it is not the role of government to decide what flavors of anything we should be using. Oy vey! COMMENTS: Placentia Mayor Rhonda Shader has been in local government leadership since 2016. If you are a candidate for office and would like to be considered for inclusion in the Primary or General Election Voter Guide, please fill out the form below and someone will get in touch with you. It argues the measure will shift the tax burden to big businesses and smaller businesses will pay less, but I dont believe that is true. They turned campuses into looking like concentration camps, w/color coded wristbands, depending on the 'threat'. RATH works hard w/the energy to serve, and deserves to be re-elected. In the Primary, I recommended R -MATT RAHN because he seemed to be the most experienced. Comment: Not strong rec. COMMENTS: This is a temp position having to do with replacement of Kamala Harris. STRICT CONSTUCTIONIST apply the law to facts, and impartially arrive at a fair judgment based on law. Comments: Because Huang did not garner more than 50%, she was force into a run-off with Michelle Bell. 117th Congressional House Scorecard. Comments: R candidate, computer scientist, 17 yr resident involved in improving traffic flow in the city. She is running to be a voice for parents, that is, for Parents to have Informed decisions of curriculum, policies and finances. More comments to follow. If the measure fails, Sacramento bureaucrats would likely penalize the city and implement their own housing plan without Yorba Lindas input. ), Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Assoc, CA Teachers Assoc (CTA-Another shock! In races where I am aware that a Republican is . The measure, and several similar in other cities, is sponsored by UniteHere Local 11 UNION. Comments: "Family, Faith, Community, and Personal Freedom are what I value the most is what JTP starts off his website. . Comments: Incumbent. He prev served on the YL City Planning Commission, and also helped draft YLs 20 yr Core Plan for the city, so he knows YL well. The OC GOP is recommending a NO on Meas R and I am recommending STRONG NO, too. Comments: Of the 2 candidates, I am recommending RALPH LEFEBER. Click here for a printable versionConservative Republican Voter Guide. But, Yorba Linda is MANDATED by CA State law to designate areas for housing, and the city voters get to decide WHERE those housing units are placed. Comments: Conservative and current MV Planning Commissioner. Guerrero understands unfunded pension which threatens the long-term financial stability of CA. (Opponent Stephanie Wade is Dem endorsed and evil Planned Parenthood of OC). Currently an appointed Irvine Commissioner. YL, you screwed up), CA Superintendent-Lance Christensen (LOST), Area 1: No Recommendation (Barbara Dunsheath Won). Comments: Retired teacher after 33 yrs. A small businessman who served on Irvines School Board, then City Council and Irvines mayor, and as CA Assemblyman since 2016. We need her to WIN this one, too, as it would FLIP this newly-drawn district to RED, from Liberal Katrina Foley. ANOTHER "Conservative" VIEWPOINT that says "NO" (By Conservative Carl DeMaio of 2022 CA Election Guide) "Meas V directly subverts the will of voters and allows potentially corrupt politicians to appoint their crony friends to positions of power. Be a critical eye and voice to ensure every decision benefits our children. A well-informed Cypress conservative supporter of SANDRA LEE, She is a wonderful advocate for Cypress Schools!. All 4 are endorsed by evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD and the Democrat Party of OC. Mechanical Engineer background. Comments: Conservative candidate. Incumbent and currently Mayor. OPPOSING PROP 30, is GOV GAVIN NEWSOM (Shock! Ratings:Every candidate is considered after thorough research; we also have aquestionnaire for candidates to complete, plus our Tennessee taxpayer protection pledge. Comments: Republican conservative, endorsed by the OC GOP, and SC Councilmember STEVE KNOBLOCK, OC Gunowners Assoc. COMMENTS: Michelle Steel has been active in Republican politics, serving on various commissions since theBushadministration. Box 80295 SO SAD! Greg Abbott for reelection. Comments: Suggest to vote ONLY MAYNARD, so that he has best chance of getting elected. Opponent CARR is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Its called budgeting and living within their means, just like you and me. The closest I could find is FISCAL Conservative, PETER BLAKE, who is a Declined-to-State candidate, but who is fairly Conservative, on social issues, too. Comments: THIS IS A HORRIBLE PROP! He understands how Sacramento operates and where he can make the necessary and needed improvements. Therefore, I will fight for PARENTAL RIGHTS, and stand up against future lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates . We need new blood. Not Appears best of the 2. Per her ballot statement, Best results are seen when parents rights are respected and involvement is encouraged, directly promoting school accountability for campus safety, student psycho-social care and transparent classroom practices and curricular choices. She is running bc her efforts as a parent bore little progress with the school board, and wants to be part of the change. YOU DO! We elect representatives to make these kind of decisions. US Senator -Full & Short Term): Mark Meuser (LOST BOTH), US Rep 38th Dist: Eric Ching (LOST 49.9%), US Rep 46th Dist: Christopher Gonzales (LOST 38.2%), Us Rep 47th Dist: Scott Baugh (LOST 48.3% by 9,112 votes), US Rep 48th Dist: Brian Maryott (LOST 47.4%), Lt Governor: Angela Underwood Jacobs (LOST 40.3%), Atty General: Nathan Hochman (LOST 40.9%), Ins. A NO vote stops this measure. Endorsed by Dr Steven Choi, CA Assemblyman and former Irvine Mayor, and Christan Shea, former Irvine Mayor. Our extensive research on each candidate includes evaluations of their conservative worldview on individual God-given rights, forced masking of children, government spending, crime, free enterprise, and deregulation. My summary: MV City Councilmembers did noting wrong, The law was followed, and the suit should basically be ignored. Sprawling development encroaches on open space and wildlife habitat. NOT UNIONS! Do Not Vote. 2022 Conservative Index. Endorsed by OC GOP, LINCOLN CLUB, OC Sheriff Barnes, US Congresswoman, Michelle Steel, OC Supervisors Don Wagner and Andrew Do, former Assembly member Scott Baugh, CA Assemblyman and former Irvine mayor Steven Choi, and Councilmember Mike Carroll. Please do not vote Joyce Ahn endorsed by liberal Democrat Party. Grad top of class at Chapman w/MBA, father and long time resident. Voting for the following CA State Justices, is a YES or NO vote, after asking the following question: (NOTE: I am ONLY recommending YES on 2 of the JUDGES, in blue print, italicized! August Runoff 2022. Allows abortions to be approved by anyone in healthcare, not just doctors. His site and candidate statement make for common sense. 2022 Conservative Index. His site says his is a sworn enemy of every form of tyranny and we should prepare for a RED TSUNAMI! Please do not even THINK about voting for Moorlachs opponent, John Stephens, who is a liberal progressive, endorsed by the evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD, and DEM Party of OC. My research shows that in 2017, your city voted a temporary Sales Tax increase of 1% for 5 yrs to get the city out of trouble. Together we will win all three branches of government! A NO Vote keeps the Common Sense requirement. Comments; Known to be a conservative. To see our full list of endorsements for statewide offices, State House, State Senate, and County Commission. While Conservative, he is not strongly pro-lfe. Campaign ads Ive gotten, are ones trying to woo the Democratic Voters, stating he is 100% Pro-Choice and for womens rights. All June 2022 primary voter info will be removed soon. ), No Joanne Motoike (D Newsom) - (YES Won! Comments: This would earmark about a billion dollars a year AWAY from school funds for music and arts, at a time when Californias math and reading scores are plunging. ), and the CA Republican Party, NEWSOM Quote - Prop. The hurdles: Gaming companies hoping to offer online sports betting would have to pay a $100 million fee and already be operating in 10 states, or be licensed in five states and running 12 casinos. ), Comments: Not strong Rec. OC GOP Endorsed, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and many Republican Elected office holders. Now, she is running for her 2nd term for Congress. Website Design by Pixelvine Creative, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO LEGALIZE ABORTION, 2023 Citizens for Traditional Values | All Rights Reserved, Allows late-term & partial-birth abortions, Allows abortions, puberty blockers, and sex changes for minors without parental consent, Forces doctors to perform abortions even if it violates their religious beliefs, Allows abortions to be approved by anyone in healthcare, not just doctors. (Please DO NOT VOTE for opponent, Donald Torres who is endorsed by OC Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC). Area 2: Kira Davis - (LOST)-Capo voters, a big mistake!! He currently serves LF as Chair of the Traffic & Parking Commission. Endorsed by conservative Mari Barke, President, OC Board of Education, conservative Lance Christensen, GOP candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, conservative Kevin Kiley, State Assemblyman and candidate for California's 3rd Congressional District, LINCOLN Club of OC, and OC GOP. Current TABOR laws require the ballot to show the cost of new tax proposals, but voters only see the lump sum, which could mislead them into believing that new proposalsincluding ones that could benefit the environment and help fight climate changewill drastically raise their individual taxes, when in reality they may only have a small effect. Vote for ALL thirteen. After getting an MBA from Pepperdine University, Pramod Kunju received a degree in Criminal Justice from the University of California, Irvine. But I will be watching her votes carefully, in the next 2 yrs, if she wins. CHRISTENSEN has the endorsement of the CA GOP, is Pro-Life, Pro-Parents Rights, is on Family Values Voter Guide and endorsed by the Lincoln Club, and my pastor, Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel of Chino Hills, and is very familiar with the CA Ed Code. These are races which apply to everyone in the state. Dont forgettosubscribe to theReality Alertnewsletterfor updates on critical election issues, trends and policies affecting our freedoms and are impacting our economy, legislation, culture and election results. Sad! Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP. Ya cant do worse! Comments: Experienced Republican incumbent running against Democratically endorsed, Scott Field. Comments: Appointed Incumbent, endorsed by OC GOP and virtually EVERY elected official in OC, including OC Sheriff Don Barnes, Conservative Mari Barke, and my favorite John Moorlach. She is well qualified to serve and is endorsed by OC GOP, Newport Mesa Uncensored parents group, Greater Costa Mesa Republicans, Lincoln Club of OC, CPU (California Parents United), Lance Christiansen, Candidate for CA Superintendent of Public Instruction, Patriots for Freedom, OC Gunowners, Kevin Kiley, CA Assemblyman, Lisa Sparks and Mari Barke of OC School Board, Don Harper, CM CC, and my favorite, former CA Senator, John Moorlach. ), and she solidly fit, better than my previous recommendation. GOP Endorsed, of course. November 8, 2022, California Statewide General Election About Robyn & the basis for her recommendations Robyn's Recommendations FOR STATE RACES . If either wins, it should be fine, though. Here youll find non-partisan recommendations for various offices based on their willingness to stand up for freedom and fight to reclaim the American dream who will oppose socialism. This would slow or put a halt to any development in these areas. On all issues, however, Meuser is far better than liberal appointed by Newsom D-Incumbent, ALEX PADILLA. Only Santa Ana is higher at 9.25%. Comments: Endorsed by the Republican OC GOP. The funding will support affordable housing that is more sustainable, including dense and transit-oriented development. Not strong rec. I am here to serve you, not powerful unions or special interest groups. THATS WHO CANDIDATES NEED TO SERVE, PARENTS and their KIDS. Colorados restrictive Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) has stalled the states ability to make progress for too long. Many apartment complexes, businesses, and events in Denver currently dont have recycling and composting services on site. Please do NOT vote for far-lift Dem Shana Charles, who is endorsed by PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Comments: Solid Conservative who I have previously vetted and recommended for his many yrs on board of FV Schools. You have 2 seats open, and 3 candidates. CA GOP Endorsed. COMMENTS: GONZALES is endorsed by the Conservative CA Republican Assembly, OC GOP, CA Republican Party, and many conservative elected officials. These are all issues her opponent DEM Kim Carr SUPPORTS! For over 20 years we never have. He is endorsed by the following: CA GOP, OC Republican Party, Lincoln Club, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assoc, Reform CA, US Senator Ted Cruz, Pastor Rob McCoy, OC Sheriff Don Barnes, Former Senator and O.C. and I stand for quality and transparent curriculum, per her ballot statement. You can find out which candidates Conservation Colorado has endorsed here. Comments: How sad! CONSERVATIVE VOTER GUIDE 2022 October 03, 2022 Home; HCGOP NEWS; CONSERVATIVE VOTER GUIDE 2022; Spread the Word! A businessman (farm and seed business), coming from No CA, DAHLE served as County Supervisor before going to Sacramento where he served in CA Assembly, and currently is a CA Senator. But before we hear the My Body My Choice refrain, ponder a simple question. In some neighborhoods, there are no sidewalks at all. Your choice is between 2 Democrats , that is, EDWARD H. TAO, the Appointed Incumbent, and ANNIE MCCARY. Allows abortions, puberty blockers, and sex changes for minors without parental consent. Do your best, prepare for the worst, then TRUST GOD to bring victory.Prov 21:31, In this world you WILL have trouble, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME the WORLD. We (l live in MV) have a city to run! Not a strong recommendation due to limited experience in elective office. Comments: Per fellow conservative, Robyn Nordell: OSCAR VALADEZ is the BEST of the 3 Democrat candidates. ), No Frank Menetrez (D Brown) - (YES Won! Please DO NOT vote for MICHELLE MURPHY, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. They are usually Conservative. It is terribly important that you vote for EVERYcandidate on this guide - top to bottom! County-level Spanish-language guides are also available on our Como Votar page. Newbie to elective office, but long time, active resident. Commercial properties and construction sites. Here is our rating system: ***** The best candidate. Endorsed by Anaheim Taxpayers Association, Anaheim Hillss Mayor Pro Tem, R- Trevor ONeil, Anaheim Councilmembers R- Stephen Faessel, R- Gloria Maae, R- Jose Diaz. Comments: Libertarian candidate most aligned w/ Conservatives on the current council, recommending over OCGOP-endorsed Carrie Hayashida. The budget is balanced, streets maintained, our city is safe, we have our first city park, and we are on task satisfying the CA housing mandate. If in Dist 4, ya gotta Vote of Barbara George. This measure would reduce the state income tax rate from 4.55% to 4.40%. Message and data rates may apply. (Please do not vote for her opponent, Democrat-Endorsed Jon Miller) *See note. Laguna Beach should NOT be adding the city as another regulatory enforcement agency layer to hotel operators. Peggy is conservative and currently serves on Yorba Linda City Council where I have recommended her in past. He is a CPA, a former Bank Vice President and Mayor. Proposition GG helps by requiring more transparency on ballot measures. For the 3rd time, the SEIU Union is trying to screw up kidney dialysis in California. . Terms & Privacy Policy: (Opponent Jason White is endorsed by the Democratic Party.). Other than their ballot statement, minimal info avail. AP. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know about the voter guide. Sarmiento WON), OC Supervisor 4th Dist: None (D Chafee WON), No - Patricia Guerrero (Newsom)-(YES Won! Our 2022 Primary Guide can be found here. The AI Party has a good platform. Comments: Pathetically, both candidates are Democrats, but DOUG CHAFFEE does not appear as BAD as very left-progressive, Democrat-Endorsed, Sunny Park. for a city in which everyone has the opportunity to recycle and compost. . Who pays it back? ), D#2 Gloria Sahagun Maae (LOST by 78 votes), D#3 No Recommendations (Natalie Rubalcava WON), Mayor John Moorlach (LOST-Boo-Hoo! Highly recommended by fellow Conservative researcher, ROBYN NORDELL, of Opponent is an Democrat Incumbent, Mike Scheafer. COMMENTS: Republican candidate and former educator, mother of 4, who has worked and taught at all levels, preschool through college. (Please do not vote for HARI SHANKAR LAL as she is endorsed by Dem Party.). . We need PARENT ADVOCATES, not UNION advocates. Comments: Better of the 2. License to carry a handgun. PRINTABLE: Robyn Nordell's SAN BERNARDINO County Voter Guide - Added: 10/18. But, if this is a major issue w/you, just leave blank. But, about 1/2 of U.S. states have legalized sports betting since the Supreme Court overturned a federal ban in 2018, and Native American tribes are hoping CA will be next. Join the fight to keep Republicans elected in Henderson County, Sign up for text messages from NCGOP! Additionally. Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP. If this were my district, Id probably go w/CHAFFEE, as we have seen his vote record, which was marginal, and could be worse, with Sunny Parks. current trends in social psychology 2022; Online Forms. *See note, Comments: An active and involved Conservative Incumbent first elected in 2014. Knowledgeable and experienced on water issues. We also look at their views on family, school choice/homeschooling, and much more. (YES WON-GAG! Municipal Code Amendment to Create an Overlay Zoning District and Require Voter Approval of Major Development Projects, Code Amendment to Create a Hotel Development Overlay Zoning District and Require Voter Approval of Hotel Development Projects, Code Amendment to Create a Minimum Wage and Workplace Standards and Protections for Hotel Employees, CLICK HERE FOR CRAIG ALEXANDER'S VOTE PICKS. They arent needed. He is the endorsed by OC GOP, entire FV School Dist Board, Congresswoman Michelle Steel, Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen, and Supervisor Andrew Do. She is an informed parent and educated School Counselor. In 2020, Trump won 22 districts and Biden won 14 districts. I am switching my recommendation to SANCHEZ for this General Election, as I have further researched Sanchez, and find she is a solid conservative candidate with good experience, and is more socially conservative than RAHN. COMMENTS: RAUL ORTIZ describes himself as Christian Constitutionalist Conservative Republican Leader. Comments: Republican incumbent LAPD police sergeant that seems to be doing a good job, vs (declined to state) family physician (RODRIGUEZ). And, this tax on Pot Shops claims to fund traffic and law enforcement, but has loopholes that could allow funding to be diverted to citys general fund. COMMENTS: As of today (Sun, Nov 5) for whatever it is worth, I am CHANGING my RECOMMENDATION to incumbent TERRI WHITT RYDELL for this office (from Derek Reeves). ATWATER and CARMONA are both conservative PARENTS, who believe Parents have a right to know what is being taught to their children. Comments: First, I hate gambling! A coalition of online sportsbooks, along with Las Vegas casinos are bankrolling this Prop 27 that would allow Californians to place bets through their computers and mobile apps. Judicial Races; National State Local . Little known. She is part of Parents Group upset about Los Alamitos Unified District allowing CRT last year. Others, NO). Please do not vote for liberal Dem-endorsed and evil Planned Parenthood endorsed, Katie McEwen. I am a man of faith. Comments: Sadly, only 2 Democrats advanced to this Gen Election. Interesting, even though CHAFFEE is the incumbent, OC Dem Party endorsed opponent, Park. I dont smoke, and hate cigarette use, but I dont think our nanny-state CA legislators have ANY BUSINESS deciding cigarette flavors for smokers! Please DO NOT vote for opponent, RUTHI HANCHETT who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party. Her vote record has been consistently conservative. Endorsed by OC GOP, CA Senator Pat Bates, newly elected Superior Ct Judge and former OC Supervisor Shawn Nelson, CA Assemblywoman Laurie Davies. Greg Abbott's office (The Center Square) - Ahead of the March 1 primary election, several conservative groups in Texas have issued statewide voter guides, and a range of endorsements. The Associated Press reports similar state party leader contests across the nation feature election-denying candidates, many of whom ran for office in 2022 but lost. But, if I lived in Dist 3, the better of the 2 candidates is Democrat, NATALIE RUBALCAVA, per fellow conservative, Robyn Nordell. Our Voter Guide The Conservative Voter Guide mails a printed card to California voters during the Primary and General Elections. Could you donate $10 or more to help cover our costs to expand our influence? Endorsed by OC GOP. Comments: Currently serves as Anaheim City Commissioner. HOWEVER, with CAs ONE PARTY rule, thats not always happening! Comments: The following 3 are incumbents known to be doing a good job. but he's been a staunch member of the board's four person conservative majority with a focus on charter schools and . Means, just leave blank has the opportunity to recycle and compost quality and transparent,. All levels, preschool through college every decision benefits our children, PARENTS and their KIDS conservative researcher Robyn! 22 districts and Biden Won 14 districts most aligned w/ Conservatives on the 'threat ' ANNIE MCCARY composting on! 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To See our full list of endorsements for statewide offices, State House, State Senate and... Look at their views on family, School choice/homeschooling, and several similar in other,... Therefore, I recommended R -MATT RAHN because he seemed to be doing a job. The opportunity to recycle and compost elect representatives to make these kind of decisions is terribly important that vote. For her 2nd term for Congress TABOR ) has stalled the states to. Rate from 4.55 % to 4.40 % votes carefully, in the city and implement own! By evil Planned Parenthood endorsed, Katie McEwen on Yorba Linda city Council where I have previously vetted recommended!

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