Share with Us. Russell Bush, chairman, honored former chairman Buddy Smothers for his service. On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. The adult inductees were recognized for the following accomplishments. A. Keith Black, serving his first term as president, announced the 23rd induction class into the Huntingdon County Sports Hall of Fame (HCSHOF). We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Please purchase a subscription to continue reading. Ben Brack, 1997. Jim Brantley, 1996. Five individuals who were elected back in early 2020, ended their long wait to become the organizations 23rd class. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame (PSHF) is a nonprofit organization established in 1962. Thank you for reading! On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Inquiries and/or complaints that are not related to disability discrimination can be addressed to: 334-833-4420* (This number is for discrimination-based reporting.). The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame, Delaware County Chapter recognizes individuals who have brought lasting fame to Delco through their achievements in athletics. Great early Christmas present from the @PAberkshof #hometownpride, PA Sports Hall of Fame, Berks County Chapter, PA Sports Hall of Fame Berks County Chapter, Berks County Hall of Fame Sponsorship Package, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. Assistant DA warns of trafficking in Blair Co. Hauntingly good time had at Ghost History Night, It's working: Pitch clock shaves 20 minutes from early games. Error! After 50 years, its nice to be remembered.. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Huntingdon College also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution. Low 31F. New Chairman Russell Bush presented Smothers with a plaque to commemorate his service. [11], Each year, each chapter may nominate the names of no more than three living persons and two deceased persons, for consideration as possible inductees.[12]. <>>> Web2021 2022 Contact The Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 2001 and the first inductee banquet was April 16, 2002. When: May 6th. A 1994 graduate of Mount Union Area High School, Corey lettered in football, wrestling and baseball. The organizational held its 23rd annual banquet at the Smithfield Fire Hall. ). WebHuntingdon, Pa. Tuesday June 18, 2013 23-2013 Commissioner OKorn also congratulated all those recently inducted into the sports hall of fame. Competing and winning were my drug. The winning essay earns the fourth annual Dennis Butch Rourke Award and the accompanying $250 prize. You face your teammates every day and that helps to make you better. Intervals of clouds and sunshine. [2] At its annual convention and induction ceremonial, the PSHF inducts athletes, coaches, administrators, and those involved in sports medicine and the sports media,[2] whose athletic achievements "have brought lasting fame and recognition to the State of Pennsylvania". HUNTINGDON (May 1) Seven persons were inducted as the newest members of the Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame during the May 1 ceremony at the Carroll County Civic Center. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left. Get late-breaking news soon after it happens. Keith Anthony, 2013. Jack Barrow and Alysa Butler had their photo made separately because they had to leave early. Kay Wall Moore played basketball at Trezevant High School for Richard Welch, the late TSSAA Hall of Famer. racist or sexually-oriented language. endobj It was the highlight last evenings annual spring general membership meeting at Hosss Steak and Sea House in Huntingdon. The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame is an non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing male and female individuals of significance in all sports in PA. that is degrading to another person. We got great crowds and they inspired us to play at a high level. WebThe Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame ( PSHF) is a nonprofit organization established in 1962. Get late-breaking news soon after it happens. The staff of the Smithfield Fire Hall will serve a buffet-style meal at 6 p.m. To continue reading, you will need to either log into your subscriber account, or purchase a new subscription. He later was a graduate assistant at Murray State before returning to McKenzie in 1973. Ben Brack, 1997. A top scorer and playmaker, he was an All-Mountain League selection as a junior and senior. Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame. We have recently launched a new and improved website. Keith Chappell, 2000. The Berks County Chapter is one of the chartered regional areas of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame authorized to perpetuate the memory ofathletes, male and female, who have brought lasting fame and recognition to the Berks County area through their athletic achievements. Elected by the membership for induction with the Class of 2020 are (alphabetically): Clair F. Kenyon Jr., of Dauphin, Ronald Maslanik of Mercersburg, Ran Posey of Round Rock, TX, and Corey Wertz of Mount Union. Zauzig talked about the team and head coach George Weaver, who molded the group of players from these two seasons into very successful teams. WebThe Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame ( PSHF) is a nonprofit organization established in 1962. My personal pledge to you is that I will do everything I can to try to improve upon the fine organization you have in place. 1-731-352-3323. Rounding out the five-member class is Mount Union region at-large selection Bernard L. Chatman Sr. of Altoona. Don Brewer, 1976. A retired Pennsylvania State Police trooper, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic action under fire in a 1987 incident. ^ld;fg(1Z w4hID$H4FtFU* 8 - ;]&(N/ZlEZ:AIu.3Tz=VwM6$v?zw{l3WO@zbs >Fi+{wCp`7~a^ xDBXo37bCL3?~XU,M*:mxEI@ICWr0pM?u^>?Lg>}cYty^"3 H. Wendell Barr Jr., 1967. WebWelcome to the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Berks County Chapter. 4 0 obj John Camp is a retired educator and basketball coach at McKenzie High School. Attending Weavers funeral a number of years ago, Zauzig respectfully admitted to Geroges widow that all the time I was in school, I couldnt stand the man. TAKE NOTE: New Student Orientation August 4-7, 2022. A player, coach and high school administrator in his life, Maslanik said he had learned to be fierce, fair and consistent. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame is an non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing male and female individuals of significance in all sports in PA. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. HUNTINGDON (May 1) Seven persons were inducted as the newest members of the Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame during the May 1 ceremony at the Carroll County Civic Center. Induction into your local chapter thereby qualifies inductees for consideration into the Pennsylvania State Hall of Fame, who hosts annual induction banquets each fall. The Berks County Chapter is one of the chartered regional areas of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame authorized to perpetuate the memory of athletes , male and female, who have brought lasting fame and recognition to the Berks County area through their athletic achievements. Be Proactive. Finally, I learned to rely on good assistant coaches. James H. Anderson, 1976. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. content freely avaiable, through October 1, 2018. There was a tie in the membership voting for the final spot during this years balloting, so the Class of 2022 will include six people and increase the total of those inducted to 178 since 1998. We'd love to hear eyewitness She instilled in us a strong work ethic and the value of education. h/,2#6Z m.`xlmwBD[b3 D/HQnk"?>_nF=N_zdM{JGG|FM s4}R \IOR*U|*sT. The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Delaware County Chapter has inducted more than 500 athletes, coaches, administrators and sports executives who have significantly impacted the community through their contributions in sport. It was the highlight last evenings annual County Hall of Fame announces its 23rd inductioin class | Local | [5], The Central Region's nine chapters are:[5] Berks County, Capital, Central, Clinton County, Huntingdon, South Central, Susquehanna Valley, West Branch, and West Shore.[6]. WebHonoring Delcos Elite for More Than 50 Years. WebPA Sports Hall of Fame. WebThe Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame is now accepting nominations for the 2022 Class from Huntingdon, McKenzie, West Carroll, Bruceton, and Clarksburg. After those in attendance were welcomed by president Keith Black, the 1962-63 and 1963-64 basketball teams from Huntingdon Area High School were presented as this years team honorees. Don't Threaten. Additionally, 10 high school senior athletes, a male and female from each of the countys high schools, were also recognized for their athletic contributions. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.. He was selected All-Volunteer Conference, All West Tennessee and All State his senior year. H. Wendell Barr Jr., 1967. Luke Bailey, 2017. The Berks County Chapter is one of the chartered regional areas of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame authorized to perpetuate the memory of athletes , male and female, who have brought lasting fame and recognition to the Berks County area through their athletic achievements. He starred on the undefeated (14-0) Chambersburg Cardinals semi-pro football team that won the Interstate Football League championship in 1978. [1] It is the only community-based hall of fame in the United States., There is still time to register for our golf outing on August 13th! Black gave high praise for the meticulous attention given to keeping the organizations approved financial records and his audit was also approved. He continued, Teammates are the toughest guys you play. ), Contact Us | Employment | Map & Directions | Event Planning | Emergency Information | Accreditation | Title IX Information | Student Complaint Policy | Consumer Information | Accessibility, Huntingdon College is committed to a policy against legally impermissible, arbitrary, or unreasonable discriminatory practices. Jim Brantley, 1996. Don Brewer, 1976. WebThe Pa Sports Hall Of Fame has over 757 inductees enshrined in its Hall to date the need for a museum to display and immortalize our inductees has been an on going search for many years. There was a tie in the membership voting for the final spot during this years balloting, so the Class of 2022 will include six people and increase the total of those inducted to 178 since 1998. Low 31F. Therefore, Huntingdon College, in accordance with Title IX and Section 106.8 of the 2020 Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, other applicable federal and state law, and. The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame honors the lifetime sports contributions of Pennsylvanians. Click here to see your options for becoming a subscriber. [3], The first Ceremonial Dinner was held in 1963, in Philadelphia; the second was in 1964, at the Pittsburgh William Penn Hotel. Team member Mike Zauzig spoke for the 13 members of the teams who were present for the banquet. Be Truthful., Registration is online for this years Hall of Fame Banquet Induction ceremony. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit community-based organization. [1] It is the only community-based hall of fame in the United States. The June 13 induction banquet will begin with a 4 p.m. social hour. [1] At the induction ceremony, ten living and two deceased inductees are honored, with the presentation of a Gold Inductee medallion with pendant. WebThe Pa Sports Hall Of Fame has over 757 inductees enshrined in its Hall to date the need for a museum to display and immortalize our inductees has been an on going search for many years. WebHonoring Delcos Elite for More Than 50 Years. No comments on this item The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame, Delaware County Chapter recognizes individuals who have brought lasting fame to Delco through their achievements in athletics. J. Larry Bagby, 1966. Promotional Rates were found for your code. Threats of harming another Welcome! He was a standout football player, who started two years at offensive and defensive tackle. Co1`6oY8&!DiMCJ#]@zOQLZNNE(c9gRe>QD}s` P'gfkf_rUY}JEEciK=, bhfe ~|I6?E94QrYLUV#LWgmO}dD)ct/*uzfM;ixpx2Fl?G No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism My mother taught me lessons in perseverance and to finish whatever I started. Before Chatman spoke, his son Nathan took the opportunity to present his father with a watch that he, Nathan, had been presented after officiated a wrestling tournament that had involved an olympic champion. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit community-based organization. She had a career total of 2,964 points, played in the State East-West All-Star game in Knoxville. Business DirectoryToday's Ads Classifieds Jobs Items for Sale Yard SalesReal EstateYour Local Autos. One at-large selection is made each year on a rotating basis among the five area school district regions served by the HCSHOF. J. Larry Bagby, 1966. Thank you for signing in! Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. They were: Class of 2020 - Clarksburg, Ashlyn Yarbrough and Tanner Longmire; Hollow Rock-Bruceton, Brylee Williams and Brayden Frye; Huntingdon - Hunter Ensley and Adyn Swenson; McKenzie - Camille Travis and Nate Whitsell; and West Carroll - Shartara Brooks and Jeremiah Bryant. There was a problem saving your notification. Keith Anthony, 2013. Becoming a member only takes a few moments, and in doing so, you are supporting not only our inductees, but also other programs such as the high school scholar-athlete scholarship awards. High 57F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. The 10 high school honorees are invited to submit an essay of one page on a chosen topic to be independently judged by an educator who is also a former coach and athlete. The Huntingdon County Sports Hall of Fame normally has five persons in its annual induction class. This item is available in full to subscribers. 2020-21 Hall of Fame Inductees John Camp, Brooke Cary, Kay Wall Moore, Buddy McMillin, (back) Don Reed, Ray LeComte, and Ricky Lankford. Be Nice. [2] The chapters are divided into four regions: Central, Eastern, Northern, and Western. The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Delaware County Chapter has inducted more than 500 athletes, coaches, administrators and sports executives who have significantly impacted the community through their contributions in sport. Be Proactive. After I got out, I realized how good a coach and man he was. She told him shed heard that many times that day. In closing, Zauzig pointed out, I enjoyed playing with those guys and wish we could do it again tonight.. He went on to point out the four women who had influenced his life his mother, sister, aunt and pastor. We'd love to hear eyewitness Our goal is to increase membership, especially among younger men and women. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX by policy., RT @BCIAASports: We are saddened by the passing of Dr. Richard Flannery and send our condolences to Doc's family and friends. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit community-based organization. He graduated from Shippensburg University in 1978 where he was a four-year starter and named All-Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference three times. The process drew a respectable 60.4 percent return rate. Mom trained the children, he pointed out. [2], The first induction ceremony was in 1963. The second of the five inductees was Clair F. Kenyon Jr., who was a member of the two basketball teams honored earlier in the evening. The 2016 induction ceremony will be hosted by the Erie County Chapter on Saturday, October 22, 2016, at the Erie Bayfront Convention Center. Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame. accounts, the history behind an article. A three-time East Coast Athletic Conference All-East weekly team three times and was a team captain and All-East selection as a senior. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Otherwise, click here to view your options for subscribing. There was an error processing your request. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. racist or sexually-oriented language. The Eastern Region's six chapters are:[5] Bucks County,[7] City All Star (Philadelphia),[8] Delaware County, Montgomery County, Summit, and Tri-County. To give our readers a chance to experience all that our new website has to offer, we have made all If you're a print subscriber, but do not yet have an online account, click here to create one. You just need to reset your password accounts, the history behind an article. Chatman focused on the importance of family and his faith in God as keys to his accomplishments. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit community-based organization. WebCARROLL COUNTY SPORTS HALL OF FAME. You have permission to edit this article. The Athletic Hall of Fame inducts new members each year. This was the 19th event, held annually except in 2020 during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. After a few announcements about memberships in the organization and thanks to the executive committee and members as well as the members of the Smithfield Fire Company for another successful induction banquet, president Black adjourned the proceedings. WebPennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2021 Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Dinner was held on Saturday, October 30, 2021 at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square in Pittsburgh. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Thomas, seconded by Commissioner OKorn and carried (Thomas, yes; As I was growing up, I watched and learned.. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Also eligible for such distinction are those individuals who have brought similar recognition through theircontributionsto sports in general in managerial, promotional, or other influential capacities in the area. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. When: May 6th. He became a teacher and football coach at Everett High School where his 1966 Warrior team won the Bedford County and Western Conference Class B championships. Recognition of the outstanding teams concludes the 5 p.m. portion of the program. Web2021 2022 Contact The Carroll County Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 2001 and the first inductee banquet was April 16, 2002. WebCARROLL COUNTY SPORTS HALL OF FAME. [1] It is the only community-based hall of fame in the United States. that is degrading to another person. Sports halls of fame by state in the United States, "Former Lion To Be Inducted Into Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame". WebWelcome to the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Berks County Chapter. During his three years as a Mustang, the teams record was 27-5 and were Volunteer Conference Champion for two years. James H. Anderson, 1976. The Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame honors the lifetime sports contributions of Pennsylvanians. Welcome! A 1974 graduate of Mount Union Area High School, he started and lettered three years in both football and basketball. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit community-based organization. The Western Region's six chapters are:[5] East Boros, Erie County,[9] Fayette County, Mid Mon Valley, Washington-Greene County,[10] and Western. This organization is about their future and we want to have it around for them to continue in years ahead. Assistant DA warns of trafficking in Blair Co. Hauntingly good time had at Ghost History Night, It's working: Pitch clock shaves 20 minutes from early games. He discussed the coaches who had been his teachers along the way. Please log in to comment by clicking here, 3 Banner RowMcKenzie, TN 38201 grant requires a 100% match by the County, which is budgeted. This was the 19th event, held annually except in 2020 during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Buddy Smothers (left) was honored for his service. Thank you for reading! Tickets for the 2020 banquet, still priced at $25 each, can be purchased at any office of Community State Bank (Orbisonia, Mount Union, Smithfield and Saxton). There was an error processing your request. 395 likes. Sign up now! WebPA Sports Hall of Fame. He coached the girls basketball team for one year before taking over the boys program. Keith Chappell, 2000. Huntingdon, TN 38344. He extended thanks to his family and friends and emotionally noted that he could not have done all this without his wife, who passed away in 2019. Web2014 Huntington County Sports Hall of Fame - Part 3 (Larry Wyles) Trinelle Wyles 67 views 7 years ago Rays of Hope Keynote Jim Ledgewood: Headstrong & Not Giving Up Posey began by saying that growing up in his family was a love story between a mother for her children and sibling for each other.. The key to surviving is caring that others will survive.. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Below is a s, RT @bmccoolspeaks: Humbled and truly honored. 201 Fairgrounds Road. This year, Huntingdons trio of representatives on the executive board agreed to honor the Bearcat boys basketball teams of 1962-63 (20-2 record, swept to Mountain League title and District Six Class A runner-up) and 1963-64 (23-3 record, Mountain League and District Six Class A champion). Moore played basketball at Trezevant High School administrator in his life his mother, sister aunt!, Delaware County Chapter R \IOR * U| * sT Tennessee and All State his senior year he... Spoke for the banquet in us a strong work ethic and the value of education was 27-5 and Volunteer! Recently launched a new account to continue Fame banquet induction ceremony from the article title member Mike Zauzig spoke the. His three years in both football and basketball are at the Smithfield Fire Hall attention given to keeping the 23rd... At Hosss Steak and Sea House in Huntingdon Zauzig spoke for the banquet State. 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