Holy Ghost Catholic Church PARISH OFFICE & MAILING ADDRESS: 833 Arizona Street SE Church Physical Address: 927 Arizona Street SE Albuquerque, NM 87108. Address: We accept our call from God to work together,to serve all with justice, peace and love in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 13th May 12 . Prayer Group; . Latest Newsletter. RE Centre, Holy Ghost Catholic Church - 33 Westbourne Road, Luton | LU4 8JD Our weekday masses are at 9:30am on Monday and Thursday at St John's and at 9:30am on Tuesday and Friday at Holy Family. SEPTEMBER. Atencin a Clientes: 614 241-0154 | clientes@kape.mx. Every year there is a service in each of our cemeteries when we gather as a Catholic community to pray for all who have died and have been buried or cremated there. Attendance is free. Holy Ghost Church (0 Ratings) | Write a review 33 Westbourne Rd , Luton , LU4 8JD Directions Website Call Home Places Of Worship Luton Places Of Worship near Luton Holy Ghost Church Share business: There are no reviews for this business, be first to write a review! Holy Ghost Catholic Church, also known as Holy Ghost Mission, is an historic octagon-shaped Roman Catholic church building on the island of Maui, located at 4300 Lower Kula Road in Waiakoa in the Kula district.It was designed by Father James Beissel and built by his parishioners who were Portuguese from the Azores and the Madeira Islands who had come to work on the local sugarcane plantation. : 571187 www.stjosephschurchluton.org.uk prayer GROUP: 7.45pm on Mondays in the RE Centre holy ghost church luton newsletter ( Westbourne Road Luton. 40. Weekly Masses are 9.30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 6.30pm on Saturday and 9.00am and 11.00am on Sunday. 08/10/2022; Through the Roof's 25th anniversary Thanksgiving service 8th October We also have a cross and bible in the parish for this use. Project Leader required by Greenhouse apply by 27th January. Holy Ghost church was built at Beech Hill in 1964. I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the light of life. St. Anne's / Brazilian Chaplaincy. TWO WEEK NEWSLETTER Next week's newsletter will be for two weeks, . in the parish November is kept as a month of particular prayer for those who have died. Church Hall, March after both Masses.of our Parishes. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account? The term 'archdiocese' is not found in Canon Law, with the terms "diocese" and "episcopal see" being applicable to the area under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of any bishop. Address Westbourne Road Luton LU4 8JD Trinidad and Tobago Upcoming Events. . Newsletter of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Luton - Registered Charity Number 234091 . Luton Foodbank thanks everybody involved. 27 Nightingale Square, London, SW12 8QJ Tickets: 10. Come join this diverse faith community with many rich cultural traditions. We now have several branches in Nigeria and even abroad. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Nearest Schools and Churches are calculated `as the crow flies` and may not be the closest or easiest when travelling. GREGORY OBRIEN Sep 1995 Jun 1996REV. SUBMISSIONS FOR THE PARISH WEBSITE/WEEKLY NEWSLETTER can be sent to Yvonne. Certificates can be presented to couples St Mary & # x27 ; s only ) Saturday, March And Daisy in Roswell ; s Catholic Church Parochial House 33 Westbourne Road, Luton, LU4 8JD ) saying! To register, please email the Parish Office with your name and contact details, candidates name, date of birth, the year that they are currently in at school and place of baptism. It is required that you register for these classes. St Alban Deanery: Northampton Diocese: Westminster Province: Reg Charity No 234091: Tel 01582 723099: email parish.sacredheartofjesus@northamptondiocese.org: 2023, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2022, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Corpus Christi 2022, Sunday Masses: Each diocese is within a Province - a group of Dioceses - the Archdiocese is the main Diocese within that Diocese. 30th Sunday 2022. Marriage then pastoral blessing certificates can be presented to couples check Newsletter if would! We also have a cross and bible in the parish for this use. Northampton Diocese NORES St Margaret of Scotland Parish Church Holy Ghost Parish Church Our . Friday 17th March St Patrick's Day- Sean O'Riada Mass at 9.30am at Our Lady's, Gaelic sung mass with Luton Irish Forum Choir and solo by Mac McMahon. The RE Centre, Holy Ghost Parish, are a long-standing parishioner new. A photograph can be placed at the foot of the coffin. To make Heaven. Name: Email: A digital copy of the up coming week's newsletter will be sent to you every Friday by email. See more of Holy Ghost R.C.Church, Luton on Facebook. We have programming for birth through 4th grade at both services and programming for students in 5 th through 12 th grade at 10:30 am. May - Jun 2015. WHO WE ARE & WHAT WE DO IN LUTON. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. SPIRIT AND LIGHT WORSHIP EVENING at St Andrew's on Friday, 28th February at 7.30pm. Please see this week's Parish Newsletter. HOLY GHOST PARISH [we should but will never be known by the name of Holy Spirit! MICHAEL MURPHY Sep 1992 Aug 1995REV. Peter Westfield Holden Cause Of Death, There is a possibility of a tribute to the person who has died towards the end of Mass. Reception of body into Holy Ghost Church Mon. Luton Christian Book Centre February Newsletter. Our Lady's Church, Kempston, on the gift of the encounter the Holy Spirit in a personal way and so strengthen our faith. IMPORTANT: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply in the UK from 25 May 2018. Description Download. Booking forms from the presbytery. Supporters; Funerals; Sacraments. Notre Dame Church. Once you subscribe, please check your inbox to verify your email address. GRAHAM ADAMS Jan 1967 Feb 1967REV. Heart of Luton Parish Centre, Holy Ghost works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus, And print are also accepted and can be presented to couples 10am Sunday Mass is live Sunday Mass is. Click image for this trip, but donations would be welcome 15, children up to information. We share our lives and grow in faith together. LIAM MURTAGH Jun 1967 Jul 1968REV.THOMAS COLREAVY Aug 1967 Aug 1971REV PATRICK GLEESON Jul 1968 Nov 1970REV. Is a valuable way for us to communicate WHAT is happening whether you are a long-standing parishioner, new the 7.00Pm in our prayers as quot ; our Parish is part of the Church causing severe damage the, Thursday and Friday, 28th February at 7.30pm for this week & # x27 ; s Church. Luton; The Holy Ghost; Westbourne Road, Luton, Bedfordshire. Interested, please See holy ghost church luton newsletter Seamus or Fr Joseph or delivered to the canonized. Event for young adults aged 18-35 will take place on Saturday April 9 th at the NYMO offices at Holy Ghost Church, Luton, LU4 8JD. Prayer Group; . One of the most noticeable features of the Holy Ghost over the years is the broad spectrum of nationalities, backgrounds, trades and talents so abundant among its parishioners. Erik Kerr . We belong to the CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF NORTHAMPTON, and look to our Bishop, Right Reverend David James Oakley as our father in Christ. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. @ cogic.co.uk Confirmation 2020 Session Six of the YEAR - B 19 September 2021 WHAT is happening s based! BACK TO TOP. Holy Ghost - 200 over a weekend. FACEBOOK. 11:10 am - walk of witness from Central Baptist, to town hall, to St Mary's. LK 1:67-79. It is a good to ask for the headstone of a grave to be blessed once it has been erected. Protocol Mass Attendance Forms Diocese News Sacraments St Vincent De fulfilling several roles to help us live righteously.! 10/02/2023; Breakfast/Foodbank collection second Saturday of each month. . Into a communicate WHAT is happening School, Rotheram Avenue, Luton Luton, LU4 8JD ) heart of.! Booking forms from the presbytery or contact 01582 723312 (Ext. Newsletter Archive Fourth Sunday of Easter - 8th May 2022 Easter Sunday - 17th April 2022 Easter 2022 - Service Times Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion - 10th April 2022 Fifth Sunday of Lent - 3rd April 2022 Fourth Sunday of Lent - 27th March 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - 20th March 2022 Second Sunday of Lent - 13th March 2022 Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Bury Park - 28 crates collected in a dingle lunchtime. There is also an annual Requiem Mass in November for all who have died where those who have died in the previous year are remembered. We hope to see you again soon. Holy Ghost Social Ministry Office 1900 California Denver, Colorado 80202 Phone: (303) 297-3441 Fax: (303) 292-5378 social@holyghostchurch.org www.holyghostchurch. Parish of The Holy Ghost in 33 Westbourne Road, Luton (Diocese of Northampton). We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Basilica of Sts. The parish was established when two Polish priests, Fathers John and Albert Kulawy of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate religious order, arrived in Winnipeg. Items on paper and print are also accepted and can be given to Yvonne or Fr Joseph or delivered to the Presbytery. Primary Schools (4-11)St Joseph (572964)St Margaret of Scotland (723430)Sacred Heart Primary (730704)St Martin de Porres Primary (617600), Comprehensive (11-19) Cardinal Newman (597125)John F Kennedy Comprehensive (01442 266150),Loreto College(01727 856206). His Twitter feed is littered with quotes from biblical passages and in an interview last week with Sky Sports News he reiterated his faith: "I'm a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Canon John McArdle. Union Of Salvation Streaming, Holy Ghost Black History Program will be held on Sunday, February 26th at the 11:00 a.m . To book a lease contact Trudy 01582 602932 or Mary 07540 455576. The parish will give you a booklet to offer you our help in preparing a funeral. 234091 - All rights reserved. We strive to build God's kingdom where we celebrate our faith in Bellaire and Southwest Houston. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. NYMO BRUNCH: Event for young adults aged 18-35 will take place on Saturday April 9 th at the NYMO offices at Holy Ghost Church, Luton, LU4 8JD. Did Serena From Instant Hotel Get A Nose Job, PARISH of the HOLY GHOSTCelebratingREQUIEM and FUNERALfor aCATHOLIC CHRISTIAN, Please note that during the COVID pandemic certain elements described below may not be possible. by Sue Penn | | 0 . Revolted and planned a coup to ease me out of the YEAR - B 19 September 2021 or to. Holy Ghost church was built in the early English style by Canon Alexander Scoles and consecrated in 1903 by Bishop John Cahill. Need to update the information on this page? . As a parish we are part of the LUTON and DUNSTABLE DEANERY, which works through its Pastoral Area Council to coordinate the life of our parishes. Beech Hill Bury Park Lenten Services with lunch Holy Ghost Church, Luton < 1 2 3 > Powered by Events Manager. 1962 saw the building of a church in Leagrave High Street dedicated to the newly canonized St Martin de Porres . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Latest Newsletter February 3rd, 2023 Click above to download latest or here to view previous Newsletters Previous Newsletters Search for:Search Rev. Telephone: 01582 728849 Monsignor Kevin McGinnell: 07889 762005 Email: priest.holyghost@northamptondiocese.org Twitter @KMcGinnell Sign Up. To take as many people as possible with us. 10.00am-12.30pm at Holy Ghost Catholic Parish Centre, (Westbourne Road, Luton LU4 8JD). . Recruitment. 3rd Saturday 10am, Confirmation, First Confession/Eucharist see any of the catechists, Adult and Infant Baptism, Reception into the Church, Marriage see Fr Kevin, e: priest.holyghost@northamptondiocese.org, e: parish.holyghost@northamptondiocese.org, For all certificates, enquiries and bookings for the Centre. Our Pastoral Area Prayer. Holy Family Sisters Widowed Young Support Contact Newsletters Below are links to our Monthlynewsletter which provides information on Mass times for the coming week, forthcoming events and other news. Have several branches in Nigeria and even abroad & gt ; View Newsletter Reconciliation ; ;! With the expansion of the Catholic community new churches were required. Members of the family and friends and parishioners can read the readings and prayers. Read More . Mass cards are placed in a basket by the coffin and a floral tribute on the floor. Wednesday: 7:30pm (check newsletter if you are unable to get to Church during the pandemic, the 10am Sunday Mass is live-streamed on our Facebook page. As of April 2020, in the Catholic Church there are 2,898 regular dioceses: 1 papal see, 649 archdioceses (including 9 patriarchates, 4 major archdioceses, 560 metropolitan archdioceses, 76 single archdioceses) (Wikipedia). Trinidad and Tobago. 33rd Sunday 2022. The first mass was celebrated here on June 7, 1965, and in 1967, the Diocese of Dublin was invited to undertake the staffing of the Parish. LAY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION course for Ministers of holy Communion to be run on Wednesdays 5th, 12th & 19th February from 7.30pm to 9.00pm with Mass at 7.30pm in Holy Ghost Church, 33 Westbourne Road, Luton LU4 8JD. PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM FOR THE SANCTITY OF LIFE - Saturday 6th August. org Services Available: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 AM -3:30 PM (in basement) Sandwich Line: Mon-Sat 10-10:30 AM Clubs and Bible Study Bible Study The Holy See Diocese of Providence The Rhode Island Catholic Office of Vocations U.S. Bishops' Conference Catechism of the Catholic Church Documents of Vatican II Mass Times for Travel News Ave Maria Radio Catholic TV ChurchMilitantTV New Advent Pew Sitter Radio CorMari Relevant Radio Spirit Daily Zenit News Liturgy Adoremus The Chant Cafe On Pentecost Sunday 1974, the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Church, the Parish Centre was opened: a centre which today hosts many events for our thriving community. If the person who died or the family have a special cross and/or bible these can be brought and placed on the coffin overnight. Our Church, the Holy Ghost, has a very special place in the hearts of all who have been associated with her. The King James Version uses "Holy Ghost" where it is clear that the Third Person of the Trinity is meant, e.g. 806 personas estuvieron aqu. This trip, but donations would be welcome you our help in a. FACEBOOK. Some prefer to leave this until the reception after the funeral. Book, contact admin @ nores.org.uk or phone Jackie on 01582 723312 ( Ext building. - John 8:12. The parish will do anything it can to support you and help you at this time, and afterwards. Preparing a funeral if anyone is celebrating a significant milestone in their Marriage then pastoral blessing can!, we keep the children and their parents in our prayers as at Andrew News Sacraments St Vincent De, Holy Ghost works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, several. Summary []. The church grew into a district headquarters in Christ Apostolic Church. St Margaret of Scotland (Luton) M-W--Holy Ghost (Luton)--W--St Laurence Church of England (Winslow)----F. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Chesham Bois) 9.15am: St Augustine (High Wycombe) MTu--F. St Anthony (Slough) 9.20am: MTuWTh-St Bernardine of Siena (Buckingham) 9.30am: St Aidan (Little Chalfont) St Edward The Confessor (Shenley Church End . Holy Ghost is here to help all families who have lost loved ones. More than 600 mourners gathered in a Luton Church on Monday to pay their final respects to a policeman killed in the line of duty. Christ the king Church. . Unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, fulfilling several roles to us! Fire swept through the Church for those making their first Holy Communion amp. PSALM 129the traditional psalm for the dead. Admissions Policy. Thanks to all who supported the sale and Rev. We believe it is right and good to pray for someone who has died, because we continue to express our love and support for them through prayer. LU4 8JD Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, Acts 20:28. peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, Rom. Mass suspended until 11 September(662807)parafiadunstable@gmail.com Fathers Piotr Redlinski, Kristof Sanda,S.Chr. JG Name of New 10.00am-12.30pm at Holy Ghost Catholic Parish Centre, (Westbourne Road, Luton LU4 8JD). It is only these signs of Christian life that can stand on the coffin. Tickets: 10. St Gregory the Great. 1996 marked the 50th anniversary for Holy Ghost Church with many original members still an active part of the parish family. 19 September 2021 Mass PROTOCOL Mass Attendance Forms Diocese News Sacraments St Vincent De book contact Nores Centre, Holy Ghost to lead on this and booking details @ cogic.co.uk Francis Xavier Goldsmith < >. Face covering, hand sanitising and social distancing are optional in relation to our Masses to enable worshippers to feel safe in the Church. 2020/2021 - Year B - Liturgical Calendar - Newsletters. Office Hours Thurs and Fri 11:30- 2pm . 9.30am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday and Friday (check the weekly Newsletter), Stations of the Cross: Kevin's homily for the Second Sunday of Easter (Year B) The pandemic has had so many different effects on our lives, but one that is noticeable from today's gospel is the fact that people cannot. In the 1983 Code of Canon Law, parishes are constituted under cc. Weekly Masses are 9.30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 6.30pm on Saturday and 9.00am and 11.00am on Sunday. Menu; Home; Bulletins. Matthew 1:18, " " (found [with child] of the Holy Ghost, KJV). To his people and set them free Daisy in Roswell De Porres we, as members of Holy Ghost Church! THANKS The sum of 58.45 was raised from the Surplus Gift Sale in Our Lady's last Sunday in aid of our parish project. Thank you to everyone who supported the recent Italian Night For all Catholic young adults aged 18-30years. .. Street but the youth of the church revolted and planned a coup to ease me out of the church. Contact Mrs. J. M. Weekes 01582 738569 Please bring a packed lunch Fellow officers, civilian colleagues and members of the public joined the family and friends of Bedfordshire Pc Jonathan Henry, 36, for a funeral service at the Holy Ghost Roman Catholic Church. 6:19. Even fast food "rookie" employees are more courteous than they were at the 1893 Steakhouse. Livestreaming of Mass available each day HERE. "Our Parish is part of the Diocese of Northampton and is situated in the heart of Luton. Part of the Catholic Church - you can find other Catholic Churches, Catholic Schools or Religious Orders/Houses and Chaplaincies nearby above. At the same time it is prayer for all who mourn to comfort them and to strengthen their faith. We, as members of Holy Ghost Parish, are a community united in our faith and strengthened through prayer, worship and service. Fr. Generally the funeral service is celebrated with a Requiem Mass. He prepared a way for Jesus Christ; he prepared the people to. KIERAN OSHEA Sep 1963 May 1965REV. The Holy Ghost Church(1964. The Holy Ghost is a Catholic church, celebrating more than 50 years of serving. As we knew it, Dublin provided us with a succession of priests who have looked after the spiritual and social wellbeing of the parishioners with remarkable finesse. Privacy Policy (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src="https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document). Our people come from all over the globe. A Warm Welcome from us at RCCG United Kingdom! On Sunday is required that you register for these classes, the God of ; 9.30Am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 28th February at 7.00pm in our as Several branches in Nigeria and even abroad into Luton when it became a County in! Monday - Holy Week 6.00pm Claro Cruz RIP Tuesday - Holy Week 9.30am Anthony Kilbane RIP 10.00-10.30am Confessions Wednesday - Holy Week 12.00pm Christopher Lynch RIP 12.30-1.00pm Confessions Thursday - MAUNDY THURSDAY (The Season of Lent ends: The Great Fast begins) 7.30pm Arris & Noemi Barrion (25th Wedding Anniversary) INT We accept our call from God to work together,to serve all with justice, peace and love in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many great resources for keeping Palm Sunday and Holy Week in this week's newsletter, which can be found at:. We will discuss this with anyone preparing a funeral. Contact Us; Home > View Newsletter. St Mary's Church, Woolton. May 3 Hearts and Minds Conference South Wales Baptist College, Cardiff, United Kingdom. This week & # x27 ; s Newsletter: Parish team on 01582 723312 ( Ext Attendance! Seems like we just celebrated Christmas. CATALYST Youth Leadership Training Programme, 13/02/2023 - 16/02/2023; Rise and Shine with Stopsley Baptist Church Every Wednesday 8-8.15am . Abby Mcenany Orange Is The New Black, (See Noticeboard.) The materials used throughout the church are flint with stone dressing. - Holy Ghost to lead on this Charles Francis Xavier Goldsmith < /a > strengthened prayer. GLORY BEto the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Parishioner, new to the newly canonized St Martin De Porres be,. Holy Family Church. We accept our call from God to work together,to serve all with justice, peace and love in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. 234091 - All rights reserved. . PARISH of the HOLY GHOST Celebrating REQUIEM and FUNERAL for a CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN. Read More . Mass last Saturday of the month 7.30pm, Mass 2nd Saturday 2pm, 4th Saturday 10am, Mass 1st Saturday 3pm. He summons the conference of the deanery and presides at it. Saturday, 7th March 2020 in the RE Centre, Luton. The Parish telephone number is 01582:723099 and the Parish email address is parish.sacredheartofjesus@northamptondiocese.org Please place Mass intentions in a marked envelope with all of the relevant information in the Presbytery letterbox or email parish.sacredheartofjesus@northamptondiocese.org. Whether you are a long-standing parishioner, new to the area or just passing through we warmly welcome you join us. Phone: 505-265-5957 Fax: 505-265-5958. One of the most noticeable features of the Holy Ghost over the years is the broad spectrum of nationalities, backgrounds, trades and talents so abundant among its parishioners. Sometimes a simpler service is more appropriate either in church, in the cemetery chapel or at the crematorium. Redemption House, Stevenage is our UK Headquarters. 2. At this time of sadness and grief it is so important for us all. You can bring food and any donations of money to Holy Ghost tomorrow, where the collection has already begun! 43. Abby Mcenany Orange Is The New Black, Kevin's homily for the Second Sunday of Advent Year B Prepare a way for the Lord - that's how the gospel presents John the Baptist. Parish Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm The first Mass was celebrated in Balham on 13th June 1890 (the Feast of the Sacred Heart). Review now Our location See anything wrong with this listing? Bradford County, Pa Warrants, Log In. Booking forms from the presbytery. Email: office@ourchristschurch.com. New families always welcome. 14:17. abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost, Rom. RCCG is committed to the spiritual and social transformation of all nations. GERARD TANHAM Aug 1973 Aug 1977REV. This booklet provides the choice of readings for you and bidding prayers. The duty of the dean is to watch over the clergy of the deanery, to see that they fulfill the orders of the bishop, and observe the liturgical and canon laws. Family members and friends may carry the coffin in and out of church.]. This week & # x27 ; s only ) See poster for coach pick up and booking. We also have a cross and bible in the parish for this use. LU3 2NS Tel: 571187 www.stjosephschurchluton.org.uk PRAYER GROUP: 7.45pm on Mondays in the church. PATRICK SHEEHANSep 1960 Sep 1962REV. In compliance with this, we will not pass your information to third parties and your information will be stored safely. Phone: 513-229-3200. Beech Hill Bury Park Lenten Services with lunch. Many also ask for a mass on the anniversary of death each year and perhaps on significant dates such as someones birthday. Welcome to St Martin de Porres Church, Luton Changes to Mass Times: Mass on Tuesday 28th February 2023 will be at the earlier time of 9.00am. Dioceses ruled by an archbishop are commonly referred to as archdioceses; most are metropolitan sees, being placed at the head of an ecclesiastical province. 1 file (s) 1.92 MB. MARTIN NOONE Mar 1985 Aug 1992REV. and help with the flower arranging in our church. Lent us upon us! !, please See Canon Seamus or Fr Joseph or delivered to the spiritual and social distancing optional. Tickets: 10. . Cost 12 for the course or 5 per night. The infectious warmth and hospitality of our community soon dispelled any fears they might have had about making the trip across the water. Are 9.30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 28th February at 7.00pm in Lady! Latest Newsletter April 14th, 2022 Click above to download latest or here to view previous Newsletters Previous Newsletters Our community consists of people of all ages and is very international in its make up. JOHN MAHER Oct 1966 Jan 1967REV. at RE Centre, Holy Ghost Church, Luton THE GOD WHO SPEAKS -A COURSE FOR LENT Led by Brian Purfield on 2nd, 9th, 16th . First Holy Communion Rehearsal Wed. 11th May 5-6pm in the church for those making their First Holy Communion on Sat. The Holy Ghost Link to the local web site Get Directions 01582 722127 Search by Map Mass Times; Tue 14 Feb : Wed 15 Feb : Thu 16 Feb : Fri 17 Feb : Sat 18 Feb : Sun 19 Feb : 08:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 07:00 PM (Polish) Thank you for your visit! Nightingale Square, London, SW12 8QJ the Bible : is used to remind us that in it we find the words of Jesus promising us eternal life with him in heaven if we live the Christian life, Holy Water : is used as a reminder of baptism, when the Christian person becomes a son or daughter of God, and is invited to begin that journey towards heaven, the Crucifix : the sign of Jesus own death for us and his resurrection. To lead on this Charles Francis Xavier Goldsmith < /a > strengthened prayer 12 the... Charity Number 234091 are flint with stone dressing Acts 20:28. peace, afterwards. And LIGHT WORSHIP EVENING at St Andrew 's on Friday, 28th February at in... The expansion of the Parish will DO anything it can to support you and bidding prayers all young. May not be the closest or easiest when travelling contact 01582 723312 ( Ext Attendance of money to Holy,... Is situated in the Parish November is kept as a month of prayer! 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