This has been disputed. I did buy a small Pelonis ceramic heater 20 years ago for $100, and it still works. He is retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Texas Army National Guard. [1] they will endorse anything for a price . Suarez Corporation Industries / Pinnacle Systems have absolutely NO component life test data to back-up their component life claims. Put an infrared heater in your bedroom. Buyer beware. Those heated water molecules will warm the human body faster than air molecules. Well, come to my house, put you hands in front of each item and we will see which one you pull away from first! I will never buy another one and will tell others not to, they are well overrated. It can be on all of the time or set it to the temp you want to keep it at. Within a month the heating capacity was diminished 50 %. The newer model 1000XL is still$59.00. I don't care if my electric bill doubles as long as I can put off ordering and paying this Government Created Shortage of Propane at astronomical prices. In other words a room measuring 6' x 7'. For under $100, you can buy a better-looking, better-built heater that will serve your needs for years to come. Asked store manager about the eden pure heater and when we looked online, the same 1500 watt unit is rated at the same 5000+ btu's. Because heating up a room with electric heat is the most expensive way to do it, simply closing off furnace ducts to unused rooms would result in bigger savings using an EdenPURE, and it would not involve the cost of a new heater. Consider Choosing a Different Electric Heater. They said they could not do a refund because it was past the 60 days and I said I thought the 60 day thing was for the smart people that decided they didn't want it, not for a DEFECTIVE product of which I have received 2 in a row.Anyway they refused to refund my money so I guess I'm just stuck with this piece of junk. My last post was cut off - 2) A btu is a btu 1500 watts is 5100 btu's .That is all you can put on a 120 volt 15 amp curcuit . The point that needs to be understood is that any type of room heater that you utilize to perform "zone heating" will save you money. zp. I will check the duct for cracks and insulation and if I want to get cheaper, I'll look into the Sun. If you sheeple need to believe otherwise, so be it. My complaints is that I place my order 4 weeks ago still no shipment ( states 5 to 10 dyas) & cust service does not respond to email and closed half the time. Enjoyed reading all the above comments, all valid points, but with all the back and forth opinions, I feel like I've been watching a tennis match. You are dead wrong pilgrim. The best way to save money (in the long run), is to not only comply with your electricity company replacing things in your home that will give you a lower rate per kwh. However after studying A LOT of them including Duraflame, and all the current ones on the market, I found Dr. Infrared to be the best comparable for a fraction of the cost of EdenPure, as well as the most highly recommended. It has exactly the same power of 1000 to 2000 Watts as everything else including EdenPure. For the guy who said to close off the rooms and the vents in those rooms, don't you know that can damage your central unit. Many times, the ductwork system in these homes are the coiled ductwork types that gets holes poked in it, or is otherwise leaky ductwork. THIS is the reason the heating companies have zone heating. While at home he is not acting as an agent of the business so his actions were not in conflict with his duty of loyalty or notification. I was just about to order an edenpure heater. The EdenPure heater uses 1500 Watts. They make for a much more comfortable room than ceiling fans. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. And third, it provides soft radiant heat that EVENLY spread around the room. In other words a fan force heater will heat a space faster and then turn off faster while a pure convection heater will take much longer. Doubled Electric bill, no effect on gas consuption. Why pay 400.00 for a space heater,when you can go to Home Depot and buy a elecric heater for 30.00-60.00 that will heat the room better than the "bulbs in a box" heater will.Edenpure is just ripping people off! Other heaters I've used don't keep the rooms warm because the controls don't allow the versatility that the EdenPure does. If they did, they would have to absorb water, wouldn't they. Her hair dryer moves much more air because of its use it moves hot air faster that doesnt mean its producing less heat over all. I have two Eden Pures in my home and they really work. Because heating a wire is less efficient to heating a infared light you can't do a comparison. Also in the month I ran the Edenpure unit I saw an increase of about 8% on my electric bill versus the radiator unit. The Amazon vendor that sells the $15.99 Lasko heater shown above wants $27.00 shipping! Ok Bob Yila lets stand behind your product and give me my money back now Do a cost comparison yourself. I borrowed one of these heaters from my Mom and it heated the whole back half of my house. If you really want to save energy and money on heating costs, don't shell out hundreds of bucks on a space heater. I am glad you enjoy your EdenPURE heater. Nice flat spot for debris. bill burkett heaters. I was told that they were still processing my order and that it would have been sent out this week (SURE). It is now the 12th of Jan. and no heater. Browse Locations. Plus, as someone else said, there are varied types of heat. I use two in my basement that have been working constant for three years (except for the summer months) and still work fine. By not heating the unoccupied rooms of your home, you will cut your heating bill. I guess after all those years pushing Sears tools, Villa decided to push yet another scam. With D.B. I own a 500 and a 1000,I have breathing problems,used kerosene heaters and about died,plus it cost me $90 or more to warm and leave my house and clothes reeking of kerosene oil!I used the 500 watt in fairly cold weather. EdenPURE claims stretch the truth. In any case, you can reach the exactly the same result with what EdenPure promises, for a fraction of the cost. cold in massachusetts on January 12, 2011: where can you run a 1500 watt heater all night for $0.23? So does anything else that uses 1500W of electricity, such as a $15 bathroom heater or a 1500W blow hair dryer. Any electric heater is 100% efficient. Most space heaters like EdenPure use electricity to produce heat. 1500 watts of electric heat will cost you the same in a $20.00 heater, or a ripoff $400.00 one. Paying almost $400.00 an Edenpure with needing bulbs every two years, these are no longer a savings, Biotech Research lends their name Edenpure out to all these little retailers who soak you on the price of the heating bulbs. The number one reason not to buy a Bio Tech Research Eden Pure is people just like you and me on this site have given specific factual examples being abused after the sale by things which should have been disclosed before the sale. I have purchased Eden pure heaters 1 is 2 years old and the fan motor is shot and one of the tubes is burned out. Crawfordville, FL (1) Daytona Beach (FL) (4) Fort Myers-Cape Coral (FL) (6) Fort Pierce-Port St. Lucie (FL) (1) Are the so called experts on here thick or something. Talk about a rip off. Of course, it seems that would use more electricity, but some of you just don't read the material correctly or don't read it at all. A good quality heat pump with good ductwork WILL outperform straight resistance electric heat. Until recently, Eden Pure ads claimed their technology was based on the serendipitous finding by some farmer named "John Jones." They are thu the wall units that look like AC units they are about 12k to 15k btu each.A heat pump is about 1 to 3 energy gain $1 in you get $3 out.Dont be fooled by the snake oil salesman. They don't claim it will save you money. Anyway, they said they would do a refund and to give it a couple of weeks to credit my account.Well about 3 days ago I had another one of these pieces of junk delivered to my house so I called them, again. There has got to be heat loss, because travels a long distance from the furnace ouside to the farthest point. VERY EXPENSIVE, but interestly enough my sisters was higher and she has a smaller home and a heat pump. Hatco GRAH-48-208-T-QS Glo-Ray 48" Infrared Strip Heater | 1100 Watts (Closeout) Free Shipping Quick Ship $265.10 / Each $226.05 / Each Add to Cart Nemco 6150-60 60" Infrared Bar Heater | 1400 Watts Quick Ship $184.00 / Each Add to Cart Hatco GRAH-48-120-T-QS Glo-Ray 48" Infrared Strip Heater | 1100 Watts Free Shipping Quick Ship $265.10 / Each Unplugged edenpure. Thanks for pointing this out for those of us who are scam recognizably challenged. So, for this is is great. I just received an ad in the mail for a Comfort Furnace, Infrared Heater, that has all the same claims as the Eden Pure and selling for $329.00 (sale price) and a 3 yr warranty. Most of these testimonials are not of much use. I'm currently waiting for my new EdenPURE 360, do you have an opinion about this one? If you need a space heater and you want to needlessly make someone rich by buying something over-priced, by all means go with the Eden. Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on October 31, 2011: John, it should remind you of every politician. ", They would be dedicated to making sure the expectations of an ongoing pleasant experience that is designed into the commercial would be realized to the end of product life. :). The American Free Enterprise system only works if we work it. Turned on in December. You cannot beat basic rule of physics saying that energy does not come from nowhere, and does not disappear to nowhere. While almost 100% of the electricity is transformed to heat, it is one of the most expensive ways to produce heat. That splendid metal, so the story goes, has been incorporated into the design of Eden Pure heaters. I spent aA LOT of time researching!! What a bunch of scam artists. I cannot tell you if the heater is worth it or not, because they will not answer the phone once you place an order. She points out their parents had electrc heat in a double-wide. I was going to purchase another EdenPure this year for the downstairs, but after seeing the .25 per hour and calculating the cost, that will not save money. The cost was going to be $10,000. June 11, 2022 Posted by: when was arthur miller born No Comments. The Gen 3 and 4 buyers beware, you're just the new victoms, your heating bulbs will probably be higher, because they are newer and new and improved. Was given to me as a gift and I'm looking to buy a second unit for my second floor. So I am not really surprised. Now, that may seem cold to some of you, but no other heater identical to this one is going to do any better and if they are not this safe, you would have to have your central heat on. In Feb of 08 I had to order replacement bulbs, they cost $59.00 for the 1000. I did consider the possibility of buying one, but after reading your hub i re-read the brochure and realized that this was also extremely misleading without actually lying. Bob Vila gave two types of scenarios. The peddlers of these overpriced 1500-watt heaters such as Edenpure and the highly-advertised "Amish" heaters are ripping off many gullible folks who are seeking ways to save on energy costs. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. I also agree with your opinion on products sold by celebrities. EdenPUREs manufacturer makes several claims about its heater. I am on a fixed income and can't afford to pay almost the same amount I paid for it to ship it back. I do not believe Bob Villa has used one for the main heating in his home, but I do believe he has likely used it for zone heating. So, that is where your decision lies if the small and inexpensive heater does not cost any more to use and will heat the same square footageDo you feel safe with the cheap one? He is just whoring for the Edenpure company (or whatever their corporate identification is). Those watts exactly represent the energy you will get. They have two 1000 watt and 1500 watt settings and will heat 200 sq feet, but from what I read, the 1500 watt setting is using more electricity. And stop blaming others if you buy the wrong product because you did't do your homework. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. I finally find the place and they said i only had 30 days warranty not 60 days. I havent tried other heaters because Ive been satisfied. I was about to order an eden pure online when I saw this site and decided to read consumer comments first. Some are made in China using cheap bulbs and some are made in the usa. dont buy one these heaters mine was wsed for fore mounths and now it quit wrote them they said the tubes are 36.00 plus 6.95 shipping. The heated air is still coming through the ductwork, and when it reaches the closed vent, it has built up pressure which makes that much more of your heated air be lost through the small openings between the pieces of ductwork. My personal choice - an oil-filled radiator, with the price tag of around $40 to $60. You do the math. Placed an order for the Eden Pure Gen 4 after watching an TV commercial. It claims 1000 s f for the gen 4 and it will do that just as well as most heaters. These systems the japanese use do not use ducts!!! Because it works and dose save money especially if you have bad heating in your house. Less expensive models one have tubes. It doesn't mater what's inside the box. This Ken guy below me is an idiot and so are all those so called engineers that claim you get the same heat from any 1500 watt heater. A btu IS a btu, weather you use oil, wood, propane, electricity, gasoline, kerosene, camel dung, or a candle to make the heat. Its a different volume of air being heated for different applications. Bill Burkette, who was the original lead singer of American vocal group The Vogues, died Thursday at the age of 75. Here's examples of how those would work: 1) Say your furnace has a vent that blows all of the warm air straight outside every time the furnace kicks on giving no warmth to the house. It is the wrong measurement for electric heat. Yes, you can buy heaters for less, but do you trust leaving them on during the night or when away from home. austria regionalliga west tyrol. It's CFM rate is horrible vs. a fan forced electric heater. Gas burners are a hazard in a barn with hay even if only in a side utility room. I have ran both units and can say for 100% certainty that my $39.99 radiator heater heated as well if not better than the Edenpure unit (neither put out enough heat to adequately heat my basement). I put up with very high bills until last year from what is no more than a heater that was supposed to be a heat pump, meaning it runs on heat strips. Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on November 02, 2011: Bob, my main concern is saving ME money. I used to like him on this old house , but like many of the over the hill broke celebs. If your 40,000 btu furnace is 80% efficient, it is releasing into your house 32,000 btus WHEN IT IS RUNNING. I realized that this was the start of giving me the run around. So all the rest is just hype , Shame on Bob Vella. i have one, and believe me it has paid for itself, i have hot water heat powered by natural gas. Answer: A radiant barrier is a thin reflective fabric. There just selling an alternative that has good and bad points like everything else on the market. I am not endorsing any unit of any other just telling my experience with this unit, so do what you will with my comment. rooms for rent in. Edenpure heaters are CRAP. And the glaring discrepancy between SCI's unsubstantiated bulb life claims and what consumers are reporting about the actual bulb life with the Edenpure products shows that SCI's claims have no basis in fact. Before eden pure electric bill $75.00 and Propane bill (75 gals per month/2.99 = 224.25. total monthly costs $299.25, After eden pure electric bill $135.00 and Propane bill (25 gals per month/2.99= 74.75 total monthly costs $209.75, $347.00 for new Gen4, pays for self in 3.87 months, Don't care about all you "stats" just what my check book says, and it tells me the Eden Pure is working for me :))). For the same heat output, electrical heaters are way more expensive than heating with a fuel like natural gas. long time no see stevo it took me ages to find it this is there contact, and some info ,ring them for advice ,say mick give you there number. Have sent emails to their c/s area but they never respond. Emmy Award-winning American news personality Ken Rosato Ken is best known for his work in WABC-TV's morning newscasts. Have i used them. FUVM. So people, please pay attention to this post and others like it and don't fall victim to this Biotech/Eden pure scam. bl. Is the $300 Edenpure any better than a regular $20 electric space heater for any purpose? Thanks for the good info that saved me. Again, the EdenPure AND ANY HEATER using 1500 watts is going to cost too much to use as your only heat. Someone should be going after SCI for false advertising at a minimum. ****. 1500w in one heater is not the same as 1500w in another using different tech to generate heat. As for bob vila. if you live in california, with the EDEN pURE ,PGAETOLD ME THAT IT CAN COST YOU AS HIGH AS 50 CENTS AN HOUR TO RUN bill is usually 200 in the wintertime,for one month my electricity bill shot up to$360 and i had a saving of $28,gas. In response to my last post, I can afford a 300.00 loss due to this scam, but what about the next person. Want a great laugh? We have really high ceilings. That way, I do believe you can save money especially during the night while sleeping. Trust me. Don't buy Edenpure heater they are scammer. 2) Say you live in a 11,000 sq. I also have a $39.99 portable oil radiator heater that I purchased from Lowes. CLAIM: With other heating sources, you'll notice you get sleepy because they are burning up oxygen. Online when i saw this site and decided to push yet another scam in the usa so the. An alternative that has good and bad points like everything else including EdenPure income and ca n't afford to almost... 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