Excellent doctor. his talent and passion for his career as he has helped to restore quality of movement and activity to my life, He is a great dr and understanding and listen to my opinion and explain all my options. Dr. Sports Med. I am extremely happy about the care he has provided me! He is a great doctor. My doctor is great and if he wasnt I wouldnt be going to him. Unfortunately, I am still having issues with my knee after my arthroscopic expertise. I would highly recommend Dr. Hulstyn to any individual . Hand Surgeon Lila Crowson, MPT Physical Therapist John Girod Office Manager Contact Us Send A Message To Orthopedic Center for Sports Medicine Respond to reviews, add information, and reach more patients. Well done. He did a fantastic job on my knee surgery when I was younger and is part of the reason I became the Athlete I am today, 1598 South County Trail, Suite 101 go to. Orthopedic Surgeon; Rochester, MN; Areas of focus: Vascularized bone grafting, Reconstructive surgery, Brachial plexus injury. Dr. Steven Hollstien, MD is affiliated with Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital and Marian Regional Medical Center. 39: 902-906, December 2005, Brody JM, Lin HM, Hulstyn M, Tung GA: Lateral Meniscus Root Tear and Meniscus Extrusion with Tears of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. J of Knee Surg 17(2): 64-67, 2004, Belanger MJ, Moore DC, Crisco JJ, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ, Ehrlich MG: Knee Laxity Does Not Vary with the Menstrual Cycle, Before or After Exercise. Michael J. Hulstyn, MD Adult and Pediatric Sports Medicine Surgery Shoulder and Knee Surgery Board Certified and Fellowship-Trained in Orthopedic Sports Medicine Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Brown University-Alpert School of Medicine Team Physician: Brown University Athletics, Providence Bruins Professional Hockey So Thank you Dr. Hulstyn, for being an amazing Dr.. 2023 OSA Orthopaedics and MedNet Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. They regularly perform joint repair and replacement operations. Very comfortable and impressed with both exam and explanations. When my left shoulder made me feel very at ease and comfortable. J Arthroscopy (In Press), Jay G, Elsaid K, Fleming BC, Oksendahl HL, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ, Shalvoy RM, Warman M. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury is Associated with Lack of Boundary Lubrication by Lubricin. Br. 90% Patients that would definitelyrecommend, 20% higher than the national average, Award Highlight: Joint Replacement Excellence Award (2023), 72% Patients that would definitelyrecommend, 2% higher than the national average, Award Highlight: Patient Safety Excellence Award (2020), 86% Patients that would definitelyrecommend, 16% higher than the national average, Award Highlight: Outstanding Patient Experience Award (2022). Practice name Anson General Hospital. Dr. Hulstyn is compassionate and shows sympathy for what his patients are experiencing. He currently practices at Orthopedic Surgical Practice and is affiliated with Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital. He answered all my questions, While sometimes the wait time is longish, Dr. Hollstien makes the short wait worth it. Dr. Miller grew up in Holstein, Iowa. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. As a board-certified provider, his special interests are in joint replacement and arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgery. J Arthroscopy, June 2006; 22(6): e27-e28, Fleming BC, Tung GA, Trafton TG, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ: Magnetic Susceptibility Artifact from ACL Interference Screws does not Affect Articular Cartilage Volume Measurements. Dr. Holstein has 49 years of experience. If this does not work with a Journal of Knee Surgery, In Press. Br. 17, 2023, Best Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), Best Medicare Advantage Plan Companies 2023, Best Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Companies 2023, Dr. Eric D. Holstein is an orthopedist in North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and is affiliated with. attentive, compassionate, understanding, empathetic, knowledgeable and genuine. The Meniscal Roots: Gross Anatomic Correlation with 3-T MRI Finding. He speaks Spanish and English. Orthopedic surgeons diagnose and treat ailments affecting. He was very nice and all the staff that works there were very nice and professional is a nice placate place to 4.6 (42 reviews)" I was very pleased with Dr. Coles'service and attention. Search below to find a doctor with that skillset. Arthroscopy Association of North America Palm Desert, California April 1993, "Bovine Model for Interference Screw Fixation Evaluation for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction" Society for Biomaterials Birmingham, Alabama May 1993, Rehabilitation of the Shoulder in the Throwing Athlete Massachusetts General Institute of Health Professions Boston, Massachusetts May 1993, Localized Arthrofibrosis (Cyclops Lesion) of the Knee After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Clinical and Histologic Analysis Sports Medicine Fellowship Research Thesis Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts June 1993, Shoulder Impingement and Rotator Cuff Injuries Workers' Compensation Injury Management Seminar Providence, Rhode Island October 1993, "Deep Venous Thrombosis After Arthroscopic and Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstructive Surgery: A Prospective Study " American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons New Orleans, Louisiana February 1994, "Deep Venous Thrombosis After Arthroscopic and Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstructive Surgery: A Prospective Study " American Orthopaedic Association Atlanta, Georgia March 1994, "Biomechanical Evaluation of Interference Screw Fixation in a Bovine Patella Bone-Tendon-Bone Autograft Complex for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction" Murray S. Danforth Oration/Sports Medicine Symposium Providence, Rhode Island March 1994, "Polylactic Acid Interference Screws for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction" Murray S. Danforth Oration/Sports Medicine Symposium Providence, Rhode Island March 1994, "Deep Venous Thrombosis After Arthroscopic and Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstructive Surgery: A Prospective Study " Murray S. Danforth Oration/Sports Medicine Symposium Providence, Rhode Island March 1994, Glenohumeral Instability Murray S. Danforth Oration/Sports Medicine Symposium Providence, Rhode Island March 1994, Multiple Ligament Injuries of the Knee Murray S. Danforth Oration/Sports Medicine Symposium Providence, Rhode Island March 1994, Athletic Cervical Spine Trauma: Preventing Injuries Through Education Murray S. Danforth Oration/Sports Medicine Symposium Providence, Rhode Island March 1994, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging Compared to Knee Arthroscopy in Pediatric Patients" Eastern Orthopaedic Association Southampton, Bermuda October 1994, "Cortical versus Cancellous Placement of Interference Screws" American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Orlando, Florida February 1995, "Polylactic Acid Interference Screws for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction" American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Orlando, Florida February 1995, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging Compared to Knee Arthroscopy in Pediatric Patients" American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Orlando, Florida February 1995, Shoulder Problems in the Female Swimmer Murray S. Danforth Oration/Sports Medicine Symposium Providence, Rhode Island March 1995, The Lower Extremities Basic Anatomy for Attorneys Rhode Island Bar Association Providence, Rhode Island March 1995, Common Shoulder Problems Rheumatology Grand Rounds Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island May 1995, "The Effect of Protective Football Equipment on the Injured Cervical Spine: Radiographic Analysis in a Cadaveric Model" American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Toronto, Canada July 1995, "Use of Secondary Signs to Improve the Accuracy of Magnetic Imaging in the Evaluation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears" American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Atlanta, Georgia February 1996, "Protective Football Equipment and Cervical Spine Malalignment: A Cadaveric Injury Model" American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Atlanta, Georgia February, 1996, "Quantification of Collagen Type II Peptides in Synovial Fluid by Inhibition Elisa" Orthopaedic Research Society Atlanta, Georgia February, 1996, Common Shoulder Problems Family Medicine Teaching Conference Brown University/ Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Providence, Rhode Island March 1996, "The Effect of Tubularization in Patellar Tendon Grafts Used for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction" American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Lake Buena Vista, Florida June, 1996, "Identification of PDGF and VEGF in Healing Meniscal Tissue: An In Vivo Study" American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Lake Buena Vista, Florida June, 1996, "Monoclonal Antibody Elisa Quantification of Synovial Fluid Collagen Peptides: Correlation with Arthroscopic Findings in the Injured and Degenerative Knee" American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Lake Buena Vista, Florida June, 1996, "Achilles Tendon Repair" (Video) American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons San Francisco, California February, 1997, Basic Science: Meniscal Anatomy, Biology, and Biomechanics Orthopedic Surgery Basic Science Core Curriculum Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island May 1997, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction John E. Donley Rehabilitation Center Providence, Rhode Island March 1998, "Meniscal Tissue Regeneration Using a Multilaminated Collagenous Biomaterial" American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons New Orleans, Louisiana March, 1998, "Synovial Fluid Assay for Collagen Type II Specific Peptides in a Progressive Osteoarthritis Model" American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana March, 1998, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Common Disorders of the Shoulder and Knee Medical Grand Rounds Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island April 1998, Shoulder Instability and Injury in the Throwing Athlete Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island May 1998, Common Disorders of the Shoulder and Knee Adolescent Medicine Grand Rounds Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island June 1998, "Association Between Menstrual Cycle, Exercise and Female Knee Laxity" American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Travers City, Michigan June 1999, Porcine Small Intestine Submucosa (SIS) Enhances Repair of Goat Meniscal Defects Orthopaedic Research Society Orlando, Florida February 2000, Shoulder Injuries in the Throwing Athlete Orthopedic Surgery Grand Rounds Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island May 2000, Shoulder Instability and Injuries in the Throwing Athlete Rhode Island Athletic Trainers Association Providence, Rhode Island May 2000, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): When And What For? NATA- AOSSM Exchange Lecture Nashville, Tennessee June 2000, Posterior Instability of the Shoulder NATA-AOSSM Exchange Lecture Los Angeles, California June 2001, Shoulder Ultrasound Learning Curve: Dont Give Ultrasound the Cold Shoulder Yet American Radiology Society of North America Florida December 2001, Articular and Meniscal Cartilage: Structure, Function, and Pathophysiology Brown University School of Medicine Providence, Rhode Island January 2002, Articular and Meniscal Cartilage: Structure, Function, and Pathophysiology Brown University School of Medicine Providence, Rhode Island April 2003, Shoulder Examination Medical Grand Rounds Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island October 2003, Syndesmosis (High Ankle) Sprains NATA-AOSSM Exchange Lecture Baltimore, Maryland June 2004, The Root of the Problem: Meniscus Root Tears and Meniscus Extrusion with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear. I had a 9am appointment with the doctor but didn't see him until 9:45am. Very glad I dont need surgery! We were completely satisfied with the care provided. Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in adult hip and knee reconstruction and replacement surgery in Chicago, also servicing Des Plaines, Arlington Heights and Park Ridge, IL. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America Chicago, Illinois November 30, 2004, The Effect of Initial Graft Tension on the Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces in the Human Knee 13th Annual Rhode Island Hospital Research Celebration Providence, Rhode Island October 2005, The Effect of Initial Graft Tension on the Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces in the Human Knee Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting Orlando, Florida December 2005, The Effects of Intra-articular Anesthesia on Muscle Reactions During Perturbation Testing American Physical Therapy Association San Diego, California February 1-5, 2006, The Effect of Initial Graft Tension on the Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces in the Human Knee American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Poster Presentation #P435 Chicago, Illinois March 2006, Magnetic Susceptibility Artifact from ACL Interference Screws Does Not Affect Articular Cartilage Volume Measurements VI International Symposium of Ligament and Tendon Chicago, Illinois March 17, 2006, The Effect of Intra-articular Anesthesia on Leg Muscle Reaction During Perturbation Testing Orthopaedic Research Society Chicago, Illinois March 19-22, 2006, The Effect of Initial Graft Tension on the Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces in the Human Knee Orthopaedic Research Society Chicago, Illinois March 19-22, 2006, Effects of Initial Graft Tension on the Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces Following ACL Reconstruction Orthopaedic Research Society Chicago, Illinois March 19-22, 2006, Reliability of Digital Radiographic Assessment of Joint Space Width in the Knee Orthopaedic Research Society Chicago, Illinois March 19-22, 2006, Metallic Interference Screws Do Not Affect Quantitative Measurements of Cartilage Volume Using MRI following ACL Surgery Orthopaedic Research Society Chicago, Illinois March 19-22, 2006, The Effect of Initial Graft Tension on the Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces in the Human Knee American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Chicago, Illinois March 22-26, 2006, The Effect of Initial Graft Tension on the Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces in the Human Knee American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Specialty Day Chicago, Illinois March 25, 2006, Shoulder Injuries in the Athlete Keynote Speaker 5th Annual Lifespan Rehabilitation Conference Warwick, Rhode Island April 1, 2006, Compression Force and Laxity Differences Using Different Initial Graft Tensioning Techniques in the Human Cadaver ACL Reconstructed Knee Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting Hollywood, Florida May 18-21, 2006, In Vitro Study of Hamstring Graft Morphometry and an Intraoperative Technique to Avoid Premature Amputation when Harvesting the Graft for ACL Reconstruction Arthroscopy Association of North America Hollywood, Florida May 18-21, 2006, International Survey of the AANA and AOSSM Membership Regarding Medrol Dosepak Use for Sports Injuries Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting Hollywood, Florida May 18-21, 2006, International Survey of the AANA and AOSSM Membership Regarding Medrol Dosepak Use for Sports Injuries American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado May 31-June 3, 2006, International Survey of the Entire AANA and AOSSM Membership Regarding Medrol Dosepak Use for Routine Sports Injuries Eastern Orthopaedic Association 37th Annual Meeting Boca Raton, Florida October 18-21, 2006, Synovial Fluid Lubricin Concentrations are Decreased Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Humans and are Associated with Increased Cartilage Damage Orthopaedic Research Society San Diego, California February 2007, International Survey of the Entire AANA and AOSSM Membership Regarding Medrol Dosepak Use for Routine Sports Injuries 6th Biennial ISAKOS Congress (International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine) Florence, Italy May 27-31, 2007, Compression Force and Laxity Differences Using Different Initial Graft Tensioning Techniques in the Human Cadaver ACL Reconstructed Knee. 6th Biennial ISAKOS Congress (International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine) Florence, Italy May 27-31, 2007, Board certified by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Brown Medical School, Member of the Rhode Island Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health and the Brown University Athletic Advisory Council, Team Physician for the Providence Bruins, Brown University and Bryant College. Facelift / Neck Lift. His office staff is wonderful,and always Pleasant , patient and helpful. 28, 2023, Lisa Esposito and Elaine K. HowleyFeb. Trochanteric Bursitis), Enthesopathy of Knee (incl. Dr. Hulstyn spoke to me with consideration and respect as an intelligent woman. Arthritis & Rheumatism 58:1707-1715, 2008 [PMID: 18512776], Fleming BC, Brady MF, Bradley MP, Banerjee R, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD: Tibiofemoral Compression Force Differences using Laxity and Force-based Initial Graft Tensioning Techniques in the ACL Reconstructed knee. New patients are welcome. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 1796 Summer Street, Halifax, NS, B3H 3A7. He's the best!! J Amer Acad Ortho Surg 6(6):349-357, 1998, Moore D, Belanger M, Crisco J, Abate J, Hulstyn MJ and Fadale PD: The Effect of Tubularization of Patellar Tendon Grafts. Dr. Hollstien also practices at Associated Eye Specialists Medical Group Inc. in Solvang, CA. I had minimal pain and a, Dr. Hollstien has performed knee replacement surgery on both of my knees. Doctor has top marks across all patient-rated categories. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, June, 1996, Williams JS, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD, Lindy PB, Ehrlich MG, Cronan J, Dorfman G.: Incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis After Arthroscopic Knee Surgery: A Prospective Study. In countries that . His hobbies include water sports, sailing, cycling and snowboarding. Based on treatment records, we have identified the following as areas of care that Dr. Hollstien treats more often than their peers. Very polite, informative and professional. I still have several more appointments to go, and a surgery. We would highly recommend Dr. Hulstyn and the rehab department at UO. The doctors at Orthopaedic Surgical Associates have sub-specialty orthopaedic training by the top educational programs in the nation and all doctors are board-certified. Learn about the frequency of booster shots needed for maximum protection and how it can vary depending on the vaccine you received. Medicine and Health/Rhode Island 82: 1999, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ: Evaluation of Common Athletic Knee Injuries. View the map. Masks are still required in healthcare settings per CDC and state health department guidelines. Dr. Holstein and his staff are known for their friendly, helpful approach to care, and for the personal interest they take in patients and their families. Dr. Hollstien is board certified in Orthopaedic Surgery. Dr Carla Dawn Marie Dubois has 1 views and no reviews. He is a wealth of knowledge and I can tell that he really cares about what he does which Langer P, Fadale P, Hulstyn M, Brady M, Fleming B: International Survey of the AANA and AOSSM Membership Regarding Medrol Dosepak Use for Sports Injuries. I my first visit to see him (for what appeared to be a I would definitely recommend him to others. Our practice encompasses the entire range of orthopaedic conditions in both pediatric and adult patients. He is Dr. Hoekema seeks to compassionately meet the needs of all patients in need of comprehensive orthopedic surgery, including lumbar and cervical spine surgery. Sports Med, 2005; 39:902-906. Sports Medicine Specialist & Orthopedic Surgeon Andrea Espinoza, MD Pulmonologist & Lifestyle Medicine Chadwick Murphy, MD Pain Management & Rehabilitation & Spine Specialist Nicholas Pappas, III, M.D. Clinical Biomechanics 22(2007) 529-536. I have never felt rushed during any appointments with Dr. Hulstyn. Sports Medicine Clinics of North America WB- Saunders Company, October 1997, Oksendahl HL, Gomez N, Thomas CS, Badger G, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD, Fleming BC: Digital Radiographic Assessment of Tibiofemoral Joint Space Width: A Variance Component Analysis. Dr. Hollstien, MD is a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon in Santa Barbara, CA. Province Ontario. Dr. Hulstyn is an excellent doctor & an excellent person. I have been a patient at Univ Orthopedics for many years for various injuries. The doctor will see you the next morning to check your healing process and to change any dressings. Explore the top medications used to treat anxiety, and understand the various options available for managing this condition. Hand and wrist conditions including arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren's contracture, and fractures or sprains, with treatment options such as surgery or physical therapy.Compare with other Hand & Wrist Surgery specialists. I was referred to him from my Primary Physician Dr. Hemphill at that time, who let me know, he would send his own daughter and family and himself (as it turned out he did) that's how sure he was of him & trusted in him & office staff. They acknowledged my husband and treated him with utmost respect . Dr. Holstine thoroughly enjoys living in Bellingham. Driving . East Providence, RI 02914. Hulstyn is great. Pagination Doctor search. American College of Sports Medicine, May 2006. Clinical Biomechanics 22 (529-536), 2007, Boland A, Hulstyn MJ: Soft Tissue Injuries of the Knee in The Lower Extremity in Sports Medicine, 2nd Edition, Nicholas and Hershman (Eds), Moseby, St. Louis 1993, Trafton PG, Hulstyn MJ: Management of Musculoskeletal Trauma in The Oxford Textbook of Surgery, Morris PJ and Malt RA (Eds),Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD (Eds): Primary Care of the Injured Athlete, Part I. Pediatric Clinics of North America 39(3):433-49, 1992. Dr. Hulstyn was very polite and professional, also very knowledgeable! outstanding and Dr. Hulstyn was no different. Am J Sports Med (In Press), Langer P, Fadale P, Hulstyn M: Survey of Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Physicians Regarding Medrol Dosepak Use for Sports Injuries. 150Santa Barbara, CA93111 Get Directions Physician Profile Year joined staff: 1997 Credentialed Facilities: Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital, Book Now | 210-616-0739. J Arthroscopy 11(6): 701-705, 1995, DaSilva M, Fadale P, Hulstyn MJ: Repair of Lateral Ankle ligaments Using the Mitek Suture Anchor System. He listened to and answered my questions, looking at me in the eye while we spoke, his full attention on me. Dr. Hollstien accepts the following insurance: Dr. Hollstien is affiliated with the following hospitals. " Dr. J. David Amirault Orthopedic Surgeon. He is an outstanding Doctor. Your the best. The couple married in August 1998, and in the course of the past two decades welcomed two children - a son named Gabriel born in August 2002 and a daughter named Paloma born in May 2006. Equally impressive was his assistant, Michaela. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Doctors Pro Health Physicians locations in Billerica, MA. As a board-certified provider, his special interests are in joint replacement and arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgery. Copyright 2023 Healthgrades Marketplace, LLC, Patent US Nos. Muscle Tear). See more on Healthgrades. Dr. Eric D. Holstein Orthopedic Surgeon 3 reviews Dr. Eric D. Holstein's Latest Rating If you are in danger of losing your social security disability benefits, Dr. Holstein is the doctor to see! Am J Sports Med, May 2004, Mechrefe AP, Bluman EM, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD: Preservation of Knee Articular Surface with Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing of the Femur. Preparing for your first cancer appointment can be overwhelming. Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, October 2005; 16(5):354-362, Terek RM, Hulstyn MJ: Osteoarticular Allograft Reconstruction for Tumors of the Distal Femur and Proximal Tibia. J. The 48-year-old Emmanuel is in a long-term marriage with Sunny Hostin. He is always friendly and has a great sense of humor . (Abstract 644) VI International Symposium of Ligament and Tendon, March 2006, Lin H, Brody J, Hulstyn MJ, Tung G: The Root of the Problem: Meniscus Root Tears and Meniscus Extrusion with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear. That's a big jump from a sprained knee, and needing 5333 Hollister Avenue Suite 150 Santa Barbara, CA 93111. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible. I've been seeing Dr. H for years. J Knee Surg, April 2004; 17:64, Gastel JA, Muirhead WJ, Lifrak J, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ, Labrador DP: Meniscal Tissue Regeneration Using a Collagenous Biomaterial Derived From Porcine Small Intestine Submucosa. He was pleasant, informative, friendly, and low key. To say I have been pleased with the whole experience is an understatement from the doctor to the surgery to the facility its all been excellent I have already referred someone to him. University Orthopedics in Rhode Island also specializes in total knee and hip replacement, orthopedic spine surgery for traumatic and degenerative conditions . 27(2):90-96, 1998, Abate J, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ and Walsh WR: Initial Fixation Strength of Polylactic Acid Interference Screws in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage, (In Review), April 2006, Fleming BC, Oksendahl HL, Blanpied PR, Ritter M, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD: Intra-articular Anesthesia and Knee Muscle Reflex Patterns. He was chief of the Division of Orthopaedic Trauma at North Shore University Hospital at Manhasset from 1998 until 2016. Medicine and Health/ Rhode Island 82: 1999, Hogan KA, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ: The Female Athletic Triad. Radiology 239(3) :805-10, June 2006, Langer P, Fadale P, Hulstyn M: Evolution of the Treatment Options of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Elbow. Christopher Baker. What is Dr. Steven Hollstien, MD's office address? Dr. Hollstien has extensive experience in Hand & Wrist Surgery. It's your valuable health care visit, so get answers that matter to you. Certifications. Medicine and Health/ Rhode Island 82: 1999, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD: Evaluation of Common Shoulder Injuries in the Athlete. . The doctor had a very good bedside manner very knowledgeable sports injuries I highly recommend him, Consistently attentive in listening and advising. Would not hesitate to see him again if needed. Always consult a medical provider for diagnosis and treatment. I would recommend him wholeheartedly to anyone and Sports Medicine Clinics of North America 16(3):479-499, 1997, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD: Shoulder Injuries in the Athlete. Online First, 2006, Langer P, Fadale P, Hulstyn M: Evolution of the Treatment Options of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Elbow. ACCUTITE \ FACETITE. Patients say that the appointment wasn't rushed and the provider listened & answered questions well. Always give me the choice to make my own decisions even if they may not be the best for me in the long run. Fellowship in Sports Medicine at Harvard University and the Massachusetts General Hospital. J Orthop Techniques, 1995; 3(1):41-44, Abate J, Fadale PD,Walsh WR, and Hulstyn MJ: Biodegradable Screws for ACL Interference Fixation. Dr. Horenstein has been named a 'Top Doctor' in 2011, 2012, 2017 and 2018 by Main Line Today Magazine and named a 'Top Doctor' by Philadelphia Magazine in 2018 and 2020. Would highly recommend him! Dr. Hulstyn was our third opinion and by far the most knowledgeable, patient and truly kind and caring. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element'); Scand J. Med Sci Sports, Jul-Aug: 32(5): 1150-1157, Belanger MJ, Moore DC, Crisco, JJ, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ, Ehrlich MG: Knee Laxity Does Not Vary with the Menstrual Cycle, Before or After Exercise. Ehrlich MG, Hulstyn MJ, D'Amato C: Sports Injuries in Children and the Clumsy Child. He is part of the Westmed Orthopedics Department. North Chelmsford, MA 01863. He has been practicing medicine for over 35 years, starting his career in the military before moving to private practice in 1994. top of page. Transactions of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, June, 1996, Wiggins M, Abate JA, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ, Tung G: Use of Secondary Signs to Improve the Accuracy of MR Imaging in the Evaluation of ACL Tears. Dr. Steven Hollstien, MD is an Orthopedic Surgery Specialist in Santa Barbara, CA and has over 32 years of experience in the medical field. Is Dr. Steven Hollstien, MD able to provide telehealth services? University Orthopedics is a regional Center for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation with specialty areas in arthroscopy, Physical Therapy including Occupational Therapists / Certified Hand Therapists, Athletic Trainers for rehabilitation. Highly recommended. See all patient feedback on Healthgrades. He accepts multiple insurance plans. 28, 2023, Lisa Esposito and Michael O. SchroederFeb. Dr. Moses specializes in sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery of the knee and shoulder. Orthopedics (In Press), Bradley MP, Brady M, Fleming BC, Banerjee R, Hulstyn MJ, Fadale PD: Compression Force and Laxity Differences Using Different Initial Graft Tensioning Techniques in the Human Cadaver ACL Reconstructed Knee. Dr Holstein is a marvelous physician Having had with two knee surgeries with him with excellent results I Recommend him highly .He has a superb Bed side mAnner - I Need that - some people don't ! (978) 259-4692. With dr. 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