Picture this, a top-grain leather or crisp-hemp eco-friendly LiveSmart EVOLVE fabric on a Jessica Jacobs in Motion sofa complete with two power recliners, power headrests, reclining controls, and a USB charging port in each outer-arm push control panel. Fade-resistant archival inks guarantee perfect colour reproduction that remains vibrant for decades even when exposed to strong light. _ltk.Order.TaxTotal = taxTotal; var lastName = fullName.split(' ').slice(-1).join(' '); } let featureBullets = []; imgUrl = host + imgUrl; "ImageUrls": JSON.stringify(allImgs), Monday - Thursday: 11am - 7pmFriday - Saturday: 10am - 8pmSunday: 11am - 7pm, Pick-Up Hours (Scheduled Only)Monday - Thursday: 11am - 6pmFriday - Saturday: 10am - 7pmSunday: 11am - 6pm, Ease of purchasing online from anywhere, assembling individual modules, and the ease of moving them in and out of tight spaces, Comfort of dual power recliners and power headrest controls, Indulgence in top-grain luxury leathers and butter-soft, consciously designed LiveSmart Evolve colored fabric upholstery line, Flexibility of customizable seating options such as a loveseat flanked by two recliners, Look of crisp, sleek, contemporary, and cozy seating, Feeling for divinely soft, eco-friendly Repreve LiveSmart high quality polyester yarn, made from recycled post-consumer plastic bottles, Accessibility to drinks and devices, via storage, cupholders, and USB charging port, Design your space with love for your everyday life, your friends, your family, and your planet. qty = parseInt(qty.replace(/[^0-9. } /**** Checkout page cart modifications ****/ (function (d, tid, vid) { $('[data-image]').each(function (key, data) { if (footerInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(footerInput); This wall art captures the essence of the true American country landscape. d.querySelector('head').appendChild(js); ]/g, ""); } Great art deserves to be on canvas! price = price.replace(/[^0-9. let pageUrl = window.location.href; $(document).on('click', '.quantity__increment', async function () { (function (d, tid, vid) { _ltk.Order.ItemTotal = itemTotal; //_ltk.Order.Submit(); var skuSpan = document.getElementsByClassName('product-details__sku'); ]/g, ""); _ltk.Order.ItemTotal = itemTotal; _ltk.Order.ItemTotal = itemTotal; Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. "Description": description, var lastClickedSku = ''; ]/g, ""); } var requestOptions = { $('ul.dropdown-menu li').on("click", async function () { sendProductInfo(); var fullName = addrBlockTrimmed[0].trim(); "ProductId": productId, if (!alertShown) { headers: myHeaders, $('button[class^="box-selector"').on("click", async function () { console.log('added ' + sku); if (signUpInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(signUpInput); method: 'POST', redirect: 'follow' var sku = $(".product-details__sku > span")[0].innerText; var newQty = _ltk.SCA.Persistent.getItem(lastClickedSku).qty - 1; "ProductId": productId, var taxTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Tax")').next().text() }; Jessica Jacobs Bergamo Dove Leather Power Recliner. _ltk.SCA.Persistent.changeQty(lastClickedSku, newQty); _ltk.Order.HandlingTotal = 0; ]/g, ""); let pageUrl = window.location.href; "0"; var qty = $(this).find('.cart-item__price-wrapper > .cart-item__price-sku.quantity__holder').first().text(); var sku = $(this).find('.cart-item__attribute-wrapper > div:contains("SKU") > span').text(); // 'yes' button on modal confirming removal Help Financing Find a Store Shop Our Deals, Monday - Thursday: 11am - 7pmFriday - Saturday: 10am - 8pmSunday: 11am - 7pm, Pick-Up Hours (Scheduled Only)Monday - Thursday: 11am - 6pmFriday - Saturday: 10am - 6pmSunday: 11am - 6pm. })(document, 'vlMTd0pt9wSF', '1'); fetch("https://cat.haynesfurniture.com/api/products", requestOptions) _ltk.SCA.Submit(); // minus button on cart "FeatureBullets": JSON.stringify(featureBullets), var isProductPage = document.getElementsByClassName('product-details__sku').length > 0; let sku = skuSpan[0].textContent.replace('SKU:', '').trim(); if (skuSpan.length > 0) { }); if (typeof _ltk != 'undefined') return; var js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = 'ltkSDK'; /**** Cart abandonment ****/ // plus button on cart .then(response => response.text()) }); .catch(error => console.log('error', error)); /**** Checkout page cart modifications ****/ All of Jacobs Custom Living patio furniture comes with long lasting warranties that promise many years of memoriable patio seasons. method: 'POST', function sendProductInfo() { var emailAddress = $('address > span').last().text() }; }) var loginInput = document.getElementById('signupEmail')?.id; "PrimaryImageUrl": imgUrl, let allImgs = []; "Specifications": JSON.stringify(properSpecs) await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)); var addrBlock = $('address').last().text().split(/\n/) Jessica Jacobs - The little black dress of furniture. sendProductInfo(); Sustainable Quality Outdoor Furniture & Propane Fire Tables Shop enduring, stylish, pleasing patio furniture and fire pit table designs to help you enhance the quality of your outdoor living season, year after year. ]/g, "")); var emailAddress = $('address > span').last().text() // Get all bullets under features "Name": productName, Be the first to know about new products, exciting promotions, and exclusive in-store events, among other perks! ]/g, "")); "Host": host, }); var alertShown = $('.alert').is(":visible"); var sku = $(".product-details__sku > span")[0].innerText; let specs = []; _ltk.SCA.Persistent.addItem(sku, qty, price, productName, img, url); } ]/g, "")); if (signUpInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(signUpInput); if (i % 2 == 0 && i + 1 <= specs.length) { Be the first to know about deal alerts, new arrivals, exclusive invites, and more! let sku = skuSpan[0].textContent.replace('SKU:', '').trim(); lastClickedSku = $(this).closest('div.cart-item').find('.item-info > span').text(); lastClickedSku = $(this).closest('div.cart-item').find('.item-info > span').text(); var orderId = $('h3:contains(\'Order Receipt\')').text().replace('Order Receipt #', ''); sendProductInfo(); })(document, 'vlMTd0pt9wSF', '1'); var checkoutInput = document.getElementById('emailAddress')?.id; "Host": host, properSpecs.push(specs[i] + ":" + specs[i + 1]); // plus button on cart var firstName = fullName.split(' ').slice(0, -1).join(' '); _ltk.Order.OrderNumber = orderId; await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000)); headers: myHeaders, let featureBullets = []; // Get specifications /**** Browse abandonment ****/ var subTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__total"] > span:contains("Total")').next().text() sendProductInfo(); if (checkoutInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(checkoutInput); _ltk.Order.ShippingTotal = shippingTotal; var addrBlockTrimmed = addrBlock.filter(function(x) { return x.trim() !== ''}); _ltk.SCA.Persistent.removeItem(lastClickedSku, amountToRemove); _ltk.Order.OrderNumber = orderId; } let productName = $("meta[property='og:title']")?.attr("content") ?? var url = $("meta[property='og:url']").attr("content"); var emailAddress = $('address > span').last().text() img = "https://www.thedump.com" + img; ]/g, ""); .then(result => console.log(result)) var emailAddress = $('address > span').last().text() var addrBlockTrimmed = addrBlock.filter(function(x) { return x.trim() !== ''}); var itemTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Subtotal")').next().text() }); lastClickedSku = $(this).closest('div.cart-item').find('.item-info > span').text(); specs.push($(this).text().trim()) "Host": host, var addrBlockTrimmed = addrBlock.filter(function(x) { return x.trim() !== ''}); "0"; }); _ltk.SCA.Persistent.removeItem(lastClickedSku, amountToRemove); $('ul.dropdown-menu li').on("click", async function () { body: productJson, allImgs.push($(this).attr('href')); if (footerInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(footerInput); if (footerInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(footerInput); if (skuSpan.length > 0) { ""; var price = $(".product-details__price-holder > div")[0].innerText; let myHeaders = new Headers(); Shop Jessica Jacobs Society6 store featuring unique designs on various Furniture products. (function (d, tid, vid) { let imgUrl = $("meta[property='og:image']")?.attr("content") ?? } var newQty = _ltk.SCA.Persistent.getItem(lastClickedSku).qty - 1; 603-788-5095. $(document).on('click', '.quantity__decrement', function () { Add brilliance in colour and exceptional detail to your space with this contemporary and uncompromising style! /**** Order Conversions ****/ let msrpPrice = $(".product-details__price-other > span")[0]?.innerText ?? /**** Browse abandonment ****/ }; Ares Chocolate Leather Power Reclining Sofa, Belmond Espresso Dual Power Reclining Sofa, Branson Midnight Velvet Chesterfield Sofa, Carlton Mushroom Dual Power Reclining Sofa, Carson Charcoal Leather Chesterfield Sofa, Caspian Brown Dual Reclining Sofa with Drop Down Table, Caspian Gray Dual Reclining Sofa with Drop Down Table, Edson Gunmetal Power Reclining Leather Sofa, Infinite Motion Marvel Chianti Leather Power Reclining Sofa with Power Headrest, Jessica Jacobs Bergamo Dove Leather Power Reclining Sofa, Jessica Jacobs Bergamo Stone Power Reclining Sofa, Jessica Jacobs Ferrara Espresso Leather Dual Power Reclining Sofa, Jessica Jacobs Ferrara Hemp Dual Power Reclining Sofa. _ltk.SCA.Persistent.removeItem(lastClickedSku, amountToRemove); $(".product-features > ol > li").each(function () { var addrBlockTrimmed = addrBlock.filter(function(x) { return x.trim() !== ''}); var price = $(this).find('.cart-item__price-wrapper > .cart-item__price-sku').last().text(); var addrBlockTrimmed = addrBlock.filter(function(x) { return x.trim() !== ''}); $(".product-specifications__list-item > div").each(function (index) { 2022-01-23 06:15:25. var newQty = _ltk.SCA.Persistent.getItem(lastClickedSku).qty + 1; She liaises between contractors, shopkeepers, clients, and maintenance staff alike with remarkable professionalism and courtesy. var taxTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Tax")').next().text() var itemTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Subtotal")').next().text() } var addrBlock = $('address').last().text().split(/\n/) if (loginInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(loginInput); _ltk.Order.SetCustomer(emailAddress, firstName, lastName); //_ltk.Order.Submit(); console.log('added ' + sku); Be the first to know about new products, exciting promotions, and exclusive in-store events, among other perks!