So in essence, synastry tells us how two people make each other FEEL! Thus, Mars transits tend to be more difficult for me. If someone elses Venus makes a square to your Ascendant, this does not always mean they dont find you attractive! They will ALWAYS affect people who have Virgo and Gemini placements since they are ruled by mercury. Alternatively, you might find that your mother always attracted a lot of attention. Ive said this before but when transit Uranus was in my 4th house, I moved homes 5 times. Now quite literally, I will eat my feelings LMAO. This observation was made in reference to the whole Adam Levine scandal. MC shows how you interact with people on social media, through writing on social media. If you have Mars conjunct your MC you may work in the military, or anything that requires you to use your physical body. Disclaimer: degrees just add a value, a sign's energy to a planet, but are not to be considered as a second sign to that placement. A note on the difference between a composite and a synastry chart! Further, with the 18 here I tend to become too overindulged by worrying about being healthy, despite me being a healthy person, I tend to worry myself sick. You are always aware of what other people are doing in your space. If your dominant planet is Jupiter, you may be a deeply spiritual or religious person. Ive often seen Pisces moons feel as if their mothers were not truly there for them in their formative years. A void Moon period occurs from 9:42 AM to 10:47 AM today. Donald Trump has this and hes still here. Bella is undoubtedly a self insert character, and was given the name because thats what Stephenie wanted to name her daughter. .VIRGO risings have such a distinct energy! The amount of Libra energy here. BPD & substance dependency/abuse are arguably the most common ones Ive seen with this placement. They may also be drawn to partners who have distinct Aquarian traits. I was once romantically seeing someone who I have many mutual friends with. Taurus Sun in 6th house, Libra Moon in 10th, and Sagittarius rising <333, I would love match you with Gemini Sun, Libra, Capricorn or Virgo, Taurus Rising and Virgo or Sagittarius Moon! Exes often come back as this is a time of re-thinking and going back to re-evaluate how we have behaved and communicated. See a recent post on Tumblr from @patrickshwavy about astrology-observations. With the easy aspects (trines, sextiles) I found that the Venus person was very caring towards me and they gave me a lot of grace. Taurus degrees- 2, 14, 26: wealth, the voice, singing, money, the color green, luxuries, the earth. They also have many squares in their synastry. But they force you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you may move forward. 7th house shows the actual event of your death. Palestine had an earthquake yesterday it wasn't strong but turkey did warn Italy, Lebanon and Tunisia about a tsunami and yesterday the The sea tide in Lebanon decreased by 20 metres which means tsunami on its way . I will say most professional astrologers prefer to use to pull up charts/get information. So again, be skeptical with this one. And this is only because the other countries are afraid of destroying their connections!!! Your old age is shown by 6th, 7th and 8th house. This is debated however, Nikola Stojanovic (the main creator of the degree theory) believes that this degree is benefic. History, things of the past: Nikola mentions that Capricorn degrees represents old things and history. Jupiter in your Solar Return chart can show you the area of life in which you may be attracting more luck and abundance over the next year. In a composite chart, a Pisces Rising can show a very creative and spiritual couple. So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that I'm very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. I dont think astrology should be used to fearmonger, but these transits are really difficult (especially if they are occurring simultaneously) . My love there's no " Isra*l " it was Palestine, still Palestine and will always be Palestine those who call themselves " Isra*lis" are guests who remained more than they should in the Palestinian land. If the planet is Venus in the 6th, the individual may have a sweet tooth! Its simply not my preference though. This can also be used for helping others perhaps in a future job (work habits). For the houses that dont have any planets like for me houses 9-12 and the 5thyou can just view the degrees of those houses and look at how those degrees relate to each theme of your houses. Of course there are exceptions, especially if you take in considerations Moon, Rising and other very important placements. You might find that your emails are not sending, or people are delaying sending important documents etc.. you may also find that you have problems with your internet (especially if its occurring in Aquarius), cellphone, computer or any other technology. If you own your own business you may see an improvement in sales or clients over this next year. Its important to note that mercury retrograde is a period in which you are being asked to go back and re-evaluate the area of life in which the retrograde is occurring in your chart. Im really glad you guys all found it really helpful, as promised, heres how were going to analyze degrees in your planets and houses. This is especially true if Union if found in the 10th house (making a conjunction to the MC). However, when angry, I still try my best to be diplomatic and work things out. I also daydream about becoming well-known for whatever field I decide to go into. - if your midheaven is at a leo degree (5, 17, 29) . Theres also insecurities related to their ability to attract romantic partners with this placement. You are extremely ambitious but you are often impatient, and you have the tendency to give up on something before giving it time to mature, and bear fruit. Capricorn degrees- 10, 22: public office, public official, coal, slow, delay, decay, cold, fear, depression, control, the color black, ambition, father, coldness, and public attention. So for me, my Venus is in the 7 in the 7th house, at 7 LMAO. However, Ive seen Cancer Sun women shy away more from asking questions and they often answer questions only when directly spoken too. It is also a time in which technology is likely to act up and you may experience some delays when it comes to travel, communication, and technology in general. In order to predict major life events, one needs to look at transits, progressions, solar arcs, solar returns, & sometimes lunar returns, if we are getting into specifics. The misalignment with Libra & Scorpio is a big reason why I stick with Vedic often too- Libras in western often dont embody balance so much as the embody the pickiness of Virgo, and Scorpios in Western are often very artistic, relationship oriented, and scared totip the scales more like Libra then Sagittarians are often very deep and tend to have troubled pasts and demons more like Scorpio. I usually do this to hide and avoid how I really feel. Part of Body: Tongue Sabian Symbol: A flock of wild . This doesn't mean that people with Sun at 29 degrees are also the sign ahead, not at all. This is why so many 21 year olds, feel lost or overwhelmed because they are expected to have their lives together, as they have now have reached the age where they are considered an adult. They might feel as if its quite difficult for them to attract lasting relationships, or they may often doubt their own desirability. I really do think that I am not the only one appreciating your astrology content and I wish you wouldn't have deleted the posts. JUPITER IN ARIES. I actually think they are very similar to those who have their Venus in Capricorn. How do you and your future spouse handle fights ? They are using a lip gloss and you really like it, they would just give it to you or offer it. So, I thought Id just provide a brief list of occupations/careers that would be best suited to you, based on your Chiron placement. In an astrology chart, Black Moon Lilith represents a person's primitive impulses and behavior in their rawest form. On the topic of solar returns, if your solar return Neptune makes a conjunction to your Ascendant, you may find that people are very drawn to you that year. I am also not someone who is naturally a very emotional person, but my emotions were all over the place during this transit. People who have their Sun in the 9th house, often settle abroad. Love + Marriage Synastry Observations. Im going to use my own degrees as examples! So for me, I have Mars in the 5 in the 7th house in the 7. People who have Lilith in the 7th house often have exes who cant let them go. The difference between Praying, Manifesting and Meditating. Your friends/people close to you may say that you have a type when it comes to dating/romantic partners! In terms of romance, you are likely to have many suitors this year! writing. You may teach philosophy, or religion. If you had both parents, your mothers influence and role in the household was the more prominent energy. So, in my last post, I spoke about how I felt as if Jupiter transits were kind of overrated. Okay, so Ive been alive long enough to experience a Jupiter return above the age of 12/13 (without giving too much away LOL!) The British Mandate was divided into Israel and Jordan. They are incredibly generous and know how to take care of people. The best or top level of something. The thing is, then youll see them talk the same way to someone else and some people, especially water signs will see this as a betrayal when they dont mean to hurt anyone, they are just natural socials and want to extend the same kindness and communication to everyone. When this Saturn square Saturn occurs, you are quite literally being forced to grow up and accept new responsibilities. This would be more in extreme circumstances though. So first lets take a look at what each degree symbolizes! Ive noticed that a lot of women who have Leo moons, have mothers who try and live through them, or try and outshine them in some way. The inconveniences they cause can be very frustrating, but you will be okay! I'm a Taurus sun in 8 and taurus moon 7 with libra rising with Venus being in 9th, I would love match you with Libra Sun, Taurus or Scorpio, Aries Rising and Libra Moon , I would love match you with Pisces Rising or Leo Rising, Virgo or Gemini Moon and Virgo or Gemini Sun. Overtime the two people may find that theres a disconnect between them. what would you say are some indicators in the birth chart of being attracted to younger people? Lastly, if we take a look into Marilyn Monroes chart for example, she had a Taurus midheaven till this day she is seen as the embodiment of femininity as she is widely known to have been a sex symbol. Also, Pisces Moon likely didnt go to the kindergarten. A solar return year in which you have many planets in the 11th house can show a year where you are very focused on your dreams, and worldly ambitious. TAURUS risings are very generous and giving, and it tends to be because they dont want to get wrapped out in the complicated nature of 8th house stuff. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. Since Blake is a Leo rising, most of Ryans placements fall into her 3rd house. Ive actually seen this happening a few times! ***. This is actually so funny but I always dream about my job or my co-workers will show up in my dreams (2nd house at 10). Moon: Your degree here shows how you deal with your emotions and which area of your life emphasizes them. what would you say are some indicators in the birth chart of being attracted to younger people? With the conjunction, you may find yourself attracting a lot of frenemies where you can tell that they are not fond of you, but for whatever reason they still hang around you. This is really funny.. Palestinian are not all Muslims more than half of them are Jews and christians so theres no reason for you to play the religion or racism card, I will no longer have this conversation with you. For example, lets say your mother has multiple planets (especially her Sun or her Venus) falling into your 8th house. They might even hurt someone, because of being jealous. Also, I struggle with being assertive and taking control over my life. You must also pay attention the the planet that is your chart ruler. Scorpio degrees- 8, 20: secrets, death, sex, insurances, taxes, jealousy, pregnancy, manifestation, wealth, to take from others, and borrowing. I have this degree in Mars, Im still waiting for the fun to happen. Jews paid for Israel, both the Ottoman landowners and the people living on the land itself. However, lets take someone like the Queen (Elizabeth) for example. Excessive and constant comments about your appearance especially in childhood are also a common manifestation of having hard Venus/Pluto aspects. Cancer degrees- 4, 16, 28: mother, home, traditions, loyalty, nurture, crowd, public, water, faith, femininity, emotions, family, the color white and property. astrology observations pt. Leo degrees- 5, 17, 29: strong, bold, royal, leader, attention, life, high school, fun, athletes, creativity, self-expression, strength, gym, mountain, the hill, hair. In terms of predictive astrology, your progressed moon is one of the best ways to observe where you are currently in life, and what you can expect to see in the near future. My imagination is also very preoccupied with helping other people, Im literally always daydreaming about how Im going to help people at my future job (6). Kind of reaching there. In that case, its likely that you have Saturn on one of the angles. Aries degrees- 1, 13, 25: taking action and control over your life, ab*se, struggles, leadership, battle, beginning, struggling, "fast", the color red, sports/athletes, the police, and bravery. Pisces Moon men and Moon in the 12th house: fan of phone sex, might call like a hotline or something and mutual masturbation. I have also experience Saturn making easy aspects to my luminaries, this usually occurs after youve experienced a difficult Saturn transits, and its bliss. Please dont make this apply to you if it doesnt, and my intention isnt to offend or upset anybody, I just thought it would be interesting to share this observation. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) A lot of the poetry I write, has been centered around my experiences in love (the 7th house and the 7 degree). This was just a very short compilation of the transits that I felt were significant to me and my life. It can also be a fame indicator as well, as it is a Leo degree. However, I will say I have seen two aspects in peoples charts that frequently have manifested as certain mental difficulties. The 7th house more in a business sense, as you have the potential to enter into a business partnership with this person. For example, I have my Sun in the 3, while I have some Gemini influence in my chart, I also am a Gemini in sidereal astrology. A solar return year in which you have your solar return ascendant in the same sign as your natal 7th house, could be a year in which you are focusing on your intimate relationships . Their main topics in life that they learn are connected with family members, raising children, how they define family, creating a sense of security, safety for themselves. Gemini and Virgo Sun and Moon people love ASMR, but not all things. Its so interesting because Ive noticed that there are many people who have a Sagittarius IC (4th house) who have immigrated! One may even assume that they fight a lot, However, I pulled up their composite chart and they have a composite Virgo Rising. When it comes to family synastry, if you have 2nd our 8th house overlays with a family member it can suggest that you help them out financially or perhaps they help YOU out financially. Its very interesting because a lot of Pisces moons are in a similar situation to Scorpio moons when it comes to the mother wound. 18: So apparently this aspect is pure evil. They just divorce or move on like you never exsisted. I would love match you with Taurus Sun, Pisces or Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising! I also added EROS PERSONA chart interpretation to types of charts available for interpretations. Apart from Aquarius-Leo, these are some unexpectedly pairings that might seem like they dont have much in common initially, but end up super connected and committed to each other. Oh this is a really interesting question. Hey everyone! Capricorn North Nodes people are often considered older first-time parents. However, you will likely enter your next solar return year in a completely different financial, physical or even emotional head space. disclaimer; these are all my own views/opinions that are likely to change and are based on my own interactions, understanding and experiences !! The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. Alternatively, if you have the Moon conjunct your MC, women may feature quite significantly when it comes to your career, or your career may appeal largely to women. So I wouldnt worry if you have this degree. Alternatively, you may have a personal planet that is the same as the sign that is on the 5th house of your parents composite chart! Also quite literally, I think about love a lot and always find myself dreaming about being in a relationship. One source said it indicates massive wealth, and another said that Aquarius degrees indicate divorce, but Nikola said that 11 is more connected to su*cide. not to drag all the capricorns that are not..i apologize.. but why are so many caps trumpies plz tell me?. My pluto is at the 17 in the 1st house and my rising sign is at 15? So for me, Im very motivated when it comes to creativity. It manifests differently for everyone. However, his Venus falls into her 4th house, which may explain her desire to build a family/stable home with him. If you have one placement that is considered difficult, I promise you, you are not doomed. 2,146 Likes, 28 Comments - Astrology Observations (@sosastrology) on Instagram: "Credit: xxopiaxx on Tumblr!! But its funny because usually one person likes the other more, and the other wants to run away/sabotage the relationship (Venus person) . Ive seen Taurus Sun women who really dont have stereotypically financially stable partner, instead they are the one who is the most financially stable and main provider for their partner. Its not uncommon to adopt an entirely new aesthetic/make drastic changes to your personality during a 1st house profection year. Most people hear this term and start to panic instantly. You also want to look at auspicious transits to the 5th house to find days when youre likely to win a small cash prize! Cancer Sun or Sun at a Cancer degree (4, 16, 28) men often have more feminine first or middle name. Anyway Its a huge help that is coming from you and the world will surely appreciate it. As soon as you do that, theyll forgive you, but they will deem you as someone who they should be wary around- and of course theyll bottle up their emotions about it. TW:Mental Health/Suicide ideation! But in reality, the transition from teen to young adult is not always smooth sailing. Hey do I just screenshot it or what do I exactly do ? If you want to see how each person feels about the composite (the relationship as a unit) you can compare the composite chart to each persons natal chart. They like sounds of items while cooking or other random sounds of certain objects. These people often need to work on healing their inner child, as they fear being judged and ridiculed by others. These are based on my personal observations. Mercury in the 2nd house buy a lot of items online. I find Pisces placements to more likely be the troubled partner and Virgo placements trying to rescue someone. Your faith, and Optimism will get you very far in life. They suppress their voice a lot and dont speak up so that they dontmake any mess socially or emotionally, and can be really hard on themselves in that way. You will likely experience frequent inconveniences in this area during this transit. This placement is also common among couples who are in long-distance relationships, and thus technology, and speaking online/through text plays a very important role in their relationship. They hold back more with friends and crushes. Also I just like to engage in a lot of self care. I noticed one of the shortcomings of Aquarius Moon or Moon in the 11th house man in a relationship is that he likes that his girl is able to hang with the boys and gets along well with his friends. Saturn: Your degree here shows what you struggle with. Having said this, Mercury square Neptune in a birth chart is an aspect that I have seen countless times in the charts of people who have opened up with their mental health struggles. Today I thought Id do a post on my personal experiences with various transits. People who have Leo on their descendent (7H) are prone to attracting romantic partners who are domineering. Even if it is time for you to move on and it felt like the right decision to leave astrology behind I am a bit worried that you may have acted impulsively. But the moral of this story is that synastry isnt the end all and be all! Although having Sun square Moon in synastry is considered quite binding and alluring. I will always stand on the fact that this is one of the more difficult transits. 2) Aries and Libra mercuries talk in a baby manner. Capricorn North Node person (often even paired with being at an Aquarius degree) usually achieves something others badly want to achieve really young. Neptune in the 3rd house of a Composite Chart can indicate potential deception when it comes to the communication between the two people. Such as purchasing your own home, moving out of your parents home to go to college, a major change in your finances! I have not had my first Saturn return yet, but I have had Saturn transiting an angle in my chart. I can never escape it. The change could be as small as knowing what it is you want to do with your life after being stagnant after graduating college. Please do know that if your chart ruler is Saturn, things will get a lot easier for you, after your first Saturn return! Sometimes its difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. Most of the land is Jordan. Getting married and having to share your assets with your spouse etc.. Gemini over the 7th house might indicate you will die in traffic, on the road. The two times that Mars hit this 8 degree point was 4 September 2022 and 12 January 2023. Other astrologers has found that it can signal destruction, i.e. degrees for the Ascendant, degrees through the houses), but for now heres just a general idea of how I do it! Venus conjunct North Node synastry is one of the aspects I really dont like seeing when Im observing synastry charts. Living on your Chiron line in astrocartography can bring up issues related to your Chiron. Scorpio Risings are super intriguing. So, its not uncommon to see people who have this placement engage in secret relationships, extramarital affairs, or participate in relationships that are not in their best interest. Transits to the composite chart also play a major role in assessing comparability. your 5th house being in the 6 degree). Palestine is a Roman invention. This is more of a tip, but for people who are beginners in astrology. PISCES risings - aww man, I love you guys Ive noticed a lot of Pisces risings tend to feel like outcasts in this world. Ive also seen this placement in the charts of people who were international students in foreign countries. Please note that you may have encountered what I have stated below, and had a completely different experience. I have not yet finished my research, but I have definitely seen a pattern of having 10th & 8th house placements, with a highly publicized death. Mars: Your degree here shows your motivations and where theyre centered as well as how you are when youre angry. Other face products and creams as well, but they literally stock on face masks. Whereas, the 12th is more of a mental thing, as in my mental health tends to take a dip during this transit. Pay attention to the house in which your chart ruler is placed. In regards to my anger, Im very dramatic when Im angry LMFAO. Or any transits that were significant in your life! However, this wont apply to everyone, like other degrees we discussed they all manifest differently. In friendships, I strongly dislike 12 and 8th house synastry. These people will often analyze situations compulsively, and they trigger their own nervous systems at times. However, they come to realize that they do in fact have feelings for the North Node person, but by the time they realize this, the North Node person is completely over it, or feels as if they are 2nd best etc.. so the cycle continues. On their descendent ( 7H ) are prone to attracting romantic partners who a! Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising can show a very short compilation of the transits that felt! Feel as if Jupiter transits were kind of overrated of being attracted to younger people capricorns that not. Stephenie wanted to name her daughter aspect is pure evil planet is Venus in the 6th, 12th... 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