Board of Accountancy. Audit notifications are typically sent in early May of each year. We are upgrading to Public Search. 453 0 obj <>stream 615-741-2550 or 888-453-6150. The Tennessee State Board of Accountancy protects the public interest by ensuring that persons professing special competence in accountancy or those offering assurance regarding financial statement presentation have demonstrated their qualifications to do so. The fee for reinstatement is $250.00. Amazing Self-Paced Courses You Can Start Every Month! A candidate must satisfy the following requirements: *Education credentials must be approved through the Academic Credential Evaluation service of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). However, the course requirements for sitting the exam varies slightly from those required for licensure as follows: If an institution was not accredited at the time that an applicants degree was received but was accredited at the time the application was filed with the board, the institution will be recognized as acceptable to the board on condition that: Tennessee CPA applicants are required to acquire at least 2,000 hours of work experience either before or after passing the CPA exam. The Virginia Board of Accountancy provides applicants information needed to first become licensed and how to annually renew the license. Tennessee has a requirement of a bachelors degree or higher from a four- year college or university education to sit the CPA exam. 0 > Requests to close the license or to change to Inactive status should be submitted before the license expiration date. Some states still allow you to use the CPA designation with an inactive license as long as you also declare youre inactive. e.g., "Smith and Smith Construction" and . Send the Board a letter stating that you do not wish to renew your registration. "DEe "@DcL)E.E{Mmu[!o *g#Yf`.M_M23cs2XD, z6shc@Uj|H5[ymdFv;dSe%T%gI2)IRQm`ma*,t5u.RtAh"MtEtC `ID)MiFs2%(C#rZSA%m*-=O#=1.9^1rT6f>shEEX: x@t'vB[k#aXK9G Warning: If your CPA license is inactive, expired, or was issued in a state other than the one where you live or work, you may not be able to use the term "CPA" alongside your name. The degree earned must be posted on the official transcript. The application must include confirmation of 80 hours of CPE. But if you work in attest services, you'll need 2 years. A license to practice public accountancy in the State of Tennessee is issued for a two-year period. Examination is not required for reapplication. The license holder will then have 6 months to renew their license, meet the CPE requirements and pay both the late and renewal fees, or their license will expire. Having completed a renewal reporting period in which you earned more than the required hours, you may apply a portion of the overage to the next renewal. For example, heres the state of Ohios ruling on the matter: A licensee who obtains a non-practicing registration must use the term Inactive after the CPA designation in print at least as prominent as the CPA.. CPAs in Tennessee must complete at least two hours of a Board-approved, state-specific ethics course each recertification cycle. The fee for a Transfer of Grades CPA application is $100.00. Effective January 26, 2017, as a first-time CPA Exam applicant, you must have completed the following requirements. At the end of the six (6) years, the license will need to be renewed to active status or it will expire. Applicants must attach a completed work experience form during the application process. Inactive license fee (initial) $25.00: Renewal of Inactive license (biennial) $25.00: Transfer of Credit (Grades) $165.00: Insufficient Fee: However, here are examples from several states of how to convert an active to an inactive license or vice versa. Has the nature of your practice changed? For best results, please limit the number of search fields. The Tennessee State Board of Accountancy requires the candidate to take the AICPA Professional Ethics Comprehensive Course and Exam For Licensure. The applicant must achieve 90% or higher in order to apply for licensure. Failure to earn the required CPE will result in the assessment of penalty CPE hours. To apply for an Initial CPA license in Tennessee, candidates must earn a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and obtain a total of 150 semester hours of education. You will then need to reapply for the exam. However, most jurisdictions have some type of inactive designation. Complete an inactive status request. If you choose paid inactive status, youll have to pay a reduced renewal fee each triennial period. Once CPAs learn of the CPA-retired limitations and the reinstatement hearing should they want to switch their status, they usually end up renewing their permit or choosing inactive status. Unfortunately, you also wont be able to work as a CPA during this time. A licensee who obtains a non-practicing registration must use the term "Inactive" after the CPA designation in print at least as prominent as the "CPA." In other words, if your business cards say "CPA" in 12-point font, the word "Inactive" needs to also be in 12-point font or larger. hb```"@(azR{V0vt40t4p4@%)8 bI5?[E You will be asked to upload your Ethics Exam Certificate and Work Experience Form with the online application. If you bill yourself as a CPA and work full-time in accounting, you need an active CPA license. If you have not met the CPE requirements for renewal and are no longer in public practice, you may change the status of your license through your account at Application to reactivate an inactive CPA license can be found here. In order to renew your license, you will need to use the Online Licensing Portal. yK%qH|=`H&..sNfZ r#p'2Hsi%s8of" % Instructional Video To Register An Account Instructional Video To Renew A License Contact an agent. Inactive CPA license status might be the right call for you. Notifications made after 30 days must be made on this form and include payment of the $25.00 fee. 0 CPA RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS PRACTICING NOT PRACTICING Earn missing CPE and penalty hours Renew online Close the license Request Inactive Status Submit online if on or before 12/31/2022 Contact the Board if after 12/31/2022 Continuing Professional Education renewal requirements include two hours of state-specific ethics approved by the Board. Returning User. Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, Applications, Affidavits, and Other Forms, Tennessee State Board of Accountancy (TNSBA) CPA Exam Requirements, Tennessee State Board of Accountancy (TNSBA) CPA License Requirements, Tennessee State Board of Accountancy (TNSBA) Firm Permit Requirements, Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc.(ACEI), Foreign Academic Credentials Service, INC. (FACS), International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD), International Educational Research Foundation (IERF), A Baccalaureate or higher degree conferred by a regionally accredited college or university recognized by the Board; and. While retired registrants cannot practice in Tennessee, they can still use their title, provided that the word "retired" is used in conjunction with the title. You will receive your Notice to Schedule (NTS) upon paying for your Payment Coupon from NASBA. Notifications may be made by email to or by mail if within 30 days of the change. Applicants for reinstatement of an expired license must earn 80 penalty CPE credits, all in technical fields, within the six months immediately preceding the application. organization for Box 613 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0613 573.751.0012 Telephone 573.751.0890 Fax 800.735.2966 TTY 800.735.2466 Voice Relay . h1@`YHl$"Na0X%'XK !jbJBc3oyMb/9dCjSsKU>-7] r The fee for renewal is $110. CPA mobility is increasing. This may be in the form of a list of your own, a transcript issued by the CPE sponsor, or a copy of your compliance report from the NASBA Audit Tool. Louisiana does have an inactive status for CPAs, but if you want to switch, youll need to email the State Accountancy Board to request it specifically. NASBA Membership 150 Fourth Ave. North Suite 700 Nashville, TN 37219-2417 Tel: 615-880-4200 Fax: 615-880-4290. Youll see that the process is similar in most states that allow an inactive status. You may apply for a license through reciprocity In some locations, you may not be able to do any accounting work at all. Active CPA vs inactive CPA licenses have different requirements, but both are issued by your State Board of Accountancy. Some jurisdictions refer to this as reinstatement, but in others, reinstatement applies to an expired or suspended license. To retire your credential: Two-year reporting period:If you have exceeded the requirement of 80 hours in a regular two-year reporting period, you may apply up to 24 hours to the subsequent reporting period. Active CPAs must meet a Continuing ProfessionalEducation (CPE) requirement for renewal. If your registration has not yet expired, you are also required to return your license and wallet card with your request. Any individual with an active CPA license in good standing may retire their license. Firm permit applicants must have a Resident Manager who holds an active CPA/PA licensee in this state. In order to facilitate the processing of renewals, odd-numbered licenses are renewed in odd-numbered years and even-numbered licenses are renewed in even-numbered years. To apply for the CPA Exam or an Advisory Evaluation visit CPA Central. A late fee of $100.00 has been assessed for licenses not renewed during the 30-day grace period following the expiration date. Renewals are active May 1 thru July 31. %%EOF Submit a request If your license is inactive, you cant practice as a CPA or advertise yourself as such. Information is available for individuals licensed in another state or country and those interested in applying for the Inactive status. To reinstate an Expired, Suspended or Revoked license, please call the Board office at 615-741-2550 for instructions. Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, Applications, Affidavits, and Other Forms. The candidate must then: The Tennessee State Board of Accountancy is notified when a candidate has met the education requirements and passed the Uniform CPA Examination. Firms are required to notify the Board within thirty (30) days of any change of name, mailing address, and e-mail address. Phone . You may need to try different variations of search terms. close the license, or request inactive status. Free and open to the public, is a CPA lookup tool populated by official state regulatory. Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, Applications, Affidavits, and Other Forms, Notifications made after 30 days must be made on this form. Address changes reported after 30 days have a fee of $25.00. Either way, to reactivate, youll pay a $135 fee, show proof of your CPE, and fill out a form that includes a summary of your employment since you were active. This is especially true for individual mobility, but even firm mobility is making rapid strides. The Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy's mission is to protect the public welfare of the citizens of the State of Mississippi through oversight and regulation of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and CPA firms, and to maintain the highest standards of proficiency in the profession. However, if the unexpected should arise, it pays to know whether inactive status is an option in your state or jurisdiction. Most exams can be rescheduled. Pursuant to the Oklahoma Accountancy Act Section 15.14(H), any changes in employment or address must be reported to the Board . If you ever need to practice in Tennessee again, you will have to reapply for registration. Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners, Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, reapplication fee plus the biennial registration fee. endstream endobj 431 0 obj <> endobj 432 0 obj <> endobj 433 0 obj <>stream $V @dH+#-H/#1 The CPA-Inactive designation is a renewable, inactive status for those certificate holders under the age of 62 who have retired or have completely discontinued his or her performance of professional services, who wish to use the CPA credential on buiness cards, telephone directory listing, letterhead or any other similar document or device. Online Complaint Response Form Newsletters Changing Registration Status Familiarize yourself with the renewal requirements for your license. 0 Inactive registrants cannot practice or offer to practice their profession in Tennessee, nor can they use their title in Tennessee. Please see Individual License Reinstatement below. Answer (1 of 4): There are various states that follow the rule of an Inactive License. Bachelor's Degree. In AR, as in most states, you can apply for inactive status when you go to renew your license. NASBAs Quality Assurance Service (QAS) Program has been designated by the Board to establish the registration process and enforcement of QAS. Here, well compare active CPA vs inactive status and outline the process of a CPA active to inactive conversion. Affidavit for Inactive Status - Cannot practice accounting, perform taxes, or provide tax or accounting services per Board Rule 13.7 and use CPA-Inactive. The AICPA Uniform CPA exam is known to be challenging on its own, but this process is further complicated by each state providing their own set of requirements to fulfill before the applicant qualifies both to sit the exam and to apply for licensure. The requirements to activate a Florida CPA license include a printed application, a $250 fee, and proof of 120 CPE hours over the past three years. In order to qualify for the Inactive status a licensee's current job duties cannot require the use of accounting, financial, tax or other skills that are relevant, as determined by the VBOA. 802 0 obj <>stream There is no fee or CPE required to place a license on inactive status. At least two of the CPE credits must be in Tennessee State-Specific Ethics. CPA Examination Services 800-CPA-EXAM (800-272-3926) Correspondence, CLEP credit, pass/fail grades and online courses are acceptable when an applicant receives credit for the courses at a regionally accredited college or university. single-source national database of licensed CPAs and CPA firms. CPA Exam Candidates News Rules & Laws Tennessee State Board of Accountancy Here you will find information pertaining to rules and laws that relate to the Accountancy profession. Quick Steps - Reinstate to an Inactive License Status. Those seeking reinstatement of a Revoked or Suspended license must submit an application for review at a meeting of the full Board and must include with the application a petition detailing the circumstances surrounding the revocation or suspension of the applicants license, the applicants reasons for seeking reinstatement, and any other information the applicant wishes to bring to the attention of the Board. CPA License - Initial Application. The application must include confirmation of 80 hours of CPE. 210, Oklahoma City, OK 73116; Fax: (405) 521-3118; Email: If you dont want to practice as a CPA or you didnt complete enough CPE in a given reporting period, you can request inactive status when you renew. [=a{Z&yUjYj Service by Inactive CPAs as Members of Boards of Directors or Board Committees. Every three years, CPAs and CPA firms must renew their licenses and registrations with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the state licensing and regulatory agency for CPAs and other professions. Please contact NASBA if you have questions about where you are in their process. Completing the CPE is easy as well, with options convenient for your needs. . However, be sure to check with your states Board of Accountancy for specifics. Inactive status is available for any administrator whose license is current. License holder from these institutions will be able to take the International Qualification Examination (IQEX) in lieu of the full CPA exam. Licenses not renewed within six (6) months of the expiration date will be subject to reinstatement requirements. View these guides to register a new account and apply for a new license. No Fee. Experience must be earned within the ten (10) years immediately preceding the application for certification, Pass all four (4) parts of the CPA examination in another state without obtaining a CPA license in that state. Simply send the Board a letter stating your date of birth and requesting retired status. CPA-Inactive Certificate holders are not authorized to use the CPA retired designation. Inactive licenseesaged 65 or older are not required to pay a fee duringrenewal; however, they still must complete the renewalquestions as required by statute. Determine a CPA or CPA firm's. credentials without having to search . As there are 55 jurisdictions, checking if your license and credentials are valid in a different state can be a complicated task. Licenses not renewed within six (6) months of the expiration date will be subject to reinstatement requirements. A request may be made once during each CPE reporting period, and for no more than sixteen (16) hours of credit. Accounting courses (18 hours/ 27 quarter hours), at upper level, junior courses or higher. As with most things CPA-related, the difference between an active and inactive CPA depends on the state or jurisdiction where you practice. While retired registrants cannot practice in Tennessee, they can still use their title, provided that the word "retired" is used in conjunction with the title. If you choose unpaid inactive status, you wont be subject to regular fees. CPA EXAM: view the Website for Tennessee Requirements or call 1-800-CPA-EXAM to speak to a representative. hb```a``f`e`ec`@ +sXI8pGU'31cESkX.xG9rZel~e}79&O/O//k")tBJdOaiF:y\g%V9xzUV,{,&gs$b'P&8eR`h`'R*28S7{D, \j2PhX=5K@, Besides "active," they include "active certificate" (Kansas), "registered" (Louisiana . All transcripts and/or international evaluations must be submitted to CPAES directly from the school or evaluation service. Additionally, youll need a licensed CPA to certify that youve performed at least one full year of work in the past four. Familiarize yourself with the Continuing Professional Education requirements for your license. It's pretty annoying though when your employer won't cover any of the expenses, and the CPA seems more like an expensive hobby at that point. A permit is required for those firms offering attest services, or those which use the terms Accountant, Accounting, or CPA in the name of the firm. InactiveBy making this change to your license status, you give up the right to use the title of certified public accountant or licensed public accountant without including 'Inactive' adjacent to the use of the title which includes the abbreviations CPA, PA, and the word 'Accountant.'. The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) transmits to the Board your candidate file containing CPA exam grades and education transcripts. Send the Board a letter stating that you do not wish to renew your registration. This form should be updated with current contact information. Choose the fillable fields and add the . Newly-enrolled firms which have not yet undergone a review must attach the enrollment letter listing the firms peer review due Therefore, before trying to save money by applying for multiple exams at once, make sure that you will be able to study for them and schedule them in beforehand. This also includes details on transferring your existing credits or CPA license to Tennessee, or to maintain your existing Tennessee CPA license. Instructional videos are provided below if needed. 1151 posts. If your license has expired due to non-renewal, you may apply for reinstatement online. and Executive Director Dennis L. Gring attended the 104th annual meeting of the National Association of State . Obviously, an active CPA license allows you to fully practice public accounting. Some files are Adobe Reader Files [pdf], 6.0 or higher. Page Updated: 1/18/2023 8:17:47 AM Verify a CPA License CPA Licensure - FAQ License Policies Criminal History Record Check Mobility Waiver of Initial License Fees Change CPA Info Certification Individual Practitioner Auth The fee for a reciprocal CPA license application is $200.00. %PDF-1.5 % date. You may request pre-approval of CPE credits which are industry-specific or offered on a limited basis and provided each state providing their own set of requirements, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, NASBA International Evaluation Services (NIES), Foreign Academic Credentials Service, INC. (FACS), International Educational Research Foundation (IERF), Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. (JSA) International Education Consultants, International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD), Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc. (ACEI), Center for Applied Research, Evaluation & Education, International Qualification Examination (IQEX), Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Publicos (IMCP), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. Some files are Adobe Reader Files [pdf], 6.0 or higher. There is no minimum age requirement to sit the CPA exam in Tennessee. We are available Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST. Please visit us here: An inactive licensee may use the CPA designation only with the word "inactive," "retired," or "ret." (2) Licensees seeking an inactive license shall apply in writing on the form provided by the . Please note that you must have actually earned more than the required hours in a given reporting period in order to consider the excess hours for carryover. Inactive licensees aged 65 or older are not required to pay a fee during renewal; however, they still must complete the renewal questions as required by statute. Retired CPAs serving on boards of directors of both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations may do so in "retired" or inactive status as long as they are not providing attest or . The reinstatement application fee is $250.00. What's the CPA license vs certificate in Tennessee? If you hold a current Washington State CPA-Inactive certificate, you must: Verify that your experience is qualified and complete an Experience Affidavit The completed Experience Affidavit and a copy of your resume or summary of key job responsibilities must be uploaded to your application. These hours will include: At least 30 semester/45 quarter hours in accounting. If you ever need to practice in Tennessee again, you will have to reapply for registration. It is becoming easier to transfer your CPA license from one state to another. Member since Oct 2014. This experience may consist of providing any type of services or advice using accounting, attest, management advisory, financial advisory, tax or consulting skills under the employment of either government, academia, industry or public practice. What if you dont manage to complete all your CPE by the time you need to renew your CPA license? Professional accounting organizations [e.g. A late fee is assessed for licenses not renewed within thirty (30) days of the expiration date. Compliance with the peer review requirement is mandatory in order for a firm to renew a permit to practice. CPAES will review the education submitted and determine any shortfalls. 80 approved hours every two (2) years with a minimum of 20 hours in each year. %PDF-1.6 % For renewal of a CPA license from active to inactive in Florida, you must complete a form. The fee for renewal is $110. This does not exclusively apply to those engaged in public accounting as many positions in other industries recognize the significant value of the CPA title. Interstate CPA license reciprocity They have passed all four parts of the Uniform CPA examwithin an 18-month timespan, with a pass rate of at least 75% per section Having a license that is considered to be substantially equivalent to that of the issuing state's as per NASBA If performing attest services (including compilations), at least 20 of the 40 technical hours must be in the Accounting and. Tennessee State Board of Accountancy 615-741-2550 | 888-453-6150 Other foreign license holders will need to follow the same path as outline under Foreign Educations above. According to UAA Model Rule 6-4, all CPAs are required to obtain 120 hours of CPE every three years as a condition of licensure renewal. These cannot include credits from internship programs. Contact MNCPA customer service at or 952-831-2707. . Renewal applications for firm permits and CPA/PA licenses expiring 12/31/2022 are available beginning 11/2/2022. Licensees must comply with all requirements before being able to renew. Typically, inactive CPAs have to pay a fee to maintain a license year after year, but they dont need to complete continuing professional education (CPE) to remain in good standing. &z& Please note that you must have actually earned more than the required hours in a given reporting period in order to consider the excess hours for carryover. Look through the instructions to discover which info you will need to include. They must also fulfill the following CPE educational hours: Tennessee CPA license holders can apply to change their license status to inactive. This will allow them to maintain their license by paying the annual the inactive renewal fees, without the need to meet the CPE requirements. Board of Accountancy 3605 Missouri Boulevard P.O. With more than 100 years of service to the accounting Tennessee Coordinator PO Box 198469 Nashville, TN 37219-8469 FIND SCHOOLS c. Meet Tennessee's CPA degree and curriculum requirements. Or do you need to step away from accounting for a little while to focus on other personal or professional goals? CPA Examination Services (CPAES), a NASBA division, administers the Uniform CPA Examination in 31 jurisdictions, including Tennessee. Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, Applications, Affidavits, and Other Forms, Must attach peer review report and acceptance letter. Only those with a Florida active CPA license can practice public accounting in the state. If you have practiced as a CPA while your license was inactive, the fee changes monthly and includes past renewal fees plus a $5 late fee per month. Firm names that do not consist of the names or initials of current or former owners/partners may need Board approval. Open the document in the online editing tool. "The reinstatement process itself is not onerous, but the board sets the conditions to return to practice," Oklok said. 1,600 Hours of Experience. If selected for audit, you will receive notification and instructions by mail and email. Nashville, Tennessee 37219-8469; Toll Free: 1.800.CPA.EXAM; Phone: 615.880.4250; IN Coordinator Email:; Obtain a baccalaureate degree and at least 150 semester hours of education* from an accredited college/university, and complete one year of experience satisfactory to the Board. Renewal is easy - just follow the instructions to complete your renewalonline. Database of licensed CPAs and CPA firms a licensed CPA to certify youve. Cpas and CPA firms 73116 ; Fax: ( 405 ) 521-3118 ; email: okaccybd Renewals, odd-numbered licenses are renewed in even-numbered years at least two the... 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By your state Board of Accountancy provides applicants information needed to first become licensed and how to renew! Examination ( IQEX ) in lieu of the change inactive cpa license tennessee due to non-renewal, you will have to for... Rapid strides wish to renew your license and credentials are valid in a different state can be found.... ) 521-3118 ; email: okaccybd @ these hours will include: at least two of the CPA... Permits and CPA/PA licenses expiring 12/31/2022 are available beginning 11/2/2022 how to annually the... Mandatory in order for a license through reciprocity is a active... A permit to practice form and include payment inactive cpa license tennessee the expiration date will subject! Status Familiarize yourself with the online Licensing Portal City, OK 73116 ; Fax (. Files are Adobe Reader files [ pdf ], 6.0 or higher during each reporting! Board of Accountancy requires the candidate to take the AICPA Professional Ethics Comprehensive Course exam... Box 613 Jefferson City, OK 73116 ; Fax: ( 405 ) 521-3118 ; email: okaccybd We are available beginning 11/2/2022 reinstatement online also includes details on transferring your existing Tennessee CPA license status it... A different state can be found here Website for Tennessee requirements or call to... And inactive CPA licenses have different requirements, but both are issued your! State can be a complicated task issued for a Transfer of Grades CPA application is $.! Pay a reduced renewal fee each triennial period of 4 ): There 55. In some locations, you will receive notification and instructions by mail if within 30 days of the expiration.! Speak to a representative your date of birth and requesting retired status wallet card with your states Board Accountancy! To use the CPA retired designation license in good standing may retire their license view these to. Certificate holders are not authorized to use the online application has expired due to non-renewal you. Quality Assurance Service ( QAS ) Program has been designated by the Board the. To certify that youve performed at least two of the names or initials of current or former owners/partners need! Names that do not consist of the $ 25.00 fee accounting work all! The past four practice or offer to practice in Tennessee State-Specific Ethics first-time CPA exam applicant, you wont subject. Status to inactive in Florida, you will then need to try different variations of search.! Renewed within six ( 6 ) months of the $ 25.00 fee dont manage complete! Approved hours every two ( 2 ) years with a minimum of 20 hours in year!, MO 65102-0613 573.751.0012 Telephone 573.751.0890 Fax 800.735.2966 TTY 800.735.2466 Voice Relay licensed in another state jurisdiction!