Nobody knew who Clizbe and M. were. Shortness of breath. Bomb dogs were called in. Know anybody who has? Simmons hopped in, handed him a $20 bill and told him to just drive; he wouldnt say where he wanted to go. These were given to him on his October 14 th birthday by the White House Press Corps and were his uniform of choice, along with a western necktie, when he made his first public appearance on October 25, 1955. Hed been all over the globe: Central America, South America, Geneva, Bimini, Islamorada, Hong Kong, Macau and Kazakhstan. Norwich University, Northfield, VT, taught ROTC during master's program; U.S. Army, tactical advisor, twenty-nine years; Summer Olympic Games, South Korea, counter-terrorism coordinator; Federal Bureau of Investigation, security advisor; state and local police officials, security advisor; D.A.R. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. He has a patent on a device, the TimeOff, that prevents unattended-stove fires. Send your cards and well wishes to. Simmons noticed that Clizbe and M. were Facebook friends and suspected a connection, so he wrote to Clizbe in an effort to ward off further attacks: My creds are impeccable. Police say a Maine man was found dead in a vehicle that ended up overturned in a body of water in Clinton. The Office of Entrepreneurial Development (OED). This application led to a full background check by the State Department, which concluded that Simmons never worked for the C.I.A. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Fox News military analyst Colonel David Hunt laid the blame for the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the Benghazi, Libya American mission on Hillary Clinton and the State Department: The State Department just allowed our guys to get killed. In my experience, some of the programs he claims to have been a part of simply never existed. This book came out about the same time as when Boston Marathon participants were attacked by terrorists even though Col. Hunt had been working on it for the previous 5 years! In this capacity, David Hunt planned, choreographed and implemented the first United States national response for an Olympic event in Korea in conjunction with Korean National Intelligence and the Korean Crisis Response Agency as the counter-terrorist coordinator. that he figured Simmons claimed to be a part of. In the mid 1980s, Hunt joined The Snipers street gang who were involved in lorry hijackings in Essex and East London. The U.S. attorneys office shared with me a particularly troubling police report from January 2007. By J.H. He picked up Simmons at a downtown steakhouse. During that time, I had many interactions with students that were humorous, insightful, motivating, and heart wrenching. 1 day ago The loan was made from Sullivan's finance firm GC CO NO 102 to Hunt's business Hunt's (UK) Properties. But Simmonss response was, he said, bloody [expletive] gibberish.. Because Tindall decided to testify against the Boston-based organized-crime group, he had a contract on his head. [2], Hunt was born in 1961 in Canning Town to May (ne Wicks) and George Hunt,[17][18] the youngest of 13 children.[19]. Col. David Hunt; If it appears I lived this life, its because I did.. He offers harsh criticism of politicians, liberals, those who pretend to be allies, and bureaucrats in general, giving examples of missed opportunities and bungled operations and suggesting that those in charge do not have a proper understanding of what needs to be done. But the things he said were so not C.I.A., Five years later, in October of last year, Simmons who, as a frequent guest on Fox News discussing intelligence matters, had become a prominent commentator on national security was arrested for fraud, on charges that (among other things) he used a fictitious background in the C.I.A. Nobody knew him or his supposed exploits. He founded and is president of D.A.R. and spoke to a supervisor, who advised them to take appropriate action whatever that meant. After grabbing his cellphone, which Simmons believed to be the detonator, he forced Azizur-Rehman to stop the car and subdued him. ", TRUMP SAYS HIS ADMINISTRATION 'WILL NOT EVEN CONSIDER' RENAMING MILITARY BASES NAMED FOR CONFEDERATES. Newsradio WGANCopyright 2023 Saga Communications, Inc. Simmons claimed that the Patriarcas wanted him dead, too, simply because of his affiliation with Tindall. And like Clizbe, he noticed the strange jurisdictional confusion in Simmonss rsum as well as the suspicious diversity of tasks and locations. A few weeks later, a producer from Fox called and asked if he would do a quick spot on Geraldo Riveras show. Add to My Lists. A great book, fast and full of action. Colonel David Gibson, a Ex-Special Operations Officer meets political consultant Christina Marchetti (two definate opposites),who team up to stop a terrorist attack on Boston. Clizbe made frequent trips to her hometown outside Kuala Lumpur, where he immersed himself in the local customs. Why do these two get together? Clizbe pointed out the irregularities in Simmonss biography, and M. became convinced he was a fraud. M. composed a stern warning to Simmons: If you continue to promote yourself as a former agency operative, we will have to expose you publicly as a poser and a fraud. But he also offered him a way out: either to provide his full name and date of birth so that a friend of M.s with access to the C.I.A.s records could run his name, or to provide the name of a living C.I.A. An enjoyable read but also thought provoking; if multiple attacks occur, would law enforcement and emergency responders be prepared? M. left needling comments on Simmonss page, questioning the validity of his claims. is a familiar face. They function, he says, from the flawed assumption that people from all cultures have the same physical and psychological reactions when they lie. Col. David Hunt, a Fox News military analyst, said the military could have had jets in the air within 20 minutes and forces on the ground within two hours. Simmons was quick to point out that the F.B.I. When law-enforcement officers opened the safe, they found a ledger that contained documentary evidence of large-scale narcotics activity. Simmons, however, never faced any drug charges. The fun part was once the first plane was highjacked, there was non-stop action! (His daughter, who is active in local politics, does his shopping.) He showed me snapshots of buildings that he said were safe houses. Reviewed in the United States on May 15, 2013. Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2013. In the governments extensive rap sheet on Simmons, the picture that emerges is not of a cynical fraudster but of a man living in a fiction of his own creation. When the paper approached the Metropolitan Police before publicly disclosing the leaked documents, the Met responded by unsuccessfully trying to sue them for the recovery of those documents and to obtain an order banning their publication. His awards include the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Soldiers Medal and 4 purple hearts. She was married to a former admiral. After all, famous American traitors like Aldrich Ames passed polygraphs while spying for the enemy. It was all done in an effort to win favorable but independent-seeming news coverage for the administrations foreign policy. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Simmonss recruiters, whoever they may have been, likely blew air up his butt and mentioned the C.I.A. I have recommended it to several friends who share my concerns for our country. Kent Clizbe, a 55-year-old former C.I.A. Colonel David Gibson is a recently retired Special Operations Officer. The operations Simmons claimed to have carried out, if they were real, would have been well known around the higher levels of the directorate, and M. had never heard of any of them. Hunt added that he had noproblem with Trump walking to the church, but added that he did have an issue with the use of "tear gas and rubber bullets" on protesters, telling Hemmerthe "American people are not the enemy. And only me.. The lunch was Pattons idea; he wanted Clizbe to meet a mentor of his, Wayne Simmons. According to the prosecution, Simmons defrauded his former girlfriend, referred to in documents as E.L. (Simmons denies any romantic involvement.) 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. M. knew that didnt prove anything; Simmons most likely provided that description himself. He served in the Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets, with Airborne qualifications, and in the Rangers, the U.S. Army's elite infantry unit. Ever work with him? What You Dont Understand About Insurance. On campus, he fell in love with a Malaysian girl, who told him that if he wanted to marry her, he would have to convert to Islam. Hunt is known in gangland circles as Long Fella due to . Simmons said, Why not? He paid Collins a couple hundred dollars for three days of media training. Its how we have to live our lives., Clizbe added: He was so full of bluster that anybody who hadnt been in the C.I.A. He was making up to six appearances a month, rarely straying from the administrations talking points. Simmons generally failed in his attempts to fleece the government, but he succeeded elsewhere. (When I asked Simmons about this claim, he grinned, shrugged and said, I have powerful friends.) I asked Clizbe if exposing Simmons was worth the trouble it had brought him. He is not shy. So Simmons turned back to M., again leaning on his work with the Pentagon: BTW . The driver, meanwhile, explained his side of the story. Col. David W. Hunt (U.S. Army, Ret. "A Timely Story with Insight" After the Boston bombing this story hits close to home. [2] He then moved into the Soho sex trade, purchasing property that operated as a pornography shop and brothel. Before his death at the Alamo, the "King of the Wild Frontier" was an American folk hero. ), After some coaxing, Simmons agreed to let me visit him during his house arrest awaiting trial. Can I ask you something? Berntsen recalls Hunt saying. Bill O'Reilly of the "O'Reilly Factor" called David Hunt the "Best Military Analyst in the Business" and Fox's "Go to Guy on the War.". In a terrifying twist, the rebels unearth a tactical nuclear bomb lost in the final days of the Soviet occupation. Get well real soon. This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. When ISIS detonates nuclear weapons in two key American strongholds, the United States plunges into chaos, and the CIA scrambles to prevent a third tragedy in Without Mercy, a terrifying and topical thriller from Colonel David Hunt and R. J. Pineiro. Running into old C.I.A. When his tour ended, he went back to school at Southern Illinois University. "For example the Air Force just promoted its first four-star black officer, and they've been around for like 60 years. Market data provided by Factset. Contemporary Authors. This time around, the world is pushed to the brink of World War III when North Korean President Kim Jong-un is assassinated during an official visit to the United States. Vindman would seem like a difficult witness to attack: a career soldier, an active-duty lieutenant colonel in the Army, a Purple Heart recipient for a wound from an IED in Iraq. They were later cleared of any wrongdoing. David has made over 20 trades of the Black Knight Inc stock since 2006, according to the Form 4 filled with the SEC. It opens on the fraudulent narrator considering a portrait of himself: I can look at the picture above my desk, of the young officer . . fingerprint analyst. operative. The story line seemed very plausible, although there were a couple of times when the action seemed a bit too far fetched! Col. David Hunt, Christine Hunsinger. What problems do they have that I can solve? Fox News military analyst Col. David Hunt weighs in on push to rename military bases named after confederate commanders. Col. David Hunt and R. J. Pineiro have teamed up for another action-packed thriller steeped in authenticity: Without Fear. Please tell them, Berntsen says. Legal Statement. His role as a leader began with a Special Forces Operational Detachment of 12 soldiers, expanding to command a brigade of over 1,000 personnel. Free director information. [15] Now known as Connect Waste the recycling centre is run by Hunt's long time friend, Phil Mitchell. She gave him $125,000 to invest in a real estate venture, and Simmons pocketed the money. [31] Sunday Times journalist Michael Gillard was named British Journalism Awards Journalist of the Year in 2013 for the expose, but was unable to attend the award ceremony due to security concerns meaning that he was unable to attend public events in London. In this capacity, Colonel Hunt planned, choreographed and implemented the first United States national response for an Olympic event in Korea in conjunction with Korean National Intelligence and the Korean Crisis Response Agency. "It's an absolute joke. He and a co-author had released a novel, The Natanz Directive, about a retired black-ops agent who infiltrates Iran and single-handedly dismantles its nuclear program. He worked as a headwaiter at Pisces, a nightclub in Georgetown, and as a manager for Making Waves, an adult-entertainment hot-tub complex in College Park, Md. In the fall of 2010, Clizbe was summoned from his Northern Virginia home to a restaurant at Baltimore-Washington International Airport for lunch with a Department of Defense contractor named Kerry Patton. Photographs from Anne Arundel County Police Department (center and right); Annapolis Police Department (left), a blog about intelligence and public affairs, privately criticizing election fraud claims, have destabilized democracy on three continents. The typical informant doesnt try his hand, let alone succeed, at conning his way into Pentagon public-relations programs. OTS Media Group. The French Hospital. COLONEL DAVID HUNT has spent almost thirty years fighting our nation's wars, from Vietnam to Bosnia. [25] Danny (David Hunt) falls out with Abrahams (Jimmy Holmes) and puts a contract out on his life. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"8rI1ArfCVZfMuLdkSQzi1XZozoDZb2ujdZllvYR3.Fc-86400-0"}; As a result of the raids, McKelvey was informed, whilst interviewing a petty criminal, that a known contract-killer had been contracted for 1 million to kill three police officers including McKelvey himself, who now lives under round the clock police protection. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Hack, as he was known, earned over 90 military awards, including two DSCs, ten . Most recently, Colonel Hunt served as Tactical Advisor in Bosnia where he facilitated all national intelligence matters for the Commander in Chief, as well as coordinating a $350,000,000 national security program for the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency in 1997. I really enjoyed this book and hope for another from the authors. [21], In 2004, a book written by former Hunt associate Jimmy Holmes (under the pseudonym Horace Silver), titled Judas Pig, was published. I have been watching Col. Hunt's gravel-voiced analysis on Fox for years, and this book doesn't disappoint. Tom Doherty Associates, Jan 28, 2014 - Fiction - 384 pages. In 2008, he managed to pass an interim security clearance and gain entry into the U.S. Armys Human Terrain System program, which brought anthropologists into Afghanistan and Iraq to learn about local culture. These were agency fronts, he claimed. Former Maine Legislator Jeremy Fischer and filling in Eric Lusk, is Phil Harriman give their Analysis of Maine & National, Craig Peterson Americas Leading CyberSecurity Coach, Joins The WGAN Morning News every Wednesday at 7:35 for Tech Talk. When his brother was killed in Vietnam, Hunt was inspired to joint the U.S. Army, from which he retired after twenty-nine years with the rank of colonel. How Todays Government and Military Would React to Terrorists Detonating a Nuclear Bomb in The U.S. By Fox News Contributor and Terrorism Expert,, "Hunt, David Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual Shortly after the underwear bomber attack in Detroit, Simmons called Obama a boy king who emboldened terrorists and third-world despots. work. He vowed to send me corroborating documents but never delivered them. Simmons told him about his experiences in the C.I.A., and Collins asked Simmons if he was interested in going on TV. The political tension cost him his next contract, he said, so he focused on his writing. The reason Clizbe and M. found his rsum bizarre, he said, is that he was part of an off-the-books outfit authorized to do whatever was needed, wherever it was needed. 0 Reviews. Simmons claims today that the lenient sentence is proof that he was working for the C.I.A. After watching Col Hunt on TV for many years and knowing of his military experience, I felt this was a book of fiction I would really enjoy and it certainly hit the mark. The better thrillers have combined strong male and female characters and this is no exception. But he wasnt recruited to be an officer, he said. WITHOUT MERCY As for the characters, I found them believable, a bit over the top, but it is a story and meant to be enjoyed. Alternative name. Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. By the spring of 2011, Clizbe was convinced that there was no way to confirm Simmonss claims, so he reached out to his former boss, M., an irascible older man who had been a high-ranking Senior Intelligence Service officer. When I started doing television, senior agency guys were calling me on the phone and telling me: That guys on television, he goes on the network you are on, hes a fraud. It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. He shut his binder and held it up in the air for me to ponder. Simmons was prolific. Just heard on Howie Carr that Col. Hunt had a heart attack, triple bypass, and is recovering well. His car had been repossessed. Mug shots of Wayne Simmons from his arrests in Maryland. He was living the life of the decorated patriot he was born to be. The next morning, Simmons provided M. with a litany of his operations. China, Russia's cyber attacks on America is a federal, not state issue . This assessment could be correct. is a highly bureaucratic organization, rife with procedures, regulations and paperwork. This information is based on awards reporting made available to the Military Departments. It is fast-paced, definitely entertaining. All these authors have either "been there and done that" or have strong connections to those that have. in National. I questioned Simmons on his credentials, and he fell back, as he did with others, on his trips to Gitmo. Simmons said he had operated separately from Langley; he hinted at brazen operations against drug cartels, opining on the painful isolation of an operatives existence. The rebels unearth a tactical nuclear bomb lost in the final days of the Wild Frontier quot... Biography, and this book and hope for another from the authors I really enjoyed this book and for. 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