Third-party tickets will not be honored. based on Felipes stand-up material and starring Felipe and Paul Rodriguez as Great show I was in tears laughing. During the trip, they were stopped at a checkpoint in San Clemente, California and he was held in a holding cell with his brothers, separate from their mother for a short period of time. I've followed Felipe since last comic standing and he would probably be a lot bigger if he was a cleaner comic. They changed cars twice and were driven to Carson, California. up fool?" Many people may not know Felipe is actually the first person to ever give Gabriel stage time way back in 1998. I feel bad for the person sitting next to me and my incessant shifting. Comedian and actor Felipe Esparza got his start in comedy all because someone asked him to list 5 goals in life. You must present ID at the venue, and the ticketholder's name must match the name on the ticket. LINKS Joseph Lucero: INSTAGRAM: @Joseph_Raymond_Lucero Johnny Roque: INSTAGRAM: @RoqueJohnny Felipe Esparza: TWITTER: @FunnyFelipe INSTAGRAM: @FelipeEsparzaComedian Rodrigo . I had a lot of fun Felipe is excellent and always has new material. I saw him back a few years ago and he made it a point to show us the clock for his allotted time, and then proceeded to perform for an hour after it was supposed to be up. Dude did like a 2.5 hour set and was riffing on our city and surrounding cities, absolutely killing it. June 14, 2012 that focuses on interesting stories with celebrities and everyday people. The guy who hasnt changed and probably never will. Get more podcast content and merch on our website website: Connect with other listeners in our facebook group: IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN STARTING YOUR OWN PODCAST, JOIN JOEL'S ONLINE PODCASTING COURSE HERE: If you havent done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcast by clicking on the link below. Now all we have to do is speak with Gabriel. I don't understand the logic of a successful comic, who's material is 99% original, stealing a joke and risking everything. And I'm sure you are the exact opposite of what someone else wants to be. Nope. Did Gabriel Iglesias Steal Jokes from Felipe Esparza. My favorite is Felipes detailed account of breaking Gabriels toilet and having him pay for it. . As a musician, I inow plenty of songs share the same chord progression and basic rhythm that are not stealing from one another, it's just basic music theory that drives it. local news and culture, Olivia Flores Alvarez Gabriel Iglesias, also known as Fluffy, is one of the biggest comedians in the world. Breaking into the comedy scene after directing, editing, and acting in videos on Instagram and writing viral tweets, this show will offer fans a chance to see the rising star onstage in an intimate setting. I imagine that as both of them became more famous and went their own ways that effect was lost. I don't know why. Comedian and actor Felipe Esparza got his start as a comedian all because someone asked him to list 5 goals in life. Doral Academy - Cactus Campus (8/24-8/24), Christ the King Catholic Secondary School (4/28-5/06), Cornerstone Chrisitan Academy (3/10-3/24), Legacy Traditional School - North V (3/31-4/02), Summerlin Library & Perf Arts C (3/29-4/29), Modern Showroom Alexis Park Resort Hotel (3/03-12/31), E! Felipe claims, half of his act is about me. He won Last Comic Standing in 2010. Listeners will learn about: Growing up in the hood, Being a drug dealer, Breaking a hotel . Deterioro democrtico. Can't wait for Felipe to be back to SD!!! When we do a theatre that was 90% Mexican, I would only do 5 minutes. His blend of down-to-earth humor along with amazing impressions quickly earned him an audience, and today, he performs in front of sold-out stadiums. Entertainment Television founder Larry Namer and The Academy of Digital Art, Sciences, & Culture founding member Chris J. Snook have joined forces to revolutionize the awards show concept with the foundation of the NFTY Annual Awards. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He's not sure why, but we think it might have something to do with a Houston hotel room he destroyed while on tour. This interview shows Felipe Esparza like never before. Hard to know anything without examples either. From a comedic standpoint, this shit sounds about the same. He began performing stand-up in 1994. This interview shows Felipe Esparza like never before. I shut up. Wouldnt you feel bad if you led a mob that destroyed someone who didnt do anything? However, this is just one side of the story. Standup comedian for 26 years. Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego. I've heard Esparza talk about this before in another interview or on his own podcast (can't remember which). You have recently seen Esparza winning the 7th season of "Last Comic Standing," and appearing on the new Comedy Central series, "Russell Simmons Presents: Stand-Up at the El Rey." When: 8 p.m. Saturday. Listen and enjoy! !He was giving the vetrans his attention and respect and showed that he wasnt gonna stop paying attention to them because he respects them even on the red carpet. Tickets go on sale to the public on Friday, March 4, 2023 at 10 a.m. PST. . father and son. His father had left the family to go to the United States alone. Felipe Esparza recently revealed his unsettled beef with comedian Gabriel Iglesias on Hot Breath! After 16 years of stand-up comedy various television appearances and two movies Felipe walked away with the title prize on NBCs Last Comic Standing in 2010. Gabriel didn't want to pay him more. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Other TV credits include: ABCs "Comics Unleashed," Showtimes "Comics Without Over the years I've noticed so many changes in all the neighborhoods around me. Video: Biography: . 100 meet and greet tickets will be available for $100 each on top of the selected ticket price. stage without a single joke and make people laugh, but that wouldnt happen. Then that's what led to the split. He had his friends come out and open for him, and then he came out and did his hour. I can't say if he has stolen jokes, but the one time I've seen him, he struck me as a very funny and authentic person who cares about his fans and comedy in general. They dont have aisles, they have alleys." What: Latin Comedy Jam, featuring Felipe Esparza. Born in Sinaloa, MX - raised in Boyle Heights (Los Angeles). However he always kept them in bc the old school fans love them! Guarantee like 80-90% of those who portray themselves as overly positive, friendly and/or charismatic in the media are either actual predators of some sort or just nasty, self-righteous holier-than-thou cunts. Podcast. He was even cool enough to have me on his podcast a time or two. Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias (recorded) Making LA history, Gabe will be the first stand-up comedian to ever perform at Dodger Stadium. Stand-up comedian and podcast host, Hannah Berner, has announced her debut at Encore Theater at Wynn Las Vegas with a one-night-only show on Friday, May 26, 2023. For standup comics, from open micers to theater acts, to ask questions, answer questions, present material, coordinate shows, bitch about the industry, swap horror stories, and assorted bullshittery. Bro fluffy was talking to a group of servicemen if you pay attention! Not that you need another standup special recommendation, but Felipe's Translate This stood out to me. By providing your information above, you hereby authorize Improv Comedy Clubs to send you advertisements, promotions and alerts via email. he has been associated with his friend Gabriel Iglesias, who often recounts (and imitates) his experiences with Felipe in his act. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Felipe Esparza: Unmasked Palace of Fine Arts Theatre, 3301 Lyon Street San Francisco. He lived on his mother's family's ranch in Sinaloa before moving with his family to live with his aunt in Tijuana, where they lived for about two years. (where he holds the title of most appearances by any comedian). "Cleveland Indiana"??? Water went everywhere. The Southern California native is the six highest-paid comedian in the United States. Won Last Comic Standing 2010. He is currently touring comedy clubs and theaters across the country. Sign up for the Chicago Improv newsletter to receive show announcements, presale codes and special offers! Felipe Esparza is a Mexican born American stand-up comedian and actor. here: Full Interviews in podcast here: Iglesia catlica Templo de Santa Teresa de Jess Marco Antonio Vzquez, Chiapas, Mxico After seeing him live I will now and forever be a huge fan of his. (In an area that has maybe 40'000 people across two cities). Cole will bring his celebrated comedic style to the stage for a special one-night-only event. which is the podcast Felipe does with his wife and Rodrigo Torres. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. irreverent on-stage persona, wild hair, and his often-imitated phrase, "Whats Felipe Esparza recently revealed his unsettled beef with comedian Gabriel Iglesias on Hot Breath! Nick Turturro, Talia Shire and Paul Rodriguez and "Im Not Like that No More", Subscribe to receive updates on upcoming shows at the Chicago Improv. It may be similar in some ways, but I'm pretty sure this is NOT stealing in the same vein as Mencia, etc Gabriel has been doing this for a very long time and is one of the most well known comedians out there. However, these early roots turned sour after Gabriel starting stealing material. ?hour standa? Gabriel Iglesias. Chairs were positioned unbelievably close. The 34-year-old Salinas man is filling the seats of comedy clubs across the state. When I started really paying attention to the skits that were repeated on Pandora, I always got the sense that GI felt he was giving FE a handout by taking him with him on tour, then using him for his own material. He shares a comedy masterclass tracing all the lessons learned from his career growing up in the hood, being an addict, winning Last Comic Standing, working with and falling out with Gabriel Iglesias, making money in stand up comedy, and much more. Then after the hour he stayed up for an extra 20 minutes just messing around and telling some of his old jokes. He shared so much with me about his career and offered some wonderful advice to me about mine. Comedian Hannah Berner to Make Debut at Encore Theater at Wynn Las Vegas, David Foster & Katharine McPhee to Play the Encore Theater in Las Vegas, Feature: Opera Las Vegas to host 24th Anniversary Annual Gala Paris Extraordinaire, Jason Mraz and Dean Lewis to Perform at Virgin Hotels in Las Vegas. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. won Last Comic Standing! I don't think he's saying Gabriel stole his jokes but he used Felipe's personality and actual things he said and did for stories in his own act ("but it was funny huh", impressions of him "hey foo", "can I keep my weed", etc.) Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. 10/10 human. Comedian and actor Felipe Esparza will perform live in the Treasure Island Theatre on Friday, March 18 at 10:00 p.m. A product of the streets of East L.A., Esparza is most known for his raw, real-life comedy. The stories about them getting pulled over by the cops ("can I keep my weed?"), the racist hotel story, and many more. The crew working for the show that night was great, pretty organized. Felipe Esparza: Unmasked Palace of Fine Arts Theatre, 3301 Lyon Street San Francisco. [3] Esparza was raised in the Aliso Village housing projects of Boyle Heights. He could stand on a In 2012 Felipe starred in and produced his first one-hour special Theyre Not Gonna Laugh at You for Showtime. When the audience was all white, I would do 35 minutes., Despite their differences, Felipe does not seem bitter about the experience and has moved on., As a comedian, its always disheartening to hear stories like this and I cant help but wonder what kind of power team these two comics could be if they didnt fall apart. Hes a good dude. He began performing stand-up in 1994. Tickets: $22, $45; available at the Plaza Theatre Box Office,,. He has been on the cast of a network sitcom. With his signature wild hair and his often-imitated phrase "what's up fool?" he has been associated with his good friend Gabriel Iglesias who often recounts (and imitates) his experiences with Felipe in his act. Felipe Esparza Tickets 10 people viewed Felipe Esparza events in the past hour Events Parking VIP No events within 50 miles of Virginia, USA 21 events in all locations This weekend Mar 04 Sat 8:00 PM Felipe Esparza Carolina Theatre Durham Durham, NC, USA See Tickets Next week Mar 10 Fri 8:00 PM Felipe Esparza - The Bigfoo Tour Many people are surprised to find out that Felipe is the same person referred Then when Gabriel blew up, all his stories about his "friend felipe" sounded like a made-up character Gabriel had created, when really it was a real person (Felipe) and all the funny things that real person had said and done. This interview shows Felipe Esparza like never before. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He has had his own Comedy Central show. since 2014. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Similar jokes can be thought up by anyone. Gabriel Iglesias and Willie Barcena. '', 6, 8 and 10 p.m. Read the sticky post for details on what you can post on this sub. Gabriel's first 2 specials had multiple stories about Felipe and his behavior and experiences off stage. Did a nice long show, had great new material, all of the openers were great. He shares a comedy masterclass tracing all the lessons learned from his career growing up in the hood, being an addict, winning Last Comic. He worked for years as a stand-up comedian, opening on the road for fellow comedians such as Gabriel Iglesias and Paul Rodriguez, then took a leap of faith and went out on his own - which led to very . Early life and education [ edit] Felipe Esparza was born in Sinaloa, Mexico. Podcast. It will help us to keep sharing comedy mastery to you every week! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. THE GREEK THEATRE I couldn't enjoy the concert as much due to not being able to sit comfortably. Read the sticky post for details on what you can post on this sub. We got an error. The comedy show was amazing!! Edit: Just watched the clip, seems like more of a lame clickbait title tbh. Copyright 2022 Joel Byars. [4] He attended Theodore Roosevelt High School. Although he's being sloppy here how he's telling it. Marea rosa enfriamiento econmico Finally, after 16 years of struggling, Felipe's big break came in the form of winning NBC's . Started out touring with Gabriel Iglesias. They tried a third time, using passports of cousins who lived in California. It was truly an awesome night!! exact). Innocent until proven guilty! He I have to admit that this guy is basically the opposite of the person I want to be. Cmo viene el riesgo poltico en Amrica Latina? He toes the lie a lot. He worked for years as a stand-up comedian, opening on the road for fellow comedians such as Gabriel Iglesias and Paul Rodriguez, then took a leap of faith and went out on his own - which led to very . Pro: Join Facebook group writing club here: to Hot Breath! In 2017, Felipe and his wife self-financed and self-produced his second onea? Sun., Sept. 15, 6, 8 & 10 p.m., 2013, Welcome to the Neighborhood: New Asiatown, Comedian Gabriel Iglesias got his start in stand-up with the help of, Become a member to support the independent voice of Houston All rights reserved. Video: Biography: . [5], Esparza began performing stand-up in 1994 after a stint in drug rehab. Buy tickets here! . Starting at $34.50 Felipe Esparza: The BigFoo Tour Majestic Theatre, March 25, 2023 at 7PM & 9:30PM During his early years as a comedian, Felipe was part of the successful standup comedy TV show, "Que Locos" on Galavisin (the only Englishspeaking show on Spanish television). Stand-Up at the El Rey." Thats a Trump style error. Doors open 7pm. [2] Esparza has hosted a weekly podcast called What's Up Fool? For information, call 281-481-1188 or visit Founder Larry Namer And Tech Entrepreneur Chris J. Snook To Launch The NFTYS, Comedian Hannah Berner Will Debut at Encore Theater At Wynn Las Vegas in May, Deon Cole To Make Venue Debut At The Theater At Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, August 19, Feature: Feel The Music of John Williams Performed by the Las Vegas Philharmonic. This interview shows Felipe Esparza like never before. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Felipe Esparza vs Gabriel Iglesias 95 10 comments Best Add a Comment spilledmind 2 yr. ago I used to drive comics to media for the improv and out of all the comedians I drove, Felipe was the best. Because we all remember that dynamic. He shares a comedy masterclass tracing all the lessons learned from his career growing up in the hood, being an addict, winning Last Comic Standing, working with and falling out with Gabriel Iglesias, making money in stand up comedy, and much more. Felipe Esparza is a comedian and actor best known for his raw real-life comedy that audiences everywhere can relate to. In addition to his live standa? I have no idea what episode, though. Super Funny show, the 3 openers were all great. Doors open 7pm. I opened for Felipe for several years all over the country. "), the racist hotel story, and many more. Felipe wanted recognition of that with a little more money than the rest of the comics on his tour. Where: Abraham Chavez Theatre, Downtown. Hilarious! ?up touring, Felipe hosts a popular weekly podcast on the All Things Comedy Network called "What's Up Fool?" Felipe Esparza biography and upcoming performances at Addison Improv. His whole vibe is very hostile. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. On January 29, Netflix rolled out yet another Iglesias comedy special. here: Full Interviews in podcast here: Official Site of Felipe Esparza What's Up Fool? With his signature wild hair and his often-imitated phrase "what's up fool?" he has been associated with his good friend Gabriel Iglesias who often recounts (and imitates) his experiences with Felipe in his act. SO worth it!! Comedian Gabriel Iglesias got his start in stand-up with the help of Felipe Esparza. Iglesias in my book falls into that 80-90%. Copyright 2022 Joel Byars. Unless they're a psychopath that needs to get off on stealing jokes, thinking they can get away with it because the logic of them stealing doesn't make sense and they can fall back on "parallel thinking" and "cryptomnesia". That show and the resulting tour helped launch the careers of several other Latino comedians such as George Lopez, Gabriel Iglesias, and Willie Barcena. On his new comedy album, REBOUND MATERIAL, we get it all. I just wanted to say a few years ago I saw Gabriel Iglesias in my very very small city. from what i saw . We dont like all successful bands or restaurants but success is still super cool and positive. and help keep the future of the Houston Press, Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our. The interview starts by sharing funny stories of their early years together out on the road. After that, I came back one more time but then nobody wanted to book me. He shares a comedy masterclass tracing all the lessons learned from his career growing up in the hood, being an addict, winning Last Comic Standing, working with and falling out with Gabriel Iglesias, making money in stand up comedy, and much more.Learn how to write, perform, and monetize your comedy in our comedy Incubator Hot Breath! The family was deported. to and imitated in several onstage stories by fellow comedian, Gabriel All because someone asked him to list 5 goals in life from a comedic standpoint, this is just side... Years all over the country and actor Felipe Esparza is a Mexican born American comedian! A comedic standpoint, this shit sounds about the same by sharing Funny stories of their years! Asked him to list 5 goals in life does with his wife Rodrigo! I 've followed Felipe since last comic standing and he would probably be lot. Called what & # x27 ; s up Fool? wants to be back to!! Read the sticky post for details on what you can post on this sub act is about.... 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