It is a registered rabbitry through ARBA. This is not simply a business and we dont run a bunny mill. How To Tell The Difference Between Hares And Rabbits. That is where I got my first pair. SO, if you are serious about purchasing one of our baby bunnies, we will hold one with a $35 deposit. Search our extensive list of dogs, cats and other pets available for adoption and rescue near you. If anyone could help, please drop me a line. Black Himalayans are the only true and pure Himalayans*. I :: J :: Netherland Dwarf, Mini Rex, Lionhead, Jersey Woolly, Holland Lop Multi colored female. Orange, Fawn, tortoise, sable point. We specialize in blue eyed white and blue eyed color varieties in each breed. 10 week Holland lop bunny for sale. If you sell rabbits, you're invited to submit a FREE rabbitry listing!. Lisa P. ID verified. The Netherland Dwarf Official Guidebook is an informative compendium of knowledge about the Netherland Dwarf breed of rabbit and its sponsoring National Breed Club, the ANDRC. I also rescue rabbits and help them find forever homes! Bernville, Pennsylvania We are a Family Owned, Professional Small Rabbitry and Members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and the American Netherland Dwarf Club (ANDC) for many years. Rabbit. All our bunnies are kept inside all year and enjoy heat, air conditioning, and a lot of play time. Logans Lops Rabbitry Otter, Tan, Silver Marten, Smoke Pearl Marten, Sable Marten. One thing led to another. Pets and Animals Madison 200 $. We exclusively raise Netherland Dwarf bunnies . These bunnies are great for beginners. All Jersey Rabbitry ARBA Reg C225 Bunnies are handed daily very very friendly ! It is a pointed pig, which means that it has a white body, with darker highlights (usually black or brown) on the ears, nose and feet. Himalayans are one of the oldest breeds of rabbit known throughout the world, dating back to ancient times in countries like China, Tibet, and Russia. The babies we sell are also litter trained, pedigreed and come with care instructions and an initial supply of food. Dutch Netherland Dwarf, Holland Lop, Lionhead, BEW, Mini Lop, Dutch, Mini Rex Campbell, Texas We are working for the best temperament along with proper standard of the breed. Available in a great assortment of colors! Any questions please go ahead and send me a text 609-439-2297 This list is part of our state rabbit breeders index. Find Himalayans Rabbits & Bunnies for sale in Fenny Castle at the UK's largest independent free classifieds site. We are members of both ARBA and HLRSC. Check out more breeder pages: Blanc de Hotot, Californian, Cinnamon, Havana. (If this describes you, click through to the Rabbit Classifieds - the submission form for your 30-day classified ad is at the bottom of that page.). Safe to breed to Himalayan: Black, blue, chocolate, lilac, Siamese sable, seal, and smoke pearl. Smaller than most rabbit breeds, Netherland Dwarf rabbits weigh between 1.5 - 2.5 pounds. Comes with hay, pellet and bedding starter pack As a family owned and operated Rabbitry, this allows my 2 young daughters 9 & 3 years old, to help hand raise every litter thats born here. Their gentle, loving nature puts them in a class unto itself. Holland Lop, Mini lop, European Teddywidder Their gentle, loving nature puts them in a class unto itself. Velveteen Lops, French Angora, Japanese and Magpie Harlequin - California Rabbit Rescue - ADOPTIONS - Rescue Me! House Rabbit Society, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is the nation's largest rabbit welfare group. Avoid all agouti and tan pattern colors, because only the self-pattern Himalayan can be shown. NJ, New Jersey Third: Our Rabbit Classifiedspage includes 30 day listings for: This is where we list rabbits or litters for sale by individuals who happen to have extra rabbits or bunnies but aren't regular rabbit breeders. It is your responsibility as a prospective It is our goal to breed happy, healthy rabbits that are equally at home in the show ring or the living room coach. Lori McCorkle A Breeder Brandon, FL, US (813) 295-4807 Facebook Instagram Member Since: Sep 03, 2016. Locate breeders of Himalayan Rabbits using our Rabbit Breeders Directory or submit your own rabbitry today. Members of: ARBA, WSRBA, American Mini Lop Rabbit Club (AMLRC), American Himalayan Rabbit Association (AHRA), National Mini Rex Club (NMRC) First: Check out the rabbitries featured on Raising-Rabbits. Canada, QuebecMapleRidge Stables RabbitryHimalayan Rabbits, KentuckyGoshen BunniesHolland Lop and Mini Plush Lop, New JerseyGo Bunny TreatsAll Natural Rabbit TreatsBelle's Bunny BoutiqueHolland Lops & Mini Lion Lops, North CarolinaWhat The Fluffle RabbitryNew Zealands, ChampagnesBreadbox RabbitryNetherland DwarfsThe Farm at Fort MillHolland Lops(Right across the South Carolina border at Charlotte), PennsylvaniaHappily Ever AfterMini Plush Lops, Holland Lops,Netherland Dwarf, Lionhead,Mini Plush Lop, & Mini RexBunnies by Emma and EllieHolland Lop, Mini Lop,Mini Plush Lop,Mini Rex/Holland Lop Mix, Rhode IslandShepherds Purse RabbitryMini Rex and Holland Lops, South CarolinaThe Farm at Fort MillHolland Lops, WashingtonCotton Candie TailsLionheads, Vienna-Marked. If you are a current member of the AHC, please fill Coineanach French lop rabbits usually weigh between 10 and 15 pounds. You might hope to buy from an individual but take note that you also have to do your research and check for customer testimonials to avoid getting rabbits that are already sick. I would like to find a different type of breed though. . We are members of the America Rabbit Breeders Association as well as members of the American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders., Kathleen Seery Send us your country, city, and area code to obtain a shipping quote. These are agouti beauties, all pedigreed with papers. Since our babies are handled and played with every single day, they are the friendliest that they can be, and we take great pride in that. My name is Sophia Marion I am in alpaca 4H, I raise English and French angora rabbits for show and fiber. A Christmas miracle. 64 Pages. 4 month old calm bunny who has been litter trained. I have three children 2 girls, and 11-year-old and five-year-old and a 4 month old boy . 4 delicious flavors! We are known for our various selection of pets, stunning colors, exceptional pet quality and temperment. 2002-2018 The Atlantic Himalayan Club - All rights reservedOur photographs are copyrighted by the individual photographers - we ask that you respect their copyrights. Second: Check our lists of rabbit breeders. rabbit news, husbandry and health tips mostly every month. Dark brown Havana bunny looking for a new home. Lumberton, New Jersey We love all our rabbits and do all we can to give them the best life possible, passing that love on to the person they go home with. It's easy - we only need your email address, then hit the 'subscribe' button. 2 light grey RESERVED/SOLD MUM IS A NETHERLAND DWARF X ENGLISH LOP DAD IS A NETHERLAND DWARF 2 LIGHT GREY - 1 HAS A LITTLE WHITE MARK ON ITS NOSE. (609)827-8011, Kelly Traband Garden Tail Rabbitry Rabbitry 2017 Hopping furball Rabbitry Netherland dwarf rabbits are the SMALLEST breed of bunny. Baby bunnies for sale which were born on Christmas eve. Subscribe toRabbit Rhythms, our e-newsletter !, Eshawn Hoffler Chesterfield, New Jersey Rex Here are the featured rabbitries, and you can also visit our Featured Rabbit Breeder Index page: The Fluffy Bunny Rabbitry We are a loving rabbitry located in monroe township, in middlesex country. Wildfire Rabbitry Please contact me with any questions and check out my website for availability! Mini Lop The best way to find rabbits (with good pedigree) that are for sale is to find and locate verified breeders. (862)251-3888, Madelynne Arnotte A family-run rabbitry with three different breeds Netherland Dwarf, Holland Lop and Lionhead. Were sure their small size, curious personalities and sweet faces will charm you as well! Appomattox, Virginia My email address is; feel free to comtact me and ask about upcoming litters. Enquiries very welcome! Blairstown, New Jersey I do have a waiting list usually, so the sooner you get on it the better. My name is Layla, and Ive been in the rabbit business for about 8 and a half years now., Troy Sigrist Clementon, New Jersey And put another one up, youre better off texting me and asking me what I have and getting pictures or coming to visit my house in Southampton New Jersey 08088. Email Nicole with questions or pictures! Gentle Giant Rabbitry 4326 Leavitt Road Suite G. Lorain, OH 44053-2370. Litter trained and used to Humans, big dogs and even otger types of farm animlas such as pigs and goats. $40 on pedigree. Mudder Farm and Homestead Rabbitry furrbcats. Hill Top Rabbitry Our mini lops are very good show quality so we usually sell them to people who are in 4h or want to show rabbits. We welcome anyone interested in finding a docile rabbit for there child no matter what there age to come and visit our Himalayans. Williamstown, New Jersey I refer all of my customers back to your website and bookif they have questions!" This often happens when the rabbit lies against a cold metal divider or feeder overnight. Homestead Dream We usually have bunnies for sale, but if not we have a fast moving waiting list., Aria Lee These rabbits consume a diet that is 70% higher quality hay and another 30a nutritious combination of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and pellets. $25 Unpedigree. If you're already listed, but need to correct some information, please fill i have had rabbits all most all my life and so did my mom and her sisters. Origin - California USA, 1920s Appearance - Large but compact bodies Colors - Frequently colored like a Himalayan, they are white with black points about the ears, nose, tail, and feet Disposition - Calm, friendly Activity - High, playful, adventurous Size - About 5 pounds Lifespan - 5 to 10 years Origin - Belgium and France I breed Mini Rex, Dwarf Hotot, Lion Head, Havana(mixed). They are people oriented and prefer to spend most of their time with their owners. We are a mother and daughter team sharing our passion of rabbits. This is a FREE service in order to benefit rabbit breeders everywhere. Netherland Dwarf Age: 3 weeks Mixed. The Californian rabbit, for example, was created by crossing Himalayans with New Zealand White rabbits and Chinchilla rabbits. Open If you already know what youre looking for and want a specific rabbit breed, you can also take a look at our updated list of breeders of these popular rabbit breeds: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Holland Lop is a breed of rabbit originating in the Netherlands. Im a member of both American Rabbit Breeders Association and American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club. We are an ARBA registered rabbitry as well as members of several specialty clubs and 4H. Bridgeport, New Jersey Be sure to contact me as soon as you are interested, as my bunnies do not last long, so you can have a beautiful and sweet bunny companion to add to your family. Our adorable and affectionate rabbits are sure to win over your hearts. This really helps each kit grow comfortable with heavy handling that is typical with younger children, as the learn how to handle the bunnies. Baker Family Rabbitry Welcome to the wonderful world of Himalayans. Small Rabbitry bred for temperment and perfection. 50. All bunnies come with a pedigree. 732-347-0785. These breeders usually run their own rabbitry, most of them out of a farm, and have a history of breeding healthy and happy rabbits. We get a lot of families that come and buy the bunnies just for pets. Purebred Himalayan kittens for Adoption Purebred registered Himalayan kittens looking for their terrific permanently houses. Our Rabbitry is a small Rabbitry, with 6 outside pens and 4-5 inside. Good quality lionhead rabbits for sale in Morris County, New Jersey. At the same time, there are likely very few rabbits in the local shelter, despite what the animal rights propagandists say. There are several banners you can choose from There will be the national show on Saturday along with 2 all breed shows hosted by the Illinois Rabbit Breeders Association State Club (IRBA) and on Sunday a Himalayan Specialty show along with an all breed show with the IRBA. . We also sell them as pets as well. This is what we know of this remarkable little rabbit of the ages. SORRY NO SHIPPING Currently has a Lion Cut. Address. Swedesboro, New Jersey Columbia, New Jersey Himalayan Cat Traits Netherland Dwarf, Bew Jersey Wooly, Madelynne Arnotte We are a family owned and operated rabbitry. Bluewood Bunnies I specialise in self, chinchilla, agouti & butterfly/broken patterns. We are not able to make any guarantees about the breeders listed here, or The Ultimate My helper, Matthew Hervilly, and I (Matt has missed a few shows) , have traveled extensively showing our rabbits. You can also opt to adopt by looking through different shelters and rabbit rescues in your area., Mandi Wilson I recommend that you always buy from ARBA/BRC accredited breeders so that you are sure of your rabbits pedigree. I refer all of my customers back to your website and. Getrabbit news, husbandry and health tips mostly every month. My present 4 week old litter actually climbs on their FATHERS back and roams in his pellet dish. This breed comes in 35 colors. Very friendly and cuddly. We are a small mother/daughter Rabbitry located in southern New Jersey. Buena, New Jersey Looking for giant chinchilla rabbit. Proudly helping you connect with rabbit breeders in the great state of New Jersey and find rabbits for sale. Silver Fox, Rex Cross My rabbitry is a small, roughly 20 hole rabbitry focused on personality and quality. We primarily specialize in Oranges (and other Agouti . Plainfield, Indiana Locate breeders of Himalayan Rabbits using our Rabbit Breeders Directory or submit your own rabbitry today. My theory is that this late start to the color is due to the hot nestbox, and another breeder added that perhaps the extremities show color because they are the farthest away from the internal heat source of the rabbit. Celestial Gems Rabbitry-, Robin Muchnick Flemish Giants Relaxed language, at-a-glance charts and 80+ color photos make grasping the mysteries of coat color genetics seem not so hard after all. The Himalayan rabbit plays a major role in the development of many other rabbit breeds. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Netherland Dwarf, Mini Lop We take our responsibilities very seriously and strive to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all our pets. The average price for a Himalayan is about $25 to $60, with show rabbits at the higher price end. At my rabbitry i try to focus on the lionhead breed i have been in the 4h for 4 years rasing rabbits if you are interested in getting a rabbit check out my website if you dont see a rabbit that you want i may have litters coming up Pets and Animals Richmond 650 $ View pictures Purebred Seal Point Himalayan Kittens Beautiful little Seal Point Himalayan Kittens. We have a variety of different bunnies available year round. Details / Contact. My primary breeds are Belgian Hares, Checkered Giants and Standard Chinchillas. Mr T Oversby, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Tel07715 244629 Email: Breeder and exhibitor of MINI LOPS, Mrs A Taylor, Fillongley, Coventry, Mob: 07929 314356 MINIATURE LOP (black, black otter, agouti), Mrs L Trenaman, Newton Abbot, Devon, Tel:01803 813638 Mob: 07512 427784 Email: MINI LOP (orange, butterfly, chocolate mantle). Nice blue silver fox and black silver fox. I want more info! As you have already selected them as your breed, I hope that you will remain with Himalayans for many years to come. We are a member of ARBA, MLRA, HRBA, SJRBA, and the local 4H. I soon got into some New Zealands. Youth Girl;s have found Male-Seal Point & Female-Torte Point - 500 Bad Axe, Michigan [United States] rachelosantowski Cats and Kittens, Himalayan The Male his name is Sully-DOB-2/2/18. . Layla DeGroff Letters of Intent are in! We are a small rabbitry located in Northern New Jersey we show in ARBA shows all around and have belonged to 4-h for many many years we now have our own rabbit 4-h club ! Franklin Lakes , New Jersey 347-838-0920, Brian Garots 2) Check the Rabbit-Breeders-Near-You Listings on Our Rabbit Breeder listings are organized by state, and internationally by country. Best Opposite of Breed, 2022 AHRA Nationals Denver, Colorado Woodbridge, New Jersey VP Valley Farm Rabbitry (What the Fluffle Rabbitry in NC). This is caused by a gene that is commonly called the "Himalayan gene", symbolized by the letters ch. Pet Supplies Plus. All of our rabbits are kept inside our bunny barn. Looking forward in working with you !! Fuzzy Lops are a small breed only 3 to 3 1/2 pounds Full Grown. The best way to find rabbits (with good pedigree) that are for sale is to find and locate verified breeders. * Affiliate Links*As an affiliate of several companies, including, we earn from qualifying purchases. ), Rabbit Classifieds | Rabbits Wanted and For Sale. Breeder Listing The ARBA Breeder List represents only those who have purchased this service. Some say it did indeed originate somewhere in the Himalayan mountain area, however others describe it being seen in other areas of the world. This effect is called nest box chilling and can also happen when a does milk doesnt come in right away and the kits lose body heat. Our High Quality, Beautiful, Friendly Pure Bred American Fuzzy Lops babies are available year round. And himalayan rabbit breeders near me Chinchillas ahead and send me a line, rabbit Classifieds | Wanted! More breeder pages: Blanc de Hotot, Californian, Cinnamon, Havana Rabbitry please me. Arba, MLRA, HRBA, SJRBA, and area code to obtain a shipping quote companies, including,..., Fawn, tortoise, sable point SMALLEST breed of rabbit originating in the rabbit business for about 8 a... That you will remain with Himalayans for many years to come pages: Blanc de Hotot,,. Small Rabbitry, with show rabbits at the higher price end, so the sooner you get on it better. Most of their time with their owners Hopping furball Rabbitry Netherland Dwarf rabbits are kept inside all year and heat! The local 4H, you & # x27 ; re invited to submit a FREE service in to! Of their time with their owners a text 609-439-2297 this list is part our... 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