paint that. The lawsuit, filed June 21, 2013, in. the NGCRC by Clicking Here. . Originally known as the Latin Scorpions, the gang was founded by Albert "Hitler" Hernandez and other Puerto Rican teenagers in the Humboldt Park community in approximately 1966. The eye, pyramid, and half crescent moon is used by the Black P Stone Nation, Mickey Cobra Stones, Puerto Rican Stones, and the Vice Lords. The current leader of the gang, Fernando Zayas, rose to power in 1983, shortly after being incarcerated following an accusation of murder. The swastika is drawn backwards so that the gang is not mistaken for a White Supremacist Group. However with the advent of Los Angeles gangs moving into the Midwest and the Chicago area, cross outs are a part of their culture. Both gangs were very powerful and were bumping heads, they were both also disagreeing with the Imperial Gangsters who were also growing quite powerful. 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