The owner said that he had a lot of updating to do in the bar, but that he was keeping the same menu. Just for kicks I did what I have done relatively infrequently: I traced the path that I most often walked in the years 1963 to 1971 when I attended St. Anselm church and school as a kid. Its a beautiful building and the apartment has its original wood and glass doors with etched designs and glass door knobs. Hi Rosanne, Marie Simonsen lives in Texas also. Vocalist and guitarist Frankie Marra has seen bands and venues come and go during his 30 years on the bar circuit. My mother was born in 1919 in bay ridge. This unusual pencil-shaped marker has been at Shore Road and Bay Ridge Avenue since the 1980s at least I remember it before I moved away in 1993. especially favorite subject for ridicule and jokes. I never got into the plant, but the approach road past the gate had some very unusual streetlamps resembling those on the Golden Gate Bridge in California until they were replaced in the 1980s. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn | 177 restaurants on OpenTable Home United States New York / Tri-State Area Bay Ridge Restaurants Make a free reservation Let's go Available for late dinner now View all Bogota Latin Bistro 1572 reviews Latin American $$$$ Park Slope Booked 12 times today Find next available Empanada Loca 4 reviews The reason is simple. Bay Ridge Place runs between Bay Ridge Avenue and Ovington Avenue west of 3rd, and part of it is lined by some more of those attached townhouses I like so much. They took me home to 319-88th street. Darlene , my 2 sisters-in-law grew up at The Kallman Home also during the same period . Connie sorrentino. I lived in Bay Ridge 35 years and never noticed this pair of gems on opposite sides of Ridge Boulevard on each side of 82nd Street by what was likely the same architect. Visit The Film Locations New York The Department of Traffic must have had a surplus. Francis and mary Duffy. The presenceof many gorgeous churches in Bay Ridge serves to alleviate somewhat the sting that the loss of theBay Ridge Methodist (Green) Churchat 4th and Ovington Avenues in 2008 produced. Are you thinking of Lynn TV? Besides the altar boys, I was involved in Scouting; I was never athletic, so never got on any of the sports teams. If you were lucky, you didnt have to serve the 6 or 7 AM Mass if you did, that meant you got up at 5AM in whatever weather and trudged down to the church. A flood of new bars, lounges, and clubs helps make Castleberry Hill . Also attended St. Anselms for kindergarten. Turning two, bronze, fixed pitch propellers. Thank you for the walk down memory lane. The restaurant next door where John Travolta chomped on a burger in the 1977 movie that made disco famous is long gone. And such interesting history, some I knew, a lot I did not. Visions of tree-lined neighborhoods, McMansions, lemonade stands and Little League pop into our heads. Panda Garden ($) Chinese Distance: 0.04 miles. I dont know of any others around the city like it. Main Page. It was an era, let me tell you, said Alex Marchak, 48, who runs Trzaska Funeral Home, a third-generation family business there. In the fall of 1980, the second Hitchhiker book was published in England, around the same time that Harmony Books published the first book in the United States. Bayside Hills [SpliceToday] bay ridge. Nice slide show. for the locals,felt they were slow and stupid and had no ambition.Their Brooklyn accents were an Caio ! The last burial took place in 1848. By MARK FINEMAN. It is so pretty. I decided to describe whats on that path today and show much of what remains the same since I left. It was two floors of clothing, tennis rackets, baseball bats, basketballs, you name it. I was born at Sister Elizabeths 7/3/1948. I would up moving to Flushing in 1993 and remained till 2007, with a final rent of $775. Lock Yard, 9221 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA, +1 718 333 5282 The Kettle Black Bar, American, $$$ Share View Add to Plan The Kettle Black, Brooklyn | Ricky Kharawala/Stocksnap Certainly not hip nightclubs. Then we started invading people and were at war constantly, and the fort buttoned up the policy. Biggest church in Brooklyn was our Lady of Perpetual Help RC was also bay Ridge in the day. I still remember the fabulous cold salads from the Scandinavian deli and the treats from Ebingers Bakery and their green box. Not much of a park, really, but there was playground space for kids, and it became a default playground for me in the late 60s. Wonderful! Wonderful memories visit almost every year. Went to PS 104; class of 64 and then commuted to McKee HS on Staten Island via the 69 st ferry until the bridge was finished. December 1, 1978. My guess is that the Neosho in the old fire companys name commemorates the Union ironclad ship of that name which served on the Mississippi River during the Civil War. The Barkaloos lived in Bay Ridge well into the 20thCentury. Great place to grow up and go to public schools (102 and McKinley until we moved to Midwood). Leifs That Are Green [SpliceToday] By Aaron Goldfarb @aarongoldfarb. Older Islanders will remember when the North Shore bar scene hit a peak. The pattern of exploration had begun and it continues today. She is a twin screw tug, rated at 3,000 horsepower. SOLD JUN 13, 2022. I grew up on the same block. Golf in Bay Ridge The Crescent Club had space for its clubhouse and an athletic field that could accommodate several sports. My parents still live on Ridge & 81st. Great memories of a great neighborhood. Gee,how many people in NY and elsewhere can no longer afford to live where they grew up. The Hustle was the thing, and that was the place.. I spent many Friday evenings in Pohls with friends sitting in one of the dark booths with the high backs. Kev I luv reading about your family. In the late 80s I was testing the waters for a different apartment and took a look at a 1-BR here. But they would go in, however, at 8:30. Nov. 6, 1987 12 AM PT. Bullocke had bought a corner chunk of Isaac Bergen's farm, atop a hill people came to call Bullocke's . Please help. (: I lived at 230 81st St., between Third Avenue and Ridge Boulevard, until a dark day in 1963 when my parents dragged me kicking and screaming to San Jose, CA. Reply. We never paid. Why did 8 Ave & 9 Ave disappear? I was on 61st between 2nd and 3rd and started my comic collection at Sams. New Birth of Freedom Council. Since I was Editor of the Home Reporter from 1962 to 1971 I paid a lot of attention to local establishments like Majors which became a meeting group site for various organization including Dennis McMahons Kennedy Democratic Club. It was a clam bar, beer bar, etc. marty, blisstock this sat 9/18/2021. Head in any direction from the Manero house on a Saturday night and youre more likely to see a Russian or Chinese nightclub than you are to find anything resembling Odyssey. I had lost a shoe. Artists and musicians could afford to . I recently met with former tenants of the Pohls family (they owned the building) who shared photos of the pair and told me they returned to Maine where they lived out their remaining days. His granddaughter Ellin married Irving Berlin in 1926, against the familys wishes; his wedding gift was Always, one of your webmasters Berlin favorites, especially when Frank sings it. Pitera began his life as a quiet child who was bullied in school, but would turn out to be one of the most ruthless serial killers in history. The site of Fort Hamilton, named for the newly hip Founding Father, saw action in the American Revolution, as well as the War of 1812 and the Civil War. My first Subic Bay Libery was on November 26, 1974. Xaverian had Sunday afternoon dances which some Fontbonne Hall coeds attended, maybe you were one of them? I spend my early life (late 40s/early 50s) on 95th between 3rd & 4th. However, they had competition where the sporting goods joint is Pohls, which I chiefly remember for being pitch dark within. When I was a small boy, my grandmother and I would often sit in this spot and watch the suspension cables getting spun, in the years 1961-1963. I rode the ferries from 69th street pier for a nickel, cars traveled to Staten Island via boat as the Guinea Gangplank wasnt built yet. Powered by two, twelve cylinder, EMD 12-645-E2 diesel engines. Bars Restaurants 6.0 89 YEARS IN BUSINESS Amenities: (718) 745-9619 8902 3rd Ave Brooklyn, NY 11209 $$ 0.4 miles OPEN NOW 3. The parish of St. Marys, Ridge Boulevard and 81st Street, recently celebrated its centennial. We would be there for hours drinking Coca Cola and eating one of Mrs. Pohls delicious sandwiches. [Historic Districts Council]. John Carty Parkwas built beneath the connecting ramp between the Verrazano Bridge and the Belt Parkway in 1964 and later named for a local 32-year civil servant who died in 1970. Id love to visit just one more time and go shopping in Century. Remembering Jackie Robinson [SpliceToday]. some people are greedy and unspurious, as his youngest daughter. The little league played there, and St. Patricks School used them for a school year-end field day before the property was sold in the early 70s, if I recall right. The triangle was named for one of my relatives, Lieutenant William E. Coffey. John Paul Jones Park, facing 101st Street between 4th Avenue and Fort Hamilton Parkway,is named for American patriot and naval hero (not the Led Zeppelin bassist), John Paul Jones (1747-1792), who, through victorious leadership in the American Revolution, became known as the father of the Navy.. A neighborhood institution since 1964, the bar has been forced to reinvent itself during Covid. This website and photos bring back fond memories. Thanks for the memories. Time for the N train at 8th Avenue, which like most Sea Beach Line stations has been under repair since 2015. Diane McDonough & children. We were in same class at fontbonne. The land developed for the terrace and the apartment building were likely purchased directly from the Perrys. After becoming head of the Bonanno crime family in 1974, Carmine Galante controlled an expansive drug-trafficking empire. I lived in the Kallman Home for Children from 1952, to 1962. Ever since three Americans were ambushed . Come dinner,. NathansConey Island location remains open, and willhopefully be there till the ocean swallows the Coney Island peninsula. The back door, if you stuck a nail file in it, it turned., Said Marchak: It was the only club in Brooklyn at that time that had the light-up dance floor. Richard Meade in 1958. Harbor movie theater. When Im in the area, Im always drawn like a magnet to the Kenruby Apartments, 90th Street just east of Dahlgren. New Yorks Theme Streets [SpliceToday] During my days at 8302 I spent a lot of time in Tom McDonald Triangle, which looked nothing like this it was a blacktopped triangle with exterior sidewalks and square patches of dirt where the trees were. The average price of a two-bedroom rental in 1980 was about $475 and by 1990 it had climbed to about $975, according to data from San Francisco's Rent Board. No more having to catch the 69th Street ferry! I was in that movie! exclaimed Mary Bennett, 43, a fill-in waitress sitting at the other end of the mostly empty bar. We never said Bay Ridge Ave or Bay Ridge Pkwy, they were 69th and 75th streets respectively. How handy are these when its raining and you need to get your keys out? Used to catch the rock concerts (1973?) 1980s/1990s Rochester (stores & restaurants) Help, I have been searching pages and Facebook groups trying to remember the name of a store '80s/90s). The park is named Cannonball Park for the longtime presence of a 20 Rodman gun and several cannonballs on the 4th Avenue side, one of two tested at Fort Hamilton but found unsuitable for combat. Another of Bay Ridges short lanes is Perry Terrace, between 70th and 71st Streets west of Ridge Boulevard. Most relevant. Bay Ridge is a neighborhood in New York City, New York with a population of 54,136. The sunrise would highlight it beautifully. Let me k. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Its been home to ferry service intermittently over the past few decades, most famously the ferry to St. George, Staten Island, that closed the day after the Verrazano Bridge opened in November 1964. Anyone remember the name of the ice cream parlor (not Hinschs) on 5th between 68th and 69th street??? This stolid structure on Bay Ridge Ave. (er, 69thSt.) just west of 3rdAve. has served as a Masonic temple, a church, and a school in recent decades, but its original purpose can be discerned on the keystones above the windows. (Helen Normas older sister, Marie also a resident) About 7,000 people worldwide have expressed interest in buying the dance floor. Really enjoyed reading about the history. It was designed by Ernest Flagg and constructed between 1933-1936. Truly, its my guess that this thing is going to go well into the six figures, Chanes said. He struts into work at a paint store at 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue that still stands. Pond, was a contractor who did remodeling on houses all over Bay Ridge. It took its name from a local Native American chief in the pre-colonial era. Watched Verazzano Bridge being built. Organized in 1860, many of the members were among the richest men in the area a curious thing to us today, but at the time, the rich had a lot to lose if their mansions were to go up in flames. Plus they manage to add nothing of worth. Nearby homes similar to 4224 Ridge Dr have recently sold between $640K to $798K at an average of $400 per square foot. Im 80 years old and my oldest daughter is 61 now. There are four camps: Camp Independence (Cub Scouts & Webelos), Camp Freedom (Boy Scouts with Dining Hall), Camp Liberty (Boy Scouts with food for you to prepare at your camp site), and Eagle Base (a high-adventure program). It was a bad scene," said Det. And the people moving in to these places dont seem to respect or care for what went before. I was walking from 77th Street to Gravesend the other day (I used to bicycle these kind of distances but I dont think my reflexes are up to that these days.) My grandfather, E.J. We lived on the corner of 85th street and 4th Ave. Left in 1963 when Dads company moved from Manhattan to Jersey. A bar by Lyons's hospital called the one and only Basking Ridge. (Blythebourne is the original name of the development that gave rise to Borough Park. Everyone refers to the building as the Ska Building because of the black and white design. Had his office just off 3rd ave on 86th st. Bakers Bar is Opening on 3rd Avenue - Bay Ridge. It may have been a farmhouse and likely goes back to the Irishtown days. Although the gender population is about even, with 4.2% more females than males, and the age of the population follows a fairly standard bell curve with most of the population falling between the ages of 25-54, when looking at race, Bay Ridge is a very diverse . In Bay Ridge, a neighborhood in the southwest corner of Brooklyn, the scent of cinnamon and cardamom wafts out into the streets, which are lined with Yemeni and Palestinian restaurants, shops. Owls Head Park is Bay Ridges largest public park,stretching between the Belt Parkway, Colonial Road and 68thStreet, and its high hill provides a prime viewing spot during Brooklyns occasional tall ship parades. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn is situated in a quiet and peaceful area of New York, especially when compared to Manhattan. Ive questioned the MTA spending money and closing stations for months for what seems like cosmetic changes (though the Astoria Line stations required intensive repairs) but its hard to argue with the state-of-the-art results. I was baptized at St. Anselms, before my parents moved us north to OLA. Nearby Restaurants. It was sold to developers who knocked it down, and an ugly school building is now in its place. This triangle features a war memorial dedicated to a local soldier, Anthony Mondello. When he died his youngest daughter Helen who was not a nice person. Colonial Hall at Colonial Road and 92nd Street. When we think of the suburbs, we often think of strip malls, drive-throughs, chain restaurants and big box stores. The property is for sale, and the non-landmarked church may soon meet the wreckers ball. In its early days Louise Terrace was called Elvira Terrace, but none of that has anything to do with Cassandra Peterson, TVs Elvira. Reply. The Suburban Chicago Coke Bars of the 1980s. While Madonna, REM, and Whitney Houston were topping the charts during the 1980s, Bay Ridge had its own vibrant music scene. 4 Beds. The basketball court figured in a scene in 1978sSaturday Night Fever. Contact: 831-325-7300. . One of the property owners here was the Perry family. An hour or two must have passed. Went to OLA and Xaverian. See more ideas about memories, restaurant, howard johnson's. Sketching Henderson Place [SpliceToday] We moved upstate, mostly to have a parking spot ;-). . I also was born in 1956 at 7501 Ridge Blvd down the block where my aunt and uncle lived in Flagg Court where my brother and I swam in the pool in the middle of the bldgs. . Mrs. Pohls was a tall, stately woman who didnt mind our little crowd hanging out all night because we were quite well behaved for teens. Here are a pair on Bay Ridge Avenue between Colonial Road and Narrows Avenue. The price was too rich for me at the time, $660 per month. They also had a Chinese laundry in the inner courtyard. Was born on 54 street back in the day it was Bay Ridge. Streets surrounding Fort Hamilton, such as Dahlgren, Parrott and Gatling Places, arenamed for inventors of military ordinance. But development encroached, and there was always talk of more land . Love this sight. I always wondered why the angle of the streets change in Bay Ridge You would not believe the little jewelbox house gems I discovered on this walk. In 1965 Adelphi moved to a large brick mansion at Ridge Boulevard that was previously the Kallman Home for Children at Ridge Boulevard and 86th Street. The new owner spoke about the bar last Spring at a Community Board 10 Meeting. To Southeast: From 4 Ave to (NW/SE) The apartment building on 72 St seems pretty old to me and was wondering when it was built. All Right Reserved. She was a columnist for 40 years at Bay Ridges Home Reporter newspaper, now known as the Brooklyn Reporter. Movies at Fort Hamilton for 25 cents. 1983 The Food Marketing Institute reports that 2/3 of all fish consumed in the U.S. is eaten in restaurants. 2 Bed. Id imagine the architect or developer of this building also had interests in Connecticut. My daughter was baptized at St. Anselms until we moved west to PA. My grandparents lived at 417 84th Street. Extending Ridge Road westward first appeared on the county's long-range transportation maps in the 1980s. Fort Hamilton/Irishtown was once a separate community in southern Bay Ridge adjoining Fort Hamilton, and these small houses, Fort Hamilton Parkway and 97th Street, may be from the same mid-1850s era that saw the parish of St. Patricks established. Mostly local crappy bands but it was swell. Bensonhurst, 1990. After awhile, though, I seriously irked the old man by asking for a cut. The Bay Ridge Avenue, Prospect Avenue and 53rd Street stations were recently given a complete makeover by the MTA, adding wifi chargers and updated infrastructure. I still went to my favorite lunch spots, Zekes Roast Beef and the Nathans on 86thSt. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Virginians Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson are not names you would immediately associate with Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, but the famed Confederate generals do play a minor part in neighborhood history, both at Fort Hamilton and at St. Johns Episcopal Church on 99th Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway. 1. My family lived on 69th street, right above colonial road. Even so, it has retained its original entrance canopies which feature ornamental metal brackets. sets in the early 60s? It was run by a wizened old gaffer named Mr. Rogers, who showed up long before the affable raconteur on PBS. New Yorks Theme Streets [SpliceToday] You cant buy a home in Bay Ridge anymore, not if youre a working-class family, said Bennett, who landed a part as an extra in the film because she hung out at Odyssey. She had a small dark apartment on 4th Avenue at an apartment building called The Royal Poinciana somewhere in the eighties, exact address I no longer recall I assume this was quite the place to live when it was built, likely in the 1920s. They sure did in the 1960s, on this dead end stub of 84th Street spared by the construction. Maybe near the old Mapledale party house? Bay Ridge is a neighborhood located in the southwest corner of the New York City borough of Brooklyn. This apartment building between 3rd and 4th on Bay Ridge Avenue has a more utilitarian design. I guess the new NYC has no plans for working or middle class types anymore. I went in through the back, where there was a room behind the altar that was connected to the rectory. A trio of attached brick houses with semicircular bays, 100th Street between 4th Avenue and Fort Hamilton Parkway. Best 70's and 80's dance clubs near Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY. Does anyone else remember on 4 avenue I think between o, Chriss restaurant could have been Joe Majors or Nicks restaurant on the western side. While todays developers cut costs by sticking to cookie cutter formulas, these houses had similar variations by using oval and polygonal bays in the same row, and other subtle differences. My aunt said that the new families moving in from elsewhere seemed to have nothing but comtempt Whats with all the Perry names here? Just saying, the old A St Pats field had been sold by the mnsgr of St Pats and then sat as a sunken mess of an empty lot for years before finally being developed. Im 81 and living in Florida now. He went to Manual Training and my mother to Bay Ridge HS. We never said Bay Ridge Ave or Bay Ridge Pkwy, they were 69th and 75th streets respectively. Fort Hamilton had been nicknamed Irishtown since 1825, when Irish escaping from British oppression started arriving here. Then we moved all the way to a semi-attached house at 8420-7 Ave, 1962-1969. Manero struts through Bay Ridge with that certain swagger, past Kellys Tavern (still there) and on the ramparts of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. PIPIN'S PUB During the day, this longtime (over 40 years) Bay Ridge pub plays host to a steady crew of dudes who congregate at the bar's long, handsome bar to chat and relax. Within 3 years I was bicycling to Coney Island and then all over Brooklyn and into Nassau and Queens by the time I was a teenager. There was always talk of more land in a scene in 1978sSaturday Night.... Perry terrace, between 70th and 71st streets west of Ridge Boulevard and 81st Street, right above Road... 1960S, on this dead end stub of 84th Street updating to in! ( Helen Normas older sister, Marie Simonsen lives in Texas also 95th 3rd... I would up moving to Flushing in 1993 and remained till 2007, with a population of.. 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Trio of attached brick houses with semicircular bays, 100th Street between Avenue... For 40 years at Bay Ridges Home Reporter newspaper, now known as the Reporter. Care for what went before his youngest daughter going to go well the. Drive-Throughs, chain restaurants and big box stores charts during the same.! Marie also a resident ) About 7,000 people worldwide have expressed interest in buying the dance floor at a here! In Brooklyn was our Lady of Perpetual Help RC was also Bay Ridge Ave Bay. Between 4th Avenue and fort Hamilton Parkway on PBS in Brooklyn was our Lady of Perpetual RC!