While it isnt a 100% definite thing, tarantulas that are native to an old world location are very likely to possess similar traits to other old worlds. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Pterinochilus junodi and Pterinochilus nigrifemur Augacephalus junodi This ground-dwelling spider avoids confrontation but will attack with a painful bite if threatened. Picasa is freely available and is intended mostly for image management with limited image editing facilities, while Lightroom is paid software and has good management and editing capabilities. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing for the field. Just note that you still need to keep coordinates for the sites you visit in your GPS app. Members get extra attachment space, extra DM space, the ability to upload videos, and much more! King baboon spiders can live up to 25 years. Females are considered the largest of all the Asian spiders with a lifespan of up to thirty years. This is an Old World tarantula that was first described in 1897. Migration of Tarantulas Reasons for Tarantula Migration. To summarise, unless you have permits don't collect spiders and keep them in your possession. One of the most dangerous tarantulas in existence, but a favorite among enthusiasts. This is considered the most dangerous tarantula and is known to bite faster than any other species in the tarantula family. (D) The spider's burrow entrance amongst a grass tuft. This is an important courtesy towards the landowners, and is also important for maintaining the image of the Baboon Spider Atlas project. The Togo Starburst does not have urticating hairs, which is why they are quick to bite as their primary defense. Most of them have the tendency to be short-tempered, speedy, and aggressive. Tarantulas are considered one of the most dangerous spiders of all and their venom is extremely potent. However, it can be said that there are about 800-900 different types of tarantulas when referring to unique species. This tarantula is terrestrial and an . The main defense of tarantulas is their urticating hairs on their abdomens, which they use to kick into the air when an attacker approaches. Pterinochilus murinus - Unsexed - Orange Baboon Tarantula From $39.95 Sold out Monocentropus balfouri - Unsexed - Socotra Island Blue Baboon Tarantula From $44.95 Harpactira pulchripes - Unsexed - Golden Blue Leg Baboon Tarantula From $59.99 Sold out Poecilotheria metallica - Female- Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tree Spider $349.99 Sold out NW tarantulas have long hair that they use to ward off predators, while OW tarantulas have short hair. Theyre highly territorial and will attack any invader. The baboon spiders of Namibia are very poorly known, as is the case for Zimbabwe and Mozambique. King baboon tarantulas grow to a large size, but very slowly. These spiders are native to the Western Hemisphere, or the continents of North America and South America, including the Central America region). Pterinochilus affinis (Tullgren, 1910), Pterinochilus brunellii (Caporiacco, 1940), Pterinochilus carnivorus (Strand, 1917), Pterinochilus raptor (Strand, 1906), Pterinochilus raveni (Smith, 1990), Pterinochilus sjostedti (Tullgren, 1910), and Pterinochilus widenmanni (Strand, 1906) = Pterinochilus chordatus Cockroaches, snakes, mice, beetles, and lizards. An example of this is apparent with the genusPoecilotheria. This beautiful spider also has a calm demeanor, making them desirable for beginners. Their required enclosures are taller than they are wide, as they need quite a few inches to climb and construct webs. There are two types of tarantulas in this respect: terrestrial and arboreal tarantulas. This species in particular hails from South Africa.which has a temperate and arid climate with many sunny,dry days . Pterinochilus Pocock, 1897. Are you a Tarantula hobbyist? Terrestrial is such a broad classification that theres bound to be an extremely large amount of different types of tarantulas falling underneath it. The next line of defense for NW spiders is to use their fangs to bite. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. They are a chalky white color with black and brown mottled markings. Harpactirella flavipilosa (Lawrence, 1936) Pterinochilus lugardi Mexican redlegs are among the longest-living tarantula species, with an average lifespan of 30 years. Pterinochilus schoenlandi Trichognathella schoenlandi, In synonymy: Type species: Eucratoscelus constrictus, Transferred to other genera: They are often encountered running across the floor at night, which are often males in search of a mate. Harpactira pulchripes (Golden Blue Leg Baboon) 2-3" FEMALE** WOW! Tarantulas are old-world spiders that come from the eastern hemisphere (the continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe plus Australia). Type species: Augacephalus breyeri, In synonymy: With over 800 species of tarantula, its not very easy to know exactly how many types there are. This post aims to highlight all of the different kinds of tarantulas that exist. Harpactira pulchripes, also known as the Golden Blue Leg Baboon, is an old world terrestrial Baboon species. These tarantulas can grow to a 20cm leg span as adults. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Physical description. A bite can cause intense pain, while their large fangs can cause a secondary bacterial infection if not treated properly. Males are slender with longer legs when compared to females. In several countries, including South Africa, it is not legal to collect or keep baboon spiders without permits to do so. Socotra baboon tarantula These are considered docile tarantulas and sometimes recommended for beginners. Some spiders have a hard time adjusting to their new environment, so they may be aggressive at first. 2023 (Spider Identifications). Searching for baboon spiders is fun. This ground-dwelling spider avoids confrontation but will attack with a painful bite if threatened. King Baboon (Pelinobius muticus) The King Baboon is a large tarantula where females can grow to over 7" in size. Theyre faster than new world spiders and are not afraid of confrontation. These creatures have always had a place in the hearts of strange animal enthusiasts, but theyve become a lot more mainstream over the years with many people breeding tarantulas. New world and old world classifications are determined by a tarantulas geographic location! Photo Gallery. A bite from this species can cause inflammation and severe muscle cramping. Poecilotheria regalis is a tree tarantula that is common in India. Theyre pretty fast and can deliver a painful bite if they feel threatened. Most tarantula venom has not been tested for its potency. All Heteroscodra species e.g. They are exceptionally fast, defensive, and have potent venom. While this is a broad region with many different types of tarantulas, many of them have the same over-arching traits. Be prepared for the unexpected, even with a spiderling. You never know when you might need it. You can safely remove the tarantula using the above-described method. This is both unecessary and cruel, as it causes a slow and painful death for the spider. Old-world tarantula species are known for their potent venom and aggressive nature. With the proper care, you should see a steady increase in the rate of your T growing to adulthood. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Considered to be one of the most well-received tarantulas today! Required fields are marked *. This is a very defensive species that will bite before it presents a threatening display. Ceratogyrus (Pocock, 1897) [Senior synonym of Coelogenium Purcell, 1902] This small size has made the species particularly skittish and nervous, opting to dart away and hide when presented with threats. This genus is well-known for its very aggressive yet visually-stunning tarantulas. Thats not something that many other types of tarantulas can do. But for people who can look beyond their hairy look and gangly long legs, tarantulas make very great pets. They are ferocious feeders and eat insects, small rodents, small reptiles and almost anything they can overpower. Even though Evernote does record coordinates it hides them from you if it can use a place name instead. Once you have the tarantula on the table, reverse the procedure by putting the tarantula in a cup. Place it over the spider against the wall or floor it it sitting on. The Stromatopelma calceatum is an African tarantula, first described in 1881. Habitats include savanna woodlands, grasslands, and dry scrublands. This species is native to Myanmar and just over the border in Thailand. The Hystrocrates gigas is a tarantula found in Cameroon. Tarantulas are the biggest spiders in the world. Most spiders don't actively intend to come into houses and would prefer to avoid human beings altogether. Although new world tarantula species are generally not aggressive, some arent quite as docile as others. Most New World Tarantulas abdomens may grow very large, so handling should be kept close to the floor to avoid falling and accidentally rupturing the spiders abdomen. One of the most expensive tarantulas, this is also one of the most popular! : transferred here from the Barychelidae by Raven, 1985a: 112; Brachyonopus is an unjustified emendation; Raven's transfer was not accepted by Charpentier, 1993: 5 or Schmidt, 2002a: 12 and 2008: 3, who nevertheless identified no close relatives of the genus among the known barychelids; Gallon, 2002: 204 argued for its inclusion in the Barychelidae but indicated that it "does not fit in any current barychelid subfamily" but later (Gallon, 2010b: 79) considered it a harpactirine.". They wander the jungle floor using the dense vegetation to take cover and hide during the day. A bite from this tarantula is considered medically significant, even though there are no recorded human deaths as a result of a bite. Many species of tarantula are pretty resilient and are very easy to keep. This ground-dwelling spider avoids confrontation but will attack with a painful bite if threatened. They are nocturnal hunters, eating what they can find. These tarantulas spend the majority of their time in their burrows underground. This is an Old World tarantula that was first described in 1897. The Cyriopagopus lividus, the Cobolt Blue Tarantula, can grow to 14cm as an adult. The laid-back and easy-going nature of this group of spiders makes them relatively safe to handle compared to more aggressive varieties. How do you know when you are ready for your first Old World Tarantula? When you think of goliath tarantulas, youre likely to picture Theraphosa apophysis. The starburst baboon spiders, characterised by their orange brown colouration. While there are exceptions, an overwhelming majority of these tarantulas are quite docile, friendly, and take a lot of prodding before getting defensive. Other than that you should have no problems carrying out your atlasing activities. Orange Baboon Tarantula Physical Description and Identification Adults Size: Females are 4 - 6 inches (10.16 - 15.24 cm) long and males are 3 - 4 inches (7.62 - 10.16 cm). Once you start building large library of digital images it can become difficult to manage all those images, and to find the specific ones you want at short notice. Pelinobius or the king baboon[citation needed] is a monotypic genus of east African tarantulas containing the single species, Pelinobius muticus. This is a legal requirement when working on or near a road, and is essential for personal safety, even on relatively quiet roads. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. They live for 1525 years on average. Unless you have spiders in containers in your possession without the necessary permits, or search for spiders in protected areas, it is very unlikely that you will be liable for any kind of prosecution. Eucratoscelus longiceps (Pocock, 1898) and Eucratoscelus spinifer = Eucratoscelus constrictus, Harpactira (Ausserer, 1871) Common name:orange baboon tarantula, Mombasa golden starburst tarantula. These fast-moving spiders have red jaws and strong legs. They are the largest Australian tarantula. King baboon tarantula is the second largest spider in Africa. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Most New World tarantulas are slow-moving, except the genus Ephebopus, which is extremely fast. If youre bitten by one of these, you may need medical attention. Essential for any atlaser are good mapping, GPS and navigation tools. Theyre easy to keep, and they grow very quickly. This ground-dwelling spider is quite common in French Guiana and is commonly kept as a pet there. These tarantulas dont waste time when it comes to being defensive and will attack without hesitation. Theyre perfectly happy in their burrows where they can stay and eat. This can be summarized as the Eastern Hemisphere. Heres a comprehensive list of the different species of tarantula you can keep as a pet. Search in different habitats, and help fill the gaps in our map. Even though theyre elevated, they still enjoy a nice tarantula hide, in addition to a water dish and the typical foliage of a tarantula enclosure. The site was founded by Zach David, who currently shares his home with 3 cats and a tarantula named Emily. Females grow to 15cm in leg span and males to 10cm. Do Wolf Spiders Eat Brown Recluse, Black Widows, or Other Bad Spiders? Like all spiders, tarantulas have two body segmentsa cephalothorax (seff-a-la-THOR-ax . Common name:Togo starburst, ornamental baboon. Old World Tarantulas, those indigenous to Asia, do not have the urticating hairs and will bite as a defense. The Orange Baboon Tarantula is a tarantula species found in the central, eastern, and southern parts of the African continent and the country of Angola in particular. They are known to hide in clothes, homes, boxes, log piles, and homes. Native to Africa, this tarantula species can deliver an excruciating but non-fatal bite. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The risk of crime is also lower if there is more than one person. They are also known as baboon spiders in Africa and hairy spiders in South America. I mist the cage, water and feed my Old World Tarantulas from an opening at the top of the terrarium. Thats what they do with those long, wicked, curved spines at the tips of their fangs. While their venom is not considered medically significant, a bite can cause nausea or an allergic reaction, which may require medical attention. Ceratogyrus raveni (Smith, 1990) Pterinochilus chordatus, In synonymy: SALE! The Goliath bird-eating spider is the biggest tarantula species in the world. If the tarantula doesnt bolt on you, after opening the top, put the container it was shipped in, into the terrarium the tarantula is to be housed in if the terrarium is large enough. Here are some of the most important things to know. It can be found in Brazil, Southern, and Central America. OW tarantulas should never have to interact with anyone or anything. There are over 100 documented tarantula genera some with only one species and some with dozens. Harpactirinae are ground-dwelling spiders which build silk-lined burrows, often under debris such as stones, using their fangs and chelicerae for digging. Harpactirinae The Harpactirinae (commonly called baboon spiders) are a subfamily of tarantulas which are native to the continent of Africa. Baboon tarantulas: Baboon tarantulas are terrestrial (land-dwelling) species primarily native to the African continent. The King Baboon Tarantula is now correctly known as Pelinobius muticus, but its scientific name was Citharischius . The lesser baboon spiders. It is found in Africa from Southern Africa to Angola and is referred to as a baboon spider. Bites can cause local pain, and swelling with muscle cramps, which are known to last for days. Currently feeding on large B . In addition, the genus Brachionopus (Pocock, 1897) has been suggested for placement in this subfamily, but its taxonomy is currently disputed. Together with the filtering capabilities, you can quickly produce point maps of your records for particular species or genera. Unfortunately, such desirability brings with it a higher price tag, where adult females sell for a couple hundred dollars. A majority of old world tarantulas also tend to look very attractive, flaunting unique appearances and eye-catching colors. Youll need a bigger enclosure for this one. This defines where those tarantulas live in the wild either on the ground/in burrows or in trees. They are Old World tarantulas and prefer living in trees. Missouri Couple Discovers Brown Recluse Infestation So Bad They Bleed from the Walls, Species of Tarantula: The Complete List of Tarantula Breeds, The Arena Media Brands, Available here: https://pethelpful.com/exotic-pets/Tarantulas-by-ExperienceDifficulty-Level, Pet Keen, Available here: https://petkeen.com/tarantula-species-that-make-great-pets/, The Spruce Pets, Available here: https://www.thesprucepets.com/best-pet-tarantula-species-4176793, EverythingReptiles, Available here: https://www.everythingreptiles.com/pet-tarantulas/. Its hard to say what color your spider will be, but you can be sure itll be a pretty one. These tarantulas can grow to 22cm in leg span and a body length of up to 9cm. This is an Asian tarantula variety known for its golden body and blueish-grayish legs. This means is comes from the eastern hemisphere, does not have urticating hairs, but can have medically significant venom. This is a very hard question to answer, as new tarantulas are being discovered/recognized all the time and others are no longer being recognized as species. Unfortunately the complexities of the legislation mean that there are some grey areas. It still has a beautiful appearance, though, with black and orange coloring and a heart pattern on its abdomen. The OW Tarantulas are more misunderstood than theyre understood. All rights reserved. Theyre typically not aggressive, and theyre most likely to run in the event of a confrontation. There are several reasons why this division exists today, but the most important reason is that theyve developed so differently. The Poecilotheria ornata is also known as the Fringed Ornamental Tarantula. Scientific name:Poecilotheria metallica. Understand a threat pose is invasion of their space when you clean out their cage or remove them from it. Harpactirella latithorax (Strand, 1908) Euathlus vulpinus There are, however, tarantula species. (C) A C. attonitifer in defensive posture typical for baboon spiders. Theyre slow growing, with a relatively long lifespan. Many people are afraid of spiders (called arachnophobia) and are horrified by the thought of baboon spiders, or other large spiders, coming into their homes. [4], Adults can be kept in a converted aquarium if given plenty of ventilation and a substrate at least 25 centimetres (9.8in) deep. Known for its silky black color, the Brazilian black tarantula is one of the most mild-tempered tarantula species you can keep as a pet. A tarantula might be a bit intimidating, but it is also quite docile and will not attack you if you just take it out of the box. However, the practicalities of law enforcement must be considered, and the question is what will constitute a prosecutable offence. Thank you for visiting our site and joining our community. The common baboon spiders. They're a burnt orange color and should not be confused with the brighter colored Orange Baboon Tarantula which is commonly talked about in the hobby. JavaScript is disabled. Pterinochilus meridionalis Ceratogyrus meridionalis They are one of the few tarantulas that use stridulation as a major defense mechanism in addition to rearing up and striking. Its body is light but its carapace and abdomen feature orange and black markings perfect for Halloween! As of August 2022, the World Spider Catalog accepts 1041 species in 156 genera: A Acanthopelma . Scientific Name: Pterinochilus murinus Common Name: Orange baboon tarantula, OBT, Mombasa golden starburst tarantula, Usambara baboon, Orange bitey thing, Pterror Type: Terrestrial / Semi-arboreal Category: Old World Endemic Location: Angola, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe Body length: 2.25" (6cm) They live in the shrublands and grasslands of east Africa, often using vegetation as a protective cover for their burrows. They often tend to have docile personalities and are slow movers. There are several reasons why this division exists today, but the . Beneath, weve highlighted 10 different types of tarantulas. Kucharski K. Kucharska/Shutterstock.com. It is a member of the subfamily Harpactirinae, baboon spiders. They are ash gray to black in color with a black foveal horn. Dislike for terrestrials stems from the fact that some tarantulas are fossorial, meaning that they spend most of their time in their burrow. Other Characteristic It is very unlikely that the spider will purposefully try to get back into the house, although the further away you release it, the less likely it is to accidentally re-enter the house. Also known as South American pink toe, this is a tree-dwelling tarantula species. This spider was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2007 for being the most venomous animal in the world. Younger spiders can be kept in small containers, such as pill tubs and waxworm tubs, but will need deeper containers as they grow.[4]. When you have to handle your tarantula, its first reaction will probably be to show its a threat. They bolt when you disturb them and will bite if they are provoked. Common name:Indian ornamental tree spider, Indian ornamental. A good beginner OW tarantula should be an adult. However, further substantiation to this claim is required. This page lists all described genera and species of the spider family Theraphosidae. The other type of tarantula are new worlds polar opposites of old world tarantulas. No matter what kind of spider you want to work with, they will all use different methods of defense. You should never have to interact with a tarantula except during routine maintenance or when your tarantula needs a safe place to live. Always take a first aid kit with you in your vehicle. Their bite is not considered medically significant but can cause extreme pain. Kilimanjaro mustard baboon spider (Pterinochilus chordatus) Pterinochilus murinus. Any tarantula thats classified as old world is naturally found in the old world, which includes Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Picasa and Adobe Lightroom offer great image management facilities and are worth looking into. Where can I learn more about baboon spiders? You can find potentially interesting habitats using satellite imagery, roads and tracks to areas you want to visit. Its called the old world because its the area that was inhabited before the discovery of the Americas. Make sure you do your research before you acquire an OW tarantula. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. This is an Asian tarantula variety known for its golden body and blueish-grayish legs. Some new world tarantulas are quite aggressive, fast-moving, and quick to bite. It is easy to raise an adult tarantula, as it eats and grows much faster than a juvenile Old World tarantula. It can cause extreme pain in the bite area, along with redness, inflammation, and muscle cramping. Types of tarantulas can also be split up into their origins (new world and old world) which contributes to behavior, or environmental preferences (arboreal or terrestrial). They are more defensive than aggressive. Blue-legged baboon spider, Harpactira pulchripes Horned baboon spider, Ceratogyrus darlingi Interesting trends After returning to base camp in Pretoria they reviewed everything and added geographic coordinates to the locality data in order for it to be used for plotting maps and other kinds of analyses, such as species distribution modelling. In the wild, this tarantula species can dive into water to catch fish. Long pants prevent cuts and scratches from thorns and help to keep the ticks out. We're excited to release this video, the first of its kind. Martinique red tree spider Martinique red tree spider Scientific name: Caribena versicolor. Some species, such as the Poecilotheria species, can give a bite that may require hospitalization with pain, swelling, muscle cramping, fever, and exhaustion, which can last for days after the bite. Pelinobius muticus is the only tarantula of the Pelinobius genus. The cramping is usually localized to the bite site, so if you are bitten in the hand, your hand will cramp. The legs of this tarantula are thicker than the back legs. There are no confirmed records of any southern African baboon spiders being dangerous to man, although rumours do exist that one species from the Western Cape, Harpactirella lightfooti, delivers a serious bite.