She was framed for breaking one of Itsuki's accessories by another member of the Bow Hero's party, with Itsuki himself being a willing participant of it after Rishia inadvertently stole the spotlights that he wanted for himself during a clash with Glass and the Heroes from another world. Due to his help, she was inspired to come out of retirement to help fight Melromarc's enemies and teach others about Hengen Muso. Does malty die? Due to their early history, Keel becomes the voice of the villager slaves but also acts casually and familiarly which annoys Naofumi. When it comes to strength and abilities, Itsuki is pretty strong but . He also provides her with adequate shelter and comforts her during hervarious night terrors. However, for Naofumi and Raphtalia's sake, she declines. But he and Ren still questioned her involvement in the Sacred Duel between Naofumi and Motoyasu. Whore. Are nadal and maria married? When Filo defeated Motoyasu in the race for the town held by Naofumi during the waves, he became known as the "Goddess of the sea." In order to defeat Naofumi's opponents, he can use a combo attack with Raphtalia and Melty. When they meet again by having another similar conversation, Sadeena expresses her respect towards Naofumi's strength and surprise on how well he holds his liquor and even eating a lukor fruit. After the Spirit Tortoise incident, Malty approached Ren and took advantage of his damaged emotional state to manipulate him and use him to escape from Naofumi arresting her. Naofumi's party where the only ones who properly trained under her. Raphtalia matures rapidly from a child to a young adult within a week or two due to the effects of her level grinding and her being a demi-human. Naofumi originally believes Ren was cold and heartless, but after seeing him apologize and regret his actions, his views on him have improved. What is the cast of Shield Hero? However, he was also, alongside Itsuki, one of the only few people to defend and stand up for Naofumi, albeit a couple of times, only for personal gains. Like the phenomenon of level grinding that Naofumi experiences with Raphtalia, Filo quickly grows beyond a normal Filolial and is later revealed to be an extremely rare Filolial Queen, manifesting in her ability to assume the form of a youthful human girl. Naofumi, on the other hand, creeps out on him. Why did MYNE betray naofumi? She even sometimes competes with Raphtalia as a love rival. While Naofumi considers the slave merchant to be a useful person due to his role in providing him with various slaves for his growing army, he does not indicate any real trust for the man. Since he saw his sister as perfect, he considered Naofumi an enemy who was trying to harm his dear sister. When Naofumi hatches Gaelion the dragon, Filo and Gaelion compete for Naofumi's affection, much to his annoyance. He follows any orders given to him and is unable to lie. Thanks to this and his last promise to her to consider other people's feelings, Naofumi's life was forever changed as he became a kinder and more compassionate person. Naofumi openly shows his dislike for Shildina's constant sexual harassment, as well as Sadeena's, but still respects her and considers her a powerful asset, entrusting her and her sister with Adeans training. In order to grow their numbers; Bitchy opted to manipulate the now fallen Itsuki's cursed series Pride Bow to brainwash a number of Melromarc's citizenry to the cult's side. Although they are family, the duo's contradicting personalities show that they don't really get along. Naofumi ultimately protects Melty from her sister, the Cult, and the other Heroes (who think she's been brainwashed by him when, ironically, they are the ones who've been brainwashed by praise, propaganda, Malty, the Cult of Three Heroes, and Aultcray's direct lies). Does Naofumi marry melty? He will eventually get his revenge on the princess and king. Related: The Strongest Characters in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Ranked. Notably, despite how she had betrayed Motoyasu, Ren, and Malty. Finding the portly looking man to be little more than a rather disgusting individual with a fanaticism issue. Having worked with a great number amongst whom that escaped judgement for their many crimes against the crown on top of the country due to their status as aristocracy. She wants Naofumi to look at her as an adult woman and has stripped completely naked in front of him to get his opinion of her nude figure. When they finally face each other, Raphtalia ends up revealing their respective true identities. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Later on, Naofumi defends Itsuki from Raphtalia's criticisms by stating that Bow Hero is stuck up, but will never let harm befall his allies. A blowhard with character akin to sanding paper, not to mention the personality of most higher caste found within Melromarc. Glass later notes her intention was to destroy Melromarc's world by killing off its heroes in order to save her own world, something Naofumi notes he . They did not kiss, in a future illustration by the director and an illustration by a staff member it's shown that it was a hug and the producer confirmed on a panel that it was a hug and not a kiss. Later deciding he was of little use, she stole everything of value before leaving a note belittling him, and joined Mald's revolution, causing Ren's already fragile psychological stability to fall completely and succumb to the dark influence of his Legendary Sword's Curse Series. Who is Naofumi love interest? However, despite these misgivings, he still cares for her greatly as a companion. Regardless, Naofumi continues to do various forms of business with him, whether it involves purchasing more slaves, establishing slave contracts, or obtaining valuable information. Being an adamant racist against demi's, gaining more and more resentment of her after the repeated sneak attacks Raphtalia landed upon the haughty royal whenever the crossed each other in battle. Does Naofumi marry melty? After that, he saw her badmouthing him to Ren of many false charges, which causes his mind to break to the point where he now literally sees all women (with exception to Filolial Queens and certain other women) as pigs, indirectly resulting in the awakening of his Legendary Spear's Curse Series. A Hakuko-human hybrid slave that Naofumi purchased from Beloukas, along with her brother to help Raphtalia's village. Naofumi, seeing Itsuki in his current condition, brings him to his village where Rishia continues to look after him. Naofumi finds his new personality troubling, but easier to cooperate or manipulate since he has sworn his loyalty to him. So, get ready for the roller coaster; it will be long, so there is a TL;DR paragraph at the end if you prefer so. In this manner, Does Naofumi kiss Raphtalia? Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. In their final battle against Kyo, the two eventually develop a bond of deep mutual trust. Naofumi was reluctant to do so but gave in and did as she asked. She also doubts all his past deeds told by her mother. After finally tracking the whereabouts of Itsuki after the events of the Spirit Tortoise Incident, this leads to a fight between Rishia and Itsuki who was under the influence of numerous Curse Series and was being manipulated by Bitch (who later betrayed him.). However, due to her compassion, Naofumi was able to unlock the shield of compassion which suppressed his shield of wrath and allowed him to feel proper emotion again. Ren refuses to face the reality that he was easily manipulated by Malty, who later betrays him, causing Ren to unlock his Curse Series and going rogue. Naofumi and Meltys marriage in the web novel comes about by accident when Melty bestows upon Naofumi a royal title that technically makes him her fiance. The two began to grow closer after Naofumi saved the lives of Shadow and the Raph species that usually accompany him, from an incurable wound caused by the soldiers of Piensa, when Naofumi's village was transported to the time of the shield hero Mamoru. Most of her evil personality stems from this upbringing, or at least that is what it was thought. Fitoria, like the Filolial Queen, is capable of transforming into a massive bird. He wears a scowl on his face as a result of his mistreatment and cynical outlook on the world. But the two are sidetracked when Raphtalia tries to alleviate hostilities, only escalating them when the traitorous ignoble flat out insults Naofumi to her face. Together, they were able to plan an ambush that killed Mirellia and liberate Malty from her slave crest for good. The fact that she cleared his name and punished her husband and daughter for their mistreatment of him seemed to be the crux of their relationship. As Naofumi didn't seem to fit any of the bad rumors circulating around the Shield Hero, L'Arc assumed Naofumi to be one of those who pretends to be the Shield Hero. However, this didn't stop Raphtalia on somewhat complying with Naofumi's actions and decisions to not be involved with her. Aultcray was still shown to be greatly horrified at his oldest daughter's forced confession of her attempts to kill Melty for the throne, implying that his favoritism to his oldest child doesn't cloud his judgment in matters regarding his second daughter's safety and that he also loves Melty just as much as his first daughter. The churchman portraying the true character of a fascist megalomaniac with a god complex, backed by narrowminded delusions pertaining to holy justifications for all the great deal of many horrendous actions committed by his Church/Cult. Naofumi only remembers Imiya's first name as the rest of his name seems too long and complicated for him to remember. Was an agreement in their shared hollow viewpoint of the Shield Hero. In which chapter of the light novel does she asks that of him. How much to get married in pa? His skills come from a blacksmith from the East. Trash's unreasonable hatred for Naofumi continued after this until he meets Atla, who closely resembles his deceased sister, under Naofumi's care. The Rising of the Shield Hero has emerged as one of the most-loved isekai anime of recent years, offering a slightly grittier and more realistic depiction of life for a hero in another world. Naofumi is also surprised at how quickly Ruft has matured, and how skilled he has become in both the combat and diplomatic arenas. Although Naofumi starts displaying his hostility towards the princess after learning of her identity, Raphtalia was more lenient towards Melty as she claimed they did travel together a bit. While the two heroes are both authentically trying to save their respective worlds, they have two different styles. Malty seemed to consider Raphtalia nothing but an annoyance and completely underestimated her during their final battle, which resulted in her complete defeat, subsequent arrest, and eventual . Honestly, I think they did kiss, but I also think that the studio did this scene in a way that leaves it ambiguous on purpose. Since then, Malty has grown to hate the Shield more passionately and personally. Anything Naofumi said towards Atla, positive or negative, was seen from the worst possible perspective. Itsuki offering his two cents about depriving the Hero of the Shield his stipend for Wave Disaster rebuttal on a technicality in regard to which on Trash's part. Naofumi constantly expresses a father-daughter relationship with her, butRaphtalia very much begs to differ. However, she later managed to escape custody before her execution could be carried out. He, along with other Heroes, believed Malty's false rape charges on Naofumi and berated him as well. I went and looked up on Google Images to see if the manga also covered this, but I couldn't find any manga pics that c. How did Naofumi become a god? The two met when Shadow helped Naofumi and his group escape after the battle with the other heroes over Melty's alleged kidnapping. When Melty began to travel with Naofumi again because of a conspiracy surrounding the Cult of the Three Heroes and Malty, Filo expressed her joy into traveling with Melty again. However, Malty's hatred of her mother festered during this time. Unfortunately for Raphtalia, Naofumi misses her point completely, as he still sees her as the young girl he started with despite her maturity. He feels sympathy for her and they pool their knowledge together and Naofumi is able to engineer their escape, earning him her eternal gratitude. Despite his questionable motives for obtaining her, Naofumi becomes a naturally benevolent master and treats Raphtalia very well after acquiring her. Kanato Sakamaki is one of the Four Legendary Heroes. Likening his warped, self-serving opinion of himself and persistence of theocratic supremacy in the name of God to Malty's spoiled and deluded sense of entitlement towards whatever she wanted. When Melty was escorted by Naofumi and his group, she became fast friends with Filo due to their similar, childlike mindsets and interests in each other. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason. Weve taken a look through the sources to uncover what fate awaits our heroes. Naofumi teased her about her new responsibilities, which causes her in a fit of rage to promote Naofumi to archduke to make him share some new responsibilities, which is a position only second to the queen. The two first met when Sadeena, under the alias Nadia, gives Naofumi advice on how the Zeltoble colosseum works. How did Naofumi become a god? Glass later notes her intention was to destroy Melromarc's world by killing off its heroes in order to save her own world, . What is the from otherworldly invaders, she agreed to let her stay in her village and work for him. When you purchase so far in the LNs (including untranslated novels, which are up to volume 22) Naofumi only has intentions to marry Raphtalia and is only in a relationship with her. Such false accusation reaching a fever pitch during the Cult of Three Heroes' framing him for kidnapping Princess Malty when in fact they, alongside the despicable first princess, tried to have her killed to frame him for it. While it hasnt happened yet, Naofumi and Raphtalia have openly discussed marriage in the light novels. During their stay at Cal Mira Island, he said that Malty spoke in good terms to him before her disowning. which S'yne flatly rejects, as he believes that anyone he tells will die. Naofumi considers Ethnobalt to be an incredible intellectual resource. Dunno, all I know is that I read someone saying that Naofumi ended marrying Raphtalia, Sadeena and Melty. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law.. Eventually Naofumi shows his first signs of affection by stroking Raphtalia's head with her permission. After the events of the Spirit Tortoise, Witch was able to flee and gain the aid of Takt. Myne pretending to help Naofumi was a set up to convict him of arguably the worst crime in Melromarc: rape against a woman in a matrilineal society. However, Naofumi's attitude changes when he loses what little respect he had for Itsuki after finding out that he kicked Rishia out of his party under the pretense of a crime that he and other party members orchestrated against her. Naofumi hates the King, and with good reason, as he played a part, along with his daughter Malty, in setting Naofumi up with the criminal charge of rape and made certain to spread the word all throughout the kingdom. "You can become the King if you marry her." So I would take over Aultcray's position or something, she mean? This reflects a relationship similar to a parent and daughter. He refuses to believe all the rumors of Naofumi's "evil deeds" and claims that there must be a reason for his doings. The adventurer noble Mald held the former princess in considerable loathing after she was found to be a traitor and criminal. Since then, S'yne has only proven to be extremely loyal to Naofumi by accompanying him almost everywhere as if he were his shadow. Generally speaking, Naofumi has found Filo's expression of selfishness, gluttony, and childish-tantrum behavior to be annoying. Even with all of the above, Naofumi considers Shadow a very useful asset due to his information gathering abilities, and is very grateful for all the help he has given him and the rest of his teammates. He also holds Naofumi in high regard and follows his requests, such as implementing the Power-Up systems and learning a new language. This was the first and only time for Malty to call Naofumi by his name. In return, Naofumi is fond of Raph-chan. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works A significant sign of this new friendship is when Naofumi gives Glass the recipe for soul-healing water, a concoction that didn't exist in Glass's world, which helps cover her SP weakness in battle. In the web novel, Naofumi does in fact marry Melty while still having relationships with other characters. Malty being who she was, grew irate and insulted by the revelation and promised to murder the pope for betraying; in her words, the next queen. Much of which she explains away as claiming it was "for the sake of the world" or "necessitating a harsh reform," during rebuilding efforts. Melty also recognized her sister's horrendous characteristics, such as Malty always putting her desires above others, as well as her own blatant lack of care for her family or anyone else in her service; let alone her countrymen. After been talked down, her punishment was having her completely stripped of her royal status and her civilian name changed to "Bitch." However, this was changed for the light novel and we dont expect them to marry in the anime. The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Naofumi's first slave, a Tanuki demi-human child, that he purchased from Beloukas. "No, er In the anime it was a pie she was slated to take to Raphtalia's table during festivities, but was caught in the act by her younger sister Melty and ended up electrocuted by her slave crest when she tried to lie about her malignant intentions. After the Spirit tortoise incident, she abandoned her teammates and left without turning back. She met Naofumi accidentally while trying to get information on Raphtalia and introduces herself as Zodia, a simple civilian. She becomes a much-needed pillar of support for him throughout their time together. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. The first and only time for Malty to call Naofumi by his name signs of affection stroking!, not to mention the personality of most higher caste found within Melromarc motives for obtaining,. Follows any orders given to him and is unable to lie considerable loathing after she was found be! Personality stems from this upbringing, or at least that is what it was thought Nadia, gives advice. Deeds told by her mother festered during this time Naofumi ended marrying Raphtalia, Sadeena and.... 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