4. Standing in front of grocery store shelves can be mind-boggling. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. Osem also owns 58% of meat-substitute manufacturer Tivall Foods. Spices include the following: Allspice, Anise, Basil, Bay leaves, Caraway seed, Cardamon, Celery seed, Chervil, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander, Cumin seed, Dill seed, Fennel seed, Fenugreek, Ginger, Horseradish, Mace, Marjoram, Mustard flour, Nutmeg, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, Pepper, black; Pepper, white; Pepper, red; Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Savory, Star aniseed, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric. The company also created a mobile communication system for the Israeli army so that soldiers could speak with one another when serving in the West Bank. hummus brands that don't support israel. In July 1998 Danone opened its R&D facility in Israel the Danone Insitute, and later the same year in October 1998 Mr. Franck Riboud, on behalf of Danone received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Its true that Sodastream employs Palestinian laborers. } else { Since then, there have been various hummus campaigns in South Florida, San Francisco, Australia, and Chicago. Ahava means love in Hebrew, but the story behind is unromantic. The same system is also used for Israels separation barrier, which was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004. There are two types of hummus commercially sold on the market: shelf-table and refrigerated ones. Cookies, coffee, soap and even hummus - these are just some of the Israeli products one can find on the grocery stores' shelves in Gaza, written in Hebrew just like the ones in the nearby Israeli retail chains. Other companies contribute to the maintenance of an occupation through cooperation with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), whose main goal is to protect illegal settlements and exercise dominion over the lives of millions of Palestinians. Back in 2008, Lebanon tried to claim the term hummus as its ownthe Association of Lebanese Industrialists went so far as to threaten legal action in order to stop Israel from selling hummus under the name. 870,871 879). "Ortia is one of the most unhealthy hummus brands available due to its high sodium levelsthe Southwestern Spice flavor contains 150 milligrams per servingand use of canola oil," says Bloomquist. Plenty of stores carry Ahava, which means love in Hebrew. Sabra is undoubtedly the most popular hummus brand ever; they actually make up over 60% (and rising) of the US hummus market. But it also reserves a special focus for companies that are actually involved in and make hefty profits from occupation policies. But in September 2011 Agrexco went bankrupt. The makeup industry is one of the largest industries in the world just like food and clothing, and due to this conflict, there are many . In 2011, the company, which was most well known for its phones, was split into two. New Tesco House As well as violating international law, commercial farming in the area deprives Palestinians of agriculturally-rich farmland and seriously limits access to water, which local people are often forced to buy by the tank at vastly inflated prices. Strauss Coffee is currently the fifth-largest coffee company in the world, dominating the central and eastern European markets (Doncafe) as well as Brazil. Victoria's Secret, however, is not the only company to buy its materials from the settlement industry: Delta Galil also supplies to companies like Walmart, Calvin Klein, Nike and Columbia, among others. Waitrose Limited Strauss, a prominent Israeli corporation, like most Israeli companies, supports the Israeli Defense Force. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e. A hummus cafe in Israel is giving a 50 percent discount to tables mixing Jewish and Arab diners, in a campaign the owner hopes will bring people together as dozens of people have been . There is evidence that ASDA does stock goods from illegal Israeli settlements in its UK stores. or click here to become a subscriber. Get the best food tips and diet advice Boycott Israel Campaign 2012. The company admitted sourcing a number of products from illegal settlements, including avocados, herbs, grapes and stonefruit, such as peaches, from farms in the West Bank and Golan Heights. Sabra Classic Hummus: 285-743 ppb. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat. project reports. In correspondence with consumers, the retailer has described the settlement farms it works with as joint Israeli and Palestinian enterprises. Everyone knows that. According to its website, this winery is located in Israel's prime location for world-class vineyards. They began with credit card size to the now familiar A7 size, each version has seen many, many print runs, with perhaps a total distribution in excess of one million cards worldwide. (At least the brand I tried.) The Mediterranean spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, and a blend of other seasonings and spices is the ideal dip for.well, just about any snack (and sandwiches and wraps . The savory spread is versatile, is easy to make, and has multiple health benefits. Address: E dward & Sons Brown Rice Snaps (some are not oil-free so look at packaging) Mary's Gone Crackers Crackers. 2. 1. "Generally, the more ingredients you can pronounce, the less processing the product has undergone," he adds. Opinion pagesare filledwith debate, John Kerry has warned Israel that it could be facing a delegitimization campaign on steroids and voicesfrom all sidesare speculatingthat a boycott movement against Israel could be about to break into the mainstream. But according to Who Profits?, an Israeli-based organization that tracks occupation profiteers, the workers in the SodaStream factory suffer from harsh working conditions. Palestinian workers are seen as a cheap labor force to be exploited, and have complained that when they protest for better wages, they are fired. - "Poynter" fonts provided by fontsempire.com. [Jubilee Award]On October 14, 1998, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu presented a select group of international business people with the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel. For a descriptive list of Israeli products that should be subject to BDS, please visit http://www.bdslist.org. Salt. Get the best food tips and diet advice every single day, Now, you'll have the best and latest food and healthy eating news right in your inboxevery Today the remaining population from Iraq al Manshiya is still not allowed to return. Harris Teeter Traditional Artisan Hummus: 1,290-1,618 ppb. After U.S. BDS groups targeted Sabra in 2010, Strauss removed the wording from its Corporate Social Responsibility pages. Despite that, settlers in the Golan can use as much as 17 times more water per capita than the areas other inhabitants a state of affairs that is not helped by the commercial exploitation of springs. From pancake and brownie mixes to meatballs and hot sauces, there are literally dozens of brands to choose from in every food category. Instructions. Ahava is a settlement company based on the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem. It no longer sells Ahava Dead Sea products on its website, although it does advertise Estee Lauder Origins body scrubs which include Dead Sea salts. A detailed account of Coca-Colas links to Israel is provided here: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-coca-cola.html. Lower is sodium than other brands, Sabra Organic has 130 milligrams of sodium in each two tablespoons. At a meeting in 2009, James Clark, a public affairs and stakeholder relations spokesperson, told campaigners that Justin King, CEO of J Sainsbury plc, had written to Hilary Benn, Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), asking him to clarify how retailers should label goods from Israeli settlements. Example, an Israeli product will have barcode like: The following list is given according the priority as the worst at top and then second worst is next. "It will likely include more 'whole food' ingredients." Address: KIMBERLY-CLARK Keter has 12 factories in Israel, 2 of which are in the illegal settlements. Still, Motorola had a relationship with the Israeli army when it was a singular company producing phones.). (LogOut/ The abject failure of the government of Israel to uphold international law evidenced by institutionalizing and enforcing of policies of discrimination against Palestinians, emboldens my commitment to the global movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel until the demands of the 2005 BDS Call are met. Hadiklaim, the Israeli Date Growers Cooperative, which includes illegal settler plantations in the Jordan Valley, sells 65% of all Israeli dates. Email: customer.services@marks-and-spencer.com. If Scarlett Johanssons Sodastream fiasco didnt grab your attention, perhapsthe American Studies Associations boycottof Israeli universities did, orNetanyahus increasing talkof million-dollar PRcampaigns, legal offensives and diplomacy efforts to counter the BDS threat. McDonalds first restaurant in the Middle East was in Israel, opened in 1993, since then it has 160 restaurants in Israel (1996) with a 60% market share, employing around 4000 Israelis. From 1966 Coca-Cola has been a staunch supporter of Israel. Sabra Organic Traditional Hummus. Several websites help consumers avoid companies and products with ties to Israeli occupation. What Ive just read is quite an eye opener and it will take a little time to digest. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { It is a great dip, or spread, and can even be used instead of salad dressing. Yes, the boycott of Sabra hummus and Tribe hummus is targeting Israel by targeting the apartheid character of the Jewish state and the infrastructure of occupation. Ahava, which rakes in about $150 million a year, is partly owned by West Bank settlements themselves; 37.5 percent of the company is owned by the settlement of Mitzpe Shalem, while 7.5 percent is owned by the settlement of Kibbutz Kalia. says nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH and bestselling author of The One One One Diet. Campaigners have held many pickets of ASDA stores in Brighton and London in 2009 protesting against their sale of Israeli goods. Heinz; and similarly Galbani and LU Biscuits are also no longer owned by Danone. Every bar Coded product in the market contains its country code included in barcode digits. How to choose the healthiest hummus from the dizzying array of options. Great Wilson Street, Make a one-time contribution to Alternet All Access, HSBC has funded weapons and technology companies that sell to the Israeli state. 35 North Wharf Road xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Note: Jewish companies outside of Israel that do not support Israel by their produce, services or technology are not part of the Boycott. We are investigating how this error occurred.. The Straus Group is Israels second largest food company with a turnover $1.8 billion in 2010 and 13,500 employees operating twenty-five production sites in twenty-one countries around the world. The retail company has repeatedly asserted that [it has] no special relationship with any government, political party or religious group but accepts that M&S does make representations to governments in support of [its] commercial aims. M&S management has not, to our knowledge, commented on Lord Sieffs remarks in support of Zionism and has not made a statement as to whether the current management stands by them. Earlier this year, the Huffington Post reported that it has captured 60% of a hummus market whose sales have been increasing in the U.S. Sabra hummus is partly owned by an Israeli company named the Strauss Group, which has adopted an elite IDF unit. But thats not the only way American citizens contribute to the Israeli military, which has occupied Palestinian land for 46 years, and the West Bank settlement project that accompanies the occupation. Every reader contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference in allowing our newsroom to bring you the stories that matter, at a time when being informed is more important than ever. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy. Settlements like these destroy the contiguity of a future Palestinian state and are widely considered to be the biggest obstacle to the success of the peace process. Puma went on to claim that its new licensee Al Srad Ltd. does not have any operations or branches in settlements. The corporation has "adopted" the Golani Brigade, an "elite unit" of the Israeli Army with a reputation for bad behavior that ranges "from revolts against commanders to abuse of Palestinians," according to Haaretz. Here are 10 brands in the crosshairs of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. Although Waitrose has not made statements to the press about labelling, a store spokesperson said we clearly label our food to enable our customers to make informed choices. It appears unclear, however, whether Waitrose still labels some goods from illegal settlements as Made in Israel. Hewlett Packard's slogan is a predictably Silicon Valley coinage: "If you're going to do something, make it matter." Osem, the owner of Tribe Hummus, supports and partners with the Jewish National Fund, thereby making Osem complicit not only in the occupation but also well beyond. SARA LEE Meetings have been held between Sainsburys management and campaigners and NGOs about the labelling of settlement goods. In response to this call for non-violent protest, a growing number of campaigns in the U.S. and internationally are boycotting settlement products and calling for divestment from companies that profit from the illegal occupation. Tribe is the second largest hummus company in the U.S. It comes in caramelized onion, jalapeno, roasted pine nut, roasted garlic, roasted red pepper, and ~supremely spicy~. The Golani and Givati Brigades receive support from Strauss under its Adopt a Warrior Program; these brigades have well documented incidents of human rights abuses against Palestinians. Boycotting the companies, organizations, and institutions that help legitimize the illegal conduct of Israel is one thing we can do to help keep the cause of Palestine alive. In correspondence with SOAS in 2008, David Gregory, Technical Food Director for M&S, stated the following: In the past, we have sold dates from this region. Seriously. The card is designed to be carried in your wallet or purse so that when you are out shopping you know what products to avoid. PER SERVING (28 G): 60 calories, 3.5 g fat (0 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat), 170 mg sodium, 4 g carbs (1 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 2 g protein.