Longtime Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy . Unlike most of his teammates, Batman opposes Superman and forms a rebellion called "the Insurgency," a rebellion which eventually allies with the Prime reality's Justice League to topple the Regime after some members of the former are transported to the Regime's universe. As the League wonders how Al Ghul could have possibly known and exploited their weaknesses, Batman reveals the truth: he had maintained files as a fail-safe with those exact plans, which he himself had designed, and that Ras had somehow gotten hold of. Though Diana felt her actions were justified, the major members of the League turned their backs on her. They moved to Smallville. The building wasnt a building anymore. Jason looked at the baby bird "Goldie do you think that this is a good idea, you do remember what happened last time right? The girls weren't much better. These people were just good people having a bad day. It is left for Superman to cast the deciding vote. Ten minutes later they found out. He wanted his mother to lovLets not even go there. Drawing back he said, The series stretched out Supermans answer over three issues, building suspense, before ultimately revealing that while Allen wasnt technically terminated from the league due to the extenuating circumstances, the actual act of taking a life put him on a probationary period pending the results of the trial. Batman's next major exodus from the JL occurred in the JLA arc "Tower Of Babel," published in the aforementioned series' issues #43-46, scripted by Mark Waid with pencilling by Howard Porter & Steve Scott. That includes the American, Italian and gods forbid the Russian mafia. Green Arrow I mean you. ], Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce "why are my sons acting weird" Wayne, I'm sorry for all the tags this is a big fic, Bruce Wayne needs so much more than a hug, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Everything is Beautiful and Everything Hurts, but suddenly all of his sons know what he's saying, talia is a bad person here but she is also a victim and that's acknowledged, 'Cause you mean more than anything (YOTP). Aqualad finished his short speech, looking directly at Nightwing who was pouting. "Alright let's do the first few. Its okay, he says, the movement of his lips clear even if his voice sounds like its coming through a broken radio. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet Tower of Babel deals with Batman 's perceived betrayal of the superhuman community by keeping and concealing hidden records concerning the strengths and weaknesses of his allies in the JLA, which include plans to neutralize his allies in a fight. At the moment Batman discovers who was behind the robbery and subsequent attack, Ra's al Ghul offers to drop the corpses into a Lazarus Pit which would theoretically revive them. 10. A small swarm of wasps burst from her arm, clustering around the faces of both Aquaman and Batman. As one might've gathered from the season's subtitle, the identity of Batman's compatriots in resignation, and political motivations for leaving, draws heavily from the originalresignationfeatured inBatman & The Outsiders. In a world Bruce was killed instead of his parents. Again, this is my own version. When his secret was exposed, Jonn was expelled from the League. His files are stolen by the criminal mastermind Ra's al Ghul, who uses them to defeat the League through a coordinated attack in order to prevent them from interfering with his latest scheme toward reduction of the global population. This is my DC magnum opus, the time travel fix-it fic to end all suffering. As foundational as Batman is to the Justice League, he's not always compatible with DC's greatest superheroes. No fucking way. It's up to him and the Flash to solve the mystery before nightfall-and understand the . Not even his honeymoon can convince Bruce to leave his duties, especially when the JLA is busier than usual and the fact of said honeymoon means Superman will be absent as well. Turning around they said in unison "Batman, we are sorry we wrecked the watchtower washer-dryer.again." "That's better. by Jumpy. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) (1), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall & Bizarro (DCU) & Jason Todd (2). One quiet afternoon the whole team and the Justice League were in the cave when the computer announced. Jason Todd Needs A Hug. Slowly a hand approaches the black caped man sitting in front of the batcave computer. Please consider turning it on! While he has to figure out how to not get sent to Arkham and keep the existence of the batfamily a secret from the league. Jason Todd blackmailed his older brother and sister to get custody of his baby sister Helena Wayne to make sure she got a childhood. They got along quite well, actually, its basically impossible not to after experiencing multiple world-ending scenarios and getting trapped on alien planets together. For personal reasons, the caped crusader refuses to be a team player and just wants to work alone during a special mission. Jason gets arrested by Green Arrow of all people during his visit to Star City and is brought to the Watchtower while Batman is off-world unable to get him out of this sticky situation, what a fucking great start to his day. You could go to jail. Barry insisted. You may be forgiven for thinking this was leading towards certain secret identities being revealed, or a discussion of Red Hoods past, or even of Red Hoods relationship with Batman, truth or lies.You would be wrong.It was not. "Good," she replied with a smirk. It's a cycle of raising someone else's son. Batman goes to investigate Tony Zucco and meets a young vigilante going by, Robin. But these children had a way of surprising him. Or rather, kill himself and end his as well as everyone elses misery. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Or the one in which Dick is really trying to keep his family together, Jason is blaming himself, and Tim decides to help. Or the one in which Jason is Red Robin, Dick is very confused because thats a whole child, and Tim is just trying his best (though he had no survival instincts). Or, the Justice League is confused by the Batfam. A series of accidents is how it happened. 357K 11.3K 37. Aquaman shrugged off the stings, the bugs breaking their stingers against his skin, but Batman stumbled back with a shout. It was just a notice that Batman had decided to approve them for Watchtower access (on more than an emergency basis). 4. Soon enough, theyll all be grown up and moved out and youll feel like I do every time I see you. Outraged at the League'sbowing to red-tape, Batman resigns in anger and recruits a new group of heroes to rescue Fox. Jason Todd is Not Okay. 7 times the Justice League tries to convince Bruce Wayne to get into the Christmas spirit, and the 1 time Bruce explains (as much as he can) why he won't. It's bizarre. Incomplete stories, One-Shots, and ideas I have in my randomness, My Little Guardian - Robin has noticed that he had picked up a fan and decided to adopt them, A Talon Chick - Dick Grayson is a talon that is sent to kill Bruce Wayne, All You Want To Do - The many times Dick Grayson has been a victim of rape and the aftermath (3/? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. So it was a bit of a shock to hear that he was in the med-bay of their very much secret base. Showed up one day? Many have rejected him for it. The Justice League deliberates on Allens fate as a League member and are venally split, leaving Superman as the tie breaker. . Hals mug fell to the floor, shattering the fragile porcelain and spraying coffee all over the floor. Batman is off-world which leaves his siblings scrambling to find him. Browse; Paid Stories . justiceleagueunlimited. hey if you like barry and clark this is definitely for you!. AfterThe Jokerof a parallel Earth manipulates his world's Superman into both killing a pregnant Lois Lane and destroying Metropolis, Superman kills the Clown then bringshumanity underhis heel, ruling the fascist "One Earth" regime with most of the former Justice League as his lieutenants. Dick by jumping on KF, Jason by Wonder Woman's curiousity, Tim by a Thanagarian check in, and Damian by a Batman stop to Superman. Batman - All . The league thinks he's just another crazed criminal and Jason is doing absolutely nothing to dissuade them of that notion. Residential LED Lighting. It isnt weird that he just. "We'll be there to stop her," he reluctantly ground out. 15. RELATED:Injustice 2: Ranking Every Batman Skin. (PhenixPhoenix (AO3tag . 3. Please consider turning it on! . Hood stepped back into line. Dick is 13, Wally decide to break the silence " UM so what now? because what's writing without impossible challenges that threaten to alienate the audience? If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. no. Work Search: As Wonder Woman fell forward, the lasso moved back, into the Gothamite's waiting hands. The story involves Ra's Al Ghul determining the . The author of this story got the idea for this story from a prompt submitted by one of their readers. The bulter Alfred sighs and takes Batman's cape from him. You know every single one of our strengths and weaknesses. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. The robot voice sounded "Incoming Red Arrow" Roy ran into the room, panting he looked around confusion showed on his face. Can I tell that long story now? Superman can't shake the feeling that Batman's disappearance isn't as innocent as it seems. Julianne Cress is a foster kid, one that always jumped from home to home, so she's an expert in keeping under the radar and being unnoticed. It was written by Mark Waid. Dwayne McDuffie, creator of the iconic Static, wrote many episodes of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, but arguably his finest was the two-parter Hereafter, where a bevy of villains carried over from Superman: The Animated Series team up and seemingly kill Superman. Wait not driving, more like racing. No way. July 22, 2022 by Darrell Spencer. Run away. Batman and Robin team up many times over the years, but they never tell each other their identities. The team surrounded Robin, trying their best to keep him out of sight. A universe where Bruce Wayne bites the bullet and leaves behind two grieving parents. Danny figures out he's adopted and does what he does best: Rushes into things and crashes. The Justice League and Titans meet the Batclan. Dick convinces you to go to Bruce's birthday gala as his birthday gift. Maxwell Lord, now the leader of Checkmate, had been using Observational Meta-Human Activity Constructs to control and kill meta humans. In his entire life, Jason Todd has never gotten what he wanted. These plans then fall into the hands of Ra's Al Ghul thanks to his daughter Talia, who puts the plans into actions with near-lethal consequences for the League. When the now-iconic Justice League series was rebooted as Justice League Unlimited, it allowed the writers to pluck from a wide stable and create character-driven stories focused more on single, lesser known characters. Nor is the first Robin always Dick Grayson. The 1997 revival of the Justice League, entitled JLA, was one of the most memorable comics of its decade, in no small part thanks to the work of its initial writer, Grant Morrison. Lex Luther's Ascent from Supervillainy to Fatherhood. Look I need one fic where either the league and or the world find out about all the Batfam: and I mean ALL the Family. Jason roared back. One and the same, right? When Hal was invited to meet Batman's family over dinner, he wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it sure wasn't what he got. # 1. It originally aired on November 1, 2003. Thought to be a Russian named Vladimir Mikoyan, it was revealed during the "Millennium" event that Rocket Red #7 was in fact a Manhunter android. And if the world didn't need a Justice League, maybe Gotham wouldn't need a Batman either. You could go to jail. Barry insisted. Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Shayera Hol/Bruce Wayne. The first time Batman left the League was recounted in the first two issues of the series Batman & The Outsiders, published in 1983, written by Mike Barr, and illustrated by Jim Aparo.In these two issues, Wayne Enterprises President Lucius Fox is abducted in the nation of Markovia and Batman goes to the Justice League for help in rescuing Fox, only for his fellow heroes to refuse on account of . Graysons gaze flicks upwards to meet his, and suddenly his expression softens. Feat. Batman's chest heaved with the anger pumping through him. The building wasnt a building anymore. Jason is working undercover when he gets kidnapped by the Justice League. You may not be familiar with Snapper Carr (who got his nickname from, you guessed it, snapping), but we assure you, his history with the League is as rich as it is grating. Jan 16, 2021. bc I think I'm funny sometimes and laughed writing this so, this time its all external monologue rather than all thoughts, why are you like this? ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. His liking of the girls was probably the reason why he . The story involves Ras Al Ghul determining the precise means by which to incapacitate every single member of the JLA so that he could unleash a language scramble upon the world to cause chaos. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. The members of the Justice League fall into a universe where Jason Todd is Batman. A month ago, Jason returned to Gotham with his daughter Helena Wayne to work at Gotham Acadamy as the new literature teacher. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Shenanigans ensue, bets are made, and you cause a few Justice League members to get paranoid About right for the a Wayne gala? Imagine what they could've done with a Justice League game or a proper Bat-family game. Wally, Connor, Aqualad and Roy looked sick to their stomach. Ongoing. Sure, Batman is anti-killing (except for the many times he isnt), but in the case of Huntress, he shows a shocking amount of hypocrisy. Batman pulled out of Diana and signaled for Hawkgirl and Cheetah to slide over towards him . Unbeknownst to the League, Clark has just been transported to a different time, where he and Vandall Savage are the sole living beings. As Superman, Batman, and later a restored Aquaman and J'onn move on Ra's' base, Flash, Green Lantern, Plastic Man and Wonder Woman are able to prevent the release of the toxin thanks to Ra's al Ghul's daughter Talia providing them with the locations of the bombs, feeling disgusted at how her father has used her knowledge of Batman to steal his secrets. Lord decided to take these heroes of questionable character and make them the Justice League Antarctica, simultaneously unloading his most loathed League member GNort onto the group as their team leader. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). They can't possibly be true. Work Search: Protocoll states:If a member of the Justice League is injured and not consious or if they were inflicted with an injury or disease of Type-3 (reference Paragraph 32, 6.1 for detailed information) the emergency contact is to be notified of the member's medical state. "Well, Nightwing while that is an umm interesting suggestion, I believe that it would be better if we all stayed in the cave.". Naturally the League were PISSED at this and held a vote to determine if Batman should stay in the League. Feeling under-appreciated, Carr allows himself to be duped by a disguised Joker, leads him to the League headquarters and helps him capture Batman. He's unloveable. 14. But turns out he's among the few who hadn't gotten Nightwing's help on a league mission. Unfortunately, he has other worries coming his way. Tim wants only one thing and that is to find Bruce. In the 80s there was a seemingly endless array of Justice League spinoffs, the most grating of which was easily Justice League Antarctica. Works and bookmarks tagged with Batman never joined the Justice League will show up in Bruce Wayne Never Joined the Justice League's filter. Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, they enable each other and I'm so here for that, Coffee is to Tim what Daffodils were to Wordsworth. Please consider turning it on! In order to prevent more damage being done by a mind-controlled Superman, Wonder Woman murders Maxwell Lord, footage of which is broadcast by Brother Eye across the world. 9. After diffusing an Atlantean bomb, the League recruits Pineda as the new Atom, and bestows their full trust in her. Look, Dick and I had no idea how to be brothers either," Jason said, "but we made an effort to spend time together. One of DCs Holy Trinity, and a founding member of the Justice League (not counting that Black Canary retcon), Wonder Woman has always been a powerful presence and leadership force in the League. Superman busts in, saying he's taking Luthor in for crimes . He remembered being hopeful that maybe it was a sign of a new world order. Or will they forever be trapped in the tragedy and pain that could break their spirits once and for all? Is he trying to fucking dissuade Harley Quinn and The Joker from committing a crime? a voiceasked in disbelief. Batman trusts the newest Justice League recruit almost instantly. Sort by: Hot. Kryptonian Caper - Kara lands in the Batcave and has to argue with a very disgruntled Batman. #1. You'll be amazed what some of your favorite heroes have done to get KICKED OUT of the Justice League. "Actually, guys he does." Declan, knowing the ruse was up, made himself visible, gripped the railing for extra support and kicked the second man right between the legs. Major Character Death. This is so out of character, it makes the rest of the team suspicious. Never challenge Dick or Jason to a drinking contest you will lose whatever small bit of self-respect you have left. Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his new-found ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. What were they going to do next? "So he can laugh!" Exclaimed Flash making Green Lanturn laugh. Table of Contents show. It was a simple mission really. Time swap? "Never argue at the dinner table, for the one who is not hungry always gets the best of the argument." Batman's partner, Robin, is not in attendance. This isa chronological countdown of all the times Batman has quit the Justice League,both in the comicsand adapted stories in other mediums,along with the circumstances which led him to that decision. Y/N's brother, his re. Batfam meet the Justice League with less grace than a hippo in roller skates. A grieving League is soon overseen by the UN appointed Ambassador Kurt Heimlich, who immediately goes about restructuring the League. By some measure or means, all four (official) Robins are sent back in time for a chance to reclaim their future-a chance that things might turn out better. The 1997 revival of the Justice League, entitled JLA, was one of the most memorable comics of its decade, in no small part thanks to the work of its initial writer, Grant Morrison. . The mechanic fell back into the last, who caught him instinctively. At her school, Midtown Hall. Seriously, you would be shocked what crazy things some League members have gotten away with and still get to keep their key to the Watchtower. You helped build this team from the ground up. However, the circumstances of his departure weren'tas voluntary as when he quit back duringBatman & The Outsiders. The three part Starcrossed arc is one of the most poignant and emotional stories ever told in the Timm-verse, all focused around Hawkgirls dual allegiance, both to her homeworld and the JLA. What happens now? Alright Wally you can stop making out the ground now. After dispatching the rest of the Syndicate, Luthor finds a shrunken Atomica and terminates her membership to the League with the bottom of his boot. I focus heavily on the original 4 Robins and their relationships to each other and to Bruce, but I try to give a spotlight to all the batfamily relationships and members at one point. ***Continuation to Batman's disappearance. It was cool, sure. Let us know in the comments! Now hand me that Molotov, these guys are going down., tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (40), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) (27), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson Has Eldest Daughter Syndrome, the kids are crazy and Bruce needs a break, in such a major way i didnt need to say that, Friends, Family, And The Differences Therein, Diana (Wonder Woman) & Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), like disgusting fluff where Bruce is proud of his kids, there are a few untagged characters but theyre not important to the story, Game Over [Would you like to reload from your last checkpoint? damianwaynexoc. What happens when the Young justice comes and lo. It's probably because there's nothing there worth stealing, and the cave system under the house is full of bats. Well, it turns out not every Batman starts with Bruce Wayne. Though most notable for retconning Wonder Woman from the teams original line-up, JLA: Year One also featured the removal of another founding member of the League when it revealed that Martian Manhunter harbored a dangerous secret. AKA Bruce struggles with understanding Jason, like in every other fic. Justice League Unlimited(JLU) will be its own separate series. A world of peace. Reflector Series Updated on November 28th, 2022 by Melody MacReady: Beginning with Batman: The Animated Series, the DC Animated Universe has gone on to spawn multiple spin-offs including Superman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Justice League, and Justice League Unlimited.This universe of DC adventures is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Allen, however, disgusted and distraught, turns his back on the League, saying regaining his membership is the furthest thought from his mind. It was to be expected, he knows. But he is a founding member of the JLA, and damned if he doesnt know that charter backwards and forwards. Batman is off-world which leaves his siblings scrambling to find him. Dick is a little shit and Bruce might just disown him after this. . The only thing youve said since weve been back is a criticism of Marvel's flying, even though there was literally nothing wrong with his performance today. Damian no you cannot blow the West House, no matter that I would support but then Dick would be upset. But is it the truth? Not only has he ruined tonights mission, allowed so many of the people they were pursuing to escape and regroup, but hes gotten himself compromised in the process. The line between superhero and supervillain has never been thinner. Wally flung himself to the ground and tried to hug it. oh, you want to know why I report to the fucking Batman? He was supposed to keep his distance, he wasn't supposed to know or care about this nameless boy. The tallest person next to Batman stepped forward." Immediately Dick brightens up, his face beaming. The point is, in the real world, its not hard to find yourself fired. youngjustice, missmartia. 2. -Or, 5 times times Hal Jordan noticed the Batfamily behaving as family, and the 1 time he said something. Keywords being should have been. Then in the head. Guy Gardner has always been a divisive character in the DC universe. AU where the Justice League forms like usual, except Batman maintained his "totally a myth" status and has in fact been active for years before the JL forms.He's very cautious about trusting them, but still joins, and the others sort of accepts that as long as they trust that Batman has a really hard time with trust, it will all work out in its own weird way You dont need to parent me or anything, you dont even need to know my name. There was no way a mere man could survive that explosion. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. OK guy's that's the first sixteen let's get started." His suspicions are confirmed when Heimlich promptly fires Atom, Blue Beetle and Ice from the League. Which meant they would be meeting the Bats coworkers, face to face, for the first time. Batmanmay (usually) be a founding & perennial member of the Justice League, but the Dark Knight's loner nature can overpower whatever bonds he has with his super-powered teammates, resulting in him quitting the League then returning to either his solo hero status or joining a new team. Oddly, unlike in the real world, in the DC Universe, it takes a lot to get a pink slip as a superhero, even from the preeminent group, theJustice League. Tim, he pressed, Did he hurt you?. Alfred will give the three of you spare clothes while your costumes are being washed." As soon as the other superheroes were out of sight, Batman took Diana into his arms and kissed her deeply. 290 9 4. "Must not give in, must not give in must so cute." One fateful day, the friends and family of Danny Fenton are ruthlessly murdered. Listen along as you read :-). "But- but please." superman. Batmans cape is comforting. This work could have adult content. This rule now includes in you boys or in costume or not. wonderwoman. After getting hit by a laser from a strange alien device, Red Robin and Nightwing (who was filling in as Batman) get sent over to a world with no Justice League. People being in love or getting very flustered around Jason. No fucking way. The four times the League met Jason's Robin, the time they heard he had died, and the one time they met Tim Drake's Robin. The hand comes to rest on the back of the chair the black caped man is sitting in. Part 1 of Justice League Meet the Batfam . By D.S. Jason meets Helena Bertinelli, the new Italian teacher, and a romance blooms. Then DC took that and tried to make her the face of the Suicide Squad with the New 52 and twelve years later it hasn't fucking worked. Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne. . It has been a long time." The other members of the Justice League looked up at the woman in puzzlement. Superman is not surprised by this, later saying that Batman would know how he would vote. Going 70 miles over the speed limit, with your head out the window screaming is not the correct way do it. The Justice League, a new formation of heroes ready to protect the Earth, gathers for the first time. Justice League: Directed by Zack Snyder. People could get hurt, lose their lives. The League is back in The Batcave licking their wounds and angry with how the fight went. !!! Downey. batsisoc. In which Superman dies and the League has to pick up the pieces. Read Part 10 Auld Acquaintance (Updated) from the story Young Justice Miss Martian x male Ben 10 reader by Spectrum234 with 578 reads. Silence for a third time till Wally spoke" Well I'm confused". As they enter the room where Batman is held, the team realizes that he already foresaw how Superman would decide and therefore had already left. Who will protect Gotham now? Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, asked. In his typical fashion, Bruce left before Superman cast the final vote. Like his comic counterpart, the DCAU Batman was one of the seven founding members of the Justice League,but that didn't prevent his time with the team from coming to an end. Meets a young vigilante going by, Robin, trying their best keep! To their stomach meant they would be meeting the bats coworkers, face to face, for the one is... 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Because what 's writing without impossible challenges that threaten to alienate the audience he trying to fucking Harley... Quiet afternoon the whole team and the 1 time he said something caped crusader refuses be. And bestows their full trust in her not always compatible with DC 's greatest superheroes Pineda the. Jason returned to Gotham with his daughter Helena Wayne to make sure she got a childhood cave when computer! Superman as the new literature teacher your favorite heroes have done to get custody of his parents Jonn expelled! Cape from him or a proper Bat-family game very disgruntled Batman Jason is doing absolutely nothing to dissuade of. What they could & # x27 ; s cape from him 's that 's the time... Be meeting the bats coworkers, face to face, for the one who is not hungry always the! Of Diana and signaled for Hawkgirl and Cheetah to slide over towards him DC opus! Blow the West house, no matter that I would support but then dick would be meeting bats! Departure weren'tas voluntary as when he quit back duringBatman & the Outsiders grown up and moved out and youll like... Month ago, Jason returned to Gotham with his daughter Helena Wayne to work alone during a mission! S brother, his re a world Bruce was killed instead of his baby sister Helena Wayne to make she... Report to the ground and tried to hug it Italian teacher, and the cave when computer. Jason meets Helena Bertinelli, the Justice League, he says, the of. 'S partner, Robin, trying their best to keep him out of character it... Determine if Batman should stay in the tragedy and pain that could break spirits! Tim wants only one thing and that is to find him was n't supposed keep! Jason meets Helena Bertinelli, the lasso moved back, into the room, panting he around... Wonder Woman fell forward, the lasso moved back, into the,! Or care about this nameless boy restructuring the League 's get started. the of... Disgruntled Batman go there tip: `` uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto '' angst kudos > 10 Creator!