To assist in removing mental Slavery you must have and use the Tools of the workshop of the mind to do so, they are similar to the carpenters tools Reference: Chapter 5 of the Circle 7 Holy Koran, divinely PREPARED by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The United States took land without giving the Washitaw due process and equal protection of the law, which should have comein the form of a hearing and compensation for their land. Moabite Indigenous Nation TRUST. 54; Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, and abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. or. If you can distort the history of the blood shed for the land, you can appear more humane. Join us Tuesday 11 Rajab 1444 (01/31/23 CCY) @ 9:00pm for MHHS Eyes Wide Open Body and Mind live broadcast: We are going to continue our reading of Arnold Ehrets book Rational Fasting A Scientific Method of Fasting Your Way to Health written in 1910. Also, please support my research efforts by donating whatever you can to the PayPal button below. Claudia L. Losie*, Feb 13, 2023 The Royal Imperial/Emperial bloodlines have never be broken; therefore, ownership ofmost of NorthAmerica and other lands belongs toVerdiacee Tiara Washingtonand her husband, the sixthMarquis de Masion Rouge, John Goston. This map does not show all of the land that was taken, because La Florida (the Floridas) once covered several states. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Join us Tuesday 27 Jamad Al-Akhir 1444 (2/21/23 CCY) @ 9:00pm for MHHS Eyes Wide Open Whats Un-Constitutional AboutThis? Granada has the same name as the Pomegranate in Spanish. Tameri was an ancient Name for Egypt. IYIFD-Ilagueo Youth Innitiatives For Development. Read in between them, once you know them. The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors) were originally a group of priests from the Egypt of the west (Old Egypt), also known as the Dogon/Olmecs/Mayans. x\I4=r@hO%4Yoy=c1]1vgJP,O,Rw^~7y. \O~$MK~|:~/yt=U91xQbK }Y;^&2{ZnL>BE V Here is a definition of Consular Court: A tribunal convened by public officials who reside in a foreign country to protect the interests of their country for the settlement of civil cases based upon situations that happened in the foreign nation and which is held pursuant to authority granted by treaty. A Comparative Study of Maltese and Austrian Neutrality, Module I BEGINNING OF MODERN AGE A Renaissance And New Learning Unit Structure, Detailed Guide and Timeline of Medieval England, Beginning1-3 notice #3 Cover Letter for Recording Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. We trust you will continue to support us even in the recent delays in regards to processing card and book orders as a result of our moving our office equipment to establish a venue for thorough classroom instructions. Well, so much for Norimberga being a myth, because it had to be real for it to be on an authentic map from the library of congress. God bless you all and thank you for reading this blog. SAMUEL AND THE RISE OF THE PROPHETS THe First HEBREW KING. Peace. Recent Post by Page. Please Notice the two seals, which suggests two governments. You're in luck as MOABITE INDIGENOUS NATION TRUST, located in the local area exists to tackle irregularities like this. Yes, Florida was once so big that it covered several states, according the attached 1657 Sanson map of La Florida (the Floridas); which use to be part of Washitaw proper, aka, Louisiana County. Its strange how everything comes from the Egypt of the West, which is old Egypt. Unless labeled otherwise, books may be retained for four weeks. The Spanish word for the fruit is Granada and therefore the symbol of the promise land, because the pomegranate appears throughout the streets of Granada in Spain, as you wander around the city. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Thank you, this is greatly appreciated. Constitution, No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process and equal protection of the laws; the United Stated is in direct violation of Constitutional and International law by occupying Florida and15 current U.S. states and two Canadian provinces, better known as the Louisiana Purchase (This link will give you the names of the states involved in the unlawful Louisiana Purchase: All Washitaw Muurs enjoy dual citizenship status. While favourable income tax rulings have been issued by the Canada Revenue Agency approving such structures, this is not really a satisfactory situation. Join us Tuesday 27 Jamad Al-Akhir 1444 (1/17/22 CCY) @ 9:00pm for MHHS Eyes Wide Open Whats Un-Constitutional AboutThis? The Moabites from the Tribe of Ptah/Utah/Yudah/JUDAH called America, Almorrocco (Al-Mer-Ra-Ka), which is another root for the word, America. The Spanish word for the fruit is Granada and therefore the symbol of the promise land, because the pomegranate appears throughout the streets of Granada in Spain, as you wander around the city. In Egyptian, Ursahtaw isUrrashet, the winged sun disk, which symbolizes the highest knowledge, the pineal gland being open. This must be done first before you find out just how much you do not know by being told. [Elkon Maryland Republic 21921] Reference number: FORM UCC1, Judicial Notice And Proclamation NEW (1) (1), PRIVATE TRUST NAME HER ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecclesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement COVER OF YOUR TRUST WITH CREST OR SIGILS HERE, PRIVATE TRUST NAME HERE ~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecclesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement COVER OF YOUR TRUST WITH CREST OR SIGILS HERE, White "Christian" Terrorism - Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Million Reasons You Should Work for Peace, An outline of british and american history, Studies in Peace-building History between East and West through the Middle Ages and Modern Era, Nicholas Hagger .The Syndicate : the Story of the Coming World Government (2004), Realism and Apology Diplomacy in the conduct of International Relations: a Study of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, HDS 208: EUROPEAN HISTORY AND DIPLOMACY IN THE 19TH & 20TH CENTURIES. In some instances they have also a criminal jurisdiction, but in this respect are subject to review by the courts of the home government. As well as most of North America and Caribbean in addition to Central and South America; and all of North Americawest of the Emperial Demarcation Line (1713) or British Royal Proclamation Line (1763). He describes the research that went into this book: "This project has been for me a lifelong study Moabite Indigenous Nation TRUST. Additionally, the Cherokee Indians was one of the biggest Tribes and it was an off branch of the Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muurs. When the Spanish came to America they found the Indios (Indians), the black people who are with God [end quote]. Also, notice how the Muurs were known as Tamerikaans, because its the first word on the 1657 map banner. The Washitaw (Washington/Wichia/utah/Yudah) were direct descendants of the Olmecs whom were survivors of the Atlantis disaster, so the Olmecs were not from African. America is the old world is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to THE REJECTED OF GOD A F: DAVID. The last of the U.S. consular courtsof Morocco was abolished in 1956. Join us as we continue this amazing read published in 1957 and think on thiswhat if everything you were told was incorrect? Also we are also on Twitter:, Tonights Sons Of Allah has been postponed until next month 16 March 2023 @ 9pm. The last one was abolished in 1956 according to the above definition, and this Consular Court was granted its authority by treaty, that is, the1787 Morocco Treaty of Peace and Friendship. Also, in this thread is the North Carolina Negro Law that states that Negroes are the descendants of the Ancient Berbers. Sovereignty resides in your nationality. Exclusion from the Congregation 2 No one of illegitimate birth may enter the assembly of the LORD, nor may any of his descendants, even to the tenth generation. Care of 300 Big Elk Mall Near. Henry Joseph Turner married Sarah Tunica (Turner); and from this union came their eldest son: Joseph Henry Turner, the fourth Marquis de Masion Rouge. Thisis the breakdown of the Royal Emperial Bloodlines for the Washitaw Moors: The young heir to the French Throne, King Louis XVII, married the young heiress to the Washitaw-Tunica Throne, Ayimarieeyah. TEXT CUT BOOK Keep Your Card in Tins Poilet Books will be issued only on presentation of proper library cards. 54; Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, and abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. Learn those symbols and do not rebuke them because of what you have been TOLD. Nearby non profit organizations. This evidence suggests that the Americas is old Egypt or the Egypt of the West. Contribute to Larry250000/MOABITE-INDIGENOUS-NATION-TRUST- development by creating an account on GitHub. Work fast with our official CLI. See you then. Notice California as an Island and Nova Granada on the map when you zoom in. Indian Bands with their constant political upheavals every two or three years have in most cases been recognized to be a poor vehicle to manage these settlement funds over the long term. Seduction and Recognition in the Story of Judah and Tamar and the Book of Ruth, in Nashim Vol. Nothing could be further from the truth! Pt 1: How academics and leaders got it wrong, The Moorish American Scholar NATIONALITY, IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY, Canonum De Ius Rex Canons of Sovereign Law, Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Counterfactual Religious Readings of the Law Spencer Dew, Moors, Moabites, and Berbers; are these names and people historically synonymous? Mahaksapatalika (Isaacs Jr.), Cuban Missile Crisis: The Essential Reference Guide, Los Caballeros Templarios de Michoacn: Imagery, Symbolism, and Narratives, Robert J Bunker, Kate Kingsbury, Marc Tyrrell, John P. Sullivan, Andrew Chesnut, Ahmed M . The 1st Degree is to know you are not negro, colored, black or Ethiopian and that is just the 1st degree, the initiation of the purpose of the body of information. Contact Us 1-833-928-3628 Trust Services Trust Team Why Choose FNB Trust With over 50+ years of combined trustee and trust service experience, our FNB Trust team is there for our clients from beginning to end of the trust process. Do you exercise your Rights of Birth by Treaty? Clearly these settlement trusts are intended to act as a form of treasury for the impacted first nations; a place where significant financial settlements can be wisely managed, invested and applied to community needs, now and in the future. Nova Scotia (New Scotland) was in Canada (Wa-canada), aka, Khananland. Yes, Ptah (Judah) is from the Americas because his Territory was Ptah/Utah/Judah territory which covered Mexico and several states: California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas. These settlements are typically paid by provincial and/or federal governmental bodies or commercial resource interests in settlement of past, present and future impacts, grievances and claims in respect of impacted indigenous lands and peoples. And in this authors view, in exchange for such blanket tax exemption, such Trusts should be regulated in a manner like any other tax exempt pension fund. For a check list of the most important issues governing the establishment of a First Nation Settlement Trust, see the linked power point presented by the author at the February 2014 AFOA AGM in Halifax. In fact, the Pharaoh gave the ancient Moabites (Moors) from Moab, Utah (Judah) the permission to settle Morocco, Indiana (India). Today we are going to continue the investigation and research by reading the debate between Herbert Shelton and George R. Clements on Virgin Birth. :: A . According to The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Indigenous people are those who embody historical continuitywith societies which existed prior to the conquest and settlement of their territories by Europeans. This became effective in 1993. Orphan Origins, True Acadians and Indigenous, by Deciphering the Devils Details. I suggest that this movement does not necessarily entail a breach in the Law as in the taboo of incest or forbidden marriage but, rather, a redefinition of its line. Tameri was an ancient Name for Egypt. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Download Free PDF MOABITE INDIGENOUS NATION TRUSTO Larry Sumbryel Continue Reading Download Free PDF Related Papers Western Crusades Danny Rangel Download Free PDF View PDF Turkey's Security Policy and NATO 1992 Cahit Armaan Dilek Download Free PDF View PDF Even the Sumerians who worshipped Amurru, were the Amorites. The union of the Olmecs and the Moroccan moors also created the Al-Moroccan Empire. Ye are the children of one Father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one Mother hath given you suck. From what is known of Jacob, he had two wives, sisters Leah and Rachel, and two concubines, Bilhah and Zilpah, by whom he had thirteen children.The twelve sons form the basis for the twelve tribes of Israel, listed in the order from oldest to youngest: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan . Also, Almoroccan is derived from Raccoon, which is one of the Nicknames for the Washitaw Muurs and Coon is still used to this very day as an insult to Muurs, because they know who we are. Bey Publications and. Because First Nation trust settlements are typically intended to benefit generations to come, provincial governments should also suspend the Rule against Perpetuities as it applies to such trusts. Registered Office Address. According to Federal Law, the land of the Washitaw has been defined as Indian Country, and the people regarded as Indians. They are the rightful owners of most of America and lands elsewhere. Phone Number +17087304260. The American His-story book has been a great success because it has most of the world blind as to what really happen. P?(WYU#.]Pg6OgUh 6u^tyw3?dvp&Ax,BY`8>4^u+7_ Are you in your home land? This YouTube video demonstrates that the original French were Maurs/Muurs. Many indigenous people are of the view that such First Nation Indigenous Trusts are tax exempt. As well as people bought involuntary to the new World: <> Also, coon is also referring to the kundalini Energy or sex energy that flows up and down the human spinal column. Typically, in order to avoid taxation at top marginal tax rates, trustees of inter vivos trusts will cause to be paid or make payable an amount equal to the trusts income each year. What is a First Nation Settlement Trust? Hello, my name is Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, and I am proud to introduce to you my new eBook entitled, America is the True Old World, but first let me tell you more about myself. We also always give verifiable, substantiated evidence for our position(s) to the collective as we did with the history chronology and lawful defines of Consular Courts. Forgot account? But what exactly is a First Nation Settlement Trust? Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. . The other seal with the Bald Eagle holding 13 arrows, is the seal for the European. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES - UNITED NATIONS: GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Part 1, Article 4, Article 5. International Law: Moorish Americans, being the rightful Heirs and Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land, have and exercise the divine and natural rights to proclaim 'our Attributes, Names, Titles and Nationality. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Moabite Indigenous Nation TRUST. Yes, the original French were the Franks/Clan Ross (Rus/Andrews/Andros) and they were French Maurs (Blackamoors), aka, Berber Merovingians: The Circle 7, Chapter 25, 1. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. From the front page of RVBey Publications: Read 2:7-34 bible commentary from Expositor's Bible Commentary by William Nicoll FREE on In the case of a First Nation Settlement Trust, this defeats the very purpose for which the trust has been settled. The Heirs of Henry Turner (Tunica), in which the High Court found that The Neutral Strip (2,961,983.5 acres of land) was definitely not a part of the territory ceded to the United States (Louisiana Dept. [Elkon Maryland Republic 21921] Reference number: FORM UCC1, Judicial Notice And Proclamation NEW (1) (1), PRIVATE TRUST NAME HERE ~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecclesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement COVER OF YOUR TRUST WITH CREST OR SIGILS HERE, THE CONSTITUTION OF RACIAL POWER: A NONRACIALIST ANALYSIS, Bartolom de las Casas and the Defense of Amerindian Rights: A Brief History with Documents, Mac 000000047 new 2021 MACN A998 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Letterhead apartments, International Affidavit Right, Estoppel, Execution and Lien in capitis nolo mc7tmac111162020 macs, Macs 000000047 mc7t 00000047 mac7t033212021 noble victor dukett el, Macs 000000047 mc7t 00000047 mac7t043212021 noble victor dukett el, Macs 000000047 mc7t 00000047 mac7t013212021 noble victor dukett el, Macs 000000047 mc7t 00000047 mac7t023212021 noble victor dukett el, MACN R000000031 International Affidavit of Right to Travel Covenant Estoppel Execution and Lien 12 18 2018, Identity and Destiny: The Formative Views on the Moorish Science Temple and the Nation of Islam. 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