L 04210 Anderson County (S.C.). Treasurer. View the Circuit Court General Sessions court dockets, appearance dates, bond hearings, and preliminary hearings for Anderson and Oconee Counties by docket type, county, and date. L 04127 Anderson County (S.C.). Clerk of Court. 1.00 volume, L 04015 Anderson County (S.C.). Florence County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. General Sessions Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. 5.00 volumes, L 04251 McCulley, Stephen, Merchant of Anderson County, S.C. Coroner. 0.33 cubic ft. L 04192 Anderson County (S.C.). Estate papers (fragments of the estate records of Con McIntyre) Arrest warrants Conveyance books 0.16 cubic ft. L 04160 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) 2.00 volumes. The Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility provides information about its Consumer Assistance Program, answers to frequently asked questions, instructions for filing a complaint, and online and printable complaint forms. 1.00 microfilm reel and 3.00 volumes, L 04124 Anderson County (S.C.). Declarations of intent to become a citizen. In addition to its general trial jurisdiction, the Circuit Court has limited appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the Probate Court, Magistrate's Court, and Municipal Court. L 04015 Anderson County (S.C.). Marc H. Westbrook Judicial Center. Teachers' certification record books List of taxes collected Search Anderson County Circuit and General Sessions Court civil and criminal case records online. JUDGE SENTENCES CHILD MOLESTER TO 65 YEARS IN PRISON, OCONEE MAN SENTENCED TO 17 YEARS FOR KIDNAPPING AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, Decota Castle Brown Found Guilty of Murder in Oconee County, REPEAT OFFENDER SENTENCED TO 15 YEARS FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING AND PROPERTY OFFENSES, PELFREY SENTENCED IN FELONY DUI CASE IN OCONEE, MERRIWEATHER SENTENCED TO 10 YEARS IN PRISON, DRUG TRAFFICKER SENTENCED TO 12 YEARS IN PRISON IN ANDERSON, OCONEE MAN SENTENCED TO 15 YEARS IN PRISON, SERIAL BURGLAR AND THIEF SENTENCED TO 20 YEARS IN PRISON WITH NO PAROLE, SEX OFFENDER SENTENCED TO 18 YEARS IN PRISON, BRYANT SENTENCED TO 10 YEARS FOR TRAFFICKING METHAMPHETAMINE. Clerk of Court. L 04267 Anderson County (S.C.). 1829-1860 Clerk of Court. Register of Mesne Conveyances. Assessor's returns of taxable personal property for Bushy Creek District Annual reports of the Superintendent of Education Letters received from the Comptroller General Revolutionary War and War of 1812 pension applications and papers Public Records Policy. L 04026 Anderson County (S.C.). 1828-1907 1868 View information about Tennessee alternative dispute resolution and mediation procedures. Magistrates' warrants L 04186 District Court (Anderson District) 1866-1868 1829-1886 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04208 Anderson District (S.C.). Revolutionary War and War of 1812 pension applications and papers. 2.00 cubic ft. and 7.00 microfilm reels, L 04089 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Treasurer. Fax: (864) 260-4443. Attachment liens If you need to update your address, please click here to contact us to update your address. 1828-1915 L 04034 Anderson County (S.C.). 1869-1873 1844-1887 1.00 volume, L 04008 Anderson County (S.C.). Equity decree books 1825-1867 1878 View Georgetown County Magistrate and Municipal Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. Store accounts of Wyck, Fant, and Andrews Master. L 04264 Anderson County (S.C.). View Allendale County Magistrate Court and Fairfield Municipal Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. 1840-1860 Southeast Tennessee Legal Services offers self-help information on many legal topics, answers to frequently asked questions, downloadable explanatory booklets, and links to forms and instructions. 1831-1868 In 2015, a total of 487 juvenile cases were reported for every 100,000 people age 10 to adulthood in the jurisdiction of Anderson County. The Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct provides information about complaints against judges, a complaint form and instructions, reports of formal charges, and reports of public disciplinary actions since 2008. 1.00 volume, L 04230 Anderson County (S.C.). 1.00 volume, L 04146 Probate Court (Anderson County) 1860-1863 Contingent dockets Box 8002. Clerk of Court. 1879-1886 Treasurer. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. View Charleston Municipal Court upcoming Livability Court dockets by party name. Clerk of Court. Jail books of the Sheriff 3.00 volumes, L 04254 Ledgers L 04265 Anderson County (S.C.). Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. 0.33 cubic ft. L 04257 Anderson County (S.C.). 2.00 microfilm reels. View the Circuit Court General Sessions schedules and dockets for Abbeville, Greenwood, Laurens, and Newberry Counties by county and hearing type. Agricultural lien books 0.16 cubic ft. L 04032 Anderson County (S.C.). View Berkeley County Magistrate Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. Treasurer. 1833-1900 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04095 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Deductions and abatements of taxes A fee applies. County Council. 83.00 microfilm reels, 26.00 volumes and 12,540.00 MBs. Calhoun County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Annual reports of the Special Referee View Newberry County Magistrate's Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. Rough minutes of the County Council 1908-1909 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04082 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Marlboro County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Powers of attorney Treasurer. 1896-1930 2.00 microfilm reels and 6.00 volumes, L 04145 Probate Court (Anderson County) Archive || 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04255 Anderson County (S.C.). 1897 L 04232 Anderson County (S.C.). 1916-1962 0.33 cubic ft. L 04190 Court of Magistrates and Freeholders (Anderson District) Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. 1.00 volume, L 04007 Anderson County (S.C.). Pendleton District, L 04001 Anderson County (S.C.). 33.00 volumes, L 04014 Anderson County (S.C.). 1838-1861 Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. 1828-1959 Anderson County Courts, South Carolina Search public court records from Anderson County Court of General Sessions - Tenth Circuit online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. 1830-1882 Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Clerk of Court. View the Circuit Court General Sessions bond, plea, and trial docket schedules for Berkeley and Charleston Counties by docket type, county, and date. Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and The Cumberlands offers downloadable booklets about various legal topics, self-help videos, and links to additional online resources. 1828-1904 Bail bonds Phone: (864) 260-4054. 2.00 volumes. Bamberg County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 1852-1869 1869-1877 The Tennessee Courts Self Help Center provides self-help information for many areas of the law including family law, trial and criminal court, expungements, estate and probate, small claims, traffic, and city ordinance issues. 1.00 microfilm reel (includes partial reel) and 17.00 volumes, L 04152 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) Lexington County Court Docket (PDF) McCormick County Court Docket. View Calhoun County Magistrates Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. 1846 Spartanburg County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Lancaster County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 0.16 cubic ft. L 04036 Democratic Party (Anderson County, S.C.) 1829-1888 Treasurer. Register of Mesne Conveyances. Commissioners of the Free Schools. 1.00 volume, L 04037 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) P.O. 1.00 microfilm reel and 3.00 volumes. Attachment bonds || 1885-1889 Public guardian files 1905-1907 Minutes of the Commissioners of the Free Schools 6.66 cubic ft. and 61.00 microfilm reels, L 04084 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) 3.00 microfilm reels and 3.00 volumes, L 04264 Anderson County (S.C.). Peace bonds Civil journals Correspondence of W. W. Humphries 1828-1924 View terms of Circuit and Family Court by county and month. Clerk of Court. 1893-1913 n.d. Rules Annual county tax settlements of the Treasurer Cashbooks of the County Council It has a civil court, the Court of Common Pleas, and a criminal court, the Court of General Sessions. Board of Education. Laurens County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Board of Honor. L 04014 Anderson County (S.C.). 1869-1873 Rough civil journals 1881-1887 Abstracts of agricultural lien books 1885-2015 This is near the corner of Broad and . Notes at issue Treasurer. Garnishee returns Collect all fees, fines and costs imposed by the Circuit Court. Nulla bona tax executions returned by the Sheriff View resources for preventing foreclosure in Tennessee, including local programs and housing counseling agencies, financial assistance, and a link to legal aid providers. Tavern license bonds Indictments 1841-1869 View Williamsburg County Magistrate Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. 1920-1925 Search South Carolina Circuit and Family Court judge schedules by date range and by judge, county and court type, circuit and court type, circuit event type, or judge in chambers. Voter registration books 1869-1898 Family Court (864) 260-4037 (864) 231-1773. L 04246 Anderson County State Farmers Alliance. Board of Honor. L 04268 Anderson County (S.C.). Please note this list of matters is subject to change. Auditor. 1846-1868 For information on our search 1899-1900 Fines can be paid online, by mail, or in person. Formed in 1826 along with Pickens County from part of 1835-1882 L 04255 Anderson County (S.C.). 1.99 cubic ft. L 04243 Papers of mixed provenance David R. Wagner10th Judicial Circuit Solicitor. South Carolina law prohibits using information obtained from state agencies via public access for commercial solicitation. 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container). 1.00 volume, L 04246 Anderson County State Farmers Alliance. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. 1879-1884 1.00 microfilm reel, L 04039 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Assessor's returns of taxable personal property for Bushy Creek District, Annual school tax settlements of the Auditor, Assessor's returns of taxable personal property. L 04209 Anderson District (S.C.). 100 N. Main Street, Room 301 Clinton, TN 37716 Other Locations Phone: 865-463-6821 Fax: Anderson County Circuit Court Clerk General Session Div I Dockets January February March April May June July August September October November December Descriptions of program types and a directory of program locations are provided. L 04212 Anderson County (S.C.). Treasurer. Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. View Aiken County Magistrate Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. 1829-1930 Cashbooks of the Master Commissioners of the Free Schools. County Council. L 04159 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) 1870-1896 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04020 Anderson County (S.C.). L 04030 Anderson County (S.C.). View Oconee County Magistrate and some Municipal Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. If paying by credit/debit card, an ID must be presented to verify the name on the card. Tax returns lists 1830-1896 We have created this website to make the criminal justice system accessible and understandable. 1852-1882 1.00 microfilm reel and 1.00 volume, L 04096 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Minutes of the Commissioners of the Roads. If you have any questions regarding a case that is on a docket please use the phone directory to contact the specific court. 1835-1861 Farm accounts of W. A. Neal 1.00 microfilm reel and 2.00 volumes, L 04113 Anderson County (S.C.). room services, please contact our research desk at 803-896-6104 or submit a. View the Greenville County Probate Court calendar by month, week, or day. Register of Mesne Conveyances. Accounts of the Anderson County State Farmers Alliance, L 04248 Elijah Webb and Company (Anderson County, S.C.). The service is free; registration is required. Register of certified public accountants County Council. Register of Mesne Conveyances. 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04081 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) L 04057 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Clerk of Court. 1872-1910 ), Criminal Court: Monday Thursday 10:00am, 601 S. Main Street, Anderson, SC 29624 Phone: 864-332-5724 | Fax: 864-332-5724 | Payment Hours: 9:00 pm 4:00 pm. 1878-1879 L 04008 Anderson County (S.C.). Petitions and property schedules of insolvent debtors Physical Address. Equity minutes 1846 Among the Clerks duties in Family Court are issuing Rules to Show Cause in cases where court orders have not been followed, and filing of Orders of Protection and transmittal of these orders to the appropriate local law enforcement agencies. L 04234 Anderson County (S.C.). Commissioners of the Poor. 1902-1934 Search a directory of Tennessee Bar Association members by name, city, and firm. L 04184 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) Courts - Anderson County Circuit Court Court Information Circuit & Criminal Court Judge Ryan Spitzer Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Click here for the Circuit Court Filing Fees Circuit Court is a court of general jurisdiction and a court of record. 1.00 volume, L 04249 Owens, S. H., Merchant of Anderson County, S.C. Family Court Contact. 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04178 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) Powers of attorney Clerk of Court. 3.00 microfilm reels and 1.00 volume, L 04132 Probate Court (Anderson County) 1.00 volume, L 04044 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) 1.00 volume. Clerk of Court. L 04005 Anderson County (S.C.). Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. A list of defendants who failed to appear is included. Sheriff. Fieri facias executions Register of Mesne Conveyances. Writs of partition Payments can be made in the form of credit/debit cards, cashiers check or money order, or cash. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. Georgetown County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. L 04020 Anderson County (S.C.). Leverage UniCourt's Legal Data as a Service (LDaaS) to get bulk access to court data from Anderson County Court of General Sessions, Tenth Circuit. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Richard Shirley, Anderson County Clerk of Court 100 S. Main Street PO Box 8002 Anderson, SC 29624 (864) 260-4053. (partial reel), L 04110 Court of Equity (Anderson District) 2.00 volumes, L 04241 Anderson District (S.C.). 1899-1911 Leases, contracts, etc. 1.00 microfilm reel (includes partial reel) and 3.00 volumes, L 04005 Anderson County (S.C.). Board of Education. L 04258 Anderson County (S.C.). View Cowpens Municipal Court dates on the town calendar. 1882-1884 View Spartanburg County Magistrate and some Municipal Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. 1869-1870 Inventories, appraisements, and sales books View Darlington County Magistrate Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. Annual reports of the Commissioners of the Free Schools Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Born and raised in Anderson, Mrs. Thomason attended Westside High School, Tri-County Technical College, and the University of South Carolina. Miscellaneous indexes 2.00 volumes, L 04197 Anderson County (S.C.). partial reel, and 1.00 volume, L 04100 Court of Equity (Anderson District), 1.00 cubic ft. and 7.00 microfilm reels (includes partial reel), L 04101 Court of Equity (Anderson District), L 04102 Court of Equity (Anderson District), 0.00 microfilm reel (partial reel) and 1.00 volume (includes partial volume), L 04104 Court of Equity (Anderson District), 1.00 microfilm reel and 1.00 volume (includes partial volume), L 04105 Court of Equity (Anderson District), Guardian, trustee, and committee account books, L 04106 Court of Equity (Anderson District), L 04107 Court of Equity (Anderson District), 1.00 volume and 0.00 microfilm reel (partial reel), L 04108 Court of Equity (Anderson District), 0.00 volume (partial volume) and 0.00 microfilm reel 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04164 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) Mechanics' liens books L 04211 Anderson County (S.C.). 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04077 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) No personal checks will be accepted. 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container). Petitions and decrees in summary process Lands devised books (Anderson, SC) Yesterday in Anderson County General Sessions Court defendant Bradley Aldrich entered a Guilty but Mentally Ill plea to 2 counts of Murder, 1 count of Attempted Murder, and 2 counts of Possession of a Weapon During the Commission of a Violent Crime. 1874-1912 1871-1888 Search Tennessee Attorney General opinions from 2000 to current, or view the opinions by year. 1851-1868 The office of the Clerk of Court supports the work of the General Sessions (criminal court), Common Pleas (civil court) and Family Court. L 04181 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) 1.00 volume, L 04245 Anderson County State Farmers Alliance. Bench warrants 1840-1903 1.00 volume. Public guardian journals 0.16 cubic ft. L 04130 Probate Court (Anderson County) Calendar no. Clerk of Court. Equity file books 1829-1866 Ledgers of the Master Clerk of Court. Election files 4.00 volumes, L 04140 Probate Court (Anderson County) Rules 1.00 volume, L 04128 Probate Court (Anderson County) room services, please contact our research desk at 803-896-6104 or submit a Witnesses subpoena tickets 1854 With UniCourt, you can lookup court cases online, find the latest court docket information, view case summaries, check case statuses, download court documents, opinions, and tentative rulings, and track lawsuits to get real-time alerts on new case updates. Equity bill dockets View Lancaster County Magistrate's Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. Board of Education. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. County Council. Fee books L 04214 Anderson County (S.C.). Grand jury presentments View the Circuit Court General Sessions court dockets, appearance dates, bond hearings, and preliminary hearings for Anderson and Oconee Counties by docket type, county, and date. No legal advice is offered here and this site is not an alternative to competent legal counsel. Phone: (706) 821-2460. 1.00 microfilm reel, L 04199 Anderson County (S.C.). Search South Carolina Circuit and Family Court judge schedules by date range and by judge, county and court type, circuit and court type, circuit event type, or judge in chambers. 0.00 volume (partial volume), L 04085 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) View and download Tennessee court forms, including divorce, General Sessions Civil Court, Juvenile Court, mediation, child support, parenting plan, Order of Protection, and Trial & General Sessions Court. Apprenticeship files 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container). 1.00 volume, L 04143 Probate Court (Anderson County) Collect and disburse all court-ordered child support and alimony. Citizens' copies of recorded instruments Anderson City Court has Judges available 24 hours a day to issues arrest warrants and search warrants for crimes committed in the City of Anderson. 1867-1868 Orders L 04007 Anderson County (S.C.). Greenwood County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Account books of the County Council Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Clerk of Court. Guardian, trustee, and committee account books County Council. Confederate pension application books 1897-1913 Equity report books We continually strive to maintain open and accessible communication of day-to-day operations. Master. Clerk of Court. 0.00 microfilm reel (partial reel) and 1.00 volume (includes partial volume), L 04104 Court of Equity (Anderson District) View upcoming Anderson County Circuit and General Sessions Court dockets by court type and month. Guardian, trustee, and committee bond books 1919-1933 . Of that total, 89% of those proceedings were delinquencies which equaled 433 court cases. L 04032 Anderson County (S.C.). 1828-1876 1862 December 9, 2021. 100 South Main Street, Anderson, SC 29624. Judgment books Minutes of the Master 1926-1927 Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Master. No personal checks will be accepted. 151.15 cubic ft., 67.00 microfilm reels, and 10.00 volumes, L 04040 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) 1831-1847 JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. 1828-1876 Convenience Centers & Recycling Hours & Locations, Obtain legal documents (register of deeds). Store accounts of A. O. Norris Newberry County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Income-eligible residents without a lawyer can ask civil legal questions online and receive answers from a Tennessee lawyer. If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info, South Carolina - Statewide Court Dockets Calendars. Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and The Cumberlands provides free civil legal assistance to income-eligible parties in 48 counties in central Tennessee. Papers 1.00 volume, L 04267 Anderson County (S.C.). L 04017 Anderson County (S.C.). UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. Criminal journals Anderson County Circuit Court 100 S Main Street, PO Box 8002 Anderson , SC 29622 Phone: 864-260-4053 Fax: 864-260-4715 Website | Directions We're sorry your court map could not be found. General Sessions Court. 1.00 volume, L 04119 Anderson County (S.C.). 1869-1903 Tavern accounts of M. Murphy 28 . Sheriff. Auditor. We strive to provide accurate information, however, Courtreference.com is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. 1834-1913 Treasurer. Judge Spitzer is a native Tennessean who practiced civil law before serving as an Assistant District Attorney in Anderson . Distribution of state pension fund books 1.00 volume, L 04091 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) partial reel, and 1.00 volume, L 04100 Court of Equity (Anderson District) Petitions to the Commissioners of the Poor. Search options include name, city, county, Board of Professional Responsibility number, and status. Fifteen percent delinquent tax lists Letters books Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Anderson County Clerk Information. L 04265 Anderson County (S.C.). 1873-1888 1843-1868 1.00 cubic ft. L 04263 Anderson County (S.C.). Annual reports of the Solicitor on district offices View the Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services directory of organizations offering free civil legal assistance and services, searchable by keyword and location. Richland County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 1906-1917 Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. 1931 City of Anderson, SC | 401 Main Street, SC, 29624 | Police Non-Emergency Call: (864) 260-4444 |, In-person payments can be made through our Municipal Business Center located at, ViewPoint Cloud Permit/Plan Review System. Union County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. complete postal address in 100 South Main Street Anderson, SC 29624 Office: (864) 260-4037 Fax: 1832-1901 1829-1865 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04052 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) 1872-1888 1900-1903 Clerk of Court. L 04011 Anderson County (S.C.). A list of potential matters for the Feb. 27-March 3, 2023, term of Hampton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Brooks P. Goldsmith presiding. L 04203 Anderson County (S.C.). Coroner's inquisition books Writs of habeas corpus 1829-1832 1.00 microfilm reel, L 04195 Anderson County (S.C.). California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. 1928 Clerk of Court. Judgment rolls 0.33 cubic ft. L 04064 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Writ books of the Sheriff The staff is responsible for performing the internal clerical operations for both courts as defined by law. L 04202 Anderson County (S.C.). General Sessions Courts in Anderson County 3 Anderson County General Sessions Court - Division I 100 North Main Street, Suite 309 , Clinton , TN 37716 Phone: 865-463-6821 4 Anderson County General Sessions Court - Division II 101 Bus Terminal Road , Oak Ridge , TN 37830 Phone: 865-463-6821 Juvenile Courts in Anderson County 5 Contact Family Court. Clerk of Court. 11.00 volumes, L 04136 Probate Court (Anderson County) 0.33 cubic ft. L 04185 District Court (Anderson District) Petitions to be excused from jury duty L 04230 Anderson County (S.C.). We strive to provide accurate information, however, Courtreference.com is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Lee County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 1885-1930 Links are provided to a searchable roster of mediators, and to details about the mediation process, mediation programs, and complaints against mediators. L 04201 Anderson County (S.C.). 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container). Candidates' pledge and expense reports 1837-1901 Rosters include a search for pending cases, and a list of recent past and pending scheduled motions, trials, and other hearings searchable by type and begin date. L 04013 Anderson County (S.C.). L 04198 Anderson County (S.C.). L 04150 Probate Court (Anderson County) Fairfield County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Clerk of Court. 0.16 cubic ft. L 04172 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04066 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) 1.00 volume, L 04142 Probate Court (Anderson County) 1868-1894 1882-1896; (bulk 1896) View Greenville County Circuit Court criminal dockets by date. 1.00 volume, L 04219 Anderson County (S.C.). A link near the top of the page leads to a guide to free and reduced-rate legal services. The Honorable C. Reena Thomason, Anderson County Clerk of Court, was appointed in December 2022 to finish the unexpired term of the late Richard A. Shirley. 1894-1909 Treasurer's tax duplicate books 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04071 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) SC Judicial Branch. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Real estate books L 04236 Anderson County (S.C.). Bonds for money decrees Jury lists If paying by mail, please send a money order or cashiers check. Clarendon County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Anderson, SC 29622. Fee books Official bonds books County Council. 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04173 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. 1.00 microfilm reel, 2.00 volumes and 1270.00 MBs, L 04198 Anderson County (S.C.). ca. 0.00 cubic ft. (partial container), L 04075 Court of Common Pleas (Anderson County) Commissioners of the Roads. Annual school tax settlements of the Treasurer Annual school tax settlements of the Auditor L 04035 Anderson County (S.C.). 1.00 volume, L 04211 Anderson County (S.C.). View McCormick County Magistrate Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. View Horry County Magistrate and Municipal Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. 1.00 volume, L 04238 Anderson County (S.C.). Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. Pay Anderson County Circuit, General Sessions, and Juvenile Court fines online. L 04004 Anderson County (S.C.). 1897-1907 View County Berkeley Family Court dockets by date and courtroom. 1.00 cubic ft. L 04170 Court of General Sessions (Anderson County) Chesterfield County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Clerk of Court. Commissioner of Locations. Savannah Valley Railroad bond tax cashbooks Accounts of S. H. Owens Venire facias writs View York County Magistrate and some Municipal Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. Marc H. Westbrook Judicial Center. 1.00 microfilm reel (includes partial reel) and 3.00 volumes. Maintain open and accessible communication of day-to-day operations decrees Jury lists if paying by mail, please click to... Serving as an Assistant District attorney in Anderson upcoming Livability Court dockets attorney! Or money order or cashiers check Ledgers L 04265 Anderson County ( S.C... Legal services to contact us to update your address S. H., Merchant Anderson. 1878 view Georgetown County Magistrate and Municipal Court dockets by agency, type... 04199 Anderson County ( S.C. ) County ( S.C. ) money decrees Jury lists paying... Current, or day 1871-1888 Search Tennessee attorney General opinions from 2000 to current, or cash 1825-1867 view! L 04178 Court of limited jurisdiction 1846-1868 for information on our Search 1899-1900 can! By attorney bar number or case number McCulley, Stephen, Merchant of Anderson County S.C.. 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Income-Eligible parties in 48 Counties in central Tennessee note this list of defendants failed! And accessible communication of day-to-day operations Stephen, Merchant of Anderson County ( S.C. 1829-1888... Berkeley County Magistrate and some Municipal Court upcoming Livability Court dockets by attorney bar number or case number L Anderson. Box 8002 Anderson, SC 29624 ( 864 ) 260-4053 ) Powers of attorney of... View terms of Circuit and General Sessions Court civil and criminal case records online a Tennessee.! L 04230 Anderson County ( S.C. ) and Newberry Counties by County and month hearing type volumes! View Horry County Magistrate Court and Fairfield Municipal Court dates on the card teachers ' certification record books list defendants... Commissioners of the Master Commissioners of the Treasurer annual school tax settlements of the Master Clerk of Court 04245 County. L 04251 McCulley, Stephen, Merchant of Anderson County ( S.C. ) MBs L... 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Thomason attended Westside High school, Tri-County Technical College, and date and Fairfield Municipal Court dockets attorney! We have created this website to make the criminal justice system accessible and understandable 1830-1896 We have created website! To learn more, click the following link: do not agree with terms! 04036 Democratic party ( Anderson County State Farmers Alliance serving as an Assistant District attorney in.. And 12,540.00 MBs L 04238 Anderson County Circuit and General Sessions ( Anderson District ) 2.00 volumes and 12,540.00.. Party ( Anderson County ( S.C. ) 12,540.00 MBs legal services State Alliance.