Jamie Fries, parent of Deaf and Hard of Hearing child, 1500 E 128th Ave., Thornton, 80241 - Miner's Creek Conference Room, Educational Support Center (1500 E. 128th Ave. Thornton, CO), Elevating Student Success in Every Classroom, Every Day, about Studio School celebrates Black History Monthin a big way, about Legacy High School student becomes Swim State Champion, about Northglennstudents are ready to hit the stage, about Newcomers find more than expected on Copper Mountain, about FutureForward students take the next step with CPAT, about Archery skills hit the mark at the Centennial Elementary, about Counselor's artwork makes it into Longmont Museum, about Get a sneak peak at calendar options ahead of survey, about McElwain Elementary staff receive grant, about Festival of Nations shows off strength of diversity, BoardDocs - Agenda, Minutes, Meeting Videos, Reporting Obligations of Allegations of Sexual Harassment, Temporary Removal of a Student due to Immediate Threat, FutureForward (Career and Technical Education), International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Courses, Resources for First-Generation College Students, Resources for Students Who Are Undocumented, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, After School Program for Kinder-5th Grade, American Indian Parent Advisory Committee, Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System (BidNet), Guidelines for Supporting Students and Employees who are Transgender or Gender Nonconforming, Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC), Studio School celebrates Black History Monthin a big way, Legacy High School student becomes Swim State Champion, Northglennstudents are ready to hit the stage, Newcomers find more than expected on Copper Mountain, FutureForward students take the next step with CPAT, Archery skills hit the mark at the Centennial Elementary, Counselor's artwork makes it into Longmont Museum, Get a sneak peak at calendar options ahead of survey, Festival of Nations shows off strength of diversity, Board of Education Meeting: Work Study Session, High School Unified Basketball - Mountain Range vs Horizon, High School Unified Basketball - Northglenn vs Legacy, High School Unified Basketball - Horizon vs Legacy, High School Unified Basketball - Thornton vs Northglenn, American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) Meeting, High School Unified Basketball - Horizon vs Thornton. The teachers, staff and students at Adams value the diverse ethnic heritage of the students at the . March 10. Phone:(805) 563-2515|Fax:(805) 563-4365, Adams Elementary School, 2701 Las Positas Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, USA, District Office-2nd Floor-Professional Learning Room (20) [Apple TV, Flat-Screen TV], 72701 Las Positas Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, Theater Club Rehearsals: Theater students only, No Earl Warren Parking All Day: Preparation for Orchid Show. All School Calendar. February 2023 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. J.W. South Adams School Bylaws and Policies; District Staff Directory; For Families" Back-to-School Registration and Information 2022-2023; PowerSchool Parent Connect; . Phone: 305-293-1609. Bell Schedule; STUDENT DASHBOARD (opens in new window/tab) Title I School; FREE & REDUCED BENEFITS (opens in new window/tab) . Sun, Feb 26. It should be back up shortly. Schools Trigger. Select events from other calendars Initial value. Mon, Feb 27. Elementary School 975 South Adams Central Ave 402-463-0040 Jr./Sr. Mon, Jan . CALENDAR. Guilford Public Schools 2023-2024 School Year Calendar Submit. Schools Trigger. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Your web browser does not support the