One act (16), Full length (5), Children's theatre (17), Christmas play (3), Spoof or farce (5), Audience participation (1), Literary classic or adaptation (4), Folk or fairy tale (3). ages of 8-12. thanks. Does anyone know a good 15-20 minutes play for 6 yo kindergarten kids (2 male, 3 female)? Music Lead Sheets available. Is it possible to ask to be considered for listing on your sight? Measure for Measure. I have to secure before production when all I want is a script. The Plays. Thank you a lot!!! I have a website ( that features thirty-eight scripts I wrote, directed, and produced while teaching drama in a Canadian secondary school. I have added your website to the list in this post. Ages 10 and up. I A.S. Danjuma from the city of Jos Plateau State, Nigeria. please give me a play.7..12 year old. please help , I need a short comedy for secondary school graduation party. After tearing up a newspaper when told to fetch and affectionately licking the invader when told to get the burglar, Pinkerton receives an F in obedience training. Larson As You Like It. Moreinfo about terms. See what happens when her fairy godmother turns her inside out. On most orders placed by 2:00 pm CST via web, phone, or fax. We are looking for a script/play for approx 8/10 people drama, comedy, thriller for age group 70/80/90 year old blind Veterans. Use one of these in your next class, or share with a friend! 10 boys and 4 girls.This is the first I am doing this.Thanks in advance. They both explore life in the country and the city and each learns that things are not always as they first seem. What will they have arranged for their unsuspecting father? * The minimum required number of scripts is your cast size + 2. Nowadays, scriptdownloadscost a small fee, but the quality of the scripts for student use in the classroom and the low cost still earns them a place on this list. Moral value based onMorals; value based Love Truth, Peace, non violence etc.Thank you so much, Here is one about Martin Luther King Jr Theyll relate if the words came out of their mouths. Learn More. (Illustrated) Most scriptsin this selection are full-play length. And Im stressing out because next week I have to perform it. I need betrayal in the city by Francis Embugaor another pan African scripts for African theater course! I am looking for Thanksgiving and Winter Holiday play scripts for 3rd graders. Golden Springs Elementary School. Kids ScriptsReedova I 62403877atrova 660/5Prague 4 142 00Czech Republicph: +420-604-344 Hopeless and if you think you will get something here . I need a 10 minutes drama script on Honesty, for highschool students.. Elementary school Christmas playsCHRISTMAS MIRACLE- poignantMERRY PINGUINS- comedy. Hello!Please help me!I need a script for my final graduation show.Something relatez to the school. Kidsincois a hugecollection of short play scripts for younger children consisting of over 500 plays. ft. townhouse is a 3 bed, 3.0 bath unit. This is anupdatedcollection of 100s of free play scripts for Drama students. Ebook comes with main table of contents and interlinked sub table of contents. Life Of William Shakespeare By Sir Sidney Lee. Hi , I need a play for 8 kids from 5th grade for 5th grade audiences hope you can help me, I need s 15mnts play for grade 4 students. But King Arthur and the other heroes laugh at her when she battles a lizard pretending to be a dragon. Let us find the play for you! Othello. More than that, it is a story about the power of a mother's love. Historical plays are classics, many very well known and completely free to read,download, print, use in the classroom & perform. Version of Little Red Riding Hood's Granny for 2nd Grade. More about thescript and order online in USd orother currencies: Little Red Riding Hood's Granny - read more . Also available a version for older children. Readers read from a "script" and reading parts are divided among the readers. Royalty-free short plays, one-act plays, and full-length scripts for elementary, middle-school, and high school students. Dragon Troubleby D.M. Free to read online or low costPDFdownloadavailable. Can you help me? Shakespeare collections can be picked up cheaply in second hand bookshops and popular plays such as A Midsummer Nights Dream and many others are available for free as Kindle downloads. 8-11 characters. Prior permission from the playwright is all that is needed. Professionally formatted with attribution the only requirement, but very worthy of a small donation. Cinderalla by K I D S I N C O based on the story Cinderella by Brothers Grimm i need a script that is about violence and poverty ,that has 14 characters, Good evening I need a script about June 16 back then and June 16 now, I would love to get some feedback on some play scripts written by my grade 11s, I need a drama script for primary on olden days marriage, Hello.I need a script for 10-12 roles for a school drama.Perhaps classic literature, greetings good morning greetings thank you very much greetings thank you very much on the drama teacher. (Illustrated) i need a script urgently on racism for my university project.kindly please help me . Thank you for using Beauty IS a Beast. Ask your kiddos. Please i need a short french drama for kids 8 to 10yrs old.20 minutes maximum time. Wizard Drama Games 9 pages. A Fairly Tall Adventure adventure plays for kids, A Manger Carol a Nativity Play for kids and teens. However all works now clearly distinguish paragraphs to make it easier for the user to read. Id just Google your query and see what you come up with, either in print or online. Playscript (PDF and DOC) sentby email within 24 hours. Cast of 3 required, Jack and the Beanstalk Libretto by Marcy Telles, Music by Jason Sherbundy, Oakshot Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Robin Hood and the Ravens Revenge by John Chambers, The City Mouse and the Country Mousefrom K I D S I N C O. A fairytale. I dont know of any, sorry. Movement Games Over 100 ways for students to become comfortable in their bodies onstage and to learn stage movement techniques. The script/s will be used for school purposes. (Illustrated) There are short plays, one-act plays and full-length plays, dramas, comedies, biography, boy meets girl, adaptations of classics by Shakespeare and other classical authors. Biography and literary critique includes annotated inline footnotes. Its a Small World! Performance Games More than 100 drama games that are designed to have students performing something in one class session! Wacky Drama Games Seven original drama games to keep you freshly inspired! The complete works of William Shakespeare in Kindle format, free to download and use. SNOW WHITEAuthor: Robert ReedAge: children 8-10 years old (UK Year 4 - Year 5; US 3rd Grade - 4th Grade)Length: 40 minutesCast: 21-28Genre:Comedy. Notes To Tragedies By Samuel Johnson. 100 - 160 minutes. These scripts could be used as plays, but also function as "group readers", to be read aloud with each member of the group taking a role. Kids ScriptsReedova I 62403877atrova 660/5Prague 4 142 00Czech Republicph: +420-604-344, On this page you can finda selection of plays for elementary school students from Kindergarten to the Sixth Grade. Hi , did you find some plays ?? please help me with a drama script of 20 mins play about how can creative industries,a vehicle for sustainable development. Apart from two works which contain line spacing instead. Elementary school plays Middle school plays High school plays Original humorous acting scripts for kids, teenagers and youth with educational and moral themes. I want a drama on moral values. Listening to the Harp, he falls asleep, and Jack and the Giants Sister escape down the beanstalk. From short 20-minute plays to 90-minute full lengths and everything in between, we offer an incredibly broad range of elementary school plays, including comedies, mysteries, traditional literary and fairy tale adaptations, funny fractured fairy tales, Christmas plays, and melodramas. Antony and Cleopatra. This section contains links to websites with free short play scripts for younger children. Do you have anything like that? This online theatrical event is designed to be rehearsed and performed on Zoom. 30-45 minutes running time. Humiliated, Ruth sets off to form her own queendom, bringing with her the lizard and a mule that she claims is a unicorn. Bertolt Brecht Testimony: House Un-American Activities Committee, Friendship: 100 Dynamic Stimulus Images For Drama Class. I really want to give the kids an opportunity to extend their acting into the outer kinesphere. You will not find anything like this anywhere else! With a tech savvy approach The Girl in the Lavender Glasses - children's play about being different and magical! Hi,Could you recommend some sites that could provide me with some short (7-10 min) comedies written in French? I would like to find some for both Junior and Senior School students.Merci! Ali Baba ventures into the forest to collect firewood and discovers the bandits' secret cave filled with treasure. Most play scripts still in US copyright, however, will not be found online. ALL All Plays. Shakespeares Attitude Toward The Working Classes By Ernest Crosby. Childrens Comedy flexible casted extras. Please and thank you, hi can suggest me 15 mins play for class 9th &10th which should me value based or on mercy but should contain humor. The scripts feature large casts and vary in style and content, but share an architecture in which roles are evenly apportioned. 7119 W Sunset Blvd #390Los Angeles, CA 90046. Shakespeare Scripts. The Big Solar Storm - children's play about the solar system The Blueberry Balladeer - plays for youth theatre The Christmas Ghosts - a children's play about the three ghosts of Christmas. Gotcha! Can i ask ur help for making me a script for 10 minutes play and about 10-14 characters? *Please take a moment to read about how the royalty-free script library works. ), but tradition dictates that he attend a ball in honor of his graduation and choose a bride.. . Blending fiction with historical fact, this moving adaptation takes place in 1860s Imperial Russia where czars were required by law to marry women of royal Russian blood. Pericles. Creative Primary Literacy. 22920 Estoril Dr Unit 3, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 is a townhouse unit listed for-sale at $798,000. Beauty and the Prince an alternative retelling of Beauty and the Beast, Brooklands blooming cats childrens musical script, Dr Georges Magnificent Zeppelin musical childrens plays, Dueling Chefs short skit on when chefs fight, Foreign gifts powerful play for teens/young people about communism and capitalism, Forgotten what happened after Neverland? Cast: 19 charactersLength: 25 minutesAge level: 6-8 (1st Grade - 2nd Grade), Comedy for children. It is fast-moving and fun forboth kids and adults in the audience.. Thiscomedy play script would make a perfect END OFYEAR SCHOOL PLAYfor primary and elementary schools. Speedy Delivery Thanks. Prior permission from the playwright is all that is needed. Royalty-free short plays, one-act plays, and full-length scripts for elementary, middle-school, and high school students. I am looking for a drama script for class 6 & 7 students in English for twenty two characters. Get this, and up to ten more titles on Drama Notebook for $10 here! I am desperately looking for a short Cinderella play with a twist.Please help ASAP. Looking for an English play for class 8 of 20 minutes duration.Kindly forward if possible, I need a play script on 3 females and 3 males on the theme Affection, I need a radio drama scripts with two people. (Illustrated) This section contains links to websites with an English drama script for school students in senior high. 50 royalty-free skits for kids and teens. Hi, guys, I am a drama codirector do you guys know of any plays that are 45 min and 15 people, I need a play on any topic with 5 characters and 4 mins, hi ,i want 30 minutes one act play on child labour for senior college students. Henry VI, Part 2. Explore our 2,310 plays & musicals by 1,668 authors! Age group:9-11 (4th Grade-5th Grade; Year 5-Year 6)Cast:33 -41 (min14 girls, min6boys)Length:60 minutesGenre:comedy. We have 14 kids and they would like a comedy that uses musical instruments. Its urgent. Alphabetical List of Plays by Title and Author, NEW PLAY SCRIPTS New Contemporary Plays, AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALANDER PLAYS contemporary Australian and New Zealander plays, PLAYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS (CHRISTMAS, THANKSGIVING, NEW YEARS AND CHANUKAH), American Plays Contemporary American plays, British Plays Contemporary British plays, CHILDRENS PLAYS: Plays for Primary and Elementary School, Science Fiction Stage Play Scripts Sci-fi and fantasy, TWO HANDER SCRIPTS PLAYS FOR TWO ACTORS, MEDIUM LENGTH ONE ACT PLAYS TWENTY FIVE TO FORTY MINUTES, NINETY MINUTE PLAYS one and half hour scripts, TWO AND A HALF HOUR TO THREE HOUR LONG PLAYS, How to Write a Great Script how to write a play, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, La Biblioteca Interactiva de Baos Fundacion Arte del Mundo. Sensory Games 10 great drama activities that allow students to tap into their senses so that they may later apply what they learned to their role in a play or performance. Plays and musicals for elementary school audiences, students, youth theatres, universities, community theatres, professional theatres for young audiences. Does anyone know a website where i can print scripts and scenes. These scripts can be used with both younger kids and teens. pls help me fr a drama/ actme nd mom comp, topic once i found a lost kid he lost his way. 2023 Dramatic Publishing. Most scripts are available to view, print anddownloadin full, making them useful for classroom drama. 6 pages. Price: $ 39.90 including rights to perform. Richard II. Directory ofdozens of readers theatre free scripts for drama students in K-3. Most of our plays for elementary students also have a very flexible cast size and we allow you to change the gender of the characters, making it easy to find the best elementary school play to fit your cast! can you help me? Let dads know how much they are appreciated. In this heartwarming story, he creates an imaginary world to deal with the instability and hardship of his daily life. I request only that you notify me about your interest in a script, so that I can give you formal permission to produce it. 5.0. There are also scripts by writers who have decided to make their work available free of charge though be aware that just because of script appears online or otherwise for free does not necessarily mean you can print it and the writer may have reserved performance rights so always check this out before using a script. After his father's death, Alexi is next in line for the throne, but experiences the jarring contrast between making laws and living by them. (Illustrated) Readings take fewer people and some rehearsal, while plays require more people and lots of rehearsal. Hilarious comedy play scriptThe Real Pierre Pan- read online play synopsis and review quotes. Christian Puppetry. Order the School Play Package and you're done -- start rehearsals immediately! Scado, theres got to be 600-700 radio drama scripts here at Simply Scripts! (Illustrated) am training a drama team. You just finesse the flow Easier said than done, but using my kids ideas, words and thoughts have worked really well for me. They are royalty free.. i have 15 students and would prefer to have plays for 7 or 8. Looking at the areas of ability to speak English, communicate, teamwork, and collaboration.Thank you. He takes a little to help pay for food for his family. Learn how your comment data is processed. Save Our Souls Short Comedy (Suitable for kids) set on board a ship, Show and Smell short skit set in the classroom, Slim Fat Commercial skit about weight loss fads, So Easy, a Caveman can do it short skit about inventing the wheel, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves British Snow White panto, Snow White and the Seven Ugly Sisters alternative funny pantomime script, Snow White the pantomime. Thanks. See the freeCHRISTMASplay scripts page here on The Drama Teacher. These 12 delightful scenes range in tone from sweet and silly to heartfelt to poignant. I need a drama script for upper primary classes with the theme of kindness. Perfect for drama teachers, classroom teachers, after-school professionals, theatre companies, and parent volunteers worldwide. Individual casts range from 5-50+ performers, with over 100 roles in all. 2 person skits, and whole group skits. Golden Springs Elementary School Home. Hello I am looking for a 10 mins drama script for 8th and 9th grade students could any one help me out with it. *Download up to ten plays for $12.95! Theres plays for young actors, teens, kids, large-scale plays, Christian scripts, historical plays, short plays and skits, vintage radio plays, scripts for K-3 students, and more. Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind's journey of discovery transports you to a simpler, earlier time of possibility and promise when amazing men and women accomplished astounding adventures! Ensemble Building Games 70 drama activities that can help your group become excellent collaborators and to take risks individually as actors. Video-How to Plan a Year of Drama Lessons, 50 Things Students Can Learn from Theatre, A Middle School Science Project Time Machine, A Midsummer Nights Dream in 30 Minutes, Agatha Christie Play Script for Teens-The Hollow, Agatha Christies Go Back For Murder Play Script, Anansi the Trickster Spider and a Witch Named Five, Dolly the Polka Dotted Lama and the Mackindoo Zoo, Dorothys Adventure in the Magical Kingdom of Oz, Fable and Folk Tale Scenes for Early Readers, Friendship and Fun Scenes for Early Readers, Huff, Puff, GrindThe Three Little Pigs Get Smart, Little Red Riding Hood Objectives, Obstacles, Tactics, Mr. Mans Candy Store, A Brer Rabbit Tale, Mystery of the Stolen Treasure Play Script, Occupations-Short Scenes for Early Readers, People of the Theatre PowerPoint Transcript, Princess Alexandra Isnt Very Happy Script, Revenge of the Howling Ring-Tailed Monkeys, Scope and Sequence for Early Childhood Drama, Scope and Sequence for Planning Drama Lessons, Short Shakespeare Script As You Like It One Hour, Short Shakespeare Script As You Like It Two Short Scripts, Short Shakespeare Script The Tempest One Hour, Short Shakespeare Script The Tempest Two Short Scripts, Short Shakespeare Scripts A Midsummer Nights Dream, Short Shakespeare Scripts Romeo and Juliet, The Day Global Trade was Saved by Kids from PS188, The Fisherman and His Wife, Objectives, Obstacles, Tactics, The Great Chicago Fire/The Trial of Bessie, The Lamentable Tragedy of Titus and Juliet, The Little Known Voyage of Christina Columbus, THE MAYPOLE, or My Problem with Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Mind-Boggling, Spine-Tingling Math Race Between Cottontails and Turtledoves, The Mystery of the Stolen Treasure Play Script, The Not so Mysterious Disappearance of Cinderella, The Pied Piper Study Guide and Production Notes, The Revenge of the Howling Ring-Tailed Spider Monkeys, The Three Musketeers and the Very Pretty Diamond, Twas the Night Before Christmas-A Radio Play, Where in the World is Princess Poppy Script, Whitney Darling, A Modern Peter Pan Story. Video-How to Plan a Year of Drama Lessons. Follow the link and read more about Paul Revere's Midnight Ride, Boston Tea Party, Independence Day, Columbus For more themes and topics, visit the topics page. The Girl in the Lavender Glasses childrens play about being different and magical! Help!! Christmas Skits, Plays, & Dramas. List Synopsis: A musical version of the classic tale about a boy who must travel to the fair to sell his beloved cow. Ten-year-old Danny is the "king of moving." Adventures of Mojoe and Snowy in Lochloosa a childrens play, Alien research funny play for primary school children, Alice in Football Land American pantomime for older kids and young teens. Grid. ELL Drama Activities PDF. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. I have some great scripts at How about the Hysterical History of the Trojan War or MadScripts! Try Alex Broun 10 min plays, they are free and dramatic and some (not all) are suitable for year 10. Midsummer Nights Dream. (Illustrated) Nesbit, Treasured Planet childrens play about saving the ocean, Trolls Stole the North Pole musical Christmas play. All scripts are free todownloadand royalty-free to perform. Name Games Eighteen drama activities that can help the members of your group (and you) to learn each others names quickly! Playdetails such as age suitability, length, number of parts etc are also offered. Discover easy to stage scripts for plays for elementary schools students to perform. hipls help mei wan a 20-25 min drama for college sudents 7 boys. I need a script for 6 roles for 5 minutes. Your email address will not be published. Good School Playsis greatcollection of over 70 large-cast scripts for kids, written by high school drama teacher Richard Stuart Dixon. Before using any script, and especially before performing one publicly, please check and comply with any conditions that the writer may have set-out in print or on their website. Can someone help me find a solo 10 minute play because one of the plays that me and three other people were doing, one kid kicked me off because I messed up once when we were practicing. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. (Inline Footnotes) Short 10 mins play.Thankyou, Hope to get a reply. Julius Caesar. I am teaching 10 13 years learners and looking for drama scripts suited for them. These scripts are great for the drama classroom, especially the ten-minute plays. Traditional British, Sock Hops, Recorders and Owl Pellets Tips on Surviving the 4th Grade. Shakespeares Family By Mrs. C. C. Stopes. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Script: $8.00 each . Attorney skit well get what you paid for! The People For Whom Shakespeare Wrote By Charles Dudley Warner. Translated and adapted by Manon van de Water and Andy Wiginton. Tempest. sir/madam, i need pan African play scripts for African theater course! (Illustrated) i am in Very Similar Situation , I need a play scriptMoral and serious but a little bit pf funnyTimelimit 15 to 18 min, I need a funny or moral giving drama for class 8 of 6 boyswe have a drama competition and i am struggling, i am looking for a drama script for 20 minutes for 9th grade students . Character and Acting Games 75 activities that can help young actors create believable characters. Stand and Deliver!A Pantomime about Dick Turpin, notorious Highwayman, The Big Solar Storm childrens play about the solar system, The Blueberry Balladeer plays for youth theatre, The Christmas Ghosts a childrens play about the three ghosts of Christmas. Abby, other than Googling, the only place I know is Alex Brouns website (above) for free ten-minute plays. Space Shenanigans childrens comedy set in space! Our scripts can be used for teaching in the classroom - see educationalplay scripts on various themes fromAmerican history. Action Man to the Rescue! All playscripts provide roles for wide range of abilities. They are 11-13yrs old. and plays suitable for college students to perform for community audiences . Include the following: Your order will be sent upon receipt of the complete Purchase Order from your facilitys Business Department. want a simple scripts for school childrens .about christmas. Ive ask these details a great deal and I view itthat is professional, easy to comprehend. Need a very short play for kids, 2 male 3 female in apparently easy language. Peggy, the Pint Sized Pirate is a fun one for younger kids. Our collection of free play scripts for kids are a great way for educators, drama teachers, and play directors to engage with their students and casts. When Jack angrily throws the beans aside, they grow into a giant beanstalk, which he climbs. Alls Well That Ends Well. (Inline Footnotes) thanks. I really need a stage play script for kids any suggestions? Short Script and Plays for Elementary Students Scripts for Ages 4-10 40 Classic Drama Games Here are 40 of the most well-known drama activities for you to use with your students. Later, as Emily prepares to make up for another one of Pinkertons mistakes, everyone notices the precious Pepperwill diamond is missing! I need three melodrama ten minute scripts suitable for 6-10 year old performance groups; there are 5 to 6 actors in each group. Good School Plays is great collection of over 70 large-cast scripts for kids, written by high school drama teacher Richard Stuart Dixon. Loves Labours Lost. I am currently looking for scenes for them to perform infront of each other. eScripts now available! Adapted by Linda Daugherty. I need a drama script for upper primary classes with the theme of social problems and solutions. theatre plays for elementary students. We accept Purchase Orders from schools and educational institutions. (Illustrated), The Tragedies of William Shakespeare. Middle School Theatre. So let the thunder roll, lightning strike and the rain storm as Davy Crockett bursts to life saving the world from imminent destruction. After a bombing raid, a frightened Pedro is trapped in the rubble with an elderly neighbor, Don Jos. Things are going wrong in thismagical village, and trees, flowers, and animals tell it in storyand song. Any help would be much appreciated. Beauty might be beautiful on the outside, but shes ugly on the inside. Flexible Casts of around 25-35 Students: Doubling roles and adding extras possi ble for smaller or larger casts . If you wish to pay by Purchase Order, please email a copy of the PO to Cymbeline. In need of a drama script for atleast 13 actors.Play based on social life and problems. Valentines Day Presentation. (Illustrated) You can find more elementary school playsfor sale in US$ here. It was making me pay for the scripts even though I never even charged for it and also it says that its only to a few of them I wanted to only be two people and by the way I cannot find Skips for it. Plays and Musical dramas, Comedies, One-Acts, Duet-Scenes, Monologues and Other Theatre Resource Material for Elementary, Jr High, High School, Community and Other Amateur and Professional Theatres. pls I need a short comedy drama for a secondary school students. Henry VI, Part 3. Hamlet. drama scripts for students in middle school,, Samara Hersch asks audiences if they are OK - The Leipzig Glocal, 25 Intriguing Techniques for Realism and Naturalism in Theatre. For ages 8 and up. We also have other scripts based on Jack and the Beanstalk for large and small casts. does any body know a good websites to print off a playscript xx, please sent me script to teach grade 5 to 8.will be grastfulruth. So Im trying to out on a small and simple but funny play and I have 3 female and 5ish males to work with does anyone have any suggestions? Latest News. Elementary schools, camps, and after-school programs cant go wrong with a play from Pioneer Drama Service! (Illustrated) Along the way, she and Leo discover that it takes more than being serious and smart to save a family and one another. Subtext Games Ten fun ways to introduce the concept of subtext! This is an incredible resource. There are no royalties for the use of the scripts by teachers and students. Have your voice be heard! !My daughter requires a play script that is about 20 minutes duration. Pioneer Drama Service is especially proud to be the sole source for the only stage version of the international best-selling Rainbow Fish. Shakespearean Playhouses: A History Of English Theatres Joseph Quincy Adams, Jr. (Illustrated / Inline Footnotes). Playscripts, Inc. brings new plays and musicals (theater scripts) to professional, school, community, and college theaters to perform, read and enjoy. These may be purchased as either (1) hardcopies (printed) OR (2) as a downloadable, printable PDF, and you print enough copies for your cast & crew. Students could any one help me 25-35 students: Doubling roles and adding extras possi ble for smaller or casts. Which contain line spacing instead to info @ classes with the of! Large-Cast scripts for elementary, middle-school, and after-school programs cant go wrong with a tech savvy the... Like a comedy that uses musical instruments Nativity play for 6 yo kids. 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