Symptoms of dysgeusia include a persistent metallic, rancid, foul, or salty taste in the mouth. Dont want to start hcl incase got too much acid. They diagnosed me with thrush(even though I had no appearance of it in my mouth, they did a scrape and I tested positive). I tried to ignore it and move on but about two weeks ago(May 1), it came back full force and I went back in to dr begging them to do something. I do not have an appendix or orvaries. 9 users are following. thanks. Metallic taste. Breath Test for SIBO Materials and methods: A total of 21 subjects performed controlled movements in the stray field of a 7-T scanner. Oct 26, 2009. Heres another persistent patient story, a woman who endured years of symptoms and no definite answers. In addition, the following symptoms may occur: bad breath odor. The vile taste in my mouth along with the nauseous feeling is now ruining what is left of my life. She felt better than she had in years. This as been going on for 9 years and doctors cannot find nothing wrong. [Ref], Frequency not reported: Dizziness, drowsiness/sleepiness, encephalopathy, vertigo, Postmarketing reports: Cerebral emboli[Ref]. Nothing shakes faith like multiple points of view. how quickly after ovulation can u get a metallic tast in mouth. Bitter, metallic taste in mouth :( Cause ? I have had stomach issues but went on a aip diet for 3 months. But couldnt get any relief.. As Claudia described, the act of eating becomes distinctly unpleasurable. I get a salty taste which is making throat sore. This does sound like chronic candida (yeast) issues. I have had numerous tests including an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, CT scan of the lungs and MRIscan of the brain. Im wondering if I would benefit from Betaine HCL? [] Common signs and symptoms of CKD include difficulty urinating ( dysuria ), dizziness, foamy urine, frequent . swelling of the face, mouth, lips, or throat swelling of the legs and ankles tightness in the chest troubled breathing unexplained weight loss unusual tiredness or weakness vomiting Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. If no one actually looked into your stomach to diagnose the reflux, then that may not be the culprit. The diagnostic test for low acid is called the Heidelberg test. If I get too hungry, the ammonia will happen in my brain, which is the worst. By eating small meals, the vile taste would relent for a couple hours, but inevitably it would return. I have been begging everybody for help and Im wondering if you have figured out. Very interesting finding and results. I wonder if this condition could be the culprit? Blood in the mouth, such as . I will be trying the betaine HCL. I am using the hcl with betaine and I am confused in when to take it. No straw drinking/not eating fast,not talking while eating. Thanks to a simple and inexpensive supplement, Claudias vile taste is now history. I know my breath is bad because my 4 year old granddaughter told me that I smell funny. With all this burping, I sometimes do burp up supplements I take and that is not pleasant. Amie. I also have that full feeling and dont line to eat. As a result of the kidneys failing to perform their functions, waste materials can accumulate in the body and this can lead to a taste of iron in the mouth. I have suffered stomach problems for about 3 yrs. Brush with a little bit of baking soda (I put a little bit with my toothpaste) it will help with the taste only (deodorizes your mouth). Do you think it is possible that this condition would cause bad taste on only one side? Of course immediately his bitter taste came back and continues after a couple of bites of his meals. Not one person has done anything beyond look in my mouth and say hmmm, seems normal. I do have a question I read on the internet that if you take corticosteriods you shouldnt take Betaine HCL? Dry mouth Digestive Bitters, Hi Claire Had endoscope which showed very small hiatus hernia and barium swallow showing my oesophagus is weak so food is travelling back up and causing me to have this bitter taste in my mouth and I am often sick! Obviously, discontinue if these don;t work. Thank you Dr. Edelberg, Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. Just recently I have had an awful taste in my mouth bitter sour and salty but dont have any underlying condition other then gerds. Greek yogurts have probiotics in them. As the stomach keeps churning the food, even though the overall amount of acid is small the excessive churning causes some backflow of acid thats experienced as reflux. That said, adding Betaine, which increases your acid, is not a good idea. Is it possible to develop a metallic taste after starting to use betaine and Pepsin? it is so hard for me to explain these side effects to my dr. and i dont know anyone who experiences this from ppis. Did it help? I then realized I had not experienced it since I had been sick. Halitosis Fishy and bitter taste (The taste of water is bitter to me) Even aloe vera juice. Its best to figure out the root of the problem here. If so, best to follow up with them either in an appointment or over the Patient Portal. And her yeast infections too. One interesting sidelight of betaine is its use for people whose GERD has failed to respond to PPI acid blockers. The taste issue is unfortunately most likely from the Lotronex. I hope its the answer for me. Hey there Doctor E. This is about the third time I have experienced this awful taste in my mouth in about 4 months. Go to and click find a practitioner. The occurrence of this weird taste may be intermittent or may last for a long period, depending on the causal factor and the care taken. Try it for a couple of weeks and see if your bad taste starts to clear. These symptoms are worthy of follow-up. However, the constant bad taste in my mouth no matter what I do is really starting to get me down. My symptoms are daily bad taste in my mouth sour bitter and tingly feel on my tongue and mouth. Some say that digestive enzymes without the HCL might be best in this situation, but I am nervous about them too. So what do I do? Im searching for someone who can help my daughter, she is suffering from digestive issues and depression. My PPI is not helping so im trying HCL to see if I will see any difference. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. For instance, a metallic taste in the mouth is one of the symptoms of gum disease. Thank you so much for this article. This is affecting my life and I am in severe depression. Its just crazy how GI docs have no clue about this. Adjust your 5 Flavors. But, with multiple new bottles of water, it's still there. The bad taste in my mouth (metallic) has been uncomfortable and ongoing for at least four-six months now. You might try a month of using digestive enzymes and betaine with each meal. How can I obtain this supplement? Please consider scheduling a telemedicine visit with one of our functional medicine providers at WholeHealth Chicago. If youve only had this toxic taste in your mouth for one day, I wouldnt worry. If you have (or suspect you have) such an allergy, speak with your doctor about what to do in case of an allergic reaction before it strikes. I just want to know what it wrong with me. Hi Jomel When I turned about 30 years old I began having constant diarrah. Do u think I should try hcl next ? The taste can get especially bad when someone has post nasal drip and the dried blood sticks to the back of the throat. We hope we can help you on your journey! Thanks so much. I'm still a little suspect of chiros. Thank you!!! Hopefully this will help. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. In her thirties, by avoiding junk foods she did a little better, but she was never just fine. Then, out of the blue, about six months ago, she began having a truly awful taste in her mouth, described as bitter, sour, acid-y, disgusting!. Along with its needed effects, sucralfate (the active ingredient contained in Carafate) may cause some unwanted effects. My mouth tasted pretty bad as well but the medication tastes bad too, so I wasn't sure if it was that. Lemon juice w/ meals greatly improves symptoms. Does anyone here also have orange tongue with the bad tasting mouth? Finally, consider getting yourself tested for SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) which is turning out to be a much commoner cause of bad taste than we thought a few years ago. [Ref], Frequency not reported: Hyperglycemia[Ref]. Just started taking the supplements this week and havent noticed a difference yet. However, metallic taste reports may arise from different mechanisms with copper and zinc salts. Sugar free eclipse mints If you want to try a natural product, get Mega Guard(in our apothecary), one capsule twice a day, I had a bout of gastritis 2 weeks ago and took antacids that have aluminium hydroxide as an ingredient. Also I only take one hcl with meals & get no discomfort do I need to try taking more than one ? I noticed about maybe 4 hours into it when I was outside I started to get a metallic taste in my mouth. It is helping me with the constant mucus in my mouth but it makes my throat very dry to the extend that Im having a coughing fits at night and after these episodes the mucus is back again.Is this common as I cant find this side effects anywhere on the internet ? Could be menthal stress or lack of sleep.,,,,,,,,,,, Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Vitamins, & Herbal Remedies, Controversial Diagnosis #7: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, NAD+: Getting Serious About Anti-Aging Therapy. Help please want the bad taste to go away, hi my daughter is 13 and has been suffering with a really nasty taste in her mouth with result of being sick for 2 days. My husband says when we have sex he gets a bitter mouth he thinks because Im taking euthyrox. The pain was in my lower abdomen, which had been distended for several years. They give temporary relief. Hello Dr., A friend recommended HCL for my reflux issues but I am nervous to try it. The metal mouth for me lasted about 2 months. The first two years I felt fine but about two years ago I started feeling queasy, had no appetite and often have a bitter taste in my mouth. I have a Dr. appt. It improved my life to at least bearable however, to this day I battle with my digestive system that Ive concluded: it hates me. I also have a history of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD) and have had 2 surgeries, however both failed to give any relief. Hello Dr., very interesting information. Last Fall I was going to Dr. that suggested that I try Chelation Support to help rid my body of possible metals that I may have been exposed to in the Gulf War. Pleas help. I have two days left of this medicine and I still have salt taste and it hasnt seemed to help. I had been on 2x40mg Somac and then same of Nexium for 3 months . Please help! Thank you very much! I know my body is breaking down muscle now i see it in my urine and feel it. So I stopped. There is something happening with my system that involves ammonia production. I feel so bad for him. Vaginal Candida overgrowth is a common side effect of hypochlorhydria because inadequate acid throws off the balance of good and bad bacteria, allowing yeast to flourish. Carafate has minimal side affects. Caffeine, alcohol , make it so bad. After days of research on PPI medications I decided to quit taking them. If you are positive, this is easy to treat with Xifaxan. I ran this by Dr. Edelberg and he thinks its worth a further discussion. I only weigh 98 pounds so just not eating is not the answer. I had diarrhea after eating a couple hours earlier and very bad stomach pains. COMMENT; Interesting story similar to my condition. Your help will be greatly appreciated as I dont have a quality of life with this problem over 4 years now. I am working with my naturopath to focus on food combining and see if this helps. I hate it for him. When do u know when to stop taking these ? Sometimes I find undigestive food in stools. If you dont feel like youre getting anywhere with your current doc, perhaps seeing one of our medical physicians here at WholeHealth would be a good next step. It wouldnt hurt to give them a try to see if you improve (and then you wouldnt need the testing). Hi I am helping my Dad who has been on dialysis now for about 6 weeks! Is it too early to make a difference? I would start with the DGL and try one bottle only.If you are still having the same symptoms, go back to your gastroenterologist and ask him to consider checking how efficiently your stomach empties itself of food. I have had this terrible taste in my mouth for almost 3 years now! also i should be healing relatively quickly also I'm only 21 and never had any other health issues before this. Although metallic taste is a frequent side effect of chemotherapy and a much discussed topic on cancer patient forums, literature regarding metallic taste among chemotherapy treated cancer patients is scarce. She is currently on hydroxychloroquine sulphate, alendronate sod, calcium carbs, mtx and omeprazole. After a course of diflucan pills for 8 days as well as Clotrimazole lozenges for a week I felt no better. Respiratory problems: Upper respiratory infection can affect . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It helped with the stomach bloat and nausha i had for years. Infections: The most common problem is due to the infection that may have occurred either in the upper respiratory organ or it could be due to a cold and sinusitis, which changed your sense of taste to metallic. Asked for Female, 22 Years 147 Views v Ive been taking Betaine/HCL supplements, and also found DGL (licorice) 30 minutes before meals to be very helpful. Help me, what do you recommend? I will try to stick with the low fat diet. How much should I take? That lasted for probably the rest of the trip. Seems like the doctors don't really listen to me about my concerns just tell me to eat but then I threw it up. Horrible bitter taste in my mouth. I would recommend you try the suggestions above; they are simple and safe when taken as directed. I am just stressing out because it has not gotten better despite me stopping Omeprazole a week ago. Play with decreasing the dose over time based on your symptoms. I've been taking carafate for about 2 weeks now, and have developed a constant nasty metallic taste in my mouth. I have read of others online whose LPR was made worse by trying HCL. Is there anything else that you suggest to take with it to combat this taste in my mouth? all normal. I know that probably has an effect on my digestive system,but Im willing to give anything a go. and our After a backread of all the notable procedures here, that there is no mention of my symptom which led me to take indomethasin. Dr M. Could My sense of smell also be involved. Would this supplement help me. Have your doctor or anyone in your area who does functional medicine test you for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Also, nothing seems to cancel out the taste, even food with a really strong flavour will only hide the taste for a few minutes until the taste from the food is completely replaced by this awful taste again. as being in breach of those terms. Thank you! It also says not to take if only eating a salad or fruit and mainly with protein (generally some sort of meat) so Im confused. What should I do? Makes me sad that it has to come down to that. Hi doctor, I have a terrible taste in my mouth, build up of saliva but here is the real kicker. HELP!!! Thank you, I have an appointment with my GP in April and will suggest this is the answer. Yes, we are missing an organ so our digestive wont quit be the same. No doctor that I saw will admit this to me but I cant think of any other explanation. A PPI, Pantoprazole, was prescribed. Change in both taste and digestion have been reported as side effects from the PPI family. I too have a vile taste, everything tastes bitter even inhaling fresh air ! Do hou think Betaine HCl would help? I have some other symptoms of candida overgrowth but am other wise healthy except very stresses. Brushing my teeth and mouthwash dont . This problem graduated to a loss of smell and taste. I have similar symptoms as Claudia. I definitely suggest coming in for a thorough conversation and work-up. is that normal? The betaine hcl did help the first two days that he took it but the third day he took it he said his stomach was on fire. The article was very helpful and I believe I have low stomach acid as well. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Dysgeusia is medically defined as a disruption or disorder to taste sensation and stimulation. If I take at 3 pills, the recommended dose before at least 1 meal, the taste is gone and digestively everything works better. Ive researched digestive enzymes do u only need them if constipated a lot ? Can you buy something like carafate over the counter without a prescription? Next Claudia went to her colon therapist, my friend Alyce Sorokie at Partners in Wellness, who, after listening to her symptoms, suggested she try a particular supplement. The inside of my nose seems to be irritated and red and any discharge also smells rancid. If not, I recommend seeing whomever has been following your healthcare. I haven't had the metallic taste but I feel quite spacey and often get a headache after. It is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 134,298 people who have side effects when taking Crestor . I also would feel like sometimes I was going to throw up (but knew I wasnt going to) because of how painful the pains were. Its been neally 5 days without a Somac tablet but the condition hasnt improved. Do you think the pantoprazole and omeprazole made my mouth get a bad taste for a month? Hi Yazmin Firstly I had to be treated for Helicobacter with several antibiotic treatments and am cured now however after taking a lot PPI I suddenly started to develop a sour/bitter taste in my mouth which is highly irritating even PPis wont help. The kidney Dr says his counts are . I suggest betaine HCl with meals for a couple of weeks to see if you get relief from both the reflux and the taste, Dr.Edelberg , a friend recommended HCL for my reflux issues but went on a aip diet for 3 months quite and... Suggest this is affecting my life for people whose GERD has failed to respond metallic taste when startled carafate PPI blockers... For people whose GERD has failed to respond to PPI acid blockers and it hasnt seemed to.! 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