NOTICE OF SALESupreme Court County OfSuffolkThe Bank of New York Mellon fka the Bank of NewYork, as Trustee for the Benefit of the Certificateholdersof the CWABS Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, Series2004-6, PlaintiffAGAINSTJoseph Ercolano, BarbaraErcolano a/k/a Barbara Miller, et al, DefendantPursuant to a Judgmentof Foreclosure and Saleduly dated 12/18/18 andentered on 2/25/19, I, theundersigned Referee, willsell at public auction at theBabylon Town Hall, 200East Sunrise Hwy., NorthLindenhurst, NY on May 13,2019 at 09:00 AM premisesknown as 958 North OntarioAvenue, Lindenhurst, NY11757. The same ways that got them in trouble in the first place. The second best result is Christina Pellegrino age 30s in Wantagh, NY in the Wantagh neighborhood. Premiseswill be sold subject to provisions of filed JudgmentIndex No 617564/2017. All thatcertain plot, piece or parcelof land, with the buildingsand improvements thereonerected, situate, lying andbeing in the Town of Babylon, County of Suffolk andState of New York, District, 0100, Section 116.00, Block03.00 and Lot 039.000. Thanks for the updates. The restaurant was owned by the Pellegrino family, with Tina Pellegrino being at her wit's end as to how to deal with her brother Peter Pasta Pellegrino. Approx. Prior, he'd been acting underboss of the crime family. Bij Pepe kun je terecht voor authentieke Italiaanse pizza's, voorgerechten, pasta's en desserts. Just to clarify, Finn McCools restaurant closed due to problems with their lease, and the landord doubling the rent, according to two Westhampton newspapers. Bridgehampton, NY 11932, Countyof Suffolk, for on premises consumption at TheBridgehampton Club., 301Ocean Rd. Thanks for making these follow ups they are really interesting. The P.O. Genovese Family associate THOMAS POLI pled guilty before United States District Judge John G. Koeltl on September 29, 2022, and is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Koeltl on April 13, 2023. Itll really inspire us to do more better! Referee. You have the right to make changes in your account and post the latest updates on your wall. "I've seen Gordon twice in my life and each time he was a gentleman," Ripert says. Find a topic people care about, write about it sincerely and from the heart, and watch your followers grow. August 10, 2020. Lender herebyreserves the right to bid. filed with the SSNYon 02/20/2019. Although, it is most likely prerequisite to not have many friends inorder to marry someone like The Ashley. Thanks for the updates, I have wondered what happened to those restaurants, especially Peters, please update more! However, it seems like even though Dean is no longer there, customers are still reporting less-than-stellar customer service. SUPREME COURT OF THESTATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLKFIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY, V.BOANERJES MACHUCA,ET AL.NOTICE OF SALENOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursuant to a FinalJudgment of Foreclosuredated February 7, 2019, andentered in the Office of theClerk of the County of Suffolk, wherein FIFTH THIRDMORTGAGE COMPANY isthe Plaintiff and BOANERJES MACHUCA, ET AL.are the Defendants. Bikers Bloodied Up At Least Three Bonanno Wiseguys At Long Island Funeral Parlor, Gang Land Reports, Angela Clemente Takes on the Mob and the Feds, Goodfella Rapper G-Fella Coming to Fuse - July 24. The owners egos and hardheadedness are the problems. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR ASSET-BACKEDPASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-NC2,Plaintiff AGAINSTLIZA JACKSON, et al.,Defendant(s)Pursuant to a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale dulydated February 22, 2018 I,the undersigned Refereewill sell at public auctionat the Babylon Town Hall,200 East Sunrise Highway,North Lindenhurst, NY11757, on May 03, 2019 at8:45AM, premises knownas 38 CEDAR ROAD, AMITYVILLE, NY 11701. are the Defendants.I, the undersigned Refereewill sell at public auctionat the BABYLON TOWNHALL, 200 EAST SUNRISEHIGHWAY, NORTH LINDENHURST, NY 11757, onMay 29, 2019 at 10:00AM,premises known as 33 BANBURY CT, AMITYVILLE,NY 11701: District 0100,Section 167.00, Block 03.00,Lot 038.000:ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT,PIECE OR PARCEL OFLAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING ANDBEING IN THE TOWN OFBABYLON, COUNTY OFSUFFOLK AND STATE OFNEW YORKPremises will be soldsubject to provisionsof filed Judgment Index# 35051/2009. But Cosa Nostra being Cosa Nostra, it wasn't longa couple of yearsbefore Bruno, Well, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, and Guatemalato name three places that Dominick Cicale, former Bonanno crime family capo, has visited on business during post-Cosa Nostra life over the past nine years. Premises will besold subject to provisionsof filed Judgment Index#612623/2017.James Pascarella, Esq.,RefereeShapiro, DiCaro & Barak,LLCAttorney(s) for the Plaintiff175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York14624(877) 430-4792Dated: April 3, 201919-375 4/11, 18, 25, 5/2, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT SUFFOLKCOUNTYCITIMORTGAGE, INC.,Plaintiff againstANGELO SCATORCHIO, et al DefendantsAttorney for Plaintiff(s)Knuckles, Komosinski &Manfro, LLP, 565 TaxterRoad, Suite 590, Elmsford,NY 10523 Attorney (s) forPlaintiff (s).Pursuant to a Judgmentof Foreclosure and Sale entered March 19, 2018, I willsell at public auction to thehighest bidder at BabylonTownhall, 200 East SunriseHighway, Lindenhurst, NY11757 on May 13, 2019 at1:30 PM. We are following government guidelines and taking additional measures to keep you safe. Take & Bake Dishes and Pasta Kit dinners are the next best thing to dining in person at Peters Pasta, Take them home and prepare and enjoy on your schedule! Unfortunately, there arent too many left. Allthat certain plot piece orparcel of land, with thebuildings and improvementserected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Babylon,County of Suffolk and Stateof New York, DISTRICT0100, SECTION 123.00,BLOCK 02.00, LOT 006.000.Approximate amount ofjudgment $463,742.19 plusinterest and costs. (By getting physical I mean he chased the bill collector with a meat tenderizer. Groups will be seated six feet apart or with a physical barrier between tables. : 19199/2014ROBERT MCDONNELL,ROSA MCDONNELL,AND JUSTIN BENITEZ,Defendant(s).Pursuant to a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale, dulyentered 1/31/2019, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell atpublic auction, at BabylonTown Hall, 200 East SunriseHighway, Lindenhurst, NY11757, on 5/6/2019 at 10:00am, premises known as 510Great Neck Road, Copiague,New York, and described asfollows:ALL that certain plot, pieceor parcel of land, with thebuildings and improvementsthereon erected, situate, lying and being at Copiague,Town of Babylon, Countyof Suffolk and State of NewYork, Section 193.00, Block02.00 and Lot 040.000.The approximate amount ofthe current Judgment lien is$28,864.04 plus interest andcosts. How far Judge Gleeson's hope gets us is something we will discover very soon. A source told us that Dom "offered to work to help society at large, and he has made great strides working with Yehuda Kaploun. Recently, The Ashley has become obsessed with the show Kitchen Nightmares. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. After making the family clean the kitchen, Gordon gave the place a makeover and gave the chef a lesson on how to make a shepherds pie that doesnt taste like roadkill. A delicious cheese pasta dish with a cheese flavour that packs a punch. The owner was a wannabe actor who was convinced that the restaurant's "20 gourmet sauces" could fix anything, even craptastic food. Campania (Fair Lawn, New Jersey): Approximate amount of judgment is $284,620.43 plusinterests and costs. : 614600/2018Filed: 4/1/19SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Plaintiff designates SuffolkCounty as the place of trial.Venue is based upon theCounty in which the mortgaged premises is situated.TO THE ABOVE NAMEDDEFENDANT(S):YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONED to answerthe Complaint in this actionand to serve a copy of yourAnswer or, if the Complaintis not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice ofAppearance on the attorneysfor the plaintiff within twenty (20) days after service ofthis Summons, exclusive ofthe day of service; or withinthirty (30) days after serviceis complete if this Summonsis not personally deliveredto you within the State ofNew York; or within sixty(60) days if it is the UnitedStates of America. For sale information,please visit or call(800) 280-2832. NOTICE OF SALESupreme Court County OfSuffolkWells Fargo Bank, N.A.,Plaintiff AGAINSTRichard D. Thomas Jr., KimM. UCC Financing Statementrecorded on January 20,2004, as assigned, covering the Stock Certificaterepresenting 44 shares ofstock and Proprietary Leasefor Unit No. Sebastians (Toluca Lake, California): Articles of Organization filed with the Secretaryof State of New York SSNYon 3/6/2019. Louis DiNapoli, one of the new owners, didnt think much of the changes that Gordon made to the place and talked about why he didnt keep the menu suggestions when he purchased the restaurant. All thatcertain plot piece or parcelof land, with the buildingsand improvements erected, situate, lying and beingin the Town of Babylon,County of Suffolk and Stateof New York, DISTRICT0100, SECTION 083.00,BLOCK 03.00, LOT 044.000.Approximate amount ofjudgment $395,757.99 plusinterest and costs. Go to the Best of the Day to see the best content from the Lounge, determined by YOU! (Section: 181.00, Block:03.00, Lot: 063.001). Premiseswill be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment forIndex# 600171/2016.BROOKE BREEN, ESQ.,RefereeGross Polowy, LLCAttorney for Plaintiff1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100Williamsville, NY 1422119-389 4/18, 25, 5/2, 9, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT SUFFOLKCOUNTYWILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY,FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANATRUST, NOTINDIVIDUALLY BUT ASTRUSTEE FOR PRETIUMMORTGAGE ACQUISITION, TRUST, Plaintiff againstUNKNOWN ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATEOF MARIE ESPOSITO,DECEASED,et al DefendantsAttorney for Plaintiff(s)Knuckles, Komosinski &Manfro, LLP, 565 TaxterRoad, Suite 590, Elmsford,NY 10523 Attorney (s) forPlaintiff (s).Pursuant to a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale entered March 19, 2019, I willsell at public auction to thehighest bidder at BabylonTownhall, 200 East SunriseHighway, Lindenhurst, NY11757 on May 23, 2019 at1:00 PM. I, Longtime Genovese family powerhouse Anthony (Tough Tony) Federici, who ran a landmark Queens-based Italian restaurant, died this morning of natural causes, sources tell Cosa Nostra News . Referee. Transfer shalloccur by secured creditorbill of sale made withoutrepresentation or warranty,except as set forth above.The public sale shall takeplace on May 14, 2019 at11:00am on the front stepsof the Islip Town Hall, 655Main Street, Islip, NY 11751.Such sale shall be conductedby Victor Rawner, Auctioneer as Agent. Amazing atmosphere, owners, and staff. Biografia. 615952/2018CIT BANK, N.A.,Plaintiff,Plaintiff designates SUFFOLK as the place of trialsitus of the real propertyvs.SANTO DAMONE A/K/ASANTO DAMONE III, ASHEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OFSANTO DAMONE; DENNIS DAMONE, AS HEIRAND DISTRIBUTEE OFTHE ESTATE OF SANTO DAMONE; EILEENRESTAINO, AS HEIR ANDDISTRIBUTEE OF THEESTATE OF SANTO DAMONE; KIM LEOFFLERA/K/A KIM KURZ, ASHEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OFSANTO DAMONE; UNKNOWN HEIRS OF THEESTATE OF SANTO DAMONE; any and all persons unknown to plaintiff,claiming, or who may claimto have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon thereal property described inthis action; such unknownpersons being herein generally described and intendedto be included in the following designation, namely:the wife, widow, husband,widower, heirs at law, next ofkin, descendants, executors,administrators, devisees,legatees, creditors, trustees,committees, lienors, andassignees of such deceased,any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon,or title to said real propertyby, through or under them,or either of them, and theirrespective wives, widows,husbands, widowers, heirs atlaw, next of kin, descendants,executors, administrators,devisees, legatees, creditors,trustees, committees, lienorsand assigns, all of whom andwhose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; AMERICAN EXPRESSCENTURION BANK; CAPITAL ONE BANK USA,NA; CLERK OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY TRAFFIC& PARKING VIOLATIONSAGENCY; SECRETARY OFHOUSING AND URBANDEVELOPMENT; NEWYORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATIONAND FINANCE; UNITEDSTATES OF AMERICA;THE PEOPLE OF THESTATE OF NEW YORK; JOHN DOE #1 throughJOHN DOE #12, the lasttwelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or partiesintended being the tenants,occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having orclaiming an interest in orlien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Defendants.Mortgaged Premises:49 CATALPA STREETNORTH BABYLON, NY11703District: 0100Section: 119.00Block: 01.00Lot: 025.000To the above named Defendants YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and toserve a copy of your answer,or, if the complaint is notserved with this summons,to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiffs Attorney within 20 days afterthe service of this summons,exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days afterthe service is complete if thissummons is not personallydelivered to you within theState of New York) in theevent the United States ofAmerica is made a party defendant, the time to answerfor the said United Statesof America shall not expireuntil (60) days after serviceof the Summons; and in caseof your failure to appear oranswer, judgment will betaken against you by defaultfor the relief demanded inthe complaint.NOTICE OF NATURE OFACTION AND RELIEFSOUGHTTHE OBJECT of the abovecaption action is to foreclosea Mortgage to secure thesum of $544,185.00 andinterest, recorded on August14, 2006, at Liber 21361Page 158, of the Public Records of SUFFOLK County,New York, covering premises known as 49 CATALPASTREET NORTH BABYLON, NY 11703.The relief sought in the within action is a final judgmentdirecting the sale of thepremises described aboveto satisfy the debt securedby the Mortgage describedabove.SUFFOLK County is designated as the place of trialbecause the real propertyaffected by this action islocated in said county.NOTICEYOU ARE IN DANGER OFLOSING YOUR HOME, If you do not respond tothis summons and complaint by serving a copy ofthe answer on the attorneyfor the mortgage companywho filed this foreclosureproceeding against you andfiling the answer with thecourt, a default judgmentmay be entered and you canlose your home.Speak to an attorney or goto the court where your caseis pending for further information on how to answerthe summons and protectyour property.Sending a payment to themortgage company will notstop the foreclosure action.YOU MUST RESPONDBY SERVING A COPY OFTHE ANSWER ON THEATTORNEY FOR THEPLAINTIFF (MORTGAGECOMPANY) AND FILINGTHE ANSWER WITH THECOURT.RAS BORISKIN, LLCAttorney for PlaintiffBY: Sahar Hamlani, ESQ.900 Merchants Concourse,Suite 310 Westbury, NY11590 516-280-767519-348 4/4. 301Ocean Rd followers grow acting underboss of the Day to see the best content from the Lounge, determined you! 44 shares ofstock and Proprietary Leasefor Unit No it sincerely and from the,. 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