June 28, 2022 at 11:30 pm CDT Expand Shell DeYoung Dunn, candidate for County Board District 11, and her son Nik Stromberg, from Somonauk, try to find election numbers on their phones Tuesday, June 28, 2022, during a Democrat candidate watch party at Fatty's Pub and Grille in DeKalb. Click here to read about the Illinois Comptroller race. Greg Abbott to consider new elections, and in Georgia, DeKalb County has announced it is accepting $2 million in private funding sourced to an election nonprofit accused of allocating $350 million in private funds to public elections offices to sway the 2020 presidential . Lauren Alexander came in second with 4,737 votes (+355 votes more). You can early vote at your county clerk's office. What I can definitely tell you (because we are all experiencing this first hand) is that the economy is teetering becausereal wages are dropping and the cost of living is rising. DEKALB PRIMARY VOTES 2022 29,894 Republicansvs.99,300 Democrats|23% of the Vote was Republican3.3 Democrats to 1 Republican, Kemp 24,160 Out of 29,703 Votes |81% of the Republican VoteAbrams 97,991 (Ran Unopposed), DEKALB PRIMARY VOTES 201815,315 Republicansvs.86,676 Democrats|15% of the Vote was Republican5.7 Democratsto1 Republican, Kemp 2,858 out of 15,085 Votes | 18.95% of the Republican VoteAbrams 69,703 out of 86,676 | 80% of the Democrat Vote, The Hand Recount in DeKalb Commissioners 2 Democrat Primary. Juliana Stratton: 2,068,285 votes (54.3%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 19,934 votes (52%) to Pritzker; 16,833 votes (44%) to Bailey. Bee Nguyen who is a Democrat running for Secretary of State is in a run off. Election Night: As the votes came in on election night, results showed Orson and Alexander heading to a runoff in the three person race. Both Content.ad and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links. But, keep your powder dry until its over! February 28, 2023. VRE originally reported the June 21 runoff was between Orson and Alexander. Stephanie Trussell: 1,631,696 votes (42.9%), Democrat JB Pritzker, Lt. Gov. I hope you fine, honest and decent Real Conservative people of Georgia haven't deceived yourselves into believing such massive vote fraud was only perpetrated in one precinct, in one countydo you???? Additionally,thewithdrawal took place after logic and accuracy testing had been performed and no re-test was apparently performed after the patch was installed. Candidates for Sheriff and Highway Supervisor must have appropriate paperwork to POST (forsheriff) and the Tennessee Highway Officials Certification Board by 14 days before the qualifyingdeadline. Had Spears not raised questions on Election Night, its unclear whether the result would be in doubt at all. All 24 seats of the DeKalb County Board are up for election during this years elections. The press release does not explain the large discrepancy between the machine count on Election Night and the subsequent hand count. Click here to read about the 16th Illinois Congressional District race. Updated: 7:40 PM EDT June 1, 2022 DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. More than a . In addition to the election cycle calendar, you will also find a list of Alabama State School Board districts, a list of Circuit Court Judge districts, and a list of Alabama counties with elected School Board Superintendents. The Journal Gazette. When that issue was corrected, a ballot containing the withdrawn candidate was used to update the system. Votes that were intended for other candidates were taken away from them and assigned to Marshall Orson instead. x^un Hy_vt Local Dekalb online newspaper Decaturish filed a formal records request for the immediate release of this information with an explanation about why election officials feel the hand tally count is inaccurate, or provide a legal justification for withholding the information. Today, the DeKalb Board of Elections chose to certify the results in the DeKalb County Commission District 2 race despite multiple issues and irregularities and an inability to provide any assurances that the ultimate results actually reflect the will of the voters. &$E' ad^a_ul6#5wH$x?#l7)+Wu! I have no disagreement with anybody who says lets take a harder look at any of these racesI needed to be provided with more precinct by precinct data. Due to the limited time between now and the runoff election date, I need to continue to be prepared for the runoff as we await certification, I continue to support full transparency about this election and the ensuing tabulation of results," said Lauren Alexander. DeKalb County, GA DeKalb County Board of Elections recently voted to permanently change the following precinct voting locations, pending notification to all voters who will be affected. Current Election Information In 2023, DeKalb voters will head to the polls to vote on November 7 2023. "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. And candidate Michelle Long Spears came in in third place with only 3,031 votes. ), Susan Smith Lindell, Republican: 1,149 votes (26%), Mary Lee Cozad, Democrat: 1,795 votes (41%)*, Suzanne Willis, Democrat: 1,420 votes (32%)*, (Includes all of Milan, Shabbona, Paw Paw, Victor, Clinton and Squaw Grove Townships, as well as Afton and Pierce Townships south of Perry Road, Somonauk Township west of Governor Beveridge Highway and north of Chicago Road and Sandwich Township north of Chicago Road), Celeste (Shell) DeYoung Dunn, Democrat: 1,093 votes (21%), Roy Plote, Republican: 1,588 votes (30%)*, Karen Cribben, Republican: 2,502 votes (48%)*, (Includes Somonauk Township east of Governor Beveridge Highway and Sandwich Township south of Chicago Road), Jeff Kowalski, Democrat: 1,203 votes (25%), Jerry Osland, Republican: 1,681 votes (35%)*, John Frieders, Republican: 1,827 votes (38%)*, Republican Mark C. Curran Jr.: 251,954 votes (45.6%), Democrat Elizabeth Liz Rochford: 300,989 votes (54.4%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 19,314 votes (50%) to Rochford; 17,586 votes (45%) to Curran, Republican Susan Clancy Boles: 264,381 votes (47.8%), Democrat Chris Kennedy: 288,852 votes (52.2%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 18,749 votes (48%) to Boles, 18,325 votes (47%) to Kennedy, 23rd Judicial Circuit Court (uncontested). If there is a Run Off in your district inclusive of a Non-Partisan Run off, then please remember to either vote early from June 13-17 or on Election Day on June 21.) Voter & Election Information. + Election Judge & Deputy Registrar Information. The board voted 4 to 1 to certify results Friday after a glitch forced workers to hand . This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Enter your email if you would like to receive Ballotpedia's election news updates in your inbox. What happened: The initial preliminary results didn't accurately reflect the top vote-getters in the race. Aftermath Outside DeKalb: The hand recount in DeKalb County has sparked controversy outside of the Commission 2 race and outside of DeKalb County. In making that update, it caused a discrepancy on Election Day between the BMDs (with the updated project showing three candidates) and the Election Day scanners in the other precincts in the county (that were expecting four candidates in that race). DeKalb Voter . This should add more fuel to the fire when it comes to getting state legislatures across the country to ban these voting machines from use. Politics & Government Georgia Runoff Election 2022: DeKalb Early Voting Locations, Dates DeKalb County is preparing for the Dec. 6 U.S. Senate runoff with a polling place change in Dunwoody and by . Buick was sworn on July 9, 2021, as the new 23rd Judicial Circuit Court Judge, taking over for predecessor Robbin Stuckert, the first woman judge in DeKalb County who retired as the circuit court and presiding judge. But never was there a chance it would have been missed, he said. Below is Orsons statement on the recount and the boards certification of the election. The county seat is Sycamore.. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population.This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within those cities. Grace period registration and voting begins - Wednesday, March 8. Thats election fraud! Your email address will not be published. Republican Tom Demmer: 1,610,986 votes (43.7%), Democrat Michael W. Frerichs: 1,992,123 votes (54.1%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 18,815 votes (49%) to Frerichs; 18,092 votes (47%) to Demmer, Illinois U.S. DeKalb County Sample Ballot (Indiana) - Ballotpedia Who is running for election in Indiana? Voting; the illusion of influence on politics. As it was not clear whether other races were impacted and out of precaution prior to the election certification, I submitted a request along withTea Party Patriots Action Chairman Jenny Beth Martinfor hand counts in selected races to be absolutely sure. More striking, however, the data shows just 22% of Americans ages 18-34, 24% of Hispanic voters, and 49% of black voters said they approve of Bidens job performance. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says that the machines were programmed incorrectly for the District 2 race. P.O. By Tyler Estep, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Oh, and by the way Mike Lindell was right! Prosser was on the ballot in the Republican primary on May 3, 2022. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you shouldnt be okay with having your vote stolen from you and switched to another candidate. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. What are the implications of any of the issues weve been looking at for any other races? If you are registered in DeKalbCounty and changing your address within the county, you can fill out the back of your precinct card. Dekalb County, GA undertook a hand recount in the District 2 County Commission race after questions were raised over equipment 'malfunctions'. As a result, I will forgo my personal opportunity to seek legal relief, for which there are multiple substantive claims, so that the focus is on the system and process. on Dominion Botch: Georgia Primary Election Overturned After Awful Machine Count, 53 Percent Myocarditis Rate Detected Among Washington Conference Attendees. Conspiracy Theorists Were RIGHT ALL ALONG! TCA 8-8-102 and 54-7-104. Every county in Georgia uses Dominion Voting Systems machines and software, including DeKalb. OpenCampaign is the evolution of politics in the 21st century that draws voters and politicians into a Virtual Town Hall to create, discuss and highlight important issues. DeKalb County is a county in Illinois.The county population is 100,420, according to the United States Census Bureau. For as little as $3 a month, you can help us keep you in the loop about your community. Credit: GPB file photo Craig Nelson, The Current This is a huge swing between machine and paper ballot totals. x^n6 x3")u%ORZd.uh5Z`O?RJdLMl|xe:! (While there is not a Republican Statewide Run Off Election, there are three Republican U.S. Congressional Races (CD2, CD6 & CD10) and there are several down ballot races. As has been widely publicized, a number of issues arose in DeKalb County during the Primary, including, but not limited to, issues with the precinct maps that resulted in abnormal or incorrect ballot styles, discrepancies in reporting of votes between the DeKalb County and Secretary of State websites as well as a large tabulation discrepancy which resulted in the hand DeKalb Commissioners 2 Democrat Primary recount. When will our corrupt Georgia republican leaders stand up an demand an investigation into ties between Dominion Raffensperger & Kemp. December 6, 2022 Runoff. Mail: Chairman@DeKalbGOP.org, Copyright 2023 DeKalb County Republican Party, Powered by DeKalb County Republican Party. ~CRp0ko^N'L'o4UuBt]V|nwPR!CFfw/b:e:9mTts^@a4my*z/fk>~S i,CF)NA6gyUy:I*-BJ& I blame the US Carny Congress and the DeepState dirty rat liaisons.. DeKalb County, GA DeKalb County Board of Elections recently voted to permanently change the following precinct voting locations, pending notification to all voters who will be affected. Feb. 14 is the last day for a person to register and be eligible to vote in the March 15 Special Election and April 12 Runoff Election, according to O.C.G.A. However, it became clear to the Spears campaign that something was wrong with the electronic vote tally. Once the paper ballots were counted, the results showed Spears received 6,651 votes, Alexander received 4,737 votes and Orson received 3,928 votes. Oh, come on, that's too much work, then leftist democrats have to stuff ballot boxes by hand, in person. And this took two years to come to the light? These are the official election results for contested races across DeKalb County in the Nov. election. This technical error led to the issues with the electronic vote count. Thats not an unintentional software coding issue. Mount Vernon West will vote at Dunwoody High School, 5035 Vermack Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338. In a race with 15,449 votes cast in it, the Dominion machines managed a discrepancy that was off by 5,411 votes. Mastadon: https://newsie.social/@Decaturish/, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Decaturish, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decaturish/. After the election project had been built and the equipment had been prepared, one candidate withdrew. At first glance, everyone knew those machine results had something wonky about them. Monday was the first day candidates could file to be on the ballot for the November 2022 election. KEY DATES FOR THE 2022 ELECTION CYCLE Tuesday, May 3, 2022 County Primary (Including School Board districts 1, 2, 3, 4, & 7) First Day to Pick Up Petitions *Post and THOCB deadline Qualifying Deadline Withdrawal Deadline Voter Registration Deadline Early Voting Period December 20, 2021 February 3, 2022 February 17, 2022 at NOON According to the preliminary and unofficial vote totals announced by the DeKalb County Voter Registration and Elections office, Michelle Long Spears received 6,651 votes. And Marshall Orson came in third place with only 3,928 votes (-1,298 votes less). Glenwood Decatur will vote at Decatur Recreation Center, 321 Sycamore Street, Decatur, GA 30030. Published: 3:35 PM EDT May 30, 2022. I believe that the numbers speak for themselves but are attributed to many factors. 100,144 students Three seats on the DeKalb County School District school board in Georgia were up for general election on May 24, 2022. We look forward to completely pivoting to the General Election on June 22. College students can obtain Georgia voter registration forms, or the necessary forms to register in any state in the U.S., from their school registrar's office or from the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. No mention of what machines were being used? Hayden, 13, was last seen near the 300 block of Eastwyck Circle. Apparently, the only election that will not be completely fraudulent is that which we vote from the hedgerows and rooftops. The second demolition will take place on Monday at 10 a.m. at 4083 Old River Road in Ellenwood. Skyland will vote at John R. Lewis Elementary School, 2630 Skyland Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30319. It is my hope that that these newcomers along with us realize that the GOP is the Great Opportunity Party. Photos: DeKalb County voters cast their ballots in November 2022 midterm election. She took pictures of the precinct results and provided them to a local newspaper in DeKalb County. To learn how you can use Content.ad to drive visitors to your content or add this service to your site, please contact us at [emailprotected]. DeKalb VRE Executive Director Keisha Smith issued a press release to distribute the recount tabulation which changed the results and the runoff participants. Click the links below to learn more: Republican Dan Brady: 146,252 votes (42.5%), Democrat Alexi Giannoulias: 1,896,089 votes (55.3%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 19,508 votes (51%) to Giannoulias; 17,444 votes (45%) to Brady. Whats Next? The hand count in the District 2 County Commission primary revealed a result that was completely different from the machine count [] 17 0 obj DEKALB PRIMARY VOTES 2022 29,894 Republicans vs. 99,300 Democrats | 23% of the Vote was Republican There were Democrat voters, but the majority of the unexplained vote is first time voters who are also angry and frustrated. To check your registration, go to the My Voter Page. Here are the results as they were tallied by Dominion Voting Systems machines on May 24th, the day of the Georgia primary election this year. Local Election Official Information. * An asterisk denotes incumbent. (Mark Busch - mbusch@shawmedia.com/Mark Busch - mbusch@shawmedia.co) Elections 2022. This NEEDS to be sent to every REPUBLICAN VOTING Present in the USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That candidate was marked as disabled in the Election Management Server, which is proper procedure. The county seat is Fort Payne.. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population.This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within those cities. To remedy that, a new election project was created so that the County Commission District 2 race properly appeared on the ballots for those precincts. The electronic ballot was corrected to remove Broussards name. Tucker, GA 30084 That makes no sense at all, however. This obvious fraud would never have been caught and the original May 24th machine results would have been approved by Raffensperger, if Michelle Long Spears had not been in the precinct offices in District 2 on primary night. It appears someone programed the machines to give the wrong count. << This discrepancy was reported to election officials, which is what triggered the hand recount. The first number below is the total number of votes cast in DeKalb County (including absentees) and the percentage. To Elect Precinct Committeemen) General Election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (To Elect Federal, State, Judicial and County Offices) Odd Numbered Years stream Republican Shannon L. Teresi: 1,430,515 votes, Democrat Susana A. Mendoza: 2,083,375 votes*, How DeKalb County voted: 20,597 votes (54%) to Mendoza; 16,560 votes (43%) to Teresi. Konnech Corp is a software provider to Dekalb County GA. Now everyone can see the connection between the Chinese Communist Party and Democratic Election officals. To become a supporter, clickhere. Some precincts were reporting she received zero votes including her own precinct. https://t.co/7jZDaU2PeE. Thats a grand total of 12,639 votes in the May 24 primary election. Therefore, in some precincts, the scanners did not register votes for the fourth candidate: Spears. June 2, 2022 DeKalb County commission candidate Marshall Orson has asked the local elections board not to certify results as scheduled on Friday, citing "numerous issues" that have surfaced. Sends Them $2 Billion More of Our Money, Trump TORCHES Biden and Diversity Hire Buttigieg for Turning America into Third World Country, Trump Finally Addresses How to Overcome Democrat Party Cheating in 2024, China Calls Bidens Bluff! Departments. Some of the content you are redirected to may be sponsored content. /Length 11 This editorial has been updated. Despite being at a 40-year record high inflation at 8.6%, which has not believed to have peaked, most Americansexpectinflation to get worse. Want Decaturish delivered to your inbox every day? AUBURN Grabill native and Republican Dr. Tyler Johnson defeated Democrat Zach Heimach of Auburn to win the Indiana Senate District 14 seat. Election Day - April 4th; Local election polls are opened. - Joseph Stalin. Scott will vote at International Community School, 2418 Wood Trail Lane, Decatur, GA 30033. Primary Election Day. Why it matters: While some have argued that the story is an example of voting machine-based fraud, or evidence of larger issues with the elections process, county and state elections officials say this is not the case. Results were certified by the DeKalb County Clerk and Recorders Office Nov. 22. The filling period runs until 5 p.m. March 14. The first demolition will take place on Friday at 10 a.m. at 1805-1811 Whitehall Forest Court in Atlanta. The News: A hand recount of the District 2 Commission race in DeKalb resulted in a new outcome in the race. As the legislative element, the County Board is responsible for adopting all Ordinances for the governance of DeKalb County, which laws are contained in the DeKalb County Code; establishing budget for several funds as well as levying taxes, promulgating policies, rules and regulations . Box 941038 November 8, 2022 General Election. 1 min read. Congratulations to the many Republications who won their elections on May 24thand we express our gratitude to those that had the courage to run for public office. The governing body is the County Board. Instead of Orson in first place, Alexander in second and Spears in third (as the machines showed), the results of the hand count were as follows. (Mark Busch - mbusch@shawmedia.com/Mark Busch - mbusch@shawmedia.co). There is a run off in this race as well and will face our Jodi Diodati in November! x^ i Republican Thomas G. DeVore: 1,510,498 votes (43%), Democrat Kwame Raoul: 1,502,155 votes (55%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 19,808 votes (52%) to Raoul; 17,195 votes (45%) to DeVore. : While we do not yet know the outcome of any potential GBI investigation into the District 2 race or what Mondays hand recount in Cobb County will show, we do know that the runoff election between Spears and Alexander is set for June 21. And you cant just say that the machines are only 65% accurate (although thats true). Email: dekalbinelection@co.dekalb.in.us . DeKalb was the last county to finalize its new maps, and so just before early voting, election workers scrambled to adjust several precincts which were in the wrong district. Hard to see a scenario going forward that doesn't involve a hand recount of all May 24 elections in DeKalb County at this point. Bentley Hudgins (HD 90 Stacey endorsed & her old district) got 14.46% of the vote. OpenCampaign is a political social network that matches individuals and politicians by local and national issues. Nov 26, 2022. . Candidate Lauren Alexander came in second with 4,382 votes. (Long Answer): The Georgia Secretary of States Office provided a detailed explanation, and for those who want to dig into details, here is that explanation. Perhaps its time to get rid of the machines, Georgia? Stonecrest Library will vote at Stonecrest Annex, 2994 Turner Hill Road, Stonecrest, GA 30038. I dont know, said Elections Board Vice Chair Nancy Jester. /Length 211 Silver Lake will vote at Ashford Park Elementary School, 2968 Cravenridge Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30319. Click here to read about the 14th Illinois Congressional District race. DeKalb County, Georgia, held general elections for board of commissioners, state court judges, associate state court judge, superior court judges, and soil & water conservation district board on November 8, 2022. One early voting location in Decatur is currently undetermined, but the county said they will open 12 early voting locations. The second number represents unofficial statewide results sourced from the Alabama Secretary of State and Alabama's Probate Judges reporting to alabamavotes.gov.Provisional ballots will be reviewed by county election officials on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 as the results are . Buick, a lawyer born and raised in DeKalb, was appointed to the bench almost a decade ago by Judge Kurt Klein, who retired in 2012. (Short Answer): The District 2 race originally had 4 candidates in it, but the fourth candidate, Donald Broussard, dropped out of the race. Updated: 4:35 PM EDT May 30, 2022. The District 2 race is a Democratic party primary but, with. Democrat Elizabeth Lisa Haderlein: 77,987 votes, How DeKalb County voted: 1,063 votes (64%) to LaHood; 542 votes (33%) to Haderlein, Illinois State Senate District 35 Republican Syverson (uncontested), Illinois State Senate District 37 Republican Win Stoller (uncontested), Illinois State Senate District 38 Republican Sue Rezin (uncontested), Republican Andrew S. Chesney: 51,636 votes (66.8%)*, Democrat Gerald H. Podraza: 26,139 votes (33.2%), How DeKalb County voted: 3,378 votes (61%) to Chesney; 2,007 votes (36%) to Podraza, Illinois House District 70 Republican Jeff Keicher (uncontested), Illinois House District 74 Republican Bradley J. Fritts (uncontested), Republican Jed Davis: 24,205 votes (61.2%)*, Democrat Heidi Henry: 15,366 votes (38.8%), How DeKalb County voted: 2,141 votes (55%) to Davis; 1,360 votes (35%) to Henry, Republican Jason Haskell: 14,818 votes (42.6%), Democrat Lance Yednock: 19,980 votes (57.4%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 8,114 votes (58%) to Yednock; 4,354 votes (31%) to Haskell, Illinois House District 89 Republican Tony M. McCombie (uncontested). Write-in candidates, whose names do not appear on election ballots, are U.S . Below are the results for DeKalb County. I think we all know the answer to that. DeKalb VRE at first declined to release results of the hand count of paper ballots, which election workers finished at 12:30 a.m. on May 31, citing questions about the accuracy of the count. Click here to read about the Illinois Attorney General race. I believe they have 32 clients in the U.S. and data on over 2 million poll workers. But Donald Broussard didnt even register as a candidate in the Dominion results. At the end of the day and with some reflection after two plus years of hard work, I have concluded that we still have a lot more to do to ensureFITnessFaith,Integrity& Trustin our elections. In Atlanta population is 100,420, according to the issues weve been looking at for any other races vote... Dominion machines managed a dekalb county elections 2022 that was off by 5,411 votes ( including absentees ) and boards! They have 32 clients in the District 2 County Commission race after questions raised! 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Old River Road in Ellenwood were up for election during this years Elections to read about the 14th Congressional... Lt. Gov from the hedgerows and rooftops but never was there a chance it would have been missed, said...