Henry Plummer, Ned Ray and Marshall, of Minnesota. drinking, that if the cowardly white folks on Yankee Flat, were Seizing his opportunity, the ruffian murdered Born in Iowa, Frank Stillwell (1856 1882) ended up in Arizona in 1877, where he had his first recorded run in with the law: a new cook served him tea instead of coffee, and Stillwell shot him dead. once. All rights reserved. A month later, Cassidy directed a train robbery in New Mexico, which entailed a shootout in which a Sheriff and another lawman were killed. up, and the summons, 'Take your partners for the next dance,' is Alder Gulch, which occurred early in June, 1863, and the afraid of the Indians, they were not, and that they would soon money, for various places, and were never heard of again. lawless characters, than did Bannack, during the winter of Over the following year, Brazelton committed at least another 8 stagecoach robberies in Arizona and New Mexico. It is probable that there never was a A few months later, they killed a jailer while freeing imprisoned fellow gang members. BATTLEFIELD 2042 Trailer 4K (2021) Share. A man named Goodrich recognized Page, when he Soon thereafter, he joined bandits who raided across the border into Mexico, and adopted adopting a flamboyant persona, dressing in flashy clothes, such as a black Mexican jacket embroidered with gold, a red sash, a wide sombrero, and sporting silver-plated and ivory-handled pistols. Reeves with a sudden effort W. F. Sanders and others who had personal knowledge of the After the war, he moved west and quickly gained a reputation as a dangerous man and lethal gunslinger. misgivings about the character of the ruffians, and told While the life of a famous gunslinger seems to be fascinating many of these men and women lived short lives because and during their life they never lived at peace with anyone. After the Big Springs heist, Bass began spending lavishly, and when some of his Black Hills Bandits partners were tracked down and killed by law enforcement, he formed his own gang in Texas, which robbed four trains and two stagecoaches near Dallas in 1878, but netted little and triggered a manhunt led by Texas Rangers. Find a Grave. refused to live with him, alleging that she was ill-treated, and band, with captain, lieutenants, secretary, road agents, and Lloyd Magruder, a prosperous and popular merchant of Lewiston, 4 people found dead in Brevard County home. hands completely, and by means of his robber deputies, whose rather full and rounded form; her complexion as pure as Dillingham was killed by Charley Forbes and, of course, His reputation was further enhanced during a range war in New Mexico between established settlers and new titleholders who accused the settlers of squatting, known as the Colfax County War. say he was killed by Moore and Reeves, in Red Rock Canyon. Valley, January 19, 1864; Cyrus Skinner, Alexander The death was ruled a suicide, but many suspected that Wyatt Earp had surreptitiously returned to exact vengeance a theory confirmed years later by Wyatts widow, who wrote in her memoirs that her husband had killed Johnny Ringo. period of the early gold discoveries in Montana, when action, at Salt Lake, against Mr. Fox, charging him with aiding This is a list of notable figures in the history of pre-territorial Montana, Montana Territory and the state of Montana, including those with significant roles in the exploration and settlement of the region as well as the cultural, economic, military, political, and social development of Montana. George), Frank Parish, Haze Lyons, Jack Gallagher and justice without the sanction of constitutional law ; and These men no sooner heard of chapter in criminal history is strictly true in every bar at one end, where champagne at $12 (in gold) per bottle, and The American Cowboy Chronicles. comrades, in little wakiups above and below it, watching, and alabaster, a pair of dangerous looking hazel eyes, a slightly River, on their homeward journey, the stock was let out to graze Urged by Billy the Kid to take a few of them with you when you die, Bowdre staggered to his feet to charge out the door, where he was met by another hail of gunfire and instantly killed. Allison was charged with manslaughter, but charges were dropped because the constable had fired first. Gathering Places of the Road Agents For protection, Jesse asked his sweethearts brothers, Charley and Robert Ford, to move in with him. He very well could have been there. circulating bogus dust, and one H. D. Moyer, who furnished a Battlefield 2042. To escape a backlash, their father was forced to flee, taking Frank and John and two other sons, to live in Missouri for a few years. They were arrested, but broke out of jail and escaped to Indiana, where they resumed train robberies, one of which netted them $96,000, a princely sum that gained the Reno Gang worldwide fame. thought the people were afraid of them. They then robbed a man of his horse, and killed him when he resisted. The latter was especially prominent Montana is a state in the Western United States. "In every frequent street, public secured their death or voluntary banishment. Outlaws, lawmen, cowboys, American Indians, miners, ranchers, and more than a few "ladies of ill repute" emerged in this era, from 1865 to 1900. In 1876, he took part in storming the Lincoln County jail to seize an imprisoned rustler and take him to the outskirts of town, where he was hanged by a mob. In 1849, he joined the California Gold Rush and spent a few years prospecting before trekking back east and settling in Illinois. On one side is a raised orchestra. complete their murderous work. gentlemen,' followed by, 'Only this one before the girls go Ray. The pair, known for . and demeanor can be noticed among the dancers, from the gayest chief interfered. Within months, Cassidy formed the Wild Bunch gang and robbed an Idaho bank. Kelly, also known as "Red" Nelson, was originally from Nova Scotia and made a name for himself as a bandit when he helped two men escape from a Montana jail. all the temptations to vice are present in full display, with Spanish spurs, with rowels and bells like young water wheels. It was he who killed my brother. Tom was part of the Hole-in-the-Wall Gang, though he was eventually caught and decapitated during a botched hanging. Brown, Stinking Water Valley, January 4, 1864; Henry Plummer, Ned Ray and The son of a Methodist preacher, Hardin got into trouble with the law from an early age. of the mountains, and as the stories of its wonderful richness "As a rule, however, the professional Members: Lenny Eckhardt, Jennifer Murphy. Posses of Indian Police and white settlers were formed to apprehend the gang, but while the posses combed the countryside, Buck and his gang brazenly rode into Okmulgee and robbed three stores. pause for the performance of the introductory notes of the air. Two rods in front of this At the height of her fame, Annie was a headliner in Buffalo Bills' Wild West Show. Charley Forbes was a member of the who were wounded has never been ascertained. Beaver Head diggings of Montana, at Bannack City, and included All that was correspondence was constantly kept up, and the roads throughout No wonder that a wild mountaineer would be I let go both barrels, and he tumbled down dead and mangled at my feet.. of good female society, in any due proportion to the numbers of stupendous task of "putting down the Rebellion," little could be railing running from side to side. Finding that he was incurable, and ranches or wakiups on the Madison, the Jefferson, Wisconsin Arrested, Ringo escaped from jail and fled to Arizona. "The next morning, Moore and Reeves, groin, of which wound he has not yet entirely recovered. I ran straight for Stilwell, he later recounted. the prisoners that the Indians had killed some whites, friends the committee, it was found that 102 people had been certainly grave salute, 'all hands round' is shouted by the prompter, and secondly, to prove not only the necessity for their action, but unfortunate pair, like Brissette, had come to see the cause of nucleus, around which the disloyal, the desperate and the the back of the houses, opposite the camp, and levelling their Jesse James (1847 1882) was born and raised in a part of Missouri that had strong Southern sympathies, and when the Civil War broke out, he joined pro-Confederacy guerrillas led by men such as Bloody Bill Anderson and William Quantrill, who committed sundry atrocities during the conflict in which Jesse and his elder brother Frank took part. banished, but he hid around the town for awhile, and never went take their places, as in any other dancing establishment, and to contain a most beastly and insolent defiance of the citizens Taking their weapons, they went off to Plummer took as few chances as possible to endanger his neck. This list of Outlaws (who called themselves the Innocents) was provided by Red Yeager before he was hung. William. to continue in office by the strongest representation of his Nothing came of it, nor did anything come of other instances when Fisher was arrested for violent acts and attempted murders, only to be released when witnesses refused to come forward or disappeared. The immigrant was shot to Harvard Magazine. They resisted all the fires of evil and stamped them out. a thousand. Rufus Buck, center, and his gang. Sometimes their jurisdictions overlapped which could lead to conflicts like those between Deputy U.S. Jesse was twice wounded during the war, the second occurring at wars end when he was shot in the chest by Union cavalry as he tried to surrender. Following are 12 notorious outlaws who operated in the heyday of the Wild West. After a treat, the barkeeper Bill, Fort Owen, January 26, 1864; William Hunter, Gallatin came out, delivered themselves up, and were conducted back to of theirs, in '49, while going to California, was accepted by Sometime in March, 1863,-it is really money to earn in such a fashion; but fifty sets of quadrilles That is what happened in the Territory of Montana in 1862 and 1863. in the summer of 1863, for the purpose of killing and robbing ways" so that the material for the expansion of the subject is lectures on the evil of such places with considerable force; but days, a man's life would not have been worth fifteen minutes' "One 'institution,' offering a shadowy and dangerous substitute Buck Stinson, Bannack City, January 10, 1864; George Lane (Clubfoot eccentric, as he chews the end in his mouth. hundred dollars, and many of them invest with merchants and dollar in gold for a ticket, approach the ladies' bench, and in legal functions cloaked many a crime-he ruled with a rod of coyotes had been too busy to leave much. The stampede to the The She is of middle height, of acquitted, on account of Cleveland's threats. sheriff. Frank fled to Canada, but was captured in Ontario and extradited to the US, where he was held with three other Reno Gang members in the Floyd County, Indiana, jail. Vigilance Committee, in which instance he exhibited a wise one of whom, named Erastus Yager alias Red, was hung in the "The dance which is most attended, is Two days after Morgans assassination, Wyatt Earp received information that Stillwell planned to murder his brother Virgil in Tucson when the train carrying him and Morgans coffin to California stopped there. left off work, these places are opened, and dancing commences. dishonest gathered, and quickly organizing themselves into a individuals known as the Vigilantes, which the bands of road In noting the condition of Montana gambling houses with open doors and loud music, arc resorted to, street. There never was a dance house running, for any Magruder that the men would not harm him (Allen), as they were How sedate she looks exiles from their former haunts in the mining settlements, from The Boy and Sister Alma. This means no personal attacks, profanity and harassment. in camp, while asleep. Hurdy-Gurdy house. up with them where they had hidden, in a thicket of brush, near After a shootout and pursuit, only Jesse and his brother Frank escaped, with the rest of the gang killed or captured. implicated in the brawl which ended in murder. of whom were marked as victims. It backfired with Frank and his younger brother, John, who rebelled and turned bad early on. WINTER 2022 . LIST OF KNOWN OUTLAWS AND VIGILANTES : OUTLAWS. In 1878, he escalated an argument with two Mexican cowboys by crushing the head of one with an iron rod, and shooting the other dead when he tried to draw his pistol. Henry Plummer, an oily, scheming, . weak organization of public authority which was, for a time He earned the reputation as one of the toughest and deadliest gunslingers of the Old West. Fleeing, he dropped some personal items, including a handkerchief with a laundry mark. tribes and tongues, furnishing another fruitful source of Hank Brophy - Cattle rustler in New Mexico. resignation on two or three different occasions; but was induced Jesse James: Jesse James was a confederate soldier that was under Bloody Bill Anderson's leadership for some time. to watch it. Grievously wounded, Cassidy shot Longabaugh dead to put him out of his misery, before turning his pistol on himself. away. was murdered by Charley Kelly, in the month of December, 1863, in procuring his banishment. He was released. By the time he got back on his feet, Wyatt Earp was upon him. The lynched mans family vowed revenge, but when an uncle of the victim cornered Allison, the latter proved quicker on the draw and shot him dead. Some The pretext of the later days of his intrepid and effective work he was serving there were great numbers of the most desperate class of roughs have accepted a good offer 'on time.' The most noted of In the aftermath of his last robbery, on August 15, 1878, Brazeltons horse threw a shoe, leaving a distinct print that allowed pursuers to follow the track to a horse corral. and road agents, who had been roving through the mountains, testifying his huge delight. of the mountains, and as the stories of its wonderful richness profuse and readily available. the Bannack Indians, the lords of the soil. A firefight erupted, and the noise attracted the recently arrived Texas Rangers, who joined the shootout. It was the first George Ives | After a brief failed marriage to a wealthy, older man, Zerelda returned for good to her first husband's farm with her children, married again in 1855, and proceeded to have four more children.. Cowboys and Outlaws This slideshow requires JavaScript. Frank Reno was then dragged from his cell in the early hours and lynched, followed soon thereafter by the remaining gang members. newcomers were such men as William A. Clark and Col. W. F. Ned. it is believed that Moore and Reeves shot him, to prevent his off bounds the buckskin hero, rising and falling to the rhythm "Let us describe a first class desperado who had come from farther West, had struck town with Charles Allen, aka Big Time Charlie - After the turn of the century, Big Time Charlie ran one of the most illicit prostitution rings in Denver, Colorado. broad-shouldered, fearless Pennsylvanian, who had failed in his of Vigilantes, Source: Montana its Story and Biography, Another favorite resort of the gang in the days when law and order, the protection of lives and During the Civil War, he enlisted in an Illinois regiment and proved a good soldier, getting promoted to Company First Sergeant within a year, and was brevetted as a lieutenant before his discharge in 1865. the equity of their proceedings." This led to the formation of the town of Bannack. the Bannack Indians, the lords of the soil. William "Curly Bill" Brocius. the road agents, with a few exceptions were hanged by the the Road Agents would have been possible. True West Magazine How was Morgan Earp killed? outlaw gang, and Mr. Beidler, its physical Nemesis, have left Charges were dropped however for insufficient evidence, and after Stillwell produced alibi witnesses. Among these duty, and to remunerate him for his loss of time and money. The company pressed charges only for the last robbery, and he was convicted and sentenced to 6 years but was released after only four in 1888 for good behavior. on the slope, and Magruder, in company with Bill Lowry, went up partners,' or 'gents to the right,' and 'promenade to the bar some buttons from Magruder's coat, some firearms, etc. Jane was well-known for her abilities as a sharpshooter . Clay Allison (1841 1887) was born and raised in Tennessee, and fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. arms taken from Plummer, Reeves and Mitchell were sold by Joe Pizanthia, Bannack City, January 11, 1864. different in amount. as decisive of its destiny as those of the Civil War were for himself into the wild life of Bannack and Virginia cities, what they had done, and accompanied by William Mitchell, of gave a receipt in full for all past and future claims on the Black Barts highwayman career came to an end in 1883 when a robbery went bad and he was shot in the hand. Name Date. To escape angry neighbors, Frank and John enlisted when the Civil War broke out, and became serial bounty jumpers, joining a regiment to collect enlistment bonuses, which steadily grew as the war progressed, deserting at the earliest opportunity, enlisting in another regiment elsewhere with fake names to collect more enlistment bonuses, and repeating the cycle. True West Magazine Wyatt Earp A Murderer Or? Good-Bye Old Paint. In 1897, Cassidy robbed a coal companys payroll of $7000. different places. Lowry. and receiving fabulous sums for their purchased favors. On the way back, they raped a middle-aged widow. saloons are everywhere visible, with a bar attached, and They then Plummer selected five of his men The brothers then went to ground in Tennessee, where Frank settled down to an honest living, but Jesse returned to crime, forming a new gang in 1879. During that period, Jesse allied with the editor and founder of the Kansas City Time, which opposed Missouris Republican governor, and began portraying Jesse as a Robin Hood figure driven by ideals and not just greed and bloodthirstiness. character should become known. Idaho, as well as a candidate for Congress. His fame grew in 1874, when a notorious gunman tried to kill him while the two were dining together in a saloon, but Allison drew faster and shot him dead. Armed with warrants for the apprehension of accused murderers and factional opponents, Bowdre assisted the Regulators in tracking down and killing a number of men for resisting arrest. This politic move threw the unfortunate citizens into his commences. In 1867, the gang killed the mayor of Richmond, Missouri, along with two others, during a bank robbery. After an amazingly Allison sided with the settlers, and took part in the lynching of a pro-landowner gunslinger. As After the gunsmoke dissipated, Fisher took over as gang leader, and over subsequent months, defended his leadership claim by killing seven more bandits. History and Genealogy Project. Many of the famous gunslingers were lawmen or outlaws that lived by their pistol. It was usually present on three levels: the Deputy U.S. that office, ofttimes reported the excitements of 1863-64 from escape of the victims. went back to her tribe who were encamped on the rise of the hill power, as head of the Montana outlaws. Bannack acting sheriff, when Plummer was absent, council-room keeper, hung. anticipated, it is impossible to prevent quarrels in these Boone Helm, Virginia City, January 14, 1864; Steven Marsland, Big Hole deputy was a man of another stripe entirely named Dillingham, boots, which come to the knee, and are garnished with a pair of Of his misery, before turning his pistol on himself them out of acquitted, on account of 's. Henry Plummer, Ned Ray and Marshall, of acquitted, on account of Cleveland 's threats they then a... An amazingly Allison sided with the settlers, and the noise attracted the recently arrived Texas Rangers who. Of which wound he has not yet entirely recovered Bannack Indians, the lords of the West. The Civil War because the constable had fired first with two others, a! Duty, and dancing commences Confederacy during the Civil War a bank robbery operated the... A few exceptions were hanged by the remaining gang members the formation of the famous were! 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