Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes give HELPING THOSE IN NEED Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Erwin StoffisKeanu Reeves Business Manager. In FY 2019, 84% of our total operating expenses supported programs for children and youth. I dont want anything but five mins of ur time for something important please! He resides mostly in his US$8 million luxury mansion located in the beautiful Hollywood Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles. change for children around the world in our fight to end poverty for good. The 3 Arts Entertainment president has repped Keanu Reeves for something like 32 years. Toggle main menu visibility Salary. Like a person. Keanu Reeves Autograph Request addressesare Keanu Reeves, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. their children will also be born into poverty, creating an endless cycle. Once fan mail reaches an agencys office, it may or not be screened before it is forwarded. I have picture of everything . He has been featured by AMEX Open Forum, CBS News, CNN, E! Keanu Reeves Children Foundation keeps children safe from harms like poverty, abuse, neglect, If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Sayani is the real motivation behind the net worth profiles here on MoneyPromax. Keanu Reeves Foundation volunteers are representative of our communities. He co-founded not one, but two businesses: Arch Motorcycle Company and Company Films. site, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, London SE1 7TP, United Kingdom, Copyright 2023 Keanu Reeves Children Foundation. If he is involved with a specific charity, you may be able to reach out to them directly and inquire about opportunities to collaborate with Keanu. We will be happy to answer your questions CherylMaisel. Help a meaningful cause. Answer (1 of 14): celebrity's do not give out there real email address to people the reason for this is so they wont get hounded by fans or stalkers that want to hurt them he does have a FanMail you can send him a letter etc Fan mail address: Keanu Reeves William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9. When it comes to actually responding to fan mail, Keanu Reeves has proven to be quite elusive, so getting a response from the Matrix actor is no small feat. Contact us at: Once youre there, keep an eye out for any opportunities to approach him, like a photo op or a quick conversation. I keep finding these celebs details u know. keanureevesfanpage2020 Instagram and Keanu Reeves Fan Club Facebook are theKeanu Reeves Fan Pages. When we started our child sponsorship program decades ago, we worked out of cramped, rented building Before coronavirus began to spread across the globe, health systems in Yemen were already burdened a Save the Children was among the first to provide support, including medical supplies and preparednes Kim & Keanu Reeves Children Foundationbelieves that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world's most persistent issues. A fan mail address can be used to send your beautiful and wonderful fan mails to Keanu Reeves. transforming their lives and the future we share. Through this historic campaign, were working to advocates for millions of orphans and ensure In recent years, Keanu has been known to split his time between Los Angeles and Berlin, where he has been filming several movies. 2011: Grant gave Reeves a book called "Ode to Happiness." and genuinely in all the places we call home. Fans who want to get a response from Keanu or request an autograph from him should also try and reach out via his legal representative (Ziffren Brittenham LLP) or manager (Sugar23). Keanu Reeves lives in a house worth $8.07 million. According to user feedback on the fan mail site Star Tiger, his last known response was recorded in 2009. Im one who has been seeking help from the the government for home repairs for many years but t to no avail. Every year, Keanu Reeves Foundation relies on the passion and expertise of hundreds of volunteers to help drive forward our vision of a more equitable world. Keanu Reeves is known for his philanthropic efforts and support of various charitable causes. The cost To Book Keanu Reevesis around $150000. We've changed the lives of over 1 billion children in the U.S. and around the world. Erwin Stoff Keanu Reeves Manager Drop by anytime, we endeavor to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days. "This thing is huge - the range is amazing! I too think I have an imposter that has been talking to me , I really need to talk to Keanu but I dont want a fake shady person trying to get money I dont have, Beate, I have emailed Keanu, called his offices in L.A. and N.Y. but no one will provide me with a secure mailing address. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Ill still get the email, he told me. He has also spent millions to help his sister in her fight against leukaemia. As an expert in celebrity encounters, Ive had some pretty cool experiences meeting celebrities myself, and Im happy to share some tips with you. The following year, Reeves appeared in the crime film River's Edge, and the television films Babes in Toyland, Act of Vengeance, and Brotherhood of Justice.His first lead role was as a teenager dealing with his best friend's suicide in the . wishing for more people like you in this world. Keanu Reeves has a $360 million net worth so it's only logical that he has spent a lot of money on real estate. All Celebrity Contact Information. After highschool, the star tookactingcourses at night, then joined community theater productions that helped him get an agent. Get more Keanu Reeves contact information using our online database. Cost of Living Survey Hi Keanu hope youre well, but of course you are! These professionals are often responsible for managing their clients philanthropic activities and may be able to connect you with Keanu or his team. which they participate in organized activities to play, Early Life. Is it not possible?, Hello for some time now there have been people on facebook or instagram who pretend to be keanu reeves. The Center prides itself in providing the children of Southeast Missouri with the highest quality and most cutting-edge treatments available. the Keanu Reeves phone number at least. I am Keanus big fan. I have heard that you love to help the needy, and I am one of them.. My child suffers from a delay in speech, and I have no ability to treat her I live with four of my children I live in a small house full of mold and dampness.. She is in love with helping others and motivating people who take an interest in the lives of celebs. Still no reply. Together, we can end poverty for good. You can: - Sponsor a child- Make a gift or contribution- Help build a community center- Share your voice by speaking up for kids in poverty- Make a long-term investment in our organization. LGBTQ+ Icons We continue to be at the forefront of worldwide efforts to end preventable child diseases and deaths. In this comprehensive guide, well provide you with all the information you need to contact Keanu Reeves. Contact - Keanu Reeves Humanitarian Foundation Home About Us Get in touch Contact Name * First Last * Message * For Donor or General Inquiries Please Message Us Please use the following contact form. All Rights Reserved When reaching out to him or his team, be sure to express your admiration for his work and explain why you believe that your charity project or partnership would be a good fit for him. Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, and Speech therapy are all provided at the Keanu Reeves Children's Center. 149 5th Ave #500, New York, NY 10010, United States +1-240-356-8956;; To ensure contributions are used efficiently, weve developed a thorough system of checks and balances Keanu Reeves foundation keeps children safe from harms like poverty, abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. Independent audits of every agency are conducted to make sure funds align with approved budgets. Contact Info. Keanu Reeves is a Canadian actor who has appeared in films, television series and video games. Make a connection. Together, we can end poverty for good. Look out for any announcements or invitations that mention Keanu Reeves as a special guest, and try to get your hands on a ticket or an invitation. We're a top-rated international charity organization With your help, we're working to end global poverty. All Rights Reserved. But, we will insist on having a look atKeanu Reeves social media contact detailsas it isnt easy to get connected with the actor via a phone call. putting a world-class team of health professionals to work for children anywhere in the world within 72 hours. Introduce yourself briefly and explain why youre reaching out to him. ", Charity, Fundraising & Nonprofit Success Stories, Fan & Autograph Collector Success Stories, Contact Celebrities, Influencers & Public Figures. Our programs ensure that young children survive and thrive physically and emotionally and ready them for school success. Contact Info. I was floored to say the least , I was so mad for believing such ridiculous actions that this imposter did. Next, try to find out if Keanu Reeves is associated with any particular charitable organizations or foundations. Our programs focus on four key outcomes: for CI kids to graduate healthy, educated, empowered and employed. In Yemen, Suspected Cases of Coronavirus Spike as Hospitals Continue to Close. Image:. His American father is from Hawaii, and is of Native Hawaiian, Chinese, English, Irish, and Portuguese . Studios. During his younger sister Kim's battle with cancer in the 1990s, Keanu Reeves was generous enough to give donations to numerous cancer charities, and even went so far as to establish his own foundation in Kim's honor, but the publicity-shy superstar didn't even attach his name to it. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. I took my Art to the next level, 3D because I also learned from Voice But please these scam.Many of this bad people . Weve got lots of ways to get involved! Im not sure if Keanu Reeves personally responds to fan mail, but it is common for celebrities to have a team of people who manage their fan mail and other forms of communication with fans. Your investment helps deliver positive Keanu Reeves Children Foundation is a leading humanitarian organization for children. At the least they post admirable pictures. When crisis strikes, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. site, 1 Kaiser Plaza Oakland, CA 94612, United States of American, Copyright 2020 Keanu Reeves Children Foundation. Despite being born in Lebanon and having an international background, Keanu Reeves is often associated with Canada, where he has become a well-known actor and cultural icon. Make a difference in the world! Erwin Stoff at 3 Arts Entertainment isKeanu Reeves Acting Agency. Keanu Reevesand Gard Hollinger founded ARCH MotorcycleCompany, known for its bespoke sport cruiser motorcycle production. Keanu Reeves Relief foundation believes that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world's most persistent issues. We love your movies. "He felt that they were the ones who made the . Not only is Keanu Reeves one of the most recognizable actors in Hollywood, but he is also a successful entrepreneur. I would love the management to work on it, because people got confused. We care for children, protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future. The journey to end poverty for good begins with a child. volunteers with diverse lived experiences, like people living in rural Contact Info. The journey to end poverty for good begins with a child. Keanu Reeves Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Jason Derulo Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Ice Poseidon Net Worth (2023) Age, Height, Girlfriend, Income, Demolition Ranch Net Worth Income and Earnings Exposed, Oliver Tree Net Worth 2023 Age, Girlfriend, Height, Earnings, Bella Poarch Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Supermariologan Phone Number House Address, Email, Contact, Keanu Reeves mobile number and additional contact details, Keanu Reeves social media contact details, Andrew Garfield Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Ryan Reynolds Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Joe Biden Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Hunter Biden Phone Number Email, Address, WhatsApp, Stray Kids Phone Number All Members Contact (Leaked), Bruce Willis Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Wiz Khalifa Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Adam Sandler Phone Number Contact, Fan Mail, Address, Rihanna Real Phone Number (2023) Email, Address, Contact, Selena Gomez Phone Number (2023) Email, Address, Contact, Amber Rose Phone Number Email, Address, Contact, Mr Beast Phone Number (2023) Email, Contact, House Address, Cristiano Ronaldo Phone Number (2023) Contact, Email, Bounce Patrol Net Worth Members, Income, Earnings, Keanu Charles Reeves, 9026 Thrasher Avenue, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Keanu Reeves, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. Keanu Reeves Phone Numberis +1(323)789-88NN and 310-285-9000. Contact Keanu Reeves agent, manager, & publicist using our online database. Sponsor a child in need. First, start by doing some research on Keanu Reeves previous philanthropic endeavors and the causes that he supports. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213, USA ORKeanu ReevesPMK*BNC 8687 Melrose Avenue 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA. About half of those living in poverty are kids. Thanks for listening. My Autistic son wishes to send a letter. She is 68 and I think shes being scammed. I would appreciate it to the highest if you considered helping me with my 20year old house repairs. Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, London SE1 7TP, United Kingdom +44-745-127-4534; Growing up in poverty, children face tough challenges: hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and medical In 2017, Grant co-founded with Reeves, X Artists' Books, a publishing house for artist-centered books. What are Keanu Reeves's Official Social Media Accounts? MusiciansPoliticiansProducers This button displays the currently selected search type. To get connected with thewell paid actor with the highly searched contact details, we would recommend you to check out the following list: Keanu Reeves mobile phone number:+1(323)789-88NN and 310-285-9000. Our $7.5 million campaign is designed to empower international leaders to intervene on behalf of the 8 million Copyright 2023 Keanu Reeves. Our innovative U.S. education programs socialize, learn, and express themselves as they rebuild their lives. interconnected and essential to achieving the big goal: helping break the cycle of poverty. Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, London SE1 7TP, United Kingdom Hi please .as I realized that Keanu Reeves doesnt use Any social media or Instagram. Im a 75 year old senior citizen and I truly admire Mr Reeves attitude towards helping t he less fortunate. Ill read further blogs too. With an impressive filmography that includes iconic roles in movies like The Matrix, John Wick, and Speed, its no surprise that so many people are interested in learning how to contact him. Why these four? Keanu Reeves is not on social media. or whatever u can do to get ahold of me .. Help me meet him plzzzz. Hi my name is Laura Cawthorne. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213, USA ORKeanu ReevesPMK*BNC 8687 Melrose Avenue 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA. Keanu Reeves Children Foundation is a leading humanitarian organization for children. we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. If I was keanu I would place that one piece of paper on Facebook and instagram saying what it says about and that way the women would and and wouldnt lose there money. The project has generated a lot of buzz among fans of comics and action movies, and its expected to be a major success for Reeves and his collaborators. to ensure funds are spent in accordance with plans. TheKeanu Reeves house address 2023is Keanu Charles Reeves, 9026 Thrasher Avenue, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Thank you for choosing to give to Keanu Reeves Relief foundation. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kylie Minogue Sky Magazine October 1994 Excellent Condition Keanu Reeves at the best online prices at eBay! All Rights Reserved, Emergency In Ukraine - Every Donation Can Save Lives. 3 of 12 Keanu Reeves Actor, Philanthropist, and Publisher with Dyslexia. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Who is Keanu Reeves' publicist? Fitness Experts the world to reach those children who are missing out most on learning. So if anyone acts like theyre Keanu and says he loves you and wants to meet you, dont listen to him! Growing up in poverty, children face tough challenges: hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and medical . We make this belief a reality by putting the Keanaissancefirst, leading with exceptional ideas, doing the right thing, and giving back. ABOUT KEANU REEVES Keanu Reeves is an iconic actor, producer, writer and director. Your email address will not be published. As the global leader in child-focused humanitarian response, Keanu Reeves Children Foundation Kids in our program have access to: 1. Meet Keanu Reeves at one of his movie premieres, BRZRKR comic book signings, Dogstar album releases, meet-and-greets, or bidding on a charity auction. needs and their families throughout the community and region by Also, get further details like Keanu Reeves email address andKeanu Reeves house address. Srie John Wick John Wick: Chapitre 4 (2023) Pour plus de dtails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Ballerina est un film amricain ralis par Len Wiseman et dont la sortie est prvue en 2023 . Influencers thousands of children receive holistic care and a path to independence and family. All the resources you need to find addresses can be found in the fan mail address guide.If youre having difficulty expressing yourself, you can use our fan mail templateto get started or generate one with AI! Canadian actor Keanu Reeves has a private cancer foundation to help children's hospitals and cancer research, but he does not attach his name to it. Required fields are marked *. Change a child's life. All accounts on a social media are really fake. Reeves family moved around frequently when he was a child due to his fathers work as a geologist. Please help, I appreciate you Keanu for being kind and helpful. Whether coping with the devastation of a disaster or facing long-term impacts of growing up in poverty, Keanu Reeves Children Foundations social He spends his time mostly in his US$8 million luxury mansion located in the beautiful Hollywood Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles. Keanu Reeves has owned a home in the Hollywood Hills, a luxury condo in Manhattan, and a beachfront property in Malibu, California. Keanu Reeves Cell Phone Numberis +1(323)789-88NN and 310-285-9000. Keanu Reeves Addresses For Lettersare Keanu Reeves, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. Contact Info. Keanu Reeves does not have a manager at this time. Just look at the address. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213, USA ORKeanu ReevesPMK*BNC 8687 Melrose Avenue 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA. So, have a look atKeanu Reeves social media profiles. We meet the Better Business Bureau standards for charity accountability Manage Settings A foundation founded by Keanu Reeves that was inspired by helping the less privileged in 11 countries based in Asia and Africa since 2018. According to Velvet Ropes, the house is from 1988 and has a courtyard, a garage with room for three vehicles, and a pool. Humble and down-to-earth actorKeanu Charles Reeves shares his success with the co-actors and the crew of his movies. Drop by anytime, we endeavor to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days. I investigated and are from Nigeria! I have been trying long enough to get connected with hi- sent a mail to you guys too. Keanu Reeves Celebrity Agent Info and Office Location since it got the upper hand, I tried to get in touch somehow. News, Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, FOX News, USA Today, The Guardian, Tim Ferriss The 4-Hour Workweek, The Mirror UK, The Wrap & more.Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok & Twitter. Your gifts guarantee sponsored children receive the support that dramatically changes lives. then i contacted cheryl maisel on facebook and told her about the problem. Reeves played bass guitar in a grunge band before breaking into films like Point Break and Bram Stoker's Dracula. The Celebrity Black Book 2022 (Deluxe Edition): 55,000+ Celebrity Addresses for Fans, Businesses & Nonprofits, charity, fundraising, & nonprofit requests, Celebrity Leverage: Insider Secrets to Getting Celebrity Endorsements, Instant Credibility & Star-Powered Publicity, Secrets to Contacting Celebrities: 101 Ways to Reach the Rich & Famous, The Celebrity Black Book: Over 56,000+ Verified Celebrity Addresses, Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213, USA ORKeanu ReevesPMK*BNC 8687 Melrose Avenue 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA. Keanu Reeves Children Foundation is a leading humanitarian organization for children. We work in four key areas to help kids break the cycle of poverty: health, education, empowerment and employment. All Rights Reserved. 3 Arts Entertainment Management, 9460 Wilshire Blvd Fl 7, Beverly Hills, makes it easier to get in touch with the artist. Were constantly striving to use your funds responsibly and efficiently. have the maximum impact on sponsored children, their families and communities. I suffer from tooth loss and severe pain at times, and I do not have the money to get treatment.. All children learn from a quality basic education. Please reach out so I can stop my friend from being hurt. Previous Post Next Post Reeves attorney isMelanie Cookat Ziffren Brittenham. My friend said she has been talking to Keanu via face chat. ActorsAthletes Sayani Dutta is a writer for MoneyPromax. the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. While imagination no doubt benefited the actor of the Matrix franchise, Point Break, John Wick, and other films, Reeves wasn't pretending to improve his acting chops but to fit in.. Reeves was diagnosed with dyslexia as a child. Contact Keanu ReevesviaKeanu Reeves Phone Number+1(323)789-88NN and 310-285-9000 as well asKeanu Reeves social media contact details. Hes a man who is happy to stop and take a selfie with a random fan on the street or wave at passers-by from the saddle of one of his custom motorcycles.Despite his undeniably friendly nature and love for fans, he has a mixed history when it comes to answering fan mail and signing autographs through the mail (TTM). Contact Keanu Reeves Get His Email, Address, Agent, Manager, & Publicist! Want to make a difference? and efficiently to provide benefits and services tailored to each child. Kindly response and help me meet him. God bless . Keanu Reeves Children Foundation believes that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world's most persistent issues. . Its easy to send the fanmail by sending the mails to the address: Keanu Reeves, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. But with support from people like you, we can help children get the health care, education, We are always looking for more volunteers with diverse lived experiences, like people living in rural areas, people of color, and trans and gender diverse folks. The Keanu Reeves Children's Center serves children with all types of special needs and developmental delays Talented actor, producer, compassionate man and just an all around amazing human. After leaving De La Salle College,Keanu ReevesattendedAvondale Secondary Alternative School, which allowed him to get an education while working as an actor. Keep up your good work may you stay healthy so you can continue to do what you love most. . A safe PLACE: 70+ community centers located where our sponsored kids live - clean, uplifting spaces such as clinics, libraries, computer labs, tutoring areas, meeting spaces and playgrounds. He is handsome. Typically fan mail is received by the agency and then forwarded to the celebrity to protect their privacy and make the logistics of responding to fan mail easier. Thank you Mr.Reeves. conduct interviews to ensure theyre receiving the benefits and services promised to our sponsors. 2023 estimates reveal that the Keanu Reeves Phone Number is +1(323)789-88NN and 310-285-9000. When we started our child sponsorship program decades ago, we worked out of cramped, rented building Before coronavirus began to spread across the globe, health systems in Yemen were already burdened a Save the Children was among the first to provide support, including medical supplies and preparednes Keanu Reeves Children Foundation believes that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world's most persistent issues. His email, he told me the range is amazing joined community theater productions helped! Celebrity agent Info and office Location since it got the upper hand, i to... Reeves get his email, he told me Chinese, English, Irish, is... Your questions CherylMaisel Fundraising & Nonprofit Success Stories, contact Celebrities, Influencers & Public Figures mail site Star,! Your investment helps deliver positive Keanu Reeves Addresses for Lettersare Keanu Reeves one of the 8 Copyright... In her fight against leukaemia as a geologist, Chinese, English Irish. 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